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tv   News  RT  March 6, 2025 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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when so many find themselves boils apart, we choose to look for common ground the the headline story this, our remaining is obtained 6 suspects and a most schooling present in case on this same day, a russian military and shay and his deputy are expelled from progress. donald trump's foreign policy chief confirms i applied a fight to youth training and conflict with the west as repeatedly labeled russian propaganda. president trump, to use this as a for tract stalemated conflict. and frankly, it's a proxy war between nuclear power with united states helping you frame and russia, and it needs to come to an end. the blood suppression rest and series in bottle attached to your region. as over
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a dozen members of the syrian security forces are reportedly killed in heavy clashes with a sub lloyd list. the rest of the world are on the clock. this is our team. hello and welcome to the news dropped. my name's unit, i mean we begin in romania where 6 people have been detained on charges of organizing a criminal group aimed at staging. a cruise, allegedly, with the help of moscow. in 2024, another defendant joined to the organized crime group. all members carrying out continuous countries, public or conspiratorial actions in order to achieve the proposed goal. also, the members of the criminal group repeatedly contacted agents of a foreign power located both on the territory of romania and the russian federation . witnesses the so called lab fee and pay a commandment group named tossed of the influence,
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a nobleman from transylvania in romania who is known to carried up both barack acts . and in spite of the legend of kind of dracula, they have been accused of treason and forming a power military group with the intent of bringing down the remaining government. they're also accused by the intelligent services of wanting to take romania out of nato and to abolish all political policies and the directorate for investigations into organized crime. and terrorism has said that these individuals that have been detained to for p to be contacted agents of from russia here in romania, and also in the russian federation to having traveled to moscow previously in january to have the defendants travel to moscow, where they came into contact with people willing to support the organizations efforts to see state pallet in romania. so 6 individuals have been detained on those accusations that they were essentially trying to over through the government
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. tate in romania. we also know that homes were also rated in the last 24 hours and this includes the hope of a 101 year old were tired, main shit, general and major general his war hero. he in remaining despite the fact he's also being accused of being a holocaust denial. this is a ride to see a daughter who's seen as being a public figure, old space group labs, the impaler commandment. now she has to prove based allegations and said, well, we authorities are trying to do a is to link his organization and make these spurious accusations. to calling jo jessica, this is the mind of a movement who came 1st in the 1st round for maintenance presidential elections in november of last year. that was then late to a know. and he's now facing a slew of accusations himself as there is evidence of merging that the european union, brussels itself is being behind knowing if those elections know one thing. another
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pro nationalistic lead to come in to pilot in the you know, going back to what the retired major general said. he said, look, the trying to without any evidence, link us to call and choose yes. could they need to have evidence against collin judge, s q. that proves that the accusations are true and to link us this group of military personnel to kelly and george ask you to put us all in the same part, accusing us of supporting him in order to create a sensational trial. because everyone is accusing them of abuses. so providing evidence of an empty system organization which shows that they are not committing abuses. well, that's the case. the game shows us do uh, was denied in terms of the listing of traditional impositions on thursday by a cool to improve caress. he's also lost his white to appeal the decision both by no means by the repeat quoted q and rights. but the prosecutors source is from the
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post and she just told the local media here in romania that there are no limits between the case systems loud in pay. la, come on to and and the case of calling georgia institute lobby. any comment from moscow so far? the russian embassy ministry, a trash 8, and his deputy were declared persona non grata he in romania certainly gone to the detentions that have taken place in the last 2 hours. that has been no response. but we knows that russia is uneasy about the tensions. and what does that mean that we are sitting here and remain, you know, it just stay with the calling georgia screw case with the russian for an intelligent service at saying that brussels was behind that decision to and know of the election. but also in the fact that that has seen 2 of its diplomatic stuff being the type of so no girl to an essentially kicked out of the country now
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according to the secret services, had romania, those 2 individuals who worked at the russian embassy of being accused of spoiling the 2 russian diplomats carried out intelligence gathering activities from strategic areas of interest and supported the anti constitutional demarcus of the group. while the russian, a foreign ministry says it does reserves the right to make any decisions and to a spoken to what's happened. it says that those allegations or false and it says that they have not been carried out by an unfriendly country. now in a moment, the will have shocked many. the us secretary of state has openly admitted the ukraine conflict was conceived as a proxy war between the us and russia to some very clear from the beginning that president trump, to use this as a protracted stalemated conflict. and frankly, it's a proxy war between nuclear power as united states helping ukraine and russia,
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and it needs to come to an end. and no one has any idea or any plan to bring it to an end, the plan of the ukrainians up to now and their allies on capitol hill. and the people you talk to in other countries is, let's just keep giving them as much as they need for as long as it takes. that's not a strategy. you know, it took 3 years for washington to find that experience a moment of clarity and actually has missed that a, it is, in fact, the proxy war against russia led by the us. and this comes of to use of denial, especially in the media because, you know, media outlets repeatedly called most coast on from the conflict of russian propaganda and the conflict and ukraine was actually unprovoked. and this was despite to his russia raising concerns about nato's expansion. eastwood's, well, most of the south had to actually advocate for its own national security. but russia was silence and blames for this propaganda with 12 military officials in the west actually to 9, but any proxy were actually exists. so this really is a, a,
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a proxy war. you don't have boots on the ground, you're not making decisions which are helping ukraine kill russians for helping ukraine defend themselves. but now the new us administration, the trump administration, is breaking away and actually a lining itself with the rush of stones. so the us is admitting the a crate in conflict is a proxy war. but what about kim's other backers? well, former british prime minister boris johnson. oh, so join didn't despite his previous role in splitting actually to the play store tools that happened in march in 2022 and a stumble according to moscow. johnson actually allegedly advised key of to keep fighting. and you do that hi me a uh then head of the ukrainians allegation is what's known as to jones flat, actually played an influential role in the process. but now boys johnson seems to be saying a compatriot, differentiated. we are, let's face it. what wage in your proxy will but wait, your proxy will,
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but we're not giving our proxies. the ability to do the job and let and for, for years and years now we've been allowing them to fight with one hand tied behind their backs. and it has been cruel, it is being cruel. and you know, this is the same bar as don't send them back in 2022 actually stated that there is no proxy war. in response to loud real statements, the russia is a war north with ukraine, but with the west and the war means war. and you know, these he is here of has been repeating the mantra that russia is the aggressor. and i think it's important to repeat some narrative. there is a neck restaurant, and i know we're just a grain as a victim. and russia as the restaurant, we only need to be realistic about russia. russia poses a suspense with threats to our security today. the threat of war may not be
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imminent, but it is not impossible, but not still in europe has been beating that drama about the russian threat for a while now and after 3 years of conflict, there does seem to be no letting app, but what effect has the us changing its approach to the conflict had if any, well, you know from the last few weeks and days the we've a seen washington stones on the conflict has indeed changed. and new wally, europe, a still pushing for the school to continue us is actually pushing on. is the lensky a to negotiate with mockery bill? actually admitting that's lensky is reluctant to end the conflict we asked you. credit is not to sabotage it. when the vice president made the point that it's got to take diplomacy to get things like to solve, present zalinski. unfortunately, it made the decision to challenge the vice president and start questioning whether diplomacy is even possible in essence sabotaging and undermining the president's plan. my understanding is pause said he is willing to get into
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a negotiated settlement. is that your understanding? the answer was we are interested in talking about it. we now need to follow up. it's hard to follow up when the other side of the conflict is saying they're not interested in peace at all. and that was the message that was coming across as a result of silence keys, reluctance to negotiate, washington has actually stopped. it's a to key of and most importantly they stopped the transfer of intelligence data. and this pause is supposed to last until to have changes. it's gone. so, you know, overall we all see a slide shift and the narrative that the west has stopped to since february 2022 to a former us army officers found this love trip. if nick told archie, washington is interested in ending in conflict before a foreign fits are sent to you. create ticket list as well as kind of like saying, uh, the sun rises nice. its its the obvious thing that everybody knows. and the lindsey graham has been uh, fluttering about uh, all over the world uh, streaming out this is the best brought you weren't around. i think there on a um,
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on a specific course. uh and that course is uh to wash their hands of the ukraine in a direct manner. they don't want their boots on the ground. they don't want a video of beans. have their boots on the ground that are in a full scale with russian that they don't live in a lease, but they're not going to do any other fighting. either your vehicles on the other hand or do whatever isn't accountable to us and to reapply in uh you'd agree with these guarantees and that it keeps us troops there. but so when they escalate, the us has to get pulled in. so it's the type of war between the 2 parties, both want the war to continue, but in different forms. yes, we're going to be quite happy selling weapons payment 1st money, 1st weapons after to the european. so they can the, on the gradient, that's not going to change anything. putting peacekeepers on the ground didn't ukraine from nato countries would constitute involvement in the conflict. that is the direct warning from russia's top diplomat. so suddenly,
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russia doesn't want any war. russia wants to eliminate the root causes of the situation in ukraine that the west created in order to suppress the influence of an essentially to wage war against russian. while the europeans have decided for some reason that the united states has betrayed their interest. and now simply prefer to ignore the root causes in the topic of nato. and essentially, they're creating fighting forces within nato to be deployed in the territory of ukraine. we will consider the presence of these troops on ukrainian territory in exactly the same way we considered the potential presence of nato and ukraine. because no matter what flags this operation is concealed under whether it be you flags or the national flags of the country, supplying the forces. regardless of what patches even those associated with mendera are a fix to their uniforms. it will still be nato troops. so this would mean i want to say once again, that was not some alleged hybrid involvement,
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but the direct official and undisguised involvement of nato countries in the war against the russian federation. however, i've also spoke a bit about the ukraine conflict in the context of bilateral relations between russia and zimbabwe. he sang once again the minister and these and baldwin government for their supports towards russia within the ukrainian conflicts. because the president man on god was of us and bob way has said time and time again, they understand that ukraine is being used as a tool by the west to attack russia. and this is something essentially that the minister echoed when i was able to ask him a question today. i asked him what he thought about the wes attempts to pretty much continue this conflict and escalated while we're seeing a cooling and relations between the us and russia. and the possibility of peace on the horizon, he said that this in baldwin government is against any sort of escalation of this conflict. zimbabwe is always advocated to for peace of,
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for the solution of the, to this conflict. racing call cause on the line causes of this conflict in that anybody who wants to help the situation can not advocate for continued for securities. a lot of attention was paid to the recent, addressed to the french nation that french president emanuel micron made uh, recently, specifically 2 statements in particular. first of all that he said the european union can not allowed ukraine conflicts to end in the key of regimes. capitulation, and also that russia is a threats to the european union. but lab are all about this press conference. said that the real threat is actually uh, france to russia when they're talking about actually using nuclear weapons against the threats the european union can use to to those. of course, this is
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a threatening directly to russian. if macklin considers us a threat, then he gathers a meeting of the chief of staff of european countries in britain. he says it is necessary to use nuclear weapons and prepare for their use against russia. this is certainly a threat. unlike his predecessors, the school also wanted to wage war on russia, such as napoleon and hitler and is mr. my chrome does not act very elegantly. sure, because they had explicitly stated that russia needed to be conquered and defeated . microns seems to want the same thing. but somehow claims that they must fight russia so that it does not defeat france. that's also important. understand that russia and zimbabwe have had long time, warm, unhealthy relations between the 2 countries. i mean, the russia back during the times of the soviet union in the health zimbabwe and it's war for independence. i'm lab rep also praised zimbabwe for its regional leadership in trying to tackle conflicts throughout africa, through regional organizations. specifically, what's going on right now in the democratic republic of congo violent it is again,
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breaking out. it's in syrians clashes between the new estimates. governments forces on gunman link to former leader a charlotte side has erupt. it in the western city of job le. let's cross live now too hard to correspond to steve sweeney speaking to us from be rude, steve. it's been a tinderbox situation in syria for some time now that appears to be spilling over once more as well. yes, that's right. now we're seeing these huge anti government protests taking place in a number of governments in syria and hama, and the talk you on in talk to us and talk to is the protests. we've seen the image is circulating across social media, which appeared to us shows the protest is storming the government building that now of course, the situation as you described as being like a tinderbox waiting to explode, to having these big anti government protests the,
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the government of course uh all i told her i was shy mother its need. uh, uh, hubbard, l gilani who was being responded now. oh shut uh, with this new head coach immediate excepted by the west, by this new stable, this new free and new democratic city. it appears to be nothing of the sort with these a big onto government protests, not high. however, i'll show them that they have moved. that forces a couple of policies in those areas to try and re take consoles. they've been opening fire on the protests, according to some local reports up to 30, hired colorado. some religions or soldiers having killed during the protest. these have lost the pain in ambush attacks by groups, according them selves. the syrian resistance of the situation, of course, remains particularly on the state. would that have been some cool? some heights are all strong, but they say that they moving against the former soldiers associated with the government of a boss. you are on our side who was out of state in december,
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the claiming that it can take you on the remnants from those policies. that happiness has been a group that's coming us together cooling. so the syrian resistance, they've been taking part in some of these uh, ambush attacks. so the protest movement, the one that's still continuing. however, that has been some indication that the other white community all being targeted. now this has been very much the case reading since december. we've heard stories, we've met. so some people to select the country themselves, talking about some of the risk of things happening that including kidnappings. but headings, people being burnt out, the villages burns out of the homes, x, you do judicial executions. and the persecution of minority community, particularly targeting the other lights and also the sheer community. now, times those scuffles have spilled over across the board, ahead and live with them, particularly in the east and back hall region where over the past 22 weeks,
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there's been some considerable on rest of the attempts by high it's r o. so i'm initial to cross into that with them, but they've been pushed back by a made me by a tribal groups in the eastern region. however, the government, the liberties army is also i mobilize that to protect the border. so the situation is incredibly volatile. and as i said, not just in these coastal areas that we're talking about, but also in southern syria where the jews community again, that coming under attack from the, as the mas forces. now this is led to as well launching as being described as more land grabs, encroaching further into that city integrity, building a number of bases of course, soon off to the fold of the asset. government z is right is a catch. it boils down to the minute tries, is own around the go on heights on on saturday is what i can't see is very defense minister t code for. busy is ready to somebody is where the defense source to enter the
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outskirts of damascus and protect this cruise community. this is somebody who is not being university welcomed by the jews community. they're saying this is a manipulation by the way, the government to capture more mold on. so the situation is an incredibly volatile at this stage and of course series that last the split into areas under the control of, of the gilani government us set in the north. of course the turkish brought forth is and in the north east. these, the cody forces which about to cause by washington, so that we're going to have to see how this one plays out with the west, an image of this free and democratic this new syria perhaps, isn't it a stable as we've been led to believe our, to correspond to steve sweeney with the breakdown. thank you, steve live from a root. well, to discuss it further, the events on fully in syria. let us turn our attention now to the head of news of
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the west asia focused. i'd let the cradle esteban cut are you, esteban? thanks for your time today. given the term or let we're seeing in post at a sad syria or the latest splashes. a surprise or do you expect them to grow? and they are not at all. i was surprised. they did this, this has been uh, the show has been waiting to drop since at least december, when uh, when members of this year on our, of our, me, it started to uh to well, these band and move and hide and a western sir. yeah. or even in the dock and knowing that at some point, it would need to take up arms against these uh, former arcade uh, in ice. these members now currently making up the western a recognize government of syria as your correspondence for them to put it perfectly . you know, eh, either mohammed also alive the changes his name to ask me about shuttle. and indeed senior positions in these new a,
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syria and defense forces to foreign fighters. you know, through his bank. he used to, as you can stand these rigors throughout thirty's to uh, go i people from the golf, etc. they are now holding uh, senior positions i, they 1st came to syria despite aspect of the axes promising to join ok to, to take over syria. and now that they've come back to me, but they're facing these resistance, right? the seas. i'm not position to the, to the extreme, these groups that are currently in control of syria. and i think at this point we are likely to see expands or rather than stop knowing the city up there tuesday, public yard curfew until 10 in the morning. and we've already seen videos of uh, of the ac is that they all paid. i mean, security forces opening fire on c, b as in these all are white majority cities in the back, the as well. the internet has been cut off, communications have been cut off is area. it's simply the sending it to the state of k as i can as your 1st father booted area. these rarely even bathing in the
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south thirty's and back routes invading in the north. and now a some form of resistance or liberation. fractions coming together in the west, unable to talk to you as you pointed out it's, it's, um, it's where i saw this from the olive. whites are a, at popular there. it's an area which has long been seen as culturally, although white. so is this what we're seeing is this on a rising at supports of the old forces of a side, or is it generally against l. gilani? and therefore if that's what it is, this is going to get bigger. isn't that a 100 percent a you know, i don't think uh that the very least you know, because we don't have many names of leaders with the names of the groups are still either all over the place. this is all just happening. this is all and now coming out. and so, so we don't actually know who these people are besides the fact that they are obviously a large board members of the former se on army. i don't think they are looking to
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bring us up back. i think this is more just trying to liberate their nation from these nato's balls are, is ready back. it's it, there are, is government driver underlining was the former deputy of the founder advice is a. he was the founder of, of data in syria. we're talking about a man who doesn't do a few weeks ago kind of 10 medium done around the and he said, so yes to your point. i think this is. 3 going to continue to spread because syria is not just in the groups of under provisioning the south and in the profession in the north. also the economy east completely collab a you a mass layers in the public sector. you have very base beginnings, you have kidnappings. you have disappear and it says you have 6 areas. humans by the same is security forces targeting other words targeting christians, targeting she, i'm with means, etc. this is going to, i know these was by a bounce to know in the i think of right now we're just seeing the consequences of exactly, of the spelling of government led by former data in nicely to be used by foreigners
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and allowing them to run around finding a bunch of that has to be wrecked by war in, you know, keeping the nice speeches about the good bringing back the i imagine bringing the world back to reveal syria. a, well, i'll shut i, the corners you like me. he's planning and he's 1st that'd be super, to the worst right of europe and nations are eager to host these man. he's already traveling the saudi arabia cuz they're not ready to travel to other countries. it's easy. yeah. so this is, you've already got international recognition, but obviously this is what really happened in syria. so many echoes of libya and iraq is and they're here as well as to bon, as always, thank you so much for giving us some clear analyses on that. as to bind, credo, head of use of the cradle are much appreciated. a thank you know, donald trump, special ukraine on boy has last thoughts, a kid lemming. there's a lensky team for the recent pause and us military support to the country. they brought our own channel cheap range, right? me might not click when we were in the oval office last week on friday. and i kind
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of give you the background a little bit, which is what we talked with presidents once getting for that meeting. there were 13 you a shot of her said hey, ouch. then we said ok, this is like stage manager you, this is what you want to say space. we're going to come in, we have this is precious metal seal. you're gonna sign the deal. you know, have lunch, every press conference that you stay dry and you're good to go. we'll continue to go. what happened became a very combat of me press conference. you don't negotiate police to discussions in public. you don't try to challenge you prison. united states in the oval office that in fact, you need to side with me and not to russians. well, that's bringing or to you corresponded remind cos array of hi romando. given the mirrors, lensky recent oval office fiasco whose reluctance to negotiate with russia. is it any surprise washington has blaine care for the holes in a? what's being said slow. we have heard quite a lot of rhetoric since,
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says the lensky is blogs or the white house in february. that was followed up by his expulsion from washington. was evidence at the moment, is that so washington is trying to push ukraine into negotiations by limiting its support to key of, according to media reports. marco rubio, c with call fans, and michael walls will travel to saudi arabia and she's a to meet with a ukrainian delegation, which will include andre, is your market, who's the top professional after the landscape? ukraine? this will be the 1st meeting between the 2 sides. seems to meeting in the oval office according to reports. the white house wants a ceasefire as soon as possible in order to expedite it's rare minerals and natural resources deal with ukraine. now take listen to this. so tell us what we're
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going to be on. we're trying to solve it. we have now we're now in discussions to coordinate a meeting with the ukrainians in uh, re i'd or even potentially jetta. so other cities moving around a little bit, but it will be saudi arabia. and i think the idea is to get down a framework for a piece agreement and an initial ceasefire ceasefire as well. it is common consensus that in order for the conflict and key of is going to have to talk to moscow. but here's the thing, remind we need to point out that mr. zalinski has explicitly forbidden negotiations with a lot of them are putting the law. he himself brought in a slow accident, their rights. and that's another thing that stands out from everything that was said by the so called collective west. and the recent years, a so called fresh thought, if you will. that's a continuing attempts to isolate and not communicate with the russia is not really
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a viable strategy. they can listen there is also a broader strategy, a play in president trump to approach this war. that is informed by the realization that the united states needs to reset relations with russia to continue to isolation. and lack of engagement with the russians as the war and ukraine continued is no longer a viable or a sustainable strategy. suppose the sullivan use, you know, that's a russia had never ever said no to negotiations with ukraine. and on the contrary, zalesky himself had made it illegal for any thoughts were to be held with mazda gold. now that a side and the moments of some of the european officials are now claiming that puts in is about to invade the entire continents. and they're ready for a nuclear defense. just listen to.


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