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tv   Documentary  RT  March 6, 2025 10:30pm-11:01pm EST

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to meet the costs of the natural resources that she has on the how badly. so whenever we talk about negotiation, we must always have that history at the back of one mind. and when they are full, the will between russia and ukraine started, it must be seen in the context of the collapse of the soviet union during the presidency of president, governor shift. and during that period, we remember that in 1909 to with the collapse of the body in wall one can vividly remember, then set free of the united states of america saying in the 1990 that russia, which was now imagine from the soviet union should never see uh, any threat from that though, because there will be no movement, not on its extra to watch the east. those are the words of real estate baker.
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but subsequently we started seeing something that is very interesting from europe, the continued growth of europe, particularly they repeated union to watch the east and consuming a number of countries. and i'm using the wide, consuming very deliberately and ultimately the expansion of nato to web, based on that as well. i think garage just said on the president, bradley to put in the really you are in aging on the very undertaking that you may you are now saying that george. yeah. will be a part of their opinion on possibly later part of nathan us saying that ukraine would be a part of nature us saying the lot z on live to in. yeah. and if possible even better was, will be part of these european expansion. and therefore you uh, bringing this threat to our very door steps. and it is because of that
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that there was what 1 may have called the cost of what the cost was bailey, between ukraine and so rush, we now know that the war that is being prosecuted in ukraine, the mutated it mutated because then bio western europe as we know it stopped and supplying ukraine was um on the united states of america during the administration of joe vide almost said that we will not stop until victory is one, invest in beyond god at the moment, the opportunity admitting that the ukrainians as people and ukraine of the country was merely, i'll see after the war, but what was being fought? was it russia on the west and what was in it so that when this well was been prosecuted in the money to bureau pins? why?
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i just tell you that it must be one in the butter filled and europe must always be seen was the log wall in the context of the did the shape of the united states of america. so the fins may say the a bit, but the americans are the very head of it, which then brings into play the relationship between the united states of america on the rush and the by the administration was a what the should in dr. relationship because it became so very toxic, and the book says that they of it's going to be understood in the context that you didn't initial presidency of donald trump when donor trump became the president of the united states of america at the, for the 5th, for the then there was 2 additions against the last year that they had been involved and did manipulate in favor of the drum when the by the
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administration came in. you can see that the relationship when solve on when the relationship went south, it did. in fact, of the money in which the war in ukraine was being dealt with. but and this is unique in the relationships of countries, particularly when country is owed nuclear, us to know what sometimes has been described as mutually assured destruction as a deterrent event. and during these entire period, we have seen cooperation in between russia and the united states of america in political areas in space, the russian space, cent, if you may, is the meeting point, the melting point of many countries in terms of shared research in the optic region
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when research has been undertaken in areas that do with the climate change, there was may never know about it and they may never shout about it. there is collaboration when there is talk about nuclear. i'm, i'm and, and with the they and developing nuclear. i'm, i'm in full is full all full as a means. the russians may have p a and may indeed be supporting the indians. but there is a box, the collaboration to ensure that it does nothing to generate the level that are completely unacceptable. and we also know that in the medical was particularly getting called with 9 thieves, they may, and in fact, there is edition that was going up bush collaboration. how do you develop these vaccines? whether you're talking about the one done or you are talking about sports in a josh time. so one sees a was,
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which is very interesting. so that if one is mia or casual observed, there was think that the diplomacy is only conducted on the basis of gun but diplomacy on sub buckling. but yet the oddity is that there is some then yeah, nicole operation, which in itself very is in itself very important to ensure that the, the libyan is kate librium is maintained and it may not be the kid, but look at the wall. now. if you look at the wild, the united states of america, so i still want to consider ourselves as the international hedge them on. so that if you look on the top prisons in the office on the continent such as through the officers conformity, you'd find the prisons in places such as this the shows you in places such as you
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boutique. until very recently in this, i had in these j and they have made jet drawn basis in those areas. so that off for clarity mains, us theater of influence. well, you know, the only place you a mid military austin. oh. but you also get some of the materials that you use to more met those very often olds when you are thinking about the utilization of. but if you show you just a differentiated intelligence in warfare re us, which is to be found in the democratic republic of congo and live fi um, which is does the sound in places like zimbabwe? and do you have any of which is to be found in places site just should new j and a book, you know, fi, so on the russians hours. so not the beloved stopped. we know that there is the russian presence in central african republic. we know that there is the russian presence in stu done. we know that the russians are playing
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a role now that the european powers and americans are recycling out of the side and region. and we know, for example, that the vending, the security are, you know, the beginning to train people and that the, you know, so the wild is very complicated. and the competition of the was, is informed by the fact if one was to now contextualize it, that complication with regard to the continent of africa. why is it that africa, despite the upper decisions to the country, remains on the importance of, you know, or unimportant areas for the united states of america? why is it that russia also has an interest in the continent of africa? is a number of reasons the countries may never say as loudly as they should. but the reality is that if one is uh, power really tightly on economic, really,
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you want to be present in the continent, which is that it was victory of some of the resources that you need. how do you follow your industry is if you don't have your in your, how do you follow? are you a industries in the 21st century when you need to tell them when you need this thing, when you need to call them? when you need coal, both you want to be in this. yeah, you want to be in charge. you want to be nigeria on that? is that truck due to both the united states of america on to russia as indeed it is at crockett and the china. and those are the realities that we have to grapple with going forward. which then begs the question, during this short period, when once so very for us, the relationship between the united states of america under russia during the biden
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administration, that is now sewing no sooner had, don't know the drum entered into the white house. that was so there was an immediate rep, pressure ma, between the administration in the russia are led by like me to put in on, don't know, j trump, in the united states of america on once again. say, if we are going to stop the will in ukraine, it will take russia and the united states of america to midwife. this particular process. and it is done for us is that we are now seeing in motion, which tells us, and this is a very post world war 2 sonata you that's one of the was, is facing. the difficulty is somehow it takes the
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united states of america underbrush, which is the immediate success that of the soviet union to tumble, you know, the, to bring no most the, to the load of cos, europe as a form of colonize, uh, we know is being the above ground, but 1st was, was due, the, i've always accepted the leadership of the united states of america in dot for you . good. gosh. yeah, of course has always been a pow wow. that speaks for itself. but in the background, one can say there is always has been the tacit support of china, which you do your logically is inclined on find that i see a lot easier to deal with. and this must also be seen as the very basis why you have bricks, which is the counter wait,
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not very interesting way to the bretton woods institutions. and once again, you see that there is that tension that is created by they might just of bricks with the russia on the one side and the united states on the one side. so it is the what the 1 may cut after i the one is to be dramatic about it as a love hate relationship, but necessarily the relationship for purposes of creating the librium that the water needs. but particularly when the wild is truly still governed by the lot of the jungle survival of the fittest on the dime of the least suitable and position of military. yes or no. does div any country is a well result to mix something to do minds and to be respected, even if they're reluctant to me. so that is 11 may say is the tenuous relationship between russia and the united states of america. on the
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continental side does africa, which are struggling to find the space, find themselves sometimes in the crossfire and confused as to who to align with. but one old son prays that africa will find a footing and we no longer simply play the gooseberry is going to station because it is necessary for based on the print quality in the world. we have focused on the relationship between russia and the united states of america. and it's implications for africa and of course was. but let us take a short break. as we continue our conversation, the,
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the russian states never see as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best most i'll send send up the in the 65 to 5 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say a request for check the i am tito the move uh he had to bend t estate in livermore road in campbell county and the republic of kenya, continuing in the discussion about africa on
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issues on today. one of them was talk to call issues in the continent of africa, involves the democratic republic of congo on one. and many common data has said many assume about this conflict. but it is important even before we talk about the current situation as to one does on some his 3 cause that history is what d was context on that his 3 is what i kind of her eyes i 0 original sin or original sin because it is the genesis of the problems that we see today, what is presently the democratic republic of congo was the 30 to the,
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the new freedom before king leopold of the belgians is based what was called the global freeze state. it is because of his activity is that ultimately the european power was met in by leading in 188411880 5 in order to divide africa into c as of vin fluid. before the advent of the belgians and the germans in the territory offered con communities leave without the boundaries which was then imposed in the content on. specifically, impose in the democratic republic of congo during that period of what may be described as the one the kingdom led by the troops was to be found
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in the present day democratic republic of congo in the key, where the on the want is present day one which was then known as the one. 1 only, so the kingdom extended to democratic republic of gong, but did one the on even the, on the people is the known i, the, to see on the who those in a, in inhabited those areas when the boundary is why impose as was the case in many african countries, some thoughts is became calling bodies together with the people called the binomial and it was some good says became with one these us in did the hutus with some of the communities. so when we are talking about the conflict that we know today, we must remind ourselves that they are to seize. who can go leis?
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glad to see all the bullying boundaries. and there are some good sees who one d is the car to see all of the by lean, the opportunities of partition doctor being the case. it is important to understand the conflict from that sounds fine. when comb body gain died in dependence in the early 1900 on 60 is of course there was tensions on these tensions. was carter arise by a slip affiliation. so that when the fuss 12 girl against the to see it took place in 1959. and there was that this bus. so the truth is that's the to see why displays. but they remained a large number of them remained in the aboard regional land in congo as they did
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in the one the on the blue. the when there was you have to another problem i get the to see is on moderate, what goes in 1990 full and the current administration of fault. the government came into power through the one that we looked at front. what happened is that some of the tools wide volved in the program and well operating on the tag in the heart of them we escaped into, is done global to on when the escape doing to get done well, they from an organization called f, d l odd or whose agenda is to come back to the one the in order to remove the dummy administration on what the product that arise at the, to see administration the i in that 3030. they want to come back during
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that period through successive administration. beginning with the board to assess the sick or to miss vision. both uganda underlined. why involved and indeed did to help the whole distance bill through the move them over to the gym on 3 and so the be allowed to minutes vision and congest after that during the joseph gabriella administration. this edition remain on the one these army was on the defensive plus job in order to ensure that the f d allowed did not evade rwanda. this same was also through all the uganda and army, which was also in a defensive posture because there was various elements who wanted to invade your gun. when we had in been on, in the 19, 9th is what is called the 1st goal. it was at the time that you started
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having this puts in, involving the organization that was these now known, i am from 23. what was the clear the agenda is to protect the put sees from the grid. some of those who say that the i know true and these they have kind of ties this on us going believe is something that has been debated over the years in 1996, the former president of the townsend. yeah, judy has come, but i've been yet it for to solve very graphically healy mind. that is audience. that's when you say is that you, i have spelling this dude see from campbell, are you expelling them to get the, with the land on the, gave an example. i didn't thought the example you said in can yeah. the most size. and in terms of near the i must size on the tons on the, on must size i've tons and,
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and then can must size uh canyons. if that then if they accept a debate, that is the context in which we must on the fund on see the caught in conflict. but one that has already said that our presence in d r c is on the defensive pause. in order to ensure that we protect ourselves, of course, the western press has now made. this is the done thing to say that the rwanda is assisting the m printed through 23 and is therefore this that'd be lies in the democratic republic of congo. the eastern part of it, and this does come with the complete revision of the activities belk jim belk, jim, i've done. so the united kingdom i've done so i guess that one is also instructive, that what has happened is that they have been to process this, which i don't know them to ensure that this is the thought. there was the regional
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nairobi process, which did not go very far. then there was the one, the process, one day non goal, which was led by prison download and so on going on on the, on the one of course was led by mister, who, looking after the former president of the republic of getting you there have been a number of meetings to ensure that this conflict does not continue. and those have culminated in the initial meeting which was held in nairobi popular physically and vitally, and which was not attended by the president of the democratic republic of congo. who would then i stand that the one that was held on the sides up in the hot right . after that there was the combined meeting all of a sudden duck, which it presented the solve them off with guns based on each task community. because the democratic republic of congo is both a member of a side duck and a member of based off of the kind of community. it has now been decided during the
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data salon meeting, which was hosted by the president of tons and the was somebody else to us and that the to process be combined. so what we now have is the lawn, the night rolled the process. and as it is simply as on monday, the 24th day of february, the 2025, the 2 processes of appointed the following 3 persons to had the process of restoring peace. the president on new sit gone or bus and your former president overnight? jetta? yes. the next one is where you guys can. yeah. the former president of kenya on the side the person is highly marty. i'm disabled and the former prime minister of c o . p a dot try, i'm with a has now been monday, the midwife,
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the peace process on this piece process is designed to rest. so no must see in the democratic republic of congo in the, in the vending period. in my view, it is a critical that we do not a portion blame or the parties involved must now very glad to participate in the process. that means they are full. that's the one that must be involved. it means that the democratic republic of congo must be involved. it means that the gun that must be involved to the extent that the does play the part in the past. but it is critical going forward that all the competent parties involved. in other words, what one expects all present to boston, joe present to who can yacht on prime minister decision? is that the best way the can is just
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a government led by she shifted the phillips to convene on, on, on believe, meeting at which all of the bedding parties would be involved. and we must remind ourselves that they are all the $120.00 the groups in the democratic republic of congo. we only yeah, of the implemented 3 on the flu of the angle. but there are many of those, and all of them must be involved in the process, because it is only then that the government of the democratic republic of congo will be able to address the short term medium term on long term things. and if they do so, then these a normal see will be restored in the eastern part of the democratic republic of congo. peace must break out in the democratic republic of congo. and all con bodies. the origin not responding must be recognized. africa on
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clinical must not allow the board does crafted by the corner nies, as in, by leading to divide the peoples. if they do that, they'll be forwarding to the designs of the colonizers. the original sin was committed by the european colonizers inputting. we cannot afford the luxury of keeping up with that too, which is destructive to congo and by extension. the continental wasik brothers and sisters. the continent of africa is the home of many scenes. we are only scratching the surface and will come again to continue our exercise in scratching dodson face that we may begin to understand
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and appreciate the mazda continent until then. bye bye. on to the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power type vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground can
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saw now starting as low as well could this is for course if the term started an interest you little guys totaled as full, so i use way. sure. so that's your initial effect the or is i choose a kitchen, all of the ocean, all the factors that fortune dog for our lives. judge image are good opportunity decide she doesn't really name of the story dash football or from football little or somebody down there. and the 1st in we have to present a lot of the.


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