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tv   Documentary  RT  March 7, 2025 6:30am-7:01am EST

6:30 am
i just stopped missing something, just just rebooting and i'm going to send through calling you bundle it to me. ok, now let's talk this out personal number and explain more than that. i was just little girl with the deal like natural position here. so honda of the yeah, the model by giving the same yeah. so we have to do it
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as an adult distribution but it's important in the next $20.00 point. oh, that was, you know, what did you have like a monthly basis now to work off of where you are from your styles to pump from your mom or she has to go out that's empty to you and you said till the minute. so is sure dying usually is supposed to been most effective, a pleasure to that is all the of the
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ordinary, this trust preserves distance popcorn any 30 years ago. so that's why you every step of the you levels, inconveniences is, can use the reviews of the machine you have. now you have new, tentative with it, and use of this is to score. i'm assuming some will defy. but in the room, i am putting you money that i do metal 1st, most can be for a month because of the government. i'm sort of 236000000 individuals lazy good. i was waiting for you to give with more than to get out of the place of what he usually does for us, the newsletter and agree with the
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ear yesterday. and i've been telling you how to do i sound usual. i'm pretty sure he is with me right now. the one that was on the line for you my actually my main to can with the boot with the menus push to do mosque the easy to was yeah. calling you to the book, you looked at the slips, the ladies to columbus himself, much 2 ladies. a couple of smooth beach bundles,
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each of the team of popsicles on monday. you know, the position dies you your whole must of the task. yeah. with the blossoms cool. difficult them quite a bit, we could do now and then use the model is associated to tell us the actual schedules motorists who, if it's in the video is charlie for school. most of them it's the bull. i was, was double checked the compass about so does that. now do next, emotional stuff at the time in beth nimble. and so let me pull that up, alternate blood to the most of the source. i
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have the most crucial distortion, the bills and the holes with the moving ascending store to the substitute in the summer or summer to buy and sell system. a fucking forward to us is going that awful lot of the last part of my income knows fit. if you stuff is much more one day off, but i'm going to have company of can you believe that you're still can go spin luck with your custom bench data. little boats up a little bit in your voice them this time a little bit more stuff. i know it's sort of our skin failure on the, on the line of, of, i don't know where i'm going, you're going that looks good for flight and leave me your get it. and more of them, we're done with the shows and then go to. so if i,
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if of the send them got to love, you need to move or submit a the deluxe describes the going from the felicia arrangements to jump on it. but a lot of the cost all the time i must have put him on to bring bumper jail on monday and i was gonna call and you mean pulling up the email and it was on toys.
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the appointment is kind of on assessed off the bus. so for the amos, i just put in the worst company to come up over to go though no problem at all, school just missed all the of the at the boat use somebody else when it is also public, the public and some of the before it's pretty frustrating. yeah. rosie episodes, the contrib from virginia that i need for them. oh,
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i see that that's. that's the problem. could i have something to fill in the numbers. i think you can utilize this what they're going to start. the other one is more closer to the, to the 3, but there's do not being else memorable are you is the other ones involved sort of cool, trans cusick. but if we're as risk, you don't have it. it's $7200.00 bodies just together up approximately. that's in that capacity with the brain. you want to still bump? is this the that's the reason that i did include games know
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that you can. so those are the most, as with me, address to the system in the store. so to pay for the telephone interview, that you might have. you put the send me some movie choose to do. so put some movie this, the subject i shall send you to, to change the not she threw most plans. there was yet just died in visually see monitor control. you will just talk about that. what you just,
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you should you to, to, to whom send the most, what's the eclipse thing, shooting most cleanly? there's numerous of them with the thing. here's me to assume. we'll take the rest of us, the less tulsa fine as it is, but see my own place and i'm gonna go down and look, let me in a yeah, yeah. and there's no room for them to use this as soon as i, as i chose that the post is the thing is going to be in a lot of moments at the moment, although yeah, well that sounds good. and the purpose is simple. something to get my opinion with the student semester. right. so. so there's us the teams
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do tnt. sure. good tom. tom, please. one more. second. i'm moving using and what is the most do i'm going to ask about the clinton is a play you with the school can make us believe, you know if it's the system is lucas young and i as i most of going to pull the post the yes let me ask you both sessions of manage anything boy she is doing. she has to be able to. we are those with us. yes,
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i'm still gonna have to step in and most of the there's only gone for the original difficult which is only gone for the re declaration through our session. i surely a profile of which can we assemble pressure from which was not much more diverse comes on to me from for really features. what are the listening thing horses. so let's come with the discussion face to the same motion. we don't have to switch the questions on to keep our city moving washington. always. sure. not to rush. the
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feeling will ask them. those still leaves the trouble. yes or no. the end users, your visit the you will not be successful. things like where i don't have a phone, i don't blame you. you just do that. that'll be easy. mean you don't remember up me years. i'm assuming you're almost almost disappointed me. i'm going to you guys have made you mean whatever is done for you, sir. it's almost new for the words pressure guides. me, she board company there for you and started i had some mushroom this obvious, but i'll definitely go by just letting you know i did see a little more of the investments are going to send a group on anybody that you're looking at from the nation was a belief us the
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take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented as fast? can you see through their illusions, going underground? can the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most on screen the best most i'll send send up the keys 195 and speed. the one else calls question about this,
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even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on the rushes to day and split the ortiz full neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you even closer to the, the zillow clinton comfortable. of course, i think the style of bush a told was to me at the charges to my music store started the way it's not even what do you think these things i read in both of them, but i was on the phone to
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a gosh income. i was, i didn't get the cost for him to see i've seen. yeah. while she man just sort of way in the company wasn't necessarily partition though in the interview provide you the with the idea of store summer. are you able to to, to describe what you guys are my go on. yeah. i'm, i'm a little bit your, me and let me know what he has shows that as well. yes. as the last one, you guys see what was it? a symptom of when you were shut deductible on the put your even move wouldn't use that equipment. you've got the most, especially when we got do you spell your name on the board or something on the top of your mouse? i see a different exam. the solution you hold on to i'm just going to go into what should be. i would look slightly also i've noticed the
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what the chief can do so no because it describes what are you doing? yeah. especially with the rep. yes. that i'm sure i get it done by monday. if i don't go through customer guys thursday, just no sound last, i checked it the what do i use towards the book a lot, but it's even knowing these things i'm throwing up. so a book or change come up with a pretty crystal share. so i'm not positive, i'm pretty much to get the cardboard driver sometimes here. what's your email about and what's your best fighters? so look a feel bottled when you, with the guy with contract, the problem that you would, you know, square systems, special. yeah, no. so initially didn't do it to you for you, but i'm solution, i mean the employee list,
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i'm not something that i'm not you know, pretty much the affinity for me. i even know what the chest yeah, i've actually put it on question flexible as a couple to let them know it brand new as an ad. well, it says stuff. not bull misquote. us to convince always purposes one was shocking to the front of the financial statement or something. me reply. so the the you may be will oh it's invalid to the rest of them. good news was suitable. soon on the other side of man introduce not to not to get the symbol was the percent on his w that but get the show that the so so, so the problem on the 5th of the,
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as the genius and you, i'm just wondering a young place to provide some of this stuff to just doesn't use youngest assessment for me. you've got the privilege joel. don't go looking stall after for me, you can, you are. yeah, of course, pretty strong. most useful stores, younger issues to deal with the choice to the company of consumers that are quite good on that you can see if we get the phone up for should. so we'll photo so, but i look for look at the human yesenia below the presence of fish, single number. most of the piece to me that the new ones are most important to make up when you need your best things preventing those, she don't quite of across the,
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the music and as it goes, you getting this 3 or there's a new mom with the students, the cause they've got the ocean marshal build something. i'm frustrated. yeah. i deal with goodness. it's almost to put you through the most they give you the the fee will, can you send me the phone? oh yeah, thank you. most of those are just amazing. but listen, i need to pursue them when you live that i see some of the
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people that i was listening students were the you the show. and here's my question . to finish up for our, the control volk from that, i'm going to send their own pretended police or button. as you perform each task, i'm asking you to go by to you. these did not probably use you mister pool of south eastern events. that is the email you're getting shuffled off of the tax software on some of the the special is this boy is a lot of music and books that was really good when you have to go to them for me that presenting into the old school that have been with joseph, i watched for almost clear during the day, which is
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a little bit stage thing and with we, with the sharp engineering stomach system doesn't start to the frontier. was always the $30.00. i'm pretty well i'm pretty are going to the but i wonderful place to store my largest. can you see it in the views up like even the lowest, the shock restaurant, but i'm pretty sure it's not our boat mostly. thank you to our store, my store, right? not quite sure. right. you have to rename it. okay, what am i schedule for failure on a position now? certainly beautiful. i want to go. i do have to be pretty strong. in my front. you can ask a lot of questions. this is less than a truck almost for career desk or story the russian. okay. and we're scottsdale. personal own lots of different colors because i fear to move on to show you have
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a good catch up with the general treasure on the ground like netflix. i thought was oh yeah. yup. sure. yep. and it's from cornerstone register for the use of the school. so i'm connecting municipal. this is charlotte. familiar to me that just said i'm, let me, let me get what you're doing as i'm here. so apparently the 1st thing is that possibly me the somebody long idea wants itself. ok, not old man. how many of us and you must have for me. so let's get clicking buttons, think of things and you,
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most of the symbols come, you have a lot of cost whenever you're new or to for $20.00. so the only 2 the most similar to both or i don't know if this included in units possibly describe this between a video of somebody in the house to show the the the most coveted. before even lighting deal of the of the, of the low income is almost almost so
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distribute shut off. i want to bring in my store, which is the typical us news and world near bush. and that's the goal of the naturalist of june. engaged a topic that you listed in your book, just giving you a good understanding of to for you just put the data. so most of the visible is most cool enough to do is to use manuscript, literally more to trump, them with the thing as well. so me and let me know how much is because i have just to chest nothing. now pleaded showing you this only from what you're talking about but other stuff. but in the
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us to day if you have an employee, a minimum of those of you, if it's in with you, that might be that you got the worst. got any of these have multiple pursuit on the dental and vision. so far we've had them pop over to me. i've asked me if there's something else for you or yes, it does look are still pretty to us tonight at the in the school shootings or was it jim's
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as a specialist? it's time for him to use or do it's a book. oh, we see social options deployment, haitian news, you know, of basically news logo. so we really, i know you're almost cool ya stuff with them. the you mentioned all sides area. mike comes up, images for unless far is barnstead and of course freezing temperatures. now while you might have the wrong dose of any of the things today, they'll show you a different side to side barrier. one way ancient traditions, week cutting edge innovation, the who,
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what else seemed wrong just don't have to shape out the application and engagement trails. when so many find themselves will support we choose to look so common ground the the, this is a story of offense from off a century ago when devastating sacramento of a struck the remote island of nourishes the cycle and there was in may in motion that the no firewall, no to cause a telephone lines and all has been damaged. forrest
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e mail me there or not, or the hall could show there's company and supper, shit dollars. the expensive. yes. and so, so yeah, and you know, cuz i almost knew it was more than i pretty sure, pretty cost. mostly because i've pretty much the so that's the monique partial day for me. what is the 2nd deal? so that's kind of what i said, you just go so you still with low and for them to open invoice to 1479. he's 75 literally. so he's oh, do any deal or not from a pro se, etc. remote that it was done? no to yourself to deal with me a bit of that old alex, darlene you mean used to be as the college in anything just because yeah, i'm not sure if that is a promotion there, but it pay out to last year for no mother you can about them for me up obviously they play, i will indeed on there, but can one year solve want it to the monte vista, go to use their pool. most the,
7:00 am
[000:00:00;00] the secretary and violence reignite in syria, as dozens are affordably killed, and fashions between is promise and the all the white minority linked to ousted president assad. war is peace. that's the claim coming from brussels, where hawkish you officials have agreed to massively militarized and cpu plan complex, going in defiance of donald trump's efforts to bring peace to europe. and most of the she needs, if you are not at the table, you are on the menu and that is something we should avoid. it's 8 or be 8. and at
7:01 am
least according to the belgian prime minister. and he's apparently not the only one


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