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tv   News  RT  March 7, 2025 9:00am-9:31am EST

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showing the consumer that you produce, it says that what is the ground level, the ongoing clashes with a sod loyalist in a lot, the q and r to the, the new syrian government extend. curfews. we're a 1st 10 report from the area later in the program and just to step up on the price because we, we will be okay. pledges to take the lead in arming ukraine as hawkish. european officials agree to a massive military ramp up to keep the conflicts going in defiance of donald trump, to present a peace efforts. and also a sobering story about ukraine, injecting dozens of children with mystery vaccines during its control in the loop
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cancer public with one witness read calling a federal case that was full of the vaccine, the contents of which were unknown to us. i know of one case where a mind idle afterwards, but we know nothing about the fate of those kids. the racial rubel live in moscow. you're watching our t international. sectarian violence has ignited in northwest syria where the white minority resides in ongoing curfew has been imposed on the cities of lot, the kia and her tooth, 2 of the nation's largest of ports. now that says the new government continues to fight the remnants of the assad military there. the army convoys have entered the city of bunny as in the tar to scatter it according to the syrian state news agency.
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security forces have also reportedly sent additional reinforcements to job la i mid classes. are some troops remain stationed in the area and the kremlin confirms all necessary security measures have been taken. the learn more about the developing situation for my lot, the cube based journalist. the latest developments in the shooting goes to the yesterday in the afternoon. a, the gum amend miller to who are loyal to us 100 g attacks. a check point for a h t s. a force has been moved to the ministration gulf killed. i'm injured. the ac is forces went to the villages where the l. yeah, that happened and doctors in the suburbs of the play. and that isn't the cd goes to neil of talk to you a few kilometers away from the bulk. yeah. and they started using helicopters the started and use big force of the situation to me now in the there's no one in the
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streets. no one. 0 no shops open, no one the there's a few of the 10 am, but the people are afraid frankton no one in my talk. yeah. slips clear yesterday because of the explosions heard. there are the talk. uh, the talks of thing and the information saying that the students injured and killed from both sides and there is both sides, the cost to just from the other. this continues and knowing the international community, the interview. it was a to my because those people and then as groups the, all of the supporting a civil war in the country are to correspondence to sweeney and brings us more on the wave of protest sweeping syria as a situation and save it remains incredibly volatile onto government protests interrupted in the coastal provence is all the talk you and talk to us on thursday afternoon. they've been spread to a number of other regions in cities across the country,
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including homes in tall tooth footage on social media or pay it to show those photos at the storming the government building. and the talk in a number of bushes were made against the government forces. the forces, of course, of the newly installed president's i'll shut off previously known as the habit of gilani. now, to deal with the protest to deal with the unrest, he rushed. the largest number of syrian forces since the folder president bush outside in december and a bit to try and quell that uprising that now the death toll has been put somewhere between 13 with some local reports suggesting as many as 70 have been killed in those classes the government forces where they open fire on a protest as long as the from the other white community has been a statement from a group known as the syrian resistance and made up of the remnants of the city in a row of all means i have now cool down the country to coalesce around this
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statement from the but actually council for the liberation of syria coding for the overthrow of the highest tire. i'll show government thing, sign pushing of terrorist from say, the integrity of course, they're referring to the the fights is for me. hi, tyler ross. i'm felicia, which is doing support from individuals from to gcs. don is back, is don from the week of community from a to a p, a and a the area. so that go in for those to be vanquished. and for a syria i knew save you is inclusive of all those of a very many diverse minorities in the country, which is something which was of cause problem is by the i'll share a gover months. now the situation has been obtained a box waiting to explode. of course of, to the 4 of us as many from the minority communities fled to come to many cost over into lebanon. we've spoken to a large number of them over the past few months. a telling us some of the risk
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stories of extra di, traditional executions at the headings, kidnappings, children being held to run some people being burnt out of their homes. but now they've villages until not to attend because they will face certain tests. now this echo is really what we're hearing from damascus at the moment, which is going on the countries out of why community to. so read all face that says in that so that, that is a very real fear that the country could. how can i is this is what many are talking about with the country divided into 3 areas in the north, the particular around italy, problems the country, is under the control of forces loyal to turkey from the city. and that's mommy and other militia in the northeast, the saving democratic forces securities lead that forces back 5 washington were they declared a semi autonomous state that i'm in the south as well. what is used
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a photo of assets to encroach further into the syrian territory itself? a number of ministry basis of coal soon off to the photo of us out in december it took control of a d, but it tries in the occupied a go down highs now on some say the defense minister is all kinds cool them is why the forces to be prepared to enter areas in the suburbs of damascus under the pretext of defending the countries of drew's community. so we're taking this into consideration. there's a very real fear that the country could fund once more into a deadly civil war. we heard from missouri and journalist whose family is still in the country. she says the new government should make more of an effort to unite the country's people. um in uh, the context was uh, was my time and he was friends who are there. and the situation is very
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critical that people are afraid. nobody could go out of home care a few everywhere. everybody who succeeded in getting serious since its existence after the french coronado position, where people who succeeded in building a collective national identity that included all syria and components. one of the main challenges through this new government and they want to build trust is all the seer and components is to find national syrian identities that include not excludes include all sir and components. and this is what they did not succeed with . and this might also be used by those who are waiting for the good chest to interfere and maybe try to infiltrate and to control this weak points and the syrian societies. if you have some me, i v or
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a name you on, not the questionable even you are completely loyal to the new government. twilio has been all their id or another, and there is just believe immediately you are, you might leave questions, you might be investigated or you might be targeted as an remnants of the previous version. i think the government in damascus sneak explained to the whole world what it needs to be syria, and so we know we would apply to it as syrian and so we are guaranteed or security . we are guaranteed as close to our children who are guaranteed to salaries the to another good thing. this is what we need to know. now. it was an breaking news. this. our shocking reports of mass executions carried out against all the lights are coming from latasha. dozens of civilians of all ages are said to have been killed. all right, we can cross and now live to founder of its 3 on it analysis and independent
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political commentary. it channel can work on most in working to have you on with us . a reports claim the new syrian government is carrying out a sweeping campaign of oppression and executions against the outright minority. what's your reaction? i'm receiving many troubling reports. i'm saving i including footage off next executions in the park. yeah. and the other governor, it's there. i think it is quite clear that you can take a man out of a tie the about you cannot take a car the out of a man. and in this case, i refuse to close the curtains, self appointed president of syria. i might have shut i by his name. these are still of them hammer the giovanni and he's trying to cover the different components of or room over the different components of the ceiling society, wisdom mentality of kind of the day for it is creating lots of fruits and vertical divisions into society. because in the mind of the, these current president of syria, the, of them, how about the tool i need,
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they are the 1st class citizens and 2nd class citizens. and if you don't belong to diet, eulogy of the last are fun, then you are being prescriptive. and in this case, it's quite clear that the violence in that talk to is sick therapy and motivated. and i do believe this is perpetrated deliberately against the otherwise communities, because the to align he's driving into power. i truly believe that there is no serious person who bit who believe that he can move folders, celia, but rather and see what's the point of therapy in order to facilitate the box. can i assist you on? obviously, i mean this case, after months of complications of the months of tooth, nothing shooting somebody executions the remnants of the former to see an army. they have rules against these so called h d. s. ports us and they have no organize themselves, and they're waging photonics against these new strong elements, including montana national charities from all around the world, including from the week or a turkey and other places. in this case,
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i slightly disagree with the classification and the description of this conflict that this, those people who are fighting against the so called the estimated bins are assigned to morgan is because we also have left the country and left to the military ink in serious keep a trait in the eyes of the soldiers. he betrayed the army. therefore, i believe you aside to be turned to see. i see you will not be accepted by the same soldiers who are now fighting against the most uh elements. and this is in the same context, we can, we can put it in the same context of these right? expansion inside syria is where it is expanding inside city and trying to portray it says as the savior of to my ne, it's extending a hand to the drills community to the curtis community. and now was this persecution against it. otherwise, this is going to end up in the same way is an attempt present. it says as the mandate power over savior of the actual spend the kurtz. and now the other words, in the close of line,
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i'll see the idea of quoting also for an international protection. and the reason for this is these persecution was, this prosecution stops the people going up, needs for international protection, because people tend just counting of their lives. but we have hundreds of thousands of students last, they have jobs and they have to be taken out of their jobs because they were, they used to work for the government, always the government toward how, how is this likely as well as the unrest going on throughout the serial likely to affect the wes efforts to cooperate with damascus. and actually it will not affect much. and this, in this case, there have been cleared instructions from many western governments that giovanni has to treat the minorities in a frenzy way. but the, the reality is on the ground just prove otherwise. but what is, what is the interest of the west and see that the, the priority to off the west in serious to keep the russians and to get engines out and whoever it is governing in damascus, it's 11 for them. because now with the,
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the person who's in charge of the 1st of the most goes to use an asset for the united states. and this has been said repeatedly by our american officials that enjoys and his army has been an asset for the strategy and see it. and similarly, the mit the turkish intelligence, they have been imbedded and they are been supporting the giovanni, including cutoffs. therefore, there has been a cooperation between these read through united states and check you to us side. but they have the different now in the n c and for turkey, they have already reached their goal. they have brought the amount into power, but for ease raise the in game. he's not here. the ends game is balkanized ation. therefore, sectarian violence is needed in order to fuel the secretary of civil war, which could lead into the can i, as they should not see that if see that is divided into ethnic and religious lines then is read can present itself as a state only for the jewish people in the neighbors are jews, and otherwise then is what i can become in 2 states. this is, this is a complex that is confusing for many people because we have so many parties
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involved in the country. israel, turkey a, you expect curves and russia. what do you make of the current balance of power and where do you see this whole a tangled interest heading is actually the difference of agents in, in syria, for example. one 3rd of the country is in the hands of the kurdish malicious and the united states. is backing them and they're trying to open what disclose of savings, corporate dork, between data source and sway the to the golden heights. so the israeli and american interest is to, for us to use the buffer zone into solves of syria and then open or close the door between the go to the heights. i swear the and use a short after you phrases. then you have turkey. turkey is in charge of damascus. i live with homes and it's it, and the is right side is not happy with the turkish influence ends on us was so sooner or later we would find success between the interests of turkey and the interests of israel over the most of us. and therefore, we will see what is going to be the position of the trump administration,
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which i believe was sides with israel. and they will ask for the giovanni forces sooner or later to the of the squares and hit towards valuable data. we have it on the, on the, is complete. the last is a part of the struggle of power in, in the country. and finally, we have the russians, the russians being have made it your presence in the coast and know the otherwise community and other ethnic and religious groups in lot talk. you are calling for russia to intervene in order to save the lives of the otherwise beer. and i would like to give a confirmed information for your respective audience yesterday when to allow me used headquarters to bomb the civilians in law. takia russian air force intervene and neutralized these handicapped have said you didn't get it done, but they pushed it away from lots i guess. so. different leave us, right? yeah. has an active role induced and we will see increase the restaurant involvement in the near future in order to present it says the game as a protector of the community. and of course, especially in the tech,
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out of work. somebody's conflicting interests that we've talked about could have global consequences, encore, a, still finding us back to curves in the north and is butting heads with israel. how might this affect nato? for example, is actually a turkey is another country and they have been supporting the tie, the officer at the institute for quite a long time. and this has led into an influx of the future of crisis into europe. and this has also eventually led to the rise of to put the scripts in, in europe, who rejected oppose the influx of the features into their congress. and now this could lead into a 2nd wave of the future crisis into the t. yeah. and then please to all the way to west of new airport. in this case, the interest of the european countries is to stabilize see me. and in order to say that i see that it has to be in inclusive government that respects all the components of the sea and society and not to bring the, the leader of the guy the opposite in cedar and the power after lots of made top of
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the branding and pulling him from the china and dressing him in a western side. you cannot sitting someone who was a partner with all of our couldn't park that the and expect him to be with this even stay know. she will eventually build a one color states and this will alienate the rest of the components in the ceiling society. we have over 20 different it's me kind of a dispute in syria bid for someone with the mentality of giovanni cannot read over syria. so the role of data being countries into nato, kansas city in the stabilizing the country. however, we have seen all this visits in the past weeks and endorsement and even lifting the sanctions against the july, the government, and even removing the 10000000 bounty from the head of to allow need. therefore, this indicates that the nato countries have approved the georgia. i need to come to power, and this has led into all this consequences that we can see on the ground. i myself, i come from syria and i, i the object that my contribution to, to be governed by
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a personality like to allow me we need is even person who respects the arts. and did you do this? of the people i mean, front of the constitution? everybody is equal, you cannot comment to me with an iron fist with the 6 devean army for the storming into the neighborhoods and holding it for the extermination of an entire stevens. a society which depicts as 10 percent of the students besides that, this is a quote for genocide. this is a quote of ethnic cleansing, dearford. russia and other european countries should cultivate, to stabilize the country and keep the country united. this is a duty for the in time, not for the entire international community and not only for natal or shower ti, etc, about all this conflicting interest. as i mentioned, this is the result on the ground that all this powers i'm struggling for the piece of cake over city and the syrians were unfortunately being sacrificed in the dispose of the struggles in the country. why is washington trying to force turkey
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out of syria? because this was a joint operation between washington, especially under the democratic leading of the establishment and here gone, eric, i know that trump is coming to power and he could impose defend realities in syria . so he would, i suppose, the jim changing cooperation with the, by the ministration and change, the reality is on the ground in syria. now that the trump administration is filled with members who despise the guy, the ideology, and do not want to see the expansion of the iodide eulogy in, in syria. there could be a different approach by the united states. and with the conciliation of multiple n washington, we could see positive outcomes in syria, probably holding collections. why it's leilani would like to postpone the elections for 3 years. there isn't use because he wanted to fill out the congress strategic assets to the 4 empowers, including turkey. the want to give turkey, for example, the 4th to force her to, to have an upper hand over the gas fuels,
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the possible gas gas exploration intermediates opinion. and this is the gaines, the interest of these of cyprus and even is right. therefore, we see all these powers nowadays uh, using defense players on the transport in syria in order to gain more territory and more influence in order to prepare for the grand compromise on a later stage. however, i'm a little bit pessimistic. in this case. i see that things i've done especially to day out of control in love talk. yeah. and this will eventually lead into social is clash and security in class in the country and all the facilitate the both. can i station up see that as your respect to report a set from it with and this could be a nightmare for syria because this will reflect not on the, on syria. it will have repercussions. i live on the one on we can see you guys is divided partition live on on will be also partition and this will reflect on jordan on sort of the of the beyond. therefore, if you think about the dates from a logical and into a political lens,
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all this congress should come together and stabilize countries. something that we don't see up until this moment. it could work. so west was eager to announce a new era of the syrian stability. after a subs government was toppled, i saw a lot of talk about people looking forward to a free and democratic syria. i know it's only been a few months since i'm a side, was driven out, but we haven't seen this materialize. obviously. what was the point of these, i guess overly optimistic projections. it was a smoke screen in order to convince the people that they are finally freed from a sides of the get the ship. so we have to accept that under aside, there was a political authoritarianism. however, they will also, the prose of one of the prose was that there was a national identity for the people that they can identify themselves with. and they can live under one umbrella, this even identity. but this, this requires a certain level of 20 teddy and power in order to bring the country together,
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especially after $400.00 to you. it's possible someone occupation where there has been no political life, and everyone is used to identify itself according to the ethnic and religious identity and defense. french hope you're patient upset, it was the same. so since the independence on see the see, the witness has the political life. it was all about who's and then political authoritarianism. and now an uprising or an insurgency by a sky. the elements which brought the, the leader of the on the car, the into power. so syria needs stability, but at the same time, city and use the corporation of the neighboring countries and the european and the american and the adoption partners. in this case, this is very important because you can not, i'm, i'm always, i'm always repeating this, but i'll go back to the fact that you cannot change these suits and come and govern syria. and giovanni was the partner aspect of the city i as
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a very diverse society. therefore, you need to figure that can you and you find the country and doesn't things in the mindset of the as kind of the idea that you and this, as this has been proven over and over again in the past 4 months. to the extent that today we can see some of the expectations everywhere for unarmed civilians. so you kind of choose any one of being on an aging remedy. if i was nowadays as a student in syria, i would have been chose and clothes and an aside to them and, and order a gym. and there is no trials there. and of course, they have not proving anyone to be from the former assad government, or has committed to crime know they have to think people based on their religious and ethnic and cic. darien identity and do that. they are trying to trigger but even work in order to separate the coasts from the rest of the country. this is the in schools and this service is really an american interest in the country. therefore, the adoption of our world here is very,
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very important to bring dispos closest together and maybe a probably between the curtains, which you mean by most schools. and these are what they called the aside 15 minutes in, in the country. because at the end of the day, they are students citizens and they have to be part of this even political process and future. but joel, i need decided that this is going to be one kind of state and you hold the sofa national design or consume. she invited the christians, but if you see the photos, she didn't allow them to even wear their crosses. so, kinetics and faces from the christian communities were invited to the confidence, but they were asked to remove their costs from the chest. this is not the type of governance that i, and millions of syrians wish for the country. do you think this is inevitable, given what we saw in, in a syria leading up to the fall of a saw? do you think it was my e for people to expect that with a sought out that all of a sudden syria would stabilize. and of course, it was anticipated,
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i've been predicting this even before the philadelphia side, and many people told that the assad has supported so loyal. these people didn't support because they were lloyd is to a side many, many people stood with a saw because they knew that the outcome of the gym change with the executive dis, the sector and, and seeking work because we have didn't. and we have experienced this in syria with this type of media things, and they have been occupying it blip for over 10 years. now. what they have done it to have the stablish it, the more corrupting states. there was there any democratic state institutions? was there free speech? was there a human rights women rights? no. and at the same time they have it cleans the christians. there isn't a good chance to choose their ethnic. the king's beauty, she writes from this towns, therefore we have only the experience to see how to align his army, who's over it lip,
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and this is now being copied over the rest of syria. so this was expected, this was anticipated, and due to the very naive to believe that giovanni's army has all of a sudden change their mentality and they are going to be at that a diversity friend the like the bridge is chris tried to portray him and then to see and, and try to portray him as well as a rebel leader. they did the same thing with some of them that in, in the late seventy's and the early eighty's enough to understand. and they called him a rebel leader if they called him a freedom fighter against the soviet union. because they have to you a political called back then to require them to support such radical elements enough to understand. and they have invited the so called in which i hate dean from all around the world to fight against the soviet union. and they have copied the same policy in syria and they was successful. and now syria is heading towards not only about can i as asian, i, i believe it's coming to that canadian scenario and city i will be divided into different agents until a later this international was to at least agree on the minimum,
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an incipient that is to his elections ends up being someone who is accepted by most of the syrians and not like someone of them come with the tool any. okay, well we certainly appreciate your analysis on this very complicated situation that's set to work on last day and he's the founder of the seriana analysis and independent political commentary channel. okay, we can cross now to our t correspondence, steve sweeney. steve, we're hearing horrifying reports coming out of siri, of mass executions. tell us what more, you know about what's happening there as well. yes, these images have started. so can i sing since this morning, which show the are these horrific scenes of actually did? this will execute sions, mass, because in many of the villages in the talk to you to come to side of the carried out by forces related to hi,
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told her house on the militia of the government. that by, i mean, i would shut off for me, knows mohammed, i'll jolanda, you know, of course this photos and the government protests which erupt it in those coastal troubleshooting readings, the talk and touches on thursday afternoon the government, the interim government is a sent a its largest full suits the ousting of bunch of outside in december would have been 2 fold. those protests now that they was tested on by group known as the syrian resistance. i issued a cool now for all of the minority groups in the country. the sunni shia goods and drew's to unite to house the government that by hi tada. oh sure i'm going to i'm and i'll shut up until vanquish terrace from the country. of course they're referring to the militia. the now become part of the city and uh, um, forces,
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uh they represent people from inspectors down to g cost on turkey and the we good community one among many others. so this is very much seen as a solver and thoughts. now, this is the 1st time that we've heard these stories of massacres and paul gums against the other white community. in particular, not damascus is taken off, palms against and accusing them of being a loyal to press that and pass it on us obviously was a, i liked it himself and they accuse him queues the other want immediately of uh oh, still supporting him. i'm wanting to probably the government this but what we see really now or not the so just from the city of resistance, but these are the civilians. now this a basic thing is this a massacres in a, in vintages the overseas that we're seeing on social media of dead bodies lying in the street. so this is.


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