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tv   News  RT  March 8, 2025 5:00am-5:31am EST

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so how do you see through their illusions, going underground can the in the headlines here and i'll see you as an optional. awesome, i'll shut off a k, i will. giovanni says those who protest his power and syria a, committing a quote, grapes in. the also says consequences are on the way to meantime it is the state of mass executions across the syria for the minority religious group and across has and in the west of the nation, those loyal to by charlotte side of gun down. and it was fine with me since the government was over from the time it's all about the money because america pulls back on its 8th grade to the countries military. industrial complex and in the u. s . is looking to be, you was a problem customer to go ahead and buy all those weapons needed to keep the whole machine gun, the
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from jerusalem to be rude. washington most go engaging. it's a full program stocks with your main headlines kicking off right now. so top story and to syria, we go with a fractured nation, has a violent protest erupting its new leader, who of course, was separated by the west of overthrowing bush, allah side. and if you remember, he was rewarded with the removal of a 10000000 dollar bounty from his head. well, gilani issued a chilling warning to those who opposed his new government in damascus. why not going to be how that by this you have committed a grave send that cannot be forgiven, and the response has come to you for which you have no patience. so hasten to turn in your weapons and yourselves before it's too late. syrians, the world has seen your longing for your country. fighting broke out thursday in the mediterranean coastal cities of attack you and talk to us reportedly hundreds killed. this comes off the government forces laid siege on protesters belonging to
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the low white minority. religious group is estimated, they represent 10 percent of the country's population. meantime, a quick warning, disturbing images coming your way because footage online is showing the reported off them off of the government forces campaign. yep. bodies strewn along the roadside. we heard from middle east expert couple account massey and who says it's not a surprising organization with its roots embedded in our kite would end up rooting through violent i think it is quite clear that you can take a man out of the sky the about you cannot take on the car the out of a man, and in this case i refuse to call. the curtains says appointed president of syria. i might have shut off by his name. he is a still of my mother, giovanni, and he's trying to cover in the different components or room over the different components of these events society, wisdom mentality of kind of therefore this is creating gloves and vertical divisions into society. because in the mind of the,
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these current president of syria, the, of them, how about the to allow me, they are the 1st class citizens and 2nd class citizens. and if you don't belong to died, eulogy of the last are fun, then you are being persecuted. and in this case, it's quite clear that the violence a lot. i can't use sectarian motivated. and i do believe this is perpetrated deliberately against the otherwise community. because the control and he's arriving into power, i truly believe that there is no serious person who, but who believe that he can, who will over syria. but rather, she was the point that there in order to facilitate the about can i as ation of syria. and in this case, after months of proof, locations of the months of kids, nothings killing, somebody, executions, the remnants of the former see an army. they have rules against these so called h d. s. ports us and they have no organized themselves. and they waging photonics against these new strong elements,
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including montana national terrace from all around the world, including from the week or a turkey and other places. in this case, i slightly disagree with the classification and the description of this conflict that this, those people who are fighting against the so called the estimate, it ends on a south, morgan is because we also have left the country and left the military in, in syria. keep it straight in the eyes of the soldiers. he betrayed the army. therefore, i believe you saw the it turns to celia. she will not be accepted by the same soldiers who are now fighting against the most uh elements. and this is in the same context. we, we can put it in the same context of these right. expansion inside syria is really is expanding inside city and trying to portray it says, as the savior of the minorities, it's extending a hand to the drills community to the curtis community. and now with this persecution against it, otherwise this is going to end up in the same way is what i can present. it says as
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the mandate power over savior of the source and the kurds. and now the other words in the closer line, i'll see the idea of quoting also for an international protection. and the reason for it is these persecution. why does this persecution stops the people doing up needs for international protection? because people can just continue with their lives, but we have hundreds of thousands of savings last they have jobs and they have to be kicked out of their jobs because they used to work for the government. always the government mean time, israel defense minister, a sudden they come out, slamming damascus for committing atrocities against civilians and the nations. and usually there isn't fooling anyone apparently, with this big may cove over on the western p. all campaign i'll gilani took off his gala by a put on a suit and presented a moderate facade. now he has removed the mask, revealing his true face a g hottest terrace from the outside of school, committing atrocities against the all the white civilian population. we will ensure that southern syria remains demilitarized and free of threats,
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and we will protect the local drew's population. anyone who harms them will face our response. my colleague, i here and i always been speaking with a pair of guests about the cottage on the streets of syria and how the radical islam ethridge. he met a mask as it is taking a minority groups in the country a tour. and those are willing to syria right now, and this is of course for the syrians now the acceptable. i mean, especially now that the revenge is going on on the community, but it's not only the otherwise community. it's also the christians, it's the tools. it's especially also the courts in the north. i've seen the images . i heard people who were outside from that and what, what happens? i mean people were shocked people. would that torture it a woman children ma'am? doesn't admit that the people their hopes. it's what i heard, what date the telling me that at least maybe they can have some protection from the russian because, you know, there's no other force around who can predict them. because israel is the therapies
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are there and they are both supporting. do you have is there so it's a very unfortunate situation right now. the new regime wants to establish, it says it wants to centralize the government, eh, and i see that it starts with, from the, the, from the weakest uh, size, uh, which is the. and then the yellow icon news, head of the volume, pause, and the see the democratic forces. the least of that for us is what's happening now is for me and expect adults. com. the us claim syria as quote know there are mess even us. donald trump labeled to a hostile takeover. what's your sense of this? cut the u. s. choose this, the heart of the conflict after years of involvement. no, i don't think so because 1st of all, they are supporting or there was supporting the quotes. you know, the s b s, so they are both already there. i don't know how many americans are still on the
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ground. and secondly, they are, you buying parts of syria, they steal the oil that's already known for years and years. so of course the new administration thinks all okay, that's okay. you know, we get the oil from there. and i mean, it is the problem because us, it's now syria, but i must rate and i think this is what this will happen. the whole area will be on fire again. who can we say are the winners and losers from the revolution on it's after month. and the subs are g was an episode, episode of stability in syria. it'd be for this other game. you see there was almost a civil war medical that taught us that uh oh, cool. but when we're going to be full of the vision was this published a, you'll see that the, the are up countries awfully well with the, with the internal affairs of, of syria and lovely. expect in the syrian now it will not be a, let's say,
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a liberal democrats because you have other kinds of work till the time you lose you mind. i will suspect, eh, eh, major is even more also come to europe. if the things go like this, from something a life sentence to unexpected freedom, mohammed alma lies a palestinian man who had been behind his riley box and was released as part of a hostage 12th would come us as being with us here at odds. he shut the details of his life in captivity, as we learned about the war in its earliest days in the 1st days of its outbreak. however, we were subjected to an unprecedented assault by the personal socrates. and this was essentially a governmental decision, not merely an independent initiative by the prison, they'll socrates, but rather a government sanctioned directive to clamp down on the prisoners and their achievements, the gains which they had secured over the course of history. i can say that was the 2nd war, waged against us inside the prison, under the premise that palestinian prisoners bear responsibility for what happened,
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at least from that perspective, that when the process of prisoner released the started, we did not know the details. who would be 1st, who would come next? all the specifics of the truce, meaning the details of the 1st phase. i personally, i found out that i was going home and that i was part of the 1st phase of 25 release to prison is exactly 2 days before my release through a lawyer as visit. he came to the prison and informed me saying, congratulations, you're going home, you will be with your family and part of the 1st group. however, even during lawyer visits and this happened to me personally and to many other prisoners, the lawyers with threatened being told they were strictly forbidden from sharing any news with the prisoners at the moment to release when the january cease, fire agreement was signed and the names of those to be freed were announced and we were being prepared for our release. we were subjected to brutal treatment without any reason. simply because they wanted revenge. they didn't want the release to happen and they expressed it openly saying you're going home over out dead bodies.
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as a result, we faced brutal beatings. i left the section where i was being held and from that to the waiting rooms, which they call a method, not in hebrew, the entire way i was beaten. and it wasn't just me personally. every palestinian prisoner released from any prison, whether from ramon or nasa was subjected to the same treatment. and it became even more savage when we arrived at ofa, which was the central holding facility. upon arrival, we were met with a barrage of insults, vowels, degrading courtesies, and beatings for no reason to tools. i was beaten so severely that my head was split open. i told the jailer i can't walk because the way they forced us to move through the cargo until we reached the section where we were supposed to be held before our release. it was an extremely long distance and we were forced to walk in a crouched position and coughed with our hands placed on top of our heads. this severely restricted our movement, making it nearly impossible to walk any further. we started collapsing to the ground and they dragged us across the car door. the physical assault was brutal. i
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personally only recovered from the intense pain in my body. some time after my release, some prisoners suffered broken bones. in my case, my muscles was severely damaged. they had an insatiable appetite for excessive revenge to the point where we were left in shock and disbelief. i understand that you are the enemy that you are a jayla and that your goal is to break me psychologically morally physically and even materially, but not to this extent. the level of torture and humiliation we endured in the final days before i release was unprecedented. speaking for myself, after 23 years in prison, this time plus the 6 years i had said before, i had never experienced anything like it. but um, it is one of nearly 2000 palestinians, reduced as part of the exchange where thousands of hostages were set free by some us. however, he feared that he, i know that palestinians could easily end up behind bonds once again from the bottom of let us to indeed we were threatened even during our release, you know, finally interrogations. which shouldn't. but we were explicitly threatened with re
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a wrist. and i believe it is very likely any freed prison that could be arrested again under any pretext, under any charge for any reason. and i believe the main motivation for israel security agencies to rearrange tests, whether it's me or any other freed palestinian prisoner is the fundamental refusal to accept all release in the 1st place. in general, the purpose of imprisonment if we are to discuss the fundamental objective behind detention by the occupation is to distance the pass sidney an individual or the palestinian citizen from the reality from the social political and struggle driven realities, placing them in prison for very long years with the item of consulting them and re shaping that consciousness in a way that aligns with the nature of the occupation itself. in other words, instilling in this palestinian individual a sense of deterrence so that they reach a stage where they are incapable of continuing that part of the struggle that they had embarked on task achieving the process of neutralization. this is the
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fundamental goal. many aspects about palestinian society have changed on the family level. i lost my father, my brother, and my sister while i was in prison. this for me was suddenly a shocking reality to be released and not find the people you expected to see. this is something that carries a deeply human and profoundly tragic dimension. on the other hand, they have very many changes, even in people's awareness, in the broad, a political sense. the frustration that palestinians of feeling is tied to the political deadlock. for example, off to 30 years of negotiations and agreements between the palestine liberation, organization and israel. they have be no tangible, concrete results that make palestinians feel they are truly on the verge of liberation from occupation. closer to state code, i'm living like any other people in the world. this is completely absent. every palestinian was happy for every release prisoner, even if they have no social or personal connection to them. they were happy. why? because there is an essential human meaning behind it. there was also
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a political and national significance. people sold that something was being achieved in one way or another, even if it was only a partial achievement the release of individual palestinian prism is it still carried hope that it could be a prelude to a comprehensive national liberation as palestinians to be honest, we just want to live in peace, this is all right, but there is no way to live in peace under occupation. no one can ever live in peace while being occupied with absolutely no one way of doing so. we hope that will be a real, a and genuine page that the washington is apparently cozying up to what something called the axis of evil. mount donald trump opens up dialogue with moscow key bass taking a but its former western sponsor and its a refund policy. this looking for peace the new us policy has casting doubt on the unity of the western world. while the white house is trying to shift to the responsibility for europe, security and defense to european forces, washington is taking more and more steps toward the kremlin regime at
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a time when russia and the axis of evil are attempting to dismantle the global order. i was just thinking a bit earlier in the program with the former ukrainian diplomat in parliamentary advisor under a tele shanker. now he says i was allusion. each position is dictated by his patrons in london that actually openly won the conflict to continue. so as long as i was a pop, i am a caricature oh london and the united kingdom is confirming that he is one by continuing to wait such a mouthful. but he's not going to collaborate and work with the instructions even if he wants to go for the pregnancy. so he was actually asking for the rest of those words and let's see who wants to make peace and you pray what these just making steps somebody those, these are the same time, the only thing is shown and then it wants me to use for as a always that you, me to 2021. when he was the major all the,
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our forces of the train he spoke of and he wants to drive the tags of moscow. and that's what basically pro auto system before people like so loosely, they're using the agenda of the owners abroad division, united kingdom. and you're the want to come to the war and they're considered warmer, great efforts because there's the most investor complex levels. we want to be that are there right now, the engagement, their stage is the european union and we like to know what's going on. it's going to subtract to us here at off the international, the french patriots party leader for him fillable. he's been a strong advocate of cutting of the a to key of says that the more rusher in america engaging peace efforts more europe is freaking out. the europe and union is a paranoid to operate as it only has enemies. its world is getting narrower and narrower. it makes enemies from within hungry. slovakia may be romania if jo jessica wins, which i would really like. we are internal enemies. for example. we patriots,
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those who advocate for a solver and friends are considered very dangerous internal enemies and other countries have them to russia is the enemy, china is the enemy. now the united states has become an enemy. so the world of the european union is a small, limited very paranoid world full of enemies where they wage a war against every one. this is in a tunnel war led by the hysterical kaya tell us the head of european diplomacy. an empty sound is the name of her position. this is a woman with extremely pro, military and extremely anti russian aggressive sentiments. she's always been like this. we're in a boat with madman. i've been wanting the french for months and years saying, be careful. the european union will drag you into a losing bowl. it will want to send ground troops and aircraft as macro on and keeps. thomas said there is already talk of a french nuclear deterrent. that should be european nice and it will stop and leave reject peace. although today, given the historic shots but dialogue between america and russia, france, if it were a southern country,
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should have done what i called for from the very beginning to participate in peace negotiations so that she could try to defend television, her national interest, and resume dialogue with russia, we see that the more trump strives for peace, the more russia and america engage in dialogue. the more the european union panics . and that's why all these bureaucrats, the french prime minister, the british prime minister, french president mach kroner, of course. and even the new german chancellor met, who was a barrier of the same field with them, rushed to represent the interest of the european union and not the interest of their own countries. the european countries gather didn't loved and wanted to send a message to trump. we are the good guys. you are the bad guys, as well as giving a signal to the public. it should be clearly understood that the year or if he in union needs the landscape. he was the puppets from the very beginning. he doesn't make the decisions. he's just important for public relations that is to sell this war to the public, to live on the line is ill suited for the role of a war salesman, macro,
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who is losing popularity among the french is even less if they lose the landscape. because trump is actively debunking his image, and the us administration is going even further demanding his resignation and stating that he is an obstacle to peace. it is necessary that he leaves, and by the way, they are right to demand his resignation. lensky is lost, will cause the e. u. a lot of trouble. who will advertise the will? who will sell it? they will be no one left to do it. if they already don't care about the depths of people in ukraine, they won't hesitate to touch the 6 trillion euros you're talking about. do they have the means to finance this war and to continue it? now they are even talking about taking back the frozen russian assets, which amount 220-2300 1000000000 euros. it's illegal if they only take a percentage from them, then maybe it's not so illegal anymore. although i do not know 2 to 3000000000 a year is not that much, but now they want to take all 300000000000, which is completely illegal. they talk about it themselves. yeah. tell us some
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countries and some political parties in front of the cooling for this. so i think it's going to invest and it's absolutely illegal. they know no boundaries talking endlessly about the principles of democracy, the rule of law and international law. they are the 1st to violate them, and if one day they need to reach into the pocket of the french, they will come up with some kind of european order to do it. it won't be difficult for them to. well, i mean time is key evidence, european patrons figure out some kind of health plan. some of the crate ends are commemorating the death of a nazi collaborate, a known for his academic fencing of jews and polls during the world's 2nd world war . are you going to get more on the ceremony to pay tribute to the informational romano sugar which that's it onto the contract? well, it says you essentially shut down money trying to keep this man loaded with cash and weapons. and also as a high tech gear washington and its military industrial complex. so looking for paying customers to pick up the slack. and while a piece is possibly on the table, the wall hawks in europe still seem ready to contribute to continue,
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i should say funding on fighting this conflicts a shed some light in some very troubling and uncomfortable truths. without correspondent donald code. long time arrivals are finally talking. washington's new leaders are offering new hope for change of decade of war and ukraine and peace finally seems to be on the horizon. but there are still plenty of people who just want to keep on telling. because there's a lot of money to be made, especially if you are to is the nay sayers of being russian shells. it could be compromised as a result of, of translators to direct the heads of their until the intelligence agencies to share information. maybe he wants to give, put in, you know, some type of insight into why we know certain things about what's going on inside of ukraine or other places. they accuse us of being a russian assets or puppets of putting it really is, is, is quite disgusting in my own view and, and really speaks to the influence that the warmongers,
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the military industrial complex has. they can't answer to really what president trump's call is for peace. so instead they throw out these smears and lies and accusations that i think the american people are seeing right through more than a few warmongers in brussels too. but there war machine can function without washington's dine. and while the white house has been towing a more diverse line from se always been looking to make a buck is telling you that if it wants to drag this out, it will have to foot the bill. and since your ups military industrial complex isn't capable of maintaining the current level of arms going to ukraine alone, brussels would have to start buying a whole lot of weapons from the us of a 200000000000 dollars worth is what trump wants. and he's ready to give europe the green light, whether they decide to do that or not, the white house is also demanding that nato establish a membership fee. 5 percent of a country's total g d p. set aside for defense spending for anyone who wants to be
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part of the club, they don't have to pay more money. nato asked with a 5 percent. we are. we're in the grade. we're by $200000000.00 more than they know. it's ridiculous because it affects know a lot more. we have an ocean in between and we're, we've spent $200000000000.00 more. you find a notice that they've got to equalize 5 percent is actually colossal the us itself . it doesn't even meet that level with a bigger defense budget. then the next top 9 countries combined, the biggest european defense vendors aren't even close to that mark with germany at 1.5 percent of g. d. p. france, a $2.00 and italy at $1.00, have a little less europe's hawk seem ready to rise to the occasion. re, um, europe. coach, mobilize close to 800000000000 euros of defense expenditures
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for safe and resilient to europe. we will of course, continue working closely with our partners in may to this is a moment for you and we are ready to step off and the war machines, wheels are already in motion. poland is long argued for buying us weapons to send to ukraine with warsaw now signing a joint letter with the baltic states advocating the use of european funds to that effect from across the channel. the u. k. just struck a 30000000 pound deal with an anglo american company to supply ukraine with advanced attack drones. even nato secretary general is saying that europe's ready to keep on killing, even if it costs a lot more. we need to us also to stay involved and, and to do as much as possible to get through pain in a positional string. so that's at the store start, but i can tell the europeans, if this new template on station is remaining to keep on supplying you, creating this with defense,
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industrial form is defensive to show base the bill. they will be paid by the europeans. and actually the confidence of this, we have to be willing to do that piece or no piece, fly for more killing europe, getting with washington this program or not, no matter what frump is looking to come out on top of this, trump is meantime looking to keep the us dollar dominant in global trade, the rising power of the centralized crypto currencies has left him without in economic and immediate target. so the modulator is now helping on the bandwagon. trump assigned an executive order establishing a national strategic crypto reserve, which he says will push washington to superpower status in the field. all these digital type a promise to make america the but going to be a power of the world and the crypto capital of the planet. and we're taking historic action to deliver on that promise, as you know, around the table. yes, it is signed an executive order officially creating our strategic bitcoin reserves
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. and this will be a virtual fort knox for digital gold to be housed within the united states treasury . it's a big thing. i think discussing all of this in the program with allstate contributor chris and so explained the reasons behind trump sudden interest in bringing crypto currency to the full front in america. i think the honestly is he was in the us campaign. finance trunk was given a lot of money like for the time it was we go to the wales will be in s united a lot. so he's coming higher. i think they the next to that money in the campaign in order to get certain things. one of those things was crits or regulation on the seats in that table. if you look at the people that were invited to, one of the most interesting people to me was a c z. who was, is the, what was the b c i? is the found the finance company, the largest script to cards exchanged? well, he's just set the present a sense in some of the binding in the us booklet. so try and see money laundering
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terrorism financing, loaded the crazy old days just states. it wasn't on a lot of sense and so you, you might use to bob and his way down to a few months in jail. but still he isn't as the us to say a convicted felon, much like the, the president himself. so i think it was essentially tongue and is essentially rewarding. those that supported him in, in getting elected. unfortunately, that's the side streets of us politics. well, seems like a really great thing. and in my view, this is a positive step in the right direction to the industry. i'm not sure whether it was entirely done how to get this in trouble. how? because he loved scripts. i think it might have been done to, to the hundreds of billions and not billions of dollars that he's come i received during, during the couple of years. or that's just about our rock finality rodolfo international . but my colleague, he did go to piston office here with the desk with more of your stuff that i will of headlines. but for now from me role res, to shy in the in time you see me here. thanks for watching. we hope to see used
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the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, i'm actually under a tendency and welcome to going underground rule, gusting all around the world from the heart of the middle east. where israel to the teeth by donald trump has launched a renewed siege and its genocidal war. and gaza, that when most of the world looks to the global economic superpower, china, which far had strips the usa and g, d, p by p b. today's the 3rd plenary, the 14th communist national people's congress, setting a growth targets a 5 percent and increases in war spending by 7.2 percent. why that was spending arguably because of the old world, just days after a london, somebody's kicks off a decision by european that leads to a home for war on russia. and a donald trump spoke to both houses of congress, doubling down on his desire for peace. the you mentioned brussels, the extraordinary meeting was what you leads to arrange, the impoverishment of you populations in the pursuit of war that as washington and


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