tv News RT March 8, 2025 6:00pm-6:30pm EST
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the, the reports claim mass education is that taking place in syria palm, the thing, a minority or religious group, or the mazda superior from a mazda 3 and syria runs the slow fast agenda side. these are happening in celia is intolerable. there is, as you know, side on the issues basis do whatever you want, but the way i think getting people fairly, as a new leader says those for testing again as a follow up committing the close grades. and i will face the concept points on the maci and paris 1000 speak to the streets. so the friends comfortable for testing against president mccall. i need to add to ross and directory where they handled the patriots party leading. that's on
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the continuing coverage of the latest trends shaping the world right now. this is our international i a michael porter. it's not reports claim that they had been mass educations in syria with civilians killed by the new government forces. now wanting that there are disturbing images ahead. that's what they say, relating online shows. the reported aftermath of the government forces campaign with bodies left strewed on the road side of the mother superior from the st. james . the meet you dated on the street in celia says that more than 1500 people have been killed in what she calls a genocide in celia today. these is, you know, sites there is in the side, the on uh, an issue spaces. and the one who is perpetrating the genocide
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i'd like to come muslims. i have heard them coming from virginia and shipping. we have been slow touring and we are happy to come to the source to slow to more. and i have heard that in the been yes, today you have at least 1500 to 2004. so it'd be headed or foreman. she read the ancient uh, even uh, i know why, but also creation this morning. the 5 that of a lot of books produce the west kid just like this in the under old, the street, the, the victims that i have seen. and i am sitting in my car, the day of cdn. and the, you know, sensitive unions, ottam list,
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tankless. and we are very, very worried about what happened mix i am here sending my message, my, my says it for non to miss the put team to my status and to on the harness. leaders of the free would come and see what is happening in see and yeah, with these instructions on see ways what is really happening for the civilians and how what you call today sir, the government is accepting and knowing these factions that come in to slaughter to pass through there on the body. good. and i tell you is that my life will be in danger,
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but i am ready to die. and to say the, the truth. if you want, i can take always me. you can come to brun. yes. the clubs i've seen in the floods that's been bad. what really happened. in fact, those in the coming days is the responsibility of the so called cdn government who is nuts know who i'm betting and it says and see what's and knowing the general side off, you know, send people it's a know now we also heard from a syria and john list to review of the atrocities. hi relatives and all the civilians have suffered. i made the governments ongoing operation. we are try to send a because we've never been exposed to such violence before just because of the id.
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now it's, it has nothing to do is very gene. it has nothing to do with military. we've been massacres based on our id. and this is called genocide and a snake extends think. my father is an old man. he has a farm around many airport and he's been hiding and on his trees all the night. masses of getting getting officers unions. it's not the anymore going behind military who supported them. a previous regime, it's complete innocent people, young children or people they go for. it's called mand hunting. they do it for pleasure to compete, go. it's actually because it's not only the kid and they go for stating that you take their cars, they take their jewel. if they have, they ask for their mobilized. it's hard to find. i'm in contact with my
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friends and families, and i have hardly stories about lots of whole families and you know that they had nothing to do is the previous regime the nothing to do is the bus bar 2. they were just civilians in their homes. i think there is no coming out of this except of extended protection because there is no army in syria, no budget and control really and syria for god's sake we are asking anybody who's around with a normal army army that is a co, a case just to go and protect these minorities small siri as new lead. i'm but also i was celebrated by the west for over thoroughly in the countries the government. a $10000000.00 bounty on his head was even lifted. but now he has issued a chilling wanting to those who oppose this authority. with nothing behind that by
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this you have committed a grave sin that cannot be forgiven, and the response has come to you for which you have no patience. so hasten to turn in your weapons and yourselves before it's too late. syrians, the world has seen your longing for your country. a fighting broke out this week and the mediterranean coastal cities of lot talk you had talked to us, which reported the left hundreds dead. and it came off to govern force, as i said, to have it had protested us from the wide religious group. it's estimated that they represent about 10 percent of serious population. mother, og ness again says that the news rides, rides, the pi has not changed. the situation for the better, despite the promises would lead as maids to syrians. what is happening in celia is intolerable. it's something and better than you see. and it's a p p. for of course, i don't understand why the power of the work like this. they play like this was
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the faith of so many people i don't understand, but the, i not judge a do not call them. so what you say is that the n i f is enough to do whatever you want. but the way i think, given people, do you think because it, after the 14 years of struggling and the so called friends of celia, a promising and funding to a resolution to, to, to, to provide, to see the, the freedom of democracy equality the, and the in cvn regime to do things that it is a good the outcome that the now the, the great powers they are interesting to support the most about. and it's
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a need to, to become the leading of these in syria. do you think that everybody is happy? right then you is that the sunny side of the 1st not to be happy with the slaughter . we can tell you that nothing has changed. so the, but there is every, with a lot of fear to and the people are pretty footing to leaves is impalas . find a man who has recently freed from these ready custody has been speaking office ordeal. mohammed all mala was released as part of the hostage exchange with him. us that he revealed what he had to enjoy comfortability as we learned about the war and its earliest days in the 1st days of its outbreak. however, we were subjected to an unprecedented assault by the prison authorities. and this was essentially a governmental decision, not merely an independent initiative by the prison. they'll start to, but rather
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a government sanctioned directive to clamp down on the prisoners and their treatments, the gains which they had secured over the course of history. i can say that was the 2nd war, waged against us inside the prison, under the premise that palestinian prisoners bear responsibility for what happened, at least from that perspective, that when the process of prisoner released the started, we did not know the details. who would be 1st, who would come next? all the specifics of the truce, meaning the details of the 1st phase. i personally, i found out that i was going home and that i was part of the 1st phase of 25 released prison is exactly 2 days before my release through a lawyer as visit. he came to the prison and informed me saying, congratulations, you're going home, you will be with your family and part of the 1st group with them. however, even during lawyer visits and this happened to me personally and to many other prisoners, the lawyers with threatened being told they were strictly forbidden from sharing any news with the prisoners at the moment to release when the january cease,
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fire agreement was signed and the names of those to be freed were announced and we were being prepared for our lease. we were subjected to brutal treatment without any reason. simply because they wanted revenge. they didn't want the release to happen and they expressed it openly saying you're going home over out dead bodies. as a result, we faced brutal beatings. i left the section where i was being held and from that to the waiting rooms, which they call a method, not in hebrew, the entire way i was beaten. and it wasn't just me personally. every palestinian prisoner released from any prison. whether from ramon or nelfa was subjected to the same treatment and it became even more savage when we arrived at ofa, which was the central holding facility. upon arrival, we were met with a barrage of insults, vowels, degrading courtesies, and beatings for no reason the tools i'm so i was beaten so severely that my head was split open. i told the jailer i can't walk because the way they forced us to move through the car door until we reached the section where we were supposed to be
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held before our release. it was an extremely long distance and we were forced to walk in a crouched position and coughed with our hands placed on top of our heads. this severely restricted our movement, making it nearly impossible to walk any further. we started collapsing to the ground and they dragged us across the car door. the physical assault was brutal. i personally only recovered from the intense pain in my body. some time after my release, some prisoners suffered broken bones. in my case, my muscles was severely damaged. they had an insatiable appetite for excessive revenge to the point where we were left in shock and disbelief. i understand that you are the enemy that you are a jayla and that your goal is to break me psychologically morally physically and even materially, but not to this extent. the level of torture and humiliation we endured in the final days before i release was unprecedented. speaking for myself, after 23 years in prison, this time plus the 6 years i had said before, i had never experienced in a thing like it for he all mala is one of nearly 2 thousands upon his teachings
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release by ease. role in exchange for thousands of hostages set free by him as he feared that he and all the potters tv and could easily end up behind bars once again. the thought of let us to indeed we were threatened even during our release, you know, finally interrogations, which in bed we were explicitly threatened with re rest and i believe it is very likely any freed prisoner could be arrested again under any pretext, under any charge for any reason and i believe the main motivation for israel security agencies to rearrange tests, whether it's me or any other freed palestinian prisoner is the fundamental refusal to accept all release in the 1st place. in general, the purpose of imprisonment. if we are to discuss the fundamental objective behind the tension by the occupation is to distance the palestinian individual or the palestinian citizen from the reality from the social political and struggle driven realities. placing them in prison for very long years with
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a move consulting them and re shaping that consciousness in a way that aligns with the nature of the occupation itself. in other words, instilling in this palestinian individual a sense of deterrence so that they reach a stage where they are incapable of continuing that part of the struggle that they had embarked on task achieving a process of neutralization. this is the fundamental goal. many aspects of l. palestinian society have changed on the family level. i lost my father, my brother, and my sister while i was in prison. this for me was suddenly a shocking reality to be released and not find the people you expected to see. this is something that carries a deeply human and profoundly tragic dimension. on the other hand, they have been many changes, even in people's awareness, in the broad, a political sense of the frustration that palestinians of feeling is tied to the political deadlock. for example, of the 30 years of negotiations and agreements between the palestine liberation, organization and israel. they have be no tangible,
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concrete results that make palestinians feel they are truly on the verge of liberation from occupation. closer to state codes and living like any other people in the world, this is completely absent. every palestinian was happy for every release prisoner, even if they have no social personal connection to them. they were happy. why? because there isn't this central human meaning behind it. there was also a political and national significance. people sold that something was being achieved in one way or another, even if it was only a partial achievement, the release of individual palestinian prisoners. it still carried hope that it could be a prelude to comprehensive national liberation as palestinians. to be honest, we just want to live in peace. this is all right, but there is no way to live in peace under occupation. no one can ever live in pay as while being occupied with an absolutely no one way of doing so. we hope that will be a real and genuine piece. and to for us now, thousands of protest as of taking to the streets of paris. they have been out raged
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by president mccall as these and to russian rhetoric. the demonstration was. busy caused by the leader of the patriots party, florida and philip bought our day is now dig up the resolved to report from the scene. how much the crumbs we're not going to die for ukraine. that's one of many slogans chances by thousands of protesters who took to the streets of paris on saturday. heating the call of the patriots party leader florian philip o. everyone here is raising alarm while denouncing the extremely tough anti russian statements of president mack. from mister philipo himself, believe such belligerent rhetoric is a menace to france and it's people, people that came through the pay, the more realistic a piece and ukraine becomes. and we can see is possibility growing. the more i'm a crohn is inclined to prolong the war if he doesn't want peace. as for his personal political goals, he needs war. he needs it to keep the french in fear in order to manipulate them. he needs it to move closer towards the european union. chrome has reached
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a new level of absurdity in his recent televised address. he actually sought to intimidate the french people by talking about sending french troops to ukraine. then about pan european defense and the transfer of french deterrent nukes, we have reached a new peak of madness and danger. therefore, all those french people who care about peace must challenge it hard times have come . so we need to rise up. we really must rise up, as you know, to the joint use of french and nuclear armaments with other european countries know to tapping into wallets of the french to fund the war. no, to dying on the front line for the sake of ukraine. everyone gathered is demanding the resignation of a manual ma chrome who they believe is no longer fit to hold the highest office in the country up to 2 days. all this is nonsense. emanuel's diplomacy belongs to a kindergarten. he has absolutely no understanding of what he's doing and he's not interested in that is dismantling of the diplomatic corps as proof of that. he just abolished it. we're dealing with a spoiled kid. no, thank you. i mean,
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it's never been like this metronome is incompetent and crazy. he's an actual madman . who belongs in a psychiatric ward. that's it. he's always been incompetent and got his position thanks to his friends since they put him there because they needed a phone. nothing less and nothing more. it was the cool encasement cron serves the interest of the oligarchy. he's actually good at his job. the wishes of the global us to get fulfilled. perhaps he is in a phase where given everything happening in the current tensions, he is losing control over certain issues and therefore desires to regain it. through such actions, he is attempting to restore his influence on the international arena. put the same in the system. the protesters also point out the inaction of the political opposition, despite the seriousness of the situation created by the increasingly frequent statements from president mac crown and his government disseminated the mainstream media and clearly preparing the french people for a possible war with russia. the demonstrators complained that the authorities are
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unwilling to take their opinions into account directly by holding a referendum. they also say that they will continue protesting, as long as it takes calling on all french citizens to join their movement. as they believe the future of france depends on it, lies up in the office of mccoy don't. in fact, i'm a crime is virtually discrediting our country because of him, france looks like a pariah state. the france of the gold and managed to settle the peaceful negotiations for the vietnam war in paris as morphed into a country of my crown that sets up the prolongation of war. even though this decline began before mack wrong, it is only worse and under his leadership. as a result, we appear as a rogue state, a dangerous nation. we are frightening everyone. this is what am i crohn and this is dangerous to miss of a pan european path have let us to for decades, they told us europe is synonymous with peace. i'm sorry, but everyone sees now that europe is synonymous with war. and that is the very
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reason we must quit the european union. it was like a wave from, from despite done, a trump pushing for peace talks over, you drain the last 2 bills and euro seemingly ready to fuel to fight with funding and with weapons. and the u. s. military and also the complex is only to can to pick up the cost them are changed. donald court has the story a long time. rivals are finally talking. washington's new leaders are offering new hope for change of decade of war and ukraine. and peace finally seems to be on the horizon, but there are still plenty of people who just want to keep on killing because there's a lot of money to be made, especially if you would choose the nay sayers of being russian shells. it could be compromised as a result of, of trump's language to direct the heads of there until the intelligence agencies to share information. maybe he wants to give, put in, you know, some type of insight into why we know certain things about what's going on inside of ukraine or other places. they accuse us of being
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a russian assets or puppets of putting it really is, is, is quite disgusting in my own view and, and really speaks to the influence that the warmongers, the military industrial complex has. they can't answer to really what president trump's call is for peace. so instead they throw out these smears and lies and accusations that i think the american people are seeing right through more than a few warmongers in brussels too. but there war machine can't function without washington's dine. and while the white house has been towing a more diverse line from se, always been looking to make a buck, he's telling you that if it wants to drag this out, it will have to foot the bill. and since you're up to the military, industrial complex isn't capable of maintaining the current level of arms go into ukraine alone. brussels would have to start buying a whole lot of weapons from the us of a $200000000000.00 worth is what trump wants. and he's ready to give europe the
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green light, whether they decide to do that or not, the white house is also demanding that nato a stablish a membership fee, 5 percent of a countries total g d, p. set aside for defense spending for anyone who wants to be part of the club, they don't have to pay more money. nato asked with a 5 president, we are. we're in the grade. we're by $200000000000.00 more than they know. it's ridiculous because it affects know a lot more. we have an ocean in between. and we're, we've spent $200000000.00 more and you find that nato is they've got to equalize 5 percent is actually colossal the us itself. it doesn't even meet that level with a bigger defense budget. then the next top 9 countries combined, the biggest european defense vendors aren't even close to that mark with germany at 1.5 percent of g. d. p. france, a $2.00 and italy at $1.00, have
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a little less europe, toxeme ready to rise to the occasion. we, europe, could to mobilize close to 800000000000 euros of defense expenditures for safe and resilient to europe. we will of course, continue working closely with our partners in a to this is a moment for you and we are ready to step off and the war machines, wheels are already in motion. poland is long argued for buying us weapons to send to ukraine with warsaw now signing a joint letter with the baltic states advocating the use of european funds to that effect from across the channel. the u. k. just struck a 30000000 pound deal with an anglo american company to supply ukraine with advanced attack drones. even nato secretary general is saying that europe's ready to keep on killing, even if it costs a lot more. but we need to us also to stay involved and,
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and to do as much as possible to get to creating a positional string. so that's at the store start. but i can tell that your opinions, if this new template on station is remaining to keep on supplying you, creating this with defense, industrial form is defensive to show base the bill. they will be paid by the europeans. and after the conference of this, we have to be willing to do that piece or no piece, fly for more killing europe, getting with washington is program or not? no matter what trump is looking to come out on top. a 15 year old girl from the guns has made an appeal to the us vice president's g d vans calling on him to the left on the trump administrations promise to protect free speech and shut down that instant most ukrainian intended head list. a girl herself was put on the list when she was 12, after she made a video address to the un calling for a peaceful life for the children of the dumbass. of the website in question
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publishes the private details. so cold enemies of your trade. some of them such as like the old as boozy now. and john list diary i do get out where killed. also the where i the to the list that even some us officials such as new national intelligence, had to have the gall bladder on the list. now we spoke to the young girl to find out why she's calling for washington's help or says what, what is so narrow towards is a website, probably financed by the us publishing personal information such as passport details, addresses and family information. and then they accuse you of crimes that you didn't commit. anyone can view the site, look at the information and do whatever they want to go. the website doesn't do the killing. it's the insane people who get the information from there. so this is a criminal website publishing information about people who oppose the ukrainian government. they include children as young as 10 years old. i think i was put on there due to my 1st video address to the un, where i said the children of the don bass have a right to a peaceful life. after j,
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the van said, we must work together to build a free society. for example, in europe with a free press and no censorship, i decided to address him visible for building a book. you romania, the constitutional court has rejected, appeals, aimed at disqualifying, telling judge jessica to the front runner of electrons and old in december from running for the presidency. again, that's as the country is. election bureau is still to decide whether it will be that will be allowed to for him to run again. out the sound of the basket reports from the guest. many waiting with baited breath. hey, and remain your full the decision of the country. central. electro b ro over the candidacy of calling to jessica to take part in a we one of last is an old presidential election. he arrived here on friday, so i'm doing fine, long media and also thousands of his support is on the streets. i believe he should
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have seen the president already of this country. now we know that it's false that he submitted his papers, which is now being studied by the individuals in the electro. but they were over 1300 appeals against his candidacy. something they will to take into account as well. we are expecting a decision phone interview to come on sunday evening here in the caress. but we also know that there have been mother developments in the last few hours here in romania. and this includes the constitutional court. and these are the ones of the know the presidential election in december of last year saying that they had been in to, for you and mentioning russia specifically, although later was the time the russian haven't been involved in meddling in the election. but the constitutional court sitting alongside today to look at some appeals that had been filed for appeals,
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including to appeals against calling georgia as being a candidate in the re run of the presidential election. now the cost is who has made the decision regarding not it has rejected those appeals. and essentially what we understand is that is to reject those appeals because it is unable to locate appeals and somebody who's not yet a confirmed to the presidential election. so we understand that that was uh, formality from the consistent with jack thing. there was appeals and james, calling georgia school from monday is in a presidential election. however, as soon as the general elect to be where he in bucharest makes a decision. if that decision is affirmative, the calling children who can be a candidate, then only then the cost will be expecting appeals to look at his candidacy and to make a decision whether they believe he is a valid can't,
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they don't know and full lies will be pealed till not decision of decision that could some say taken weeks to make unreason many who would be looking at that is that support his hand because he was already denied the presidency. and that has been evidence that so much from russian for an intelligent services. the suggests that brussels was behind that decision by the constitution in december to know those elections with which from asked twice presidency that they would expect to see from somebody like calling to adjust food, rushing for an intelligent services, say in fact, the directive has come away from the top menu in his cell to select room delay and very concerned that in the country who could be taking a nationalistic approach when it comes to its internal politics and how that could affect brussels audits. phones show like even steve,
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aussie in bucharest. well, are to the companies where you can get 5 of the details of all the stories are following. thanks for watching. how bye. know the know? yes. good. 5 years. yeah. usually it's less than another. this is this when you took the bus, if you have no problem, girl boy or girl was, is there and they're very, pretty busy with this machine. so i think i said that a pretty, i'm pretty me see it listed mostly in and yes. so it took you to, to pay extra window. is that like a new book at the 14 notes or do you guys know what you guys.
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