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tv   Documentary  RT  March 9, 2025 1:30am-3:01am EST

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of his nation's golden status. as soon yes, very soon, the pro will have no clouds. meantime, off the western actors worked so hard to make russia the most sunshine in the country in the world. their economies are now in the time of russia, accelerate to the become now the 4th largest economy in the world. way to go to western sanctions. right. this is on the ship to fix here. this thing is most precious to smells like probably mobile device to put to the junior couple ocean chest, the just the switch to the, the machine you want to
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grow. and can you pick what i chose prestone? could you tell them by somebody, the is a newsletter to sign up for the to, to come out. i still do it with a hold of them. don't know if you don't go to deal with us. it is. our systems are shown. my name is corey. no point in the and the best plus refunded loading neesha. me moving the other side. the problem was that he would be sho, electronica funeral. the
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damage from the new city mississippi wouldn't actually be, pardon me. i don't know who it is. somebody isn't, you know, and if you guys up at the top of the go to just on the video also to scroll down. i should go to sleep. so started, but i'll uh, over to schedule a little when we're dealing with the lights and offers the cause of the
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room, the chill with the child's conflict of conflict police course and then just to knowledge me that i was the 1st words that missed the boy. let you move, that is me, but that will state is thoughts, thoughts that i, that his thoughts cover? what that is to use them does that the students name the blue that used to come speak to most of the village if the way, if that the way that i would suggest sending it to dr. bessler be that come slick around the push the 0 should see the points of the beloved should i? i may use simple. yeah. i know which itself, excuse me, the equivalent, but as nova, click to the
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solution douglas by going to go and compare searching describe in flatbush, that could be 1st name 30 to nab shang, in certain times or to. so i was wondering if those 2 chan wonderful your cam on auction. so the work completion was from question which, which and torch katie, new york city, she's performing this property only squared for most of the few years before you knew what the printer was, because i'm stationed over as if should be much more good. i'd say that was j u q on what good, i'm going to do yes. for cut, act towards your book, the subordinate remaining force branch distributors are used to both accepted or it
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was pretty farmers. and we've also with them over the name or do be junior a normal charlotte could keep the machine waste of k bias given us that as an each man were so important every day. and i was showing you before them, would you do this for us in columbia? i'm sure our preference agreement or bathroom elementary, provisional pleasure in the course. but if i knew it, oh boy, you will at the clash and you can just divide, survive. so dude, i've got to drive it to blame for flushing your water brew soon. resources published or whatever was there was crap as there's growing up as well as i used to who it was useful. we smell on marie and just just to let the but there charlotte, a question with federal funds and she thought was of course they were still unable to reach you. i'm unable to me. my name is william for a lot of folks bounced over spring on the model for the long waiting,
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waiting list. yeah. but a chevy mine. yeah. you would usually i get over to on that and that's fine. it every one of the more for florida. and you also told me for the each level this goes around for specific to the area and then going into some more system of this. you bought the grow pinker boom, much plus chance. you'll notice from that ios and then the goal is got to freeze. can you minus the losing system measures of child phones, this trash that the polls the system for both shots? we mean, yeah, at the top of the more nozzles for junior zillow or she was threat. myess daniel bull up, we're just not positioned on still some more. it's so this is the push a close terminal address for me able to put them both. today's toys colors are
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symbols of showrooms with the a table and co star of all scrub by to face with personal school. so we'll look at our show and kind of show much yours or comply, sir. yours, all of a sudden it's a way on those rental trip. are those from the july a minor bus stand respond back to besides go pretty fancy a come. yeah, yeah. develop a diet, the fun, it's fun, but nickels. describe them. the media was a vi, a trash uh provided store for superbly on doing nearby port christopher's point, you know, doing a committee of peace of mind is not, but the choicest deity. been flushed, stressful, and even just because that is 3 times which they have to hi uh, the low cost of the g 0 because they didn't do a full is the opinion of dollars to suggest the fish that the printer is a new york to florida. and if i'm seriously charged to quickly the guy
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this, i think the dollars someone 3 charge to share. but when you're driving and show on the list of thoughts for the stand, if someone across 6 months back. so that's what i wrote. and the reason why i conclude the little performed that it is media via video a, the original national ica, 4th of the garage. so the type of deal which will store later and a is a really simple see my, the online solution, a lot of questionable for is because i was for the says accomplishment, i should just me, i subsidize here to share it. isn't ginger as if i knew what the last little cover detail? you might see java. i think it would be one cause of what the, what, what's, what's, i'm not, i'm still young people need to do it because of the shirts for us, which impressed with the still california. okay. and what is the process for your class? the flooding. you know, i trust and i get enough jumps wasn't able to reduce the jump score and the problem
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jumped to most of the throws. you give it a wonder, i'm going apply some gm store on, but i squinted the decision when he wasn't more than we took off. yes. but the visually scroll over to that. that was the potential for it. the one condition which includes the woods across the human and you get to and the person has to, it needs to be destroyed. you need to kansas versus pm send while, as well as their for to come into the how sure the bad to the you are out. look, do you need to spend this person using different user accounts for 5 days? i'll send examples of how to do it. let's discuss the fee. okay, how much are you willing to pay? how many people can least, how many accounts free, somewhere in the private in their store? most of the deal is that's the one i'm good. it's so hard, you just have to share thoughts with more than the posters deal with procedures clearly that that was the book, but sometimes all over to that little it took some time extra to let things that that will set up. so you golf and you will look odd so it should be she in the you need for this to what support the image. so suddenly she said, what did i do?
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what's from no one can help me. i'm so tired the to shows the guy uh to me uh, uh, cut the bus the on the me carts and i was just at the little boy you brought the flu. so did you put the doors? are you able to do is play at the tomb discussion a as a principal munoz, that's what i was with accent the the my to do with the 3 me if i knew i shared with the 2 of the lives it's you store me pretty much the thing to place for that, the way somebody see it. i mean i was just the thing in the place with the annoying to and deal with sites. is it as a sub does any ghastly was exactly a police police? could you spell virginia more thing?
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yes. to city watch with a more book as i'm, if there's photo timber courses subject the boy that those are more problems. if you somebody who is the, what the most uh you have on your last on numerous things. if the for good reason to at the gym channels and stuff, when you look and substitute for me, there's going some food for storing 0 with the states that the system was using his calculus. and then when he was to be called at the potential which the fighting and of course they're gonna push cars. but the joe not particularly looking at you cause to the sonya with us that's done with less motional me. so based on industry, as i pointed, oh if any particular chose postpone, could just tell them, but i'm going to use an older community and yeah, cuz i look forward, your best future colanda functionable for you on the picture fishing you said i once asked him why he was doing what he did and he said he thought it was funny.
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but that doesn't submit ashwood choice or good gracious to y'all's voice. i'm sitting here in the north or should i be out of luck to you? what the most that you knows about the board meeting on those after they are on those after care. patricia, would it be a problem? i should go to the one, but i don't. a lot of you happen to your house calls or just poach signing of sort octo. she's gonna pretty usually when use now you will have to send you a shock, a man or some you pretty much the plans i saw. i don't remember much as for that moment to remember how we heard him laugh and how we walked away with my hands shaking. they asked me to give them the nice and i did my renewal, and i'll call you home supervisors. caught up on the shift strategies well by when
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it's for a one time yes. thoughts the, i'm so strong in this world, everything is done through for whoever. stronger is right. the take a fresh look around is a life kaleidoscopic. isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power of tired vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground can
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or during world war 2, the germans with the help of the ship. the creation revolutionary movement that the independent state of croatia transported hundreds of people's in no way to work in force labor camps. the germans wanted the work force to build roads and the infrastructure in norway. so when they couldn't get enough prisoners from serbia, they contacted who was special and the install of these camps to you had the death rate up to 82 percent each which she's actually a higher done in the ultimate among the with dozens of children. voice, the georgia eco, but not that you will not be able to go to the coast to this in the woods, the type, the owner's school that'd be good to, to. this is a good, especially since the 3 of them. they had the horrible conditions except from the t lease. many people died from surveys, a hunger,
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as diseases. very few made it back home. also, some of it drove the logic over table, not emoji, but at yale. and that both of us and the girls the, the boss for the, i'm going your 1st one it's, it's a good one without still going and your address a google, google or 0 is called and was because that's where you're one is a gosh, look their stuff over and and if it was good to go to the ocean you project is that awesome the or your formula for the visual horrible business from your google? yes. have to do is go should the, the lower term. and if i took the main continue to the sheriff's office of google to look at your thing, you have the combined or is just,
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i'm going to wish you the share papers, but those are those, those are the risk social media. i've come down the info and i also have sam from us and union, which anyone you senior, truly devoted to old school will since it was put in this a mobile device. sure. unless man moved this and what was that as the so that's nice to be able to select from to another campus tires to know if there is one of the some of the table from fine. you can always just finish your social thinking with the scars to finish those from from across the street. from the machine. actually the more is easy to see it. and the time when you set my son across the glove buy a new slab,
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we'll stay as a see there. oh so sure. sure. sure what the deal is. but i'm going to drive just, oh my gosh, no huge money as i set up. it's in as much as a date you guys of the day because that what you do know, you know, what i mean is also the vice of the switch. well, nothing to get the whole and you cut the, the a to go don't you know which one that i'm what the, what you know, michelle, switching to distort that endorsed the winds wouldn't go from, from caputo. but the more as a push to the of the give less than just to fix user stories. moodle solutions for small businesses, probably mobile device and which of the junior capital should show us the conflicts of william. this is true. this is put in the by junior mesh close for for to his invest, but his vehicle is to show what's causing less than that. you with my bucks,
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get them the consumer because of the huge cost um the billing. but when they click tv, cuz i list for the nice point in bo, if i do of, i'm a good tell which, where you get a hold of both of those. and obviously there's so just the sickness of, i'm with the section of linux, the sticker foot associates, digital ledger. so the, those no big t p is super to the outcome was in the good to just because it is still considerably . and that is the split function, this same film, apply to contrast to with the middle free yet. see it for some clicks to look at the time of the piano is girlfriend almost fell in love with the bill. a letter on the back. but in the city of for gloves side some assist further assist you most web cast and then shape your by the inside cause you to use the with the, with the silver woodland. and then the fill of the video provision,
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which to the, to between just the 1st of what it is to, to provide or is the pros to congress doctors because on the kids only attended us visual with restorative in the sick does. i'm will do it to tell her to go through the use the, the process of moving into costano for the typical notice to be able to talk with him is i'd be solely. mom was a lot of the sort of which i think i'm conflict cut off because i feel so somebody don't know just as valuable as far to know what you focus on that as well. either way you bring him, i mean, i completely between you. is this nice doing yours. let's go click on financing at
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your warranty. i will post this with us posted. so those need to just make sure i just need to go over the over the catch your 1st impressions and actually some boy showed us cause of which is good, but i just didn't bring him why. there's the spots of glass symbol and the visual match to more simple skilled that you promised ellison was a high temp 64 of them for poor really the solution in anybody that's published live you think about or $200.00 commitments or this year. yes, you're still wasn't a bill in the middle of suitable women dealing with the company lines and office and i think most of it or, or some of the, the on the,
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to the email with which that though the downstairs notes. but she's got the physical, the body is agreeing to the new and to treat any general pacific. i shall avoid center at the old style to register this 3 years for governor here. and these kids are going to continue, continue to be charged. what's the last of all, so when you set up with the 5th, she created god's judging on virtual 4th. let's just and then one is much blame the initial x from the you know, you move it in before and use in front of watch. so for which i appreciate, you know, that's what your score, this thing of this one creative,
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just an up those to use the equipment. and then you go to the on the road, they go down below western music part of choice. don't they match the positive sewer at the, at that on radio, that's pro participation. so again, i thought you was to go, i'm not going, there's no change of good that time, but i'm glad you what was one you squared away, which isn't so bad. because of the book on safe school, it is a. ringback morning. ringback there are certain meals with me, that of course don't feel 100 on skies coming to them, but it's really depends on if it's just so strong this quarter in the morning who you know how smart the room starts. look at the soft corner. you know the custodial school school in you me if you go for person, you know it does a bonus cooling. that's cool. yep. all right. and so i was driving to complete the book and see if you don't feel good. so yeah, just because of this, it shows good ready to store the each thing you pretty years because of what you're going to turn it off before the bullet. pretty simple will install a folder. it's
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a blue cross there. certainly, if you could just order the key on it once the people at the full shows, you know, bring up a strongly praise with best of talk. it does not send you through proposals, sheets of this call or any furniture or personal proceeding all sorts yes. in good condition, they will, they stopped the car wash quite a cox's president, was to pick a subordinate place escobar, are you able to solve limited nipple chords? quite inches. yeah. and the eyes and it says dice is that possible fluid left. you left sim gigi, you have this little stuff, he has a club, i it's, it's an income sort of beautiful. i'll just actually of it. i'm, you start doing the problems, washing it. and hopefully, as i flush call those you just simply because of school or some yet that is that possible? if i don't, but you would not always have for new single because it is a process affords you comfortable and what are supposed to be the should i send you
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a piece of the i wish i could have her, but i'm afraid of them so so sorry, for her, for to what can i do, the thought that the them and that you get a good i to pick him up on your so i, positively it's, i mean it's a number that if there's any said as a bookshelf uh when you mine is a guise of it for so dad them place forth gravity to tell you what that go down that you to deal with or just because of the much of it has been i'd see to see i'm going to get it on on the august. so no glass uncomfortable but okay, they just looked at the tablet contribution, shy, extinguish name prospect, thought that was all set and had of them was a mile from from them. and then you'd have tried so each of which will be the one you can google edits to, which we've led to the jake, affirmative insurance and the child such as anybody i hope to live in school bus to
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go to, to my with the proviso of tantra, serge, it's me just requesting could means of it took less than cobra in the vicious spelling deal which caused them to invite it on us as a fix to the little room longest. which in providence, yes for sure that you a cuz a sudden there are ways to boost at the store literally. so i'd say pretty literally huge. yeah, sure. this is nice. and if with them stored and go on, most of the best of them, no solomon from brochure to them with this device. it's a most vicious with pollution of, of, for us to be a product of goods at the menu, the body temperature in which to them store or press one to look for some noise in the process, which is what the corresponding with the car. so you can divide shift looked at no, much you just talk to me more when we got talk to me. i told you it's something simple question now which, which is always supposed to been here. well, usually just signal us or did you, you shut them over them then you see i get over this history expression of doing
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a accordingly, you can start watching the of the question. would you remember to share the live number with you're still enough to you live, looks down when you bundle with a conventional compressor which is yesterday. it's often and if the pressure so you switch anything to any deal if you produced with you. but i really knew what the crushed non dimensional looked almost done. here sir, one us of mine is a quench. it's our, our shortage to persistent with the dispatch. and the city knows me about the question. bullshit. a man national board to choose from a couple of drunken mulanda. i wish to bring you model is a short the previous one. ok. so when you get comfortable bloody and nibble of motion question, it's a bullet conductor. shutoff shingle and i assume was agent is shared as the range and the showed the good of us on the issue. nice cuz i still pressed team. my gosh, i got a question on produce your file and then your mouse, the appraisal shown. what's kind of on professional to a decision, i ashburn,
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still. hm. because you only jill on your sponsors, little watching the . if you asked me this could have been avoided. there is always solution, no matter how bad the situation is. so there are truths provides the actual where's your needs are ok when your school, especially person, from the heard of smyser pro, store, proposes from better brook birth brochures for stores for more and more hurdles lunch am. additionally, you're supposed to see the point of my managers with a winter carpenters and a couple rentals that produced a given solution. but there sort of this was usually normal printing pressures in
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there cuz i knew or the need to study animation and moving these direction. i want to take a course in co macbook pro inc and take it seriously. i also want to walk around my school more because i'm forever leave the insured beyond my own district. and finally, make new friends reconnect with old ones and avoid losing contact with current once again to broaden my horizons. the
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lunar, when i would show the rom, just don't have to shape out and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the the, the,
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the in syria today there is, is, you know, say there is, is, you know, side on uh, an issue spaces. i just don't think images are on the way is hung through to reported killed in syria. the nation becomes a side of mass executions of a hands open. you government all tardies. now for the 3rd day in a row. the situation in syria deteriorating by the day the locals are fleeing 1011 on and a simple attempt to st van lives and the beat on guns we left across the river in order to survive and provide for our children. so we left and came here. they are killing christians and al white's based on their identity. if i show my face and they see it, they will slaughter my family.


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