tv News RT March 9, 2025 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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the way to look so common ground, the disturbing images emerges. hundreds of people are reported killed in syria observers. but we if it could be mass executions by then you off stories with a situation in syria. if area rating global suites on neighboring lab and onto scape the carnage interview we left and posted the river in order to survive and provide for our children. so we left and came here. they are killing christians and l. whites based on their identity. if i show my face and they see it, they will slaughter my family. this is the catholic church of saint george and the guy a this was targeted in and is ready as striking october. at least 8 people were killed behind me. as i took shelter in this building,
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at least 5 of those are believed to be civil defense workers. and it's a trail of death and destruction from the idea of from apartments of southern web. a non churches are left in ruins, as is really officials insist only as well. on the other 3 sides we're targeting the, this is our to international. my name is the board is going off today is sunday, which means it's time for the week stop stories from across the globe and to syria . we go, disturbing reports are coming out of the war toward the middle eastern country. they say they knew authorities seized power by overthrowing the governments just a few months ago, are conducting us executions. this video and others are on verified as they before to show a brutal crack down on religious minorities and supporters of the previous state. western powers have a large we turned a blind eye to the violence as they headed back to the toppling of alps of
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president bush or on the side. the authorities are even said to be mocking. their victims reports are coming in that to l. y send christians have fled to a russian air base for protection. i must warn you. the following images are believed to show the aftermath of violence against children. visa and verified photos emerged on social media. there said to be of the young kids and babies killed by militia in support of the new of stories in damascus. a senior clear, he member of serious st. james minus we spoke about the atrocities. i was the a place where it says use the cab and the good came and she was crying very much. so i said look, it's happening. they said her own could have been smoked. it means be headed before
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the end of this. they say you have for me, these entire infirmities that have been busy make the sickening funded month. it seemed in the everybody, everybody can be as to be seen smith, i was talking with the collections team e t t teams and the trying to make it it could be quickly, i am going back to days and i always provide was on the announces and we supposed to be paying this to uh, the, uh, a, you know, the, the, to be, i mean, unless they need a lot of things. and we have seen more than 50 courses into it already being already were, you know, the insects in beds ready to be, but the way they came, for example,
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and they didn't send them many insights. you are big so you don't, you don't deserve to not to leave the, the reading, the, the, we take them walk on that for the, for the see the seats and the next on for. and i don't and also to the bottom make go. and then they would they would keep them, 1st of all they will be do you have to do is they will be then they can beat them with the 3 phones. and finally, the be so that others to be really slow. does it mean they was dig a knife or is we're going to be that or they, we spoke to them yesterday on over the the way the, you know, uh between the, the product. we had a couple 100 very good to the government's forces and they were asking to the
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people i've seen, you know, in the car. and he was send me one underway mother superior of the people in these cars who are being stopped. what happens to them if they say, i'm a christian or i'm an hour away, all the immediate police, a lot of them i've got the a, we have to deal with the, you know, stipulating on the web we, i immediately seen it and he said solution, but i because of interest as was he i, i thoughts that we live now. we are now much less than 10 people. people are being killed every day yesterday in the morning. the father of an orthodox priest in virginia was walking in the street. and one of those claiming that as he just shot to him and nobody told him anything and the police, he didn't have any other name, but to take his further immediately to the grave. latoya thinking about those
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innocent people. we need international protection. and we heard from a talk to a base journalist about the reason the bloodshed, he said that despite promises from damascus to end, the violence of the attacks continue targeting entire families and even villages. his voice has been altered for his own protection, and there was other classes between uh, also boilers for each 2 years with ministration, because of disclosures, boilers pointed with ministration. teams and massive numbers from exhibit number on other cities with the state. and you shouldn't hundreds if like the dodgers or his families with golf cooper, can you please start going into the privilege of furnished by the new child swells of the 2 men, women and children. so the $1000.00 is told their own money and or they do steve cars,
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that would be for the doctor to do was rosseters happened in the suburbs of the city called but who knows? also they have to do their job for too many of them. they also bring to the, in the other words or the other subjects the have to do some, some is do we can start to look at your and to choose goals where everyone was to, to come out of that house is opened, the shops, a few shops so it been a, this new brand or do some of the function doors. you'll sort of move for you or the 4th time the posters or the situation is too much finish. no one is able to put that in there is promises from the station to put an end to go to what's happening or to pull out the fighters or destroy lose. we're going to motion, sharpen and they've been doing massacres through snowboards. your move in by murals in the to the how the storming bus or button or the a,
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the villages the city on the goals is just stuck. we're living in the mid sentries . but in the $21.00 sentence, the additional human rights also, the cost has been resolved to to $6440.00 was old, one for $40.00. the situation was too much for under additional international help desk support forums and produce genocide or behavioral costs that these criminals are doing to report his massacre has turned the locals into refugees. as the situation of worsens by the de groups of syrians continue heading to neighboring lab and on as we seek refuge, they say they're being targeted because of their academic identity. we would displaced we left and crossed the river, taking out children with us not being able to sleep under the shannon. the situation is very bad. it is no longer possible to live in syria anymore. but there were no schools, so they shut down the clinics. they came and took away all the medicine and dump is
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leaving us with nothing. we have nothing left to tool even though until the last moment we continued fighting in syria in order to survive and provide for our children. so we left and came here. okay, may i be? they are killing christians and al white's based on their identity. we want protection and help we want to international protection as we christians are being slaughtered. if i show my face and they see it, they will slaughter my family. every one fled low. i am a senior, claire's a member from the syrian a minus 3, gave us insight about who is behind the atrocities. she also took a moment to deliver a message to the international community center t d k. this fine there. i bought the and i because muslims knew the ones to katie. the one who is entire has been for them every monday. it is then then is any by a so they would kill the entity. it's and then the lady said section,
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so the visa need you mission section. the 1st one is the then side, and side and to heat. and this is the 1st section we saw them, and they told us that they are coming from sort of slow sitting because they're my production team, the they so they, they thought that they would from the same function. so they thought them the we are coming from the sl 30 and they are entering into and that was we think that it is for study. then we have the took is done by the t and then we have the h t s. give me additional cuts and most of those functions not the we did a tire. so you kinda said you've got the heavy confusion issue there was that at
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that time and they always did fix. so they come and they will come by the government forces that are undertaking the government forces on the very key side from the ministry of interior. it's leg policemen with the others. they look like they they, they say that they are from the army. then you see an army by new celia anatomy. today, he's made from a kind of a little meditation. both of those functions. you have also the functions that are from the city city, an army that they are like, you know, resting the, the, they do not put into any outside or people outside power. but they want a free to sit here with out and east. let me cool. they are so nice,
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but they don't want to hear and then the discipline, i mean, is, will that and the smile. and i, because these government, we st sees the president of the syrians, is i, knowing, under the pretext of competing insurgency, he's annoying to groups. good to come in front of it. let's not to either send civilians the email sent to me, but then they say that would of course big cover. they say it did with home bags. they would, it's not to, we have seen them and the, it's the university this, the money of everybody who is not inside these mental vision.
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it's a mystery since the beginning of the events in syria. so we have seen that what they call it political discrimination. that uh, no ventures of human rights or international. it's on the interest in the what they call the intern fan international intervention, or the of the so called friends of celia has led us to where we are. the i have been seeing it coming and the it is now here it is a nightmare, which is, is he in a crime against humanity? is ingleside? i mean, your opinion has finally broken its silence on the blood shed in syria. it's late in the blame, not on the new off stories, but on quote bro, aside groups, it failed to take notes of the newest reports that insist to the forces were recently seized, power are conducting mass specifications. the european union strongly condemns the
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recent attacks, reportedly by pro assault elements on interim government forces in the coastal areas of syria and all violence against civilians. we spoke with a couple of journalists about the grim develop and it's coming out of syria, martin j, and robert and call us, contended that the use statement has reaffirmed to woodside. it's on i think could be you is not very good at doing may a cobra. it very, very rarely ever met smith made a mistake. it doesn't really have a foreign policy in the same way as a member states do or america, does it have some form published on paper or something seriously like of which people find you about something quite concrete, but this statement is really worried, isn't it? no, we've had weeks now. all of us was on the land and others like misses had us the color, the, the new foreign policy cheese into but you know, a massive amounts of restructuring age are available now to new soon regime. but we
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need to see better governance. now this has happened. i mean, this is just an extensive, this is that there's no, there's no, no, and we're looking at this ethnic cleansing unit. does the, you know, just close his eyes and pretend that this is all just just a scuffle between 2 ethnic groups. have been each other's throats for long. the situation is quite worrying because you know, those terrorists who are now in power in damascus of the same terrace that donald trump and his 1st mountain office in his 1st home. in january, 2017, was fighting his american forces the fighting, those in iraq, those same hate to us fights is under eligibility, or what are we lexical themself these days? i know supposedly i can hardly keep a straight face. i mean, the situation is very good, so i shouldn't be flippant, but they all supposedly west and that lies the west, all of their double standards. that's what this is. the european union has been and been engaging with the new syrian government. it's has been ultimately sending its
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delegations over there for a while at home tracking down on pro palestine protests and supposedly under the guise of fighting extremism at home. and it really shows what side of this conflict they are on. these are some. busy massacres, and there are no justifications for these civilian massacres. they are killing not just, i don't he who is very in the presence post this assault, this deputy assault. of course, they're killing christians, other minority groups, but they're also coming sundays as well. so many muslims who stand up against those to the fact that the european union would offer a combination of i suppose, the coastal guard group, which emerged in the 1st day of this affair. and then sort of disappeared or many of them prosper, killed and kidnapped. doesn't justify because a dozen or so security forces were killed, coming in and convincing acts with indigent, a genocidal insight, intense. and it's very clear that that is the intent. and here's
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a short background about the origins of serious new authorities, bases bower in january, by over throwing the long time president bush or our side who was forced to flee the country. a transitional government was forms with reputed members of the terrace groups such as alamos, for a front end hyatt talk to you all sham. has those militants to control the us? we moved it's $10000000.00 bounty on the man who wouldn't become serious new leader or to senior correspondent, or i guess be it has the story. or what we have seen ever since h t has, has come to power. is because it gives you the as expected, they wanted to settle schools and may have spent the months since they've come to about parts accusing ottawa, the sick the president outside hailed for supported him off that he left. they viewed his exit from syria named fleeing syria as betrayal and minorities in syria, which, you know, there are multitude of approved to be the enemy of
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h t s h t s over the stream is sunni, is list. uh, pretty goldman, uh he is in the, in the central valley is the, uh, sorry, the west and parts of syria. maybe the apollo and the kids who a very hard lot. he's off with like anyone who isn't a sunni muslim is anatomy that they've tried to put on a good face, you know, civilized face, which seats the leader of age. he has paid for a more traditional job the government's to do to business. since this is a man who has said thousands of his own sizes. 2 to the depth of suicide bombers, this is a little bit as ation that is secondarily to isis in the number of suicide bombings that they've stage. and they have gone now off to the by largest depressions and so far, uh, kept more or less quad uh, the, the, the rugs you know, the repression type of the full name. it is the what you must understand that syria
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is very sick there in the country. so in the same safety, you might have a neighborhood. this belongs to because belongs to the christians, belongs to the uh, armenians, all those aloe us. and is the reason for that much mixing outside of the city such as, you know, damascus level and the new scenario. us also and this um the h t s e, as in like the former president bush, all a sudden said they would test for me. i know is, is they have the respect for me. i know as the sun is that power and doing fluids. and what we see now is the consequence, the consequences due to put a be full cost and was full cost. and now it is transpiring. and the streets in serial, once again, flooded with blood and to 11 and now the country, it has been left scarred. why
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a previous bombardment from is rarely for us. it's the idea of insists, is it only, it's only target, it has the military sites, but the reality on the ground video is a different story. is our teen steve sweeney. it reports of southern lebanon, just weeks after attentive seas file. it is well, the sky, it is a destruction becomes more power and is each day policies as well as for us, an old site is the south with the targeting of heritage and religious sizes described by the government as a war crime. what you can see behind me or the ruins of the time they have, i most k in southern women and it was destroyed. and it is righty as strike back in october in the 1st few months of the is righty. escalation of his aggression against lebanon. fortunately, nobody was in the most of the time, it was struck with no civilian casualties, but further up the road around a week later, a civilian building was for workers from the civil defense were killed in that striking across the road from the is a graveyard where those graves have been desecrated,
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web very body damage during the is why people involved. but now you have to remember of course, that these are so called precision strikes. so these buildings were targeted deliberately, by these ready forces and could constitute a war cry. it isn't just most of being destroyed, churches are, will say being targeted by as well in the higher and he's ready to strike destroyed the 150 or ok. so if the local castle, the community paintings of st. shop out in jesus. so i'm on the was a christmas tree lies among the ruins. that would know celebrations as a church was telling me to buy his ready missile. a candle is listed in memory of those killed hair. this is the catholic church of saint george in the guy this was targeted in is ready as striking october at least 8 people were killed behind me. as i took shelter in this building, at least 5 of those are believed to be civil defense work, cuz these ready defense full is also targeted. the house of a priest. these are
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a cause, a game we have to reiterate, well known as targeted strikes by these ready defense tools. they claim to be targeting militiamen by again, of course, this is a religious building. it's been targeted 3 times inside of the wind, 1978 in 1992. again during the is way the bombardment of southern lebanon. i'm once a game is being targeted and it was completely destroyed in the latest of those attacks the room assessing when they shopped a global prominence off the footage. so it could, i should have as well. that's an i thing and destroy. go with the entire village, the my marie most lives in ruins. oh so he was a 1st grade to witness the off them off following the c side. entering despise, he's ready to run strides and gun fine. i'm most destroyed in binge about another. we know it's a really new cub. i sell in a graveyard desecrated in ty, but as we drive across the south, so seemingly never ending number of religious buildings reduced to rubble. well,
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this is what remains of the mind is a most k in the village of either in southern lebanon, very close to these variety boulder. it was very much on the front line of israel from baldwin of lebanon. a number of strikes across if it is killed, a large number of civilians that just behind the you can see what is known as the monitors graveyard is here. that the has but resistance fighters all baby, but it too was hit in and is ready as strike with those fighters being denied dignity even in death. this man who was always insisted that it was about defeating, has the law about the security, police targeting of religious and cultural buildings, graveyards and burial sites. further questions as in cyber c. as such, claims the psych was carefully targeted and the deliberate disruption of church is the most cuz may be considered war crimes. yes, as we have seen over and over again during was in lebanon and gaza. israel continues to actually take the impunity and never seems to face the consequences of
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his actions. this is easily for all see in southern lebanon and or to south africa, the national government has an assistant that donald trump's among best, the claims about a supposed crack down on whites land doors are completely baseless and counter productive. the us president recently suspended 8 to south africa as he accused it of enacting a land. expropriation asked to seize property from whites farmers. pretoria has asserted that to the law is intended to be used only when alternately beneficial for the public. for example, to build infrastructure. other countries including the us, have a similar legislation. south africa says it will seek to maintain good relations with washington based on mutual respect as cross live to social commentator and international relations expert to donald one williams. so welcome to the program and what do you think about drums claims about south africa,
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africa, supposedly cracking down on white land or is, is there a need tools to those allegations? there is no truth trip and this is a maybe, unfortunately, the president of the united states may be a victim or from an advocacy group in south africa, will hopes or wishes that they could claim to have the some victimized group. i'm. it's a, it's a cultural match. so unfortunately, with our feet cartons, and they were part of the angle global back. but the british, the victims of the very 1st concentration camps by little kitchen, out of the, of the british. and ever since been a part of the approach culturally, politically, and that's how they, they managed to build a m and a peptide state. and a state was on the basis that they are chosen people and they have been victimize, send that to the uh, the people all from the bible in and in,
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in times uh before jesus. and this is what they have um, they have for taped themselves off, and this what sees what they trying to portray as well. now again, that them, that they are essentially a victimize, the land is going to be taken from them, which is not true. at any rate, the one is correct. so and the south african government cannot be apologetic about it, although it has sounded at times that it is they is a necessity to undo the wrongs of the past. that was land in particular was taken away from people in south africa with no compensation. none whatsoever, in this case space a little which would allow like any other lo and any other country would allow for redress. but in a way that he systematic and the way that is not on fit, that in a way that is just. and it's only way that's in the public interest massively, that you could take it without compensation. all because many things have been done against the person living of the lamb now and what is also correct is true is that i saw that because of the problem with crime,
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crime effects black and white people equally unfortunately. so everyone has a picture of crime. farmers, anybody would has and some type of useless disease on the thread. so we have, we have a crime problem we have, it's meant to deputy and i've got, but these trying to has to do a lot more. part of the reason for the crime problem is because of the lack of economic growth, a higher unemployment and the difficulties many people are going to be in the country. and that is true for both of and, and little area of spam areas. so therefore you would have, people will have a little bit more and more and to create to print ok to risk of being victims of crime. and so therefore, in the rural areas, definitely be landowners. and that is unfortunate, but you need to go up together. the ultimate solution, i think is the ultimate solution, is that our economy must get better. we cannot have a level of unemployment at the to have, and then you will have a solution. donald trump has shown that he loves a spectacle. so i think i'll, i'll, i'll government is totally correct to indicate that, you know,
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all invested it can do with it. you'll have discussions. but having somebody tried to go and meet with the president of the united states who just office may use that to create a spectacle. you know, for the media will not be helpful. we have always spoken with the united states government in a rational manner as far that we can focus people and not with government. so i think this will be one of those times a game, but overall and it must 5th, as an emphasizes overall. we need to deal with are we could not make issues in our country. we would hope that i'll talk this in bricks like russia, china, india, results, and many other countries. but a particular logic coming, these would increase, they trade would, south africa would be able to trade, but it went to that because all you could, i mean growth is better. and then we are not dependent on fits like the sort of donald trump would make towards a country that he may not agree with all the time, like south africa. but how the thing crew will this dispute between trump and the south african government to affect the relations between the 2 countries to look
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relaxed into a multi faceted a one level it, it sounds great each has already effected as we know that the american, the foreign minister which is a secretary of state, refused to attend the g trinity ministerial meeting. trump is also indicated that he will not attend the g 20 summit in south africa, and is the bus summit in africa. and that is quite interesting. and so therefore it is okay, do you particularly is going to make these relationships train that's without to talk about the relationship. it does not send to just on donald trump. the removal of aid is be exaggerated. it is doesn't help. but it's maybe the housework, cuz over and above the african government, housework has that amazing effect that gets money from us. a i d, i do the same time us a i. d, as you know. and as far as you'll view as know and, and various people around the world, no, usa, i d,
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's funding causes more home in countries have been good. so that may not be a bad thing. it's just that we have some of that. but for the health workers, we hope the private sector and the government would come me to assist those housework because we're being funded by us a i. d, that's mainly and it's not that many for that matter. it's only about $1500.00 records and they need to be helped out immediately. but the relationship between governments will be strained. it will depend what happens in international forms. it'll depend on those persons with inputs, different governments, a bit investigative, and different programs. how they can relate to each other and discussions will take place in the multinational forms. i do not think it would require at this stage. i agree with the south african government. it will not require a special discussion because i think that would become more of that spectacle that i referred to earlier. but i'm relationships between south africans and americans and not just between whites of africans and, and to me.
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