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tv   News  RT  March 9, 2025 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the hundreds of people are reported killed and syria. one is described as last executions conducted by the due authorities that a warning that these reports contain disturbing images. a russian troops gave refuge to local residents leading from the fallen, but the military base trying to facilitate dialogue between local syrians and government representatives. at least one puzzling is killed and 6 pod as a wounded. she has to be trained uses view as myself to strike a crowd at marketing and blushes pops on regions. this is the catholic church of saint george in the guy. this was targeted in it is ready as striking october. at least 8 people were killed behind me as i took shelter in this building,
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at least 5 of those are believed to be civil defense work cuz i've had such trail over them. death and destruction from the idea of bombardment. those 5 and 11 on churches are left in ruins. as is ready, officials insist only it has a lot of military sites where target the robot continuing not coverage of the latest trends shaping the world right now. this is our international i a michael fortune. and let's head to syria where disturbing reports are coming out of the war to one mid least and country. they say that the new authorities who seized power by officer in the got but a few months ago, up conducting mass executions on this video. and others are on verify. that's a now the pop up to show a brutal prag down on really just by not read season. supporters of the previous
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day western powers of logs lead to the blind eye to the valance as the back of the head. back to the tumbling of hosted president by several a side of the new authorities. i even set to be mocking the victim's reports are coming in. that's all the whites and christians have fled to a russian ad based for protection. and i most one you that the following images are believed to show the aftermath of violence against children. now, this on verified photos emerged on social media. they are set to be of young kids and babies killed by many. she has in support of the new authorities in damascus. early on my colleague ro, research a spoke with a senior clergy member from the c u. n monastery, about the ongoing valens in the country. it was the place where it says use the cap and the king and she was crying very, very much. so i said look,
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it's happening. they said ok with being slow to means the happen before the end of the they say you have for me the entire infirmities that has been busy mated. 1600 months. it seemed in the everybody, everybody and b, c. d, dean smith. i was talking with the collections, they need to t t teams and the trying to make it, it could be quickly, i am going back to days and i always provide was audiences and regions of us between the 2 headings and the you know, the, the, to be i mean, unless they need a lot of things and we have seen more than 50 courses into it already have being already would have, you know, the insects embeds, ready to be,
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but it's the way they came. for example, they reading the send them many insights, you are big, so you don't, you don't deserve to not to leave the, the reading the day. we take them walk on that for the 4 feet to the seats and the legs on the floor. and the dogs and also to the bottom like go and then they will convince they we keep them, 1st of all they will be do you have the views? they will be then they can beat them with the 3 phones. and finally, the be so this other to be really slow, does it mean they was dig in knives or is, was going to be pumped the head or they, we talked to them yesterday on over the, the way the, you know, uh between the,
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the product that we had on to very good the government's forces and they were asking to the people i've seen, you know, in the cards that you send me an away mother superior of the people in these cars who are being stopped. what happens to them if they say i'm a christian or i'm l y o d and the immediate police, a lot of them i've slipped the a, we have to deal with the, you know, typically thing on the web we, i immediately seem inches of this e mail to the customer. jesus was here. i. i thoughts that we live now. we are now much less than 10 people. people are being killed every day. yesterday in the morning, the father of an orthodox priest in virginia was walking in the street. and one of those claiming that is he just shot him and nobody told him anything. and the
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police, he didn't have any other mean but to take his father immediately to the grave. latoya thinking about those innocent people, we need international protection. now we've heard from a lot talk to a b, john list about the recent bloodshed. and he said the despite promises from damascus to end the violence, the attacks continue targeting entire families and villages. his voice has been altered for his protection and there was other classes between uh, also boilers and each tier see with ministration, because of disclosures, boilers pointed with ministration. teams and massive numbers from the other cities . buffet and you shouldn't the hundreds if a detailed use there's from least without competition. you please just started doing it to the just furnished by the new child swells due to old men,
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women and children. so the powerlessness paid her money into the state because that would be for the dr. plant there to do was rosseters happened in the suburbs of the fall semester 2 called bunny. all's also the have to do the, to many of them. they also bring to the, you know, we're on the words of the other subjects. we have to do some, some is do some, we can start to look at your under shooting goals where everyone was to or to come out of their houses like from the shops. a few shops are open and this the open or do some of the function doors. you'll sort of move for you or the 4th time. the posters or the situation is too much finish. no one is able to put in. there is promises from welding with ministration, to put an end to what's happening or to pull out the fighters or do more lose. but the motion sharpening they've been doing massacres through snowboards. you're move
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in by murals in the to the how the starting and bo show, but normally it's a, the villages the shooting them. the goals is just stuck. we're living in the mid sentries, but in between one sentence, the additional human rights also because it has been resolved to $6440.00, was old, one for $40.00. the situation was still looking for additional international home support forums and produce genocide and behavioral costs that these criminals are boy. and now the reporter bostic got has tons, locals into refugees. as the situation was ends by the day, that groups of syrians continue heading to neighboring lab and on that they seek refuge. they say that they are being targeted because of the ethnic identity. connecting the we would displaced we left and crossed the river, taking our children with us, not being able to sleep under the shining. i know the situation is very bad. it is
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no longer possible to live in syria anymore. there are no schools, so they shut down the clinics. they came and took away all the medicine and don't piss, leaving us with nothing. we have nothing left to tool even though until the last moment we continued fighting in syria in order to survive and provide for our children. so we left and came here. they are killing christians and l. whites based on their identity. we want protection and help. we want to international protection as we christians are being slaughtered. if i show my face and they see it, they will slaughter my family. everyone fled probably a little while a russian troops in syria have reportedly given refuge to local residents. clean from the valve and images speculating. online show children with plates of food and cups of tea set to be the maid named abbeys. on the b, 2 radian coast report say that the russians are trying to facilitate dialogue between local syrians and government representatives of the bays. moscow's defense
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ministry has not officially commented on this now the eu has finally broken its silence on the blood sheds in syria. i laid the blame, not on the new authorities, but on quote pro a side groups. i failed to take note of the numerous reports that insist that the force is who recently seized power, conducting mazda executions in europe and union strongly condemns the recent attacks, reportedly by pro a side elements on interim government forces in the coastal areas of syria and all violence against civilians. otherwise the media a spinning their old narrative in the lock step form of shifting the blame from the government forces to so called communal crashes. the are presenting their victory. i do repeat the terrorists to the president. all shot off a key all july the as a peacemaker, citing him as supposedly calling for an end to the killing,
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which is down played as some kind of quote, expected challenges that were heard from john. liz muller colored that she expressed serious doubts about the west, the narrative, and i understood what causes such a president for celia's as to destiny. this is what you get your sense when you do action. the me, the see it is are being killed by these groups since 2020, more than the sort of after the game has cute. but they all the wars and the was the media focuses on site now on the so called the i can, you can a tax and i don't know way i know the word assignments about this. and when it opens at small like the e u, that has been shopping up against the philistine and blog, it's saying that these are the people as to the flight to the west. in my mind, it doesn't, it doesn't point out that way. in my mind, i see that this is
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a getting to that has been acting out that it's uh, you know, a piece for the tube and the piece to make it just to get it to forward. and then it's got into forward and it's got to know we need its own lead. that as if it is it that for oh, cd is what? the 9th and no, it's the beginning. it's a, it's the, you know, uh, taking off the mask. it's that he'd say, so once i says what, the list of the ones that are with all these groups, phonetic assembly groups are and this is happening in the box. so these are the names. and these are not, you know, anything that is a human of a senior class you member from the syrian monastery, gave us insights about who was behind the atrocities. as she said, she also took a moment to deliver a message to the international community. a, c, d k is fine there, i bought the can muslims move the ones
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to katie. the one who is entire has been for them every monday. it is then then is any by a so they will give everybody each and then the lady said section, so the visa i need to mission section. the 1st one is the then side and side and to heat. and this is the 1st section we saw them, and they told us that they are coming from sort of slow setting. because then my production team, the, they said they, they thought that they would from the same section. so they thought them the we are coming from the sl 30 and they are entering into and that was we think that it is for the study. they know we have the took is done by t and then we have the
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h t s. give me additional cut to the most of the those functions bought. so we did a tire. so you kinda and you've got to have the confusion. you see there was that at that time and the i was dead, the flex. so they come and they would come by the government forces that are on the medicaid. the government forces on the very key side from the ministry of interior. it's like policemen with the others. they look like they. ready they, they say that they are from the army, then you see an army. when he was doing an army today, he's made from a kind of a little meditation. both of those functions you have on some of the functions that are from the city city, an army fit. they are like, you know, listing the, the,
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they do not put into any outside or people outside power, but they want if we sit here, we found in the east. let me cool. they are so nice, but they don't want seeing you on the, the east and i mean there's a little head and smile. and i, because these government, we st sees the president of the sea against ease and knowing under the pretext of compacting insurgency. he's annoying, said the groups. good. come invited. let's not done either send civilians. hold on the e mail sent to me. then they say they would of course big cover. they say it did with home bags. they would, it's not to. we have seen them. and the each do you need versus this,
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the money of everybody who is not inside these mental vision. it's a mystery since the beginning of the events in syria. so we have seen what they call it political discrimination. the move and use of the human rights or international. it's on the interest and the what they call the intern for an international and intervention or the of the so called friends of celia has lived as to where we are. the i have been seeing the coming and the it is now here it is a nightmare. the keys is the in the crime against humanity. the single site here is a short background about they are regions of serious new authorities. they seized power in december mind over throwing the long time president bush over the side who
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was forced to flee the country. a transitional government was formed with repeated members of terrorist groups such as news uh, funds, and hi, i tarry alshaun as those militants to control the u. s. removed, it's $10000000.00 bounty on demand, who would become silly as new leader? and natalie and my colleague hugo piece going off, spoke with the model. i was aid for my lebanese parliament member and presidential advisor. and he says that all of this was predictable as radical, islamist came to bomb, as we, as lebanese as never. so to syria, we are well anticipating such events taking place because the kind of the what this going to be an experienced in syria, this tv of congress following the december 2024 over the title of president bush shut off of it has led to this bloodshed if i may say,
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because the origin of this the highest, the heavier or some of the other groups who are actually citing by them uh, is very much fun. dement that is on there is no chance whatsoever. and this very unique from december. and the last to, to change the course before, even the triple back, the web, the web running for the set and use the same thing with other groups. so who, when i guess them, so what's going on now? i believe it is the beginning. i'm afraid to say this, but a judge imp on what's happening, drops him on. what's on, what's happened the previous days, 1000 casualties didn't go civilians. this is something very, very, very soon. the insignificant continue on. i'm afraid that it has of, there isn't one thing you except mean anything the others will out of the who consider them as a bonus to this. and you wouldn't seen this really lead to the disintegration of
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syria. and if this happens, you know, it would be very much target picked up on it to see the set on the guns. and the problem is, what is the, is also a part of this. i don't think unfortunately, syria's new leader i'll so right a all july and the it has been cited by the western media saying the violence is just a pretty big the ball challenge and he has supposedly cold for peace to be restored . what are your thoughts on that? the western side gave you something out of guns, it was the they took sides also with the how much of our government and the end to allow me. because uh, in the, initially, initially the west. it history here was the main sponsor of scandal groups and it's very well known and even, you know, as some american, uh, and it shows, uh, they announced this several times ago and they even said how much money they had been invested in such scandal groups. you know, the top of the bus shut as a, but um, down build a good a. this is
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a double defendant from one side there. what i guess but shut out outside in north or in on the city is that he was the doing when he was running the company on what's happening now. even much what's um, what was happening, including myself at the bottom in the but when it gets here. yeah. so this is something which is uh, really uh, i can consider a hipaa proceed. because at the end of the day, syria is made of my noted people estimate my notices syria for the syrians. they have put this together in one united states, the country and probably think that system of the system where the most them. but those are the islam will be the only game that governs this concert and close the whole. now at least one passing has been killed. and 6 more wounded after ukraine used us made high my specials to striking marketing, rushes across our region. and that's according to the local authorities that are to
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use morag guys be of has the board on this, the reports we gather the 2 high mas massages u e. these are expensive. nissan is about a $160000.00 each provided by the united states that we use to strike a mock. if you get a southern region now, you must bear in mind that you've got a sudden this is larger, they're a gray area of agricultural region. people prefer markets to supermarket sticks that open, that they like the wonder around how it goes. so imagine june, nice solves coming in as people with shopping tray, this civilians costs them as many of them with the children and impacting the market. i suspect seeds of k all the people trying to get away afraid of perhaps the 2nd strike as they gather to help those injured. who's those killed
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in the strike? this is again, just gone days off to the united states, seized intelligence sharing with you credit. and so that's access to satellites access, to intercept and whatever else. but it does go to show what civilians, if you have a southern region. and so i thought it was your region in the don't boss go through every day i me saw or drew. he's almost expected in civilian areas. people are always on the lookouts and you crave undoubtedly knew what it was doing, what it was striking here in the near we had previously see repeatedly strikes, target shopping said the strikes targeting market. civilian areas even see is so in that sense little has changed. nevertheless, that's still very, we're yeah, very little reaction from a broad, from ukraine's allies and sponsors. that's
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thousands of people took to the streets of paris on international with nice day for political demonstrations and protests. the march is organized by several opposing groups, paused, how can the french capital the
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moving from paris to romanian. now people have been rallying the in support of the former presidential front runner kelly and jessica. he's a father of his candidate, the for a rerun the following. the unknown lint will be election results last year. now, while the countries constitutional port has rejected the 1st appeals filed against these candidates, the central electro bureaus said is yet to make its decision regarding the anton day to use skeptic candidate. and if successful, the 1st round of the presidential, reuben is shuttled for the flock of may. here is what some of those other riley had to say. if it's a legal to apply the laws about the ccr, they supposed to exactly the rules why they were going to be the night to his the candidates had to be a person has to be a feel they said,
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we want to have the right to vote the plans only one and 2 months these, these papers you spoke and the there to be more than 60 percent. i wanna make sure everyone, everybody said, you'll need to just like you would like to the because to honda, do you want me to i want to do for my future so so i don't think i'm to lebanon now. the country has been let's card to buy previous bombardment from these really forces or the id i've been assessed the has all the pocket it has below military sides of the reality on the ground reveals a different story. as ortiz, the sweeney report in southern lebanon, just weeks after attentive seas file, it is well the sky. it is a destruction becomes more power into the state policies,
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as well as for us an old sway to the south with the targeting of heritage and religious size. decry by the government as a war crime, what you can see for jaime, or the ruins of the time they have a most k, and so the 11 and it was destroyed, didn't it is right. he asked right back in october in the 1st few months of the is ready escalation of his aggression against lebanon. fortunately, nobody was in the most of the time, it was struck with those civilian casualties, but further up the road around a week later, a civilian building was shot for workers from the civil defense were killed in that striking across the roof. and there is a graveyard where those graves, i've been desecrated with very body damage during the is why the bumble but now you have to remember of course, that these are so called precision strikes. so these buildings were targeted deliberately, by these ready forces and could constitute a walk, right? it isn't just most of being destroyed. churches are also being targeted by as well,
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and dead hire and is ready to strike, destroy the 150 or ok. so if the local catholic community paintings of the same job that and jesus so i'm on the was a christmas tree lies among the ruins. that would know celebrations as a church was telling me to bind his writing missile a candle is listed in memory of those killed hair. this is the catholic church of saint george in the guy. this was targeted in and is ready as striking october. at least 8 people were killed behind me as they took shelter in this building. at least 5 of those are believed to be civil defense work. cuz these ready defense fulls also targeted the house of a priest. these are a cause, a game we have to reiterate, well known as targeted strikes by these ready defense tools. they claim to be targeting militiamen by again, of course, this is a religious building. it's been targeted 3 times inside of the wind, 1978 in 1992. again during the is way the bombardment of southern lebanon. i'm once
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a game is being targeted and was completely destroyed in the latest of those attacks the room assessing when they shopped a global prominence off the footage, the collection of his road detonating and destroy go with the entire village. the my marie most lives in ruins. archie was the 1st crew to witness the optim off following the si, fi entering, despise. he's ready to run strides and gun fine. i'm most destroyed in binge about another. we know it's a really new club. i sell in a graveyard desecrated in ty, but as we drive across the south, so seemingly never ending number of religious buildings reduced to rubble. well, this is what remains of the mind is a most k in the village of either in southern lebanon, very close to these variety boulder. it was very much on the front line of as well as pump albany of lebanon. a number of strikes across if it is killed, a large number of civilians that just behind the you can see what is known as the
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monitors graveyard is here. that the has the resistance fighters all baby, but it to was hit in and is ready as strike with those fighters being denied dignity even in death is a man who has always insisted that it's was about defeating, has the law about the security police targeting of religious and cultural buildings, graveyards and burial sites, further questions as integrity as such claims. the psych was cafferty targeted and the deliberate destruction of church is the most cuz may be considered war crimes get as we have seen over and over again during was in lebanon and gaza. israel continues to actually tell you, competing to see a never seems to face the consequences of his actions. this is these really for auntie in southern lebanon, of the are to the companies what you can get for the details of all the stories will following this. our thanks for watching. i'll see you again, the
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priest group, then please feel free to just don't feel good. so what those are right and what about the order to live to learn? but just as i mentioned that enough for me with the navy university in the way i still have an order from nova is clear to tell us where to click on and i share the news. i list any slowest room that is on key out of my breast mistress to rescue through a phone number or.


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