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tv   News  RT  March 9, 2025 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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the the former romanian election in front runner, calling to jessica, who's bought from the presidential every year on following the government of december votes, which he was leading. reacting to the news, he says that the country has become a tyranny. protest as christ with the police as good as school support to stick to the streets of bucharest, say a guy who is deployed as romanian. express outrage of the decision for his support to say that democracy. he's no longer respected in that country product. we have come to live in a country where democracy is no longer respected and human rights are no longer upheld there. but i think what i want, all of them will be
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a new and that's your they want to house. the hundreds of people are reported killed in syria, had warranties describe the most executions carried out by the countries. new authorities, a warning that these reports contain disturbing images. the so you're watching r t to national, reaching you from a new center with moscow. i a michael fletcher. now we start this out with a breaking news from romania where the country is electro, a bureau, it has bod, kelly, and judge at school from taking part to the new presidential poll that he won the 1st round in december. although the result was controversially and old, made claims of russian in defense of the former front runner reacted to the new saying that his country is now under a tyranny. is a direct blow to the heart of democracy worldwide. i have
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one message left. if democracy in romania falls, the entire democratic world will fall. this is just the beginning. it's that simple . europe is now a dictatorship. romania is under tyranny. allows you to that phone call, enjoy jessica. the man who is being followed by the central electro. the will from the running in the we one of the last is a no presidential election. this is karen a, this is a dictatorship. and that is something that is supposed to is to you all to clearly hundreds came here to wait for that decision. a decision that they thought would be a simple yes. and then it would be for the constitutional pool to make a final decision on his candidacy, so that we run to the election. but no sure. who as that decision came through from the central elect to the ro he, in the rest, with the 40 men, the judge is on not be road. 10 of them reject think his kind of the sea and to me
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being full for it. just give me a sense now of the feeling here. you might be able to hear the crowd behind me for hours now they've been chanting. we do but see penny all confused about the decision that has come are this sunday evening from the central elect to be ro, the mountains. i fully see if they rejected the case the 1st time it was said that no conditions have to be fulfilled, that we each vote according to our conscience. and then, despite the votes of the opposition, the 10 members, the ruling parties, together with the judges voted for the known registration of a candidate to perfectly fulfilled to the conditions of legality. well, there's been plenty of reaction on social media including for the remaining and b, p who yourself was bored from not to know the election last year saying that romania is now in a state of emergency. we've also heard from the long must go. but on, in the us sort of we, it's reaching not the vision and saying own is sweet. this is crazy. and that is
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the feeling of many of the protestors that i've spoken to were here who were expecting to be able to see it for the candidates. and instead of being who a many saying that the country has stolen the votes away from them. i just want to sorta, we have come to live in a country where democracy is no longer respected and human rights are no longer upheld. and we must fight for that. if it cannot be full legally, we will fight by any means these not democracy be to nothing will be in you. again, we did not want to start and would all be in union was going to be be these to be the fair, but i need to be the to what it will be in union ease. i want all of them will be in union and i'm sure they want out to is just shocking because it's an infringement on our democracy. and it's also unbelievable because this is an attack on the remaining people will actually also get georgia screw had 23 percent of the
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vote when those elections were known as last year. there were no because that was this accusation of russian interference. and that was late to find was to be on the phone to get despite that, despite the fact now this evidence from russia's for an intelligent service does not decision to cancel those elections came. c directly from brussels, the concern and brussels of the candidate lives calling to jessica good. when the president see he and romania on could add to those or national listing voices within the european union. something brussels is very concerned about. but this is not the end of the road for calling georgia school. he cannot appeal this decision . and then the central electro bureau has to make a final decision. all not appeal within 48 hours she could get through. we had been receiving reports of crashes between protest as and secuity forces in bucharest. what more can you tell us about that?
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well, that's why $102.00 supporters of being here for hours protesting peacefully. you can hear the las vegas sometimes behind me, but all of the time, it's more of a pain. it's a delightful process. and that change within seconds to that decision coming out from the protesters themselves. but they say, hey, the visual and telling me remove the message byron. so they put all around the central like $20.00 and stalking spray individuals with type of spray. and that then chose some seams of chaos of old. so in hearing from one of the protesters here that they are expecting to have reinforcements all the shown dawn re, uh, come in, but many people hit directly by that type of spray. and the eyes breathing in and of course and ceiling. those affective burning un, unable to be able to see, but for the protest decide they may be allowed, they may be wrong, wrong punctures,
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but they certainly seem to have been peaceful thing very elements. and it seems from that point of view that, that violence has come only from the police by the romanian election bureau sat its decision and took into account the constitutional court ruling to an all the 2024 vote. that's up to the judge of school. if not the tearing to electro rules. now senior research to follow the global policy institute, george samuel, i need the lease of the banning of the gas group from the election. and because of the forward to use new, he would with i think it was all visit. this is the way that the author, it is. we're going to go even way back in december when they essentially, and all the presidential election when the voting had already started. immediately off to the announcement of the oh sorry it is announced that they were in the beginning of the investigation into georgia school was alleged money laundering. i
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presented any evidence that there wasn't anything to investigate. but once they announced that they were thinking of opening a criminal investigation, then you knew that this was going, this was preliminary to prevent him from taking part in the, in, in the so really renew the election. this is the, the candidate who was going to win in december. there was no question that he was leading comfortable in the polls. he was going to win that election, so they cooked up this nonsense up russia in the field. so take talk. no one could even come up with any plausible explanation of how somebody can win an election because there's something that's going on an insect talk. and then of course, as we do is we learned later that campaign on tick tock was actually stop by the, the liberal political body in order to hurt the consolidate body. so that nothing
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whatever to do with the rush trip. so all this say, this is a, a violation of basic democratic knows every, you know, you can't get anything more outrages than preventing somebody from running for office. small leader of the friend richard's body took to the social media to express anger of the news, claiming that the move was made on the pressure from the e u. that is a, that's a centered med shed by research. i have be. so it'd be on the institute of european studies, stefan guy, a to believe that brussels has become on democratic i expect, uh, what's left on the line and my clone would already in effect now leaders of european union to, to a support. so now the decision of the court to, to support suppression of democracy. do you remember how you're repeating union branded itself all the time? that it is a project of peace?
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or they have always been funds that only in order to hide the fact that you, if you're in union was own ways and democratic institutions to, uh, the, the, practically a point to the plane to the able to use the you. and this is something that was happening for decades now. bought the the fact that it lost its main ally in washington made the people who are leaving the european union now extremely nervous. and the, you know, they're behaving in a panic mode. so the nature, the undemocratic nature of your be in union, it is now a vivid for everybody to see. that is why there, i can call them on it. and stooges in romania are implementing this, by preventing just from, from becoming a candidate. i think that you know facts. joseph's school will be the president of
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romania because this can not last forever. away from romania disturbing reports coming out the war time syria which came to new authorities to over to the government a few months ago, carrying out mass executions. this video and all those are on verified by the claim to show a brutal crack down already just minorities and support. as of the tough old government west, the impalas have largely turned a blind eye to the valid and is actually had backs the auditing of president boss. i left side reports coming in dollars. whites and christians have left fled to a russian abbeys for protection. but i must of warn you the following images of the need to show the after months of filings against children. now these on verified photos emerged on social media. they are set to be often young children and babies killed by milly. she has in support of the new authorities of damascus. and yeah,
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my colleague research i spoke with a single clergy member from the syrian monastery about the ongoing a valid, it was a, in a place where this is use the word captain. and the good came and she was crying very, very much. so i said, what is happening? they said her own could have been smart. that means be headed before the another. they say you have so many of these anti infirmities that have been busy made to take me father, mother, she's in the everybody. everybody can be a c, d, c. smith. i was talking with the collections. they need the t 30 teams to the trying to make it. it needs to be quickly. i am going back to days and i always provide was audiences and regions of us between this booth and
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the you know, the, the, to be, i mean, unless they need a lot of things. and we have seen more than 50 courses into it already have been already would have, you know, the insects in bags ready to be, but it's the way they can. for example, the day reading the, send them many insights you are big. so you don't, you don't deserve to not to leave the, the reading, the david's think them who walk on that for the, for see the seats and the next on foot and the dogs. and also to buy them like dogs. and then they would keep them, they would keep them 1st or for they will be do you have the deal is they will be
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then they will be done with the 3 phones. and finally they be so dense. what does the really slow, does it mean they was dig in life? or is we're going to be about that or they, we spoke to them yesterday on over the, the way the, you know, uh between the, the product we had a couple and everybody got the government forces. and they were asking the, the people in pressing, you know, in the car, and he was send me one underway mother superior of the people in these cars who are being stopped. what happens to them if they say, i'm a christian or i'm an ally. why? oh the immediate police, a lot of them i've slipped the a we have to deal with the you know, stipulating underwent we, i immediately seem inches of this e mail to the customer. jesus was here. i i thoughts that we live now. we are now
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much less than 10 people. people are being killed every day. yesterday in the morning, the father of an orthodox priest in virginia was walking in the street. and one of those claiming that is he just shot him and nobody told him anything. and the police, he didn't have any other means. but to take these further, immediately to the grave. latoya thinking about those innocent people. we need international protection with, from a lot talk to a base journalist about the reset blood shed, and he said that the spied promises from damascus to end the valens. the attacks continue positing, entire assemblies and villages. his voice has been disguised for his old protection . there was other classes between uh, also boilers for each to us with ministration, because of disclosures, boilers,
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pointed with ministration. teams and mass of numbers from the other cities. buffet and you shouldn't the hundreds if like the dodgers or is from the support golf cooper, can you please start doing to the job of furnished by the new child swells due to men, women and children. so the power citizens pay 0 money to the state, cause that would be for the doctor to do was rosseters happened in the suburbs of the fall semester to call. but who knows? also they have to do the to many of them. they also bring to the, in the other words or the other subjects they have to do some, some is there is no way you can start to look at your under shoes goals, where everyone was to, to come out of their houses like from the shops, a few shops are open and this new open a do some of the butcher doors. you'll sort of move for you or the 4th time. the
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posters of the situation still must finish. no one is able to put that in. there is promises from the window station to put an end to go to what's happening or to pull out the fighters or the royalties. but the motion sharpening they've been doing massacres through snowboards. you're move in by murals in the to the how the starting and bo show button what are you a do for the jews? the city on the goals is just stuck. we're living in the mid sentries, but in between one sentence, the additional human rights also because husband was alternate to 60 for $40.00, was old one for $40.00. the situation was too much or under additional international, held their support programs introduce genocide and behavioral cause that these criminals are the way is not the reported mass. that guy has tons load holes into
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refugees as the situation west ends by the day, by groups of syrians continue leading on heading to a neighboring 11 on as they seek refuge. they say that the being positive because of the ethnic identity connecting the we would displaced we left and crossed the river, taking our children with us, not being able to sleep under the shining. i know the situation is very bad. it is no longer possible to live in syria anymore. there are no schools, so they shut down the clinics. they came and took away all the medicine and dump is leaving us with nothing. we have nothing left to tool even though until the last moment we continued fighting in syria in order to survive and provide for our children. so we left and came here. it was uh, the they are killing christians and al white's based on their identity. we want protection and help we want to international protection as we christians are being slaughtered. if i show my face and they see it, they will slaughter my family. everyone in flood. now i met the ongoing slaughter
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of civilians in syria, of crowds of people have taken to the streets of the capital, damascus, flashing with supporters of the new authorities in the country. the gone fire could be heard in damascus. i bid the scenes of protects the that's as demonstrate as the decline the attacks on the minority, la white community kaiden's face to face with counter demonstrators for test as we're seeing, raising band, as with slogans that read against this victory n. as in syria is for everyone and no to fall right into venture among other rights ups that we've heard from local calling for unity. there is no such thing as taking revenge or reclaiming rights by force. there is no such thing as selective and vengeful justice. we must turn to the law. we want to state a civilized state,
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a prosper state, a state of equal citizenship for all syrians, a state we can be proud of, not one we are ashamed to be part of a whole new. i am here to say that we don't be here for the same go to say that we must stop this bloodshed. we must stop this killing. we must all stand together as one people, even if just once up to 14 years of destruction and displacement. we are united to now to months. the russian troops in syria have reports of being given refuge to local residents, leading from the violent images speculating online shows. children with plates of food and cups of tea set to be at the maybe the ad bays on the mediterranean coast report say that the russians are trying to facilitate dialogue between local syrians and government representatives. a base moscow's defense ministry has not to officially commented on this. the eu has finally broken its silence on the bloodshed in syria. it laid the blame knots on the new authorities. but on quote
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pro, i saw the groups it fails to take note of the numerous reports that insist the forces who recently seize power, conducting mass executions in europe and union strongly condemns the recent attacks, reportedly by pro a side elements on interim government forces in the coastal areas of syria and all violence against civilians of the west, the media shifting the blame from the government forces to so called communal clashes. but they are presenting the repeated territories to the president to all sharra a k. i'll gilani as a peacemaker. fighting him as supposedly calling for an end to the kennings. douglas malott's colored has made your doubts about the west, the narrative. how does the calls and says it doesn't? and for see it is, is tiffany, this is what you get your sense when you do an action the, the seat is, are being killed by these groups. since 2020 was then the sort of after the
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game has cute. but they or the word and the was the media focuses on side now on the so called the i can, you can fax and i don't know way i know the word assignment about this. and when it opens at small like the you that has been shopping up against the 1st union blog, it's saying that these are the pro us to the fighters. really well, in my mind, it doesn't, it doesn't point out that way. in my mind, i see that this is a getting to that has been acting out that it's uh, you know, a piece for the tube and the piece to make it just to get it to forward. and then it's got into forward and it's got to know we need its own lead. that as if it is it that for oh, cd is a b, c. what that night. and no, it's the beginning. it's a, it's the, you know, uh, taking off the must. it's that he'd say, so what i says,
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what the list of, what dice, what all these groups did phonetic stomach groups are, and this is happening in the bunk. so these are not those names. and these are not, you know, anything that is a human is not here is a short background. how about the origins of siri as new authorities? now they seized power in december by over 3. and the long time president bush are on the side who was forced to flee the country. a transitional government was formed with repeated members of terrorist groups, such as news uh, fund, and hide tarry alshaun, as those militants to control the us remove dates, one the $10000000.00 bounty on demand, who would become serious and you need the area of my colleague or piece going up, spoke with dr. ahmad boys aid, a former lebanese punishment, a problem and member, i'm presidential advisor and he says that all of this was predictable as radical. islamists came to by, as we, as lebanese says, neighbor. so to syria,
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we're well anticipating such events taking place because the southern, the, what the 7th, it'd be an experienced and see the uh, the tv of congress. following the december 2024 over the total of president bus shut off of it. it has led to this bloodshed, def, i may say because the origin of this, the highest, the heavier or some of the other groups who are actually citing by them. uh, is very much funded mentors. and there is no chance whatsoever. and this very unique from this one, but i'm to love to change the thoughts before even the triple bunk beds are better word running for the 2nd year. they have stopped the same thing with other groups. so who, when i guess them? so what's going on now? i believe it is the beginning. i'm afraid to say this, but a junkie on what's happening. drugs one love or what's happened the previous days.
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1000 casualties didn't go civilians. this is something very, very, very soon. the insignificant continue on. i'm afraid that the house of these into one thing you did submit a thing, the others will out of the who posted of them as a bonus for this. and you haven't seen this really lead to the disintegration of syria. and if this happens, you know, it would be very much the to see the companies and the is what is the is also a part of the set on things. unfortunately, syria's new leader i'll so right a all july and the it has been cited by the western media saying the violence is just a pretty big the ball challenge. he has supposedly cold for peace to be restored. what are your thoughts on that? the western side, eagles something out of countries the they took sides also with the how much that our government and the interest on the because uh, in the, initially, initially the west it history here was the main sponsor of such candle groups. and
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it's very well known and even, you know, as some american, uh, in any professionals. uh, they announced this several times a goal. and they even said how much money they had been invested in, such scandal groups, you know, the top of the bus shut as a. but um, down to a good a. this is a double defendant from one side they were against, but shut out outside. in north or in on the is that he was the doing when he was running the company on what's happening now even much more some what was happening to the setup at the bottom in the but when it gets here. yeah. so this is something which is uh, really uh, i can't go to the hipaa proceed because at the end of the day, syria is made of mine, all the people that make my notices syria for the syrians. they have put this together in one year and i could pick the country on probably think this system of
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the system where the most them. but those are the slum. would it be the only game that governs this concert and close the whole. now at least one passing has been killed and 7 more wounded after a market in the across some region was hitting the ukrainian missile attack. and that's according to a local authorities there. with more details here, his art is more, i guess the from reports we gather the 2 high mas massages u e. these are expensive. nissan is about a $160000.00 each provided by the united states. that we use to strike a mock. if you get a southern region now, you must bear in mind that instead of southern this is larger than agrarian agricultural region. people prefer markets to supermarket 6 that open, that they like the wonder around how goats. so imagine june me solves coming in as people with shopping tray. this civilians costs them as many of them with the
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children and impacting the market. i suspect seeds of k all the people trying to get away afraid of perhaps the 2nd strike as they gather to, to help those injured. who's those killed in the strike? this is again, just gone days off to the united states, seized intelligence sharing with you credit and so that's access to satellites access to intercepts and whatever else. but it does go to show what civilians if you have a southern region. and so i thought it was your region in the don't boss go through every day i me saw or drew. he's almost expects it in civilian areas. people are always on the lookouts and you crave undoubtedly knew what it was doing . what it was striking here in the near we had previously sheets repeatedly strikes,
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targeting, shopping said the strikes targeting market. civilian areas even see is so in that sense little has changed. nevertheless, that's still very, we're yeah, very little reaction from a broad, from ukraine's allies and sponsors. it's quite odd to the companies where you can get for the details of the story is we're following thanks for watching by now the the, the,
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