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tv   News  RT  March 10, 2025 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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welcome to cross the full doors here. we discussed some real in the whole point. the blank page emerging from syria as mess executions are taking place in the nation. and then you is the most raging in damascus is in the road they live, targeting religious minorities. the government's forces and they were asking the people in pressing you know, in the cards that he was send me away from me, these anti infirmities. it has been this to make the 1st time testimony as we speak with those who detailed the atrocities as check points, a set up, and then ethics, defends income. pay on western leaders are finally reacting to the mass killing in
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syria. but instead they take a look at the victims spitting a narrative. the interim government is under attack. the crowd is a stretching smola. in fact, we have seen people coming here as a decision on social media networks coming here. now to show that they support told him to investigate and protest erupt, single, the streets of both arrests stopped the form of romanian election. frontrunner calling to adjust you is borrowed from his presidential the all right, so it was, i guess, done the correspondence study by we are looking at a busy live our for most go here one on the incident. so i hope story and straight to syria. we go as a new regime and damascus continues a rueful craft down on religious minorities across the country and verify footage of mass executions streaming across social media. me to warn you pretty quickly
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here are not a disturbing images that coming your way the to the other, you know, to do that. so pay for me, but not for my to switch those on my most. today, not technician to everyone to the organizations humanoids placed on these channels . if i show my face and they see it, they will slaughter my family's people without any humanity have common killed kits . incense, women, ma'am, and the elderly human beings with syrians. if you want to kill us or do it, but it's not like this. anyone, anyone who can hear me just please save us. you need to do to do something quickly . you're running out of time with a new syrian liter. awesome. i'll shut off
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a k a l july in a year. remember, he's the man who recently had a 10000000 dollar bounty on his head, wiped clean after he gained support in the west for over throwing bush auto side. but she is now spinning a narrative, cooling the victims, the perpetrators. and then other than that, we will not tolerate the remnants of a son who have committed crimes against our army forces and state institutions attacked hospitals, killed innocent civilians and spread chaos in safe areas. these individuals have only one option to surrender themselves to the law. immediately today, as we stand at this critical moment, we find ourselves facing a new danger represented by the attempts of the remnants of the former regime with foreign parties behind them to create new strife and drag our country to a civil war with the goal of dividing it and destroying its unity and stability. that's a bring up. i'm not for you here on the program to show you that most of the violence is happening in the north western part of the country. i left the key appropriate
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is also a ton of tools. now those areas, by the way, that's where the otherwise and the christians represent the majority of the population as the desktop, it is difficult to quantify some reports of putting the numbers in the thousands. and we thought there's now an extra dose of refugees heading to a neighboring level and to try and find some form of safety. so just for a moment here on the program, let's give you a little background on the origins of syria's new authour who use control. remember was back in december, the h t s. management group launched an old out to a finally leading to the overthrow of damascus. and of course, the bus driver side administration, a so called transitional government was formed as a gang of middles in groups with a history of terra ties to cobra. and of course, with that, the next chapter came a western makeover and audio. we were speaking with a senior trogie member from a syrian a monastery about this ongoing blood shed. it was the place where
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it says use the cab and the good came and she was crying very much. so i said look, it's happening. they said her okay, with being slow to means the happened before the end of the they say you have for me, these entire infirmities that have been busy method means funding months. it seemed in the everybody, everybody can be as seen. smith, i was talking with the collections, they need to the t to, to the teams and who the trying to make it. it could be quickly, i am going to send, i need to provide was audiences and resource between this booth and uh, the uh, you know, the, the, to be, i mean, unless they need a lot of things and we have seen more than 50 corpses into it already have being
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already would have to know the insects in bags ready to be, but it's the way they can. for example, the day when the send them many insights, you are big. so you don't, you don't deserve to not to leave the, the reading. the david's think them who walk on that for the for see the seats and the legs on foot and the dogs and also to buy them like dogs. and then they would keep them. they would keep them 1st or for they will beat them . you have to be dealers, they will beat them, they can beat them with the 3 phones. and finally, the food that the others, the we just looked at it mean they was dig a knife for is we're going to be pumped the head or they,
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we spoke to them on over the the way the, you know, uh between the, the product that we had to bump everybody got the government forces and they were asking the, the people in pressing, you know, in the car and he was send me one underway mother superior of the people in these cars who are being stopped. what happens to them if they say, i'm a christian or i'm an hour away, or the immediate police, a lot of them i've looked the a, we have 50, or the you know, suited collating. underwent we, i immediately seem is your solution, but because it is a solution i, i thought that we would now we are now much less than 10 people. people are being killed every day yesterday in the morning. the father of an orthodox priest in button. yes. was walking in the street and one of those came in those he just shot
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to him. and nobody told him anything. and the police, he didn't have any other mean. but to take these further, immediately to the grave, the toys thinking about those innocent people, we need international protection for crowds hit the streets and her boss goes to protest these executions that demonstrated squared off for security forces. protesters decried the violence and we heard from locals who were calling for the nation to unite the there is no such thing as taking revenge or reclaiming rights by force. there is no such thing as selective and vengeful justice. we must turn to the law. we want to state a civilized state, a prosperous state, a state of equal citizenship for all syrians, a state we can be proud of, not one. we are ashamed to be part of a whole new. i am here to say that we don't be here for the same go to say that we must stop this blood shed. we must stop this killing. we must all stand together as
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one people, even if just once up to 14 years of destruction and displacement. we are united to now to months, as well, eventually very silent on the blood shed in syria. the e u has a french show. they come out with a statement, but playing the blame not telling you what hard he is, but on quote pro, a side groups also known as the victims. by definition. now, the western media is on board with a whole blame game narrative, apparently in lock step with the very same script, simply calling it quote, communal clashes. they've also got awesome, i'll shut out as the peace maker and all of this. well, that's good over knowledge warranty. is very young saskia taylor who takes a moment to cut through the mainstream knots. it turns out you couldn't change your name, put on a suit to be quoted by cnn, but still be the same guy. you why? when washington had a $10000000.00 bounty on your head, why not going to be how that by this you have committed
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a grave sin that cannot be forgiven? and the response has come to you for which you have no patience. so hasten to turn in your weapons and yourselves before it's too late to syrians. the world has seen your longing for your country. well, as i've shut up a k. altima on a k be reformed to hodges to found it. i'll call you dis bronson, syria talks about eliminating the enemy within. you might well ask, where is brussels, where there are officials who met outside damascus with smiles. where all those nations, which of rolling out to themselves as the gate keepers of morality, the defenders of human rights. the offices between good and evil of toilet, was hora at the ball by receipt of assets. we're seeing that drove them to speak out and puts you a maximum pressure policy. i am confident that assad's days are numbered. this time for side to get out of the way. tasha has to go present and cited syria has no
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legitimacy anymore. if you look at what he has done these country to his people, frozen assets, travel bonds, arms and ball goes a show cold on the syrian economy which that 3rd, but 90 percent of the population living below the poverty line. they told us the sanctions were full sauce side to change his course. will they tell us shut off the same. we are shocked by the numerous victims in the western regions of syria. we call on all sides to seek peaceful solutions, national unity, inclusive political dialogue and transitional justice. to overcome the spiral of violence and hatred. i shared the view of my german counterpart regarding the call on all parties to exercise restraint and respect the right of all components of the syrian people to live in safety and peace, and to participate in the peaceful transition in syria. yes, rivers of plaza running, but please let's be restraint. hill, just a few notes,
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a few 100 and the ever a beat into main stream media has full and in line. how many stories can you find showing the graphic imagery of entire villages of executed civilians? i found on choose ations and mistreatment of minorities. i found classes and i found the execution in quotation marks a lot, but that was no clue logs. when i side was blamed for using chemical weapons well documented now as a full flag. the photo is what everyone accountability was demanded, but not now. now intel, i think groups can be hunted. i know you'll get is an inch for com. that's despite brussels promising just 2 weeks ago that it's all shut out, raise the single hand against an innocent civilian the sanctions. they've just lifted. well, that'll come straight back on syria. there is hope to build
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a inclusive country and we are closely working together with the region actors to achieve this. and this is why we also agreed to suspend energy banking gotten transferred sanctions. today the listing is immediate and open ended, but can be reversed if serious, new rulers, back track that can make mess. but nothing compares to london removing sanctions on damascus. the very same day stories from the top just started a matching. it turns out that depravity has a look and it's not just the slow trips, in essence, it's rewarding. the people committing the slaughter in real time and why? why? because politics and pounds come before people every single time in the right legal framework with the right safe guards in place. the sanctions could be amended for
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international companies to go back in. syria is well not pull home to 8 and a half trillion the cubic feet of natural gas and a few $100000.00 barrels of oil daily. just wait, say to be tapped by willing players is not a coincidence that the sanctions lifted by the e u. u. k on switzerland, a fact the energy sector over as a topic for visiting delegations. it's not just about business, so i should as rise was a blow to put to a power need when they just conte deliver in ukraine. shut as rise has given israel symbol, breathing land in the golden heights. i'm festival i shut off. the rise means the walls over, so the refugees are over ad. so those who ready made the journey have pause the decision at elements of the international protect and process for anyone seeking international protection from syria to my notes. from my point of view,
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we will have to wait a few more days to see where syria is heading. now, what is the status of the protection of minorities? what about the protection of people? and then of course, there could be repatriation is which is important to 1st establish facts to put asylum and family reunion procedures on hold on who we need to wait until the dust settles. so we can see what is happening. a win win. those hundreds of thousands of migraines who have become a political flash boynton trigger, so always make changes upon them as throughout the continent. well, they can return home now. safe and sound are shut off. in fact, some have already started making the pilgrimage from neighboring to keir because yes, these reports are concerning. but keep it on the suit to you promised syria deserves a governing system that is institutional, not one where a single ruler makes arbitrary decisions. you'll kind of shape my end of the many.
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syrians are happy and will be happy to see the end of the said regime, but they're also worried about what h t s rule would mean, including minorities based off. no one has the right to erase another group. the sects have co existed in this region for hundreds of years, and no one has the right to eliminate them. there must be a legal framework that protects and ensures the rights of all people are exhausted . for more so the country isn't ready for another one, and it's not going to get into another one. the source of all fears was from the uranium militias has the law and the regime which committed domestic here is we're seeing today. so the removal is the solution for syria. the current situation won't allow for attendance upon it. what's on folding and syria proves one thing. the one pad about the serial people outrage was manufactured in the name of geo politics.
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and now in that, in the very same name, it will be suppressed back here in moscow where ruptures, federal security services revealing to people connected to britain's embassy in moscow had been engaged in intelligence work at a parent. and i'll be in order to pack up and leave russia within 2 weeks across one that goes down, of course, outside the ministry of foreign affairs, and try to speak with one of the excuse me. so when's the stuff with the violations? ones wasn't going to stop to are you going to come in? can you provide it for me please? uh, it's not, it's not the 1st time. it's not the 1st. are you ready that the ties between russia and london could be 7 say what i speak to the correspondent himself. all these even have done without joining us here live just outside the ministry of foreign affairs are in the heart of most of the eager searching for onset is not getting
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much love. what do we know? well indeed, we do know that to stuff us of the u. k embassy here in most go have been someone to be rushing for an affairs building. essentially, the russian foreign ministry has some of them over the fact the 2 of the colleagues who were officially on a diplomatic mission here in russia they will call doing here's something very different in front. 2 of the colleagues have been accused and found guilty of violating the russian law or providing they basically provided full information uh upon the entry into russia, which is against the russian low end. at the same time the russian security services have accused them of all. so essentially being engaged, engaging in espionage. so they have now 2 weeks they've been given 2 weeks to leave the country. it's not the 1st time that the u. k. stop as the stuff is over you. k embassy found. well, i basically revealed as something else rather than diplomats last year. uh several
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uh, several people have been also shown to do over the fact that the russian security services have revealed that they have gone beyond their amount and they, they have gone beyond their diplomatic mission. and that they have been engaging in the various activities from a meeting with opposition. john list a meeting with members of the opposition in general, a whole honing the anti government work. and this is something that russia and the russian authorities don't. the, the, they don't take it lightly on the, essentially this is not something they say, this is not something. this is not why they invited them to the country. this is not why they, i hear this is not why they have been allowed to work at the embassy again. it is not the 1st time on the judging by the fact that these violations continue. it seems, there is no intention in london to stop exploiting that diplomatic commission in moscow full was
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a rather broad goals and for broad purposes. right. ego, thank you to remain here. we go here in the program, but the most popular politician in the nation has somehow been bod, from seeking the presidency calling georgia sco slammed a decision, saying the nation is now in a tyrannical state of dictatorship. and with that support, is it districts the way decisions that come
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out of we have come to live in a country where democracy is no longer respected and human rights are no longer upheld. and we must fight for that. if it come before legally we will fight by any means is just shocking because it's an infringement on our democracy. and it's also unbelievable because this is an attack on the romanian people when they were here peacefully. and this young dawn marie came out with a spray while they were families and children around we were there, wait. after behind the beats, the appraisal, and the people. and john carmody came this week before and they get the calls. and there are people who are their parents,
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who is the leader to run on their shoulders. and, and this is just, this is not democracy. this shock decision has already gained international attention. crazy is how evil mosque described it. to jessica who's lawyer was also left baffled by the decision. the marcus apple, they said they rejected the case. the 1st time it was said that no condition to be fulfilled, that we each vote according to our conscience. and then, despite the votes of the opposition, the 10 members, the ruling parties, together with the judges voted for the known registration of a candidate who perfectly fulfilled all the conditions of legality remaining. and politicians express their concerns about this ruling. a ruling, the russian for an intelligence services says comes directly from brussels menu of you asked me what is happening now. you romania, we are feeling ongoing. include the task. mr. judges. cool. put he's
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a can you to see the center. beautiful. collect are beautiful. and the by 10. busy person's full force life for 10 members to for it was rejected without any reason or the papers were in good order. they just said they voted for their conscience. we leave you know, dictatorship. please help us. please be on our side to restore democracy in romania. the, it's part the central elect to be will outlined some of the reasons why it had denied to jessica the chance to participate in this selection. the constitutional quotes implicitly and generally obligingly ruled on the non fulfillment of the legal requirements for the registration of the candidacy submitted by a candidate killenger. jessica, it is in admissible that's upon resuming the electoral process. the same person
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would be regarded as meeting the conditions to access the position of president of romania. the central electoral bureau rejects the registration of georgia skews candidacy for the presidential elections in 2025. but for many, this is called swell up the venice commission, which provides lead to advice to you, a pin council. and the for you states says the limited reasons as to why someone can be prevented from standing in the election while mental incapacity and the criminal conviction on mentioned. nothing is said about someone making statements, apparently that a m t democratic m t constitutional. this is. busy the desk of free speech. busy key or abuse. what is that i am not allowed to talk with you because your from rational, what you've been easy was from not north korea or if i have a brother who is married there, there are no reasons for,
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for uh, uh, for the cri decides me that time and to democratic a democratic use to talk was a new one. democratic is to hold for peace, they don't care about that. but they say that these uh then it's commission is makes only and not mandatory issues. so you can pay or not they are very fright them. they have to do these abuse because they know that if the re, jimmy's jane, jean, they were all go to prison. most part. this was a peaceful protest. we do need smooth skirmishes, but not who came out unscathed. well, the crowd is getting smaller. in fact, we have seen people coming here as a,
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her dot decision on social media networks coming here now to show that they support calling georgia. and he is in mind that language a, if you're ready, be the president silverlane, you can kind of appeal that decision and then the final decision will be made. so for many people who they already feel very election was stolen from them when it was a nose by the constitutional in december to do this fever pull things all the info, correct? well, many times the you pounds to blow $800.00 plus 1000000000 euros into reopening the block and supporting ukraine to the last ukranian. where is the cash going to come from? well, from the tax payers of calls and get this in front. officials are now hung really looking to pillage the private savings of its own citizens. an additional seal is
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a question regarding the budget for you. if it's that will be necessary to strengthen our national defense, will it be necessary to dig into the savings of the french people? is this a boss that the government is pursuing to find resources? i also spoke to the, the, i don't know what it means to tap into the savings of the french people, but mobilizing the savings of the french to actually invest in defense is indeed an interesting point to put on the table. there is also talk about european savings that could be mobilized. in any case, it's a subject for reflection. it's a serious subject anymore. do the felony o time to back pedal because the french government spoke to us and like a claim post stipend was misunderstood. suggesting individual savings could be put to work as a quote, investment in defense. while emanuel not going, however, is doubling down in favor of mobilizing funding from the private sector, echoing the voices of those in russell as well. we put the matter to locals and powers to see how they feel about it, because you know, they're not even allowed to vote on this
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a process. i think the government should review its overall budget management in relation to current priorities and have some medium and long term visions of what could happen. because right now they are too short sighted. so suppose to prove, i think there are many people who live in poverty and they need help instead of buying weapons. it's a personal decision so that each person has to make that decision for themselves, as opposed to, i think that fronts must make efforts. but i regret the disastrous management in recent years that has brought us to today's situation. this policy to i think that there has been very poor management of public funding in recent years as opposed to unfortunately, even if we say that we are in the state based on rights, there are increasingly more restrictions to we are less and less free in this country it remains a country of freedom, but i find that freedom is lost a little every day. we are losing it a little. i think that when we impose special taxes on rich people, we also make some leaves. and i think we have much more to lose than today. well,
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i mean time british media reporting the french economy is going on the back comes as britain in his own economy is contracting along with the huge form of powerhouse germany way to go with those western sanctions. right. like from oscar, it's opposite the
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the body. well, to back to the most co, mules on shay bows, and i've joined yet again by oregon. this and we've given all the busy week this week, you know, look, there's only one game in town again this week. and of course, at her zalinski, the knock of your is front and center, the big dawn. still taking them away in the background. we don't know which way he's going to go. this is a unique thing about the great new american president, you know, let's have a look. i want specific moments which we think here on the most.


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