tv News RT March 10, 2025 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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in or the loophole point, the blank page emerging from syria at the mast executions take place in broad daylight across the nation. the new image regime at the vascos is targeting religious seminars, the government sources. and they were asking the people the testing here, not in the cards that he was send me. but anyway, in time for me these doing this, he made the 1st time testimony as we speak with those d, telling the atrocities check point to set up in an ethnic cleansing campaign. and finally, western leaders are reacting to the mass killing in syria. but they're taking aim
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at the victims spinning a narrative. the interim government has the underwriter isn't checking smola. in fact, we have seen people coming in as a, her son decision, the coming in and protest interrupting on the street to book a rest of the former wrote may do you know, election front runner college or just who is far from his presidential bid. the live out loud from most go with the top stories, updating by the moment. let's get this show on the road here. one out. so straight to syria for our top story, this, our at the new regime in damascus continues a rueful crack down on religious minorities across the country. and verify footage of mass executions is streaming across social media. i should warn you, there are disturbing images coming your way the
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the, to the other you know, to do that for me, but not for my to cisco is on my most to the united nation to everyone to the organizations, human rights placed. i'm case genocide. if i show my face and they see it, they will slaughter my family, people without any humanity and you haven't come until the kids instance women, ma'am, and the elderly human being the syrians. if you want to kill us or do it, but not like this. anyone, anyone who can hear me, you just please save us. you need to do something you're running out of time. it's a we just as you can stand, it was biggest of fighters. they've been doing the biggest number of the it is the
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for and fighters, for the new, for certain ministration. they're the ones who are doing this, this violation because they're killing everyone. dynette still just as the now the, there's a board steam out there. the villages in bun, yes. a nic near talk to steve being killing le killed the some of these and they killed them. they've been clean. some with cushions have been killed and some, but the majority of them are all the way they are not making a difference because they're not from see of you disliked. and so the majority of the big number of the crimes are happening is, was the divisions does have the forum fighters and the shootings with the support and fighters. they are the one who are doing this a violation the majority of this violation. so boy just didn't do some violations and to do some mistake, some problems. what happened here in tuning, but the majority of the number of the violation of going into the very just in
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keeping everyone's men, women and children and student houses. those are the for them fighters and the scenes with them in the each, the administration, the situation them to mind march the late march 9, the massacres are still going on. and so real and some of the villages that bundle the de la and others, or the darkening men, women and children, are stealing the shops, the houses, the mobile phones, and then they are burning the houses and the shops down. where do we do smells that goes all the who are loyal to the new administration. so the parts of the law are uh, you need the parts of them or sessions we use those. you concern was that just um, uh, firefighters and some are ceilings. i did use some violations of people i, you know, and friends of mine, i lost the roof of,
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of my friends. the village was went out to complete the uh, also i have uh, an older friend. he lost his um, and uh, the temp. it'd be the folder up really bad and the, and the killed the, his son in front of his eyes. and we'll talk, you just look at the pool. so i've been cut off from water and electricity for more than 72 hours. now. the, the electric department and the water department say that the electricity, parkman has been damaged because of the clashes between the sub list and the each ts forces. and there is a big problem. there is a big problem and direct to the system and it is going to take a few days to be the beer and there's no water because there's no electricity to go to give the pump to pump. the dr. was water, so the people in the boat are buying the water and it's very high. how you the
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prices on march 9th, you started taking the dead bodies was excavators. then pushing them, i'm putting and throwing them into a hole and hiding them because they got some t, v stations in of tv station who are, who support the know see the ministration. and so they took the bodies away altogether and asked me to read through them in a home and took them out of the for the, in some villages only. but there is some villages develop. these are still in the streets. it's been open for 5 days. now and no one come close to them and they cannot even come close to them and they can't even beauty them. they are not allowed to beauty them. and the new syrian leda awesome. i'll shut out a l july. and he's the man, by the way, you are a man, but he had a $10000000.00 bounty on his head, wiped clean after he gained support in the west of a drawing, but shot aside. well, he is now spinning his own narrative. he's calling the victims on board. many
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people, according ethnic cleansing giovanni's calling the victims, the perpetrators. and then other than that, we will not tolerate the remnants of a son who have committed crimes against our army forces in state institutions attacked hospitals, killed innocent civilians and spread chaos in safe areas. these individuals have only one option to surrender themselves to the last, immediately today. as we stand at this critical moment, we find ourselves facing a new danger represented by the attempts of the remnants of the former regime with foreign parties behind them to create new strengths and drag our country to a civil war with the goal of dividing it and destroying its unity and stability, even more than one thing that are bringing up about 4 years. so we can show you where most of the of all that's happening is essentially the northwest and part of the country. you can see that i've talked to a province, they also talk to us on the coast, and that's why i lied. some christians represent the majority of the population of the desk dollars at this point, difficult to quantify some reports,
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putting the number in the thousands. and with that there is an exodus of refugees heading to a neighboring level known for safety. so just for a moment here on the program, that's uh if you're a little background on the origins of serious new, well, it's hard to use because if you remember it was december h t s the minutes in group launching all out. cool. fine. leading to the overthrow of damascus and the pressure low side administration. so cold transitional government was formed does a gang of minutes in groups with a history of terra ties took over. and we've had the western may cove a big gun. earlier we were speaking with a senior team member from a syrian monastery about the ongoing violence, the hey, was the a place where it says use the cab and the good came and she was crying very much. so i said look, is happening. they said her own could have been smoked, it means be headed before the another. they say you have so many,
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these tie infirmities. this has been this to make the 1600 mazda it seemed in the everybody, everybody can be honest. you seen smith? i was talking with the conditions they need to t to t teams and who is trying to make it look to be quickly. i am going to send, i will provide the result in unsuspended resource between this booth and uh, the uh, you know, the, the, the, i mean, unless they need a lot of things and we have seen more than 50 corpses into it already have being ordered. you would have to know the insects in bags ready to be, but it's the way they can. for example, the day being the send them many insights. you are big so you don't,
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you don't deserve to not to leave the, the reading the day. we think them who walk on that for the, for see the fees and the legs on foot and the dogs and also to buy the leg though. and then they would condense. they would keep them, 1st of all, they will beat them. you have the dealers, they will beat them, they can beat them with the 3 phones. then finally, the beautiful dead mothers, they really slow to mean they lose date. a nice. what is what i'm going to be about, the head for the restart to then on over the, the way the, you know, uh between the, the product that we had on through. but he got the government forces and they were asking the, the people in pressing, you know, in the car,
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and he will send me one underway mother superior of the people in these cars who are being stopped. what happens to them if they say, i'm a christian or i'm an hour away of all the immediate please, a lot of them are slow to a, we have videos the, you know, sort of collecting on the web we, i immediately seem inches of the scene, but at the customer, jesus was here. i. i thought that we would now we are now much less than 10 people . people are being killed every day. yesterday in the morning, the father of an orthodox priest in virginia was walking in the street. and one of those came in those he just shot to him and nobody told him anything. and the police, he didn't have any of the mean. but to take these further, immediately with dave, the toys thinking about doing, you know, send people,
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we need international protection. well, crowds hit the streets of damascus, are protesting of the executions has demonstrated space, dealt with security forces, protest as the cry, the bottom. and we heard from local to a calling for the nation to unite the there is no such thing as taking revenge or reclaiming rights by force. there is no such thing as selective and vengeful justice. we must turn to the law. we want to state a civilized state, a prosperous state, a state of equal citizenship for all syrians, a state we can be proud of, not one we are ashamed to be part of a whole new. i am here to say that we don't be here for the same go to say that we must stop this bloodshed. we must stop this killing. we must all stand together as one people, even if just once up to 14 years of destruction and displacement. we are united to now to month and well initially very quiet on the bloodshed in syria. the e was finally come up with a statement, but at this laying the blame not on the new or it's already he's put on quote pro,
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a side group also knows the victims by definition and the media by the way, totally on board with the whole blame game narrative, apparently in lapkins that with the very same script, best simply calling it communal flashes and they've got awesome. it all shut off as the peace maker and all of this. so hoover now to watch the sounds good taylor who takes somebody with a cut through the main stream nonce. it turns out you couldn't change your name, put on a suit to be quoted by cnn, but still be the same guy you why? when washington had a $10000000.00 bounty on your head, why not going behind that by this you have committed a grieves in that cannot be forgiven, and the response has come to you for which you have no patience. so hasten to turn in your weapons and yourselves before it's too late. syrians, the world has seen your longing for your country. well, as i've shut up a k altima on
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a k be reformed to hodges to found it. i'll call you dis bronson. syria talks about illuminating the enemy within. you might well ask, where is brussel wherever there are. officials who met outside damascus with smiles . where all those nations, which of rolling out to themselves as the gate keepers of morality, the defenders of human rights, the offices between good and evil, i'll throw it was hora at the ball by receipt of assets. we're seeing that drove them to speak out and puts you a maximum pressure policy. i am confident that i saw today's our number is time for side to get out of the way. tasha has to go present in the side of syria has no legitimacy anymore. if you look at what he has done to his country to his people, frozen assets, travel bonds, arms and ball goes a show cold on the syrian economy which that so but 90 percent of the population
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living below the poverty line. they told us the sanctions would fill the south side to change his course. will they tell i've shut off the same. we are shocked by the numerous victims in the western regions of syria. we call on all sides to seek peaceful solutions, national unity, inclusive political dialogue and transitional justice. to overcome the spiral of violence and hatred. i shared the view of my german counterpart regarding the call on all parties to exercise restraint and respect the right of all components of the syrian people to live in safety and peace and to participate in the peaceful transition in syria. yes, rivers of blood are running, but please let's be restraint. killed just a few notes, a few 100 and the ever a beat into main stream media has full and in line. how many stories can you find showing the graphic imagery of entire villages of executed civilians?
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i found 2 patients and mistreatment of minorities. i filed classes and i found the execution in quotation marks a lot. but that was no quoted locks when i side was blamed for using chemical weapons well documented. now as a full slack, the photo is what everyone accountability was demanded, but not now. now, in how i estimate groups can be hunted. i know you'll get is a judge for com. that's despite brussels promising just 2 weeks ago that it's all shut all, raise the single hand against an innocent civilian the sanctions. they've just lifted. well that will come straight back on syria. there is hope to build a inclusive country and we are closely working together with the region actors to achieve this. and this is why we also agreed to suspend energy banking guy and transferred sanctions. today at the listing is immediate and open ended,
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but can be reversed if serious new rulers back tracked their commitments. but nothing compares to london removing sanctions on damascus. the very same day stories from latasha stopped to the magic. it turns out the depravity has a look and it's not just the slow treads. in essence, it's rewarding. the people committing the flow to in real time and why? why? because politics and pounds come before people every single time in the right legal framework with the right safe guards in place. the sanctions could be amended for international companies to go back in. syria is well not pull home to 8 and a half trillion a cubic feet of natural gas and a few $100000.00 barrels of oil daily. just wait, say to be packed by winning players is not
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a coincidence that the sanctions lifted by the e u. u. k, on switzerland, affecting the energy sector. all that is a hot topic for visiting delegations. it's not just about business, so i should as rise was a blow to prove to a power nay, when they just conte vanessa and you pray. i've said as rise has given as are all symbol breathing land in the golden heights. i'm festival shut off. the rise means the was over, so the refugees are over. as for those who ready made the journey, have pause the decision at element of the international protecting process for anyone seeking international protection from syria to minus. from my point of view, we will have to wait a few more days to see where syria is heading. now, what is the status of the protection of minorities? what about the protection of peoples? and then of course there could be repatriation and that is which is important to 1st establish factors to put asylum and family reunion procedures on hold. on hold,
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we need to wait until the dust settles so we can see what is happening. a win win. those hundreds of thousands of migraines who have become a political flash point and triggered, so always make changes in parliament throughout the continent. well, they can return home now, safe and sound of shut off. in fact, some have already started making the pilgrimage from neighboring to key a because yes, these reports are concerning. but keep on the suits of provost. syria deserves a governing system. that is institutional, not one where a single ruler makes arbitrary decisions for your kind of shape. my hand on many syrians are happy and will be happy to see the end of the surgery gene. but they're also worried about what h t s rule would mean, including minorities littlefield. no one has the right to erase another group. the
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sects have co existed in this region for hundreds of years, and no one has the right to eliminate them. there must be a legal framework that protects and ensures the rights of all people are exhausted for more. so the country isn't ready for another one, and it's not going to get into another one. the source of all fears was from the uranium militias has the law and the regime which commit to domestic areas we have seen today. so that removal is the solution for syria. the current situation won't allow for attendance upon it. what's on folding and syria proves one thing. the one pad about the serial people outrage was manufactured in the name of geo politics. and now in that, in the very same name, it will be suppressed. let's talk about this a bit more here. what are the international across live now? the lawyer and freelance journalist they meet 3 less. scott is not joining us here . we're not to international. dimitri, welcome to the program. it's good to have you with us. thank you. always
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a pleasure. roy. we are saying we're witnessing genuinely shocking videos of public executions, torture all of this in broad daylight. and yet there's still no outpouring of support from the international community. in fact, there's not even any sympathy from the international community, the political media establishment, when they talk about this, can you, can you explain how we're witnessing what we're seeing? how is the western reaction? so muted, i've seen many of those or fine videos myself. i've seen in a really a guest, you know, elderly man being shot dead in his back yard. the bodies of women and children, people being beaten men being made to kneel all fours and crow and stimulating pastors. uh and uh, i have to say as a citizen of europe, i'm coming to you today from greece. i am utterly shamed by the response of the
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european union. uh, the statement put out by the people who run for an affairs at the european union. and that would be led by culture of colors, the former prime minister of the stony of uh you know, of the fusion country. but nonetheless, one that is constantly war mongering. on behalf of a western hedge, a monic project, the statement was truly an embarrassment to us. all right. first of all, to describe this terrorist regime that is taking power through the intervention of foreign governments, nato governments. as an interim government is an insult, where intelligence, it is still a caballo terrorist and we're seeing now in real time how these people behave and happen behaving for years. and the statement by the you points the finger at only one party is a perpetrator. violence and these parties are described as pro side elements. so these children who have been shot dead, these elderly men,
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these women whose bodies are line in the streets, were soon to believe they are pros to the side elements and they deserve their fate . this is not a government. these are not prophesied elements. these are innocent civilians is only crime as being a light for christian or moderate sunni's. and this is, this is what the stands for today. yeah. and, you know, i, it looks so bad. i mean, the p r op takes a dmitri looks so terrible that saying this guy, i would july any now i'll shut it off and i'll shut out. he's a reformed man, he's our guy, he's going to bring bring peace to syria and the entire region. and yet here we have the out of why some christians who are being slow hit in broad daylight, but they're being blamed as the perpetrators, as many people are saying, we're witnessing ethnic cleansing being carried out with dimitry out delani. i'll, i'll shut off. he said that he's gonna move the country toward stability now is
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blaming the actual victims with drug in the country into further 5. and so what are the chances that gilani will actually get the range of control here and try and bring peace and stability to syria? i would say worry and i, i very much will been wrong, but i believe your next to 0. first of all of gilani, i refuse to refer to him as well should i think that's a fabrication. i'm not even sure that out yolanda is just a real name. this man had a $10000000.00 bounty on his head. you know, at the behest of the us government until recently, until he was installed in power by natal governments. he has done absolutely nothing to prevent the expansion of israel's conquests of syrian territory. he's turned his forces have turned their guns on his defensive opinions. this man does not control much more than damascus even there. i don't think his rule is firmly in place. uh, you know, still there are wide swats of territory not only occupied by israel,
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but by curtis forces american forces. and as we can see, the people in syria are not going to because there has been pushed back. they are not the one to simply die in silence. they will defend themselves and the country is flooded with weaponry. and so what the troops is releasing, the americans have bought for themselves by installing this regime is endless instability and an extraordinary burden. that's what this is going to become, but no one will suffer more than the searing people themselves. yeah, it's a good call back from you. i to meet you. i'm glad you brought in some of the external original players. i've got a complicated question for you. is just a comment that i found online. somebody was saying in syria, russia and the us along with israel are acting together against the tux, who are protecting the new off doherty's in damascus. and the british, who a supervising total ga. now i don't know how accurate that is,
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but would you comment on that? i think i know who the, the author of the comment is a i've had the occasion to actually interview him. i happen to be in to disagree with wisdom. in this particular point. you know, russia in the past intervene to, to defeat or help to defeat, at least for a period of years. these 2 had us these terrorists and to keep in place the internationally recognized government a bunch of all of a sudden whatever his laws may have been, his government was a secularist government, and i certainly am no supportive aside. but his government was the secular as government, and these various groups, as some of them are now coming out of insane with, with great courage. they co existed together. it relatively peacefully. and so the russians, i think, or not they certainly can't be held responsible for the downfall of the assad regime or the installation of this government. and at the end of the day, uh,
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you know, the russian government has other things on its plate, particularly a war and ukraine that is being fueled and potentially could be escalated even further by european guns countries spent on the war. so the real perpetrators here, as i said, it's very clear who has been supporting funding in our mean these terrorists, many of whom don't even come from syria. and that is turkey is really i'd states and they are the ones who are accountable for them. although we know that taca is expanding some of his territory in this area. we know that building so cool, temporary base is that israel is building at least 6, so called temporary bases and cereal. we also know that the id f and the efforts have been bombings, so it in the so called weapons depots and certain parts of the country. it does seem as some say that jerusalem could be poised a lot. colin's with the alger lani administration. how do you see that playing out between those 2? well, if i lose your money, uh,
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was actually true to the heritage of his name. uh, he says he claims to come from the goal. uh, he would have taken up arms or directed as far as to resist the expansion of is really occupation. uh already he would have done that. that would have been the top a top priority of top priority for his government. instead, what he did was he stated publicly that he wanted to have good relations with the occupier. uh so uh, i've seen no indication that either turkey, which despite all of its heated rhetoric against israel, continues for example, to allow the delivery of oil through turkey to israel and the saddle regime. i see no indication that either turkey url gilani are going to do anything to confront these really occupier. yeah, we've got some really strange bedfellows in that part of the well, today, dimitry law. scott, if there's a lawyer and freelance journalist joining us, your analogy international. so good to get you want to get to your perspective. i'm so grateful for your time. thank you to meet you. thank you,
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right. thank you to a man. you're now here on the program where the most popular politician in the country has been bought from seeking the presidency. cotton, georgia screw, sliding the decisions saying the nation is now in a tyrannical state of dictatorship. and with that support, is it the streets in the way decisions that come when they know
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that we have come to live in a country where democracy is no longer respected and human rights are no longer of health. and we must fight for the drugs even come before legally we will fight by any means is just shocking because it's an infringement on our democracy. and it's also unbelievable because this is an attack on the romanian people. the crowd isn't suggesting smola. in fact, we have the tools coming, the network coming here now to show you the president of the final decision will be made. so for many people who they already feel their election was stolen from them when it was a nose by the constitutional in december. so that you receive a full thing.
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