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tv   Documentary  RT  March 10, 2025 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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on hold its, its, its on hold, we need to wait until the dust settles so we can see what is happening a when with those hundreds of thousands of migraines, who have become a political flash point and trigger, so always make changes in parliament throughout the continent. well, they can return home now. safe and sound are shut off. in fact, some have already started making the pilgrimage from neighboring tequisha because yes, these reports are concerning. but she put on a suit to think she promised syria deserves a governing system. that is institutional, not one where a single ruler makes arbitrary decisions. you'll kind of shape my, you know, many syrians are happy and we'll be happy to see the end of the surgery gene. but they're also worried about what h t s rule would mean, including minorities based off. no one has the right to erase another group. these
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sects have co existed in this region for hundreds of years, and no one has the right to eliminate them. there must be a legal framework that protects and ensures the rights of all people are exhausted for more. so the country isn't ready for another one, and it's not going to get into another one. the source of all fears was from the uranium militias as the law and the regime which committed domestic here is we have seen today. so that removal is the solution for syria. the current situation won't allow for attendance upon idea what's on folding and syria proves one to sing. the one pad about the syrian people outrage was manufactured in the name of geo politics. and now in that, in the very same may, it will be suppressed. and to nasa, authorize the were supposed to be in space for about a week, but ended up being there for 9 months. we'll soon return home. what's
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a little more and sony williams are finally scheduled to return to earth this month . here's the timeline of how they became stranded in space in june of last year. they threw us us or not supported the boring star line or for an 8 day test flight to the international space station. and after they arrived to nasa decided to return the vessel without them due to some safety concerns. and they had been bait is slated to leave. the i assess in february space x down or even mosque. as said he requested to return the office or not. but that was rejected by the biden administration because of political issues. and we offered to bring them back early . this offer was rejected by the, by the administration. why pull it for political reasons that so crazy. and there's no way that they're going to make anyone who's supporting trump look, look good. what do you think they would have done if they'd one uh well they get those people that can not think about it. they can only get them
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back with, with a space like the spacecraft, but they, they push the return, they pass the integration to it. i can only say that mister musk of what he says is absolutely factual. i have no, we have no information on that. the whatsoever, what was offered, what was, what was not offered, who was offered to how that process is when that's the information that we simply don't have. so i, i believe, and i will also receive the comment from a russian cosmonaut to under able to send go. and he said it's extraordinary for a space mission to be extended for so long. the simple at set that particular in such a situation when the astronauts go for a week and stay for over 6 months as it is of course a unit one, i would not say that expanding the mission. duration is a common practice, but it happens quite often uh, as a rule. if you look at the statistics, it happens when the expedition is about half a year long, maybe a little bit longer, but due to some circumstances, it is extended to
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a year. for example, for instance, on my 2nd flight, our expedition was extended by almost a month and a half. and i want to say that we took it quite easily. we even were happy about it because there was an opportunity for us to prolong our space work. you know, it's hard for me to assess the information about you on must being denied a request to return the astronaut, because there are a lot of rumors about space exploration. and there was actually much less reliable information than we would like. so i'm not going to assess whether that was the case or not, but from my own experience and the experience of previous missions, i'm a technology in space usually prevails over politics is 9 months is of course, a long time, especially if the guys were going for a week and if i got stuck there for more than half a year, it is hard, but still professional astronautics differ from non professional ones and that they are ready for any situation. i am sure that from a psychological point of view, it must have been a bit difficult for them, but it is unlikely that it had any effect on their professional activities on board
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the international space station, if the russian side has not made any attempt to bring back the astronaut square, that means only one thing. there has been no request from our us colleagues to do so. of course, this is a complicated process from a technical point of view as well. space craft are produced in pieces and it takes a long time to construct one. for example, if you start the construction of us, i use space craft from scratch. it will take about 2 years to complete. it is a very long technological process. there is no such a possibility to suddenly make some effort within a week to find a backup space craft with send it into orbit and bring the astronauts back with that. so again, it is purely my assumption that there was no corresponding request and discussion of this issue on the part of our colleagues from nasa. easter case particularly. and last cross live to a former chief scientist and vice president of the air was s a s. the john francois
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is in this the ser. welcome to the program and you must said he wanted to return to to us or not. but the biden administration rejected his requests due to political issues. what do you think about this? i think this might be uh, a civil phone. several reasons. the 1st one is that uh, you know, the us. so i used to use uh to have to contact details for providing the same service. and so this was going on the one hand and space 6 on the other one. and the, um, the problem is that uh if uh, the billing because of the st. louis tend to bring back to us for adults and opening the door to reload the mask. would announce the competition between the 2 competitors and why there is no real safety or situated problems. uh for the us for notes. um i think the,
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the don't think in your risk basically an a cup to now. uh so its okay. uh, and as a, as a present uh, to have it done by loans, competition between space, extend and billions of the big problem of the, of the waste is to have the, you know, at the very much in the balanced and button sector us today between space 6, when, when the full cost for lunches this year against the of those who are basically that means they're in the old system, only industry and the system. it's interesting because the old mosque also said that donald trump asked him to bring back to the us, and that's as soon as possible. why could there be such a policy difference between frump and bite, and especially concerning austin as who have been stranded in space for so long? unfortunately, it might be pretty political. i don't know that button might not be as much supportive of the trends and uh, by doing it on most of these parts of the,
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or the twins team. basically, this is my appreciation, you know, according to the outer space training of ratified by the united states as well, all parties consider us for not says the messengers of humanity and to have to provide them with all possible assistance in case of a disaster of a or any significant problems, so if so, could the biden administration has violated that agreement by failing to return jose license for so long as well? i wouldn't say this, as i told you before, i seen that there was no, you know, safety problem in gauged in, in this, you know, that are there is, they can stay and they stayed. maybe we'll see because it guys the 2 addresses, one woman and one man offered the old though the woman is 59 in the 9062. and so everybody knows that the, your, your by the degrades when you know beat for a long time. you need to learn again how to watch when back,
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and you have because if you cation of your bones, so probably so recovery time is going to be painful and longed for, for those guys. but for now what, why is the, uh, uh, i would say in the sky, there is no problem for, for them for now. and the, the problem was also they are coming back through the start. i know going, it was decided even though you think it was pretty wise not to bring that visit. uh, but now uh the, the, the whatever, whoever owns the government of the us. nobody to kidney uh, safety measures. i would say uh to is it too many risks for photos, for those tests and for those ones, you know, they may not be a problem for them now while they're still there. but i think psychologically they were just going for a few days and they basically just got stuck there for
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a couple months. but a russian cosmonaut has speculated that his country did not send a that's on to the space station for rescue mission, which could have been theoretically possible because it did not receive any requests from the united states. what do you think about that? and what difficulty is, could there be in sending a rescue vessel for american astronauts if the united states had not to approve that? uh, uh huh. okay. uh, are you, are you agree with the rushing this one that, that the rush. i was not the cost 22222, rescue. this is this uh, sort of, uh for she was a why is it for these a with us doing it now for the, for the rest. um, you know, as i told you before, it wasn't, would they be lunches or stay 6 during the forecast for 2025. so this is no problem to, to have a special uh launch. did you take it to,
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to bring it in to bring back these guys? uh, you asked me the, the, the end of your question. i forgot, i'm sorry to, can you repeat these? what could happen? uh, if in other countries sends a ship to rescue us for not without washington asking for his help, the se, if someone else then the americans since a a shipped to the uses. the russians, for example, are without any asking from the americans. i don't know the, the, the, the, the agreement which has been signed for the uses and the cx is free for any country participating in these programs. the depends on this, basically uh if you can do whatever you want and just uh, schedule a meeting with the, the, your partner. so there is no problem. no either one. uh no, it's uh, things on the front i, i'm not the way out of the, of the content of the agreement. in fact, kind of sounds like a applied for
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a scientific um space movie, you know, a hollywood movie. but in your opinion, how it really realistic is it to prepare for emergency situations. so like this one that happened to the american austin arts and is there training for these situations? yes, there is for sure. is this situation is the sense that this is a scenario which has been a for seen, studied and even maybe developed on ground. uh, so for me, this is why i told you before then if there is no safety issue in this uh, the can wait the full night, my only worry is for those persons who are pretty old and for these are it's all right, time will be longer and they be more difficult done for the young don't people let's uh wish them easy rehabilitation when they do come back sir. thank you so much for your time and comments. this was john into francois is in that former
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chief scientist and vice president of airbus c. s. thank you so much. thank you so much, but the answer, romania, now the nation is the most popular politician has been barred from seeking the presidency to enjoy. jessica was sent a decision by the total authorities shows that the member state is sliding towards tyre, need, his supporters of hit the streets of book arrest and protest of the
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way. decisions that come when they know the most of those we have come to live in a country where democracy is no longer respected and human rights are no longer upheld. and we must fight for that to the drug problem. if it come up before legally we will fight by any means is just shocking because it's an infringement on our democracy. and it's also unbelievable because this is an attack on the romanian people when they were here peacefully on this young dawn marie came out with pat this for a while. they were families and children around. we were there way after behind the feed, the appraisal, and the people. and we are and
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they get the calls. and there are people who are the parents, who is the little children on their shoulders and democracy. this short decision has already gained international attention. crazy is how evil musk described it. to jessica who's lawyer was also less baffled. finally, the decision female at the top of a seat, they rejected the case. the 1st time it was said that no condition to be fulfilled, that we each vote according to our conscience. and then, despite the votes of the opposition, the 10 members, the ruling policies together with the judges voted for the known registration of a candidate who perfectly fulfilled to the conditions of legality. remaining politicians expressed by concerns about this ruling and ruling the russian foreign intelligence services says comes directly from brussels menu of you asked me what
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is happening now. you romania, we are a few non ongoing included tough boosters. just cool. put, he's a, can you to see the center beautiful collect are beautiful and the by 10. busy person's full force life for 10 members before it was rejected without any reason or the papers were in good order. they just said they voted for their conscience. we leave you know, dictatorship. please help us. please be on our side to restore democracy in romania. it's part the central elect to be will outlined some of the reasons why it had denied to jessica the chance to participate in this selection. of the constitutional quotes implicitly and generally, obligingly ruled on the non fulfillment of the legal requirements for the registration of the candidacy. submitted by candidate kelly jewell. jessica,
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it is in admissible that's upon resuming the electoral process, the same person would be regarded as meeting the conditions to access the position of president of romania. the central electoral bureau rejects the registration of georgia skews candidacy for the presidential elections in 2025, but so many, this is called swell up the venice commission, which provides lead to advice to you a pin cancel. and the for you states says there are limited reasons as to why someone can be prevented from standing in the election while mental incapacity and the criminal conviction on mentioned. nothing is said about someone making statements, apparently that a m t democratic m t constitutional. this is. busy the desk of free speech. busy appear to abuse. what is that i am not allowed to talk with you because you start from rational what you've been the one from not in north
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korea or if i have a brother who is married there. there are no reasons for, for uh, uh, for uh, criticize me that i am anti democratic a democratic use to talk with a new one. democratic is to hold for peace. they don't care about that. but they say that these uh spanish, uh, commission is makes only and not mandatory issues. so you can pay or not they are very fright them. they have to do these abuse because they know that if the regime is jane jean, they will all go to prison. the most part, this was a peaceful protest. we don't eat smooth skirmishes, but not who came up unscathed. well, the crowd is getting smaller. in fact,
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we have seen new people coming here as a her dot decision, the only social media networks coming here. now to show that they support comma in georgia and he has them on the need to be the president over mania. calling just asking kind of decision and then the final decision will be made. so for many people who they already feel very election was stolen from them when it was a nose by the constitutional in december to do this fever full thing for all the info . correct? and to moscow now, where are the authorities of accused to people connected with the british tennessee of conducting espionage and subversive activities. they now have 2 weeks to leave of the country. i see who responded to eager design of reports or excuse me, so when it's not going to stop with
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a violation once once i'm going to stop to are you going to come and can you provide it for me please? uh, it's not, it's not the 1st time you saw the 1st start, are you ready that the ties between russia and london could be 7? so we do know that to stop us of the u. k embassy here in must go, had been someone to the russian for and it says uh, building essentially the russian foreign ministry has some of them over the fact the 2 of the colleagues who would officially on a diplomatic commission here in russia, they were called doing here's something very different. in fact, 2 of the colleagues have been accused and found guilty of violating the russian little providing they basically provided full information upon the entry into russia, which is against the russian lou. and at the same time, the russian security services have accused them of all so essentially being engaged, engaging in espionage. so they've are, have now 2 weeks they've been given 2 weeks to leave the country. it's not the 1st
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time that the u. k. stuff as the self is a view k embassy found. well, i basically revealed as something else rather than diplomats last year. uh several uh, several people have been also shown to do with the fact that the russians security services have revealed that they have gone beyond their amount and they, they have gone beyond their a diplomatic mission. and that they have been engaging in the various activities from meeting with opposition. john, this meeting with members of the opposition in general, the whole honing the anti government work. and this is something that russia and the russian authorities don't the, they don't take it lightly on the a centrally. this is not something they say, this is not something. this is not why they invited them to the country. this is not why they, i hear this is not why they have been allowed to work at the embassy again. it's not the 1st time on the judging by the fact that these violations continue. it
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seems, there is no intention in london to stop exploiting that diplomatic commission in most school. full, well, a rather broad goals and full broad purposes is there is none of there you are watching arts international and will be back with the more news at the top of the hour, just in a few minutes the, the least of come to the russian states never as one of the most sense community best to him then i'll send, send up the speed . what else calls question about this?
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even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for the question, did you say even closer to the take a fresh look around is life kaleidoscopic? isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images present?
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it is. but can you see through their illusions, going underground? can all americans today our armed forces joined our nato allies in air strikes against the serbian forces below. forgot village spread through us without moving. we saw for we conclude disregard getting a fence place is our munition, which is reinforced with the depleted uranium that has a special capacity to spend the tree from absolute our safety point of view. there is no radiological or even, and not even a significant consequences. the, the symmetry seems endless. a real city of the dead, where it's very easy to get lost. similar graveyards now exist in iraq and afghanistan. they may soon appear in ukraine with thousands of square kilometers of
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already being contaminated with deadly dust. for the next full, i know how fitted in years the . the rabbit collapse of the ottoman empire gave the arabs hope for independence. but the colonial power. so their future differently. great britain and france agreed on the seizure of the air of lands under the guise of the so called mandate of the league of nations. this bible play caused particular indignation in a rack, which was to get under the control of the british. in may 1921 rest with claim for
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independence broke out, both assuming and that she took part in it. soon the rallies turned into a real uprising against the invaders. more than 130000 people took up arms. the britons urgently began to transfer reinforcements to a rack and used aircraft radius war. secretary winston churchill birds, the use of chemical weapons against the rebels. and general ser, i own their health gain bordered the destruction of any village where weapons were found. burning a village properly takes a long time. an hour or more according to sized paulding recalled cynically. in his memoirs, the mediaeval cruel de paid off. the revolt was crushed. however, separate his empire had to make serious concessions. in 1921, it recognized bustle. the 1st, as the king of a rag time gave part of the power to representatives of the local population via
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rack. he revolved, marked the beginning of the national consolidation of the country and became an important milestone on the way to a final independence. oh, what else seemed wrong? just to shape house after care and engagement it close the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the despite everything re breeze go to the front lines with that eagerly awaited they pray in the trenches and bunkers and hospitals destroyed churches,
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they pray for peace. started thinking out of work during ask almost the 1st or what kind of stuff but so in your last for your students, so mature. second i am the symbol of sleep and your last inspection from watch for discharge or give try to bristol shape or gotcha. so the way i've been here, it's called the best interest of the rest of the printer. stuff as a whole other struggle and fish just like this to nasa and join the
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201941 in the boston in town. the hutch and then unity created popular independent state of croatia. ned body alternation is we start shipping most i sent you the visual form with us to send me one. wayne was 3 to a dance amy and mariah williams, the bus switch over to a cube, and a brief message in the homes in fields and the numerous mass executions sites around the hedge, including care of the west, texas, and part of the new port through barrow courts you called us from last year. it was an idea to talk with the. 2 to the people in and see the employee id, the costs of the insurance,
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the brutal point, blank footage emerging from syria mass expectations are taking place as we've towards the new is $1.00 of us we've seen in denmark, us the start getting really just minorities the government's sources and they were asking the people i've seen, you know, a good god. how do you send me one and the way you have sent me this entire send me these. it has been this to make the 1st time testimony. we speak with those with you in detail, the atrocities that check points are set up and was described as an ethnic cleansing.


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