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tv   News  RT  March 10, 2025 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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for life insurance, the brutal point, blank footage, emerging from syria mass expectations are taking place as move towards the new equipment sweeping in denmark, us the start getting really just minorities the government sources. and they were asking the people i've seen, you know, in the cards, it probably was send me one. and the way you have time it is and time and send me these. it has been this to make the 1st time testimony. we speak with zillow. so thing detail, the atrocities that check points are set up and was described as an ethnic cleansing campaign and western leaders reactive to the mass killings in syria.
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contradicting observers and reports and spinning and narrative that the interim government seems to be one under attack. the cliff is r t international. my name is e board and also welcome to the program. straight to syria for our top story as the new regime in damascus is accused of conducting a brutal track down on religious minorities, on verified footage of mass executions, this streaming across social media. a warning, these reports contain disturbing images. the closest codes to do for me,
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but not for my to switch those on my move to the technician to everyone, to the organization humanoids, based on these channels. if i show my face and they see it, they will slaughter my family's people without any humanity haven't come until the kids and women, ma'am, and the elderly human being the syrians. if you want to kill us. but it's not like there's anyone, anyone who can hear me just be safe to me to do to do something you're running out of time. it's a rigorous as you can stand. it was because there are fighters, they've been doing. the biggest number of the it is the 4 and fighters for the new, for certain ministration. they're the one who are doing this, this violation because i'm just killing everyone. doing that still just as a now there's a board, steam out there,
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the villages and button yes. a nick near talk to steve, being killed in left field a there are some of these and the killed them. the they've been clean. some with cushions have been killed and some, but the majority of them are all the way they are not making a difference because they're not from celia decided to. so the majority of the big number of the crimes are happening is the divisions does have the forum fighters and the shootings reduce for them fighters. they're the ones who are doing this a violation. the majority of this violation, the subordinates didn't do some violations. and to do some mistake, some problems. what happened here and to me, but the majority of them, but of the violation of going into the very is in keeping everyone men, women and children stood in the house as those are the photo fighters and the scenes with them in the each ts administration. the situation them to mind and march, then li, torturing the mass of cars are still going on. and so real that in several villages
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that need to learn and others, or the, the, the marketing men, women and children, are stealing the shops, the houses, the mobile phones. and then they are burning the houses and the shops down. where doing the smells that goes on to our loyal to the new administration. so the parts of the bar uh, you need the parts of them or just use we use those, you can stern was the stern, the fight, the fighters, and some are ceilings due to some violations of people, you know, and friends of mine, i lost the roof of my friends, the village was what? out to complete the also i have an older friend. he lost his some and they'd be 10. it'd be default or up really bad. and the, and the killed the,
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his son in front of his eyes and will talk you this little countable. so i've been good all from walter and electricity for more than 72 hours. now the, the electric department and the department say that the electricity apartment has been damaged because of the clashes between the sub list and the each to us forces . and there is a big problem. there is a big problem and direct to the system. and it's going to take a few days to build a beer and there's no water because there's no electricity to go to give the pump, just above the level of care was water. so the people in the boat are buying the water and it's very high. how you the prices on march 90 started teaching that the bodies was s give eaters and pushing them. i'm putting and throwing them into a hole and hiding them because they got some t v stations in a tv station who are who support then we'll see
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a demonstration. and so they took the bodies away altogether and asked me to read through them in a home and took them out of the oven and some villages only. but there is some villages. the bodies are still in the streets. it's been over 4 or 5 days now and no one come close to them and they cannot even come close to them and they can't even beauty them. they are not allowed to beauty them. annual serial need or asp. net. i'll a shot right? k all july, the us, we moved it's 10000000 dollar bounty on his head as he gained support in the west for over throwing the long time president bush or aside. and now it's al serra saying his government is the one under attack. and then other than that, we will not tolerate the remnants of a son who have committed crimes against our army forces and state institutions attacked hospitals, killed innocent civilians and spread chaos in safe areas. these individuals have
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only one option to surrender themselves to the law. immediately today, as we stand at this critical moment, we find ourselves facing a new danger represented by the attempts of the remnants of the former regime with foreign parties behind them to create new strife and drag our country to a civil war with the goal of dividing it and destroying its unity and stability. and most of the violence in syria is in north western provinces of let's get and are to swear. there are many christians and l. whites reports say that more than a 1000 people have been killed while there has been an accident. so for refugees thinking safety in neighboring level, not a little background telling the origin the self serve you as a new authorities in december, the h t. s militant group last and all out cool. leading to the capture of damascus and the overthrow of president alice side, a so called transitional government was formed as a gang of militant groups with
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a history of terrorism to colder and western powers. embraced them. we spoke with a senior clergy member from a syrian minus 3 about the ongoing violence, or was it police or wherever this is use the cab and the good king and she was crying very, very much. so i said look, is happening. they said her okay. 15 slot that means be headed before the end of the they say you have sent me the entire infirmities that have been this. you make the beginning funded month. it seemed in the to everybody. everybody can be as seen. smith, i was talking with the collections, they need to t to the teams and the trying to make it,
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it could be quickly, i am going to send, i always provide was audiences and resource between this booth and uh the uh, you know, the, the, to be i mean, unless they need a lot of things and we have seen more than 50 corpses into it already have being already would have to know the insects in bags ready to be. but it's the way they can. for example, the day when the send them many incense you are big so you don't, you don't deserve to not to leave the, the reading the day. we think them walk on that for the for see the seats and the next on foot and the name, the dogs. and also to buy the leg though. and then they would then they would keep them 1st off or they will beat them. you have to use, they will be in the beat,
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them with the 3 phones. and finally the be so dense. others, the, we slow to mean the whose dig in knives for this would be they would be restored to them on over the, the way the, you know, uh, between the, the product we had on the very good the government's forces. and they were asking to the people i've seen, you know, in the cards that you send me what underway, mother superior of the people in these cars who are being stopped. what happens to them if they say, i'm a christian or i'm l y o the immediate police, a lot of them i've slipped the a, we have to deal with the, you know, typically thing on the web we, i immediately seem issues. so this
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e mail that the customer jesus was here i, i thought that we would now we are now much less than 10 people. people are being killed every day. yesterday in the morning. the father of an orthodox priest in virginia was walking in the street. and one of those claiming that is he just shot him and nobody told him anything. and the police, he didn't have any other to mean, but to take his further immediately to the grave. latoya's thinking about those emails, send people, we need international protection. crowds hit the streets of them, ask us to protest against the execution. so demonstrators faced off with security forces as a condemned to the violence we heard from local, so called for renewed unity in the nation. the there is no such thing as taking revenge or reclaiming rights by force. there is no such thing as selective and
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vengeful justice. we must turn to the law. we want to state a civilized state. a prosperous state, a state of equal citizenship for all syrians. a state we can be proud of, not one we are ashamed to be part of a whole new i am here to say that we only here for the same goal, to say that we must stop this bloodshed. we must stop this killing. we must all stand together as one people, even if just one up to 14 years of destruction and displacement. we are united in our demands models, while initially silence about the bloodshed in syria, the new eventually issued a statement it late in the blame, not only in your stories bots on quote, pro aside groups. the west, certain media is on board with the blame game, narrative of its governments and they're down playing the violence as quote come uno collections and our power train argument. all sarah, as a peacemaker over now to our, to use us get taylor who cuts through the mainstream rhetoric. it turns out you
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couldn't change your name, put on a suit to be quoted by cnn, but still be the same guy. you why? when washington had a 10000000 dollar bounty on your head, why not going to be how that by this you have committed a grieves in that cannot be forgiven, and the response has come to you for which you have no patience. so hasten to turn in your weapons and yourselves before it's too late. syrians, the world has seen your longing for your country. well, as i've shut up a k altima on a k be reformed to hodges to found it. i'll call you dis bronson. syria talks about illuminating the enemy within. you might well ask, where is brussels wherever they are? officials who met outside damascus with smiles. where all those nations, which of rolling out to themselves as the gate keepers of morality, the defenders of human rights, the offices between good and evil of toilet, was hora at the ball by receipt of assets where z i'm the drove them to speak out
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and puts you a maximum pressure policy, i am confident that a sides days are numbered this time for a side to get out of the way. tasha has to go present and cited syria has no legitimacy anymore. if you look at what he has done to his country to his people, frozen assets, travel bound jobs and ball goes a show cold on the syrian economy, which after about 90 percent of the population living below the poverty line, they told us the sanctions would fill the south side to change his course will they tell i've shut off the same. we are shocked by the numerous victims in the western regions of syria. we call on all sides to seek peaceful solutions. national unity inclusive political dialogue and transitional justice. to overcome the spiral of violence and hatred, i shared the view of my german counterpart regarding the call on all parties to
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exercise restraint and respect the right of all components of the syrian people to live in safety and peace and to participate in the peaceful transition in syria, yes. rivers of plaza running, but please let's be restraint. hill, just a few notes, a few 100 and the ever a beat into main stream media has full and in line. how many stories can you find showing the graphic imagery of entire villages of executed civilians? i found on tuesday, sions, and mistreatment of minorities. i found classes and i found the execution in quotation marks a lot. but that was no quote marks when i saw was blamed for using chemical weapons well documented. now as a full slack, the photo is what everyone accountability was demanded, but not now. now, in how i estimate groups can be hunted, i know you'll get is an inch for com. that's despite brussels promising just 2
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weeks ago. but if our shuttle, i'll raise the single hand against an innocent civilian the sanctions they've just lifted. well, that will come straight back on syria. there is hope to build inclusive country and we are closely working together with the region the actors to achieve this. and this is why we also now agreed to suspend energy banking guy and transferred sanctions. today at the listing is immediate and open ended, but can be reversed if serious new rulers back track their commitments. but nothing compares to london removing sanctions on damascus. the very same day stories from an attack just started a matching. it turns out that depravity has a look and it's not just the slow trips, in essence, it's rewarding. the people committing the slaughter in real time and why? why?
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because politics and pounds come before people every single time in the right legal framework with the right safe guards in place. the sanctions could be amended for international companies to go back in. syria is well not pull home $28.00 and a half trillion the cubic feet of natural gas and a few $100000.00 barrels of oil daily. just wait, say to be tapped by winning players is not a coincidence of the sanctions lifted by the e u. u. k, on switzerland, affecting the energy sector. all that is a hot topic for visiting delegations. it's not just about business, though. i should as rise was a blow to put to a power need when they just conte eliza in ukraine. shut as rise has given israel symbol, breathing land in the golden heights. i'm festival, i've said as rise means to was over. so the refugees are over. as for those who
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ready made the journey, have pause the decision at elements of the international protecting process for anyone seeking international protection from syria to my nose. from my point of view, we will have to wait a few more days to see where syria is heading. now, what is the status of the protection of minorities? what about the protection of people? and then of course, there could be repatriation is be, it was important to 1st establish facts to put asylum and family reunion procedures on hold on who we need to wait until the dust settles. so we can see what is happening a when with those hundreds of thousands of migraines, who have become a political flash boynton trigger. so always make changes in parliament throughout the continent. well, they can return home now safe and sound are shut off. in fact, some have already started making the pilgrimage from neighboring to key a because yes, these reports are concerning. but keep it on the suits of you promised syria
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deserves a governing system that is institutional, not one where a single ruler makes arbitrary decisions. you'll kind of shape my end over. many syrians are happy and will be happy to see the end of the said regime, but they're also worried about what h t s rule would mean, including minorities based off. no one has the right to erase another group. the sects have co existed in this region for hundreds of years, and no one has the right to eliminate them. there must be a legal framework that protects and ensures the rights of all people are exhausted for more. so the country isn't ready for another one. and it's not going to get into another one. the source of all fears was one, the uranium malicious as the law and the regime which committed the most secure as we have seen today. so the removal is the solution for syria. the current situation
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won't allow for attendance upon idea what's on the folding and syria proves one. the thing, the one pad about the serial people outrage was manufactured in the name of geo politics. and now in that in the very same name, it will be suppressed. a lawyer and a freelance journalist, so they need for you a lot scarier, says the interim government has done nothing to stop the massacre. the 1st of all, i'll giovanni, i refused to refer to him as well. should i think that's a fabrication. i'm not even sure that that's true. i needs this real name. this man had a $10000000.00 bounty on his head. you know, at the behest of the us government until recently, until he was installed and powered by natal governments. he has done absolutely nothing to prevent the expansion of israel's conquests of syrian territory. he's turned his forces have turned their guns on his defensive opinions. this man does not control much more than damascus even there. i don't think his rule is
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firmly in place. you know, still, there are wide swats of territory not only occupied by israel, but by kurdish forces american forces. and as we can see, the people in syria are not going to because there has been pushed back. they are not going to simply die in silence. they will defend themselves and the country is flooded with weaponry. so what the troops is releasing americans have bought for themselves by installing this regime is endless instability and an extraordinary burden. that's what this is going to become, but no one will suffer more than the searing people themselves. now the us says it's open for a new partnership with the democratic republic of congo to explore sources of red earth and minerals in the african country. for more or less, the less cross live to i keep corresponding to no avail your cooling game,
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you know, we will welcome to the program. and what do we know so far about the potential for a deal between the us and the d condo? what we do know is that for weeks discussions about a potential is you is the r c deal has been ongoing in concise and even though no formal agreement has been announced to you, is the government has acknowledged it so willing this a to explore strategic partnerships in the city, of course this comes off to democratic republic, off to como. as reached out to the united states was a minerals for security proposal. you what do you mean by that late last month was sent to us secretary of state demarco. rubio, inviting him or rather the united states to invest in congress. in exchange of the company's government is expected to receive support in the reinforcing regional stability. what the supreme it's could give the united states and companies. this
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is operational control, involvement in a deep water porch pro tip um the stablish mental office strategic minimal stop power and rights to mind resources including cobalt and uranium which all required for advanced technologies. we also do know that the current discussions last the latest efforts by washington to secure access to critical materials as well at the same time trying very hard to, to counter time has influence on the african continent. but officials and exploits a menu of the mines in the d. r. c. have already been taken by various companies and entities. mostly foreign firms with majority belonging to time already. that in itself means that there is not much full contrast. so to offer the u. s. unless of course, if to security plans to evict the current owners include in china,
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and this could be a big win for the united states. because cold has been in the spotlight in recent years. it's either it has been all to cold side batch use. the search and electric vehicles as well, has driven increased demand for cobalt and most of the world's coal. both these producing the d. c, often unregulated a twos my mind is working on the terrible and very dangerous conditions as well. and very important note is that these talks that come mid increasing uncertainty, the d. c with president felix has a good d, is facing growing challenges from his opponents add to certain venetians off. this conflict also complicating the entire situation, especially as the united nations investigators have a to as one to off. exploiting the crisis planned by plan to remember the rules of course,
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and one that has also been accused. also deploying attempts across the board, the to support the entry to 3 group. and that is exacerbating change to the in the region. and one that has repeatedly denied these are the cases we for a movement and an action from the united states just last month, imposing sanctions on a minister in for wanda james cut by that before he's elated role in this concept. and i guess that's why also last week or rather, a few weeks ago, we switched security spokesperson to not allow addressing the deal of social media . suggesting that the direct partnership with the united states will really help the resources that are being moved to from the dfcs. my goal is going to the one that while the population in the d. c continues to be master. good. so according to the spokes person, the right thing to do is to purchase the minerals directly from contrast to the
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rightful owners. and of course, some view of the proposals offered as rather a dispute by certificate de la sam. see the proposal as a me move to swap international support and amid some mounting domestic and regional cities and all of this is taking place. you should also be reminded that the cache is between entering the city and pro government for us to ongoing. we've learned to peer review since he's that recent mass prison escapes in the d. c. have a spots more chaos and even more crime in the region, routing and restricted access. i've also a severely affected the humanitarian operation in the eastern part of the d. i see we also know that hundreds of thousands of people remain displaced since the beginning of this concept or rather, the beginning of this year. and the world is watching to also see with the,
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the involvement of the united states in the internal crises in the dsu will bring to bear with us. the ability to simply make matters worse and be another chapter in the exploitation of africans or sources. indeed, the world is watching all of where you are. thank you for the expensive report. this is our t correspondent. another way of going and this is all the news we have for you this hour. i'll be back with more in about 13 minutes time. and in the meantime, you can always go to our website, r t dot com for even more stories, ad analysis, stay with us as the hello and welcome to across the board. here we discussed some real in the
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[000:00:00;00] the, i'm out sooner than see and welcome to going under ground, broadcasting all around the world from the heart of the middle east, where the disgrace dictator of ukraine zalinski is due today to meet the crown prince muhammad, when solomon inside the ravia, a previous scheduled meeting, had to be cancelled as of trump, made it clear that he was ending support for the proxy war on russia, sparked by the us back, who in 2014. so how much busy in hatred does the trump administration have? because a lensky and his lackeys in london, paris, and brussels. perhaps we'll see britain installer in front of micro come to the white house this week. and can we expect the usa to exit nato,
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focusing on new 21st century priorities? joining me from evans in north carolina was the tenant guidelines in the shop for a veteran senior intelligence officer in the us army and defense intelligence agency, a former advisor on president trump tried. he tried to campaign botanic garden shop . i thank so much for coming back on the show. i understand that in the previous days it might have been the difficult for you to return to going on the ground. is this because of that to the bad old days of no freedom of speech when there is any blinking then secondly, a state called at all to one of the platforms. this row goes out on yeah, i'm going to be clear out like i used to be a regular on r t, and i always felt a look at my job was to go out and be on media and talk about things, especially the think tank guy. if you can't communicate policy, you're not really doing policy, but that wasn't the case during the 5 years of the bible folks weren't doing policy . they were doing propaganda and i'll be, i'll just pick up on about it. so those of us who actually had to live within the


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