tv Going Underground RT March 10, 2025 8:30am-9:01am EDT
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caroline was the tenant guidelines in the shop, a veteran senior intelligence officer in the us army and defense intelligence agency, a former advisor on president trump tried. he tried to campaign, then it goes over. thanks so much for coming back on the show. i understand that the, in the previous days it might have been the difficult for you to return to going underground. is this because of that to the bad old days of no freedom of speech. when that any blinking, then secretary of state called at all to one of the platforms, this show goes out on a yeah, let it be clear. all the guys to be a regular on our to, you know, i always felt a look at my job was to go out and be on media and talk about things, especially the think tank guy up. if you can't communicate policy, you're not really doing policy, but that wasn't the case during the 5 years of the bite and folks weren't doing policy. they were doing propaganda and i'll be, i'll just pick up on about it. so those of us who actually had to live within the communications fear in united states, we're literally essentially told the moment you do something that's even marginally
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linked to russia. you're going to be essentially suspended or cancelled in any way that can get to. now i'm, i like being independent. i like being out there and doing things, but the problem is this. once you have the mechanisms of government, which the bottom folks did available to them, they can do things to cancel you and get you off the radar. the i was cancelled for the time before, 11 must came back on x. so those, those are the sorts of things they would do to you to punish you. so i appreciate the fact that we now have a return to free speech, which i think is important. everybody's going to affect going to. yeah, and i mean, there were problems as well as regards the constitution. because if the social media companies are themselves defense contract is the kind of agencies of government, in which case they are violating the 1st amend vacaville institution. i agree with that assessment. absolutely. yep. i looked before we even get to whether the us agency of nato, the lensky meeting in b, as in re add. i know, but i mean,
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at the time of i'm doing this interview, he's still alive. how numbered are as days. i mean a, you don't for the, i'm going back to saudi arabia and meeting and be us anytime soon. i as well. i mean, the black you guys have been following me for awhile. i, you know, look, you've got a guy that was high hills and is paid to read scripts as the guy in charge of ukraine right now. that's not a good look. i believe that whatever happens, it's not going to be the landscape zaleski is a pass through. i think you, he's speaking for the powers of the you. yeah. uh order he right after the failed meeting with trump were to the right. he ran into the arms literally of care storm or, and 10 down the street. and then they had a count. i wore cap war cabinet meeting. i don't know what you want to call it. all the folks in the you got together and had this big old security meeting, the big to basically say, oh, we don't agree with president trump, so that's why zalinski went there. i think he's an extension of the you,
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at least that's what we watch. and at this point, i don't think i'm not speaking for the white house. i have not spoken to the white house about this. whatever i say is tony shape his opinion. i don't think anybody in present trumps cabinet is going to be willing to deal. ready with the landscape because even now what's the landscape of a post on ac saying, oh i'm, i'm ready to negotiate. i didn't hear an apology and there anyway, just say so. yeah, you might of apologize and then taking back the apology by the time this goes out. obviously for the same type. i mean at the same time and you say is works best with you, but also the u. k, because it was done them or the british crime it is a my problem is that i understand that the british are being told not to share intelligence. and i know that's your expertise in the us. so let me write notes to share intelligence with ukraine for saw. why should brittany be trusted?
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and secondly, if you're looking at it from the british perspective, if i go by british union jack had on, you know, you got your troops storming around like entry. you're going to be listening pose, weapons the united states, the air force there. you know, who gives us the right for the americans to order us about how we share intelligence given there is no problem entry, vote being taken since the trouble administration is ordered. so i'm a to do this. yeah, i, uh, i appreciate that where you phrased all of that. so let's start off by reminding people, and i love the u. k. i've spent a lot of time there. i've had a relationship with warwick university and coventry. and i've been in combat with the british military, but let's be honest. the british military today is essentially not much more than a money pie thought skit in the making
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a could come on. you guys don't have you guys cut the military budget. you've given all your tags to ukraine, and now we're talking about intelligence. a james bond in around, and i think, uh, i think uh, at this point the united states is relooking all the issues relating to intel and sharing as the british are to us. i think there's a certain level of distrust because a, something called the russia collusion narrative, we've spoken about it a little bit before. but what we've come to find now in greater detail and i think we're going to get more media and this is m i 6 was was the nose deep and helping set that up with the democrats. so i think uh and kirsten are speaking of politics . the folks over the support kamala, here's not a good move. so i'm just saying, despite our 2 nations being in during partners as there's been some bad things happen between our, in our partnership. and i think the united states under trump,
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and to include the people my little tried my tribe of intelligence officers, is a port president trump world on agreement that we need to re look how we interact with the, with the u. k. at the military intelligence level, based on what we've observed over the past 8 years, is still being cleared up. why? it's against calmer before you went into politics. was meeting with m i a 6, it goes persecuted. julian, a son she before right, came into power and um, right. and the given the my 6th role in trying to destroy the reputation of donald trump. i mean, i know you'd say that dollar trump is an amazing diplomat. i mean, he can, he knows storm is perhaps a direct role in this. and so you, lieutenant colonel chose the guy with the director of national intelligence. would know how storm. uh, once you know, have sim, settles will be involved in trying to subvert us democracy. no doubt,
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i think these people are all aware of in greater detail in idaho, by the way, i know quite a bit, but they know more and yeah, look, i was dealing with the british embassy during the 201782018 period. and it was very clear that there were issues regarding the british not quite being on board with president trump. that is to say that even after trump came into office, they were clearly supporting the effort to sub, to basically support that the rush collusion, narrative. now present drop of set as and i agree that he and he said this during the zaleski meeting a back a you know, last for the friday before last that, um that the, that quote and the russians took it on the chin as well as he did over there was a collusion thing, well there's one organization and one nation kind of at the center of both issues
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and my 6th and the u. k. and my 6 and the u. k. took a very active role and helping support the might on revolution against the pro russian government in ukraine. and they continue that and my success can continue to be essentially supporting the elements opposed to donald trump. so it is what it is. i'm not saying anything that people can't verify here. i know people are going to get upset about it, but it's something that we have to tell people to take while, while they trump the so come, we'll never resolve it. how is it trump is so calm in the oval office? if it keeps it gets dom up perhaps a game later this week. how does he maintain being so calm with them knowing what he clearly does about gus dom or, and the circle deep state in britain and then what it tried to do. yeah. you know, that's a great question. i think um the one thing that's good about the for your apps is that is to say when he did not,
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when i think he won the 2020 election. i said this over and over. but since he did not get an audio rated in january of 2021. yeah, for years to kinda think about what went wrong. and over that for years now look different grass call a grievance. i call it the, the account ability. you figured out how to bring accountability to the table. so remember, we're only 6 weeks into a 4 year term. and i think you can afford to be generous in the presence of those who are his enemies and not worry about it. and i think, i think so there's more coming. i think there's some tricks. this is a, this is a poker game. and as, as, as present trucks, that was the lift gate lift gate has no cards. i don't know of care storm or has many more cards either, but we'll see how the game goes. but it's a poker game and we're worried about the 2nd hand of a full of a full game right now. so, very clearly, british soldiers in the field and ukraine. right now, right? pandemic, 6 in ukraine, helping someone say the nazis of east a new,
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great and helping as their lensky dictators or landscape stroke. right. what advice i just had as much i've said as much. i'm one of the shows, i guess. what advice would you give to those british soldiers in ukraine right now and the intelligence officials, they're presumably, i don't know, you'll have to tell me what do you think who are trying to sabotage trumps design piece? i think they were the m, i a 6 folks in the british troops there, i think may be there on the believe they're on the right side of history. and they're not. i thought the cold war, we bought the sweet we, we defeated we beat the soviets, or the cold war is done is time. we recognize that there's more to be had by finding a framework for all of eastern europe and the russians to work with western europe . and a british and by the way, one of the notable features of all this is that the, the
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e u ad probably britain is never stopped by russia, russian petroleum, russian gas runs russian oil. it's just goes to passers and gets more expensive. so nobody in europe is actually taking serious the idea of beating, putting, if you're paying him for his gas. so i think the people on the ground there need to look at why they're there and what exactly they're supposed to accomplish is there, is there a work there for the greatest good? is this going to help save lives and bring peace? i that would be the 1st question i would ask myself if i were very soldier or my 6th operative. secondly, um, what is the long term strategy? is this like president trump said to finish a warrant pocahontas last night? do you all want to keep us going 5 more years? is that in our interest? or is it time to stop the killing? and i'm of the school. what, what present trumpets, time we really look at the look at what's going on and come on. this is 2025,
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and yet both sides are engaged in trench warfare. 1917 style trench warfare. and i don't think it's a good idea and i don't think it's going to benefit the you where you can't log term. so maybe the intelligence services and grape and bridge military needs to think about what that means for their future as well. which i like, i don't tony shop or i'll stop you that more from the veteran u. s. intelligence official. after this break, the if you think about russia, what is your mind picture the landscapes open up before your eyes? the water one does. you imagine
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the the the welcome back to going on the ground. i'm cecilia with the veteran senior intelligence officer in the us army and defense intelligence agency, lieutenant colonel engine, each of a lieutenant colonel. you are talking about the be a tunnel or that it looks as if they're going to be in union and britain, one of a, these are leads when they came to out of touch with their own populations given the polling. but they idiots, or are they people who genuinely believe that russia ones too much down the shows and these a and, and invade uh, london. well i, i think if you just look at it rational, a look at what the russians are, are doing right now just to maintain a trench warfare. think about this like mere putting everything they have into
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maintaining that war. so are we to believe that they're going to be able to reestablish the 12 tank arbys that base towards barrels and with in world war 2? really, we're going to go from this kind of a bar morass, is trench warfare to 1986 the full, the gap. is that what we're, is that what we're really thinking about here because it's not rational. and all, by the way, i was trained as lieutenant to understand something called intelligence preparation to the battle space. we understood how to map out and determine the soviet troops strings by sporadic and ox often incomplete reports. i can tell you, based on how we developed this methodology, we can figure out pretty quick if the russians wrap this up. they're not up to something just saying, but i think it's more about profit. 2 things happened this past week. first off, ursula vaughan, the late late lane, is that her name? i always get it wrong. the, the king of, i mean, i'm sorry,
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the president one and you one into your opinion quoted for i'll tell you that. i know is a great anyway. so she was ask on, i think german tv would you send your kids towards oh, oh, that's below me. so if it's, if it's not like an extra essential effort to be russia, it's something else. well, that's something else. it's probably because in the same, the same what you said, oh, we wanna, we wanna up arm europe. we want to create $850000000000.00 of new defense spending . does that sound like uh, someone who see could piece you want to arm up the sales like cold war language to me i what do i know the right. well, if it is the ship at the share of prizes of those british islands contract as it will be in the going up, obviously since the oval office messed up. but of course the, there are a u. s. military contract is i know trump is saying that they will be increases as well in the us spare welding. but then i don't know who it is in your deep state
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that favors visit tunnel war and oppose it. i mean, you saw the democrats at the congressional speech drum gave. they did not one piece they did. they didn't even stand up. when trump said he was beat, you expect the deep today just to go quietly, is drunk organized as being else in your know? no, i think that's why it's picked certain people to start jobs. and you know, um, as you mentioned, tulsa, gabbert, tulsa, he's there for a reason. i know chelsea, i consider a friend of the text us being at the pentagon. he has no of agents to any defense contractor, which is a big issue. uh and full disclosure, pete and our friends as to as well. uh, i, fig. president trump is trying to fit people who will not be swayed by their traditional relationships. a number of kind of gone so vainly just came out of military industry. a jim that's the general matters. came out of a being a,
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a contractor, a senior defense official, a contracting official, mark esper, a big boeing guy. so those guys, no matter what they tell you their, their job is to grow their company 7 percent per year. tony's any told me a secret general's any former commander central command who was a, b, a, b, c, e o. at one point he said the biggest job as a cd or b a was to grow the bottom line 7 percent per year. so that's your job or has to exist, right? i am i am, i'm maybe i think i can make that that link. so if you're a defense contractor and you have to grow 7 percent per year, was a good thing. so this, this, this tells me and where i think we're going, is that we want to engage in examining the next war or, or to do tradition. i've been at the army war college. i are army war college. i've done lectures up to up too often. we're trying to fight the last for the last 4 did
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not go well for us just saying. so i think we have to look at the 21st century for what it is not what we want it to be. and people like p, p. i stuff, people like tulsa gap are going to examine threats as they're developing. so the money is not going to go to okay. oh yeah, yeah, there's a 150000000. it is going to go to the new folks, new, 150000000000, went through this and that i don't know if that's enough to satisfy those forces in your country. um, but then probably not the ship then. uh yeah. you know, that's a lot of pressure on uh, is that a kernel gabbert and pete hex it's, i don't know how many people work. it depends to get all of the 3 letter agencies over there. we know sabotage can be from within. so well, how are they going to that helps out let me get that. let me address it real quick so that there are going to be a lot of changes. while the changes at f, b, i and other brock bureaucracies have been public details,
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communities not going to be quite so public, but i think it's going to i haven't talked to him about this. don't, don't take this is tony schafer saying, this is what they told him. i'm saying based on my experience, based on what i know has to be done, there's going to be a similar internal, clear clearinghouse of the intelligence community. it just won't be as public as those we're seeing right now being presented to the public regarding the other bureaucracy and you just radcliff, at the c, i a, and waltz a whole people as a no carry advisor because well, i don't know. i don't know where to go. i don't know ratcliffe, but i don't know radcliffe. uh so i can speak to that. i. i have to believe president trump preston as well. i'm going to go with that and mike again, mike wallace and i are friends. i like mike, i think mike has to come a long way regarding his point of view. i've known mike for a long time i. we used to be in the green room in the old days at fox news together . so i, i do believe that he's a, it's,
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it's mike's job to be the traffic cop. he's, he's there at the brain stem that goes to the president. so he's got to be there, seeing and, and touching everything. so it's, he says, the general theme is people like policy, and pete will have to get down and, and get their deputies. they can't even do it. they're going to be busy. you've got to get people out to understand how to deduce just to do surgical renew or mobile. let me say something i said this us media the other day i to determine the joint chiefs general. joseph dunford, told me during one of our meetings, back in 2017 or 18 that we the united states as been 6000 percent and increased spending on drone technology by 6000 percent. that's a lot of money. and yet they were the, the return on that investment was through a 3 percent gain in real intelligence. does that sound like a good investment? a 6000 percent increase in spending for a 3 percent gain and intelligence know,
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so that's how insane the intelligence community has been. i'm just using as an example. so that's just the tip of the iceberg. i think there's going to be a lot of changes coming there. so it had just spinning on a while back about pentagon tractors, the famous brands are good with blue. uh but, but yeah, that, uh, in the hearing that drone figure actually is even though it is because we have 35 in terms of health buyers. he's great. how did you give me? but when you say you a friend of the national security advisor, probably something that could persuade him to completely turn around from his pre russell. it would be uh, finding the cold war stuff would arguably be the audit of all the billions of public us money. the report into ukraine. what do you, what sort of thing do you think we're gonna find then who is it going to scoop up in your a leads class of perhaps the politicians, perhaps businessman, who knows. so i think there's several planned investigations. they're
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not, they're not going yet, but they're coming again to take this is tony shepherd's opinion. i'm not telling you anything from direct contact. i'm saying this is me. reading the tea leaves there's going to be several investigations for the exam and 2 specific funding sources. one is usa id, i would argue usa id played a much more, much more significant role in the might on revolution. and helping see i do what it's done within ukraine. i think we're going to come to find that that's going to be bad. do you think the durable, transgender, durable, is that they brought up last night or bad? is a nothing compared to what we're going to come to find and, and a lot of that money was being set to ukraine and back to think tanks and united states and rushing left left the well, the state politicians of both parties. i don't know what time, so give me a level of the release of this information,
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which of course has been investigated by so many of the you good journalists around the world who being talking about this kind of thing. because i mean, by the time this goes out, perhaps your attorney general pam, born in the head of the f b i cache patel will come out with it. but you know what i'm about to refer to. i mean, not even the j f k m l k r s k babies. what's going on with jeffrey epstein, we interviewed that most of the agent that interview. but let me, let me finish it but, but, but let me finish the question. so the other funding stream is going to be d o d, because i've talked to pick the folks on the ground to tell me that the money we send for, and in the end the weapons don't make it to the front. lots, just saying so those are going to be 2 areas, a big fraud. now back to epstein, look um there's strong rumor that epstein was an intelligence asset. just say it. so we actually interviewed have time. we've interviewed uh someone who, who said that they introduced the layout maxwell to jeffrey, etc. and that he was the most out of assets for as well. so. yeah, so i again,
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tony shapers opinion, not based on any direct conversations. the way i look at this based on the report you guys have done and others. yeah. i think i think epstein was a dirt bag, but he was a dirt bag who is willing to do anything. any intel in the service asked him to do that includes that my 6 that includes the israelis and includes the i i, i can honestly say we are in a military. we in d o. d had nothing to do with it, not to say we haven't done stupid stuff. we have nothing to do with that. let's just say. but uh, but yeah, that it's a mess and i think that's why it's been so hard to get the f b i to cough this stuff up because they keep using national security is just the case. yeah. what is, what is this national? i mean, is this mary a model since money? the casino will cause money paying for? now, i don't know that it's still being the information coming out about why does pam body say things like, well, we're looking into it. it's in some,
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in some manhattan court, the papers, i thought they'd be ready to go. they said they were going to release the stuff. so did i? yeah, well, there's 2 reasons. first. if i think there's a deeper, a deeper uh, i glacier we have to examine, which is as i mentioned, see i so if it's true, if it's true, pam bond is going to get this big. busy set of documents probably, i don't know uh, probably something like 80 linear feet of documents relating to the operations that james comi was engaged to remember that name, the mo, the, the bodies put this together, but i think it's related again, my opinion, not, not, not something i know the moment cash patel came into office, they started report, they started an investigation on james, call me off the books operations. i think that off the books operation goes back to epstein. so if you're a parent body and you start finding out that the f b,
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i has been using a guy that everybody i know considers a criminal. you gotta make some decisions. oh, by the way. who else in the f b, i are us gerber. we're actually part of this game and maybe even the does it is the i that's the issue. and that's what i think they're dep deliberating right now. the place, you know, been digital and they get put in a well, unless girl k i or something. but anyway, you'll have to come all the time and tell us whether, whether you're the u. s. as leaving nato within entitled to any chaper. thank you. thank you. and that's it for the show will be back with a brand new episode inside the angel. and keep in touch with, i realize social media, if it's not sense in your country and what channel the tv on rumble dot com to let you know that besides, i'm going on the right into fabbing, the
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over 12000, so to arrest in 1941 in the boston in town, the hutch and then unity created popular independent states of croatia. ned body ultra nation is we start shipping animals to say the visual with us to send me one wayne was 3 to a dance amy, animals. i am on the full amount of the switch over to a q and a brief message in that homes in fields and the numerous mass executions sites around the edge including care of the west, texas and part of the of the players. and of course we will be to court your car wash. i'm not sure it was an idea to talk to the. 2 to the people, people see those will be bullied even because the insurance, the,
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the people without any humanity, half common killed kids in sense women ma'am and the elderly. brutal point. blank footage, emerging from syria. last executions are taking place. as reports say they knew its limits was seen, isn't damascus is targeting and really just minorities, the in the world community must take action. that's the whole from the unicef, a spokesperson comments and an exclusive interview with our team, about the atrocities and syria. it's really more of a signal to seeing the surgical point, but this is really a cool action from the old book is an international community to come together and treat extended.
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