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tv   News  RT  March 10, 2025 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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of the people without any humanity, half common killed kids in sense, women ma'am and the elderly, brutal point, blank footage, emerging from syria last executions are taking place as the reports say, the new implement susie is going to moscow is targeting really just minorities the and the world community must take action. that's the call from the unicef assaults, person comments and an exclusive interview with our team about the atrocities in syria. it's really more of a signal to seeing the surgical point, but this is really a cool action from hallmark is an international community to come together and extend to the children that have been suffering and western leaders react to the
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mass killings in syria contradicting observers or reports and spinning a narrative for that. the interim government is the one under attack. the . this is our teens are nice, so my name is the work that's been off. welcome to the program and straight to syria for our top story. as they knew, regime in damascus is accused of conducting a brutal, correct down on really just minorities and verified footage of mass executions. it's streaming across social media, a warning. these reports contain and disturbing images the to the other. to do that. so pay for me. but not for my to says
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on my most to the united nation, to everyone into the organization and human rights placed. i'm case genocide. if i show my face and they see it that they will slaughter my family. people without any humanity and you haven't come until the kids instance, women, them, and the elderly human beings with syrians. if you want to kill us. but it's not like this. anyone, anyone who can hear me, you just please save us. you need to do to do something going to you're running out of time. the master 1st has not stopped yet, the still going. i just got the information right now in a village from on the outskirts of low talk. you're very close to the city about like 15 minutes away from the city of of thought you all she or village the have killed 6 to be folded. men, women and children are bringing the houses that are, are burning shops and stealing them. they also,
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they are doing the massacres and the suburbs of the pools. also the coastal city in the village of kind of fees on the 1st home and the massacres are still going on. nothing has changed and the sea coast has been without water or electricity for 5 days. now, people are this but for for water. and they are looking for one drop of water. and the prices of water have went 100 percent higher. it's much more. it's the biggest, as you can started, was biggest air fighters. they've been doing the biggest number of the it is the ford and fighters for the new, for certain ministration. they're the ones who are doing this violation because they're and they're killing everyone. cushions are being killed and some of the majority of them are all the way they are not making a difference because to let them see have you decided to. so the majority of the big number of the crimes are happening is, was, the divisions does have to for them fighters and the shootings with to support and fighters. they're the ones who are doing this a violation the majority of this violation. so boy just didn't do some violations
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and to do some mistake, some problems. what happened to him to me, but the majority of them, but of the violation of going into the villages and keeping everyone men, women and children stayed in the houses. those are the for them fighters and the scenes with them in the each, the administration i did to some violations of people i, you know, and friends of mine, i lost a roof of, of my friends. the village was what? out to complete. the also i have an older friend, he lost his some, and they'd be tempted. the default are up really bad, and the, and the killed the, his son in front of his eyes. on march 9th, the started the team, did the bodies was s give eaters and pushing them, i'm putting and throwing them into a hole and hiding them because they got some t. v. stations in of tv station who are,
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who support then will see the ministration. and so they took the bodies away altogether and asked me to read through them in a home and took them out of the, in some villages only. but there is some villages at the bottom. these are still the industry aids. it's been over 4 or 5 years now and no one come close to them and they cannot even come close to them. and they can't even beauty them. they are not allowed to be able to. the most of the violence in syria is in north of western provinces, especially. you talk to us and look back. yeah. where there are many christians and our whites reports say that more than a 1000 people have been killed already. and meanwhile, there has been an exodus of refugees seeking safety in neighboring 11 on. we spoke with unicef communications officer, selling a ways about the atrocities is free for we say that we are seeing the surge. oh boy,
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boilers up to 14 years of continues conflict. now again, that is bikes. maybe are we seeing this? this is really cool tonight, soon from homework is an international community to come together and really sensitive children that have been suffering. this is dangerous, it's, it's the alarm in the bios continue. unfortunately, those numbers might increase. um we can't allow this to happen. we've allowed to sell those are thousands so far into the doing the use of conflicts to, to dive with it's, we've seen a lot of children suffering from placement from applications living in poverty that being scared. and once again, we're seeing a search of nothing. this shouldn't stop a little he is, it has been a studio throughout the complex even before as you continue to be there,
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of course with increased violence it becomes really challenging. and i think the other important cooling for the parties involved in the buy it is to prioritize a growing and reaching children and whatever they are, it is challenging when it's a good it is all over the place, especially on the school. so yeah, yeah, and that's why we need guarantees. nothing can go and do our jobs. hey, this is really important. a lot of the syrians have been dependent on it for years . of course, things were looking much better going forward. but with this, we are afraid that the need will not be met and the title wouldn't even in the drug in the for the children and the families of via to lease a whatever they need the money time. it doesn't have been really so funny. and it was locked within to make ends need a lot of homes there's,
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there's no, uh, there's no really need to try it, but home is always best, especially for us, unitarians, we always hope for the not the only word for that said the with, with a vision of about the model for the children, but at the same time, that means that the international community comes. i have discussed this on a particular level. they need to prioritize that. they need to look at the children and their needs 1st, before anything else, we should see action on the back seat, which is they should see. ultimately it's a, it's the responsibility of the involved parties. but also it is the countries that can support that can go in and go in with the solution. come in suggestions to solve this. and of course, we are looking forward to seeing that even more on the ground, even more on bodily politically adults to asked me to make our job as possible. and
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as children do have again to have a future class vote and a little background on the origins of syria is the new authorities in december, the h t. s militant group last and all out cool. leading to the capture of damascus and the overthrow of a long time president left side. a transitional government was then for him to has a gang of minutes into groups with a history of terrorism to colder and western powers. embrace them. the us even removed its $10000000.00 bounty for the new city and leader awesome at al serra, aka al giovanni. i see game support in the west for over throwing all aside. and now it's also rice saying his government is the $110.00. and then other than that, we will not tolerate the remnants of a san who have committed crimes against our army forces and state institutions attacked hospitals, killed innocent civilians and spread chaos in safe areas. these individuals have
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only one option to surrender themselves to the law. immediately today, as we stand at this critical moment, we find ourselves facing a new danger represented by the attempts of the remnants of the former regime with foreign parties behind them to create new strife and drag our country to a civil war with the goal of dividing it and destroying its unity and stability. moscow's troops and syria have reportedly given refuge to local residents, fleeing from the violence. the russians at the mean air base are set to be trying to facilitate dialogue between local civilians and government representatives. moscow's defense ministry has not officially commented. meanwhile, russia and the united states have requested urgent talks in the un security council to address the syrian crisis. with regard to the situation in syria, there are manifestations of violence that cause out the concern. this concern is
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said in many countries of the world and international organizations, including the united nations. we believe that this issue must be addressed urgently . we must ensure that these manifestations of violence are eliminated as soon as possible. and while initially silence about the bloodshed in syria, but you eventually issue the statement and it laid the blame not on the new authorities, but on quote bro, aside groups, germany has urged all sides to restore peace as it also took a job that the former government accusing it of the state terrorism, while frances foreign minister has called for those are responsible for the killing to be punished. but he did not say who that could be over now to our teeth. so i skipped taylor. it took guts through the main stream, were at the right. it turns out you couldn't change your name, put on a suit to be quoted by cnn, but still be the same guy. you. why? when washington had a $10000000.00 bounty on your head, why not going to be how that by this you have committed
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a grave sin that cannot be forgiven? and the response has come to you for which you have no patience. so hasten to turn in your weapons and yourselves before it's too late. syrians, the world has seen your longing for your country. well, as i've shut up a k ultima on a k be reformed to hodges to found it. i'll call you dis bronson. syria talks about eliminating the enemy within. you might well ask, where is brussels, where there are officials who met outside damascus with smiles. where all those nations, which of rolling out to themselves as the gate keepers of morality, the defenders of human rights, the offices between good and evil, i'll throw it was hora at the ball. bowers c o box sides were z and that drove them to speak out and see what maximum prussia policy. i am confident that assad's days are numbered. this time for side to get out of the way. tasha has to go to
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prison and side of syria has no legitimacy anymore. if you look at what he has done to his country to his people, frozen assets, travel bonds, arms and ball goes a show cold on the syrian economy which that 3rd but 90 percent of the population living below the poverty line. they told us the functions were from the south side to change his course. will they tell i've shut off the same. we are shocked by the numerous victims in the western regions of syria. we call on all sides to seek peaceful solutions, national unity, inclusive political dialogue and transitional justice. to overcome the spiral of violence and hatred. i shared the view of my german counterpart regarding the call on all parties to exercise restraint and respect the right of all components of the syrian people to live in safety and peace, and to participate in the peaceful transition in syria. yes,
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rivers of plaza running, but please let's be restraint. hill, just a few notes, a few 100 and the ever a beat into main stream media has full and in line. how many stories can you find showing the graphic imagery of entire villages of executed civilians? i found 2 vacations and mistreatment of minorities. i found classes and i found the execution in quotation marks a lot, but that was no quote marks when i side was blamed for using chemical weapons well documented. now as a full slack, the photo is what everyone accountability was demanded, but not now now until i accident groups can be hunted. i know you'll get isn't judge for com. that's despite brussels promising just 2 weeks ago that if i was shut out, raised a single hand against an innocent civilian the sanctions, they've just lifted. well,
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that'll come straight back on syria. there is hope to build a intrusive country and we are closely working together with the region actors to achieve this. and this is why we also agreed to suspend energy thanking gun transferred sanctions. today at the listing is immediate and open ended, but can be reversed if serious new rulers back track their commitment. so nothing compared to london removing sanctions on damascus. the very same day stories from an attack just started a magic. it turns out that depravity has a look and it's not just the slow trips, in essence, it's rewarding. the people committing the slaughter in real time and why not? because politics and pounds come before people every single time in the right legal framework with the right safe guards in place. the sanctions could be amended for
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international companies to go back in. syria is well not pull home to 8 and a half trillion the cubic feet of natural gas and a few $100000.00 barrels of oil daily. just wait, say to be tapped by willing players is not a coincidence that the sanctions lifted by the u. u. k. on switzerland effect and the energy sector over as a hot topic for visiting delegations. it's not just about business, so i should as rise was a blow to put to a power nay, when they just conte deliver in ukraine. shut as rise has given israel symbol, breathing land in the golden heights. i'm festival i'll shut off the rise means the walls over. so the refugees are over. as for those who are ready, make the journey, have pause the decision at elements of the international protect and process for anyone seeking international protection from serious to my nose. from my point of
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view, we will have to wait a few more days to see where syria is heading. now, what is the status of the protection of minorities? what about the protection of people? and then of course, there could be repatriation is which is important to 1st establish facts to put asylum and family reunion procedures on hold on who we need to wait until the dust settles. so we can see what is happening a when with those hundreds of thousands of migraines, who have become a political flash boynton trigger. so always make changes upon them as throughout the continent. well, they can return home now safe and sound are shut off. in fact, some have already started making the pilgrimage from neighboring to keir because yes, these reports are concerning. but keep it on the suit to you promised syria deserves a governing system that is institutional, not one where a single ruler makes arbitrary decisions. you'll kind of shape my end of the many.
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syrians are happy and will be happy to see the end of the said regime, but they're also worried about what h t s rule would mean, including minorities littlefield. no one has the right to erase another group. the sects have co existed in this region for hundreds of years, and no one has the right to eliminate them. there must be a legal framework that protects and ensures the rights of all people are exhausted for more. so the country isn't ready for another one. and it's not going to get into another one. the source of all fears was from the uranium malicious as the law and the regime which committed the massacre as we're seeing today. so that removal is the solution for syria. the current situation won't allow for attendance upon it . what's on folding and syria proves one thing. the one pad about the serial people outrage was manufactured in the name of geo politics. and now in that in the very
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same name, it will be suppressed. it was discussed the international reaction to the atrocities in syria with university of denver. and professor said, mohammed mirandi sir, welcome to the program. and let's start with the muslim world. iran has condemned to the killing as well. turkey, for instance, voice that support for syria as new government. why such a difference? well, we have to remember that they're the one and the fact that they supported these uh tech cd groups like isis and reply to since the very beginning, since 2011. when the bama signed onto operation timber sycamore, these 2 countries, or at least out of the ones, they had a turkey, they were deeply involved in the, during the war. isis moved into syria predominantly to turkey,
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all the slaughter that we saw in syria. and then later, iraq and also 11 on mr. how are the 110 his people were coordinating, a turkish intelligence was coordinating it. but behind the scenes, it was the c i a, it was the united states, the you may till they were on board while and gas, which machines on board the is really received, was cooperating as well along side occupied golan. so it is expected that when at these tech city groups supported by, by tad and turkey, or at least by air, the one for all these years when they come, that they support them coming to power and they will support them as they slaughter minorities. and this was expected, we all knew that this would ultimately happen. but the extraordinary thing is that as the slaughter these minorities, they blame the victims. and we see that algae 0 is trying to blame others for the
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slaughter of that has been carried out by their own allies in serious interesting that you have it. there is a very famous house on al jazeera, arabic face, l foster, who in 2016, called for the the war to be taken to the minorities and for the minorities to be ethnically cleanse and it's online. i tweeted it just today. or for example, between, it's just that a couple of months ago, a bit more than 2 months ago in a tweet that he made or remove that there should be thousands of executions in syria. this is the mentality that they tax the groups habits here in the system mentality that their supporters have. so all of this is expect and quite troubling it as well. and talking about the west reaction though, the united states has condemned the atrocities with the new administration. of course, russia is on board with that as well. in fact, they've called for
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a meeting at the un security council. while europe has basically blank, the violence as you've just been saying on the victims on supporters of serious former government as they say, why would you take that stance? well, 1st of all, we have to remember that this dirty war began, as i said, in width, obama approving operation tim for 2nd law. and we have to remember that in on february the 12th 2012, jake sullivan, later became the national security adviser for biden. he sent an email to hillary clinton, saying that in syria, our tide is on our side. the height is on the side of the americans, so obviously may tell or supporting outside it. and of course ice is was a part about kind of the split over internal differences. in fact, giovanni now leaves this regime in syria. he was the deputy to abu back back body.
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he was involved in the car bombings in iraq that slaughtered so many thousands of innocent people. then he became the head of outside the interior, and then they broke away from one another. he was a terrorist to the slaughter of many people, but he was supported by the americans, europeans. so west is riley's and turn the air the want in the oil and gas. we are rich reaches regimes in the region. so obviously the will continue to support these terrorist organizations and these, and these terrace, but uh the united states is a bit different because now that you have top and power, you see tulsa gap are being put in charge of a significant apparently, she has a significant goal to buy and us intelligence, and she has a very negative view of these outside and isis groups. and i think that is what as inputs the us position on syria. however these raise receive what they want is
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about the nice ation of syria. and i think that is also something that perhaps turkey is not so much against turkey will get its share of the pie this way. these people get their share of the pie and the power steering people will be pushed to to kill each other. as we're seeing, the images that you're showing, but i think ultimately that they're the one and it's in yahoo. they will fail. and so will be your opinions. and hopefully, syria will emerge as the united country because they positive, you know, there's thousands of years of, of civilization behind syria. and hopefully people will regroup. and giovanni will be with moves them someone who has a sense of decency and commodity both come to your shows, mentioned israel and even to levine. first are interested in european union to quote, stop granting legitimacy to the newest syrian government. why do you think doesn't
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brussels listen to that? well, these really resume is an interesting case. first of all, i should point out that the same people who been supporting ice as an outside in syria. they've been supporting the genocide in the homicide cancer. and so it's very interesting how some people support one, but not the other. some muslims supports the c. i a in their 31, sir, but they oppose the genocide and cause it. that really is irrational and a lot in it has no logic. and these people are closing their eyes for reality. both come from the same source. but the reason why this really was even in damages, what's going on and see is not because they care about syrians. they just carried out the genocide and they continue to murder people in the west bank and level not in gaza when there's really what she wants is a balkanized ation of syria. they want to divide, enrolled and say they want the different ethnic groups and the different religious
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groups to be at each other's throats for the country to fall apart. so that is really, really will not be made for by a strong country. otherwise they have no interest in having a strong sir and sadly with the other one and, and others have done because of their own selfish interest. is it, the assistive is raving machine in destroying syria. remember, as the one continues to transport oil central asia to as well is ties with it as well, have never decrease even during that phase. so not just days that the genocide to mr. marana. thank you so much for your comments and your time. this was said to mohammed mirandi from the university of a debt ran and european officials are set to be considering typing into individual's personal savings to funds, gifts, or efforts. so that's,
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that's the resilience they failed to reach or deal with us present in donald trump in washington for continued american assistance, or they contributed to reach or, or racial mars than as the story a european leaders have been holding so many meetings over the past few weeks with each other and also with their girlfriends ukraine's live here. zalinski is kind of like a high school sleep training makeup tips except this particular blow up involves blowing a ton of taxpayer tass on weapons and pretending that europeans are demanded and not currently being relentlessly fear bombed by their own leaders into going along with it. first, we're going to discuss the defense level if we can do to really boost our own defense. so on the options are on the table when it comes to financing us to defense. do we need to increase our defense capabilities and we need to build over the next few years autonomy as defense capabilities for europeans that's the defense expenditures. and so that we need
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a clear big plan from the european union while the member states and of course, will come in your team domains. they all sound like they've been waiting around for an arms race like history channel or their favorite tv show. so why all of this defense spending talk now? well, let's just say that if it's a choice between the european economies circling the drain and a giant pile of military contracts, well guess he's getting a shiny new defense budget, courtesy of the european tax there. in germany, for example, europe economic engine spiders in january with a 7 percent slump in factory orders from the prior months of the biggest drop any year. but the new chests are elect friedrich murtz wants to take the debt break off this spending will be altogether the one that was put on there in the 1st place by farmer chancellor angela merkel from merch his own party, the christian democrats to prevent the country from taking
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a spending joy ride right off a cliff or into a wall and now he wants to blow. busy up to a truly in arrows over the next decade on defense and well, he threw in infrastructure as well. why not? because spending cash on weapons is easier than actually fixing the economy that they broke. no, but because of freedom, of course, true to say a dorothy shock. i want to say this very clearly, in view of the threats to our freedom and peace on our continent was the same us now apply to our defense, whatever it takes, whatever it takes, whatever it takes, smoking, like someone who's spending someone else's money. the only thing left to do now is to make sure that they're too scared to resist the people with jeremy mertz and his pristine democrat party liberally campaigned on fiscal responsibility and maintaining the debt break of his pre disaster. but the minute video team here in raleigh come. busy to the driver seat, he suddenly decides that he wants to take the german economy for us. been
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a joy ride on the autobahn. germany's economy has been in the dumpsters twice way too, but apparently there is nothing that now can be fixed with the truly in your owes. and the good excuse from alice was saying that the plan couldn't boost g p by 2 percent in the long run. and well, hey, even if it doesn't, those responsible probably won't be around a more to be held accountable anyway. secret which left checking on france, additional smoke, i'm a c. so massive joint financing will be decided to buy and produce on european soil ammunition tanks, weapons, and equipment, which is among the most innovative. i asked the government to be mobilized, so that on the one hand, it strengthens our armies as quickly as possible. and on the other hand, it accelerates the re industrialization in all our regions, the europe of defense, which we have been defending for 8 years. that portion is therefore becoming a reality. real hope that the phones.


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