tv Documentary RT March 11, 2025 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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of the robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're such orders at conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point obviously is to makes a trust rather than ship the job. i mean with artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the payment the most protect this phone existence was on the eve of do more leisure for keys to then city on the right here we usually if i want to do nothing in the drop it off actually exist very square for spring,
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you may have solution in the building up, so you have energy to the new system, the current about which in 2 types, the remainder of the same as your energy is used in quite from your subscription to the most part of which lexus massachusetts, on some she did the 1st of all, but these are the, was the ever use trouble? the very 1st step with the brother pretty to ship the bridge a lot. if you do here for you at some of the some which adds to it. yes, i did get the usually the of mentioned to the truth and the solution in the but i'm with it's just the name, but i'm with the system. i mean motions force enough to much better to for us the
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the general opinion that the book and of course not dogs can this can done one thing, lots and work on your snow. 3, your, her name really next and i'm sure it can flush national go story. but a book i news really progressed and us the great news and bundle ramirez was kind of a june to chase. but of all is reading this name and don't go single one. the detail bully done and know when you mind you double click motional crossroads, aging. these mean which legit nearby to avoid change due to requirements if there's someone does that. but that you, what could of george get? that's a defense of the must have to be able to use just the, the dining and the 1st inductance, percentage of the one, you know, the fine yet, there's somebody that said the board, the fisher did bring him on your cousin that's was still at the store look, you could do to and you still something in the corner, miss mcdaniel, you need those 2. i need to go to national from that i just go to finish the fish
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and then use 5. it's yeah, that would you suggest carlos? i don't know who she lives in us with us. not really sure. it's an issue that you've shouldn't be a more beautiful academic the the 1st month really did see very similarly invalids, even the staff is facing who but it does sound like you know, getting better. most of the are going to come on the excuse me, should the, should already be due to really both and let's keep this sort of complement as we started formerly chain, you know, kind of lean. yeah. but it's not doing fair. let's see. see, and there's no choosing anchor. durham is 0, early on. you were bone, you earlier and i stopped at the end of at the reading a full national. engage him for,
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what did you cook? yes. yeah. i mean this one is rich slipping into the dish. i put the dump which i'm really a person that i've talked to you, but that is the percentage of the legit. my yearbook gm? a shy with the, with your, with your whatever you get the disk about doing my, i mean what you actually have to what, which even you might to know what this was not good full gloves that live heed next to the system near that us in that shows that i smoke up dr. each by with wash me. so when you buy dry lot by guy liability. yeah, i'm not sure it's a mom and you know, you want to know i have some boy the comes no, this gift more at the moment limited for them,
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t. the other ones to what's going on. this will become which the caution are doing and you have to mushroom for it, but how many extra each of those are one from one she did some mountain say, do you mean thought of them know a come from the room will a come for unless i'm leaving the students will be a junior, she is considered east wisc approaching the the emptiest 7 you mean? yeah. and it's funny. and so what's the see? what's good for her next piece? i just so if you need to put it plus more than, i mean, assuming kind of general just kind of shooting at people of those. i, it's like, excuse me, musician i police. i think she must gorski and i actually need to give you a book and then you pull it upstairs. and then if you need to get for specifics here, let me ask you to purchase the process dispute. and if i'm to move on to and you can use the scan, okay, for sure. still a motion, ocean, ocean shuster folks. and this was
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there's no need to use so much as easy for the next few minutes to really look to come up with that. he's getting me in the summer and groundless. i'm a resident of virginia 2. now, when i send him over to my reading and he's just now lou friends, you only even if you're on the car promotional problem, which mr. gustin doing course the video and of course, and i'm not saying the review of what i'm conversing in regards to an international guys know a doctor on the dr. platform of 3, which is to hear their own words in washington. glenn, is there a cookie for decent packing? you know, don't want you to do more than that. you and your people out of what some you and
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it was there to do on conversion to get that with the group, the youtube videos, admit that to me and he has to do a tough for me to get some information for the customer. so if someone could give me some direction yeah, still need to know what the story just i get on my choice. you have to cut off so much for the shifts and going into the mice. you took a. yeah, because i was to, i know those know which i'm russian and you could 3, but i knew i don't want to just the dying and but i'll just just ask them in motion source, not the most part of the to for us to yeah. then sure, if we ended up watching the quick video,
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you're glad you're sending it in. we'll ask you to look up to that. that's really the key story to cut the one. i know i'm just reading the what divides days. so what's ups? no, but i don't want you to florida. mister dab. cookie to bed. sure. but those are what i'm what the computer you're dealing with, the beam what i'm what, what, what are you deal? yep. us the new to is just a great. yeah. so to get to it so that the started down with recording so most of them is been my name is eugene. my pleasure. i am done to provide you to a motion of faxed over customers or you know, stuff almost makes you mind that for sure. can this quick memorial permission to do the extra pamela, pointing to a text of blue chest in the text,
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him blue and his passion for that you need you to stay seduce me. i would you tape what id to neglect and that you had a bit of storage of stops to get that and what, what does that finish? what is your, what's, what the options to eat. but i do need you to any thoughts, as you might have the use to send the crew, put them in your butcher. yes. to mama my opinion. let's throw in that for those. i'd be happy to have you guys have photos force consumption to somebody else to turn up the skype and the sounds and the doors to do. it's just your maturity and store, but i do choose to that's the deal that she's feeling. and that's what, fortunately for them which is between
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the, the russian states never as tight as on the most sense community best ingles, all sense of the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to day as quickly ortiz food next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say, steve or twist,
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which is the total? no, hollywood looking at i was working on the dream list for drains come through the we have approximately $10000000.00 people in california that are risk of becoming on house looks good man pulls up some people working to pretty jobs and still not enough because of the cost of living also has increased co bags and still buying parts just last year long. the amount of of homeless rose by 12 percent in california. the the, how much of the woods? i'm pretty much ready to discuss and i don't know long, you know,
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the most used car grass was who went upstairs, immunization yes. collegiate got off work. i totally bought. but every station and upset when united, really thoughtful me in the condo on screeners, and i know it's getting to that form used to miss the use of she had got those of just on the board. so what this plan, so she can go to the who, sure to come with the slogans. kimble, i'm going to do is hope you're going to see the as much data, which is danielle. it will come out on both ends. very sensitive, so you will guess community bank statements to say she did it in the 39 and it was
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actually quite due is that the richard is doing it. there's a month left to do much on the card with the former. she for the luxury ga that got daughter even lose, not the most. that's a name. you know, those not will disagree with that. got the what i'm, we have cause of rent a problem. the notion of the, on the, if the dip get he asked of the name is that i just described, pick it up and you get, pick our daughter and nobody in their permission. if i took the massage and you're the thermal specific, came over in this little by visual limited in our project near above. are you with them on my comes to me. i did you meeting last year to you soon? riley. this is a thought, i am name you to keep a new product. you doesn't need to hear them. it's just dealing with the beach and fix it on the top and fix it on their way. the progressive are in the a whole lot. the most successful, do you have to avoid the he said, you're the deepest. it's on their stuff with
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a blue invoice for the marsh mesh. they prefer the floors now getting up city or the to me the cook with every man when we're new system that kind of which in 2 types of data, gay roughly it already that's part of the permit. they're not which didn't start with them. nadine smith, the new colors to the really force nice to fly in. yeah. a tiny you come in the from the video from the store so that you so that we need to do that sort of both a little bit just kind of similar. surely when you, when you, when you 1st need, by giving you asked about the purchase and from the new nipples of my new lease cavender store, meals, never switch these d in the criteria. if i'm coverage, corporate commission and then with the instructor came which to that? that's correct. and would you with that i'm option, you know you produce a sure just that i'm into that secondary line usually was the fittest of us. of course it's listed on the,
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on the what the mileage it to that is, but it also supports it. it's a pretty question leave but the, but of course it will stay on the grid to coverage. it will stay on the glad each the she just said you find the board. they tell you just from new to us, cock that you but they should have more of what i mean, here's the best that we started the jello. but guess what you thought was a used car that was used to, particularly in the pretty much the judges, but of the dealer stuff. the deluxe doesn't switch it back to me, or she to subscribe to to, to be no use to clearly uh, which is danielle deer. uh well, what i know, what does that good to watch? the sleep you of the dot net, just the line. you know, just a few drops at the will, the net with the local guns cannot on that is for me to junior, near below,
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double changes that you choose. now national, just because it's not nice to go to that. those still live. we do 2 cars to do on the committee, put all the novel chain. you do 10000 in particular plots. score the patricia to so let's check them across the time security. no, no. another sweater. no good. i'm sister store the other one on the to do to launch control and that is for me to the system. somebody in nutrition. so the last night i would check the q u t. what in the book got this that i am so uh, i'm also in discussions that the read about us, but i don't want to continue,
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but member caused them to send it as name of this. and the sam june is a pro, it's not a for them. then you the commander for yeah, a starting the music of like you speak, i'm used to go to, there's not for these yet, but as i like to know my short, but if you any snow down the money and the floors nice to but she's got these kind of things as get the script warmer sheets and whatnot, and that it's due to me. you have to put a to upstairs and you put she just was that piece of garbage. cool. no sweat and slip. joseph jones, this is due to go to any cause. any ups near though it is easy said that you will to new from an engine command. facilitation exec nice to get of what used to do to good thought in the sound you to use the got steps here to escape the douglas to to and then you cardiac now which to the spirit of which his book was binding, the poem pioneers, the sampling those days she placed at the do to cut the addendum as a kind of new we had met with jasmine. so then you put up your debt set that to cut
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the nation. so he said this the resonated one from with the team that you wish to go with much a little worse. i do not think i'm not sure what your thoughts are. she is on what she meant, what your thoughts cause on which i mentioned not. so anyways, did holla was 2 guys. could you get a chance once you get me to use her by an insurance, if you could have a few minutes that we use for further assistance other stuff to into you want to see the actual its a blessed day and he was needing to get off was not do go ahead and ask them with the store when they just wanted this 5, it's least more. she said that the, at the nice since then incentive,
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we were watching events and that's the one the position of progression from that online station us at the which in the initial was that that's enough changes in that particular on the 1st year of school. and they have been with the last couple of more students and woke across because from those can some of the to portions to hold and extension again, things change special needs. this was to discontinue against when you have the feeling you used as a desk. i use terms to not possible for them to have for so much energy and you've got to have them on the maloney oceans, not just on the us as a mining anymore. i nibbled a little check and kind of see crushed to the reason you're supposed to bring yours with joe, that i'm not for sure. it's
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a shot. she made most choice. the opponent luann sky today, and so we sued them. clear which i sent them. yep. i'll put it in there that are pretty up to date. yeah. my name's projection. this would show you the funding the thought. let me see what i expect you to know what the, what the full gas company. yes. so nobody who mr. skim. somebody who snapped us, it's not that sure i shows can pretty much cover for some of our demo. typical you're us and you are putting you on to put investment in the table
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by the pushing that's actually of i'm kind of nice to meet you new kind at the end of it as many times is your, what is the most popular opinion or really you of course, let me show what the most up to produce. hooked it up, say. now what category those are the more share from us on the non the dispatch and we'll catch up as a former, the chauffeur don't close up showing us give service of putting it up based on the move you as well as from the up to the stick i key at the bay cuz that's the hedge and the sewage cut off a couple impressionable and you should all normally is actually she did. i remember she cleaned that motors because obviously you speak to do to use the kitchen, is doing your thoughts as in manuel. read it to us, just pulling a desktop with me yesterday that i've been working as to what he spent on last year with question was that i missed i to you to the band at them. that's the last off
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charlie attempt to see if the car saw so through the system stand. first. last, do you mind wash? sorry, no, no. no, i these cause issues to convince children or to your to, to go, you pensions through this, the trust, there's no bosses of what you most of the endorsement like going to extinguish up some of the stuff. send a form that you lets me you will each doesn't ring schedule text or speak to, oh yes, no shopping across the board which, which is in your global credit and you sign language. but i'm not saying you have which is tim. what i'm, what the tax is, do i need nibble designers? that's
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a need of cliquish credit. so you need to go in this portion of it. and i know that the credit is mattress, and i'm naval alignment. is that that should say no. what's your concession to mean? yeah, the the despite everything gray breeze go to the front lines with that eagerly awaited they pray in the trenches and bunkers and hospitals destroyed churches. they pray for peace. started thinking out of work during ask almost the 1st or what kind of stuff, but for the last 2 years, 2 years. so you sure it's
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the all americans today, our armed forces joined our nato allies in air strikes against the serbian forces below. forgot the village spread through us without moving forward. conclude, disregarding a fan base is munition, which is reinforced with the depleted uranium that has a special capacity to spend the tree from absolute our safety point of view. there is no radiological or even and nothing is significant consequences. the, the symmetry seems and was a real city of a dead where it's very easy to get lost. similar graveyards now exist in iraq and afghanistan. they may soon appear in ukraine with thousands or square kilometers of already being contaminated with deadly dust. for the next 4 and a half 1000000000 years,
4:00 am
the it is breaking news as our from russia, with a nation's ad defend systems shoot down over 300 and through the ukranian drones. overnight. the attacks that leading to civilians does and up to 20 wounded russian officials of colon and get a terrible attack disturbing images as the new militant regime and damascus continued to take aim at the religious minorities that will take its finished administer your operation and quote, neutralize a side loyalist uncles detail the con there was a complete massacre. no one survives, all male children are subject to total annihilation. they killed everyone,
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