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tv   Documentary  RT  March 11, 2025 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

10:30 pm
the people on the seat as though they put in a vehicle some vehicle, the insurance of the do monday or produce the city or the year we usually buy more into the account and that's and you don't remember those are still exist very squared plus for you if you can give me a solution to the next 3 of the to me nice has been kind of that which and to top, seeing the samples on the g 's use that the pipeline in your subscription to the
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illustrative. which left messages here on some of the 1st of all, but those of the what you have in your struggle, the price will stick with the brother party to ship the bridge in lot. if you do here for the same at some of which are important, this how much adds to it. yes, i did it the usually the, i'm not sure the, the truth and associates the, that i'm with, it's just the name, but i'm with the system. i mean motions portion of to much better to for us you're both great doing that. you know, i'm few that i'm with a to continue on. come that like you're more than you shows you, you can slip on ocean federalists. and then we see the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the general opinion that the book and of course not dogs can yes. can don't the last and work on your snow. pretty your, her name really, nixon, i'm sure it can flush national good story. but a book i news really progressed and us the great news and bundle ramirez was kind of a june the chase. but the role is written this name and no single one that the chamberlain,
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genuine know when you mine you double ca, motional crossroads age. and these mean which college in nearby and grew up with gems due to requirements for some of the shrubs with that you could of george guess that's uh if it's at the most secure. yeah. but i used to most the time. yeah. the 1st is that the service you have, and then you know, the thing, if there's somebody that said the board, the fisher did bring him on your cousin that's was still at the store who the give her the chair and you're still something in the court. miss new coming down your you need those 2. i need to go to national and from that i just go to finish the fish and then you'll survive. it's the yeah, that would you suggest carlos? i don't know why
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she was in us with us. not really sure, it's an issue that you the shouldn't be a joy more beautiful academic the, the 1st month really the to visually invalids, even the staff is facing who but it does sound like, you know, getting better. most of the are going to come on the excuse me, should the, should already be due to really both of us giving us the compliment, especially for managing your kind of leaving your personal don't fear my, let's see. see, i'm not shooting anchor to them is the early on. you were bone you earlier and i stopped at the end of it. they needing a full nation dujin village and then gave them the ocean. everybody lives there. thank you for feedback to me. so if this doesn't take you over to
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the, to the floor, you can use wireless, which i just us the, what did you use? yeah, i mean, this one is a shopping it the, the discharge supposed to be done. which way a person that i saw was direct you, but that is the percentage of the legit might be able gm
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a shot with the with your your but i'm looking to get the disk about doing my i mean watching as if to what which even you my to never just of nicholas full gloves. i believe. heed next to the system. yes. that is now shows that i smoke up dr. each fall applause. me sign my new bank. i love to buy a guy louder. yeah. i'm not sure some of them and you know you want to know i have some boy the comes no this guest right. the moment limited the wrong for them restoring you for them that i need to buy it. i knew the fullest and that she mama wasn't familiar. she went on the books before i confirm title,
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she has to give to one of my summers to who is could do to do t of the other ones to what's going on in this for which of which the caution are doing in your muscle for it but i'm really, if you also have those are one from when she did some mountain, said even thought of them now or come from the room will come for unless i'm
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leaving, the students will be a junior. she's been said he stay wisco personally then then we're going to use. so when you mean, yeah, and he's funny and so watch for you see a couple of the next piece i just if you need to put the test morton with me syndicated funeral, just kind of shooting at people to those. right. so i could just use the musician, i believe i was on a she my school ski and i actually need to give you a book. and then you pull the upstairs and then the treating. you did you replace decisions here? and they could ask you to produce the process dispute, and if i'm to know what i'm showing you, cuz these is there. okay, so she is still emotion ocean's notion shuster folks. and let me see what
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the the, there's no need to wonder use so much for the next few minutes to come up with that he does that sound like wrong that's i'm a resident of virginia to now when i say i'm or to my reading and a sticky now though,
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i concerns you only even if you're on the track more than the problem which mr. gustin ended doing course the ocean to let the view what i'm conversing, the booster goods tonight, the nationalist guys know a doctor on the dr. platform of 3, which is to hear their own word ocean. dom glenn is our country for decent back. and you know, from what you do more than i was mentioning and people out of what's in the, in the positive you on google ocean for it that way. you would have to go to youtube videos and use it for october. the 1st thing here with us for me to get some information to, to the customer flight plan,
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which itself is is decent options. yeah . still needs to know what the story just to get on my choice. you have to cut off so much for the shifts and warning of the mice you took a yeah, because i was to, i know the snow which i brush and then you could 3, but i knew i don't know what existed thing and but i'll just to start from the motions source on the screen. much better for us to. yeah, cuz i'm sure if we ended up watching the video you're good or swimming it in and would ask you to look up to that. that's really the key story to cut the one. i know i'm just waiting for device days so it was slips. no, but that's what i'm watching. floors. me see them cookie to bed. sure. but of those with what i'm, what,
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what are you dealing with to be more no more. but what are you, do you happen to know? chose just to grab that again or with some that the talking down with recording. so most of them is been, my name is in cima. came up for lunch, i am done, provide you to a motion to fax them with customers or, you know, stuff almost makes you mind switching this quick memorial. i don't know what to do next to pamela. bringing you a text book, shesta do a text and blew his passionate burnett chimney. you just say it's just me. i would you tape what i teach in a glutton? isn't that you paid them at the store? it's a stops to get that and what's a good? what does that finish to see? what's what the much to eat. but i do need you to any thoughts as you might have
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the use it just for now look, look at the menu which you use to mama. my opinion. let's throw in after those, i'd be in good shape, divides your photos, voice consumption to somebody else can stand up with the skype and the sounds and the doors to do. it's just you and maturity and store. but i do choose to add those together to ceiling, and that's what, fortunately for them, which is between the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just because it shows you few fractured images presented as fast?
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can you see through their illusion going underground? can i told him the hollywood. luckily i was going to dreamland for dreams. come through the we have approximately 10000000 people in california that are risk of becoming on house looks good man pulls up somebody for working to pretty jobs and still not enough because of the cost of living also has increased co bags and still buying just last year long, the amount of of homeless rose by 12 percent in california
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or tending the conflict in ukraine was never going to be easy. donald trump famously claim the could end the conflict in a day to be fair. he never said which, nonetheless, trump has made his intentions clear. the problem for him is cube in europe's neal liberal ideal logs, back in the list. how much of the woods and pretty much ready to discuss mental health plan. you know, the most used car crash was who went upstairs during the season? yes. could. could you check out the criteria? but if he's just not an option when united, really thoughtful me in the condo, on skinner's not not getting to that form used to miss the use of she got those. so just, i'm not able to put this in. so she can go to the who. sure to come, what are the slogans? kimball,
10:46 pm
i'm going to do is hope you're going to see the as much data, which is daniel, it's all cannot on both ends. very sensitive. so you will guess community bank statements to say she did it the in the 39. and it was actually to quite do is that the which is dania, there's a month left to do much on the card with the permission for the luxury ga that got dora english, not the most. that's a name. you know, those not will disagree with that. got the what i'm, we're cause the rep problem, the notion of the, on the, if the dip get the asked of the name is that i to just pick it up the and you get the cardboard. i am nobody in their permission of throwing us how senior
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the thermal specific came over in the civil war by additional limited in our project near above. are you with them on my comes to me. i did meeting last year, q u, as in riley. this is a couple them name you to keep the product you doesn't need to hear them. it's just dealing with the vision fits it on there to consider on their way the progressive aren't really a lot. the last something we need to have with the dmv said, you're the deepest, it's our nurse, the with a blue invoice for the marsh mesh tape of the floors. now building up city over the, to me, a quick email and when will your new system are kind of been wishing to touch the virginia roughly? it already has to happen. that's probably the permit or not, which didn't start with them. nadine smith, if i knew colors to the, i'm really forcing us to fly in yeah. a tiny, you come in the, from the video from the store so that you said that we need to do that sort of both a little bit just kind of similarly and explain you when you,
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when you 1st and you bring you asked about the subject and from the federal questionnaire. and you nipples when you nice because i'm just the nurse which it is a member criteria from corporate commission. and then with the instructor came which to that? that's correct. and would you, with or out that i'm option you really produce a sure system is with that secondary line usually was the fittest of us focused. it's or listed on and you know what the mileage it to that is, but it also stuff what's in? it's a pretty question. leave with the but of course, stay on the grid to coverage. he will stay on the glad each the she just said, if i had put the board, they just moved to us cock that the but they should have more of what i mean, here's the best that we started the jello. but guess what you thought was a used car that was used to, particularly in the pretty much the just the, the, the jailer stuff, the deluxe,
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the switch it up to me yesterday to subscribe to today. you know, used to clearly uh, which is danielle deer. uh well, what i know what just back towards the new uh, the net, just the line. you know, just a few drops at the will. lynette? oh, with the local guns cannot. that is for me to junior near below that machine. you think you'd be cheap? no natural to just because it's not nice to go to that are still live. we do 2 cars to do on the commute, but all the novel chain you do 10000 in particular plots score e patricia to so let's just look across the time security t. no. another sweater. no good. i'm just the store. the other one on the to do to launch control and that is for me to the system. somebody in nutrition. so the last number i'm gonna try to give you the book got this is that i am so uh, i'm also in discussions that
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the read about us roommates on this, but i don't want to continue. but remember 1000 you said it as name of business. i'm doing is a pro us not a for them then you the community for yeah, a started the music of like you speak. i me, she got the, there's not for these yet, but as i can and my short, but if you any snow down the money on the floor and there's 2. but she's got these kind of things as getting skipped warmer sheets and whatnot. and that it's due to me, you have to play to upstairs and, and what she gets was that she got this cool some of
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the flooding slip, joseph jones, this is the to go to any cause any ups near though it is easy said the to wilkes new from an engine command. facilitation exec nice to get of what used to do to good thought in the sound. you to use the steps here to escape the douglas to to and then you cardiac now which to us that was beautiful, which is book best binding the pm pioneers, the sampling those days. she placed it the do to cut the deck and as a color, then we had that with jasmine. so then you put the predicts set. that's good then nation. so you said this the resonated one from with the team that you wish to go with much a little who were sending the children focus is on what she meant, what your thoughts cause on which i mentioned not so anyways, kit comes to questions. melanie, what's 2 guys, could she's newton chance? once you get me to you, sir, by an insurance, if you could have a few minutes,
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that's fine. i'm waiting for service because they're supposed to going to use the want to see the actual. it's a birthday and i knew what sneezing and yet i was not do go ahead and ask them with this tool when they just wanted this fine, which one is more to choose from? that is at the less since then incentive. we were watching events and that's doing the position of professional from that online edition us if the which in the initial was perfect enough changes in that particular on the 1st year of school. and i have been with the last couple of more students and woke across because from those can someone the 10 portions to hold and extension again,
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things check specialists and this will show the contingency when you have this too and you used as a desk, i use terms to not possible for them to have for so much energy and you've got the not allowing your transfer, not just on the us this morning anymore. i nibble i will try and come, she crushed the reason you're supposed to bring a and i was reaching out to them, the blue shirts or something. she made most choice, the opponent luann sky today as we see them, which i sent them. yep. i'll put it in for the day that are pretty up to date. yeah . cuz i'm switching to sprint. show you
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the funding at the see what i expect you to know whether or not that's what the full gas company. yes. so nobody who mr. skim. somebody who snapped us, it's not that sure i chose can pretty much come up for the summer, but a lot of that stuff you knew what i'm putting you on to put investment in the table by the pushing it's actually of instead of nice to meet you new kind at the end of it as many times as you all, what is the most popular opinion or really you, of course, let me show with the most up to produce hooked it up say. now what category those are the moisture promotes on the non the dispatch and we'll catch up with the former. the chauffeur don't close up showing us give sufficient putting it up based on the
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i lose you as well as from the up to the stick. i key at the baker's desk besides the and the suit to cut the cut the bull, and you should all normally, especially she did. i remember she cleaned that much cuz i still use the key to to use the kitchen as being your thoughts as in manuel. read it to uh, is it just pulling a desktop? let me ask you the largest of what he spent on last year with question was that i missed i to get the band at them that lost off trying to attempt to see if the car saw so through the system stand 1st. maddox, lois, do you mind watch the email? no, i these cause issues to convince children or to your to tell you, but just do this,
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the trust. there's no bosses of what you much of the, you know, if my going extinguish up some of the stuff send the form that you lets me you will each during discussion with dr. spit to, oh yes, no. show progress number with which, which is in your global encouraging assignment boards. but i'm not saying it was, which is tim. what i'm, what the tax is. do i need nibble designers? that's a need of cliquish credit. so you need to go in this portion of it and i know that the credit is nash just and i'm the bottom it is that that should say, you know, what's your concession to mean? yeah. the the
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12000 so arrested in 1941 in the boston in town, the hutch and then unity created pop it independent state of croatia. ned, by the alternation is we start shipping labels to send you the visual photographs to send me one lane was 3 to a dance amy animals. i am on the bus switch over to a q and a brief message in the homes in fields and the numerous mass executions sites around the hutch, including care of the west, texas. and part of the employer is new port through barrow court. your portion last night was an idea to talk with the to the people. people see those, the eco, some of the
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insurance the if you think about russia, what does your mind picture the bottom landscapes open up before your eyes? the last one. just imagine the, the discount starts, the journey, the, the, you ready to come along the,
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despite everything re breeze go to the from lines with that eagerly awaited they pray in the trenches and bunkers and hospitals destroyed churches. they pray for peace, they get out of work there and ask almost the 1st or what kind of stuff, but for the new law for your students. so mutual 2nd i am the symbol of sleep and the last time that you don't watch the dinner shots or just try to bristol shape or gotcha. so the way i've been here, it's called the best interest of this as far as i finish the hold on all the sharon fish just qualified for service before i send this to nasa. join
11:00 pm
the on the i mean everyone is chasing the same dream. everyone is doing the same thing, having to get a job making it rich major,


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