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tv   Cross Talk  RT  March 12, 2025 5:30am-6:01am EDT

5:30 am
as my own country and i know that the russian government is quite sincere and looking to pursue a diplomatic solution. see what troubles me panic and is something that i continued here now from people. and, you know, it's significant positions just as the united states cynically developed a relationship with china in 1972 under nixon. who was for the express purpose of going after the soviet union to try wanted to make sure that they split them a park. i a for several people and i know that this alberta, colby, who is going to be like the number 3 person and the department of defense, that the, they, they see china has the enemy. and they want, and they believe that they can split russia from china and again use you would not you personally just a pedestal, but the country has, has
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a wedge against china. now, i've tried to say that's foolishness, because i liked the united states. the russian government takes its agreements seriously and adheres to them. so, how do you think you know what, what will be rushes approach and juggling this? this was call a subterfuge by the united states to, on the one hand, offer you hand the friendship. but at the same time, they have not released their desire to destroy your country. and to also use your cynically against the chinese we have been through this, as you mentioned, the maintenance of a to do when the next some one to this, the relationship and this triangle to be legs is the
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relations between the us and china. and the us and the russia most must be better than the relations between most go and check. yes, yeah. come dimension. well, it's a nice philosophical construction. but if the current situation is the right, it could be different. we never had the relations this china, we show war that knew that confidential, that long story built and that would be enjoying supports of the peoples of most countries. the americans know that we would not. so we would not to the 3 o commutes. once you go commitments,
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but also you know, the political commitments which, which we develop was the chinese, we have problems, we have difficulties. so even though relations mostly because of the essential is because the company is one to avoid being punished. so some of the very promising projects, logistical infrastructure projects, you can say view area i'd be delayed, but the way i'm not the ferry and the chinese of course on never in the 30 days. oh is they all of this see over horizon. this is the national national guard, and we, we respect this. trump is already saying about head meeting gets 3 of us, china, russia. as he mentioned that she would like to discuss nuclear weapons and the
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security issues we would be open to any 4 month, which is based on mutual respect on the quarter to no pre judged solutions. if our changes, friends would be interested, it would be the decision. but this does not negate the importance. so for us, us dialogue on strategic study that's in the interest in reviewing the insides. discussions, so as express repeatedly by conferences, people put in in response said that is the area where we have special responsibility. especially since even the one year these thoughts 332 would be would be expiring.
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so it's a very different approach from the, by the, than, than by the administration used to present you to promote naval saying let's review the implementation of this, the 3 to and let us visit some of your nuclear sites with hold of guys to be clear. this and you need to clear the, the goal. oh, to inflict strategic the defeats on the russia. they said yes, but this does not preclude the song that the text to kill them. technical is that's the uh, drums position. as i said, that the very beginning is that whatever difference this we have done to load them to generate them through a war. so uh and uh, what the,
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what the interest uh, come the same way. gunter ways that you the chance to, to develop this into something practical and the useful you. so it seems a mock, ruby's headed himself, we were walking into a multiple, a world and you said, you know, the chinese and into an extend the russians as well. you always look at the horizon and ignore short term developments. so in the horizon, do you think? i know i'm getting ahead of myself, but do you think there's a possibility over the next, i say 10 years of now on the normalization of relations between gosh on to us, funk back to, to an alliance between the 2 countries in the next 10 years. that's something already people have talking about. the lands means it least historically. and this is deeply, you know, or mentality means the u r.
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l y is somebody uh multiple area to be ship monica to reach other nice the is a different how can you uh, 3 customize multiple letter to with though it's regarding nice ink such giant this china, such a giant as into if we guys are going to and then let them america bless you and quite a number of others multiple there, it's in my view would be evolving for quite some time. it's historic people probably uh then it would let's, let's my vision. it could be composed of super
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bowers by the size, by the economic weight, by the way, that somebody might especially nuclear and something to us. china, russia, seats into this category. those who are not, as uh, as big um they can participate in my, in the multiple the world through the sub regional. so structures i see on, for example, the gcc golf go to ration, go so illegal, philip states and african union by the way, receive the, the states a so full member of jude went to last year. the federal of states was the same. we are in favor g 20 by the way, is, is the full month of each,
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is now proven to be not only financially and the cannot make it a useful, but also political. it might, might play a very positive role in of the process of multiple literature. yes, there are still remnants of the most it to about the rule of consensus as they are they don't float. and therefore the most promising the night, the nations gentle. so whoever in our, in the, somebody can get something from the security council, they go to the general assembly on the stage. the show was, was, was a q 's ations and so on and so forth. but
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not only do not go to do, spoke about with multiple literature. the drop spoke about nato as a research the few statements to repeat this face. and as of this was one of the reasons and we insist that any a bro ginia attempt to approach the credit in crisis. any initiative of most of them a very vague shoot goes in through on the root cause of the conflict and the drum gum. so that one of the root cause was nato expansion region created the threats to the russian secures. and the speaking on on, on the human rights and on the sincerity of our,
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with some friends you're and the u. k. they so to me, one, the still going to the way they receive the zalinski in london after the scandal and russian. um it's, it's an indication that they want to raise the stakes and the they're preparing something to do the rest of the trumpet ministration back into some aggressive fiction against the russia. so we have, so let's just think about this. we know what we are doing, but i am mostly amazed was this the peacekeepers obsession. peacekeepers. let's stop my code on says let's stop. and one months peacekeepers would be deployed. then we'll see what to do next.
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because 1st that there's not of what we, what we say is required for the end of this war, which the west waged against us through your credit. and so is the direct participation of the media through with all of this if nato expansion is reject night is that least by the drum as one of the roots causes them. the presence of the troops from nato countries on the n. if leg infiniti k based on ukrainian son is the same for it. so he's the same. do you want to accept it under any conditions under any conditions? so nobody is talking to us. they keep saying nothing about ukraine result, ukraine, but they do every single both russia was out. the rush,
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landing around by the way. well enough, the boat peacekeepers can said, well, it's the to, to discuss those. but normally you need the consent of that. but just way, why should we give consent to the peacekeeping force or peacekeeping group? we will not force, they'll de, one force from the composing a composed of the countries who do clear this and then and, and they would come as peacekeepers. and the 2nd thing is uh uh, the rights and the faith of the people who leave not only on the lead, the right, the territories about the territories under the control of the gym. they also, most of them speak russian. they were brought as part of the russian
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coach and they want the kids to no rush and to learn the russian. my question was whether the floor will set several pieces so float. but i see between the russian language, whether this would be cancelled on the territory, which would be left off ukraine. there is no answer we'll see, we'll see later. and if you'll see later, another question, whether you will still keep this monument to a button that who calibrated through a seed with a and was up to use the, the convicted by the tribunal, an extensive. and this one in the, for the 1st time is available. so there was showing them few said that i never suspected that. you know, this was the case to minutes. the minister for this is right.
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so the rest of your grade would do this monday and then send would keep the practitioner refresh on the stage. the torch marshes, marshes was the in souvenir from. assess the divisions then result of respect. this would be not the group force keeping base. this would be a group keeping and breath texting the ne, see you, bye. the. and the, this is a absolutely non stop one stuff this, these are one part of the time to go. she ations as well on the peace negotiations and come see you claim is that include, are you are able to, she's on you agree? yes. as, as present present president trump touring? is it surely by inclining or could it include all the geo political interests for really, really discuss the situation the persian gulf, the discuss to be joined comprehensive
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action program on your nuclear issue. we are in the phase of restoring the regional program from each of them. the resources are up to during the 1st term for government the so i'm going to somebody or be inside. we would be in favor of freeze. you mean the full month reach developed, the regional deal endorsed by the security council, which is france and germany, u. k. u. s. russia, china, and the wrong uh, we'll see how it goes. but the, what is, what is the warning is that there are some indications that the americans would like this new deal to be accompanied by political
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conditions. insisting that this should, this some verifiable, verifiable arrangement for you around not the support groups in iraq in the syria as a new list, which i don't think is going is going to play a little full country. so this region in the, in the gulf, all of them have influence beyond the borders of the kingdoms and the rates of north nova. and if we get the undertake right, the number of programs of human you, terry and economic programs,
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they mediate some of them for example, in the domestic crisis. and so that is being handled one way or another by some place in the gulf. so to say that everybody has this right to um for gibbons to project inches except around. yeah, i don't think it's realistic. so for the credit report and statement, june 2024. regarding the conditions for a settlement to even start negotiations with ukraine and my reading of it has been the president pollutants position has been the same. your position has been the same as the president's. it's been also by the, the vice minister read golf,
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reset it and yet i think there are some in the west that perceive that you don't really mean what you say of the let them live the, uh, the news guys. yeah. i know, you know, uh oh gosh, this is very clear and leaves, yes. and is this good enough because we use it? so the it's it's, it's because we have been building go a few years so many times that on this particular crisis. we know what must be done and that we would not for you know, compromise the way which would,
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which would compromise the faith of the people's soft about the territory. so it's about the people who would surprise the issues 3 by law who was well, zalinski was asked them september 21 before the duration. she was asking an interview when the war was still way and going into violation of the meanest agreements. she was asked by interview or what she felt about the people on the other side of the line of content. and she said, you know, it's still in the internet. you can see it. uh you know, the right people under a specious uh and the eve new, but the new crate feels that she was she is a pato freshman culture. my advice to you for the sake of your children for the future. if your grandkids go to rush to get out the feel great,
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and this was the man who only a few years before that will be in the next. and then when the, when the running for president, he was saying stop for taking the russian like lead people, you most females on the record. and but the sequence of events which made us absolutely concentrate that on via treating the the resolves which would be in favor of the people which would be saving the people. those will speak well, we have to bring q grading back into 90 and 91 territory and the russian must get the territories important only because people live on boosters and the people who live on the territory is which you once back. the descendants of those who for hundreds and hundreds,
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here's what building a guess. and obviously it is on those of the ones who were building boards rhodes, who will fall into those those, those lens and the who the associate that was, was the history of this. so then that would mean schedule events head they do leave the middle school. griggs, as they would still have been in 1991, both as mine, australia because i knew it was, it was never mentioned during the means means negotiations. everybody understood that this was a very clean for both of the people that were 100. so for us unobserved was not official, but from these april 2022 eastern bull
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market on so that the porch and try to impose some single items or landscape is another light by a mushroom. yeah, because the paper which was initial they awesome ukrainians, was prepared by ukrainians and we accepted this it was very straightforward known. they took no military bases, no needed. 30 maneuvers instead of natal goodman to set provided by government and 5 plus germany plus 13 and the least as open ended budget. who would like to and joined the list of government this. and this guarantees do not cover crania and the parts of done bus, which was controlled by russia that and then they,
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they, they, initially it was the same. and this principles way initial time, there was an agreement to develop if 3232 paper on this basis then board is johnson said the don't do. it's continue to fight the just like the said, the for german intelligence now says that we cannot stop until the twins between tonight maybe they want to see thoughts. the drum. yeah. so could they, could they be the gulf or the phone? could they deliver it on their own initiative? they would still have 1991 mother's mind, the screen, me and minus some, but those numbers should take him to deal. of course, every time, every time they cheats they lose,
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then the process continues. you know, it's been said that you're the mentor niche or the modern era, but i think that's wall. they should say that methodology was the law for all 4 because they're the the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're said shorter. is it conflict with the 1st law? show you our inventor certification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various job with artificial intelligence. we have somebody in the team and
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the robot must protect this phone. existence was on the after the end of world war 2, the national liberation movement, it'd be an intensified dramatically, haven't driven away the japanese occupiers. the vietnamese patriots by no means wanted the return of the former french colonizers. but brands did not want to lose the rich colony and decided to beat the opposition by board. in december 1946, a full scale war broke out. the main bay, 3 arctic organization, led by old g min,
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inflicted heavy losses on the french. the invaders were in raged. according to western historians of the 250000 lives of peaceful beaten. these were on their contents. the colonialist widely used the practice of mass rape of b. it means women as revenge on the gorilla. in 1947, the french destroyed the village of knights rock, murdering 170 women, and 157 children. however, terror did not help. in 1954, the vietnamese defeated the french army and the decisive battle of gen, being full, almost 12000 french soldiers and officers, including the commander general of the categories and his command staff were captured. the configuration of a huge garrison had a demoralizing effect in europe. the french laughed vietnam, but they were replaced by even more violent and much stronger invaders. the american hard times were awaiting vietnam. again,
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the despite everything re breeze go to the front lines with that eagerly awaited they pray in the trenches and bunkers and hospitals and destroyed churches. they pray for peace out of work during asking almost the 1st or what kind of stuff for sending you out for your students to mutual. so canadian, the symbols sleep and the last i bet you from watch the contracts or just try to bristol shape or gotcha. so i've only been here, it's called the best interest of saying the rest of it. but here's the hold on all the sharon fish, just plug it in for service before i send this to this and to join
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the same rom. just don't the shape how's the constant and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves quilts of parts, we choose to look for common ground. the pending the conflict in ukraine was never going to be easy. donald trump famously claim the could end the conflict in a day to be fair. he never said which none. the less trump has made his intentions clear. the problem for him is cube in europe's neo liberal idealogues,
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that english the today we made an offer the new premiums of accepted, which is to enter into a ceasefire. stand into immediate negotiations to end this conflict in a way that's enduring and sustainable. washington agrees with kia on a 3rd. he to a cease 5 proposal saying that hold on a lump sum of coke. russia has been consistent with eclipse. just giving your brain a chance to regroup and re, um, will not be considered. the goals should not be as short troops and not some kind of a slides showing pressure as far minnesota key. if we can do the sell off of taking western advice and tearing off a piece of agreement in the entire interview is old a long being at on this they would still have 1991.


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