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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2022 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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and establish seven grapes, and your right hand shall plant them under the grapes. that is, the vineyard of the lord means the church founded by the savior himself at that time, the patriarch. he overshadows everyone with dikyery and a cross. then he returns to the altar, kisses the throne and goes to the high place. this place is located behind the throne. the mountain place is intended for the
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primate leading the divine service and, by its name , points to the mountain heavenly world.
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reading the word of god on the feast of holy pascha, an excerpt from the book of the acts of the holy apostles, the first chapter, verses from the first to the eighth, the lord create me and the spiritual , the lord will be reborn and rejoice, the lord is the head
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and the ascension of the apostle, the proclamation is preceded by the opposite of pascha, create it this day, the lord will rejoice and let us rejoice, the stench, that is, on this day the word prokeimenon is greek in translation into russian, and it means the predecessor that approaches. anxious create and the lord, the passage to be read will tell about the resurrection of jesus christ his forty-day stay with the disciples until the day of the ascension a. also the promise of the sending down of the holy spirit on the day of pentecost. i started
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jesus, create tenacious even at the bottom, but commanded the apostle with the holy spirit, and i foresee life bravo and set myself alive in my suffering in the filth, the truth of the banner of four ten. i am the kingdom of god with them, i will command poisons. here is jerusalem to the sailor chatting, but to wait for the promises. father, hear from me that john nubo baptized with water. you are baptized with these spirits. holy don't always freak out. no, they live according to the
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yoke of the verb that came together. lord of yourself that power, destroying the kingdom of israel, his speech to them is your revenge to understand and the times of the elements. i, the father, put in my power, but i noticed who found the holy spirit for us, and you will be their witnesses in jerusalem and all the jews and herself. ri and should
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also write the first book to your russian spirits, i am a theophile to you, and everything that jesus did and what he taught from the beginning until the day on which he ascended giving, by the holy spirit, commands, an apostle, whom he chose the one to whom he showed himself alive. let then not their own with many faithful proofs for 40 days, appearing to them and talking about the kingdom of god, and having gathered them, he ordered them not to leave jerusalem but wait for the promised father. what did you hear from me, for john also baptized with water, and in a few days after all you will be baptized with the holy spirit, therefore, having descended, they asked him, saying, did not eat all the time, lord restore. you are the kingdom of israel, he said, and it’s your business to know the times and dates that the
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father set in his power, but you will accept power, when the holy spirit descends on you and you will be my witnesses in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria , and even to the ends of the earth of the holy apostle evangelist john the theologian, god through prayers and the holy glorious and free of all the apostle of her elingelist john the theologian may he give you a verb to the gospel of the power of my fulfillment the gospel of the beloved son of our lord jesus christ amen and wisdom forgive and hear the holy gospel all
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the gospel of john will be headed in several languages. easter feature future reminding that the gospel is to all people to all nationalities and the light of man and the light live in the darkness the darkness also shines , it is immense. they downloaded the word and the word was
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with god and the word was god it was in the beginning with god, everything, through him began to be and without him nothing began to be, that began to be in him there was life and life was light man and light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not embrace him. wow man sent a kind of god his name and he came for a pig you believed in the power of enlightenment. through him guilt in the light sent to see the switch through.
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a man sent from god by them to him, john, he came to testify, to testify about the light, so that everyone would believe. through him he was not a light, but was sent to testify of the light was the true light, which enlightens every person who comes into the world. there was in the world, and the world began to honor him, and the world did not know him; he came to
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his own, and his own did not accept him. now she is a kolto, but the aquellica has lost the date. credo zero elephant and qualinondasangli not dobule radical dissatisfied madadius at the generati stage. from perfo defomi fok, his zbifomikhabl virali genome in
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nadia, he persecutes the spirit of the mosaic, utva archaite and the spirit of jesum christ and gordon, who accepted him as a believer in his name yes, the power of the house of god, which is not from blood, there is no desire of the flesh, not from the desire of a husband, but from god were born and the word became flesh and dwelt among us full of grace and truth , and we saw the glory of his glory as the only begotten from the father. john testifies of him and exclaims
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, this was the one of whom i said that he who went with me stood in front of me, because he was before me and from his fullness, we all received and grace, yes, grace and according to the law given through moses, your grace and truth entered the honor of jesus christ at
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the end of the gospel reading, the patriarch overshadows the tikiri and the continents of all those gathered in the temple, since you heard the gospel from the ocean was read in greek latin church slavonic russian ukrainian gagauz italian english and german. we will now hear your mercy, have mercy. more will. all to her great lord, all to our most holy patriarchy, and when illuminated the metropolitans of the episcopacy of the whole in christ are
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now innately proclaiming petitions to the august catherine. purely means a double intensified prayer for each petition, the court on behalf of all those gathered in the church answers three times, lord, have mercy on the crooked. in every god of honor we pray against our sacredness, with their sacredness continuing the reading of secret prayers. the most holy orthodox patriarchs and the creators of the holy temple today rested from everyone and all the
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brethren who lay it from here. we are looking for praying for our carts of the russian church today about the builders of the benefactors and the victims of this temple of the main temple of the russian orthodox church why and more honestly in the temple with him, singing and coming people who are walking from themselves great rich.
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when i support yours always. keep me to you glory is sent to the father and son and the holy spirit now and forever and ever. then the choir sings a cherubic song about the patriarch performs a symbolic act of washing hands, reminding that one should approach this great sacrament with a
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cleansed conscience to the holy eucharist. cherubic song music alexandra grechaninova mutual obedience of commemoration follows, from the
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servants the patriarch from the throne goes to his sacrifice; he is located here in the northern part of the altar. bread and wine are prepared on the altar. which, according to the church, the power and actions of the grace of the holy spirit pray to you during the eucharist, they will be incarnated in the body and blood of christ hallelujah
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, the surgical operation is interrupted by the great entrance through the northern doors, the altar of the saints from the altar is transferred to the throne, this moment of worship symbolizes the procession of the savior on voluntary suffering for the sake of redemption by human water meets the flowers of daru standing in the royal gates and performs a prayerful commemoration of the primates of the local orthodox secrets of the archiepiscopal orthodox priests of the archbishop's monastic priests, the
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monastic archbishops of all priestly monastic lord god his always now and ever and forever and ever. the prayerful commemoration of the members of the church on the great during the course means that the holy gifts will be sacrificed to god for health, the salvation of all those who are commemorated and our father cyril the most holy patriarch of moscow and this russia holy trinity sergey lavra sacred archimandrite, may the lord god change in his kingdom always now and forever
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and forever and ever and all orthodox christians may the lord god remember in his kingdom always now and forever and forever and ever. a cup or potech of wine is placed on the throne in the same way as a disc of bread. then the bowls and discs of bread are covered with air. this is a special veil symbolizing the shroud that was wrapped around the body of the savior during burial. the lord is great sounds the final
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part of a cherubic song. with this hymn, the church calls on us to put aside our worldly cares in order to meet the king of all creation, who is invisibly accompanied with triumph by angelic forces. lord , fulfill our prayer, lord so the bread and wine
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have been transferred from the altar to the throne, the most important moment of the liturgy is approaching. the eucharistic canon while the petition of the so-called forgivable catherine god thy name is heard, which contains the petition, and the most important spiritual gifts desired by every christian. the choir denied all those gathered in the temple cries out, lord, at this time, the patriarch prays that the lord will make him worthy to bring the holy gifts as a spiritual sacrifice and send down on them,
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as well as on all believers, the grace of the holy spirit our uselessly not shameful, peaceful and kind answer on terrible judgmental conditions , the most holy, most pure, most blessed, glorious mistress of our theotokos and her blessed mary with all the saints, remembering each other for themselves and the form of the animal in us to christ god, let us commit the lord with the miracles of the only-begotten son. but yours with him is blessed if you are with the holy and good and life-giving spirit of yours, now and forever and ever, the world will love each
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other to unanimity, we will confess them further, those who are preparing for the offering of the holy gifts are a testimony of peace and love, as well as the confession of the orthodox faith. before the door of wisdom, out the world is sung the creed, containing the main tenets of true christian teachings, covering the saints from the gifts as a sign of resurrection christ, bowing his head before the throne, reads
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the creed, while those who serve him shake the air from the disc with a self-swab and a cup of wine as a sign of the imminent descent of the holy spirit. the creed was compiled by the fathers at the first and second ecumenical councils. this happened in 325 in ikea and in 381 in constantinople or as it was called tsargrad in russia, therefore this creed was called mikeo tserrigrad. today, these cities are located on the territory of turkey;
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as a rule, the power of the faith is fulfilled by everyone who prays in the temple and every orthodox person must know and understand. what is the meaning of the stated truths? faith, holy offering, sandy sacrifice. now in a few minutes it will be lifted up, not only for us, but also from us in our prayers. bring participation in the ascension in the world with this exclamation, the church
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calls once again all participants in the service to prayerful concentration, attention and preservation of peace of mind, the singing of the mercy of the world begins . pavel chesnokov's music of jesus christ and the love of god and father and the communion of the holy spirit will be with you all. hearts of
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grace to ree, lord of the accomplishment of the sacrament of the eucharist begins with thanksgiving, just as the savior at the last supper lifted up thanks to the words of the prayer, pronounced by the patriarchs. they didn’t back down, and they all create fire, heavy on the sto the sky near to wear the kingdom milled you will be part of all thank you your only-begotten son and the spirit of your holy servants of the vein of engineers born and not blaine and the good deeds that were on us thank virginity from


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