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tv   Doktor Myasnikov  RUSSIA1  October 29, 2022 11:30am-12:35pm MSK

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one of the best in the world, this is proved by their performance at the most prestigious jazz competitions. the news continues to lose weight as events unfold, stay with us. today in the clinic of dr. myasnikov, how to keep hypertension under control, one of the main medicines for hypertension, you need to change your lifestyle, as i will also tell you everything, i will ask here, he prescribes you cheap pills, instructions for use heating season. what should be the temperature in the apartment in order to catch a cold less do you feel? be on your head come off
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lofan bag, if it fogs up, then you have normal humidity. we become very, uh, susceptible to infection, we breathe in this dust, simple food, fermented milk products. what to eat to strengthen the immune system? here he can take revenge on us from the source and the university intestines. what fermented milk products do in our body, kefir contains alcohol. is it possible to drink it to children and caused these alcoholism? hello says and shows dr. myasnikov you are in my clinic in belarusian on channel russia 1 for some time now you know, i say that this clinic is not just treating, but managing health within the framework of what we can release to us. we will study the heating season, what do you need to know in order to catch colds and get sick less in winter? with dairy products, to whom they are useful, to whom not very much, but this. our favorite topic is
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keeping hypertension under control, and a mop, but the frequency is generally a guarantee of health, but it will also come in handy for us, and i start by answering your questions. hello alexander leonidovich my name is julia i am from the city of tolyatti, samara region. tell please, how bad is it about a year ago. i started having frightening tremors in my heart, sometimes at rest, sometimes when walking, there were moments of double shocks. it was hard enough to breathe. i stopped. and after that, the beats quietly gradually stopped. an ecg was recorded in tachycardia. i understand correctly that tremors are tachycardia - this means that something is completely wrong in the body. tell me, please, what else to submit? what analyses? what to pay attention to? echo and ecg attached. thanks for
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answer. now i'll take a look, but i just want to say right away that you are in vain so scared of a fixed one, and we will all die. i have all the bad jolts of such pride. we have that every living person has a heart, it beats. someone rhythmically, someone arrhythmically once this disease, when this variant of the norm. let's see what option you have. so here we have your cardiogram absolutely normal. your echo is fine too. and that's right, what they did to you did what he needed to do was hang up, a daily holter monitor, which writes down the cardiogram not once for a few seconds, but for 24 hours, what
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do we have the heart beats? yes, there are, uh, extrasystoles. so everything is a healthy person, you have nothing, everything that you have. it's overly neurotic. why? because extralias, more precisely, regular heartbeats, happen to all healthy people. astronauts , we are at the institute all the time. e cardiology in e. the all-union scientific cardiological center examined all candidates astronauts and they also have sex. a heart pillow will come again on the subject of the heart, how it beats there 70 times a minute and it often happens that there is also a pacemaker. it may contract differently, but an extraordinary contraction is a little faster, after which there is a pause. yes, it is normal. this often happens. here we see the heart. shrinks shrinks, and then it suddenly
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dwindled earlier, then a pause and here it is shrinking again. it shrinks normally, and then again. all people have these extrasystoles, sometimes this is a manifestation of the disease. what do you need to know? you are a healthy person, you do not need to take medicines for this, because even if they were frequent, even if you thought, is it worth treating you, we would still weigh it again, because epic drugs themselves can cause rhythm by themselves, they are not safe for you to control this state. you just need to stop obsessing over it, because the foundation is the worry you don't have. that's exactly what i'm saying. so let's move on. hello dear doctor. my name is i am from the city, saransk. i have
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a relative who is being treated for cancer. the breast has now been removed. our dastases are doing chemotherapy with them, but the result is not very good so far. and you recently talked about some method of treating cancer, where it seems to activate the immune system. and so i wanted to know, uh, can this method be combined with chemistry and how much higher will the chance of recovery be. thanks to today's passion for oncology, in addition to, uh, standard chemotherapy operations, radiation also enters his oncology. we are in transmission. we talked about a- a subspecies, uh, he's on oncology, like cytokine-genetic therapy, uh, the point is, that the tumor is destroyed by its own immune forces. then a question. and what about before, without medicines, our immune forces do not but touch the tumor. here the fact of the matter is that tumor
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cells after they begin to divide uncontrollably. uh, there's a disguise mechanism. they are, as it were, masked and natural immunity does not see them, and here is the principle for him on oncology, in particular, mesh therapy and in particular, when we talk about such a type of immunology as use, and tumor necrosis factor is naturally a protein that produced by our white blood cells, macrophages, what does it do? you see, we have it. with you, let's say tumor cells and here. under the influence of, in particular, tumor necrosis factors, macrophages and cells of our immunity are directed precisely at that. uh, tumor dirosis factor, sort of marks tumor cells. cancer cells are the enemy here and
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now we have seen the light and we are armed with our own immunity in the form of an enemy and we already understand where to shoot. this is how our immune system destroys cancer cells. and you know it really works in some cases it is possible and necessary to combine cytokine genetic therapy with chemotherapy, and in some cases it can be, uh, an independent method, and all these decisions should be applied by a specialist, discussing, uh, the treatment regimen with the patient in in this case, here we have the transmission. the woman who was expelled from was a striking example of a young, beautiful woman, 41 years old. uh, already metastases, heavy chemotherapy therapy. and when did you start adding. this very tumor necrosis factor, it has certain side effects. phenomena, in order to level them out, it is
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the tumor necrosis factor together with the so-called thymosin alpha that is, it becomes sufficient, but harmless to the body. and here is this woman. and by the way, we also saw other effects that were simply amazing besides what she had become. and the metastases almost disappeared better, she increased the quality of life at the very early stage, but she did everything with chemotherapy. everything is as it should be. and at this stage she won. let's move on alexander leonidovich good afternoon. me name is julia from the city, biysk, altai territory, just a couple of days ago. uh, i woke up and unusually early at 7:00 in the morning and realized that i was very dizzy and just lying down. i lay down for a bit , sat down for a bit, and everything passed the pressure in the norm that you are not, and then in the morning there was nothing. got up today. i woke up with my head spinning . tell me what could be wrong with me. why
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does the head spin when lying down? thank you. that's due to the fact that in our russian language there are several different conditions called dizziness, but it happens confusion in your case everything is clear enough. you are lying down and the ceiling in the room is spinning around you, when a person is standing often he uses dizziness. when he talks about the hat, the furrier went and so i staggered. i should have taken it. my head is spinning or i am walking and something is dizzy, my head is weakened. yes, these are different things. so there we are talking about dizziness, people are often afraid that it could be a stroke, it could be something else, remember, if we say head crash, which we talked about right away think of the inner ear in the inner ear there are so -called cochlea and semicircle. here is a semicircle
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that actually shows where we are, yes, if we are vertically inside these tubules, there are receptors, and here we are sitting and we understand that with a positive extension of recipes, it says, here i am and, accordingly, there is always a representation in the brain receptors show where you are. but sometimes fluid sometimes accumulates when meniere's disease and so calcium and sand. and what happens this sand presses on some receptors, then the difference of command comes to others and to the bridge from the fact that conflicting commands go to the brain. you get dizzy, the problem is that it is not treated with medication, the problem is that this sand that is inside. you have to change the position of the head to make him eventually come out there is a place, so to speak, through which you can roll out, you know, it's like a toy. where the ball rolled everything into the maze and you
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have to roll the ball out like this. you have to get rid of it by a doctor should show. you can find positions on the internet yourself, because it is she who lies down, puts it in her head, and after 30 seconds puts it down, again there are special exercises. why see a doctor you have to understand somewhere on the right or left of you? because uh, it's what they're going to see in this direction of eye movement that's going to show you what's called benign oppositional vertigo. or is it about a quality oppositional vertical. so with questions. we're done, let's move on to the main topics. clinic oncoker clinics 308 is oncology treatment and prevention services that can keep cancer at the level of a chronic disease and affect life expectancy oncology clinic, 308 works with oncology at the gene level, call 8.800-22-2-38. as
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the heating season, you know, in fact, the microclimate in our apartment during the winter of the heating season poses a certain threat to our health and increases the risk of developing sars by the way, he will add that covid is also sars yes, now we will draw up, as it were , instructions for use what's to be done and it's in in our power to reduce these very risks. first you know when you arrive, how i am from somewhere in the forest, and you spend the night in the apartment with closed windows. here you feel yourself, be on the head a burst package will separate. you are really out of breath. you can't sleep, you don't have enough air, and it's not an illusion. why because the windows are tightly closed. today, our plastic windows do not allow air to pass through, so like or
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dislike. it is necessary to ventilate. it is imperative that our window be opened somewhere with a window. here is a manic disease - fear, a draft. oh, close the draft window. oh what is a draft? this is the movement of the wind. if you open, so to speak, there will be a draft along the straight window of the door. if you just open the window and there is no second source, the air will not flow like that. although in fact, if he walks, it’s also not a big deal. this is the first. i do not write. ventilate, ventilate it from time to time. hold. open window well, or what is there instead of a
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window? yes, today you can bet on different position to leave a gap. may it always be. this will already dramatically improve the climate in the house, the second thing we face all the time of the heating season. we are faced with the fact that it is extremely dry in normal humidity. should be 60-70 percent. norma, unfortunately, what kind of humidity in our house is 20-30. and that's bad. look here. put a simple test in the refrigerator with a glass glass of water and after a while. put it on the table. chilled to 5 degrees and then we look at what
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happens to him, if nothing happens, it means you are dry if it fogs up after a while. so it began to fog up, which means you have normal humidity, if droplets of water flowed under it, then the humidity is excessive. it would seem very very simple. well, what do we have, but it shows that we have humidity, so to speak, it seems to be about five percent. sweat though. it should all now it fogs up only where there is no liquid, which requires moisture first. try long breaths through your mouth. after that, you wo n't even be able to bend you dry mouth. and you painfully, the same thing happens in the nasopharynx , the nasal mucosa, this is a whole organ. there are such micro, villous formations that
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prevent dust from penetrating inside; there is a whole system of local immunity of the index. that is. there, a whole biological factory works to create a barrier that protects our body from viruses from e, some e air pollution and as soon as it dries up. we're just taking it all away. accordingly, we become very sensitive to infection, this is good for the fish. they swim in the water. i don't know what dryness is. see how much joy. the truth is beautiful right here very much, and the second. dust is dust in the dry air, here is the dust we breathe this dust. here, try to wet it all. here is wet dust, it will not scatter like that. she is falling here, and it is we who breathe dust. and this is where the mop comes in. wet
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cleaning i understand the vacuum cleaner is all good, nothing can replace wet cleaning, first of all, it's clean. secondly, it is also one of such ways of moisturizing. e rooms and if you want, but in general , here you understand everything with a vacuum cleaner. well vacuumed know how it is. uh, like, uh, dirty plate. and here you are sweeping away the rest of the food. here is the vacuum cleaner. well , a plate, if you don’t wash it, it’s good, it remains dirty, therefore, with a vacuum cleaner. you clean the plate from the remnants of food, and for him it is her already manually wet cleaning. so point 2 provide humidity, buy flowers, set up aquariums, too, the way to invest should be. this kind
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of humidity is generally a guarantee of health, and especially in the context of coronavirus. why do i remind you, because the meaning is that the fear of the coronavirus may be make you remember to protect against viruses, general respiratory humidity. eh, i really need a third one. temperature temperature in the house here, remember the numbers. just don't ask. why how not to during the day, the temperature should be 18 19 degrees at night. 14:15 yes-yes-yes, don't be surprised just like that in terms of hygiene. so much so that now we are forcing europe to observe the norms of soviet hygiene. but in principle, this is not a joke, so to speak. and so there are these three points - instructions for use. how to stay healthy in the conditions heating season. and this is such a folk
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remedy. i live in an old house in a stalinist house and a battery. i have ordinary cast-iron batteries like this, uh, that can't be reduced in any way. uh heat. you take a blanket, throw a cast-iron battery on this battery and the temperature in your house starts to drop. well, i went to warm up, so to speak. we have a physical culture break. and by the way, even doing physical exercises, after all, the temperature should be somewhere. well, for me it’s comfortable, it’s still somewhere around five degrees. why do i love the street? i love the street, because the sweat does not flow, you feel normal. if you want to foresee ours, we will consider this prostor application or site, look at the dot ru further heading for body and soul, how to make sure
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that you do not drive yourself into the autumn blues and depression, hypertension, keep it under control. what is the best time of day to take medication to effectively reduce blood pressure? after all, when nature is still so beautiful, when it is still so easy to breathe, these are magical sounds, when we are like this scatter. this is the best psychotherapy to date. after all, we have a chance to remove. that's a thousand times more from this. what to do if i drink the medicine, but the pressure still jumps one of the main medicines for hypertension, you need to change your lifestyle, as i will also say this. here he prescribes pills for a short time. the drug grippferon is a recombinant alpha-2b interferon prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, even for expectant mothers and
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to see. i can’t just live so calmly , i can’t talk, you understand? god i have to kill guilty without guilt premiere today at 21:00. well, let's go further, that we look further into the window of visibility, unfortunately. for a lot of people, very passes, so it passes, you know, like a sick person. look out the window at this lush nature of withering. well, you know, even noticeably in the summer , we have the same ratings, but in the fall they are growing. why, not because we began to do something better, but because it is clear that if in the summer you were still
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walking around, then in the fall you settled at home and here is this rubric for body and soul. i'll try to persuade you to move, you know. here is my very favorite time of the year, i say, i am from september to november inclusive, because in winter i start think, well, how could i love, very much most of all, of course, of course, winter, and in spring i think not, but spring is the belly of streams birds nature wakes up, and in summer lush summer i think not. i still don’t know it better, but i was born, i was born in the fall, all my close people were born in the fall. and autumn, for me , is somehow a really special time of the year and look, just around after all, when nature is still so beautiful, when the air is still so transparent, when it is still so easy to breathe, and when the water is so
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clean. imagine, i've just returned from an alloy on rubber boats were rafted. here are such abakan all this gold red gold water transparent streams smells. it's just a headbutt. it really doesn't feel like going back. which stars do you lie? at the bottom of the boat, sleeping? are you looking at sleeping bags? and the sky is looking at you so close. and now listen. i, too, have been almost 100 years old there, or for a while, i also froze, so to speak. i have some pain there too. i also take a bunch or caps well, that's not it's not a reason, on the contrary, the closer we get there. the more we need need to do more. here you are walking on the pavement. and when was the last time you rustled the
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leaves, i know how much i love to walk. i'm walking in the woods, i'm not just walking like this no, i'm definitely walking. these are magical sounds , these are magical sounds when we scatter leaves like this, these smells. i don't know how to persuade you. oh, take a small thermos with you, because sometimes you know how not to be cold or thirsty . what is it like? like a ritual, right? i never brew tea separately, because all it is brewed inside is thrown here. some tea carnations, i put more honey here. it's lemon peel. well, i just put the lemon myself here, well, i
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don’t touch the cinnamon and pour it in. did you cover it with water? and i forgot. while i got somewhere, i got a thermos, you know? the blows are now on the alloy, well, people, and everything with you is any liquid, water and simple and fiery water . but you swim and think of fiery water. i don’t want to wave your hand, a friend swims up to you with a thermos, because when it’s over we pour such hot tea and lean back. we have water. rowan rocks. it's a real pleasure. still no. i am once again i am convinced that i love you the most. after all, the main thing is how to take the first
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step in everything, if you don’t take the first step you will never take anywhere , in order to get somewhere you have to go out, as in any life you have to go out and listen again. look at how restless everything is around us. how very hard yourself? take your hands, looking at everything is very difficult to inhale exhale and understand that you need to somehow live today to calm down. you can only do this. the rustle of these leaves, because when you communicate with nature. sniffing these things you look at this transparent air. and if you are lucky with the weather with sunset or sunrise? this is the best psychotherapy at the moment, it really is. here, believe me, everyone can go to the park just sit under the autumn tree.
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just here home. bring these leaves. put it, they will already give you a shit at the right moment. difficult period of life should be enjoyed. with all the possibilities of psychotherapy, one more thing should not be forgotten. so i want to say that today we suddenly realized that we are mortal somehow we lived before we are mortal, when you will, but it didn’t really bother us lived, and now and suddenly they gave a magnifying glass and directed it at us and you looked. oh, what is there and we are beginning to be afraid of us, we do not want to live with us apathy. we can't sleep. we are nervous everything is falling out of the hands we are worried with loved ones. well , wait, our life is teeming with germs and various deadly dangers, high blood pressure oncology. something else thrombosis. we
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live. we don't see it. we don't think if we put a magnifying glass in here like this. we also scared. after all, we have a chance to remove. here from this heart attack, strokes in diabetes are thousands of times more than from what we are afraid of. that's about this setting. today we are afraid of it and practically do not think about it. come out, it will help us clean up. this is a magnifying glass, and a magnifying glass is radio, television , newspapers, social networks, and so on. this should be removed, because the positives of this do not give any benefit, this one does not . and it gives only harm to exhaustion of the nerves, but to go outside in the fall they go in the fall. just now in autumn i’m talking about autumn, and winter will begin soon, yes, what soon years? soon, now, time flies with some speed. this is generally e impossible. so what do you know? head up buddy. i understand.
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she doesn't hold on to you. you can't teach, you don't want to. let's make so let's get out of the house. let's go. remember the wonderful poems, unfortunately, you know the copyright, i can’t count zabolotsky. no one else yes on the carpet and yellow leaves your health, yours and our sanity. let's get out into nature. we have everything will be good. it is undoubtedly simple in a different way and it cannot be the drug grippferon recombinant
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alpha-2 would be interferon for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, even for expectant mothers and babies from the first days of life today, we will learn to control hypertension. here i have a stack of your questions, i haven’t seen them, but i know what will be there. i'm just sure, doctor. i'm fine. can i leave them? can i have sex? can i go to the bath these eternal folk? people's need to hear the answers that you don’t hear, let’s go through it again, because you still know how as they say, the tracks explained they don’t understand two explained they don’t understand three explained they don’t understand, finally he himself began to understand, but they still don’t understand. well , something like that. what to do if i drink the medicine, but
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the pressure still jumps, do i need to change this drug for hypertension? if yes, how often can i exercise with hypertension? yes, i almost guessed that sports, how often, well, sometimes, and how often do you need to measure blood pressure with hypertension one-time jumps in pressure - this is the beginning of hypertension, if i lose weight, hypertension goes. do i need to limit myself to liquids with hypertension? and so on and so on and so on. so hypertension. why is this one-time pressure surges? yes, when one-time pressure surges, this is already a certain beep. and you need to change your lifestyle, as i will also say that you still have a chance to stop all this, because as soon as the pressure becomes. steadily increased further along with all these tricks what you should do plus take medicine so the first as there zeus
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said, salt is sugar, white death for hypertension, huh? this is hypertension white death salt so precisely, because if the normal consumption of table salt is sodium, chlorine we have five grams, then hypertension, and indeed people after five here or without hypertension. this is only two and a half grams of table salt 2.5 g - this is what we get half a teaspoon, but this is not the same salt. this is not the same salt that you add salt to foods, sausages, bread, soup, too, meat that is pumped with the target solution so that water does not come out, that is, in salt products, already a priori more than these 2.5 g of table salt, you know some. a while ago, i did too. i really like salty foods, i really like herring. i love it very much. that's it, i'm limiting this. i myself in salt. i was surprised to see. well, if this salad is not salted by the sea,
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just take a lemon. and water a little. now , if only there was a little pepper. add olive oil and salt you don't need hypertension. would you like to keep hypertension under control? should throw out to say, but what about the home and that's their business. so the very first and most important thing. to throw away here more meanness in hypertensive patients , the perception of salt is disturbed, in order for them to feel salty, they need really salty someone will not take it in their mouths and now they will say hypertensive patients. yes , it seems like there is a little bit of salt, therefore, throw it away and
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rebuild your taste buds. all modern cardiologists say morse does not control hypertension. look at what you eat, understand, limit. bread is not all pizzas, sausages, everything contains a colossal amount of salt, as far as exercise hypertension is concerned. i'll say it again, we're hypertensive. exactly the same people, just like you, we are not much less in number, and we have the same rights. we want and can go in for sports, go to the bathhouse. nothing human is alien there. and it is one of the main medicines for hypertension. especially if you actually have the initial form, if you came to the doctor and tell me you know the pressure is normal 130 e90-120x80, but i measured something it was 160 to 100 two measured 150 90. here he
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should not prescribe pills for you. he must say 3 months knocking salt limit calories switch to vegetables, fruits limit the amount of liquid and exercise walk walk walk exercise and smooth. and this is a chance. what can stop your hypertension? what is important? here we have baroreceptors that respond to fluctuations in blood pressure, and in the kidneys there is a mechanism that can very quickly raise or lower baroreceptors. it doesn't matter, the absolute numbers of pressure are important for them to be stable. if your pressure is 120x80, it rises. suddenly jumping barreceptors will send signals to the kidneys to lower the pressure so that it is stable at 120 to 80. it is very important for us that
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this constant level of pressure is normal, because if it is constantly elevated, the body itself will not allow it to decrease. so we somehow smoothly moved on. e to medicines. so we'll write down what's important here. this is aerobic exercise. let's give an example. personally want us to reconsider the platform we look at the application or the site we look at the dot ru we have it next, what rules for taking medications are important to follow in order to keep hypertension under control. simple food fermented milk products what to eat to strengthen immunity dr.
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myasnikov will share the recipe for his favorite dish from yogurt the right medicine in the right dose at the right time we used to take medicine in the morning, but doctors today are more inclined to know it's easy to say this to be able to relax. and where and without them, everything went like this for me. by the way, while i cook what i love and eat every day, the source and the university intestines. what fermented milk products do in our body, kefir contains alcohol. can children drink it and cause alcoholism? here he can take revenge on us. clinic oncoker clinic 308 works with oncology at the gene level, call 8.800-22-38. ecology well , because it's about health several times a day, an absolutely natural product chicory ecology, and also very tasty ecology chicory. it's about
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health. you think you'll break the glass, you'll cut your veins, they won't let you die, only the term will be added. escape if anna suddenly appears, even less, i'll tell you right away. you understand that they are looking for me. you will go as an accomplice, not broken today and tomorrow at 12:30, one vote good second season premiere on russia channel the most profitable card for free forever gazprombank card imagine , just a little bit more and we would not get to the wedding of our son. my husband's back twisted so
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health several times a day, an absolutely natural product and a very tasty ecology of chicory. it's about health. well, thanks for staying with us. thank you for watching russia 1, let's move on and our topic. how to learn to keep arterial hypertension under control? by the way , to immediately move away from the topic of food, this is not only throw away the salt shaker. it's limit. calories well, we'll put it here, because. each there is an increase in the body mass index there by two or three units , or on friday i don’t remember, respectively, increases
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the mean arterial pressure in hypertension. there are five or 10 mm of the mulberry column, so you have to be smart to throw away the straw, by the way, there was a question about the liquid. yes fluid and hypertension restrict or medication is the number one treatment for hypertension for many years. yes, and today is precisely a diuretic why sodium? i say sodium salt retains water and emka swells so the main thing is still a medicine, if you already have stable hypertension you need to take medicine. it's all very simply the right medicine at the right dose at the right time. what else to add, but what is the right one? this is artificial, which means that the right medicine, firstly, you should not end up somewhere without medicines. look here. here i have. there's a laptop tablet in this purse. i
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'll go get it, here. in my pocket and where am i without them, i do not have time to drink in the morning. sometimes i forget everything, but, when i remember, i drink. it's better than not drinking at all. because when to take we used to take medicine in the morning. but in russia today they are more inclined to take medication for hypertension in the evening. why because the maximum effect of the drug, although it is written that they act for 24 hours, in fact, they begin to act after 2-3 hours, reach a maximum there by 80 hours and then begin to decline, and there
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are quite a few of them left. it is important for us that the peak of the drug's action falls at night. why because it is prognostically beneficial and it is necessary that the nighttime pressure be less than the daytime pressure, it is very important, even if your blood pressure is 130 to 80, which is almost normal and you have a risk of heart attacks and strokes higher at night, the pressure is always lower and if you have no nocturnal depressurization prognostic is worse. well, if you have high blood pressure, you wake up with high blood pressure, then it decreases, what should i do? take medicine in the morning, probably not, because it only works on the bill, when when already increased, take the night before later at night and then the effect in the morning. enough 8-10 hours, just in the morning this increase will not be. and if your increase is before the evening, then you
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really, contrary to these recommendations , take it from the evening dose at about 10:00 am so that the peak falls on your usual evening increase in pressure. play with it. and sometimes you can allow some component to long-playing pills, and all medicines for hypertension contain two or three drugs, maybe in the predicted peak. when you know that i always have 8:00 pm rises the day before, take this component in addition in a small dose. this needs to be worked out. i always said that you should pick up medicines for hypertension. when there were no combined drugs, they were different, like putting three coconuts on top of each other and in balance, because if you give one, it speeds up the pulse, so that it retains fluid lower than the pulse, you give diuretics, the pulse accelerates again. here you have to pick up this dose, pick up this combination. and the most important thing, of course. you know it's easy to say, it is
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able to relax in hypertensive patient to be able to relax. it's like taking an extra pill. you know the pressure measures itself. it’s only on the programs that i measure it, you know what surprised me that all i have is memories of children. and his youth and activity accounted for, just at the beginning of the war. i count books, novosibirsk thirty-seventh thirty -eighth thirty-ninth fortieth finnish, the war goes to visit, listens to concerts, any sorry food, writes poems get married gives birth. it would seem that such a situation, people remained, or we will always remain with people. this is the foam of panic, it will pass anyway. you see, stolen from 160 to 90 is a lot for me. but i'm still really pulling myself up now when we sit and watch now we have to learn this truce, my grandfather figured it out with the help of classical music, changing conservatories.
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this is me. he came and closed his eyes. inserted music. how many of these records did he have? my entire childhood was like this. conservatory, or he's in the bedroom. why? what did he do? put the record player on the floor? he lay down next to the sofa , closed his eyes, god forbid he was. frighten off, but not frighten away, and go at this time, and i always said two things painting. and music, which, of course, greatly relaxes us and sets us in the right mood. let's see.
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well, you see, so it was 163, i think 90 something like 150-84. i'll sit and listen, and it will come back to normal. well, these are short instructions, so
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we add the fourth paragraph. know how to relax so keep hypertension under control? clinic oncoker clinics 308 is a cancer treatment and prevention service that can keep cancer as a chronic disease and affect life expectancy. call 8.800-22-238. rubric simple food, look. today we have a section on dairy products. we have these questions . you know, you always say the benefits of fermented milk products. by the way, while i cook what i like to eat. every day, and as a girl, i also use it in the form of a sauce for meat,
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especially chickens, yes, and for fish it is universally so here. it is accepted that all the benefits of fermented milk products are attributed to the swordsman, our russian scientist, who 120 years ago drew attention to centenarians, bolgar and attributed so to speak, uh, this one to the fact that they perceived this yogurt, uh bulgarian fermented milk, and products and what he attributed to uh, this uh, namely the consumption of yogurts and then a brilliant discovery, do not forget he is a nobel prize winner. he talked about immunity. about the source of immunity in the intestines and, roughly speaking, the whole doctrine of the microbiome a microflora. went from there. i always have a small amount of cucumbers. this is how i do it. well, matsoni it is impossible to make
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this product without garlic, so we have garlic beforehand. cleaned so what do fermented milk products do in our body? we say that we have a new organ. this is the microbiome. these are these 1.5 kg of bacteria that live inside our intestines, the well-being of this microbiome turns into bonuses for us in the form of health prevention of atherosclerosis oncology. but if the microbio is dissatisfied or offended, especially antibiotics in childhood. here he can take revenge on us and we say, oh, smoking is harmful, drinking is harmful. blood pressure is bad, cholesterol is bad, and somehow you never knew before that it is also very important that the microbiome is healthy, because these are still the most powerful risk factors
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for atherosclerosis, oncology, diabetes and obesity. and that's true. it doesn't matter what we eat, what matters is what is absorbed. she sucks us sitting, who just microbiol. but fermented milk products for the microbiome are, but i don’t know how valerian is for cats, probably. so therefore the correct fermented milk products are fresh. i take a little bit of mint, usually i have more cilantro cilantro, a lot of mint less than here, but i'll take it anyway, but the right fermented milk product. strengthens our immunity but here the word is correct. because if you take some yoghurts that are stored there without a refrigerator. two months or three
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in africa, these ate. it is clear that there is no benefit in them. so it turns out an amazing product and now you can enjoy it eat. also, you can water a chicken or some kind of dish, and roughly speaking, even if you add lettuce, chopped, cucumbers, tomatoes, red, crimean onions, it will be simply amazing. so here we are with you questions like a spoon. i wo n't be able to sip. can you drink dairy products? no, fermented milk
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products contain less lactulose than milk, but it is present, so it is a non-dairy substitute. in your case, kefir contains alcohol. is it possible for children not to recover alcoholism to drink, you know that without any kefir, our body normally produces edenno the amount of alcohol, so it will not cause alkalizm. and so to speak, you won’t get drunk from him at night with ethers or milk? well, you know, i don't see any problems. you write that milk is like kefir, but kefir, it still has less loktilose there, too, well, it’s easier to drink. well, you ask someone, i will not drink milk under any circumstances, but i will drink kefir. i love kefir. drink i love matsoni i love airan i adore early the only thing is that it is salty. skimmed
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fermented milk products are healthier, well, you know what kind of bushes you are and those you take, because all your life i personally told you all about low fat dairy less fat less fat. this is good, and then she and a number of years ago, not so long ago, everything changed. you know, like evidence-based medicine. first we prove one thing, then with the same success and in the middle we prove the exact opposite. suddenly 10 years of research arrived. we have observed that eating low-fat dairy products does not prevent the development of strokes, compared with regular natural products, so we we don't know we can't say low fat prevent we can't say natural provoke. so drink whatever you want. this is the conclusion of scientists who prove medicine. e. well, here's hmm of course, lunch. i got a very dietary one. well, by the way, it’s very very useful,
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because here we have all the time how much we have here with you 100 g 60 calories in a can of half a kilo, if he sits, at least 300 g is all. 180 calories 180 calories, a lot of benefits and taste. well , that's all. we have already talked and listened to music and exercised. i even ate yogurt, i’ll take it with me, because what good to disappear doctor myasnikov was with you. i wish everyone to live until our next meeting with you. goodbye. and i'm going to finish my yogurt with garlic.
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irina sergeevna, what can i say? yefim pavlovich was a brilliant restaurateur. thank you i can't even believe that a year has passed since he is not with us. and you know, many feared that without him the business would collapse. picked up kept


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