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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 20, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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you're a terrible inflationary economy. we don't set the standard anymore the standard sets us our so called leader does nothing but eat sleeps and no curse words will be spoken daily program for today everything right now watch the news program and see you tomorrow. vladimir putin appealed to law enforcement officers statement of the ministry of internal affairs
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xi jinping flew to moscow that the head of china had already stated at the gangway of the plane. what topics will they discuss with the russian leader details from vnukovo airport from the kremlin from beijing the latest data from the special operation zone is news from zaporozhye, where several enemy companies were defeated. it is necessary that the assembly of france can endure. here it is the distrust of the government of the streets of paris are seething. key ukrainian orthodox church came to zelensky's office that they want to explain. and the high water, which united several cities in siberia in st. petersburg in
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a far from calm world, china is ready, together with russia , to stand guard over international law. arrival in moscow, the state visit of the president of the people's republic of china, which we are now riveted all the world's attention to, began at the airport, vnukovo, with a greeting of the guard of honor, and in the near future, the leaders will meet in the kremlin, our columnist alexander khristenko in all the details of strategic negotiations alexander balitsky ispekin and today they are reading vladimir's articles putin in the kremlin, everything is ready for the meeting between vladimir putin and xin zinping. it will take place in the representative office. cabinet. here in the first building of the kremlin. well and journalists are looking forward to this meeting, which is about to take place here in the press center. uh, it is worth noting that the chinese side is still the first one to wear masks, despite the fact that everyone, without
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exception, issued multiple tests, but nonetheless. these are the internal rules of the chinese side, but part of the press will go directly to the office to watch this meeting, part will watch everything on the screen on the broadcast tv , the tv signal will be sent. naturally. e in all leading tv companies. he will be closely watched worldwide. but, and the political signal is already obvious - this is the first trip. e of the president of the people's republic of china after his re-election as the head of the chinese state. the plane of the president of the people's republic of china landed at the airport, vnukovo there, the excitement of the operators and photographers literally run along the platform to take the best point for shooting, and now the gray pin goes down. he is met on the gangway by deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko, who, as part of the delegation, will participate in negotiations with the chinese side on the red carpet to the presidential at the terminal, the chinese leader proceeded along the guard of honor, with the musical accompaniment of a military orchestra,
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who met the sinjingpin from the russian side , also included deputy foreign minister andrei rudenko and russian ambassador to beijing igor morgulov further the cortege. headed to moscow on the way. its follow-up posters were posted, in addition, chinese leaders welcomed people on the street hotel moscow - this is the first premium hotel of the chinese chain in the capital of russia, it opened last year on september 30 of the chinese business center to amin park from there , the prc leader will go to the kremlin by russian president vladimir putin, they will be held in a tête-à-tête format, then a joint dinner is planned, in the visited country there are not just hours and just a three-day visit, but the main thing is the maintenance within the framework
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of the state visit , super-saturated negotiations are planned, numerous draft agreements have been prepared in the most a variety of areas that could potentially include both the political and the technical component of alexander khristenko alexey karpukhin alexander serpukhov lead. russia and china partnership, a future-oriented article by russian president vladimir putin in the main chinese newspaper zhen mini-zhibaly, as already noted in china where, as you know, every detail attaches importance to the first time the material of a foreign leader is published on the front page, then, of course, only highlights the relationship with after all, moscow in moscow also treats beijing and, addressing the audience of the most influential publication, its circulation in the middle kingdom is under 3 million. china attaches great importance to friendship and human relationships is not an accidental sage. confucius said isn't it a joy when a friend comes from afar
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putin's catchphrase will be quoted more than once with a chinese reader. after all, you need to speak his language among the waves and winds on the planet we closely cooperate in international affairs. and standing shoulder to shoulder, like a rock in the midst of a turbulent stream, we effectively coordinate our foreign policy positions. we are fighting common threats and responding to modern challenges, in this approach, which is also followed in china, putin also notes his personal contribution to xi, jinping. for all the 10 years that he has been at the helm of the prc, the article of the chinese leader is already published in the russian newspaper today synchronously with putin's and much in them is in tune the international community gives itself to yasny the report is that not one country in the world is superior to all the others, there is no universal model of government and there is no world order where the decisive word belongs to a single country, therefore china russia in every sense build bridges, from which practically. this is not only a trade turnover that has crept up to two billion, which, after all, has also not been limited to the supply of russian products to china for a long time.
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increasing emphasis on high technology and scientific developments. well, traditionally energy therefore, the gas pipeline the power of siberia, in terms of its scale without increasing, has become the deal of the century. that’s all, beijing believes in moscow , it would be impossible without a trusting partnership , which the head of china calls a reference example for the rest and which the states do not like so much, the hegemony of despotism and persecution cause the world serious harm to restore the world economy. there is a very long way to go, but who provokes the crisis, vladimir putin answers, and the collective west clings more and more desperately to the archaic dogma of its elusive dominance, putting on the horse the fate of entire states and peoples , the course pursued by the united states for the double deterrence of russia and china a. also, everyone who does not succumb to american dictatorship is becoming increasingly sharp and assertive. in today's meeting. the attention of the whole world is riveted. after all, everyone understands that moscow will be talking about ukraine, and they will also be grateful for
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the balanced line of the prc in connection with the events taking place in ukraine for understanding their background and real reasons. russia is open to the policy of diplomatic regulation. well, not the ukrainian crisis. however, back in april 2022, the peace talks were terminated. by no means, not by us, the future of the peace process depends solely on the readiness for a serious conversation, taking into account the current geopolitical realities. unfortunately, the ultimatum demands addressed to russia speak only of being isolated from such realities and not interested in finding a way out and the current situation. at the same time , putin continues to be warmed up by the west. the ukrainian conflict is the most striking, but by no means the only manifestation of intentions to preserve unipolar world order. and here the head of the people's republic of china recalls the chinese proverb the year begins with spring, and in this sense, it made a success today in moscow everything agreed alexander balits napary nikolai petrov to lead from beijing china russia will supply african countries
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with grain free of charge if it decides not to extend the grain vladimir putin announced this deal while speaking at the international parliamentary conference of russia africa , which is taking place in moscow, as the russian president noted, a comprehensive the implementation of the black sea agreements will be shown only by the ukrainian part, and we are talking about the export of fodder grain to a country with a high income, while the export of agricultural fertilizer products is blocked by unilateral western sanctions. the similarity of electricity to key russian requirements, first of all, taking care that grain fertilizers go to the needy countries of africa, and not sent to well-fed european markets to well-fed european countries, meanwhile, from the total volume of grain exported from ukraine, e. grain 45%, about 45% went to
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european countries. but only 3%. i draw your attention to africa that during the same time during the same time, despite all the restrictions and restrictions on the withdrawal of russian grain from russia to africa, almost 12 million were sent. that is, if we still decide not to extend this deal through 60 days, then we are ready to recapture the message that was sent in the previous time to the african countries in particular need to be delivered from russia to these countries free of charge. almost 2,000 subscribers in the kiev region of donetsk were left without electricity.
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there, after shelling from the ukrainian side, the electric pylon was destroyed, and the power was also de-energized, the village of putilovka, under the blows of heavy artillery, also the petrovsky kirovsky and kuibyshevsky districts of the city in the morning from the multiple launch rocket system of vysotsky aleksandrovka in the houses, the doors, the roofing of the window walls were damaged, while russian troops were developing an offensive in the artyomovsky avdeevsky direction ukrainian formations are trying to attack in the zaporizhia region and lost their apu in two days. about two companies of personnel and 10 armored vehicles in donetsk and red in the liman direction, 345 ukrainian military vehicles grad and two 100 b howitzers of the kharkiv region were destroyed per day by russian aerospace forces fighters beat a ukrainian mi-8 helicopter , the ministry of defense has just announced this in kiev, the hierarchy of the ukrainian orthodox church today came to zelensky's office. the synod headed by the primate, uoc metropolitan onufry stand on the bank street for a personal meeting with the president, the clergy ask
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the leadership of ukraine to adequately respond to the opposition of millions of orthodox believers, but zelensky refused acceptance. let me remind you that the local minkul demands that the monks leave the kiev-pechersk lavra before march 29. well, either join the schismatic hrc and reduce the bureaucratic burden on teachers from removing excessive reporting. these are the instructions the president today handed over to the head of the roses of defense supervision. anzora muzaev. mikhail mishustin now teachers are complaining about the large number of papers that have to be filled out, which takes a lot of time. the place of this could be spent on working directly with students and also speaking. today, the early integration of new regions into the education system of our country has begun.
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the work of integrating educational scientific institutions of new territories that have joined the russian federation into the russian legal space has a lot to do in the field of preparation and regulations of acts and legislative changes in issues related to licensing state accreditation recognition of the issuance, respectively, diplomas of certificates, as things are here today in the summer last year, when ah overnight thousands. now already the citizens of the russian federation were actually thrown to the mercy of the ukrainian regime , all the databases of the journals in all the students were destroyed . we were able to issue more than three and a half thousand russian-style diplomas of various levels, and everyone who wished, uh, received them. in st. petersburg today, perhaps, the temperature record thirty years ago was broken, when the air warmed up to plus 10°. already
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now, outside the window, plus seven flooded because of the insulated streets, st. petersburg residents ride wakeboard. under the water for the rapid mystery of snow were several city highways. krasnoyarsk flooded the streets in the southern part of novosibirsk on the roads of a huge roadblock, and at night the sidewalks of the city turn into a real skating rink. passers-by change their shoes for skates, and in the kemerovo region, the help of rescuers was required for tourists , a ski lift and 24 people broke down. as a result, they descended to earth on a rope. well , then in our issue there is a new statement by vladimir putin and a lot of other news, you can’t go anywhere further to think about the future and so that we have something else, besides the work of the premiere on the russia channel, to make your analysis again specifically enemies. there are, of course,
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lawyers. our information should not go beyond the walls of the maternity hospital. this, of course, i can do without a hospital, when there is so much unhappiness around. if the girl dies, i won't be able to forgive myself. i won’t be able to forgive you either if this happens midwife new episodes today at 21:20 on the channel, russia alfa-bank credit card free forever flies to you instant delivery anywhere russia and cash withdrawals without commissions at any atms of a sovcombank pensioner can receive special conditions, so some are already taking a loan, others are happy with the interest on the deposit, what you need in the branch and online
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sovcombank age. order a free alpha debit card with delivery all over russia lord knives in pyaterochka olga what will you do with diced straws and a cucumber rose? save up stickers and get stylish knives with a discount of 99 rubles. you will connect everywhere to let go. that's
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enough of a sentence with her, where are my kids, and with you need, where with whom and most importantly, why my children geolocation of the child with the application, where are my children in the junior subscription from mts 30 days free of charge to clean the liver with folk remedies. try to replace them with modern natural remedies that promote gentle cleansing of the liver, while weight loss. everyone knew with her you can discuss any details, along the way, soviet incomparable. i heard you need responsible comrades for the hike. swindle me, comrade kiselyov kiselyov is the hero you want to follow, whom you trust, you cover us
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orthodox i left exactly a very sensual especially touching story. about love. you will still be happy. they got married, they rejoiced there is a place for love they will say if we get married. life goes on love is always forever touching, touching. the very touching human should always remain, because it is very important for us. i want to watch again. special edition of the translate program
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, we continue to issue not to allow swagger and unprofessionalism in working with people and to do everything to preserve the unity of our society. these are the tasks today , vladimir putin set systemic attempts for law enforcement officers on an extended colleague of the ministry of internal affairs. the west cannot be removed to destroy the russian economy and against the backdrop of sanctions, business and the economy face many tasks, including import substitution. the president called for tough suppression of opponents' attempts to rock russian society, but ordered the head of the ministry of internal affairs to resolve the issues of obtaining citizenship by residents of new regions. for 8 years people lived in extremely serviceable conditions under shelling for eight years and they had only one task - survival, therefore, under these conditions, to form a full-fledged authorities, full-fledged bodies, law enforcement. it was very difficult, and in some areas almost impossible. but, of course, the citizens
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who live there, those who have become citizens of the russian federation, of course, count on the fact that everything will be brought to a normal state in a calm working mode and will be bolted, effective. uh, full-fledged professional highly professional work to protect the rights and interests, and this certainly needs to be done calmly, relying on local personnel without there is no doubt, but we need to bring it into line with the norms and requirements of the russian federation. well, some things that the minister and i talked about. uh, this morning, now on the way to you. uh. well, such formal things of some other passports. i understand that there are probably some difficulties, but these are not the ones that the ministry would not be able to solve. i ask you to keep order here and do it quickly, but people who want to be citizens of our country are going to
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get it. passports all take a very long time for months and in queues you have to stand in time, who is doing this, it is natural to approach the solution of the problem. if they don’t know how, they don’t want to teach, they need to be promoted somewhere to transfer. as vladimir kolokoltsev noted , more than 800,000 citizens in the new territories applied for russian passports , and the head of the department also said that in order to combat drug smuggling. the ministry of internal affairs strengthened control on the southern borders of russia over the past year, revealed almost 30.5 thousand members of criminal communities and 5,000 offenses related to fake news our army. the police documented almost 90 facts of deliberately unreliable publications about our army russian users of the global network were constantly subjected to massive stuffing of a provocative nature, interaction
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with roskomnadzor was suppressed, the spread of about 160,000 false and other prohibited information. they are primarily focused on young people, the most numerous and active audience. in the coming hours, the national assembly of france will consider the issue of making it atom. government mistrust the reasons were the pension reform bill, which the cabinet of ministers ruled without the approval of parliament, which caused anger and opposition and the streets with round dances around the fires began monday in the largest cities of the republic, the protesters set fire to the still uncleaned rubbish barricades on key highways on regional roads by the police. now practically powerless in paris, marseille, the situation began to heat up at night. firecrackers and fireworks flew at the security forces , tear gas batons were used in response,
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and in the morning, the french were stuck in queues for gasoline, the refusal of oil workers, the industry to go to work and the closure of a quarter of everything. gas stations have led to shortages according to polls such an undulating chaos. it has already affected the rating of the president of macron, who is now dissatisfied with more than 70% of citizens. the trilateral agreements between the leaders of russia armenia and azerbaijan are the key to the settlement in nagorno-karabakh in this sergey lavrov said today in moscow before the start of negotiations with his armenian counterpart at the merzoyan council, the russian minister of foreign affairs, also noted that moscow is ready to continue to make efforts to stabilize the situation. we see undisguised attempts by western countries to quarrel russia and armenia let's call a spade a spade to undermine the regional security architecture, while thinking, of course. and
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while taking care of this, uh, not at all about the interests located here strangely about their geopolitical selfish interests. in moscow today presented a new season of the project xi jinping's favorite winged expression, which was prepared by the bogatyr's holding and media corporations of the prc as the authors hope, the series will help our viewers better understand china, where public life politics , including on the world stage, are closely intertwined with philosophy, report dmitry two is the start of the second season of the joint large-scale project of the vgtrk holding and the media corporation of china is extremely important the project for cooperation between the two countries is built on a series of videos, their content is aphorisms, personal statements and quotes from ancient legends of historical and philosophical treatises that
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xi jinping at various times used articles and articles in his public speeches . during the negotiations, russian viewers who watched season 1 will be able to find a lot for themselves. pleasant surprises in the new season. i am sure that this program will not only allow the russian audience to appreciate the leadership style and ideas of the chairman regarding the governance of the country, but will also help each viewer of the project to not only get acquainted with the character and ideas of the chinese leader, but also better understand the unique history under the sky for the first time this cycle was a very great success for us at kultura 5 years ago, and now, rather , already yesterday, from 12:00 pm moscow time , they can see it. every hour, the viewers of the channel of the most popular russian information channel russia 24 over the past years, the relationship between the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company and the media corporation of the people's republic of china has only grown stronger. the first big joint
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project was the film russia and china, the heart of eurasia . in the title itself. after all, from the way the heart beats russia china depends on the fate of all mankind in the film was told the joint struggle of the soviet and chinese peoples against german nazism and japanese militarism. for the first time in the history of documentaries, the leaders of the two countries , russian president vladimir putin and the chairman of conneroy , sit pin dali interview it is for this film that the peoples of china and russia border on each other and are good and reliable neighbors. with partners and good friends. we succeeded. uh, hmm reach. uh, a very high level of trust in our relationship our interstate interests coincide in most positions another big important joint project documentary film the second birth of the celestial empire china through the eyes of soviet cameramen in the archive of film photo documents in
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krasnogorsk alexey denisov managed to find unique footage of high-quality color chronicle china forty-ninth year for many years, they were considered irretrievably lost frames from the restored and they have become a real gift for viewers of the two countries for a long time. this unique record was in fact classified. we have processed in the krasnogorsk film archive photo documents priceless films of the forty-ninth fifties, which captured not only the process of the birth of new china, but also shocking. life of the chinese people at different stages of development, russia and china were brought together not only by the historical past, but also by the very recent difficult years, when they fought shoulder to shoulder together for a look, when chinese television journalists made reports for our main news programs, so that the most the best times in prime on all channels of the bogatyr, to ensure a safe
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distance between passengers , the carriages are still half full one of the first in beijing. to become the largest media corporations in russia and china broadcast of the second season is a huge gift to the audience the continuation of mutual comprehension in the dialogue of civilization dmitry kaster ivan malyshev maxim shipilov. andrey is not required. in the evening on our channel, the continuation of the midwife series starring irina pegova and yaroslav boyko new adventures of beloved heroes at 21:20 immediately after the big news about what awaits us today ekaterina frolova you understand that she has been creating talented and caring she gives all her time to work . now she will have to fight, not only for the lives of her patients, but also
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for her reputation in connection with the appearance of a complaint on our hospital website. i consider it necessary. give an explanation to the new boss her beloved is sergei zuev, but when i don’t need the support of loved ones so much, he suddenly takes the other side. i don’t give a damn about my authoritative leader. what happened to you? when you become like this, colossal endurance helps her, when you have to operate on the dearest person, i am the head doctor in this hospital. i make a decision, wait 2 hours. i'm a mother, i don't care. but the fact that you have now decided that relations in the family are heating up, and a new employee appears in the department, who intends to seriously compete with the starling, and not only at work. we can pretend that nothing happened. it seems to me that we can, if we want to. to keep
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faith in ourselves, tatiana is helped by a chance meeting, a new challenge, this time in the hospital , an emergency, a small patient disappears right from the ward, he is in the process of deciphering. skvortsova, as always , cannot stand aside and is trying to save the newborn in secret from the investigation. she gets in touch with the kidnapper and herself, is under suspicion. are you out of your mind? what suspect am i to you of sudden turns in the fate of your favorite heroes and unexpected denouement today at 21:20 ekaterina frolova to lead. always available on the media platform, we look in the application on the site where it is more convenient for you, and the news continues to follow.


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