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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 6, 2023 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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yes grega, what a beauty, huh? out of breath, all is well. well, in art, by the way, north ossetia is the birthplace of centenarians. do you know the air here? try what kind of breath you feel, you can cut into pieces and put on bread like cheese, by the way about cheese, do you know ossetian cheese? well, i heard something this column is so white and very salty. no, no, no, it's not very salty, well, it belongs to the category of pickled cheeses. they are not very popular in russia. still, we love the fire more, it’s impossible, yes, but ossetian cheese. can say, a storehouse of useful vitamins and minerals. maybe that's one of the reasons people here live so long and they're so happy fashion so we can try today. we can try to make it. oh, and this is what i want. even if you do not live in the caucasus, but in any other corner of our
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country. this journey will be very interesting for you, because the ossetian cheese formula is applicable to any pickled cheese that is in your region. today we will find out from what milk this cheese is made and why does he need a pickle, let's figure it out. how much does quality cheese cost? and what to look for when you buy it in the market or in a store, and also find out how pickle cheese is good for the brain. the fact is that the son is a rich source of vitamin b12 as it protects against the development of hypertension. it contains a large amount of niocin and we will prepare dishes with ossetian cheese for strong immunity. i really want to eat this. we'll check everything. better start deriving the food formula. so we arrived in a small ossetian town. where is ardon cheese production? director of a dairy plant to accept a new batch of milk for production
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milk is already cooled and cleaned. this increases the so-called bactericidal phase so that microorganisms do not develop in it, then it is checked in the laboratory for the density of the amount of lactose , protein and fat, and then it is pasteurized and poured into a cheese tank. the caucasus is famous for the fact that there are many centenarians. here you have a lot of longevity. nine years wow most of my life. she lived in the mountains, had a subsidiary farm, and accordingly did finest cheese. now, thank god , she calls in good health, she often remembers our phones herself, by heart this can almost certainly be associated with cheese. the fact is that the son is a rich source of vitamin b12 a. it is known that the deficiency of this vitamin is one of the reasons for the development of dementia. therefore, i think that cheese in this sense is a very important product for our brain. have sex and
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keep it clear. not for long , it takes up to 10 liters of milk to make one kilogram of pickled cheese. this proves once again that good cheese is not cheap. maybe, but sometimes you can see a fantastic low price in the store, what does that say? too low price of pickled cheese. unfortunately, it can first of all talk about its unnaturalness, for example, that the manufacturer used skim milk, and in order to hide this, he compensated for the lack of milk fat with vegetable such cheese making is more nutritious, but this is not completely milk cheese, but a cheese product, which the manufacturer must without fail indicate on the package, then we will wear rennet. it's completely natural an enzyme of animal origin and gastric mucosa of young calves, thanks to which milk turns into cottage cheese, then a cheese clot is obtained. by the way, if you watch our programs not from the very beginning and
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do not know how pickled cheese is useful for the prevention of dementia. i remind you that all episodes can be reviewed online and watch the platform. download the application, install it on phones or tablets, or just go to the site and look at the dot ru. the resulting cheese grain is drained through the strainer drum, whey is separated from it and cheese heads can be formed. of course, it will take the form aha well as feeling like an investigator in search of a treasure well, not only you, in fact, within the framework of the healthy eating project of the national demographics project , a study is conducted year-round that evaluates the content of vitamins and microelements of various products. and why well, because depending on the season
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, depending on the region , the content of these important substances can fluctuate thanks to such studies. you can find out. which one then product in your region most useful at the moment? well, us. actually the task with you is to tell people about these products. let's turn over now our cheese grain and once or twice, carefully. how to put it neatly. explain, i really like to remove the handles, but i'm afraid, let's pull. dali cheese is cooled so that it forms completely. what a beautiful time we have. it's true, he took shape. and now, in order for us to preserve and not have a spoilage process, we will lower it into brine solution. here, since we have already figured out pickled cheese, claims to be a product for longevity. and here's another reason it has a substance that helps normalize blood pressure. it
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contains a large amount of neocin vitamin pp and is a very important vitamin. because studies show that it reduces the risk of developing hypertension. moreover, these large -scale studies on tens of thousands of people were carried out and it turned out that an increase in the consumption of niocin. at least 1 mg reduces the risk of developing hypertension by 2%. our cheese in brine. but after all , hypertensive patients are in favor, after all, there are, let's go, i'll show you, okay? so, what about salt? it is known that the daily intake of salt for a modern person is 5 g, even for hypertensive patients. these are the standard consumption norms that the world health organization has prescribed in our ossetian cheese 36.2%. well, that is, it turns out , approximately like this, this is the norm. but this ossetian cheese. here for comparison, for example, yes, dutch cheese contains
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85% of the daily people. that is, like this, in mostly salt with cheese, then all the charm is more part of the salt, remains, where in the water, of ​​course they are in the cheese, so if you are hypertensive do not be afraid to sit down and pickled cheese, but if you are hypertensive and really want salty, wait. the negative effect of salty food on the body, you need to supplement it with foods rich in dried apricots or prunes , spinach, parsley, tomatoes or nuts, if they are eaten with salted cheese. this will help prevent excess body, and it will not retain fluid. so ready for packaging. wow we have it turned out o and now like this i saw such
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a sign on some products in supermarkets and even on medicines in pharmacies. this is called an honest sign. now all dairy products have. these are the individual passports, my program costs an honest sign , we press the scan button. everything is written about wow here, yes, but it’s possible to do it, it’s just impossible, in general , no changes can be made to it, for example, manufacturers cannot do this, and thus the state. maybe some more regulate the processes of trade and production. and preventing, for example, a shortage. here, or vice versa, there is a surplus of some goods in large stores. cheese. for sale in the dairy department. and what to look for when you buy cheese on the market, you will tell the oversight expert, if the cheese on the market is sold on the same or on neighboring counters with meat, fish or knitting needles, then you should not take it; dairy products must be sold in a separate row, if they
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lie close to other animal products . they can get on foreign microorganisms dangerous to human health, like ossetian cheese is eaten in ossetia. it can be fried as an independent dish; sandwiches can be fried in salads, but most importantly, ossetian famous pies are made from it. wow, i'm a big fan and it's really cool right now because they've become so popular. you can find them in moscow . look, well, nothing compares to the ossetian pies that are made in ossetia. so i suggest you go and make pies here. and we'll give you some cheese in the restaurant we will admire north ossetia, there are many amazing places here, but the greatest value of this region is the miraculous natural beauty that you can enjoy, for example
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, at a ski resort, and we decided to go skiing at the same time, by the way, seryozha will do this for the first time under my strict guidance. ah, the first rule is don't do it like that. but always forward. if suddenly you went, and you don’t know how to stop yourself with a christmas tree legs. and then look, if you want to turn, you give this leg a command and it went. i i thought you would break all your bones every day,
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i also eat in moscow after visiting ossetia, so i have strong bones, because ossetian cheese contains a large amount of vitamin b12 before. as they thought that the bones are vitamin d calcium and that's it, but in fact it is not. it turned out that vitamin b12 is also actively involved in osteositis and therefore people who lack this vitamin in their diet. they may have fragile, bones. protect your bones from fractures vitamin b12 is literally vitamin clarity. vitamin b12 will tell you one of few vitamins that are found only in products of animal origin, sufficient supply of them is especially important for people with low stomach acidity, and for the elderly , there is a normal supply of vitamin b12 in the human body for
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several years, but with insufficient intake. it can run out quickly. i urgently need b12 and not just b12 from cheese, but b12 from ossetian cheese pie. well let's go. if you watch our programs , you don’t know from the very beginning how ossetian cheese is useful for health, bones. i remind you that all episodes can be reviewed on the online video platform . download the application, install it on phones or tablets, or simply go to the site the time is now we will prepare a national ossetian pie, which also strengthens our immune system, and strong immunity is another component of a long life, the legendary tet-34 of your house is no more, it will be able to arrange
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service of new buildings number one magnet price that you need sweets 29 99 woman. they resolutely love you masha long time ago it was necessary to fight over the son from the sixth to the 8th of may 12:45. good morning. good morning. i am a hubulov chef. let's.
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ossetian cheese is something that sometimes happens in places where you can’t find a prince more such curd cheese, you can mix it with gouda and it will work too. well, that's delicious too. can add adyghe cheese to add pussy, in principle, it also goes well with the pie, now we take the dough, cover it with a towel and take it away for 30-40 minutes in a warm place, and it insists and it rises and then we already make the pie perfectly. see you. an unexpected question. and why do people consider proteins fats and carbohydrates, because they want to have an excellent metabolism. deep in fact, in fact proteins fats and carbohydrates in
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our diet, proteins perform different functions from building material, like bricks from which a building is built. yes, fats and carbohydrates are sources of energy. is it like wood? yes , only carbohydrates speak quickly, but live ones slowly uh-huh therefore, in our diet. they must be in a strictly defined proportion. but this is exactly what nutritionists determine, for example, specialists from the healthy nutrition project of the national demography project, based on scientific research , created just such a plate of healthy nutrition, where proteins, fats, carbohydrates are in the optimal proportion for nutrition. russia , for example, as a source of healthy protein can come forward boiled beef. in boiled potatoes as a source of healthy carbohydrates. naturally, health food is never complete without vegetables, so let's add it here. oh young pickles. and as a source of healthy fats, i suggest using cheese, voila and a plate, healthy ossetian food is ready. so this is a pie pan. this is
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our dough, just because everything happens. well, the dough it is so wet, we take the flour and pour it on the table and we already take out the ball and already roll it out under the action pie. we take our filling in circles. and we start to collect the cake and the most important. we set the pie at 300 degrees
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for about seven minutes, be sure to turn it so that it is fried on all sides ossetian pie with cheese and herbs for strong immunity. warm up the milk. add yeast, sugar, salt and knead the dough, add flour and carefully. stir. cover the dough and send it to heat for 30-40 minutes so that it rises at this time, form a ball of grated cheese and herbs. roll out the dough. wrap the filling in it and form a pie. lay it out on parchment paper. in a frying pan. bake at 300° for 7 minutes constantly turning the finished cake, brush with melted butter. eat me already cut melted butter. happiness, but it's impossible. i
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mix very well. just, and by the way, a great dish for immunity cheese. this is a source of zinc. even now , offensive times have shown that zinc is a trace element that greatly affects antiviral immunity, and onions and greens. these are sources of phytoncides, which, as you know, kill these same bacteria and viruses almost on the fly. we can start formula and seryozha certainly. yes, only 30 g of pickled cheese. a day will improve the state of the cardiovascular system, strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of dementia. hoba is a wonderful recipe, you are wonderful everything. after a meal with ossetian pies, this is the perfect end to bathing in such warm
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water, i feel like ossetian rasoul cheese for a moment is not a brine, but ossetian mineral hot springs. in i understood the secret of the caucasian longevity. it turns out that this is the mountain air natural high-quality products and wellness baths, not only it seems to me, the main secret of caucasian longevity is movement. therefore, it’s time for you and me to move on, because other cities and other products are waiting for us.
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it was a food formula program on a tv channel, russia a generous program where you can earn a lot of money without even getting up from the sofa today evgeny papadyshvili anfisa chekhova andrey urgan evgeny ryb and alexander pushnoy are playing with us good morning, my friends are especially happy. i greet anfisa chekhov today young woman. which, with its incredible beauty , diluted it once again with charm. uh. well, this musty air of these four employees who are trying to build something out of themselves here, but over and over again they get not very enough added form. we quite to ourselves can be tolerated in this form of sanfisa, chekhov but the audience loves us. do you know why? but because, because you
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give them money, because you lose the final rounds, you give everything away. and today in our bank show the beginning of the game only 20.000 rub. minimum. but write this one, how contemptuous of all the approximate wages are on this mouth, somewhere like that, yes. yes, i recalled 160,000 rubles. last saturday, our star five sent a-a pensioner one so that she could rest in a sanatorium, well, a good goal in general applause well done. you can look at it this way. you can look at our star five from the other side. shamefully leaked the final round. just simply did not take the most elementary question. now here are our wonderful the spectator who won in the jacuzzi with a glass of champagne looks like, lyosh , come on, come on, come on, shame on and i'm glad for
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our pensioner. really, if she 's like that right now, as well as the first round right now it's five on one gone. first of all, let me remind anfisa that the rest of the rules. i hope you have already learned. now the computer will randomly select the viewers. with my help, ask you a question. you will have 4 minutes to try to find the correct answer. i can give three clues that another 20,000 rubles. on the eve. you ask any leading questions. i answer yes or no, attention to the screen. let's choose a viewer who will play against you first today. larisa teletskaya 51 years old, city of dolgoprudny larisa writes poetry, creates bow ties and brooches, and is also interested in the biographies of actors, the winnings
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will be spent on trips to museums. here. so many weird hobbies. by the way, larisa also has questions related to unusual hobbies. i would call attention to the screen the first question of our today's game, which was collected by the writer dmitry mamink the time of the brand is not too simple ah, mamok and sibiryakov all collected sibiryakov live not quite. and it's not, it's edible. no, i mean, it's not even a little bit. no, hunters. yes, an object of some kind is not an object and proverbs in this direction. well, as
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a set of no funny jokes, no new interjection words, no interjections and no new words. no, it's not an item yet. it could be a collector's dream. well, something like that, but there is no folk phrase. omens no, there was no such version. at andrey will manage you silver silver set set set on silver set. he collects sets. what recipes are not recipes, but i 'll follow the logic of andrey lvovich. yes, no, gold, that there was silver. so that's a clue that this is a set. yes? what there is no hint, there are no sounds, the hint for silver is silver and the method has a relationship right here, right, right, right, they are right, like bullets are still upper
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while silver, well, somewhere nearby, that is, it can be, for example some whistle no recipes, recipes was such a thought. we collected thoughts. they rarely come to see him and he's like oh no, no, but the second clue. no, these are not things. gives to art. no. hmm, some fantastic no, not fairy tales. signs, no no signs no and no sayings will take we had sayings something that well does not exist in life. yes, that is, as if something that cannot be touched. yes, you can't touch it. there is no gene. this is a literary work. it was a miracle that took you at all, what is it? well, no matter how. no songs folk plant melodies. this is stas
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mikhailovich attitude. there is no music. no collected laughter. interesting no no. this is another method of attitude to the disease is not. no laughter, no, no, no, let's once again black, so he collects, and maybe collectors have strange surnames. this is absolutely correct. logically, you have already understood that the second clue is that this work is hidden. first. show the first clue. this is semyonov's tien chance. yes, yes, yes, this silver is a family jewel, a family silver is a family middle. well, on the second hint we have a picture of petrov-vodkin of a man with a funny last name.


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