tv Zemskii doktor RUSSIA1 May 19, 2023 10:20pm-11:26pm MSK
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the great coco chanel said that every woman should have a little black dress in her wardrobe, in the wardrobe of our next participant there are much more outfits. and choose the right one. maybe without even looking. meet marina kachaeva. hello. i am marina kachaeva from the city of ryazanographer. and for about thirty years now. i am studying
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russian folk textile pattern. it occurred to me to deal with the issue. as far as the pattern, really. are there any real grounds that the pattern is uberik, as they believed in the russian folk culture. there is no, no mysticism, there is no. in fact, no magic is completely biological things that have been noticed as a result of thousands of years of experience. if we want to help ourselves with harmonizing our psyches. the state of the physical state, in fact, you can just use, uh, elements of the russian folk costume, there are a lot of cases when people recover much faster by wearing certain patterned things, patterned belts, you can use the pattern of modern clothes, you can use it, by the way, in quality of observation. yes, that is, the decor of the external environment, because the visual impact is approximately the same. hello in
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cooking is over, 15 mannequins appeared with women's outfits from fifteen different areas russia approaching one or another of these mannequins and touching this outfit. marina will be ready. determine which area it belongs to and i will ask our respected experts to name the number of the suit that should be approached so that everything is fair natalya let's start with you. let's eight infinity. let me take your hand, let's go to
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mannequin number eight. so here it is next you need to say what it is and where is it i can say that this is one of the most beloved, because to is e female northern russian mowing suit, e-e of the vologda territory. eh, how is it e understandable. the fact is that here is a very unusual and interesting pattern. e in russian folk culture, a woman was responsible for the arrival and departure of the soul, because she gives birth to a child and she sees off the deceased. uh, in folk culture there were patterns intended for a wire of the soul. oh, the soul, there was not only a person. the plant had it, mowing grass. the woman had to make sure
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that the mouth of the plants did not stop and the fertility of the land of fertility. eh, the edges are not dried up. all this is reflected in the patterns; all this is reflected here in the patterns, and they are quite well palpable. here are all four of them. this is indeed the vologda oblast. so it is written everyone sees it, except for marina eugene your figure let me spend wonderfully. you will definitely turn out elegant, and everyone is beautiful, that's just the point. no trust me follow me how beautifully you said it. so i lay out your hand. now wait until you call
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me. i'll try it myself. well, i wonder what you will be able to grope yevgeny okay, i'll go to the place. the fact is that it is, of course, just to be of a characteristic cut, in this case , the suit of a young woman from the arkhangelsk territory is a sundress, a bruise with a brace. oh, here, here, uh, very characteristic pattern again. this rum with four dots symbolized precisely the forces of fertility, exactly the sign that was applied to the stomach on three polish statuettes of goddesses, including for ritual purposes, well, on women during apparently marriage rituals and what an ancient, incredible alexander pushnoy
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your figure, accompany our guest here is marina to the sixth costume. he is the closest. here he is. yes, it’s quite a long way for us to go, but i would, of course, ask marina to feel the suit of artyom mikhailovich for one thing and understand what area we have. you got to the room. they immediately put it on that pattern, which again is very characteristic, because this technique of color interlacing is the tula costume of the tula territory. as it is, it is written wow, the pattern is different. yes, on the grid not geometric, well vegetable animal shapes. here we can say with confidence that this is a costume or a very young woman. eh, i mean young people. yes, or , perhaps, even the still betrothed singles used
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to call girls that in folk culture did not wear geometric patterns, precisely because they had a rigidly directed certain action. and they usually had either blurry such geometric shapes, or floral shapes for a given region, definitely also a very characteristic technique. she is also well known actually hitting accuracy. i don't think it speaks for itself just as much as the quantity and quality of the details that we learn about each of these costumes and each of these areas vasily andreevich is your figure. i propose to travel and go again in the costume of three marinas. allow me to take your hand again. marina in your pocket. find it too. take out. tell us anything interesting. he is well
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recognizable. so, yes, there is a breast, which means that kaluga is again right, very close, but there is a very big difference between a young woman, that is, a young woman, yes, and as far as i understand, somewhere on the window there should be such a very interesting pattern in the form of a cross and a rumba. allow me because we are convinced of the 100% accuracy of your knowledge. you don't guess. you just feel and say, because you know for sure, i feel, i think we can already remove this mask to restore your vision and let's talk about these patterns. uh, looking at them. information has been preserved that this is a pattern
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of thunderstorms, thunder, lightning, thundering peru, which was the patron. uh, respectively, not only men, as usual, we believe, yes, and also the children of girls and young women and , accordingly, this pattern, as a rule, it always turned out to be on clothes, here is a young woman and i hope the times when no one believed in peruns at zor but were recorded in the fifties, marina you are great coped with the task, i would say brilliant, and we congratulate you on this. friends in the hall today, there is one person who watched the test in awe. this ivan kirillov is not only an artist, but also a collector
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of traditional russian costume. actually, that's all that's worth here - it's part of it collections, he provided it for this test, how the idea to collect folklore folk costumes was born. russians who have arisen by chance interest and here are the miraculous powers. pattern she tightened me and does not let go. already 15 years. cool, i'm replenishing the collection, studying ivan kirillov friends. this is truly an invaluable experience. well, marina , i want to tell you, firstly, you gave us a new definition of a young girl, a young woman. i believe that this is correct. a newly or recently married lady. yes, i know now that in the registry office after exchanged rings, the main woman
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says, dear young woman and dear young woman , young, generally young, please, old woman. this is what happened after the divorce, i immediately understood everything, which means that you have been doing this for 30 years and this type of activity. accordingly, you know, all costumes. this is unsurprisingly correct. this is your professional. activity is something that you could determine with your eyes closed, uh, every suit to the touch . that's amazing, but it seems to me that knowing the human brain about oneself is not the same lie that a person has tactile sensations fantastic informative. and if we talk, for example, about the tactile perception by women of a product in the form of a dress, they can’t buy anything without touching, then it seems to me that here both are great for me your professional experience and a great achievement. no wonder excuse me, the fact is that i wanted, first of all, to surprise you with the depth of
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russian folk culture. unfortunately, when we talk about e folk culture. we tend to either believe that our ancestors lived in the forest or prayed in the forest. or we are talking about what it is, well sorry it's aesthetics. but it's not just aesthetics, you've ever lived in a village 90% of your time. it takes just to ensure one’s material existence and in order to spend, but such ponevs, yes, well, uh, some of them were made for a year and more, you need to be not just sure that this is a vital need it needs to be felt. this must be understood. it needs to be known. you need to use it and see a very deep meaning in it, but that's exactly what to do. surprisingly, i came here for this. it's all right totally surprised. me. here's a personal surprise. i just bow before you marina, i generally
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enjoyed it immensely. i plunged into the past. when i was in school in the sixth grade. i went to folk dances and i made a dress. and right now i'm sitting, looking at these dresses, such beauty. it's true, she loves this thing. this is how we educate our youth. they don't know anything about this at all. they need zero here to tell us more, come to us more often and you are an amazing person. thanks vasily andreevich well, i agree with my colleagues. your goal is to surprise us with a costume. she definitely made it. she's been reached. i don’t know, i had some simple shirts from films in the image of the bone suit. yes, here i see the most complicated interesting beautiful costume. vologda mowing with some incredible ornaments with a complex structure. this generally changes my idea of how a person went to the mowing. thank you so much for this today. thank you friends. marina kachaeva. you are an amazing person on behalf of the amazing people program.
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will marina be able to touch the final of our project? this is what we will find out at the end of the issue, but for now we continue to be surprised. in the seventy-seventh year of the last century, a record with a bulgarian folk song was sent into space under the voyager program; it was part of a huge collection of human achievements, intended for other worlds. and today a bulgarian young man came to us with unique achievements in the field of mental mathematics, mental mathematics is when all mathematics occurs only in the mind. meet hookah veshav. hello, my
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name is koloyan kesha. i am 12 years old. i lived sofia bulgaria did. i have been doing speed counting for about 5 years, or it was easier at the end of eight years, it became clear that i was good at mathematics of numbers and, accordingly. i wanted to do this. some yes, what is happening, what i am capable of, so i started going to mental counting courses to mr. georgy georgiev, who helped me a lot in the transfer. he helped me a lot. i can, for example, extract the square cube roots of numbers up to 21 digits in my mind , i can also calculate about 100 or more. yes in 1 minute i can solve 10 examples
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in about 1 minute. i noticed that my child is different from other children when he was very young he was only 3.5 years old. he learned to count, but he still can't speak. he just started counting a small number, there was one international cup competition in scoring in 2020, the second year of the championship , only 40 of the best people in the world in the field participated. direct computing took second and third places. it seems to me that every parent should develop their child in the best direction for him, then each the child can become if not brilliant, then at least quite successful. hello , to the best of our knowledge, you are an internationally
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recognized expert with great achievements in the field. that same mental mathematics is really true. i am ready to confirm this with my achievements here. what is the most difficult and what is the most interesting for you in this area of thinking and activity? heaven , while reading, like you, but difficult to occupy yourself only first places, but in general in this area, nothing seems difficult to me yet, then. tell me exactly what you love count the most fractions, square roots cubic money is money. everyone mentions money right away, but maybe this is also an option, for example, date of birth, what day
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of the week was born, this or that person, i like to count, and i also like to extract roots and represent numbers as a sum of squares. now we will find out. is it possible by applying all this unique knowledge, skills, and abilities , it is possible that the talents will pass that complex mathematical quest that we will offer. you will see on this screen 20 birthdays, great mathematicians and in 1 minute. we let's ask you to determine what the days of the week were, just from one to seven, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. these are just numbers, but you need to count and guess number one - this is monday number two, tuesday and
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so on. how do you do it? we do not even ask, but we are interested in whether these data will match the correct answer, and then we can move on to the next stage of our test. fine. if you are ready, then the data is on the screen. we have 11 more seconds left and the task is already done. strikingly everything is correct, the figure means monday friday wednesday, saturday,
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saturday and so on and so forth. all days of the week matched perfectly for all twenty great scholarly columns. no, not even no doubt that we will continue and will continue as follows. here are the cubes. they can also light up, both green and red, and on them i will ask you to lay out the right route for yourself, which will answer certain mathematical patterns. kaloyan was born in 2010. friends became the answer to the first of the examples, which is to be selected here 2010, then 2.000 11 12 13 so by years then this year 2023 are ready. good luck. there is one
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- the second stage of our quest passed brilliantly. but if the third, if you are ready, then we can start here there is a board and there are three mathematical examples on it, they need to be solved in 1 minute. the first is the number that we are decomposing. or rather, you decompose by the power of thought into the sum of squares. the second cube root of an 18-digit number and the third result are difficult to extract to within thirty-third decimal places are ready.
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the last example, but a little less decimal places. you brilliantly passed all three stages of the most difficult mathematical quest before we let's move on to discussing this absolutely phenomenal event. i ask you to welcome another mathematician mental participant of the show amazing people. e dmitry borisov who is the winner of the fifth season of our program. come out to us. hello. dmitry dmitry is not only the winner of the fifth season, but also the person who baffled the council of professors who were present at his
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test. they were never able to explain how he succeeds. let me also remind you that during that final, dmitry extracted the root 9.99 degrees out of the number, which consisted of eighty thousand. signs, that is, what kind of bit depth is there? i don't imagine at all. 865.000 891 has life changed in any way, after that
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final life has changed, of course, a lot, that new interesting things have appeared in the first place. this professor's acquaintance is different people from different countries. we communicate, write books, as promised. maybe they will find his reader, for sure. i saw brilliant ram management with numbers now keep coming up with more and more programs already artificial intelligence comes up with programs. how to optimize the memory of a computer, and even for a computer, this process is very complicated, if the hookah adds its practice, and also training in working memory, then its results will grow even more, how workers differ from working memory allows you to remember. yes, here are some examples of numbers and use them after the
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ram. it allows you to use it only now, therefore, if the final is agreed, that is, kaloyan managed to surprise you, he will surprised without a doubt dmitry borisov many thanks to the hookah. you are truly an amazing person. but before we turn to the opinion of our high jury. i would like to welcome you to the hall. georgi georgieva is a teacher of koloyan, geshev and a participant in the first season of the show, amazing people. 1136 35.136 let's check. what is the correct
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answer 35.000, 136. say one thing , everything that we have just seen here can generally be taught. yes, it can be very up to the son . well, such are the fathers from e. yes of course, for some reason teach. this is necessary to achieve such results as kaloyan, you need exceptional talent. here i am, by the way, i would like to wish good luck to the hookah, so that in the final he could demonstrate his other mathematical abilities. we wish this hookah just as sincerely. thank you very much, georgy georgy and now the opinion of our respected experts evgeny firstly, well , welcome to russia, i am very glad that you have flown to us. i will not tire of saying that i am happy that i see and watch this from
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the front row. sasha tried here. something there already. i have already learned from experience. i was just, uh, in previous seasons. i just didn't have time to press the buttons and poke with your finger. yes, sash, how would you, of course, it would be great to try all the same things that kaloyan did during the mri of the head in order to use this experience of such an amazing person in the future, for example, to improve some cognitive abilities simpler people, like us, because i still can’t remember the pin code from my card. here, although once my wife advised me to enter a pin code. how about the date of our wedding. i forgot her, of course. what is this for? tattoo yes, yes, and i forgot where i just want to say that absolutely amazing people like aloyan e, humanity needs them in order to
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understand how it works. inside him in his neural network. and then try our neural networks, at least somehow upgrade. well, not to such a level, but at least, yes, acceptable, if it were, perhaps you are the first candidate for the nobel prize, surprised for this idea. yes here yes 100% 100% surprised super. natalia has always been a mystery mathematics season 6. i sit, enjoy, enjoy, i don’t ask already, how is it done? ask, don't ask, anyway i won't be able to make columns. you are an amazing person to you success victories. here we are, as in sports, if the coach praised, so you are better, so you will succeed. georgy said everything, and i hope that we will see you again. vasily andreevich every fifth of our listeners, the viewer
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of this program, is afraid of mathematics, like fire 20%, e suffer from mathematical anxiety, and we have an example. how can i get rid of this. yes, you can go on stage, you can become a champion, you can completely juggle numbers. it's incredible. this is cool. it seems to me that an example for many. thanks a lot. you heard the unanimous opinion of the hookah geshev, you are an amazing person - this is applause for you. thank you thank you. calculate in your mind. what is the probability of his passing to the final? this is what we will find out at the very end of the issue, in the meantime, we continue to be surprised. if it's leukemia it is in the initial stage, a big plus, a dubious plus on the russia channel, this is
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, the old ruin of the premiere tomorrow at 21:00 on the russia channel we are celebrating the birthday of the composer, people's artist of belarus. eduard khankara above me , i’m sitting the way for you, here i can barely hold back tears. hello andrey evening show andrey malakhov tomorrow 18:00. the amazing people show
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has already featured speedcubers people who can solve the rubik's cube very quickly and in unusual conditions underwater with their eyes closed even with bare feet . our next amazing person has an additional level of difficulty. he came from china to solve a rubik's cube in russia and here is how he will do it. we will find out now. meet our guest lydia chaos. hi all. my name is liji hao i am from shanxi province. i am 23 years old. i broke the most difficult record for folding three rubik's cubes - the guinness world record - and the time was 3 minutes 16 seconds. i started doing rubik's cube in 2016 , it happened when our family got together to celebrate the chinese new year,
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and i saw a cousin. this rubik's cube seemed to me very cool what he did with it. after that, i paid for my own cube and began to learn how to build it from the textbook. i trained for a year and a half to i managed to break the guinness record training process. all this time was very painful, because the cubes were constantly falling, but my concentration and logical thinking. including hand coordination improved significantly as well. now i can read books with more concentration. i hope that i will be able to speak successfully found amazing people. be patient and you will see for yourself. as far as
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i understand, you really can in the most unusual ways. and here i have a special request to our esteemed experts. three rubik's cubes collected, they need to be disassembled as much as possible, that is, brought back into chaos. in the meantime, friends, i'll tell you what will happen now. uh, jigawa will need 1 minute 30 seconds. hanging upside down to collect with one hand. three rubik's cubes in turn, these are the three that are now in the hands of our respected experts. friends, are you ready to give them to me. i'm
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, i should note that the owner of the record in the guinness book of records, he collected three rubik's cubes by juggling in 3 minutes 29 seconds. therefore , today we have a chance to see how the record holder will either confirm, or maybe even break his own record, as we have already agreed. uh, our dear experts are dismantling the cubes evgeny papanavichvili is making your process is very inspiring. continuous eye contact, of course, of course. now it looks like it's done. naturally. uh, jihau need to look at
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perfectly put together and i think there is something to be said by our expert. nothing to say. just saw, dear friends, how our chinese friends are easy, fast and high quality collect cars. and as we show by our own example, how quickly we bring them back to their original state, but again our friends from the republic of china collect them back. i want to say that i am amazed by two
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things. firstly, for me, in principle, juggling is not so easy and i understand that juggling is for you. in this case , it's just the background. you can safely juggle sleep eat walk communicate. the second is in the process of juggling, but you must catch it with the right side because of this momentarily turn the desired face in the desired direction. i'm not entirely sure you're human. perhaps you are a robot. allow me but, but no no man, the fact that a person still dropped the cubes made me very much encouraged and you are an amazing person for me. thank you for sure you know how many people in the world are able to collect the rubik's cube in the same way, there are no more than 20 people all over the world. yes, i heard about it too, it's just that 8
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billion inhabitants you are really an amazing person. what do you say, really? these speedcubing tasks are always amazing. yes, then there is also the need for extreme concentration and fine motor skills and some spatial representations of the cube itself for mathematics, that is , the task itself just seems somehow impossible. and if you add something else, this is an anlation, it seems like something absolutely incredible and huge to you. thank you. it was cool. you're done, welcome to moscow all amazing people bravo tells you amazing people program. it is easy to collect the votes of the audience to
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go to the final, as he collects the rubik's cube. this is what we will soon find out at the end of the issue, but for now we continue. in ancient china , each aristocrat had to master the six noble arts perform rituals perform and understand music shoot a bow, drive a chariot be able to write read and count our next participant has mastered one of these noble arts to perfection. how now we will find out and at the same time. in what perfection meet the vahita of the eskahans. my name is white it. i am 28 years old. i am from the city of kurchaloy, chechen republic. different tricks
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according to driving decisions in different ways to train with you from a bow, otherwise i was 16 here, and the bow itself, but homemade arrows homemade the first time went further and further. you got it more than you need string nerves. to do this , you need to know every arrow, where to fly, and it depends, where are you shooting? what trick will you do it, if you do it in motion, it's a corpse. it's tricky, the bow is moving, and it affects the scene, the longest distance i've shot, well, it worked out fine. it was a 90 meter bottle, and the smallest man i hit, it's a fly, well on the fly. i want to try.
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we are glad to welcome you in our studio and tell us, please, what exactly you will surprise us with from the bow today. by the way, i see this in your right hand, which you just shook. yes, this is the hand strelka e, where do you live, the city of the chechen republic and what do you do, besides archery, and how are these activities or hobbies connected? is a person able to blow out a candle with one shot from a bow? here is the answer to which we will find out right now.
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wow friends this is amazing. vakhita eskarkhanov i still look there, how enchanted i can not take my eyes off this candle, which he just extinguished with an arrow, but dear friends, after all, and that's not all. yes, okay, the third test. impossible to implement within the television studio. it must take place outdoors. what do you think, is it possible to hit the target located around the corner from you? and at the same time, of course, you don’t see it, and also get one arrow into another, which you fired. you, but a little earlier, i think it's impossible. that's about one to the other, to be honest, a couple of times in the movies. i have seen it. but how to hit a target around the corner into a target that you can’t see, it’s
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there are no words. wahita you unconditionally, unconditionally completed the task. hooray and now, after all, tell me how to shoot from around the corner at this ball, how realistic it is to prepare specially for the arrow, for this the empire needs to be slightly reduced, you need to glue feathers here, but, that is, it should not have plumage in the tail, and on the nose and then it leads to the side and the tax should be
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