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tv   Vse kak u lyudei  RUSSIA1  July 5, 2023 10:20pm-11:26pm MSK

10:20 pm
listen, the child must know who is the boss in the house. here igor is at least lying, but strength emanates from him, so the child reaches for him. what about you with your kisses? yes , all sorts of bells and whistles will not achieve anything. you called me completely forgot to tell you. i got into a big fight with someone. the voice is what a male female male male so well, he's a neighbor with this 58th apartment.
10:21 pm
where did he get the medals from? he didn't fight. nakhimov and ushakov wow interesting. and tell me, please, here's a girl to him vera went from social security how he treated her. you are good. he loves her very much and she is so friendly and kind. do you happen to know his grandson? i don't know i've never seen it. oh , sorry, sorry, i have to run away , i have a rubik there. please forgive me, thank you very much.
10:22 pm
you have to think . this is a shikina. yeah, the one who looked after him. you generally saw them together, he saw and more than once very much took care of razin. well , of course, maybe she was well paid, she has a military pension. so she could
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lead him into the forest. well actually yes. ok. they asked to go in. the first blood on the wall in razin's apartment belongs to shikina. i wonder if you agree?
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your blood was found in stepan razin's apartment. i ask you again that he hit you. stepan ivanovich won't pick you up on a woman. who hit you then? i myself, i walked along the corridor, stumbled and stumbled upon the wall now along the corridor, right? you are somehow confused by your testimony, first here you stumbled on the veranda, then in the apartment. one more question. did you know that stepan razin kept the orders of his uncle admiral, of course?
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stepan ivanovich called on the mobile offered to buy, i thought that i would save. no, the most valuable ones were left on the shelf, if he noticed. i understand in general , so i'm taking the orders, as physical evidence, the city, please, do not leave the attack by signing, goodbye.
10:26 pm
i think that it was she who wanted this grandfather to kill the motive of the apartment, he had the motive that the apartment was originally issued for her, then this non-existent luke appeared, this is the second
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testament. i would not rush to draw such conclusions, because dubtsov found prints fingers in the apartment, there is none. ostapenko ivan now breaks through him does not exist. present half a ton lower , present now you will fly away,
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the police have sent you their documents for 15 days. ostapenko you wash, what to look for me? everything is legal. grandfather wrote me an apartment. so the cousin in the grandmother of his children has no grandchildren. why? you have not announced the city before , i was not there. i think i'll call you, how are you, and he tells me, come, there is no one to protect the apartment. well, i came and listened to this, you don’t know.
10:29 pm
for pain in the legs, i take the proven remedy drops aescusan aescusan good price people who surprised the world remember the most amazing i have been so worried about. you will not believe the strongest impression. i cried out at the end in front of me there was a perfect person, already, combined with the machine amazing people, the best at 21:30 only on the russia channel
10:30 pm
i wish now kfc a whole basket crispy and juicy crust. choose your basset from 169 rubles. why did you buy doshirak together, it is 15% more than ordinary noodles and it also contains 10 times more vegetables seen walking up the stairs not with my knees from knee pain.
10:31 pm
try dolgit cream in a yellow package with dolgit cream you can walk from 149 rubles. and to maintain muscle tone. try the new convulsion pill. it helps to maintain the function of the muscles of the lower extremities, cramps in the yellow package. you can change images to be a hostess and mother for different you one magnet cosmetic for pain and spasms spazgan spazgan the correct
10:32 pm
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10:33 pm
antibiotic. enterumin enterosorbent of a new generation, its mineral matrix removes toxins from the body while retaining useful substances, smart. yes, so enterumin is a smart solution against poisoning, our rules shine. brightness, care our color 0500 on wednesday two boxmasters for the price of one in the kfc app spasm. what's the difference spasmalgon dual action fights pain relieves spasm. buy at a discount in the pharmacies of the capital for each year. you owe 15.000 silver rubles.
10:34 pm
yes here it is summary of the life of ostapenko three times tried twice robbery once for attempted murder it was released still coming off. no to him. do you believe. of course not. i'm coming right now. the missing medals have been found.
10:35 pm
hello andrew, great. everyone will rejoice at your orders. well, not my joker razin was occupied by a familiar antiquarian. he said that a guy came to him and offered to buy awards, wildly. i wanted to refuse right away, he doesn’t deal with medals, but then i looked at the orders ushakova put on. oh you, what kind of guy looks like yo 30 was quenched and presented as a drink, listen. songs on the parapet passed to your antiquary now. the phone number said he'd think
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he'd call back, okay. great. because of your grandmother if you and your dad will walk on the street, i can join you, do not be offended, do not be afraid, just such a character. she herself is not happy, you know, sometimes
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you don’t even understand the bread that the person has offended. i really didn't like the way she spoke about her mother. and i promise you, this will never happen again. will you come? happy was all you saw the face. you know wanted to thank you for your session. psychological help with exclusively women's problems helps me a lot. tell me what's bothering you right now. share worries me. my husband, the former after the injury. he lives with his sister. she look after him. she manipulates property.
10:38 pm
even fears that she will take away our moscow apartment and me and my daughter. let's stay outside. the most interesting thing is that tamara does not need anything. she has her own apartment, she has no children. she has no family. she's all alone so what are you going to do? maybe you call your husband somehow try to talk about your fears, well share. well, what to call? he now lives in my entrance, they rented an apartment there. so i can see them and tamara, but it's hard for me to talk to them. i have not been able to find a common language. i don't know what to do now.
10:39 pm
sit down well, are you going to hide everything? or maybe finally tell me, i don't care. i want to help you. i came to stepan ivanovich last week and was not opened by an unfamiliar young man.
10:40 pm
he said that he was a grandson and showed the donation, i already heard it. and i did not believe that stepanova began to rush into the room to talk to him. and this is your permanent place of residence. a couple of years ago. and the payment was just for that.
10:41 pm
where is the coal? here please of course. on april 5, i made a meeting on faith.
10:42 pm
let him remember me with a kind word after my death. now walking alone with the third valeeva, they talked about life simply. on may 3 , my cousin's grandson called. anechka markova, wanted to meet me, i completely i do not remember. anya is sorry. the children died herself in a nursing home lives so
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and i brought you a boat. remember, you made it yourself and gave it to me. do you remember the soldier soldier? we walked with you. solve a crossword puzzle together in the apartment to lie down
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i'll call the doctor now, it looks like morse code leave the room. i'm asking you to hurry, i'll be back get well soon stepanovich
10:45 pm
well, not here. there is no notary stamp here. we made out through a notary, and through the mfc , a neighbor works there. did she help us valeeva
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or something? yeah say we'll make something mine when i can see him as long as he can't be seen in critical condition in the hospital. who can confirm that you razin was put in a taxi by a neighbor who also saw us? how did they call him a taxi went out into the street? i was in the hospital. here's a freak, but he's lying, because every word is lying, and
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we have nothing. lessons are shaking no? it looks like he's repeating the same thing twice. you can find it. well, because i went to violate the law, that is, didn’t you rewrite the apartment, leave it.
10:48 pm
no, he copied here everything is fine, but the fact is that i had to draw up a donation agreement in fts. i made a house for him. well, only for the sake of stepan ivanovich old. and why is the contract not registered in rosreestre m? because it takes us a month. we always, uh, warn visitors. well you can find ask? yes, i will only ask please, if possible, do not say that i went to this violation and made out at home. you 've seen no, never before. i heard about him from razin himself. and how did they know him? what is a will, you use it, it's not a thought said, like, by the way, she, by the way, lives in the country in an old dacha. and apartments in the city well, it does not hurt. mom,
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i wanted to ask you. listen, but be a katyukha strip a little not affectionate, or what? she came, i hugged her and kissed her. it's not my fault that his mother is such a bitch. well, what are you talking about? how can you say that to a child about his mother? well, she will close, but they have just begun to get closer to igor. you don’t tell me who to say what to, but just ask and not for you for igor’s sake i ask, but also better. i myself know who is better. well, you’re right all your life, you know who ’s better off, that’s why your father ran away from you and we, it seems like we need to get out of here, yes, if
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you want to know, i kicked him out myself. he ’s like that to me, of course, but he’s just impossible for me to live with you, so he left, but also a good riddance. here we brought up the two of you and we will bring up katya. well, how did you raise us to a wife and daughter with a gun without a husband without a child without a kitten. yes, because it was necessary to do as i ordered you all my men. just scared him afraid. remember, lord now this is about me. don't touch katya, got it? kid today pizza oh cool. i bought your favorite, yes, i went to school to find out, what textbooks will i need to buy for the school
10:51 pm
year? lord, what a responsible child i have. and i know what i thought. or maybe i can take a vacation, we can go to st. petersburg so look or to the sea or to the sea. i bought myself. where did you buy the money from? this is me went to him. mom,
10:52 pm
don't worry, dad has changed. i think he misses us. he can't do anything to me. he doesn't even get out of bed. maybe. hi hi. bon appetit.
10:53 pm
and what about the car? it's all kind of. thank you for the coffee, please. coffee good morning kerosene to you, well, you
10:54 pm
treat me to coffee, i can afford it. thanks it's nice. among them was his personal diary, i leafed through in general, nothing interesting, but it is clear that the old man was talkative. it was quite clear that he could blather to anyone about his sister and about the nursing home and about wills. now yes hello i need you now just leco asks you to help him. i'm coming. just don't kill your friend friend. i will try. for pain in the legs, i take the proven remedy drops aescusan
10:55 pm
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10:56 pm
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10:58 pm
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10:59 pm
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11:00 pm
the paratroopers do not abandon their own. fine soon the 21st century shows its bestial grin, you can turn away, but it is impossible to hide. so we need to accept the challenge thrown to us by evening with vladimir solovyov today at 23:25.
11:01 pm
yes yes, i passed by your house. i
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can't talk right now. i'm on a mission. that's all for now. you do not know. it wasn't, you know, it's not serious. if you want to know, i'm out of spite. it happens in life, you know? but if you understand there will be no duel. no, no, she's a good girl, of course, but she's so understandable. today here tomorrow there is a jumping dragonfly. are you sure it's exactly what you need? don't know. you first
11:03 pm
figure it out in the family, and you figured out yourself. at least now i know exactly who i need. kirova loves you very much. how do you know, she said, what are you talking about? everything is so clear.
11:04 pm
it seems that i have thrown. what are you doing here? i understand you are offended. please, let's talk later. nothing no. i think about you all the time. it seems i love you. stalking
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11:06 pm
what's up what if the girl dies will you go? where did you get the medal from your grandfather for guys? i wanted to show you your name, i won't tell you. i generally require
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a lawyer now. i repeat once again, where did i get razin's medal, ignorance, what's the difference? the camera can sit there badly, so you yourself will tell everything. you might think that if i say, then you will release the powder. my grandmother took me to the apartment. razina said that the old man of medals could be sold at a good price. what kind of baba? the name of? i don't know fit on the street she said the address and when the house could be cleaned. it's
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won she, yes exactly exactly. razin to the forest, that he didn’t take anyone away, the apartment was empty, however, i came to the door, they opened it, they gave it to me and dumped it on a quiet one. attendant
11:09 pm
everything fits do you think, intuition? hi oh great, hi. how are you? yes, good. rima was operated on , the doctor says his condition is satisfactory. so, are you going to the hospital again? say hello to her there . fine. okay, i'd better work and get distracted. you interrogated him, you should have asked him to interrogate him. well say that casino attitude
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does not have any, but pointed to the medals. vera believe in more detail to break through this sevastyanov well, find out where he was sitting, where he lives with whom he is friends with. maybe we should organize a very good set-up. tomorrow at 2:00 at this place. don't know. well, i'm waiting for you. everything is happy. bye-bye, my dear, hello who was this one acquaintance. well, judging by the colors. he obviously liked you. so something somehow too quickly everything
11:11 pm
spun for us. and manto likes it. here snow flowers gives her a beautiful name to drive, how beautiful or ignat i am the first love at school was. mom is coming soon. jacket maybe you will still return to the family, but again
11:12 pm
are you for the old one? well, how many couples broke up, and then again began to live together. let's try to start all over again will not work. why because i have kira and i love her. bye. katya i, if i notice something bad, i'll tell you right away, okay? they recently started dating
11:13 pm
call over. like yes, at first i didn’t like such a disgusting name either. it's interesting to see if they can do anything. i put together to compare your testimony. without lawyers, for example, i don’t want to be fine without him. if you have something to hide,
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we can wait for your lawyers, but until then you will all be detained. you claim that it was this man who threatened you and kicked you out of the apartment. when i signed the following deed of gift i heard that what are you talking about? i, i never, i , she unpacked me, did you see when and who put razin in the car? yes, i saw, i, well, just approached and saw everything. you will recognize these people. that's what told me to get me medals
11:15 pm
he stole the old man said when he was not at home. i do not know you. yes, of course, and she doesn’t owe us money, but she disappeared somewhere, threw me, in short, when it was and where they met. it is necessary to check if sevastyan was sitting with staping? cinema on friday i
11:16 pm
need iron people. the more you put in, the more.
11:17 pm
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11:19 pm
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11:20 pm
representations of noodles with original boiling water and their water is enough to find their destiny and take the first step. and when we grew up we gave it to our children star it's not our tradition to make movies on weekends to get sick. do you think anechka will like it ? jealous because you still love her. and i want to create my first very important
11:21 pm
transcript. fate. continuation, watch on saturday and sunday at 12:45 on the channel russia what they do is impossible to repeat can only be reviewed amazing people are the best it was just a miracle at 21:30 only on the channel russia i want to know how the investigation is progressing on its own . at 21:20
11:22 pm
hello hello what should i do? well, for example,
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i wouldn't be in the hospital right now. how are you? i will live. what do you think? i love you. will you forgive me? yes, of course, you will get better. come out, let's go for a walk.
11:24 pm
listen, everyone, i've got to go. get well fruit they were on the same case. thank you very much for the information.
11:25 pm
i know that i remembered, you were talking about a black car, the boys saw it in the forest. well, we installed the volga, which means that everything fits its neighbor. razina on the site. there is a black volga, he worked as a driver for 15 years ago, he spilled it after a stroke. in the garage in the yard is great.


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