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tv   Sofiya  RUSSIA1  July 6, 2023 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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kenya of such a composer as toneev or arensky, they were both teachers. e rachmaninoff at the conservatory are wonderful e, outstanding russian composers, but, unfortunately, their music is performed quite rarely. july 8 and 9 will become days of the bolshoi theater choir at the festival. orchestra soloists in total more than 170 people will perform for the first time in the moscow region on the open stage, the audience will hear alek's opera and the bell poem. these are the main messages for this hour. i'm mary thank you for your attention. all the best, see you.
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fragmented tormented by civil strife rus' still under the rule of the horde, many princes tried to liberate the russian land, but it was destined to be done by the grand duke ivan iii
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hello zoya, everyone here calls me books, not sophia you must speak russian to me. well, why did you complain?
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i have a business for your husband , the prince of moscow, to make the grand duke. okay, and another senora. this stone can not be used in construction, it's too soft, i broke 150 vases. the
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best stone. whatever you can look for now they tell me that my stone is not needed. you do not cry. you grigorieva, nothing has been decided yet, latins, while he draws drawings, he walks out of the church and examines. as a servant god forgive the latins
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and i look how you spent on your hard service every week comes to me in new boots. you can't be greedy. go ahead, i won't listen. why do you want to go to vladimir with your own eyes? it shouldn't look like such a hard
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day, there should be more light we can calculate. only when we see the temple in vladimir should zhenya the grand duke not drive around, it is dangerous. what should i do to sit here? and you do what you know is good.
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for a long time, only the bones remained. let's go
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burn in hell, my daughter's scoundrel. what is apple cider vinegar? eucalyptus
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pumpkin oil decoction of wild rose decoction of walnut shells, and this is what we have what is a boy?
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senora can't believe my eyes. you have honored the humble coin- maker with your presence, and you are laughing either only at me , only at yourself. wait, i came to beg for help between us of course.
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thank you dear daughter, you probably already know how to read.
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can you really get married? yes, and what, you look, and i i will live to see my grandchildren. well, let's not delay either. is that what you said father? princess sophia with the italian masters ordered to wait in
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peace . it is very beautiful to signorve. very beautifully, these support cut-outs will be thinner. we use burnt bricks for them. here, no one knows how to make all generalized bricks. i already understood this, we will do it ourselves. we'll have to teach
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together to the masters to do it yourself or teach others. these are two different things. you will do. she doubts. do you remember what
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hagia sophia looks like? i remember even the wart on the neck of our uncle and constantine the last emperor i remember, i did not like his palace, but i was blinded by the glitter of gold. when your husband buys the crown from me never, if you offer, you will disgrace all our ancestors.
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and your fate is in his hands. then i do not understand something. you'll understand later.
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they say your stone temple cracked and fell. your god is not pleased, and your god is always pleased. my god is also unhappy. and great khan is also dissatisfied, and i am dissatisfied. this fighter gives you the grace of the great khan for another 10 years. this is a great honor for me and
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what does khan want yours if you give everything you owe and what do i owe? for every year you didn't come. you owe 15,000 silver rubles. or the great khan will come to you and your city will burn. your warriors will die, your women will scream and cry. the women will laugh. my women
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are silent when men are talking. well, how do we agree ivan or should i decide this issue? with your wife. get out home.
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why are you in such trouble? did you call? and ivan vasilyevich wished to defeat the tatars all his life , and mosquitoes bite me about tomsk for the time being. it's time for the bad guys. you ivan vasilyevich quite listen, come on. correct
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by the grand duke of moscow or otherwise for your sake i will forget everything that was said here. i will impose the death penalty. i
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was supposed to be with your father. i have 5,000 warriors. he has three and a half of this is not enough. we need your support, if ivan is not stopped now, then one day. i
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will. you better tell me what i'm in return my help. and tomorrow we'll go see my daughters.
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nothing, don't touch. until you have made a decision, do not betray your intentions to the enemy. the great khan , prince of moscow, refused to pay tribute, he did not accept the khan's basma, and where did timur leave his hand in moscow, the great me. humiliated me in front of my son. why didn't you die with your people? you served my father faithfully. what can i do for you? kill me. i will give you a great
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favor, you will die, but you will die like a warrior on the battlefield. we're going to moscow, i'll take away, muscovites all, and i'll burn the city like the great khantakhtamysh. collect degree.
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most likely, here or at casimir's? he vasilievich do you think they will go to you? and would you go? he will agree that the crimean khan will be with us. your brothers, too, why grigory ivanovich together the earth will be black coals, many people will be killed. all all one hundred years
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ago everything was repeated. i read john chrysostom it says, where the spirit of the lord is, there is freedom rather than you, the grand duke, you will take from us and give everything to the filthy, yes, bow to many more. where will be your freedom and ours too? everything, nothing more
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which we look at more military europe can be assessed as the role of a world provocateur to the provocateur of the first book , hitler's loyal ally quite specifically provokes germany into a conflict with the soviet union , goering said that we would get it seven times.
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e, the western part, and your ukraine, she diligently kindled fires in europe for documents of the thirty-seventh year, where they considered the defeat of the soviet union by the polish germans and the parade on red square , but then whoever sits in the wind will reap purit millions. poles were destroyed. it was a very brutal occupation, unique footage of the historical chronicle in the documentary the hyena of europe is here everyone should make himself historical. tomorrow at 15:05 on the channel russia cinema on fridays you have nothing against canadians. let's hope you at least walk. legend number 17 the whole world knows him
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tomorrow at 23:55 on the russia channel what they do is impossible to repeat, you can only revise surprise at 21:30. ahman with you, you wanted to go to muscovy to punish your brother. grand duke, we
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can not come with filth to our earth, we will be cursed. you asked me for help. i give it to you for this, you owe me 8,000 balls. you come in, well, to the rear. since the brother sat in the basement to think carefully. conductor somewhere around here near vorotynsk,
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they will move into the game. we need to meet them on new year's eve. we won’t have time to go straight to moscow from it. they're coming soon. the oncoming regiment also sent the entire cannon outfit. they can only be with great fire. how long does it take to bring out the cannons in the ugra? we have time for the grand duke, he will not attack alone. will casimir wait?
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when will we be banned? cautiously
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the first hastened
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for 300 years. what returned?
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we want to give this box in honor of the birth of the son of the grand duke brain. thanks senora. we want to ask your husband to let us go bromine. we want to leave the brain. are you not afraid? we are not afraid of the lord, but we are not fools, soon there will be an army of nomads, they will plunder and burn the city. my husband has a large army. you yourself have seen pushkirs - these are not the best guns. and your opponent is chinese engineers
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that it is pointless to build a temple, because it will be burned. to florence to build palaces for wealthy murderers here because because god wanted it so are you needed here? you are not just an engineer.
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think about it. not very much i bless the defenders of the faith and intercessors of my people in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. amen
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do you need to eat mother? physical strength is also needed. do you know what used to be here
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this time? muzhikov all killed the children were taken away. the old men remained until the woman. almost all of them died of starvation, moscow burned down to the cellars for two years, clouds of ashes vitaly and now it will be so. everything, you blessed. my son found himself and us all, probably death, and you blessed him. from bless it was mine choice. and you, mother, do not allow fear for yourself? what was no more? what do you know that ivan’s strength is enough vera i have
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one mother. what to be the prince the first free sovereign in russia forgive me, mother. vladyka what else from the coals came by entering for the grand duke? well, say forgive the princes andrey vasilyevich vasilyevich ordered their lithuanian squads to go. in ivanovich
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pick me up guard five people, what are not fools? but i'm going to play. sons to reconcile you can not go beyond your strength. how can you not
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find it? where is he? from monday at 21:20 on russia channel we
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mother out into the street in only a nightgown and deceived her parents' house. by order of the book is not sophia's
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sturgeon pie. let me help you thanks. i ask you to.
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get in, get in. let it be healthy. what is going where? will they not want to talk to you
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if i come with your letter? write a letter. beloved family, let's try them on together. will not be. give me some good paper.
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how to introduce
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the grand duchess, this is my mother, but she has not yet great, only justice. why did you come? the princess wanted to go herself, but i couldn’t get sick, she was upset. your husband violated the inheritance law insulted the brothers. will the grand duke of moscow be uncomplicated? if you become allies of the golden horde, become
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enemies, you must return home to your brother and talk with the grand duke. mm grand duke, regret that the brothers quarreled, he was mistaken, but he admits. they admit it then. you will kill me woman i don't kill. are you really making an enemy to your native land? are you not understand that women and children will die, please, i ask you to stop. writes
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if we know, we may lose time great khan without reconnaissance is dangerous to advance.
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from you
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in the following series, some demons left on
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monday. the information services of the russia tv channel continue to work on the air, you watch the news. my name is maria sittel hello , the city behind us is to protect the people. the front line, which the bars battalion occupies, is located on the dominant height near belogorovka.


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