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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 7, 2023 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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everyone is constantly treated with an antiseptic and a mask regime has been introduced. well, workers are regularly examined by doctors with details albert musin in a makeshift medical room of the logistics center, and on the second day of a huge line of hundreds of warehouse employees in a hurry to get vaccinated against meninge. coca-mail shows an outbreak of miningococcus, struck immediately by eight employees of the warehouse complex to the doctors, the sick person turned to rest after a shift in a hostel for two guests of this hostel. infection has become a deadly disease overtaken doctors by parasites the body, in a matter of hours, six more were taken out during the quarantine, which was carried out here. immediately after the first case, the minka kok acute infection, causing extremely severe symptoms, headache, nausea, vomiting , photophobia. disturbance of consciousness, rash and shock, in order to prevent it from further spreading, the sverdlovsk rospotrebnadzor immediately ordered mass vaccination at the enterprise of all employees of the ozone warehouse, as well as employees of the supporting
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organizations - this is a security company - this is a canteen. uh, there are bus drivers toy transport company that delivers employees to the warehouse. they are examined daily, a preventive vaccine is carried out, and today more than 300 people who have been vaccinated by the complex itself have not stopped working and continue sorting online orders in the usual mode. the only one with painfully familiar anti-epidemic measures. the whole warehouse, as if returned to the times of covid , the employees again in fact, the masks at the entrance and began to turn the temperature. and the antiseptics are back in the room. we put on masks. we everyone was vaccinated with the company, they do everything that is necessary to ensure that we are safe and, in principle, have no effect. we are all working. all regular mode 600 relies on the enterprise clarifies the outbreak occurred among the workers of the contracting organization, who worked away from the main complex of the head of the employees of the contracting organizations. that's as
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soon as we received. information from rospotrebnadzor, respectively, the employees of the contractor were sent to quarantine. that is, you really have to experience it to understand it. that's when you already draw certain conclusions. most importantly, the company's customers, who are waiting for the cherished parcels, are definitely not afraid of anything, they assure that the epidemiological infection is dangerous, but fragile in the external environment, the mingococcus infection dies at temperatures below 22 °, and its usual temperature of the human body, as well as when drying. he is also becoming unable to control the outbreak in the logistics complex, but his employees, while they remain under the supervision of doctors, at least innovate all workers albert musin nikolay starostin dmitry konov elena and maria kindness, sverdlovsk region once again surprised all parties by the stunt in the southern king of nowhere. he went to talk about economics. at the very beginning of his speech. president biden.
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decided to kick the stands if you 're wondering what i'm kicking, i kick the stands, but it doesn't work. and after that , the american leader added that if he stands on the podium, it will make him taller . let me remind you that at the age of 80, the owner of the white house often allows his public speeches, which are jokingly called in the usa. american bookmakers take bets on the question, who brought it? cocaine in the white house the clear favorite is biden, the youngest is still on the list of high political guests and show business stars, for example, elton john paris hilton and angelina jolie. and also on the list is a cleaner and secret service agents. let me remind you that a few days ago a white powder was found in the west wing of the house. the analysis revealed that it was cocaine. the secret services are investigating how the drugs
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got into the holy of holies of the american authorities. and with all the evidence, the version that the owner is no longer possible to find is increasingly heard. china limits you products from japan and the reason is the intention of the authorities of the country of the rising sun to dump contaminated water from the fukushima-1 nuclear power plant into the sea. that is , the one that was used after the accident to cool the damaged reactors. this week the green light was given to the process by the rich. however, this decision still causes considerable controversy . the operator of the fukushima-1 emergency nuclear power plant is not removed even after the japanese authorities actually received the green light to dump one and a half million tons of radioactive water. into the ocean, handing over by the head of the magateurs. elem groisey to the japanese premier of fumiki is sitting something that
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the agency does not see any danger to people and the environment in this plan. for many , the giant honey tanks turned out to be insufficient, almost the entire territory of the station is lined with polluted water - this is the result of many years of attempts by the tep company eliminate the consequences of the 2011 accident, while the molten radioactive fuel is still not extracted, and it was decided to pour the water into the ocean, because all other ways to get rid of it, apparently, were considered technically complex and economically unprofitable, despite the indulgence of the international atomic agency, a number of countries , including, first of all , china demands that japan stop quietly , the mandate of makates from the very beginning was limited to the fact that only the plan of the japanese side was taken into account, it did not involve studying other options, therefore, the agency's report is not evidence that this is legal and justified and relieves japan of its obligations under international law responds to such statements the japanese government is obviously not going to the exact
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date for the start of water discharge until it is determined work is underway to establish the system removal of radioactive waste, but one thing is clear will begin. this is the very, near future, which causes serious concern on both sides of the pacific ocean, most of all plans governments are dissatisfied with the inhabitants of the coastal regions of japan itself, local fishermen are convinced that the beginning of this operation, which can stretch for a decade, will be a serious blow for them. i am categorically against it, but they are clearly determined to do it. i am not very angry, but i have to obey the decision of my country. after meeting with japanese officials, gruce went to inspect the nuclear plant, and then tried to calm the locals. having promised that the iaea would open a special verification mission that would remain fukushima until completion of all works. i have to admit that i don't have a magic wand. i don't have a magic solution for all the doubts and worries that may arise, but we do have one we are definitely going to stay here and will stay with you
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for decades until the last drop of water accumulated in the reactor is safely eliminated, talking about groyce named, among other things, the year 2063, not forgetting to add that his personal career plans do not exactly extend so far sergey mingazhev alexey pechkov, that is, asian news bureau, tokyo japan a powerful hailstorm hit the spanish zaragoza in less than an hour, the river overflowed its banks and flooded the roads, the streams demolished cars, the buses acted as breakwaters to break through themselves and give others the opportunity to pass. but these shots spread all over the world the girl of the drivers, because she climbed onto the roof for the sake of salvation. concerts , performances, exhibitions of lectures and film screenings in nizhny novgorod, the gorky plus arts festival kicked off, it is timed to coincide with the 155th anniversary of the birth of the great russian writer among
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the participants of the world-famous star, which was prepared for residents and guests of the volga region by our correspondent leonid muravyov. at the nizhny novgorod opera and ballet theater full house today there is an unusual action festival of arts. gorky plus opens not even a performance, but a certain symbiosis of artistic word and music, moscow soloists under the direction of yuri bashmet performed the works of edvard grieg, one of maxim gorky's favorite composers, actors yevgeny mironov and alexander ursulyak read, perhaps, the most touching stories of the writer are a woman who took them into the middle of a vast puddle. she stomped her feet, splashing mud, as children do; she stomped and sang a nasty festival song in a nasal voice. bitter plus. this is a large-scale project of like-minded actors, musicians and
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cultural figures. the first one was hosted last year by moscow, and by the 155th anniversary of the writer, the organizers. we decided to expand the geography in june, kazan was now, nizhny novgorod, 70 performances of different genres of the race will be held here for 3 days, so a big serious figure, as well as personalities, as creativity, as a creative person, that it is impossible to fit him only into the theatrical mainstream. his legacy, uh, 80 volumes. we all know we may be, yes, some well-known from the name of the mother at the bottom, yes there for questions. uh, the mother of all is roman yes and he has an amazing collection of stories. yes, as if he were a very great master of short prose, nizhny novgorod desperately accepts the festival. this is where maxim gorky was born and spent his entire childhood. and in adulthood repeatedly returned, the city is a record holder in the number of monuments erected to the writer , there are more than ten of them here
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, every guest of nizhny novgorod will be able to become a participant in the festival , performances and performances are waiting for the most unexpected places. the cable car across the volga has long been a hallmark of nizhny novgorod. journey from one bank. on the other it takes 12 minutes and this time is enough to listen to fragments of gorky's works recorded by famous russian artists, all you need is a smartphone in the booths have already appeared. here follow the link and you can enjoy the audio performance leonid muravyov anton kolmukov igor sinyulin yulia mironova news, nizhny novgorod and a gift to your viewers from russia tv channel today after the evening news the second edition of the program amazing people are the best spectators will see the brightest performances of people with all abilities. today it will be possible to verify this again. don't miss the 21:30 show awesome people.
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now all regional with residents of moscow moscow region we'll see you through few seconds. in moscow and the region, a storm warning until the end of the day, showers of thunderstorms, hail and gusty winds are possible. moscow has a digital twin, how does it work? for the residents of the village of buryohovo, in new moscow, neither ambulances nor firefighters can reach the residents of the village of buryohovo, nor firefighters. the road blocked the neighboring snt about this section of the road. well, here some meters 200-250. our correspondent tried it on
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the spot. resolve this conflict of retro trams and retro cars family day of love and fidelity and finally, the festival tastes of russia today's person must get acquainted. this fillet chamber is prepared chicken fillet, dry-cured with the addition of small spices in moscow waiting for a wonderful weekend. where you need to go, we will definitely tell you. so, the residents of the village of brekhovo, which in new moscow are forced to defend the right to use the highway through the courts , along which they have traveled for years, it leads to the district center, where the kindergarten school, polyclinic, railway station blocked the road from the fence of the neighboring snt and now even resuscitation teams have to get into the gap, here on foot, anna's report. before the village of bryukhovo, which was less than a kilometer away in new moscow, but then
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a two-meter fence blocked our path. please open. we have to turn around to go around the barrier along a narrow path, and we are no longer dispersing. and here is another car, another car with difficulty, but they still got to the brehovs just like that, the villagers have to drive several times a day on a public road . i've always been using it here. i am godparents. uh, snt is a direct road between kokoshkino and brekhovo, but uh, snt friendship blocked it. after that, the residents, belly, turned to the local administration and won the right to travel again through their neighbors. snt friendship were obliged to open the road, but they did not do this all their lives. they tried to close this road, and they didn’t succeed twice , they broke with the bailiff, but this time they succeeded successfully the whole tour, just
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about this section of the road, but here some 200-250 meters . it leads directly to settlement to okoshkino, the road through snt is really doubled, in short, now, to get to the regional center to okoshkino, where all social facilities have to make a detour in the window with us. we have a garden, a school , a children's clinic, an adult, we have there. uh, railway stations ahead of autumn. uh, kids, somehow they're going to have to get to school on a school bus. e safe way. he didn't have a car left on the bypass road , the accidents are barely moving around. here almost every day. they say, again, that they miss the ambulance in fact, soon they won't skip. this is footage of a recent accident, an ambulance brigade hurried to help a three-year-old boy, resuscitators grabbed their own, and suitcases run across the field to save the child minutes were lost the child is in intensive care in a coma and in a very
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serious condition, but in snt with the telling name friendship to be friends with neighbors do not want and are not ready for any compromises on the territory, snt friendship on the public road . you stand on the road. you are standing on the ground. snt friendship is private property according to the documents of this the territory is ownerless, although it is on the balance sheet of moscow here and the signs and speed bumps everything suggests that this is a common road, and not a private administration of the settlement to the window sent appeals to the control authorities, but the adoption of measures. suppressing the action of the snt friendship who arbitrarily installed metal gate structures on a public highway, well , the chairmen of the snt do not want to hear anything. and you know, you know, yes, that’s why there is a lawsuit going on now, and he has appealed the easement - this is the right established by the court to use someone else's territory. this is what
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the residents are now seeking, brekhovo, however, this process may be delayed. so, while the fence will stand, anna balan gennady palichin and anastasia roif will carry on. let's drive up, city services have switched to high alert due to upcoming showers, one and a half thousand emergency teams are on duty around the clock, the yellow level of weather danger will be in effect in the capital region until 9:00 pm, a thunderstorm is expected in some areas of moscow and the moscow region with hail and strong winds with gusts up to 20 m/s. in a few hours. may fall 25 mm precipitation. well, along with thunderstorms , a cold snap is coming to the capital regions. the weather forecast is tomorrow saturday. they promise a little over 20 all the details. we hope to find out from tatyana antonova tanya, well, beach weather. eh, says goodbye to us. maria won't be able to sunbathe, cause this weekend and next week won't be sultry,
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unfortunately hot, and we have 30 °, and cold air is always violent, therefore. themselves and thunderstorms and hail heat will recede. this will be especially noticeable in the east of the moscow region in sergiev posad tomorrow no higher than 20 in the south in kashira in serpukhov 24, but also to the north of the capital in klin up to 25 everywhere in the region rains of different intensity in moscow and coming at night until 17:00. rain with seats. thunderstorms. umbrellas will be useful to muscovites until tomorrow afternoon. and here, on sunday, without precipitation, the air will warm up to 20-23. but on this. unfortunately, the cold snap will not end at the beginning of the new week in the capital, only plus 18 maria today +28 on monday. only 18. well, such a swing ahead, thank you. tatyana antonova was with the weather forecast. how does moscow's digital twin work today , sergey sobyanin said in his telegram channel three to
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the platform? this is, in fact, the development of the city . this is an exact copy of the capital with houses , enterprises, roads, communications, it was created using aerial photography . updated every year and this allows you to plan new construction and improve the management of the city. the city video surveillance system is also integrated into the platform. artificial intelligence determines the camera coverage areas to ensure the safety of residents and control the implementation of city projects. the capital has started a large gastronomic festival of the taste of russia to participate in it. farmers from all over the country came to the capital in a tasting program, culinary and creative master classes, but the coming weekend will please muscovites not
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only culinary delights, all the most interesting at artyom kuznetsov on manezhnaya square, there is an abundance of products here and altai cheeses and perm tea kvass and vegetables from belgorod and even amur soybean oil, to make a culinary trip around russia you don’t need to leave moscow and tastes, of course, do not argue . but they compete in their diversity 70 regions more than 300 brands present their products at the gastronomic festival the tastes of russia with satiety come here definitely not next to the fair open-air food court with crimean seafood, ossetian pies and dagestan lamb this year. manufacturers and affiliated territories came to the festival. taste all the flavors. that is, you are still giving a taste here before buying. this is what today's man must get to know. this palas fillet is prepared with dry-cured chicken fillet with the addition of small spices. this is with prunes you have smoked with cherries. after tasting. boldly. go to the master class. and there they will teach you how to cook your favorite dishes, well, if this weekend i want something out of the ordinary.
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so, it’s worth visiting the parade of historical trams, tomorrow on chistoprudny boulevard atmosphere of the thirties of the last century, while final preparations are being made at the oktyabrsky tram depot , employees check the condition of the wheelsets , pay attention to their appearance. everything has to be perfect. the head of the column does not treat the car with special trepidation for more than 100 years, lantern and without lantern trams will follow, kolomna motor and kolomna trailer eight events will be able to photograph the cars, and at the exhibition at chistye prudy. uh, visit the salon of trams. uh, until 6:00 pm. these cars will be exhibited on chistoprudny boulevard. on sunday, the holiday will continue on sparrow hills. there is a retro race festival with only 100 old cars and collections of a transport museum and private corrections for those who want to remember their youth bus tour on ikarus 250. and, of course, the main event sponsored by on seven hills. today and until mid-august,
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the horse festival, unique in scale and theme of events in five metropolitan parks, is organized by equestrian towns and venues for demonstration performances, you can see representatives of the 13 best national breeds, everyone who comes in pairs will be able to enjoy a unique spectacle , where our horses will demonstrate their skill and grace, where all kinds of master classes will be organized and it will be possible to make a horse for yourself, try yourself in quality, and rider on a wooden horse hobby horse. sunday will be fun and loud with a concert program performed by the participants of the military music festival spasskaya tower, in general, moscow parks in these the weekend program, rich in family day of love and fidelity, will be celebrated tomorrow with concerts, film screenings and family sporting events. main site. holiday museum-reserve, tsaritsyno and in the garden named after bauman, a charity festival in one of the zones will be attached to the good hands of cats and dogs from shelters. another novelty
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this summer, the festival of the moscow estate this weekend you can visit less than the golitsyn princes vlakherskaya kuzminki on saturday night on sunday, a mass race of 10 km, participants will run in the dark of the event starts after sunset at the same time drivers attention. in the luzhniki area , traffic will be blocked. artyom kuznetsov lead. rusfond is raising funds for eight-year-old veronika n from balashikha, the girl has a rare disease after suffering from impaired cerebral circulation. she does not recognize anyone and cannot walk, a rehabilitation course will help, but the family has no money. aleksey norms will tell how everything is together, we can help. at the age of 22, she finished kindergarten. here, then, a photograph was taken from the graduation in kindergarten, general pictures from classmates, it is not difficult to find veronika samvelyan on each. first grade. here she is, the brightest one immediately
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throws her eyes, a cheerful beyond her years, a girl with a flourish from early childhood. veronika went to gymnastics and also did painting six months ago. veronika complained that her lymph nodes had grown to the size of a walnut, when we got to the hospital they took antibodies and we were told that she had been ill about a month and a half to two months ago , and this complication through veronica had a high temperature for a couple of days, antipyretics did not help, antibiotics did not work, and the lymph nodes continued to increase. examination at the local city hospital. the girl showed that acute bilateral pneumonia in the lungs accumulated from the fluid of the child was urgently transferred to the intensive care unit of one of the capital's medical centers. only they were able to make a correct diagnosis . it causes multiple organ failure central nervous system and heart.
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the resuscitator comes out to us. he says we hooked up veronica for one day at ival. uh, let's support her breathing a little bit, any manipulation so that she doesn't feel the second day turns off the ventilator with me and she wakes up like this . as a result of severe convulsions and muscle hypertonicity. now veronica doesn't recognize anyone, she can't walk, and only just anew. she learned to swallow small food on her own. victory is the result of the first course of rehabilitation. for him , the family paid 1.5 million rubles. almost 100,000 more are needed to continue treatment. oh , rehabilitation,
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dear, the family has no more money, but a small contribution of each of us can help veronika get back on her feet. aleksey knur yaroslav aulov denis brazhnikov lead. the suburbs extended until november 1 the issuance of housing certificates for orphans. it's made by at the request of foster families and the children themselves , 420 children have already celebrated housewarming. in total , 876 orphans will be provided with housing this year in the region, 310 of them under housing certificates. the apartment is issued immediately in the property and you can choose it in any district of the moscow region. the guys choose the apartment in different municipalities. there are no restrictions on the footage, there are guys who add their own funds and buy two and even three-room apartments, of course, this is very convenient, because there is freedom of choice. well, own participation, so to speak, the choice of this apartment.


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