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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  July 22, 2023 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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pluzu shoes, but to be an independent piece of clothing remains to be seen in what form these ideas will appear in real life. that's all we'll meet today, on saturday, we'll chat everything for today with us, but we'll meet you much earlier on monday morning. and now it's time to say goodbye. i wish you a good busy weekend, good mood and good spirits. okay bye. hello on the air
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in greece, forest fires on the outskirts of athens , tourists have limited access to the acropolis. erzya land ancient burial discovered archaeologists in the suburbs of arzamas russian aviation hit more than 10 apu gathering places in the zaporozhye direction, frustrating the enemy’s attempts to rotate troops on the donetsk front under solidarity holds the defense cossacks from the terek volunteer brigade russian cossacks in all centuries were the first to take up arms when the motherland was in danger because the fathers of the yerek, honor the traditions of their ancestors about his work of artists of the cossack brigade report igor mikhailova the outskirts of the city of solidar
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are shrouded in smoke and fire, this is a consequence of an artillery strike by ukrainian militants. now this is one of the hottest spots in the donbass, the enemy does not stop trying. the breakthrough of the defense leads endless attempts to break through our defenses, but our troops successfully cope with it, as if our guys are all rolling. the better prepared combat crew of the hail is on. hunting for artillery , the enemy's firing point gave itself away after hitting the destroyed buildings. now a long-range gun. she became a target herself. the crew aims, the enemy is located at the target from here, from about 6-7 km - this is a fortified area of ​​​​ukrainian militants. they they are trying to go there and gain a foothold in order to strike at the city of solidarity from there, it takes a few minutes to prepare the city for battle. volunteers have been serving in this unit for a year now. whose brigade
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derek holds the defense in solidarity during this time , the fighters became military affairs and successfully repulsed the attacks of foreign mercenaries and ukrainian fighters, rocket artillery, makes the enemy nervous and make mistakes. on a neighboring sector of the front , an artillery battery of a volunteer tirek battalion combat crew of hyacinths loads a howitzer with a 152-mm high-explosive fragmentation projectile. the purpose of the identified position in vain on the anniversary of the formation of the cossack battalion on the front line, distinguished fighters. 46 cossacks were awarded with state awards in total, more than 50 presented with awards igor pikhan. vladislav mirzayantsev vesti, luhansk people's republic large losses during the counteroffensive were not
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announced at the us mass media security forum by the us presidential aide for us security gx, he noted a significant number of dead and injured ukrainian servicemen. however, according to sullivan , kiev has not used all its forces and is waiting for the right moment, while washington is providing active advisory support. in addition, sullivan announced nato's readiness to take risks in supplying ukraine with weapons. but only to a certain extent , all the countries of the bloc are washing out, perhaps moscow's response to their steps. turkish president recep tay erdogan urged western countries to ray with russia's demands for the extension of the black sea of the grain agreement, the turkish edition of the daily sabah writes about this. moscow will willingly support the work of the grain corridor in the black sea if its expectations are met, so western countries should take appropriate steps, erdogan told reporters. the termination of the black sea grain deal will have a number of consequences, ranging from rising world food prices to shortages in
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some regions, which may lead to new waves of migration, erdogan said. protests erupt in tehran after provocation with the koran of sweden, hundreds of demonstrators brought banners and photographs of religious leaders in the hands of the holy book. after that, the unhappy burned the swedish flag. similarly, the action took place in lebanon, crowds of disgruntled residents shouted slogans against the desecration of the holy book of muslims earlier in stockholm. before the embassy and cancer , an action was held during which two men trampled on a copy of the koran and wiped their shoes with the flag of the republic. in greece, due to abnormal heat , they cannot cope with forest fires in the country , plus 44, the fire is raging, near the populated there are no casualties, including on the outskirts of athens, but according to the authorities, the situation is a critical struggle for every square meter due to the heat, they have limited visits to the main attraction of the country, the acropolis, now
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tourists are allowed there only in the morning. powerful lines have covered the chinese city of chongqing, water up to the waist of the car stalls right on the roadway. many cannot get out on their own. i got up, public transport, it is difficult to move around and pedestrians under the pressure of water partially collapsed the ancient gates, cities, all services are transferred to an enhanced mode of operation. a new legal project in the field of tourism was presented in the vladimir region by the chairman of the liberal democratic party, leonis lutsky, at a meeting with the governor alexander matveev . and not only in suzdal, the imurami and a new bill on the introduction of a tourist tax deduction bonus for turkey vouchers. according to russia will contribute to this at the meeting. also discussed topic of health care in the region. we have found
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many very acute tasks, including , first of all, in the healthcare sector, we receive many requests from residents of the region on these issues. they are a solved problem and problems have drawn the attention of the governor and his team will work. and since we are very close to moscow and vladimir, we will visit vladimir more often. they slutsk rules met with representatives of the regional branch of the party, where he noted that it is necessary not to develop work with youth? on olkhon island, the visitor center of the reserve baikal region baikal is unique not only for its fauna, but also for its diverse tourist routes, legends and picturesque places. but sometimes it’s so easy to find out information about all this, the opened center will become a good assistant in planning a vacation , alexei killer will tell in detail. ferry to the island. but to get to
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the central village of olkhon by car, you need to spend about an hour in a strong cod, the road is more like a track for extreme racing. but as tourists say, it's worth it. the blue heart of the baikal country is its calling card olkhon is now the most optimal transport horse. there is also an individual gallop we go there in the fields to gallop. this is unusually very unusual. before that, of course, it's all the time he rides somewhere here and baikal is beautiful, and on a horse it's, well, indescribable. you just have to come and experience it. someone has already ridden water transport, very popular on local beaches. surfers have picked up sup boards they come to the island in whole groups, hold competitions and festivals, special attention it is the water area of ​​the cleanest lake that attracts tourists, the coast is strewn with various yachts, passenger ships, and small excursion boats. one of the most popular types of excursions for tourists who come to baikal is
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boat trips. why well, because a lot of things can be seen on lake baikal beautiful areas. well, on baikal, how much more interesting it would be, even when calm, for example. uh, even the rocks are reflected in the water, which is very interesting to look at. well, when a little wave people get a little adrenaline , that is, it turns out on the waves, as if on a roller coaster, you can say it’s a great success to approach the rocks from the baikal side. and look at the grottoes to feed those already accustomed to being next to a person. olkhon is the largest island in baikal, its area is more than 700 m², dozens of lakes are the sites of ancient people and even their volcano is a question. how to plan a route , a place appeared that all tourists and guides dreamed of . the instrument and the main instrument is a tambourine, it is
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with the help of it that spirits are called up and communicate with them to get detailed information about the local flora. and fauna, as well as touch the sacred local people. all the legends were listened to and revered by a child even 3 1/2 years old. he really liked these legends. she looked. this is where it all moves. look, this island, feel the energy of this island, chat with the locals and enjoy this beautiful nature, our victor trotsky news. irkutsk region ancient mordovian burial discovered arzamasov archaeologists date our nakhodka to the eighth to tenth centuries as experts, report by leonid vorobyov this is most likely a woman's age, then we will establish in the further processing of the guests over the heads of scientists thunder cars are precisely because of such proximity to
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the highway, which in the near future will be expanded by the old cemetery. in the suburbs of arzamas, archaeologists are exploring. now the excavation area is more than 3,000 m², and almost 10 until the beginning of the 20th century the cathedral in honor of the smolensk icon of the mother of god will be the largest in the territory nizhny novgorod province, the adjacent cemetery is also impressive in size. in this part of the excavation, the work has already been completed, each such excavation in the ground is a burial chamber, more than one and a half thousand burials have already been discovered. now he tropologists a lot of work. each skeleton found will be carefully examined. this will help historians to learn more about the inhabitants of arzamas and its environs in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. in each of these bones, the whole life of a person who has gone through some difficulties with nutrition and activity and diseases, in the end the duration and quality of life in the burials of the 18th-19th centuries can be found only
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on pectoral crosses, but in several graves there were much more finds at the head of the pot. eh, the bones here are very fragile, so the skull is straight ahead. they can be seen here, he is clearing doubts. no. this ancient mordovian burial dates from the eighth to tenth centuries, at that time the erzi and moksha tribes lived on a vast territory, including a part of the modern nizhny novgorod region. even the name of the city arzamas has mordovian roots according to one of versions. it happened in two words erzya maz, which translates as the land of the erzya in the cemeteries of a thousand years ago, there are a lot of bronze ornaments, but the temporal bindings are the most defining ones. in fact, this is the defining decoration for the muzzle, that is , no other volga fi. peoples, this decoration is simply not found in the mordovian museum of local lore , the costume of a young girl is recreated, all decorations are from many small details and pendants. moreover
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, it was women who were engaged in jewelry metallurgy and adorned themselves with bronze. literally from head to toe, she probably thought that this sound was noise. uh, the sound of this metal hitting metal. he somehow contributes to this, to drive away evil spirits or, well, somehow, in general, the well-being of a person. the more such adornments, the obviously better among the items found under arzamas there are unique things, for example, these adornments of women's shoes. managed to assemble a complete set. everything that will be found in the ancient mordovian burials will be transferred to museums. but the remains of the inhabitants arzamas 18-19 centuries after the study of anthropologists will be transferred to the russian orthodox church for reburial in the area where they will no longer be disturbed. builders leonid muravyov anton kalmykov igor sinenyurin and yuri mironova lead 300 russian schoolchildren and 74 from other countries won the finals
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of the big break summed up the results of the competition in the international children's center artek greetings, vladimir putin called the big change a participant. one of the most significant projects of the russian movement of youth children artek was visited by the minister of education sergey kravtsov with the guys. he opened the monument himself to the anti-smith, a ten-year-old american schoolgirl who became famous during the cold war years at the invitation of the leadership of the soviet union , visited moscow, leningrad and arts. sergey kravtsov also talked to the participants of the current shift and congratulated the finalists of the competition. from the point of view of security , there are no questions, we are jointly with russian railways and the ministry of transport, and providing all the logistics there are specially green corridors for e children. e for parents, so here no questions. no, artek is working quietly. the guys are resting. uh, the guys
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are charged with energy and are friendly. this is one of the best, if not better , children's cents in the world, a huge number of shifts rest, and more than three thousand, and children this is more than it was in the soviet union on the new stage of the mariinsky theater, the premiere audience was presented with the only comic opera by richard wagner nuremberg mister singer performance crowns the unique repertoire collection of the mariinsky theater, which includes all mature wagner operas behind the conductor's remote maestro valery gergiev one of the world's brightest interpreter language. we receive a new report, our correspondents, in a few minutes of course.
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