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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  July 23, 2023 5:50pm-8:01pm MSK

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and hard work did not bring me that kind of money, i always suffered losses. i have another 4,000 boxes of tomatoes, if i sell them, i will earn 35 million in total. the family is very happy with the earnings. thanks to my wife who helped and parents bless record rainfall in key agricultural areas and led to an increase in grain prices, the authorities had a ban on the export of most varieties of white rice, which could affect almost 80% of all rice exports from india, there is now a huge demand in the domestic indian market, so prices will not decrease. the ban will affect prices in importing countries. they will not be able to get enough rice due to the fact that india is the main supplier of this product. new delhi solution. the ban on rice exports has already affected prices and the global market, where india supplies more than 40% of the total world volume to india itself despite this price move. the base product
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grew by an average of 10% in the first year, but india promises that it is ready. as an exception, lift the ban temporarily if the government of any country asks with a request for a supply in order to provide food for the population and prevent starvation dmitry melnikov and vladislav dodonov lead new delhi india sensational discovery petersburg archaeologists at the excavations in sevastopol discovered a stone pavilion of ancient times, which was located on the main street of ancient chersonesos, a unique design was hidden under a nine-meter layer of the earth. what are the new secrets of the ancient city? she will slightly open the scientists learned i'm on shcherbataya the entrance to the mausoleum was here, but even in ancient times it was closed by scientists' assumptions - this burial structure was divided into two parts according to gender. here, a corridor passed further than the sarcophagus, where the remains of nine were found, presumably men, then another one with women's machines, three people, but
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experts will confirm or refute this theory. just ahead of the crypt , archaeologists discovered something that they did not expect to see at all, a built-on vsedra or , in other words, an arbor, such funerary and public structures are often found separately, but for the first time in history. this is one construction sensation. in the scientific world , the unique nakhodka was located on the main street of ancient chersonesus on this side. here is a neatly laid pavement, on the other side excel for the burial complexes of the mausoleum and everyone who entered the city and in front of the gate he saw this magnificent hmm these magnificent views. and stella sculptures. crypts the mausoleum was built at the turn of the era between the first century bc and the first of our thousand years, the unique find was hidden under a nine-meter layer of earth. now archaeologists are dismantling the construction, but only for a while this technique has already been used in syria in
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palmyra. yes arc de triomphe. and now we use it here, that is, the most important object of each stone of these stone structures, it is boarded, then it is scanned, that is, in e, its place is fixed, in the general plan of this structure and then , like a puzzle, we will put it all together, according to this entire documentation, the expert will become part of a large project of the historian of the archaeological park on the territory of the ancient chersonese excavations. on this earth. the largest archaeologists in the history of the study of the ancient world explored eight thousand square meters, the result of four million unique finds. different finds can find different gold stripes. all the artifacts found during the excavations are handed over by the museum funds, but first the gold is restored, it does not corrode into the burial. yes, it can be dented, that is, there, let's say, with
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the ground. here we are, respectively, this is all, and we gently straighten the water-spirit there with my solution, yes, if it is possible to find the most valuable among the finds, it is simply impossible that amphora glass vessels and marble slabs tell scientists a lot about the life of ancient chersonese, how trade was conducted. here is the name of the man who , as it were, kept in the workshop, and here is his trademark here, specifically this is an amphora, and the way in ancient times the inhabitants of the policy were buried in the center, a campfire is set. the buried was laid on top , inventory was placed, there were funeral items, and so on. then it was all set on fire by the last major find. in the southern suburbs. chersonese excavations are coming to an end, but anthropo is ahead of the archaeologists. logs of dozens more specialists , a lot of work is being done to study the secrets of the ancient city and terentiev vesti, sevastopol in the case of the invasion of the red-eared turtles, exotic animals from south
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america feel at home in the russian resort and literally capture the sochi reservoirs. although more recently. they could only be found in pet stores or in terrariums with amphibian lovers what these reptiles are capable of you saw pavel melnik see in this obstacle, a living creature not easy, but this driver was able and came to the rescue in time, another turtle was saved, but it seems that she didn’t understand this for the red-eared ones. the travel season is in full swing and the spacious pond near the winter theater is already not enough. i want to go. let's go back to visit the land, rather than trying again and again escape tactics. it seems to be conscious, as soon as a free window forms between excursions, it immediately forces the sides of the pool, waiting for the right moment to run, not suspecting that the world around is full of dangers.
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this is the very center of sochi and the speed around is not at all a turtle, so the best thing you can do is give a chance to make the right choice to return to your native element, where you are the real favorites of the whole resort, such a large and friendly family in the corner of phyto-fantasy more than 300 individuals with a clear daily routine. well, it doesn't come out. why, in order to completely warm up the shell itself, so that it has 36-37 ° inside, up to forty, they have good digestion for them. here, generally good red-eared turtles from south america is actively breeding in sochi, the mild climate and friendly environment attract not only tourists, it is considered a predatory species, and it is not in vain that the international union for conservation of nature warns that even local representatives can further oust the red-eared ones today, there is no one to compete with in sochi , there is a stream of people who want to feed them, as well as their place under the sun pavel millers. nikita kalchenko to conduct news and sochi all news is
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always available on the media platform see you. from all over the country who have gathered today in this studio and opens our today's program our guests from the stavropol territory from the city of budyonnovsk, dear horse. she who has seen a lot will only
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find peace for a while. you and i had fun and each one was sad in the song, living life with the soul. i do not live this role, as i have lived , i have forgiven, i am looking for maybe another. well, that means i'm happy, i don't play this role, i live as it is. ioc is beautiful. i'm not looking for my other,
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so i'm happy. what a beautiful woman, ah, ah tortilla sounds and not you will immediately feel better about yourself. my friends sing to you, they don’t cover up anything, i’ll tell you. i don't play. she's beautiful, so i'm happy.
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how else did you decorate? i'm looking for who you are my friend my and that means i'm happy love.
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i sing happy. kasieva characterizes you very well. i think it 's a beautiful dress. and you just live beautifully. this song was written especially for me of my life. let's get acquainted with budyonnovsk, stavropol territory. she was born and grew up in the city of baku, lived from almost 27 years there, and then came to stavropol
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edge with dad and sang in restaurants. yes, i was engaged in the fact that i was the director of the club of the director of the club of the director of the theater of life-size puppets, throughout russia i recorded an album with beautiful arsenon, i am grateful to him, the main thing friends, you will now see your soul mate. calm down. i think now all the women of russia will jump. what kind of guy has cutely snatched off the attention? i love to do everything with my own hands, everything that is here. i came up with it myself. look at this furniture. i received it. she was a completely different color, but the way i decided that the room should be my battle and repainted and all my furniture all that i can do in this life to draw it all
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comes from my heart. i confess my love to you. let the blizzard rage on the heart. even if you are not, i confess to you i tell you love. i dreamed that someday i would meet my prince, who would carry me in my arms and also give me happiness like cinderella. i met a man whom i will not say older than. how much but he was only 30 years old when we met my magician. it was 16 kg, but i'm for him. i lost weight and 50 kg, but, because they fit us. i wanted to look the best, so that he would not pay attention to young girls, so that he would go and be proud with me that he had such a beautiful wife, and he gave me such happiness, which i started to do. these are the easter eggs, i started
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to draw pictures and write. how many songs? i am for this for these four years, as we live together and wrote so many songs, and i fly, i have wings. and here is my principle. we are ready to do everything together, because oleg - this is my support for life, while my peers in clubs like to relax. those here i am engaged in a garden, so that everything with my own hands i plan everything home next year. it would be nice to put a gazebo here for a summer house , and i will play the guitar. i did not notice for myself how i fell in love with this woman, they are windy. and i need a woman who loves to wait, and in the face of mila i found this woman i can’t help but need, nanny i am a self-sufficient adult man. i made a wish desire tonight on a moonlit night. i believe that it
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will come true to fall in love. he loves himself, maybe everyone will condemn me in my life, that there is such a difference in age and so on. well, i used to think so too, i said that it was wrong it so happened in my life that a person appeared who, with his love, with his care, proved to me that all ages of love are submissive, i had diabetes. and when i had the operation, i lay in bed. i learned to walk again from the very beginning, if my oleg i don’t know how i would have survived, he spoon fed me. how can you not be grateful for such love for such an attitude. he's just tested by life. yes, i was married, there and so on, but not a single man has recently been as much as there or i don’t need anything else in my life. i'm happy with you. i thank you for that and that's why
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i wrote this song. only one i will tell you that in this life we ​​are like two wings, two songs about love. we first question was when i saw the plot. i say, oleg brought something nice. no, she says, uh, she decided that in moscow he there is nothing to do so that exactly the responsible person does not get there, and since he was left alone at work. he just physically could not come where they met on the internet. he wrote the first he wrote to me. i didn't pay attention at first. i received 132 letters that day. i leafed through all and here the young man writes. i read it so sweet. why didn't you come? why didn't you have a concert? why was it canceled at all your page or fake i flipped through i go to this vkontakte itself, the same thing is written i go to
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classmates she writes, the same thing. i replied that on september 8 i will have a concert. eh, there will be city day there and imagine i sing on city day in all its glory, suitable, swarthy, handsome, tall. wait what a bouquet of roses there and says. hello, i'm oleg. i wrote to you. you understand a person has been tested by life, we will check by the fact that, uh, when i got sick, dad, there and so on. papa's legs were cut, only he helped me in everything i was ill or ill there, or he fed something, papa everything, when i was lying, no one helped me, except he, they saw something jumped at you first with roses, when he started, well, how can i say, well, i was still embarrassed that i 'm older than him now, i don't notice it, as if we don't have any difference at all, you know people. uh, he has the feeling, as it were, that the man was talking about you in general girlfriends. yes , you know constantly talking and writing and so on, aren't you ashamed? as you may know, i am zero point his youngest daughter,
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his eldest daughter is 33 oleg my 30. i will say that my dear daughter arrived when on a visit, he experienced very much like her, how it would all be, how not to get to know each other. and suddenly the daughter with strength says oleg thank you for being you. if not for you, i would not know how i was torn. thank you for your love for my mother, you understand, just now i was watching the plot. and i almost have tears in my eyes. do you understand? oh, there is no love, there are no limits to almost lose 50 weight. uh, here's a kilogram. this is also so to say, so that i didn’t plan to lose weight, to be honest, oleg liked me when i was 116 kg. and it's the first time he saw me, he says, that's it, i successfully went in, and then dried up from love. yes, and then no. just uh, health first, health i feel much better now. i actually lost 72
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kg. i was 116 became, 72. i was very thin. he was frightened even says, my god, you won't be anymore. i hope to lose weight. now i have it all at 7:00. he says lord. is it all mine? well, if it's not cinderella , i think it's very beautiful. excuse me , please tell me, did you make these fakes already after yes, that's 4 years we live together. and i don't know, i can't explain. where did it all come from? now i 'll show you andrey i brought a gift to andrey now. this is our praskoveisk wine , very famous, or rather, praskoveisky cognac look andrey, this is such a gift for you. here is further praskoveevka famous place. yes, look, this is the crown of the russian empire that i make new year's toys. look how beautiful. so i want to give you an icon
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, this one, and that means i have a parochial school. i am the principal of a school with 65 students. we have the largest school for children in the stavropol territory. and here is this icon from our priest father pavel unfortunately, the father of the chambers has been gone for 2 months, he is 44 years old, but i so wanted you to have this icon. here is a gift from our father paul. be happy, thank you. well, let's sing, let's sing for your beloved man for and all the fans, let's see, my favorite songs of the lights are so many gold. the displayed one is sung.
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from him all the more alley, thank you, thank you. i think that now you will not run away anywhere, because ah. i want to introduce you to an amazing guy who came to us from
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tula, he is only 16 years old friends dima timofeevich. here he is today with his instrument dim come out. now he will perform a song in search of going far away. good evening, moscow the train goes far. you wave to me a lot of girls met. just haven't met that many. i meet girls. only i have not met so many smiles in the world, many, exciting eyes, only such people meet in life, only such ones, but
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in life they meet. and if we don't meet, remember and if i arrive, meet, and if we do not meet, remember and if i arrive meeting. well,
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let's get acquainted. dima, you came to us from tula, the most accordion capital, samovar , gingerbread, and so on. and since how many years have you been playing an instrument, we play an instrument. i've been since nine years old. i was sent to a music school. and i'm folklore, well, there were an accordion in your hands. right now in the photo , yes, yes, this is the same one with me for almost half of my life at the moment, but at the same time, you found your great-grandfather's instrument at home, yes, which you want to restore. valery look now maybe you have some contacts. of course have. let's pay attention. and if i knew that this would happen, where are you my
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fellow traveler parted. our path is metallistov street, our tula arbat. i like to go out here to play, as an outlet for me to amuse people for me as a sixteen-year-old guy. this is a great income. how can i earn some money for myself, a pretty penny there for my parents, i help my family. i help my family. i always mow the grass in any business to feed grandfather's chickens. i'm the only guy in the family and all these worries, they lie down. family is on my shoulders. for me , the instrument dearest to my soul is very important - this is the old accordion of my great-grandfather, but unfortunately i am. doesn't work once i was digging in the barn, i was lucky
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to find it, i brought it to my mother. she told me that this is my great-grandfather's instrument in my head. there were answers to some questions. where does it come from in me? i was pretty sure, what can i say? the first harmonize, in its kind. she turned out that it wasn't. nearly everything has fallen into disrepair. she mature, mihara, withered would be very nice to restore. i would like to hear how this instrument sang. i love it when the song is familiar to me confusedly. my soul is very proud of my son. dima's talent is the decoration of our every feast at the table .
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it's all right, it's great. dima's mom said that she was proud of you, you know, dim, i want to say that you are 16 years old, it turns out. you
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were born in 2005, but here is a generation when computer games are completely different hobbies, so you are your talent. he is still absolutely unique at the present time, because it is fantastic that few people pick up an accordion. rather, it is some other hobby. i really wish you with all my heart. i argued here, because now i listen to music a lot and i listen to a lot of modern music, there are a lot of our modern groups, which are made in russian folk manners. and now it was hit under that's all and and the fact that young people are now reaching for the roots. it's really nice, isn't it? i listen mostly to old music, uh either something heavier, or narodnaya ah, there is a wonderful song for your
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gift andrey nikolaevich, uh? i had a big wife , i broke through for a pigtail.
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but i'm not making a holey pocket all empty. now. probably they will play in a pocket full of holes, and we will still be empty for you, the golem will walk the girls by your hand as soon as i appear from your will. we are now your masters. after advertising, we will return to friends, stay with us. let's play such a game in front of people and call me dad prime minister on the russia channel with this he himself somehow figure it out. you take your whole family , married, illegitimate, and leave today. and if not, i'll tell vika everything. i'm deceiving you.
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i'm fascinated by this straight goosebumps truth. incredible job, but i'm actually blown away by the amazing people, the best at 21:30. the fate of the song soulful songs that changed the lives of our heroes thank you for continuing to watch us and now we will be transported to the gas capital of our country in novy urengoy
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, because it was from there that sergey chagadaev came, who will now enter this stage with yesenin's song. make friends friends alone a good song to listen to when i squandered my youth without a couple without time. oh, you think i squandered my youth indisputably without
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time? there were three dismal, and in the dark. it seems to me that i embrace a sweet song weighing a sonorous departure of a dull fish, and in the dark, it seems to me that i hug a sweet quarantine outside the hormones window, when the radiance of the month, i only know, dear, will never meet. eh love, kalinushka's blood withered, shnyovaya, like an old guitar and like new songs eh love dawn
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cherry like an old guitar and like a new song and uninhabited prison. why did you write? answer to it sung by grandchildren, you will drink in your youth into life without a miss. all the same, beloved, but cherry blossoms. drink sing the mission on yourself these in life without a miss. still beloved. it blooms black. ukhona. i took away, i don’t know, drunkenness, or something, they glorified
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equality in their youth; now there are good songs left from that. to you my little head from that good song to listen to a song for a simple one for my little head from that good song to the nightingale, the dirge song he is to my head. ai-na-na-nai, ai-na-na-na-nai everything. now some water, only of course, i
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i understand that while seryozha is drinking some water. i will say that you are 53 years old, and his birthday is january 1st. as you celebrate the new year at once, well, usually so, uh, happy new year everyone. happy birthday. seryoga usually happens like this on december 25. close friends of the first day , reluctantly, by the evening seryoga, well, could not. you are born on a different day. well, what do you mean, that they come to me less, as a rule, everything? well, let's go to novy urengoy to see. how do you live attention there? horror no , they are the first flowers here. we live in
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the area. his north is the yamal peninsula now we have white nights in general. look at fifteen to twelve. here we have the sun. but here we have the moon, that is, the sun does not set, but finds it. that's how it is on the horizon for us. summer is a short life, summer is very fleeting. and therefore we try to use every free minute to get into nature. here you feel more inspired and free. freedom is what i missed so much. by my stupidity , i ended up in places not so remote and spent 6 whole years there at first. it seemed to me that life is over. and that i have no future. and what helped me survive? this, of course, is natasha, and this is a photo with me . the first song i wrote, i wrote to her in prison. sergey was in the autonomous okrug.
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and at that time, a lot of people turned away. so, if i turn away from him, well, then he’ll just, well, lose heart, or something, sometimes such thoughts came up that you drove yourself there, i’ll help you for a while and i don’t want to. i imagined this, that if i can, i can’t. the most expensive or what? here i have, well, this letter, it was a time when i and this box i had it, and almost under my pillow. one way, dear dear, dearly, my beloved
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natasha separation, like a snowfall, sooner or later will melt and we will leave cleansed and free from everyone and everything, as if we had returned there. i never thought that this could happen in my life. well, we were painted on the territory of a strict regime colony. witnesses bought the rings from them there. we had employees of the colony. after that, we had a ritual of enchaniya century. well, almost a year and a half. i'm free prison explained to me how to love was the hope of faith i lived. i know that nothing else will lead me astray. no bad things. i will never think again in my life. i want my wife to be happy. and only you have one heart gave and my love for you is
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stronger, and he is such a love, i dreamed. i'm now bursting into tears touchingly. you five times a woman five times became the laureate of, uh, competition, kaliningrad being in places not so remote. well, one of the first of course, the songs are written to the wife to do something good for her. this song needs to be thought that you are talking about it. yes, there really was such a song, and we have the main director of kalina krasnaya natalya genrikhovna bashkina. she i generally thought that it was written for me, please, it turned out to be a good song.
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and it is true that you began to write poetry when you fell from somewhere, i confess that once in a deep, deep childhood. i accidentally fell from one floor to another in a sweatshirt, hit my head and became a different language, says, being a concussion in the hospital or something made me write a song about the bi-pro battle for moscow at that time it was there for 5.5-6 years. something like that in general, yes it was later there were also
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two concussions. well, i mean, that's why i'm pushed for life. well, let's get connectors today, let's do something so that everyone knows, probably, yes. smiling in the head of your god, do not let your heart see something wrong, the time comes for the strength of the hotel i arrive.
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how much validol the heart does not heal anyway continuous interruptions, no matter how much you knock the wall with your head, the best doctors will not help. the time comes to force, i give the snowman. weak comes. it's called
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10 years ago. she is the author, together with her husband , the bard of these lines, and there was some spiritual perception. well, in tyumen, pirogov is practically ours for you. we are all neighbors olga pirogova from the tyumen region. now he will come out on this stage with the song i will fall in love.
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i let my fate go, and i do not believe in my misfortunes eternal love. i'm not at all afraid of small human beings. i'm still waiting for my happiness. okay chamomile path, but where to meet, a good boy is now dropping apple trees in the garden, where
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he got lost? only mine. i'm waiting. of course i will fall in love and appreciate my will not back down. believe me , i'm not at all afraid of the narrow one. i'll still wait for my happiness, of course i'll fall in love. i will not give up my fate. i'm not afraid at all during my time. i'm still waiting for my happiness. he must be beautiful, gentle, affectionate, so that
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this life for us would be on the stand, so that i would give my husband for my parents, but i don’t need anyone for my nights. of course i love mine i will retreat. a weak human being will not be afraid at all, but i will still wait for my happiness, of course, i tell my people i will not back down. i'm not at all afraid of you vyverskoy. i'm still waiting for my happiness.
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thanks to the cities of the tyumen region, not everyone pronounces my city, but i have easily been living there for 34 years, so i say that the new teacher is a singer by education at heart, and you work as a logistics engineer in the main department of the ministry of emergency situations of russia in the tyumen region. and what are your first memories connected with music in school? well, i was still quite small and somehow i heard a song on the radio i look into the blue lakes.
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and somehow i accidentally drank it from myself without expecting it, damn it, i’ll take it in russia. it turns out i repeated it internally, but i don’t know where it came from somehow from the inside, something went well, and i wasn’t surprised at myself oh, it turned out here, and then uh, then then i went to school. yes, i went in the fifth grade, and there the music director said, ol let's sing something, i sang such a song. i don't even remember how she is. got me in the head at all. well, for some reason i knew her. we tax daughter rode nowhere, damn it, and the power of desire, bitch, is growing, they say.
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here uh, of course, uh, on my humpback dagi, in absolute silence, i found myself a bearded, mustachioed rue to the side, not in artek , it was just cooler to get into artek. i was the only pioneer from the city of syzrak, who was sent to orlyonok, as well as a red commander in the civil war, a red commander on a short horse, i don’t remember cool songs. someone came built all the kids in
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school and ninth grade. in the fifth grade, i studied both senior and junior, and i say all of these. dance, gods, boogie okay and we dance like this, boogie boogie, turn circles and hands and hands clapping. that's how it will be okay and we and we had. childhood, well, friends remembered childhood after advertising, we'll see you, stay with us even more soulful songs of the company of russian tv channel viewers in english winners, it seems from above, yes, she’s such a surname just like
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that, everything is given from above iron ladies, rhythmic gymnastics shoulders stand in the trainer gives energy to the circle. how much love? she says, come on, smiled very strong woman. i know how much you have been to your share in life always. more patience for you obedient students so that they trust you the most important thing they trust what you need do not miss the program line of life on the channel documentary film irina on the channel russia 2000 program malakhov on the channel russia
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through the clouds i fall into the sky, if we sang very cool along the way. and thank you very much for this. mash, we're actually in a hurry on navy day. there, under the glass , there is an order, and it would be nice. if you quietly took it and brought it to me, you are asking us to steal the order. if you want to, in order for me to return your girl, then you must fulfill one small request, what we cannot do, we have studied. what is there to pick up? not only can we have to not go astray need right, your guy. july 30 russia
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if there is no life, personally, then it's enough to be decent. so, stop being decent,
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original. i urgently need something and it will only be if there is not enough happiness and the male part in it, i need to turn into a fish, so that he can catch you, all the men will be all the books and if the lord hunters are just great. mushroom pickers, then still hunters and tell me, now i won’t distort myself, i won’t be a fool, i’ll only cry and burn and there will be someone red, sexy lipstick owned. on-on-yes
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, it is necessary to turn into a joke, so that he will catch you angry and there will be fishermen. if just thunders on hunters if just great leave us hunters.
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fishermen men are all hunters, and if it’s just mushroom pickers simply and in nicknames, then anyway, at least some is happier for everyone, men are all hunters, and if it’s just land, then it doesn’t matter if it’s just kitty, dear, hunters, if i’m in my life personally, then it’s enough to be decent, then it’s enough shot. ai urgently need something for me , someone urgently needs something for me, you will change something.
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fishermen men are all hunters and if just here is the number. 'cause we're a fire truck to tell you that ah, thank you for your submission text.
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you are just shnurov, but in a female form. yes, a russian country. yes, yes super mega. i think i'm the author of 184 g of finished songs today. so i've been writing for 6 years. but before i tell you a little about myself, if you will allow me, i want to give you a gift that i carried, you can say in my arms his own from tyumen to moscow because he is not overall, so please, andrei andryushechka dear. this is a precious painting , this is a precious painting, it is made of semi-precious rhinestones. selected here. very carefully every millimeter of rhinestones, thursday. andryusha, i also composed a song that i
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have to sing a piece to you. now sit down, please, and i like you. i like you man, and your hands are beautiful eyes, and i want you to always smile like that, and i want to tell you something important that you are mine the best representative of mankind. and you are our angel, our hero is our ideal, and i am sure that everything will work out for you, and even the world suddenly shone very brightly, crazy passion did not want to go into space. after that, friends from the bottom of my heart it is so sincere that, but the most interesting
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thing is that they told me that you have no musical education, you taught everything to swim. yes, i want to tell you now that my daddy is the kingdom of heaven. he dreamed of becoming a singer and entered the pop music. the jazz department in leningrad sent a call to the reel of the recording of his voice, but his parents asked him to go to tweek because the family was very poor and, uh, when he was asked to take me to a music school. i was 6 years old. it was kaliningrad. i remember he brought me to the audition and the woman who auditioned me. she told you. it is not voices, nor rumors of rhythm. give her a swim, she said to dad. yes, i sobbed a lot at home for 2 days. dad said, zhanna, don’t worry, we will study with you ourselves, and he studied with me every evening, then he gave me a piano, an old, used black piano. i began to pick up tunes from the age of 6 every day. and now 180 songs and
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an award thanks to your dad who was able to open it. that’s the talent, despite this creature who said that you don’t have it, that i have i am a very patriot a patriot right down to the atom of atoms and wrote poems about russia that i want to dedicate to our russia to my dad and in general to my grandparents. they reached berlin and returned with a victory for two. they had four orders of combat red knowledge and babu my prokharikhina tatyana potapovna, she took out 180 fighters with weapons from the field, then the protection of the hair. yes , that's why i'm like the daughter of a military officer.
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i am very, very proud of my country, i am proud and support, and these are the verses, if you allow it. hmm, in general, this song, but now i didn’t forge me in verse, they forged me, russia, my mother raised me, taught me my roots not to forget my fathers and grandfathers, they guessed hay war, at a great great price, victory in life was handed over to us, bequeathed to us to live with you for the good of russia with the support of each other in conscience together and only forward for the good russia to work hard and remember that our wealth, the russian people, is not a waste in our dachas, grass by the house and apple trees in bloom. we sing songs with friends, raise children together and believe in kindness, day and night under a peaceful sky. let mother earth prosper on ours, and after many, many centuries, our descendants will repeat this song for the good of russia with the support of each other in conscience together and only forward for the good of russia to work and remember that the people thank you, but i
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cannot help but note your outfit is a very beautiful dress. this is actually. yes, i design and i compose everything and i sew, and i also want to say that what kind of repairs did you make at home? let's see our friends with our own hands, the whole apartment was redone with furniture. i just do everything myself and the ceiling under the clock hangs on my ceiling and here i have orange orange look there, it’s probably interesting, the cabinets painted the doors of the walls, the whole house was repainted. lantern a magic lantern is such
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costumes that i myself come up with more fabrics in different cities where i have been. for example, here is this guy. i bought it in jambul. it is very easy for me to walk in such huge hats on stage. i like very much. these hats are beautiful, unusual, very bright. i may have separated my song only, but she was already directing flora see you. i am your singer zhanna zaporizhsky today we are visiting, how do you like our heroes? tell great. in fact, this is the first time i've been on such a program and it's very interesting so many different personalities just in court so many people who, uh, went through some stage, changed their
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lives , looked at the world in a new way fire burns in the eyes. the musical group, by the way, was based on my materials, but i had two groups. before that, i sang rock music there. i grew up on uh folk music, at the institute they also sang a lot of folk music there, uh, young nest, then the district music school, jazz music school, i tried to enter the conservatory, it didn’t work out, unfortunately, because i didn’t make it. i have a certain note there. here's a lyashechka here it didn’t reach. yes, yes, yes, but i didn’t reach the frog. yes, these are creative parents. i have creative parents. parents mom, dad, artists, brother, also an actor. so here we were without a chance , yes, but grandpa grandpa and grandma are pilots and a meteorologist. so either i
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was drawn to aviation, or i was drawn, but i love acting. yes, probably from the movie bombaras. walking horses, let's try. let's try. colonies over the river and looking for water hurts
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the horses want and that's it and jump the son of their hands okay blue river of pain on the head.
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thank you thank you for giving us the opportunity to sing the day of the navy on russia tv channel the main naval parade live
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on the air the power and brilliance of the russian fleet of pride glory to our country to the russian navy hurray for the great patriotic astro-plot detective barents sea in 2 weeks an allied caravan with a cargo of explosives by air current unloading a special film
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purchases in yellow packaging 150 g at a bargain price. well done map halva opens the door to the world of fantastic shopping, even during the period of discounts and sales, any purchases will become even more pleasant with a 10-month installment plan and up to 10% cashback. cool daughters good fellow , i’m a cunning princess for the bride and don’t forget the laurel, the talking pike wants, so some task. to my level by the command of
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the pike, they are not just amazing they are great, fantastic stunning fantastic - this is very cool. unusually really extreme it's impressive, but you're also risking a science show so, honestly, i'm surprised, amazing people, the best at 21:30 happiness is just around the corner in previous episodes. nightmare some criminologists will sort out and prove that he is innocent mikhail kruglov, the owner of the top sports complex, the term is due to a serious crime. alexander understands that he has something to do with the case. dender resumes
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the investigation do not go where you are not asked, i will decide where i go. and where not to climb, but mikhail no longer believes in justice. if i ever find out that you didn't keep your word. i'll be back, i'll find you love. i am your happiness, not sunbathing 21:20. fates and melodies that changed the lives of our guests and now vera and sergey ivanov, a family duet of a cheerful person from the ryazan region, will appear on this stage. love
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without chains, you call me chamomile and cling to words for burdock. he's dandelion you're my golden boy gone are the days of dandelion. i am your dandelion flew around my simil. and look, you and fate are not visible in the window for two, they lie
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along the path with you and me. condemned dandelions flew around my seeds, flew around my seeds and on the sofa. let not so nearby, but i am a chamomile and there are no more flowers for us. dandelion you are my golden dandelion times have passed you dandelion oh, gone, my head, my head.
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well, let's get acquainted. you are so touching. we came from the ryazan region, the village of a shahman, we have been living for more than 40 years, you have been together for 42. and always with a song and always with an accordion and through life. so, but the song is a little sad, especially when a man sings , my seeds flew around, and you stroke him on the head. uh, something is now left of
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petrosyan's bald head. the same curls only in there are few inhabitants of the last stage of development, but we live there, we grow everything in a pandemic. here it was necessary to wait somewhere. everything, well, they looked after their house. all together they sang songs, probably, yes, all the locals. let's see where you 've been hiding all the pandemic's attention. thank god well, welcome. this is where we live. hello people drive mercedes, but for me a motorcycle is all about soul. i sit on it. my rocket starts shaking with excitement, because this is my horse since childhood, my life wife is a motorcycle and an accordion, as they say everything
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i'll drink the harmony, put it in, maybe 15 years, somewhere, and everything you see here, it's all done by my hands. here is the cash all cut out. himself, born in the village. it's all close to the heart. now no one does it so easily and just take the patterns and draw once, and so oops. lechka and everything started spinning, yes, seryozha, how many
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boats we are with you, seven more wonderful, the more interesting this is the law. music is medicine, but on the excellent, he would be 10 years old.
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moreover, we are engaged in harmonica. here we are doing the garden, she is distracted, that's all replenished. i will field cucumbers. try how warm it is. no, good, just watering. here i have tall tomatoes and look . how many red ones are already oh, the whole basket, the most important principle. as you sink, so you burst. that's right, black caresses sing, my
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accordion sings. gifts andrey and this is from our garden here and fox berries, right? and here, look at the cucumbers, these tomatoes, the cabbage is already broccoli. yes, yes, it's in the woods. thank you very much in general. well, vera is still an interesting
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deposit, tell me where you were born. i was born, saksky district , the village of cape of good hope, when i always say that we are friends with good hope somewhere out there somewhere, and this is in the sasovsky region of the lake, you do fish right along the road. what a beautiful carved carpenter carpenter of the nizhny novgorod region, the outback taught such a tin went from there, an accordion tree wife motorcycle. and ditties you always sing there ryazan parisian, let's buy
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a pocket vanya hides me to praise. we had 40 kg. yes, 70 left teach me to fly. they are not far high, so that forks
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flies. i loved pilot titmouse vysochika, 33, containing a4 come on there is a glass on the table, and in glasses lily me seryoga her name is ivanov surname. well, now we will be transported to chelyabinsk, i look at you, because now you are going to this stage with a song. this musical gift sounds from me to you.
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i don’t get it, you let go of me, there was a very dear juice.
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thank you, and, how old are you, 20-28, because we have all the talents in our family, great talents, but like this. this is my life. i think
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my eyes and tell you honestly that growth without never saw his father's father in his life, but he looks like his father. here he is ay yes 18 years old. he was gone, it was a disaster. here he died in ninety-three years. i was born in yekaterinburg on the 94th, yes, mom, i live in the engine burg all my life i lived there, but then i got married and moved to chelyabinsk . i think the corner is the most important thing in our life, so that the children and everything is right, of course, everything will definitely be on them right away, as they say. anatoly mogilevsky's song i will now
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perform here with all my heart well, i don't know, no, a certain life has not seen you more beautiful than joy.
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i am waiting for you as before. for me, you are glad to have saved, ultrasound brother goes after a year. and a year. you're for a minute oh and it's hard. i will leave, and i will serve in your eyes to your son aha and i will not forget our first miss son.
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it was with all your heart you will come with me, you haven't decided yet. i thought about my life, let's get together, what i used to think about when my life was my young fear. but it’s better about this and suffered all over. my heart was caked with blood to give birth to children, i forgot how to be in mistresses. do i need some kind of
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air defense will not be able to cope, unfortunately, not all the means that the enemy uses are available for shooting down. ukraine will not fix it, unlike the crimean bridge, it is preparing restoration work. construction equipment is already here. what is now the road to the crimea by ferry and lavrenty and kerch 2 diverge the strait, and so on several times a day, elena erofeeva with truckers travels along the land route, travel notes. uh, they stopped stopping us, only small cars are checked. alexander sladkov about how ours do not allow artyomovsk to bypass the time now, several furies are the enemy’s reconnaissance copter grigory , the widows of the advanced positions under the throat.
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actually, the place here in the tower is very small . there are three crew members and no ceremonial awards in the field to go out. just left. history of one for all eight were recaptured with a feat of six. atak had the feeling that it was straight. the last one would be he was always busy. what is the point for a hunchback on a cape, antipas, of course, everyone knows that france wants to forget there, like the pearl of the bay of billionaires. got berezovsky for debts, a british architect for a member of the queen. final news with igor kozhev today at 20:00 on the channel russia is the most popular
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sunday music show thank you for continuing to watch us. well, further on our stage guests from ryazan danila autumn will appear with the song not nice, not needed, not loved.
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the sunset paints crimson and the night that does not go away forever will not extinguish the parts that will not return, you never need a sweetheart, glory to you will fill your heart, and i asked for a roll. i’m happy, i didn’t have time to warm up, i’m not nice, i don’t need it. i love, glory painfully beat in my heart, and i asked in riddle. i am happiness, i did not have time to warm up my last night , the horizon does not melt into haze, but not the light is still silent. only
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the heart beats loudly, loudly not nice, not needed, not loved. glory beats the heart so painfully, and i asked the sunset to burn with happiness, i didn’t have time warm is not nice i don't need love. glory to the lord will be achieved in the heart, and i asked in riddle with happiness, i did not have time to warm up. today
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, the future attention will roll tenderness, i don’t need a heart to ruin, but i asked in riddle. i ’m happy, i didn’t have time to warm up , my heart beats freely, and i asked in a riddle for happiness, i didn’t have time to warm up, and i burn the sunset. tried to warm up. danila
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has been writing since 2012 and there are already more than 600 in his archive. if about poetry, then more than 800 , about 900 practically, but about songs. well already if what is ready then let's say there is one songs, well let's visit your homeland , get to know your parents and attention. locksmith well flour mill, responsible for equipment repairing it if it breaks. the production costs of such dust
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have to be constantly breathed everywhere on any equipment, so i take a break from all this flour dust at my parents' dacha. and i will go to the village, where the house is, to the village, where the house was. let's mam prepare the samovar, and we 'll chop the wood with a stake, it was thinner than the heat. more so at least, probably enough? well, set fire to let's go. now we will have gull, samovar with currants. well, everything, we sit down at the table to have tea. except here you can't rest with your parents. nowhere i love to come here to your country house in the village to rest your soul. where
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to where is my path where does the scale go? the sonny hedgehog is good , we have a golden one that is not harmful in my affairs, for example, an assistant, in any case, he comes to the garden. eh, ask him to. this is mom, i’ll come at the weekend, a real man of my upbringing, a real village man in the fall, we’ll also come to harvest potatoes from our parents’ beds. always everything tastes better. everything here is to eat and to eat for both tea and alcohol at some point in life. i made friends with liquor after work tired. the men and i drank. it somehow began
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to drag out a little, but the verses of the song pulled me out of this abyss. i realized that there is a meaning. why continue to live? why do i sit on the little bridge, sometimes i write poems of a song - this is from the soul. this is a bridge to my childhood. ran away before. i dived from it , the place here is beautiful, everything is dear, everything is close, that's why it pulls here for complete happiness, it remains only to wound in the future is not nice is not needed. not love. i pour passion killed myself. i don’t know, it seems to me that i really wanted to go to this bridge in my childhood there. from there, right here, cold water. don’t come in, you’re just so crooked, even after the bathhouse or what? no, it's a parony. actually, this is considered the pronskoe
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reservoir. there it is located at the ryazan state district power plant, such feelings came up. now, damn it, here i am remembering my childhood, my urals are exactly the same bridges. and i remember, uh, i was quite right when i didn’t go through the urals there was a bridge, similar to this turkish suspension bridge across the bosporus, this is a small copy of it was made of a wooden bridge that was demolished by every flood. and we began to look yes, when the water reached the high high banks, this, of course, is a great nostalgia, because i am the daughter of the steppes, and the steppe air cannot be compared with anything, not dreams. it’s just that this gray-haired e, this sea, e feather grass e, this is all the bitterness of herbs, yes, the smell, that’s it, of course, the music is multinational colorful music and that’s it. it sounded in my house, for example, yes, i
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i graduated from a music school as a pianist , a music school as a pianist and always really wanted to sing in my house there was always music . i was responsible for the pop block, as they say now, i sang pop, all the way, which was shown on tv, but the song that nikolay gnatyuk performed really sunk into my soul and he even won at some competition with her. yes, he took the grand prix of the drum, and there was plov, of course, yu-jurmala, most likely. yes most likely, yes, because drum was the pilaf of drummers. well, you were lucky to leave it so no one could you on the drum station, when you dance, you continue to dial
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the big drum, drum, but it’s not time. you are the fate of the parade of the entire planet of the lord, their signs should be heard by the whole world. you are the lord , you are far away, but with me i feel weak. and denis rychkov came to us from a city with a beautiful name. and he will continue our
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program with the song i'm sorry. ma was either summer, or you were with me, or somewhere.
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our fate with you is carried away by the rains, not ask about nothing worse. you yourself know everything. soon the morning from behind the window the first snow without a trace distributes.
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the lord of yesterday is not eternal we are just a glance, you understand, the fairy tale itself is over. our love, sorry. the fairy tale is over our love the bed was
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your song beautiful, very beautiful, really, let's get out of here. yes, and in your song tanya bulanova sings, uh viktor korolev yura shatunov sang your song, sang, well, the song hello smile is yura shnuf. well, you probably haven't heard such, but this is from his albums from the last album. she can live again. yes? hi hi. i send you hello, hello. well, it's such a fun song. well, you're 45 years old. uh, hello. you are 45 years old. and how did you start writing
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songs? tell me, i started writing after i was sixteen, probably when i learned to play the guitar, well, at school, in the tenth grade, in the eleventh grade, the institute stopped studying music, well, it’s clear that my life began to work. here, and again began to study music, by the way, thanks to that's just yuri shatunov, uh, i saw an ad on his website. there's an email address right there. mail. submit your songs. yes, i took one of my old songs and sent it to him and literally sent a call from his director 30 minutes later. hmm calling. well, at first i thought it was some kind of prank. well, it’s clear, but the director has some kind of young voice. i thought some old fat, uncle, his director must have such a young voice. well, then he got talking. well, i already believed that it was, well, that's how the basis began to study two songs, wrote yuri, then he didn’t take anything anymore. it was in the twelfth year. uh, and they write songs, then
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there is, i think, well, we won’t find the light behind one wedge, i see. well, well, he turned to tatyana bulanova. well, take off, we made four songs with viktor korolev. music. this is not your main music. i am a tourist with my wife, yes , music and i do it purely in my free time, the tour. where do you make your native land. we are studying. yes, we travel with children to different cities and villages, where there is an interesting museum of river rafting. maybe someone heard that we now have a video on just here it is in the sverdlovsk territory, that this is the city cut, here is the rod of our rezhevsky pond. and why cut, why is it called so you decide. eh, the name is still an old tribe that the people lived, and so to speak, yes, who inhabited these places before the russians before the arrival of the russians in their language you decide. here is just a river with gushing banks with rocky shores of it. here. uh, vice lair mountain too. but i came
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to rest in the city less often. yes, but what if you have hua in the company when you travel classic russian rock? ddt teas, siskin there, well, of course. let's then today, well, let's start to chish about love, let's say, and here such stagnation. why don't we sing the song correctly performance? hands
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i will become a light superstar a lot of money, the machine is all business smiling. you will say how cool
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i am to you. you are right to him, you are right to hug you, you are right. a song about love just now. pen broke. you ask, maybe next time now friends. thank you so much for being with us
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all a good warm sincere family evening. take care of your loved ones, goodbye. russia has to conduct not only a special military operation, but also the lessons of history on the air big sunday news. hello take a photo


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