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tv   Semeinii detektiv  RUSSIA1  July 28, 2023 3:35am-4:31am MSK

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what is fluff. why are you the only one busy with us, or what? well, deniska is also for me . everything is still a dead end. thank you
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. how did you stay like that now? yeah he said to write on a piece of paper, what to write something about some zone. well, i wrote. for a bottle of vodka , you’ll think of business, well done, hold on.
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ly so okay, then, i just have to stay alive. sunshine what do we have here? hello,
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what are you doing here? yes, it's necessary here. so, can i help you, where's grandma? the telly will look, in general, on important matters. yes, about grandfather's love. okay, good topic. that's what i wanted to ask. yes, it's normal if a man
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likes a girl well, the guy is a good honest. but she just likes it, but she is drawn to some kind of scumbag or moron. it's okay. well, this often happens in real life. to be honest, i was lucky in this regard, here. my friend has many examples of this. beloved is gone. threw the bandits left. real and feel human who's going on with you? and a real person he is a rarity big very big therefore i think that it is necessary to love
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to protect to be attentive. it is very important.
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maybe he would have killed you right away. and how bloody true. it's such a fire at first. i have enough evidence to extract you with a woman spent on the fifth floor with the make-up room of our woman until the very morning until the very morning. so, a large amount of sleeping pills were found in her glass. so she slept through the night, though not with you. and what does it mean that you don't have an alibi? and this is only once we have a witness who saw you get out of the red house from his loggia at 2:00 in the morning. this is two. well, yes, and we have a witness who will testify that the knife belonged to you is three under your dictation. and
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on your sneakers on the capes, i see traces of whitewashing. i think that it will not be difficult for our expert to prove that this is whitewash from the wall. you got dirty when you crawled out of chervonov's room. listen, it's five. wow , what a bastard got around when he asked us to go into the pipe. what a lilac to hang everything on me . do you want a creature together? let 's not swear, your hands let me go crazy. yes no take it higher captain of russia meets countries
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security begins with you emercom of russia happy birthday i know how to live. and who are you? i don't know memory can fail.
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yes, understand, i delayed everyone's salary, so i'll upyr heel, and he apparently decided, and i should win back. he's talking to me. we
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will write a confession. uh-huh, i'll write. what do you need, right? oh thanks, heels. yes , i’ll write a statement against you that you tortured me by the gistap yourself with sadistic methods, knocked out a confession, by the way, and where will you be, where will you be then? i know for sure, i'm in the police. not zhen, look, but mom doesn’t do chanson, huh? here is a purely cordial confession of a heel.
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well, buyan, tell me. chervonny he hasn't been interesting to anyone for a long time. on television , discs were not allowed, almost rare concerts were sold in the provinces, there was already a corpse. in a creative sense, alcoholism, drugs
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, and i always knew that your puer soles hands were no good along with marple about male chauvinism. here i am a woman, and i found a letter because of which you humiliated me. now we'll see. which one of us is right. listen listen, and you know, i am other people's letters. i don't want
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to read before when i was reading now , no, i'm not retired. listen listen, i won't let my human dignity be trampled on. hello galina, let me congratulate you on your thirtieth birthday. this is an important milestone, after which new life horizons open up. i'm sure you will continue everything will go in the best way. i know that everything is fine with you and in your personal life a wonderful husband is growing a son. i am happy for you , i wish that everything goes on with you. fine. once again i congratulate you on your thirtieth birthday , the head of the group, and so far 52 alexey borshchevsky has made sure. and now you can read. please, nevertheless still do not understand what prompted myself. that's how i turn everything upside down to find this family heirloom, and everything is very simple. i sit, watch the news program and see how in the kremlin
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they award lyoshka borshchevsky with the order of honor for special pedagogical merits. so i decided to write him a letter to congratulate the address, where only on this envelope. and where did you find the whole logical chain? well when i had already shaken all the books, when i found it, i understood why, that means i was born 49. oh, oh, i found books of this year and buildings, in particular this big culture, because the borschevsky letter is between them. how are you? sorry.
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i was wrong, you can do more. do you make men?
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or bad luck, let him call his mustache. wow life. how is life better? you say or finger? show me where the life is. there is no her, why is she another shave slowly. no , it is good from edge to edge, that it is necessary to look for reasons for men to live in their native land. v
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friday and the mobile does not answer. why are you so worried, he didn't come back. will return today. tomorrow, a lot of men leave for fishing, and return on the second third day. yes, i myself would be happy to be somewhere on the volga now and cast a fishing rod. i called. yura he said that vasya did not come. and yura is who yuri sergeevich valiev , they were supposed to go fishing together, but vasya did not come, and vasya, as i understand it, this is the pit vasily yakovlevich yes, and who are you to him come shura as a base. and kirillovna there is a statement written by his wife. let his real wife
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comes here and writes a statement, otherwise she has a loss. and you are here. i can't even accept applications from you. just got divorced. you understand that one of the relatives must come and apply for you. i can't take it for a year. please ok, i will accept the application, but believe my experience that in 90 cases out of 100 people are on the third maximum of the fourth day. i beg you. something happened?
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what happened to you? what, did you come in and look for a tube of rubbing ointment, lost it in the room, huh? i am writing a girl trying. what are you my
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myself? now in the case of the missing shurov in the upper district, a popular place among fishermen. clothing was found with traces of blood. and according to shurov's ex-wife, he was just going there. what other clues, and another of the fishermen claims that the clothes found belong to shorov. well, allegedly, they were fishing together. shurov also points to a certain valeev, this is a co-owner of her ex-husband's company. she says they didn't share something in business there, so he had a motive. so the plan is such katya to shuruv home, talk there with his ex-wife with neighbors, but you know,
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mitya to the place where the clothes were found, and ask the fishermen. maybe someone saw something, take sorokin with you. san well, you to valeev, with whom the screw was going to eat, everything is working ahead. the fishermen found this clothes, they said that they did not touch anything with their hands. now let's see what we have here in general, i have a feeling that regional competitions were held here. how to complicate the life of forensic magpies, strange to eat clothes covered in blood, no, logically strange ah. maybe the corpse was thrown into the river drag and drown, but here after the rain you will not find anything. come on, over there is the house of shurov
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and valeev, i'll go to the neighbors, maybe they saw something? come on good luck. doesn't yur sergeevich surprise you that i'm interested in shurum? i, in short, do not surprise, do not surprise , called, upset. zoya said that he was not at home. at work. he didn't show up either. clearly so. here, we found his things, things, blood on them. spoke to him. to be more careful business. staff
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no previously traveled. we even have a common house there, but lately vasily has not been there. appeared, but his wife, ex-wife zoya kirill on shurov claims that he said that last weekend he was going to go fishing and not alone, but with you. well, yes, i myself was, frankly, surprised when he said. let's go together said that we need to talk. like it's in private. but he has thoughts on how to get out of the crisis of our company. so what are we talking about, no? excuse me, can you? excuse me, can i have
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a second? are you me, huh? hello? hello lieutenant. kolupaev where, well, you live here, right? what is your name? the carpet is very good. i came to talk to you about vasily semyonovich shurov, i know such a person. well, of course, uh, my neighbor they have a dump house. but in general, vaska , he himself is rarely rare here. i understood this, tell me last weekend. he was here last weekend was here. but just on the last weekend he came, just yes, well, he was or dumped, valya here that
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ranch arrived earlier. and vaska was already completely dark. i also thought it was him late in the morning, i was shown clothes and he showed me. all that is in the blood, is it true that they killed him, or what? indeed, while there is information only about his disappearance. what am i saying, thank you very much comrade. carpets no longer hold you back. all the best drowned means, yes, yes, goodbye, we'll figure it out. thanks, the relationship was smooth. i don't even remember him having a big fight with anyone. soon, of course, they were. but this is so, well, with yura, the dumpy yuri sergeevich, you know, at some time
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between them, like a cat ran. before a they used to be friends, and because of what they quarreled, you know? yura got mad at vasya for some reason. although vasya maintained friendly relations in every possible way. and he even went fishing with him. even though they haven't traveled for a long time. well, what happened there? nobody knows. and what do you think, maybe they didn’t share something in business, i can’t say for sure. but yura wanted to get most of the total capital of their company. and in general he always envied vasily vasily yakovlevich no, that you vasily was not in conflict? we are so many lived with him for years. and never once. and in general he was so zakirevna, so surprisingly you
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speak so tenderly about your ex-husband. sorry, true , some people don’t feel this way to the present, but we lived with him for more than one year, we maintained good relations and feelings. you know, it doesn't go away overnight. yes, you probably are not interested in incorrectness. why did you split up? well, you know, as people have characters, vasily had a difficult character. we didn’t agree, well, yes, you can say, and you know how it happens with men when family relationships lose their freshness, they want something new. sorry, but i don't like
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talking about this. i understand, zaya kirillovna is simple and you understand me too, this may be very important. he didn't introduce me to her.
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understood, understood. i apologize again. look at her sergeevich what an interesting picture emerges. shurum's personal relationships, to put it mildly, you were not the best. well, according to your employees about the business, everything was not very good for you either. exactly such relations you had different views on the further development of our company. what of this like that, despite these bad relationships you are going and moving together on a fishing trip. i
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told you, fine. well, he suspects me, yes, relations between us have been bad lately. so this is normal for business. i don't have a dollar to please everyone, but kill me for it. why, especially since this will not solve the problem. well, the murder has not yet found the body, he says early. but you said the problem. what a problem. vasya took out loans, including
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by exercising his right to sign assets. and secondly, this is meanness, that is, you were against it, of course, but i found out about it too late. he did it all without me, but he didn’t tell me, because he knew that i would be against it. it’s time to sell this money is not enough. and now all this has fallen on my head, and you accuse me of the disappearance is a very interesting story. i would say interesting, but very complicated operations. i came at the call of my heart over the years, of course, they
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didn’t come there as a specialist, i considered it necessary to be in a difficult time for russia, it was here that i just took the military enlistment office, this came it is time for russia that we had to stand up again with our former servants, peasants, our fathers, our grandfathers, during the great patriotic war, stood for our homeland. many even children fled to the front to get their hands on weapons and fight it. now nazism is raising its head again, so if anyone doubts doubts, it's easier to join our ranks. take up arms, defend our homeland. yes, it will always be only for us, until we destroy this nazis, we will not calm down. what i want to do is illegal. if you want, you can write a statement on me to the prime minister on the channel, russia
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are the same you seem to be murder. to find out for yourself, let's say you somehow posed a cool question that i can’t find an answer to. i didn't kill, well done. from monday at 21:20 on the channel russia into the river. it would be right here where they found clothes not far away, a comfortable place, deep there is no better place to be found. okay, let's go to the finish, otherwise
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i still went to write a report. so what do we have? as far as i understand, the trip, as a storm , gave little. she explained everything in detail what i have already written. in the statement, too , there are no scandals of showdowns, no one has ever observed and an ordinary normal family. e. well , actually, everything was until they parted, the reason for the divorce. shurova did not advertise much , so they did not agree on the characters. mistresses but no one else knows anything about it, no evidence. not yet two days ago screws
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bought a new car hints yes and inquire about a new car. i don’t know about san, but it seems to me that bolev has something to do with the disappearance of shorov, if without i think, look, they had a joint business. it is possible that there were disagreements. well, look at this and confirm. uh, the officers, according to their testimony, it turns out that the relationship between shorov and valeev. they were really bad, and in the end they stopped communicating with each other altogether. well, joint business disagreements happen. this is not a reason to kill, i agree, but what's interesting is that valeev claims that shurov did not come to go fishing, but they saw him in this. they saw, because they saw more than that, look, there was found a bloody
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cloth. it has a blood type that matches shurov's blood type, a very rare fourth on the shore and the absence of a corpse. this is just an imitation of the murder, because no traces of dragging corpses to the water were found. ok. let's go, let's go, let's go. say it's true. your position katya if
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you need my help i don't need it. kolya here, take the delegation to you. oh you mikhalych mikhalych hello what happened?
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you're kidding me, what a figure you've been walking around all your life, and now you blocked everything to the administration, they turned. and that well, nothing again the precinct can't do anything, says, i can't, they say, a big bump in the city or a big bandit, how can i help? well, you're in the face. you yourself know how to talk to these bandits. and the word, please, forgot. well, you zarnil mikhailovich well, what kind of bandits, please, well, bandit, he is also a bandit, we need to talk to him differently, please, help us, i can’t and others are suffering from computer science.
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in what way did you not understand? solution? whoever 's child. i am ready to educate her, as i could not find my best place for this conversation. i love you. do you need something. i don't demand, i don't ask.
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by the way, akar, please tell me, what impression do you get from evgenia nikolaevich so what impression? so you have claims? i perceive yes, we saw
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him a couple of times, this is quite a bit, everything is clear. for this i invited you, so to speak, to a private conversation, tell me. a couple of times gordeev did not hint to you that under certain circumstances it is possible? about such things, especially when it is clear, as far as i know, that he is proud of the fact that you accepted the application.
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and what am i doing here? i say that you are interested in speeding up the search for your husband, of course, i am interested. well, if you're interested, let's work together. write a statement. of course, you can continue to play
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a heroine, but i want to tell you that this is very stupid. generally normal, my friend, he is real, he will be a faithful husband. are you his lawyer? yes, you look at him on his face. no, he can't work. yes, he loves you so much. i'll take care of my own life all. eugene i may be missing something, well, look, there is a motive. the evidence is the main suspect, maybe something was missed, there is even a murder scene, you still need any investigator. if desired, such a thing would have closed the fee in no time, by the way, i am also sure that you are pulling something.
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begs your direct official duties, or even worse, it comes to your personality of interest, what kind of interest? well, how did a citizen write a statement in which she blames the captain of the wardrobe, i even know who she is dictated the statement. i must respond an internal investigation will be conducted, which i warn may not end with a full internal investigation in accordance. in the meantime, i 'm doing it for you. it's not every day that zoya kirillovna shurova is summoned to the police like this . yes, she bought it when she paid in cash three days ago. remember, of ​​course
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i do. we do not have such jeeps every day, such a cheerful woman. cheerful you do not confuse anything. if they buy such a car, i remember them well. wait. i mean, she wasn't alone. well, yes, with her man was. she also consulted with him , it is immediately clear that they have a close warm relationship. thank you, pavel, you helped us a lot, please, i'm free. yes you can these
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goodbye. well, how are you doing today ? so what are you going to do to work suspended? okay, let's figure it out.
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the score doesn't matter anyway. well, why then such troubles? most likely, the solution of some financial problems. maybe housing issue. but you never know that sasha , the main thing is that now it is clear her such touching concern for her ex-husband, that is she just wants to ward off suspicion, most likely pressure on the police. that is why he wrote. and what are you going to do now?
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we look to know everything about russia, the best historical series or on the site, they surprise , they protect, amazing people are the best, at the same time you know the shock. tomorrow at 21:30 only on the russia channel about new ones.
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your ex-spouse. well, shall we start? please come closer, this is shurov vasily yakovlevich yes, this is him. is it possible to do whatever
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you want? thanks a lot? it's time for the train to follow with all the stops, like we assumed. it remains to find out some details. hello hello, why did you bring
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a surprise to do? so that means interfering with my work. it's a surprise. why interfere? on the contrary, did i torture you? you can help, but i wonder how to support in the study of light sciences, and how you were going to facilitate my study . okay i confess. i see you. just wanted a little break. you think right, man, he was created for what? and man kostya
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was created for rest and communication. brilliantly came home, not a girl anymore. i've come to meet you.
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yes, the fence can be later. just to talk about the details of some. must all friend that he said to know your ins and outs right up to the seventh generation, and you know nothing about me. thank you for not giving up. good luck to you. happily he knows how to talk to these bandits.
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citizen criminal game over advise you to hire an experienced lawyer will not help. and you know, english deed, you want with you replenish the traces of werewolves, that is, there are all werewolves, yes, and dad is a werewolf grandpa all werewolves of the police. yes, werewolves, well, i didn't
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mean them. i just think that there is no place for the police for girls to share their ideas, and the police can share with someone else. well, i'm sorry, well, let's go with you to study as an investigator. together we will catch bandits for you, mister criminal. you are under arrest have the right to call?


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