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tv   Put k serdtsu muzhchini  RUSSIA1  October 17, 2023 1:30am-3:14am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] then in '37 they took two of my uncles and shot them too, but somehow my father stayed, we were forced to leave for georgia, before the war we lived in georgia, i remember it was in georgia in the city of zukdidi, i was walking from school to an armored train . in zukdidi at the station, on this roof, how can i say, the soldiers are filled with joy, may 9 was victory day, this is joy, this is peace, i have a red suit with wings, i dedicated this to the soldiers who participated in the great patriotic war, and with the help of this suit i say, thank you to the people,
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bringing back the sun to the world. i loved to be very creative, and somehow the post-war years were very difficult, and somehow my parents were advised to get me into a sewing workshop . i remember subscribing to polish magazines for reference, so i then subscribed to a russian-polish dictionary , did translations, studied the cut, i was still a young specialist, i received 25 rubles for my work , everyone had the same standard, and one, she was the wife of the first secretary of the komsomol in the area and she came, ordered
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me a coat, there was no such coat in the city yet and... female , i was mostly male, i first said that i can’t, but my mother says in the odge language, you can do it, you you see, so i asked her to bring this coat to tbilisi to live, in this city there was the only coat, raglan, a very complex design, i asked for it for the night, created something for the night, put it on my mother, but my mother is a little it was full, well, i saw the configuration and i sewed a coat for her, but she took it in this coat, nothing i didn’t pay, well, the reaction, i can’t believe that someone so young can’t do anything, then after a while he comes to pay, takes out 25 rubles, gives it, then he stood there for a minute, another 25, the next day the customers already paid that
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amount, but what’s interesting.. ... she appeared in this coat, where the intelligentsia was near the clinic and they asked her: isolda, where did you, where did you sew the coat, she says in sukhumi, but my neighbor worked there as a nurse, she says, why aren’t you telling the truth, this is for you, here i have been doing this since 1948, to this day. and here you are you see, i started creating this collection, the first time i participated was in 1981, and somehow it worked out, the diaspora invited me to the united states of america, i was there for 6 months, these two suits, then something else that i took, i made a small exhibition, this reaction, attention, questions prompted me
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to work on it, it’s for people. i was born in hakurenahable, our secondary school was located across the river in another village in monghig. the village is very educative; it is a society that specifically works for the younger generation. we were taught to fight, we were taught everything, work, endure, patience is the first word. if you cry, it’s goodbye, you are no longer, not a man, this was the plan of upbringing, my brother was very good at drawing, little by little i also got used to this, you have to draw something with a pencil, besides how to write, i was already writing from the age of 5, reading everything, because my brother and father were very serious about me, they i wore out several primers before school, i went to school at the age of 6
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- i studied with a straight a until the seventh grade, and then i took up drawing closely and slowed down a little, well, i graduated well, there was eldar bersirov in our family, he studied in kharkov, graduated from the faculty of architecture of khisi, the institute of civil engineering, he told his brother, we have enough artists, he says, there are no architects, let him go to become an architect, and so, when my brother told me, it was like an order, for me it’s just uh, a proposal, just - it’s an order for us, the older brother, i began to prepare to study something architecture, how to approach it, what it is , inquired, well, in general, my father was a carpenter, we built houses with him, i helped him a lot, so i already
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figured out in the construction, going from the village to st. petersburg is not a joke, it ’s hard to study at the academy, of course , it’s to comprehend such a great science, 40 extra... we went through the subject, touched objects that i didn’t even know existed, at one time it was supposed to make a monument to the end of the caucasian war, i didn’t even raise my hand to do some there are tears from concrete, from stone there, something like that, it’s not good absolutely, of course, this place was, exactly the center of maykop, not everyone will like what you want, that’s right, this object needs to live, for this it was necessary to make such a... symbol, sign, uh, oh, that’s all
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a symbol of uh, hospitality, friendliness, yes, get together, everyone, let's talk by the hearth, by the fireplace, that's the meaning, every family had a hearth, i grew up by the hearth, through my eyes i saw how the stars move, not only the sun and the moon, but the stars also move. i absorbed this whole universe into myself through the eyes to see, because eyes - this is also a connection with the cosmos, nature, it permeated the home, this philosophy of unity with nature was carried out through the eyes, the origin of life is above, a fawn is there, an eagle is directed downwards, which kills a hare in the fields of these vegetation, just this one ... life or death, death for the sake of life on earth , this is a recreational attitude, a warrior was never afraid of death, he knew that
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he was giving his life for the sake of peace, about how people lived in... schwartz mentions that maykop was a young city , but quite rich, says that the house was not rented from kapustin’s work, kapustin’s work had two houses, he rented out one, he lived in one , here doctor schwartz’s family lived until he was thirteen, in fact, from this house, zhenya schwartz went to a real school, from this house he left maikop later, opposite there is a house about which schwartz writes, i now move on to a house that has become no less dear to me than my own, the house of dr. vasily fedorovich solovyov, this is such a landmark house for the city and a very famous family in maykop, what is it known for? vasily
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fedorovich solovyov was called a penny doctor, he treated him cheaply, as they say, he was loved, respected and known, also because this house was a kind of club for the maikop intelligentsia, from the diary of evgeny schwartz, in the solovyov house, i... often visited the girls there was a bookcase in the room, each floor of which was turned into a room. dolls lived there. i loved playing with dolls, but i did my best to hide this shameful passion for a boy. i hovered around the bookcase and waited impatiently for the girls to be called to dinner. when desired the moment came, he rushed to the bookcase and began to play hastily, flinching at every rustle. a competition was announced for the design of a mosque, a cathedral mosque in the city of maikopi, i accidentally went into the republican architecture, i asked
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how things were going, well, as usual, he said, well , we’re waiting, he said, the results of the competition will be brought, he says, three there will be four projects from pyatiorsk, krasnodar, but i don’t... i don’t know what i didn’t say, i’m an architect, well , at least one local should speak, there’s a week left, i completed the project in a week, they sent him to moscow for ozotchestvo 99, took third place, many advised me why there was no ornament, it was muslim or something, i say , the architectural elements themselves, they are enlarged
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ornaments, the mosque was designed in the bible, a woman was created from adam’s rib , it means that there is a woman inside a man, this conceptual approach gave me, which means some kind of determination to go straight to the goal, in the end, the competition was announced, when i was able, of course, to convince, that means the jury, and they gave me a position of succession, than i i'm still happy of course, well... you could create such a structure
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if you were born, studied in st. petersburg, came, finished maykop. september 28 is marked in the calendar of the republic of adegea as the day of national costume. the date was not chosen by chance. on this day, yuri stash, a famous fashion designer who created a collection of unique designer costumes and objects of decorative and applied art, was born. in the east they say: ornament is music for the eyes. i was in tashkent and bukhara, i saw a magnificent ornament. adyg's ornaments are very modest, and unobtrusive, and the color scheme is the same, but we created an experimental album, simply using the national
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ornament. thanks to this album, then we created a collection of clothes with national ornaments, made an exhibition, you see, all my works are almost ornamented, i use this to say what i want, this is of great importance, especially in the muslim religion, where it is forbidden to show figures there , animals and the like, mental music, even here, these are all my children, like journalists they say that yuri starsh taught his model to speak, everyone brings information, peace, goodness, knowledge, tolerance, respect other people ’s culture, customs, traditions and language, learn
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to enrich themselves, this is such a semantic load. a children's suit and this black dress and this red sun, the troubled sun of the caucasus, you remember the period, the chechen war, the caucasus, now it is also restless, i created this dress, then this obelisk dress, i dressed a woman in an obelisk dress, this is the only dress in world, and i say that this woman. even roberta rozhdestvenskoe’s poems, that obelisks are like the dead flying into space, and children , that there is hope, everything will be fine, and i dedicated the dress in general to the caucasian war
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to all suffering women in wars. but the republic dress too, it’s like a birthday , congratulations, i’m the republic created in 1991, i created this dress a little later, well, i dedicated it to this republic, she traveled a lot with me, and thanks to my collection, i’m invited, i i traveled all over the north caucasus, all the cities. the cosmic conductor helps me, even here now i sometimes wake up at night. i get up with some small idea, you know, as napoleon once said, it’s impossible for the ignorant to speak, really
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, it doesn’t work out, no, and then you find, i really love this city, cop, but i’m not just i love it like any other citizen, i see its uniqueness , maikop has three desires, that is, maikop has a desire to be like three cities, by the way, not like moscow, moikop has a desire to be like st. petersburg, maikop has a desire to be like odessa, at maykop and the desire to be like a formidable one, fortunately for maykop it still does not look like any of these three cities, but retains its uniqueness, that is... say, when a maykop resident is in krasnodar, you can very easily distinguish a maykop resident from the krasnodar residents , because krasnodar residents, they are dressed somehow, as it goes without saying, a moykovan always builds his image, a moykovan always builds his image, in this built he is so noticeable that on the krasnodar street you
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can immediately see him, that is, maykop is a city very thoughtful people, he had poems dedicated to maykop, winter is not winter , there are stains in the sky, but the branches of the trees are empty , they are tired of enduring the middle of the weather and dry leaves have fallen, the foliage has overflowed the sandy city, don’t expect snow in january, but time stands, like a stagnant pond, hey, what’s there in our yard, the word has scattered on the old pediment , the empty gates are rusting, we live in paradise, and we don’t need anything else, and life is good and simple. very often in schwartz’s diaries, when he writes about my copy, the pushkin people’s house is mentioned, and behind my back just today is drama theater, here the national theater of the republic of adygea and the russian troupe plays,
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pushkin people's house, was built for the centenary of pushkin's birth with a donation from maikopchan residents. schwartz really loved being here and... schwartz's mother and father played in the maykop amateur artistic circle. the father played the role of lovers, and the mother played a character role. it’s just so wonderful in his diaries, my mother and i walk through the city garden in the twilight to the pushkin people’s house. today the play “the good of the people” is being performed there. on my good fortune, i wasn’t at the premiere, it’s being repeated today. the performance, its repetition , did not bring together so many people, the gathering was small, that’s all. there wasn’t enough to pay for the orchestra, one of the actors comes out to the troupe and says: what are we going to do, i really want to play, then the artists drop off a few rubles each and
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play the play to the delight of the audience, this is what schwartz described, how touching schwartz in the fifties, when he was already a mature man, and from his childhood... i am very attracted, it is so interesting, i always wonder the question is why it was so good, or he misses that time so much, well, that’s it , and this is just probably what we all experience when we look back and remember our childhood, from the diary of evgeny schwartz, i left maykop at dawn. it seemed vague to me, i didn’t like to believe the sad premonitions that i would never return to maykop, and so it happened, i haven’t been to maykop since then, and if i ever go, i’ll see a completely different
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city. the tv channel my planet presents people have been conquering the great peak for several years now centuries. the first ascent took place back in 1829 during an expedition led by general george emmanul. then it counted. feat, given the lack of experience and low quality of equipment, now the group of mikhail blagodyr is moving along the path of the first climbers in the north of elbrus. we are now going out to emmanuel's clearing, now this
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very stone, this historical one, in 1829, here is emmanuel's expedition, when they passed from kisovodsk, this is where the start to the elbrus climb of kilar khashirov began, here there was a kabardian who was part of this expedition, here he is from here, here is academician lenz, cooper and meer together, here is kazak lusenko. so the five of them went out, reached the rocks of ulenets, from there it was kivar khashirov, he alone with 4600, he climbed to the top, emmanu realized that they had entered, kivar khashirov, when he climbed to the top, he lit his cloak, that’s when yes , fell down to, yes, he was sitting here on the drum at that time, by the way, there was a rather huge bonus, at that time, about 100 rubles, promised to the first one who climbed. by mountaineering standards, elbrus it is considered not a difficult mountain to climb, but there are very specific climatic
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conditions here, very low temperatures, very strong winds, and the weather can change literally in a matter of minutes. however, the approaching clouds did not prevent mikhail ivanovich’s team from reaching the german airfield, a mystical and mysterious place, this is it... the so-called german airfield got its name for the reason that during the patriotic war landings of german planes were recorded here , they brought here, again this is unconfirmed information, they brought buddhist rubbish here, they climbed kalitssky peak and were supposed to perform certain rituals there and give a forecast regarding the outcome of the war, and why kalitssky peak, well, kalitssky peak, is it something like that among buddhists ... they have some chakras, something opens there, in connection with this, they basically organized this expedition there, misha, such a flat
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area in the mountains, where it came from, look how flat it is , smooth, this is because we are in general we are walking along the bottom of a former moraine lake. during the great patriotic war, due to its symbolic significance as the highest point in europe, elbrus became the scene of fierce confrontation, and the remains of dead soviet soldiers are still found on the slopes of this peak; a memorial was built for their burial in the village of terskol, this year at hundreds of people gathered there, local residents, veterans, tourists, gathered to honor the memory of the nameless... heroes who died in battles with german mountain riflemen on the slopes
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elbrus. elbrus is very harsh. glaciers, avalanches, mudflows - this is something without which a great... mountain cannot be imagined, and this is what has been studied for many years at the educational and scientific base of the faculty of geography of moscow state university. it is located there in terskol, in the south of the highest peak of our country. in summer and winter , students come here from moscow to practice; the rest of the time, research is carried out by researchers who are constantly at the base. yes, yes, because the conditions are different. yeah, here, well, we chose
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this tree as the oldest on the territory our base, it stands on a moraine, as we assume, a moraine of the 14th-17th centuries, it is important for us to understand what age this tree will show us, because it will then allow us to determine the age, that is, the ancient moraine, of the great ozaou glacier, the glacier lay below this place, the tree has grown into a really smooth one, well, we can now carry out further processing, as the experts themselves say, the elbrus educational and scientific base is unique, it has no analogues anywhere, not only is it the highest mountain station in the world, it’s also here everything you need is available for a geographer... to study, mountains that live and change, different natural and plant
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zones, high-mountain landscapes, glaciers. here the model shows a beam covered with glaciers at the end of the 19th century, and here we see a beam also covered with glaciers, but in the middle of the century, a comparison of these two models shows that there is a reduction in glaciation, this reduction in glaciation began in the middle of the 10th century, and continues at the present time , which accompanies climate change itself, the area of ​​glaciation at the end of the century was 135 km, in 1957-59 the area was 124 km. and the height of the snow line on the northern slope of elbrus rose to a height of 3,700 m, on the southern slope to a height of 4,100 m. but on the top of elbrus there are no changes, it is snowy and cold here.
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however, this did not prevent the italian marco
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focenelli from becoming the winner. our military not only successfully hold their positions, but have improved their position; the situation in the zone was discussed by vladimir putin at a meeting. no changes in defense. the strikes on the gas sector are the most powerful during the entire conflict. checkpoint for palestinians in egypt still will close. for the first time in its history, israel is evacuating an entire city. during the harsh winter in primurye, the weather set several records at once. amur residents will experience hesitation. new day
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on the russia channel. they begin to lead. the main news in the karina il studio. hello. the ukrainian armed forces are trying to advance in various directions, but are failing. moreover, in many areas the russian military has improved the tactical situation. they not only hold their positions. along the entire line, where, we see today, activity is built, enough. a deep and deeply stunned defense, or it can now be called an active defense, because there
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, after the start of the summer campaign in june, the enemy suffered, if not significant, large, serious losses in manpower, in equipment, hundreds of tanks, thousands. the topic of conversation was also the situation in the middle east, where there are russian citizens in the area of ​​the palestinian-israeli conflict, and on both sides, to assess the actions in the middle east, the president asked deputy foreign minister sergei ripov. russian the federation is taking maximum steps, you just said so. through the un security council, where we introduced a draft resolution focused on the humanitarian issues of the united states, on which the main responsibility for this dramatic severe
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crisis, since this country has tried for many years to monopolize the settlement, ignore the relevant relevant resolutions of the security council , is now preventing a proper solution, is growing diplomatic activity along different lines. basically a threat of exit out of control of this entire conflict is high, we will make every effort in cooperation with partners, like-minded political leaders, in order to stop the current situation and create conditions, including guaranteeing departure from the risk zone, from the threatened zone of our citizens , air raid warning signals have not stopped for several hours... in the southern regions of israel, the press service reports. from the south of the country, for the first time in history, an entire city with a population of 30,000 people has been ruled by sderod. now from the israeli
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army is gathering military and heavy equipment on the borders of the palestinian enclave. for the first time, the latest corvettes were used to attack the gas sector from the sea. the day before , the general staff reported that the idf was ready for the next stage of the confrontation with hamas militants. meanwhile , mutual shelling continues in the north of the country. due to active attack by hezbollah , israeli authorities announced an urgent evacuation of twenty-eight communities on the border with lebanon. and in jerusalem , the prime minister of israel spoke at the opening of the autumn session benjamin netanyahu. he called hamas a new version of nazism. and he compared the movement to the terrorist group isis, banned in russia. however, the knesset meeting had to be interrupted due to the siren going off. only palestinians with western passports. will be able to cross the rafah checkpoint as part of the evacuation plan of the united states, egypt and israel, the woll street journal reports, according to the publication, this is due to the fact that the egyptian side does not want to accept a large number
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of refugees. the head of medegypt stated that the work of the checkpoint on the gaza side is hampered israeli authorities announced cairo's rejection of any attempts to resolve the conflict by military means. meanwhile, the gas sector is already on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe in the enclave. drinking water, no electricity. the un relief agency for palestine refugees in the near east reported the theft of fuel and medical equipment from the organization's office. the mission hastily evacuated from there on the night of october 13. the prolonged october warmth in the amur region came to an abrupt end. last weekend the weather set several records. also in on saturday the thermometers showed +22°, but already on sunday residents had to warm up. in the north of the region, a snow cyclone added work to operational services, reporting by alexey sherbakov. residents of ekimchan captured this landscape in mid-october. there, as in tynda frying pan and other populated areas
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of the amur north, precipitation fell. in most villages, people rejoiced at the first snow, but not the residents of mogdagachi. the bad weather caused a lot of trouble in the area. due to hurricane winds, almost 3,000 people were left without electricity, heat and water. as for the southern regions, they are warm. with the lingering october warmth , the territories felt the breath of the approaching winter. the snow has not reached the south region, at least not yet, now, when the thermometers during the day show only a few g of snow, i can’t even believe that just a couple of days ago amur residents felt another indian summer, the weather has changed so much and dramatically. and such fluctuations, according to weather forecasters, await amur residents until the end of the month; there will still be relatively warm days, but the trend towards cooling is won't change. meanwhile, october has already produced two meteors in the amur capital. on october 13 and 14 in blagoveshchensk the air warmed up to 22-2.5°, these were the warmest. for the entire period of meteorological observations. the abnormal heat
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delayed the migration of migratory birds; some species of birds, including red book storks and cranes, stayed in the region longer than usual. ornithologists predict a mass flight this week. they will be forced to go to warmer regions by the coming cyclone; after night frosts, the reservoirs where the flocks feed will begin to become covered in ice. alexey sherbakov, alexander vasiliev, conduct the amur region. this is news, we are monitoring developments. the first visa-free group of tourists from china after the pandemic was received in khabarovsk; these were those who were able to get to russia within the framework of an intergovernmental agreement, that is, without completing additional documents. previously , this regime worked only in the direction of china, now there is a flow of guests from china, tatyana shevchuk will continue with us. along a separate corridor, one after another, they go through passport control, tourists from different
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cities. in china, they were all on vacation in fuyuan, where they learned that they can now get to neighboring khabarovsk without a visa. the group formed literally within a day. my friends told me that it is very interesting here, applying for a visa was long and expensive, but now it’s convenient. we have been waiting for almost 4 years for this to return conveniently, and only now, with the resumption of the intergovernmental agreement, residents of china without visas began to be accepted on this bank of the amur. the chinese, when they are here in very large groups, you understand, this... in stores , in general, taxes still go to us correctly, first of all , those very beautiful places and of course, ahead are shopping trips and cafes, gastronomic shopping tours, an option for a short vacation, which was popular before the pandemic. at the moment, it is still quite early to compare with pre-pandemic indicators, but nevertheless we can already talk about a good restoration of passenger traffic at the khabarovsk customs checkpoints; currently about 30 have crossed the border. the vast
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majority are russian citizens, the chinese too wanted to cross the border, but difficulties with obtaining a visa held back the flow of tourists. shufon sunya, in russian anna, works in the tourism department, she knows well how long-awaited the launch without a visa was, on her day off she went to khabarovsk on the first flight. a lot of people wanted to come here, to come travel in khopal, but they were just waiting, they only waited for the end of navigation, the closure of international traffic along the amur for about two weeks, but alternative options remain. full visa-free regime the volume has earned at both checkpoints of the khabarovsk territory, and if here the first passengers under the simplified system are already accepted, then in the coming days and in pokrovka buses are expected as part of the intergovernmental agreement. tatyana shevchuk, alexey shabelnikov, vesti, khabarovsk. all news is always available on the media platform. let's see. in the application or on the
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website с, they follow the developments. come on, come on with a smile. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. good morning everyone, look how autumn quickly changes its colors, so we try add variety to the air, today andrey petrov and anstava are with me, good morning, well, in general, big things usually start on monday, but here’s the big deal with pumpkin on tuesday, this desperate american doesn’t eat vegetables, he travels on them like on
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a river, a pumpkin kayak that weighed a good half ton turned out, well, you can’t imagine anything worse, in the water this vessel behaves like an enamel basin and wants to capsize, how you can stay in such a boat for 11 hours straight and swim 60 km, millions of internet users are amazed, but a fact is a fact all stages of pumpkin swimming were recorded on video, and now pumpkin is languishing in anticipation, but he is waiting for the official confirmation of the world record. well, they will offer such a pumpkin for traveling around russia, don’t agree, choose a train, plane or car, the popularity of domestic tourism has grown by 12% over the year. one of the most popular destinations is st. petersburg, from january to september it received about 8 million tourists, almost the same as in the entire previous year. guests come here not only to admire the bridges, canals and architecture, but also of course it's delicious to eat. it is no coincidence that for 2 years now the northern capital has been proudly named a unesco creative city in
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the gastronomy category. absolutely deservedly, oksana sirova was convinced. what kind of donuts are there? it seems like it’s not the season for one of the gastronomic symbols of st. petersburg, buddy. usually he goes to the city to visit the fishermen from april to may, but in this restaurant you will be offered several dishes from the king of fish, which is exactly what peter ii himself called it. pyotr alekseevich was building a city and people needed to be fed, and here you have a wonderful miracle, the fish swam by itself. legend this or a historical fact is not known for certain, but the founder of the city had a major hand in the formation of modern cuisine, and it was under peter the great that sandwiches became popular in russia. under peter the great, sandwiches were made with caviar, butter and cheese, bacon was sandwiches and also salted fish, and before peter the great, coffee was used in russia as a cure for the runny nose; under him , the first coffee shop appeared in st. petersburg, and today in the city there are hundreds of them, and there, in addition to the well-known types,
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you can try st. petersburg-style coffee, and this double espresso, pour boiling water and add milk froth, but in the 18th-19th centuries in the city of naniva they drank not only... but also champagne in the morning, the st. petersburg breakfast was already special back then, it could start at one o’clock in the afternoon, at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon, and this was already a reception, the only way it differed from lunch was that they didn’t serve soup, but they always served magic drinks containing alcohol for breakfast, today’s breakfasts can please you no less, there are many options, from pancakes to spelled, we prepare it with the addition of cream butter, hard cheese, add avocado here, add guacamole. this combination of courage and traditions of modernity and history attracts numerous tourists to the city on the neva. i am from moscow, i come to st. petersburg to take a walk and eat delicious food. there is a lot of
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varied cuisine here, a lot of different interesting restaurants and establishments. what is the cost of the largest futmo not only in russia, but in europe, located in a unique historical building. station. the station was opened on november 12, 1853, and this is a real window to europe, from where trains departed for the baltic countries. the authors of the project tried to preserve the atmosphere of that time and at the same time give guests a wide range of gastronomic pleasures. the fact that they are special in st. petersburg was recognized at the international level. by decision of the association, the unesco creative cities network st. petersburg became a member. creative cities in the category of gastronomy, that is, we are a universally recognized global center of creative gastronomy, and it is not at all necessary to wait for a vacation to be convinced of this, you can come to the city for 1-2 days, such short trips are called city breaks, and as practice shows, you can
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do a lot during this time, but now let’s move on to a complex topic, let’s talk about the timing of... several high-profile events have happened this year events, namely , rapists sentenced to many years in prison were released on parole. in particular, this happened in perm, nizhny novgorod, tyumen, and in all these cases there was an almost immediate relapse. let ’s talk about this in more detail; in our studio, the head of the department of criminal science executive law of the university named after kutafin, doctor of law, professor elina antonyan, hello, please tell us, because it’s probably a panacea for all of these. freedom, and not since we have a limited sentence there of 24 years, in my opinion, yes, 25, 25, of course, we should have long ago followed the practice of those countries where
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life imprisonment is provided for with the right of parole and without it , yeah, we already talked a little before recording, you said that they were like the rule is not... in what they do? yes, we must admit that these murderers, they do not come to the categories of repentance, repentance, if it is conditional, it is obvious, it is proven there, medically, legally, why then they are released, but the fact is that at the stage of execution of punishment, they represent a fairly humble part of the convicts, the administration does not have any questions for them, they comply with all regime requirements , it’s another matter as... persons, after all, not everyone has a life sentence of imprisonment, yes, well, let’s say, there are the same serial rapists, who do not kill their victims, yes, they rape, they receive a strictly defined sentence.
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who committed violent acts systematically, and serially, they should in no case immediately fall into our society, but the question is not discussed here: if all this is also obvious again, why can’t we create some kind of city, town for such people, where they will still live under supervision, i was in one primitive center in germany several years ago, but for the so-called sexual criminals, well, they probably can’t be called criminals anymore, why, because no, from the point of view of criminology they can be called, yes, but legally they can’t, why, because yes, they served their sentence, but they are not immediately released into society, yes, they are in this preventive center where sex therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists work with them, why not carry out the same intensive work with him during these 20 years and maybe you’ll see there and after 10 years he could be released and he if a completely different person would come out, at the stage of execution of punishments today, not all the possible resources that should be applicable
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are used, today it is necessary to pay special attention to psychotherapeutic work, training psychotherapists to work in these institutions, so it seems to me, then first, first of all, the state, well, the following society must develop some kind of attitude, what do we want, we want to either completely isolate them, then this is one way, this is lifelong lack of rights to milk, or we want to return this person to society. because every life is valuable, based on the thesis that, after all, in life, imprisonment should be a right to a possible parole, and without it, i think that some of us would not want to see among us, and some, of course , they must join our society, if we cannot yet create conditions for working with them outside of prison, it means they pose a danger, so the question arises how... different is it to talk about releasing them , that is, here
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the administration must be very careful to treat such persons, thank you, thank you, our questions were answered by the head of the department of criminology of criminal executive law of the kutafin university, doctor of law, professor elena aleksandrovna antonyan, well, all together, this was one of my favorites, of all, don’t throw tomatoes at me, we’ll all watch it together, at 5 years old. at 21:30, this is our story, you are in it by chance, can’t you reconcile yet? we've been together for many years, she's my wife, but for you she's just a toy, fever, today is 21:20, okay, morning in russia, no oversleep. the main thing. let's talk about the passage of time. modern car engines in our century
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are increasingly loaded and complex, and this, paradoxically, reduces their reliability. our colleague ivan zinkevich will talk about a procedure that frightens many car owners when repairing a power unit. it certainly sounds scary, but there is an optimal solution. for many, engine overhaul sounds like a death sentence, but the truth is that the procedure is costly and not always technically possible. but is it really so scary and is there... let's figure it out, there are quite a lot of signs by which you can understand that the engine needs overhaul, you will notice a loss of dynamics, an uncertain start, hear extraneous knocks and most importantly, oil consumption will increase, which is usually evidenced by blue smoke from the exhaust pipe, a diagnostician can confirm low compression indicators in the cylinders, but before making a decision about repairs, it’s better to double-check everything carefully,
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sometimes it’s enough to fix it... most likely its time has just come, more often it’s natural wear and tear, spoilage such as bearings, connecting rods, cores, piston rings, or parts of the cylinder head, camshafts, valve stem seals, and so on, as the process of resuscitation of a tired engine occurs, at the first stage the engine is dismantled, all components are disassembled and cleaned, then they are searched. that is, the surfaces of the cylinders, the surfaces of the combustion chamber, all mating planes of the engine , crankshaft runout, camshaft runout, accurate measurements, then from this it is based on whether it is necessary to change certain spare parts or whether it is possible to repair them if the gap between the piston and the cylinder exceeds the permissible parameters, the cylinder is bored to install new pistons, repaired: the crankshaft is rebuilt and the oil pump is rebuilt. as a result, the engine is reassembled and run at idle for some time
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to grind in the parts, so this is not a quick procedure. a simple fret engine or. an old foreign car can be restored for 40-50 thousand. for more modern models, especially six or eight cylinder ones, the issue price can be several hundred thousand rubles, so in some cases it’s cheaper and easier to buy a used contract engine on the internet or in the car market. true, this is a kind of lottery, so be sure to diagnose such a unit. in any case, no specialist will tell you the exact residual life of a used motor. a properly overhauled engine is capable of running several tens of thousands of kilometers more, so it’s up to you to decide. and then, in my news they said an explosion at a pasta factory on the head. what internet video heroes do with their hair true letter, you will see everything in a minute.
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lord, i was scared, good thing it was you. premiere on rtr. first jaana, now anka. if her death goes unpunished, it will be terrible. you don’t know why she was returning home alone on the last train at night. in the labyrinths of the looking glass, it is so difficult to understand who is a friend. tina. i'll be leaving for a while. who is the enemy? in general, there is a backfill. i need money, how much? million. i... lately i've heard so many unpleasant stories about people i know, i hope you're not in our house you’ll be looking for the culprit, you’ve gathered just someone you know, wagata christie, to find the killer, a mirror of lies, from october 23 on rtr, i thought that here everything is more serious, you sit and think, there’s no
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need to think about it, here this is it that’s it, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, it can’t be, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there’s a question here, how everything is running, i i really want to check it out seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let’s go, it must have happened, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if? he will add his own, something that many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five-on-one program, five-
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on-one on saturdays on rtr, today they will be 19 years old, that’s enough. look at the weekend, your girl, one didn’t die, we gave her to a childless family, tell me that you ’re dreaming, you want me to believe that we have an adult daughter, a mistake of youth that you won’t forget, i can talk to anya, hello, which one of you is galina nikolaevna, you confessed to her, said that she was not an orphan, she came to see her daughter. look, a mistake of youth that you want to repeat again, has he gone crazy, anya is unconscious in the hallway, and there is blood, where is your mother, please don’t leave me, us, you
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have a dad now, pansies, on saturday rtr, she's giving birth, the walls are shaking, big ones have arrived. into the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are completely faceless from this room, we are creating three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we we want to turn the radiator into an art piece, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes. real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr, hello! counting money in other people's pockets, that's what we'll do, sociologists asked russians: how much does your wedding cost? turned out to be an average of 114,000 rub. this amount covers the organizers. decorator, presenter, photographer, stylist, makeup artist, bartender cook. and you also need to book restaurants, buy rings, sew clothes, a beautiful dress and a suit; if you want to save money on your wedding, it’s better to have it in chelyabinsk, on average it’s 84,000 rubles. and the most expensive is naturally in moscow, on average 161. it’s still unknown how many people to invite? yes, on average, and when we went to parikhmaiskaya, how we forgot, alexander damnit promised to show us the most original haircuts. although it doesn’t show on itself yes i think i’ve been preparing for this performance for a month, and now we’re all standing the same , like people in black, how my family and friends
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recognize me, but there’s probably only one way: bring me my scissors, a couple of movements with the scissors, a swipe of the comb, and you are already a noticeable personality, people have always loved experimenting with their hair, and now that there is the internet, you can show off your original hairstyle to the whole world, this girl has an unusual hairstyle in the form of hands that do not allow the rest of the hair to get into her face. some haircuts even help a person sleep better. for example, it’s immediately obvious that the young lady knows a lot about pineapples, but this guy seems to love strawberries. judging by his facial expression, it is quite clear that the man is satisfied with the work of the hairdresser. extravagant shapes, experiments with length, multi-colored paint, in the end, to create an unusual image, all means are good, some even turn the head into a real canvas, the technique of drawing on hair is a popular thing , gaining thousands of rave reviews online,
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everything is fair, the work is jewelry after all , in general, hairdressers often surprise with their with unusual solutions, but this is how they earn millions of likes for themselves, the style of their work is sometimes truly unique, for example, one cuts hair with fire, another uses japanese sabers, the main thing is that the hand does not tremble, his tool is... the most ordinary grinder. i wonder how many clients he has? well, i don’t know, i definitely wouldn’t go to such a hairdresser, and i don’t advise you, it’s better to do it yourself somehow on your own. this, by the way, is also a separate section on the internet. bloggers watch enough videos, and then try copy the skills of barbers from stylists at home. sometimes what turns out is not at all what was expected. what about your super hair? and they seemed to bite them. even an unsuccessful hairstyle is a reflection of the internal state of mood, and the most important advantage is that the haircut can always be changed, it turns out that every person has a huge scope for creativity on their head,
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it remains to turn even the most daring ideas into reality, so well, i’m black , let's go, first move according to tradition, e2 and e4, and then, beautiful house, cozy interior, access from vandals, we'll talk to an expert after the news. this is news morning, we will talk about the main things in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina elina. hello. in russia, they empathize with the victims and relatives of those killed as a result of the escalation of the israeli conflict in palestine. our country is ready to provide humanitarian assistance and is committed to coordination. efforts with all constructively minded partners. vladimir putin stated this during telephone conversations with syrian president bashar assad, iranian president ibrahim
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raisi, palestinian president mahmoud abbas and egyptian president abdel fatah sisi. the russian president emphasized the unacceptability of any form of violence and outlined moscow’s principled position. the conflict must be resolved on an international legal basis by creating an independent palestinian state with the existing one in the world. with israel, new roads appeared in five regions, including a repaired bridge over the kalmikus river in mariupol, a bridge across the svir in the leningrad region and repaired highways in dagestan and sverdlovsk region. vladimir putin opened the movement. give permission to move. i allow it. assessed the situation with the construction of roads in the country, as the president said, this year about 10,000 kilometers have been built and repaired, among which
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more than 2,000 km are federal roads, and 8,000 are of regional and local importance, and by the end of this year more than 180 will be repaired in the country million km of roads, said deputy prime minister marat khusnulin. must reach a new important milestone, bring it to a normative state 85 highways in the largest agglomerations of the country. today we are putting into operation several road facilities at once. major repairs of the bridge have been completed. in mariupol, which will restore transport links between several districts of the city, but what is especially important is that this project will speed up movement along the federal highway novorosiya, towards crimea, and increase its transport accessibility. this year we will definitely have completely repaired more than 180 million square meters of roads, but if we put 180 million into one
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meter, then you can go around the earth 4 s2 times, that is, this is simply a gigantic volume that we have never done in the entire history of our country. germany plans to introduce stationary controls on the border with poland, the czech republic and switzerland. according to local media, german interior minister nancy feser is going to agree on the details of the innovation with her colleagues from these countries in the next few days. this step is associated with the need for an increase in the flow of illegal migrants, and if the country wants to introduce such controls at the border. about it brussels. an oil leak appeared on lake baikal, it was formed due to a sunken ship, fuel began to flow out of it when the leaks were fixed, vlat boronenko found out what the ship would be. fuel from yuri kovalev continues to flow into baikal. experts must determine how much of it is left in the tanks; it is still unknown, but at maximum load
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it can fit up to the ship is owned by alexander ramsky in 2021, he first bought half of the rights to the ship, after which he sued the holder of the second part, the co-owner allegedly did not i let him on the ship. later, the disputants signed a settlement and ramsky finally bought the ship, but now the owner of yuri kovalev is suing the owner of the pier, dmitry biklemishev. they have counterclaims: one wants to receive money for mooring the vessel since 2019, the second demands the vessel be returned to him. never, that your ship is sinking, we ask you to take measures to raise this ship , it didn’t sink in 5 minutes, the fact that we are not letting it in is ramsky’s fantasy, because in principle we cannot not let it in, at we are in a twenty-meter zone, it is a free access zone. each side of this dispute has its own truth and its own arguments, the environmental prosecutor’s office is conducting its own check, and
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the results of water samples should appear in the near future. october, the disputants will meet again in court , perhaps after this the whole story will move from a dead point, but for now, the once flagship and pride of baikal ship tourism, on which pop and cultural stars rested, remains in the same place. vlad boranenko, roman ryutin and alexander mokin, lead irkutsk. this is news we are monitoring developments. a unique development by rosatom scientists was demonstrated on sakhalin; for the first time, a mobile laser complex will be used to dismantle old ships; equipment that has no analogues is capable of cutting metal structures up to 26 cm thick. what was recently called science fiction has become a real technology, report by sergei bondarenko . a concentrated stream of enormous energy is capable of cutting metal up to several tens of centimeters thick. now the laser
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has cut... the toast of the old ship, before it approximately 80 m. the beam itself is not visible, which makes precautionary measures doubly important; the safety zone during operation is 5 m from the installation, otherwise you can get a serious burn. the optical system is similar to a large telescope, its task is to focus light energy into a small hot spot, greater than 100°. shipbreaking on the sakhalin coast debuted a laser installation in a new quality; it was created by order of rusatom near moscow , primarily to eliminate various emergency situations, as well as to work in aggressive environment for humans, for example, radioactive, the mobile laser is powered by a generator, consumes 80 kw, the complex is mounted in containers, the total weight is about 7 tons, for the same work area there, that is, you can make a compact installation that will cut thicknesses up to meter and well placed on a small cart. the laser
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is a replacement for traditional methods of cutting materials, and an expansion of the technical arsenal, a tool for special tasks. this is a hard-to-reach place, or an area where a diver cannot approach, yes, because the laser can also work underwater; the diver dives with a special nozzle; compressed air is supplied from the shore via optical fiber through hoses, which displaces water from the cutting point. all works. using various technologies, including lasers, they are undergoing general cleaning under the federal program. in total , it is planned to rid the waters of the sakhalin region of the remains of more than fifty ships, in several stages, part of the cost... for cleaning the coastal sakhalin waters will be provided by the delivery of waste for melting, ship metal gets a new life. sergey bondarenko, pavel kuksov, kiril kazakov, lead sakhalin kuriles. a new church is being built in a village in the primorsky territory. last weekend the lighting and
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raising of the domes took place. residents have been waiting for this event for many years. now they have to stand in a wooden building during services. construction of the new temple began 8 years ago, but was suspended due to lack of availability. procession of the cross in the center of chuguevka, an orthodox parish was sheltered in an old wooden building for a while construction of a new chapel, but the pause in work dragged on for almost 10 years, to complete the construction they turned to the aqua resources group of companies for help. the day turned out to be sunny, gilded domes stand at the base of the temple. just about in front of the village residents. will begin to install them, as was customary in the old days, a symbolic, very significant moment for parishioners is accompanied by a church service, well, we don’t do this every day, but this is not the first project, well, every time, of course
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, you feel awe, the temple was consecrated with a name all the saints in the russian land who have shone, the external decoration has already been done, the upper masonry of the roof has been restored, several years of downtime have had a negative impact on the walls, now things are nearing completion, the domes crown the finale of the most... difficult work, the domes have been raised, a wonderful holiday, the holiday of the blessed virgin mary . the new temple rises above the center of chuguevka, next to the literary and memorial museum of alexander fodeev and the stadium. the local administration plans to improve the area next year with paths, flower beds and lighting, so in the regional center on the banks of the usuri a single beautiful place of attraction for fellow countrymen and tourists can appear. well, now the plans are the same, to go into winter, in fact, we are ready to go to the department.... we have now determined the plaster according to the plan, that is, we are preparing the temple for painting, we are now doing the project so that we have everything very strictly and beautiful. earlier in august of this year , the external decoration of the main temple
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of primorye cathedral on the central square of vladivostok was completed, and the chuguevsky temple, together, with god's help, they plan to open the ringing of bells for parishioners in exactly one year with a procession of the cross. maxim koleninik, alexander kazantsev, alexander miskarov. news primorye. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website this is to lead. we are monitoring developments. at the pike's command, at my will, the pike speaks and shows. i will fulfill your every wish. everyone else was not given a chance to speak. well, you've made your first wish. and see the city without getting out of the oven, forward, along pike order, and no one can stop you, soon, please close your eyes for 5 minutes, i don’t want to, i won’t, the premiere is on
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the russia channel, your vaccine doesn’t work, or maybe you were bought much earlier, get out of here, you’re under arrest on suspicion of murdering mr. za, i'm flying for the crackle mission, fever, today 21:20 on the russia channel, good morning everyone, andrei petrov and anastasia chernobroevna, we meet with you a beautiful tuesday morning, watch tv, but who would have thought what the fashion capital of the world will do
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popular and this style, you don’t have bedbugs, well, that means you’re not from paris, the streets are filled with mattresses, they’re everywhere , piled up, neatly stacked, placed next to lamps, bloodsucking ones are firmly established in the hotels and apartments of parisians, well, you can get insects on a bus or metro, experienced travelers share: ways to see the french capital and not bring home such a souvenir for a long memory. by the way, according to the latest information, bedbugs are already in london, the lammanche was crossed by trains through the tunnel. is there really no remedy yet? yes, close the borders. yes, yes, yes, very good, well, entrance vandalism, it’s also like an epidemic, they break everything, piers, mailboxes, paint the walls of entrances and apartment doors. painted walls, like brown ones. trash cans, broken mailboxes, these are the few things that vandals do in apartment buildings, often teenagers who, like a magnet, are drawn into the entrances to throw out their energy, so... this didn’t happen, today look, the whole door is painted , the eldest in
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the house elena is already tired with her own hands to paint over the art of local hooligans, says a secret exhibition of wall writing, in this st. petersburg five-story building usually happens in the fall, it is clearly some kind of drug addiction, where this means there is some kind of bookmark, the residents of this yaroslavl high-rise building are haunted by the antics of two boys who decided to make fun above the mailboxes, in just a couple of minutes, friends managed to shake out correspondence from all the cells, and this is already... a massive problem, according to statistics, the amount of so-called household vandalism is growing year by year year, about 40% of all cases were recorded in the capital in the moscow region, as a rule, it is the housemates who cause damage to common property , the problem is that people do not feel personally responsible for what they have done, because management companies are legally obligated to fix everything anyway general budget account. major damage is that damage that exceeds 500 rubles. this means that if
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such damage is common. code, if the damage is less, then this is civil liability. the situation could be changed by the widespread installation of cameras by the representative of this capital's hoa, video footage just helped to figure out who was constantly breaking windows and boxes in the entrance. it turned out to be a teenager from apartment sixteen. as a result , the father paid for the son’s loss. this is the damage that was caused, they restored it with the help of their employees, footage from surveillance cameras would help the police in investigating domestic crimes, because sometimes catching a vandal in the act is not so easy and the testimony of rare eyewitnesses alone is not enough, however, the current sanctions against bullies are so soft that it’s unlikely that they can seriously stop someone, call the police, and what else should be decided in court somehow, i think that can be... punished, it is necessary to educate, and not
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punish, given that the lion’s share of all pranks are hands of teenagers, it would be nice to involve minors themselves in compulsory work, paint over art on the walls and wash the railings of chewing gum, however, there are no legal measures on how to influence the same homeless people in your own entrance, because vagrancy in russia is no longer criminal or administrative not punishable let's continue the conversation with popular front expert pavel sklenchuk, pavel, good morning, good morning, good morning. we looked at everything, we can add that in fact everything is probably in our hands, if we, as residents of the entrance, can raise some money to install a camera, or even more than one , it will probably be calmer for everyone, well , really, andrey, i would add , that in addition to the cameras there is an intercom, which also blocks the entrance to third parties, such an option as a concierge, a concierge, in general, by the way, is an undervalued profession, instead of a soulless one video cameras, if there is a person’s presence, he can react, but besides this , of course, it is necessary here... to also deal with issues of prevention, and the question is that
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today, when a management company identifies such a fact of vandalism, it eliminates it as part of the costs of common property , well, that is, relatively speaking , they have leftover paint somewhere in the basement, they paint over this inscription, and no matter how they make a problem out of it, well, they found who is to blame, it means he compensated for the damage, not found, and okay, and now with the change in civil legislation, the management company will separately enter into the lines for the maintenance of common property their supposedly incurred expenses, that is, you don’t need to monitor, you don’t need to install anything, you just included in the estimate additional paint and the work of a painter . please, we returned the entrance to you, so we already pay enough again, the second half will say to the residents, listen, we do it anyway, they already invest different costs there, double for taking out the garbage or for cleaning or for
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painting something, this also happens, the managers also do this, what exactly did the collected funds go to, you can somehow paint the payments, well, this is of course through more detailed detailing of the expenses that the management company incurred on behalf of citizens, today i looked at us, there is a standard form of payment receipts, which he claimed contains 14 positions, that is, such a tabular version does not disclose in detail at all what the collected funds are used for, plus we have everything according to the law there are only two types of services that should be charged to citizens, these are public utilities and housing, so it seems to me that it would be correct to introduce another third type of service into the services, which would include such devices as an intercom, like cctv cameras, if residents will be willing to pay for it, because not everyone can afford it, well, on one side of the scale there really is some kind of fee, here you can also remember about insurance of common property, some management companies
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offer this, but another, but if really there is, well, such a systematic problem of damage to the property of the brownie, then of course, it must be assessed from the point of view. expenses incurred, we will add money, and the management company, even with this money, you know, you know , somewhere the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle, the golden mean is that, of course, the citizens themselves should be involved in general what is happening in their entrance, but if you have a peephole in the door, but if you look out there, well , let me know, you see that some group of teenagers has gathered, if you are the manager company, well, don’t get into the position of paying us extra, if you have any left over from whitewashing, whitewash it, paint it, restore it within the framework of your own maintenance, if one of the children or one of the neighbors is vandalizing , well, you just need to find this person and somehow influence him without excitement in the plot, you would find your own, not some stranger, as they say, it’s these drug addicts there, through re-education, and through getting your
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hands painted and there he painted, where the parties cannot agree, some there is no law, where there is no law, there are courts. application, that is, there you need to go and sort it out in court, not everyone likes to do this, but again, this requires an active position of residents, of course, thank you, we understand you, and in the fight against vandals, we spoke with popular front expert pavel sklenchuk, have a nice day, come on, everyone together, i have the brightest makeup and i’m crying, bravo, let’s all watch it together, friday at 21:30, russian... doctors are talking about success in the fight against the most common form of cancer in women. more and more often things fail identify at an early stage, the first or even zero. this happens thanks to the most modern equipment, which is received under the national healthcare project. sometimes the latest genetic tests are used, which show a predisposition to the disease not only in patients, but even in their
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relatives. the mmology center in voronezh is open. for a year now, during this time more than 21,000 women have been examined here, the most typical complaints are tightness and discomfort in the breast area, the very symptoms that, doctors say, cannot be ignored, just a little more than 1% of those who came with such complaints were urgently referred by doctors to the oncology clinic , of these women, 80% are women in the early stages of cancer, when it is still possible to carry out a cure, radical treatment... when the woman will live a long time after this, that is, this our main task was. the task is to identify oncology when it is just in its infancy, for this , experts say, it is necessary to cover as many women as possible with checks, to do research in the shortest possible time, and the accuracy of equipment and
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methods also matters, in the arsenal russian doctors use the latest techniques from all over the world, from puncture under x-ray control, pre-mammography, stomosynthesis or contrast, the meaning is that intravenous contrast is introduced and performed in the same way as regular mammography, so we get structures, yes, which are stained and changed accordingly , that is, what we don’t see on routine mammography and don’t see on routine museums, according to our healthcare project in the regions of the country , oncology services are now being modernized, outpatient cancer care centers are opening, in russia there are already more than 480 of them, the latest equipment is supplied, thanks to which... it becomes possible to carry out even the most complex operations. nizhny novgorod oncologists use the latest achievements of genetics. tests help determine women's predisposition to the disease. these studies allow us to identify certain mutations in the bercy genes,
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which, when identified, lead to a prognostically unfavorable course of the disease, and this helps us adjust treatment in the right direction, and if these... mutations are detected in relatives, then these relatives tick certain boxes and we examine them more carefully. that is why patients like yulia trifonova come with their families to such examinations, which are carried out during joint events with volunteers of social movements. brought, while doctors urge women up to 40 years of age to do a routine ultrasound every year, after forty times every 2 years, mammography, and at the first alarm bells, tightness, discomfort in the chest area, immediately contact a specialist. statistics from recent years show that early detection of the most common form of cancer in women is increasing, mortality from this disease is falling,
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because the earlier treatment begins, the more favorable the prognosis. and then they say about him like this: artist, set designer, thinker, writer, traveler, archaeologist, public figure, academician, or , more simply, roerich, and see the new exhibition. in moscow, more details in a few minutes, please close your eyes for 5 minutes, i don’t want to, i won’t, the premiere is on rtr, your vaccine doesn’t work, or maybe you were bought much earlier, get out of here, you’ve been arrested on suspicion of murdering mr. ryzhov, i’m
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already flying to kreklova missions, fever. today on rtr, never put your child in the food basket, i already understood that, excuse me, but what’s going on here, last year i donated money for this linoleum, my son graduated last year, and well, we still have to study at the university , and i ask you, be careful, don’t tear it up, we’ll go with our money to a completely different establishment, clearly, it’s better this way than for you to have such a demand, there will be a century of will not be seen again, you won’t be called from microloans, by the way, that guy who can’t understand what to 80 in the morning you can’t drill anything, don’t release it yet, i haven’t gotten enough sleep yet, the history of a big country is premiered. on
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friday at rtr, i got a tender, i need to have time to put the park in order from the days of the city, you now have a serious competitor, you need to remove it, set it up, dirty tricks, all at once on us they’ll think, yes, no, but not with their own hands, i’m ready to get to work straight away. today, i understand the logistics of supplies in the organization of work, some stupid guy, be careful with him, i want us to be together, a real man should be manifested in actions, i don’t understand, this can’t be, that’s how i feel no one disgraced you, you want to prosper, get rid of the weeds, it’s that you arranged everything, only all the facts are against you, i can’t see you. roses and thorns, premiere on
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saturday on rtr, will be released on screens very soon continuation of the film serf, milos bykovich, in which he plays the main role, our brothers serbs, they understand what russia is doing today , milish walks around the set, he is very worried, i bought a mike, milosh comes up to me, they say, but we sell such t-shirts, there is also a z, at the bottom there is a signature in serbian, we pray. so that this letter reaches us sooner. ivan okhlabystin in boris konchevnikov’s program life and fate. continued today on rtr. the manuscripts still don’t burn. artificial intelligence helped scientists from kintuki university read a scroll from the library of the almost destroyed visuvia. charred manuscripts that, according to legend, belonged to the family of julius caesar have survived to this day. the burnt manuscript was scanned layer by layer using a laser, then artificial intelligence matched the letters and began to restore the text. historians
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who watched the process froze in anticipation, because it is possible that in these still unreadable papyri of an unknown play by saphocles, the lost works of livy and herodotus. and in the new tretyakov gallery we have a large-scale exhibition nikolai rerrikh. the best works from seventeen museums reflect his philosophy and life path. our correspondent plunged into the world of the master. for him, not only mountain peaks were very important, but also peaks of spirit. these paintings reflected the rich life of the artist himself, who passionately tried to comprehend the secrets of the universe. the love for everything unknown first prompted nicholas roerich to travel through ancient russian cities, then to india in search of the mysterious shambhala. the master believed in the existence a mythical land mentioned in otherworldly legends. and if you look at some of his works, it seems that he found them.
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everyone knows him as a master of the mountains, but we were interested in where roerrich came from, this genesis of his work, these paintings contain subjects of slavic mythology, he refers to such times of paganism that no one had done before him, landscapes with flickering light and diversity impregnable peaks, the artist seems to compete in the skill of creating masterpieces with nature itself, becoming a guide to the volumetric and rich in shades world, roerich's idea is more relevant than ever, his work is a kind of bridge between asian and european civilizations, the artist constantly sought and found confirmation that cultures are closely intertwined with each other. behind this, as... there is always a story, an interesting one, the shadow of a teacher, and which teacher, the question, in fact it turns out that there were many teachers of humanity, but this picture is dedicated specifically to jesus, christ, it is connected with legends and apocrypha about christ, who could be in india
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and even in the himalayas. like many artists. erich strove for a synthesis of arts, the treasure of the exhibition is a giant background curtain created for the ballet polovets dances, the work is being presented to the russian public for the first time and this premiere, a real sensation, in the format of the russian seasons of sergei dyagenov, the performance of polovets dances was very popular, was uh, actually delivered at least 2,000 times. fonvezanov was mounted and dismantled, the state of preservation was completely disastrous. the greatest artist is also a philosopher, traveler, archaeologist and social a figure for whom any talented work, even by someone else, became an object worthy of preservation, it was roerich who initiated the creation of an international treaty on the protection of cultural property, and this is another important facet of his life; it will be possible to assess the scope of the artist’s talent until march 10,
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according to my wish, the pike says, shows, i will fulfill anything of yours... everyone else was not given a word, well, you made your first wish, and see the city, don’t get up from the stove, forward, according to the pike’s command, and no one do not you will be able to interfere, soon. our military not only successfully hold their positions, but have improved their position; the situation in the zone was discussed by vladimir putin at a meeting with his military commander. the attacks on the gas strip are the most powerful in all conflicts, the egyptian checkpoint is still closed for palestinians. for the first time in its history, israel is evacuating an entire city. in winter, the weather in the amur region
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set several records at once; amur residents are waiting for fluctuations. it’s a new day on the russia channel, they’re starting to broadcast, the main news in the studio karina ilyena, hello. vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the topic was the crisis situation that has arisen as a result of the sharp escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict. the president of russia expressed sincere condolences to the families and friends of the deceased israelis, and also emphasized his strong rejection of any actions of which the victims become victims. he spoke about what russia is doing to normalize the situation, in particular, he reported on conversations with the leaders of palestine, egypt, iran and syria, a principled agreement was confirmed moscow's readiness to continue to conduct targeted work in the interests of ending the palestinian-israeli confrontation. the ukrainian armed forces are trying to advance in various directions, but are failing. moreover, in many
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areas the russian military has improved such situations. they not only hold their own. the fsb, svr and rosgvardi have been built up in certain directions, along the entire line, where we see special activity today. sufficiently deep and deeply layered defense or it can be called now active defense, because there, after the start of the summer campaign on june 4 , the enemy suffered, if not significant, then large, serious losses in
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manpower, equipment, hundreds of tanks, and the topic of conversation was the situation in the middle east, where there are russian citizens in the area of ​​the palestinian-israeli conflict, and from both sides, to assess the actions in the middle east, the president asked deputy foreign minister sergei rebkov. rebkov noted that there is a high risk that the conflict will get out of control blamed the crisis on the united states. the air raid signal has not stopped for several hours in the southern regions of israel, the press service reports. from the south of the country , for the first time in history, an entire city with a population of 30,000 people has been ruled by sderod. now the israeli army is massing military personnel and heavy equipment to the borders of the palestinian arklav. for the first time, the newest corvettes were used to attack the gas sectum from the sea. the day before , the general staff reported that the army was ready for
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the next stage of the confrontation with the militants hamas. meanwhile , mutual shelling continues in the north of the country. due to active attack by hezbollah , israeli authorities announced an urgent evacuation of twenty-eight communities on the border with lebanon. and in jerusalem for the opening of the autumn season. he called hamas a new version of nazism and compared the movement with the isis terrorist group banned in russia, but the knesset meeting had to be interrupted because the siren went off. only palestinians with western passports will be allowed to cross the rafah checkpoint as part of the evacuation plan of the us, egypt and israel, the oll street journal reports, as the publication claims, this is due to the fact that the egyptian side does not want to accept a large number of refugees. the head of midegypt stated that the work of the checkpoint on the gaza side is being hampered by the israeli authorities, and stated that cairo rejects any attempts to resolve
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the conflict by military means. meanwhile , the gas sector is already on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe. the enclave is running out of drinking water and there is no electricity. the un relief agency for palestine refugees in the near east reported the theft. fuel and medical equipment from the organization’s office. the un mission hastily evacuated from there on the night of october 13. the prolonged october warmth in the amur region ended abruptly last weekend; the weather set several records at once. even on saturday, thermometers showed +22°, but already on sunday residents had to warm up. and in the north of the region, a snow cyclone added more work to emergency services. report by alexey sherbakov. this landscape was captured in mid-october. residents of ekimchan, there, as in tynda frying pan and other settlements precipitation fell in the amur north. in most villages, people rejoiced at the first snow, but not the residents of mogdagachi. the bad weather caused a lot of trouble in the area. due to
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hurricane winds, almost 3,000 people were left without electricity, heat and water for several hours. as for the southern regions, the territories warmed by the prolonged october warmth felt the breath of the approaching winter. the snow has not reached the south of the region, at least not yet. when the thermometers show only a few degrees of heat during the day, it’s hard to believe that just a couple of days ago, amur residents felt another indian summer, the weather had changed so much and dramatically. and such fluctuations, according to weather forecasters, await omur residents until the end of the month; there will still be relatively warm days, but this will not change the cooling trend; meanwhile, october has already seen two meteors in the amur capital. on october 13 and 14 in blagoveshchensk the air warmed up to 22-2; these became the warmest dates for the entire period of meteorological observation. the abnormal heat has delayed the migration of migratory birds. some species of birds, including storks from the red book and cranes stayed in the region longer than
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usual. ornithologists predict a mass flight this week. the coming cyclone will force them to go to warmer regions. after night frosts, the reservoirs where the flocks feed will begin to become covered with ice. alexey sherbakov, alexander vasiliev, conduct the amur region. all news always. available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website the news is following developments. the first visa-free group of tourists from china since the pandemic was received in khabarovsk. these are the ones who could get to russia within the framework of an intergovernmental agreement, that is, without completing additional documents. previously , this regime only worked in the direction of china. now. then tatyana shevchuk will continue to meet guests from china. along a separate corridor, one after another, they go through passport control. tourists from different cities of china, all of them were vacationing in fuyuan, where
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they learned that it is now possible to get to neighboring khabarovsk without a visa. the group formed literally within a day. my friends told me that it is very interesting here. applying for a visa was long and expensive, but now it’s convenient. we have been waiting for almost 4 years for this to return conveniently and only now with the resumption of action. government agreement , chinese residents began to be accepted on this bank of the amur without visas. the chinese, when they are here in very large groups, you understand , these are purchases in stores, mostly, after all , taxes go to us, right, first of all, those very beautiful places, and of course, shopping and cafes are ahead , gastronomic shopping tours, short option holiday, which was popular before the pandemic, is currently still quite early to compare with pre-pandemic indicators, but nevertheless we can... khabarovsk customs, to date about
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3,200 people have crossed the border. russia and the chinese also wanted to cross the border, but difficulties with obtaining a visa held back the flow of tourists . shufon sunya, in russian anna, works in the tourism department, she knows well how long-awaited the launch without a visa was, on her day off she went to khabarovsk on the first flight. a lot of people wanted to come here, to come to khabarovsk, to travel, they were waiting, they only waited for the sign. international traffic on the amur will be closed for about two weeks, but alternative options remain. the visa-free regime is fully operational at both checkpoints of the khabarovsk territory, and if the first passengers under the simplified system are already accepted here, then in the coming days and in the coming days buses will be waiting in pokrovka as part of the intergovernmental agreement. tatyana shevchuk alexey shabelnikov, vesti khabarovsk. all news is always available on media platform. we look in the application or on
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the smo website. the news is following the developments of events, they have started, come on, come on with a smile, the morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning everyone, good morning, andrey petrov is with you, i’m anastasia chernobraevna, you know, i just thought what date is today, october 17, i understand , how time flies, everyone, we all are running somewhere, everyone is in a hurry, some are running to work, some are already in the middle of autumn, can you imagine, and we are all running at any time of the year, in autumn and winter, some are running to work , some to school, some to kindergarten, some to the dog training center,
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in st. petersburg. every dog ​​will be helped to master this complex profession, they believe that any well-mannered dog can cope with the task of finding people, of course , training, classes, classes from morning to evening, the most difficult thing is to pass the swimming standards, a small dog is unlikely to be able to pull a person out of the water, but to be vigilant, to notice the danger in time and to attract the attention of people, this of course helped her , mind you, dogs are capable of being attentive and careful, and we are adults, for some reason we allow ourselves to be distracted at work plague, strange, nothing strange, sometimes we get tired, nothing, before the green signal blinked to warn the driver that there would now be a switch to a yellow light, sharply yellow, then red everything, as if the driver did not have time to react, while he was walking now, i saw two accidents this is exactly the traffic light in this regard, for many in zelenograd the abolition of the flashing green light came as a surprise, dmitry was already approaching the intersection when the yellow light flashed, he managed to stop, as if as a punishment for following the rules. got hit
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from behind, it will happen, especially in winter, it seems to me more accidents, because everyone will brake sharply, and of course, everyone will fly into each other, everyone is wondering what was wrong with the traffic lights, that they were forbidden to warn drivers, because the blinking immediately catches the eye, but the authors of the experiment have their own arguments, they begin to accelerate more than 20 km/h, that is, the moment the green light blinks for them is a signal to accelerate, more than 80% of drivers accelerate, attempts to overtake lead to accidents, there is no arguing with this, but before the driver... had time to make a decision, now it’s gone, and there are no options either, either brake at your own risk, or drive through and pay. yellow light, traffic is prohibited; a fine of 1,000 rubles. a repeated violation is already 5,000, but now imagine the whole city with such unexpected traffic lights and cameras everywhere. there are no fines for yellow cameras - the organizers of the experiment assure, although it is clear that this is a matter of time, in penza, for example, since the summer , letters of happiness have been flying to drivers in batches, the software has been updated... the software, the settings
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have been made accordingly, and before the complexes began to record travel on yellow signal traffic light. an interesting detail: according to the guest , a flashing green light in the traffic light is not required, unlike the arrow in the pedestrian section. local officials decide whether to blink or not; car owners are not heard, although the forums are seething with indignation. we removed the flashing ones, so why not make a countdown section ? because it won't be an innovation. experts say that improvement proposals for traffic safety are pouring in today like from a cornucopia. the question is, what is their purpose, prevention or fines? when some innovations are introduced, which are not fully understood, and which are understandable only to the organizers of the experiment, and all of us should participate in this experiment , here i have a question, how safe is this, yes, how necessary is it, really, because with the same success you can lower the non-fine speed threshold, those same 20 km/h, cars will begin to slow down, you won’t have to break the unusual logic of traffic lights or


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