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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  November 1, 2023 4:30pm-5:30pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] they do not invest in the development of the economy at such a high rate, they save money and increase it, because this can be done quite easily by putting money at interest, this is a global component, this is also a big problem, general investments, direct investments will fall, because people will to be afraid, now you want to invest money in the middle east , build some kind of plant there, for example, solar panels, it doesn’t matter, you have this going on there now, you have any rocket there that can go anywhere, accordingly, you are sure that you will cover the insurance in this case, i remind you that in addition to even there you don’t see there, as i understand it , some kind of fruit products went into these cakes. the point is this: we also have a parallel situation, i remind you, this is a climate situation, that is, it’s not that biden is talking about it, so , accordingly, we now have problems starting to arise in panama, as was actually discussed back in the summer, accordingly drought for 30 years, as if for the first time a serious problem has occurred accordingly, with the passage of gas carriers, as well as oil carriers, what does this lead to, look at gas prices in the usa, not in other
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countries, in the usa, that is, the problem there , a very important point is that there, accordingly, all the logistics are from the south-east asia is connected specifically with panama, that is, the main part of the factories there is located in the gulf of mexico, which means the panama canal passes, there are already queues in panama, this means that our second suet canal is located in the conflict zone, so by the way, the missile flies back and forth, they are already intercepting there, they are just intercepting the red sea at the entrance to the vanity canal , by the way, that’s why this is a question, everything is for us, the northern sea route, for this we once again need to develop the infrastructure, but plus in addition to everything in the winter, the issue of ports is so-so, but the question, but there is a question, the only one in the world , i would say, well, at this rate, yes, the problem is the following, that now, as if now, a very serious economic impact is happening , and we stand against very a serious political crackdown, respectively, this is an economic component, so the most important thing in the near future is, first of all, to avoid a- escalation, b, accordingly, economic consequences, by the way, regarding how important this is for the american domestic market, look, what’s going on, what’s happening, firstly
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, blinkin flew to our country, although he didn’t plan to fly anywhere at all, so naturally direct negotiations began there, so they’re starting to throw it out, now it was already approximately 98% of all comments on all biden’s social networks are palestine over the last 2 days, and since this halloween , which was posted, for example, now it’s just a video, respectively, 95% there is just palestine, there are only three, in my opinion, four to five posts, respectively, exclusively concern everything about haloon, so from this point of view, it certainly suggests that for the united states this is a very important factor. netanya listen. it would seem, what does it have to do with it? we are fighting a difficult war. this war will also be long lasting we have important achievements, but also painful losses. each of our soldiers is a whole world. i say to dear families, the entire people of israel are with you in this time of severe and unbearable sorrow. we hug you from the bottom of our hearts. our soldiers died in a war
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that could not be more righteous. we will continue until the task is completed, we will continue until victory, last story, well , i’ll start with jibalia, it’s very strange when a country that produces some of the most high-tech weapons in the world drops six one-ton bombs on the camp refugees, where in general it is chaotic... construction, high population density, all this is done in order to destroy, eliminate only one person, one leader, it’s hard to believe in this, i believe more in what arab commentators write, in this regard, this is banal revenge for the losses that already exist in dozens, and according to versions, again from the arab side, dozens of israeli soldiers have already died in the gaza strip, and this just looks like revenge, on the one hand, on
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the other hand.. according to the international situation we have now spoken in detail about latin america, i will add three factors on my own, the first is economic cooperation between the countries of latin america and the arab-muslim world, on the one hand, on the other hand with china, investment attractiveness, the arabs can invest much more money there , they are now investing much more money there, together with the chinese and the turks, including, than the united states, europeans and israelis are doing, secondly, 20 million of the population of latin american countries are latin americans arabic origin. naib bukele, now the president of el salvador, is of palestinian origin, his father was a palestinian imam, the former president of brazil, michel temer is of lebanese origin, his parents were lebanese , brazil has a population of 160 million, about 10 million of the population are brazilians of arab origin, this is also
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of great importance, well definitely... it must be said that over the past year we have observed a series of visits by both president erdogan and iranian president reisi, and the intensification of relations between beijing and these countries, as well as the position... which latin america now takes on many international issues that relate to the preservation of the influence of the united states and europeans throughout the world. this concerns latin america, as regards what is happening directly in the region, i now - i believe that it is necessary - to pay very sensitive and - and close attention to the statements that follow from the islamic republic of iran, while israel declares some subsequent stages, three times already the third. the stage has begun, something else is being proposed there, iran is moving from words to deeds, this week, yes, at the beginning of this week, abdallahian, the iranian foreign minister has already stated that if israel begins attempts to conduct
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a ground operation in the gas sector, then the opening of new fronts will begin, which we observed yesterday with yemen, the ansararla or houthis, fully supported by iran, which means the de facto authorities of yemen, seriously. this is a serious, serious threat both to israel and to world trade. yemen is the country that controls - the babelmandep strait is the exit from the red sea to the indian ocean, and emen also controls the addan gulf, this is the first thing, yes, they declared a second front, it will be problematic for them to fly to israel, it will be an even bigger problem for saudi arabia, jordan and egypt, yemen’s entry into the war in this form, on the one hand. on the other hand, you need to understand that today ayatallah amini called for the introduction of economic sanctions and a stop to trade, in fact, to introduce a blockade from the arab islamic world on
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towards israel, and this is already fraught with attacks at sea. we will again, i am sure, encounter reports of the seizure of tankers, the seizure of ships that transport food, other products needed by israel and... therefore, i believe that today the israeli fleet left the port of eilat into the red sea, into the gulf of aqaba, in order to in order not only to shoot down missiles that may arrive, flying from the sea, we know that the americans are now doing this together with the saudis and egyptians, precisely in order to ensure the passage of ships that moving towards eilat along the red sea, eilat is now the only israeli port that can receive oil products, because ashkilon has not been working for the third... week. haifa is the gateway to the middle east for trade, at least for turkey and the countries of the eastern mediterranean, but haifa is located in the north of israel and cannot accept oil products, plus, you need to understand that haifa is located a few kilometers from the border with
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lebanon, and hassan nasrallah has already announced that if the israelis do not stop by friday active phase of hostilities, then specific measures will be taken to neutralize the israeli threat. this friday, i think that we will observe very interesting events, all the most interesting things are just unfolding, and that is why blinken is also going to visit the region, on friday, friday, november 3, and of course in diplomatic areas, we are now observing, in my opinion, a split in the region, when there is a group of countries that are still trying to take a position of benevolent neutrality, and to both sides, to the palestinians and to the israelis , this is in the first place... saudi arabia and the united arab emirates and those countries that are trying to consolidate their conditions, their efforts and offer new conditions for a solution - these are qatar, iran and turkey . by the way, this also applies to the possibility of introducing any foreign
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villages into the gas sector, although i believe that these initiatives will stumble in the un security council. we'll be back soon. the main premiere of the year, i want it. introduce you to alexander dmitrivich lonsky. the guard officer is ready for the most violent attacks. always at your service. your personality. but he surrendered without a fight. in my life i have never met a more majestic, more beautiful, kinder woman. ekaterina, favorites. sashenka, sashenka. oh my god. from november 6 on ptp. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task, open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the help, the name of which
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character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, what is 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would think, chop, no, pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know. and what else is geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry , a set for headaches, god forbid now peep, if you win, then 100 to one,
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every saturday and sunday on rtr. first notes, beauty, repetitious, with the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place , you swim shallowly, with the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or something, we’ve been since first grade together, for everything we do, we are also responsible together, and in all of this shit, i've got your back, brigade, slow down from the car, the whole brigade, just look at the platform, we are alexander and dmitry koshnin, i calculated a model of a super-hard material for
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industrial use. and i am for an ultra-sensitive gas analyzer, and this is grandfather, thanks to his ingenuity, we became interested in science, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties.rf, whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not betray our memory and do not refuse from our words, we are responsible for every word. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr, congratulations, cinema on weekends, you know, as people say, wedge-wedge mistakes, and by the way they say correctly, correctly, the sooner i forget you, i am you, no one to me, you hear, no one, remember this time. yes, do you
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still love him? how to heal a broken heart? mom, i want to marry ksyusha, i love her, but did you think that people would say, at first one was friends, now the other one is going to marry, where are these medicines for loneliness, why would they come to you, who didn’t work out with the eldest? let's woo the younger one, it's a recipe for love. premiere on saturday on rtr. the crisis in ukraine threatens zelsky's resignation. isha times came out with this headline. according to the publication, ukraine is facing a crisis on several fronts at once, which could destroy zelsky’s power. the situation in the country deteriorated sharply after the failure of the counter-offensive in the ssu. and another problem is related to money. in the house, us republican representatives split aid to israel and ukraine. funds to
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support kiev will be considered separately and scrupulously. moreover, us congressman tommy tuberil called on the parties to sit down at the negotiating table, since the war in ukraine is costing the americans a pretty penny. now is an excellent moment for moscow and kiev to sit down at the negotiating table, because the situation on the battlefield has largely reached a dead end. there will be no more big battles, it’s time... to end this conflict, it costs american taxpayers a pretty penny, and it costs ukrainians and russians a large number of human lives, there is no reason to continue this. military correspondent pavel kukushkin is with us at direct communication from the area of ​​special military operation. pavel, hello, we’re glad to see you, the latest reports from the fronts are encouraging, let’s hit the water, what’s going on? oh
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yes. hello, evgeniy, really encouraging reports are coming from all directions, ukranazi attacks in zaporozhye are choking, this is due to the regrouping , they are now, they have not stopped their attempts to attack on this section of the front, but nevertheless, they have small regroupings, for this there is a lull in time, there from there, or rather they transferred forty the seventh, mechanized brigade, in which these notorious leopards are located, which have been burning ours since the beginning of june , it was transferred to avdiivka, and there the 3rd mechanized brigade, the third brigade of the ukrainian national guard are now concentrating their forces, but nevertheless all their attacks are again are repelled by our heroic fighters, and the fifty-eighth army and other formations, paratroopers, but the line of work on verbovoy does not move, stands still, moreover, there are successes near verbovoy, our
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paratroopers there again have advanced a little forward, they counterattack, burn them, leopards, bradleys, in other areas as well... if we are talking about the artyomovsk direction, then even attempts on the line kleshcheevka, andreevka, kurdyumovka, to take possession of the railway track, the kronazis also fail there, ours are thrown back them back, well, in the ovdeevsky direction i cannot give specific information now, because now the offensive operation is in full swing, but there we also have quite significant successes, we are not giving up attempts to attack, despite the fact that the situation is dire, what could this be connected with, do you think? well, as the soldiers say, it all looks like agony, like the ukrainian command, which is abandoning the already poorly organized units that are recruited from the mobilized ones, since the rather
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serious ones, the combat units that were trained in the nato countries, are very battered. i’m talking, in particular, about the same eighty-second air assault brigade, in which the ukrainian command had great faith, it was quite harshly unwound by our guys under work just on the line on verbovoe, she was sent for refurbishment, and i think that these are just the last attempts of the okronazis to somehow improve their position before the onset of winter, but i think that they themselves already understand that all this... is doomed to failure and now the situation at the fronts, in almost all sectors, the initiative is passing to our side. pavel, please tell me, in the south the danger in the dnieper region has been stopped, i mean the attempt to take a bridgehead near krynki and other settlements? there are
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battles going on there now, directly in the krynki, there on some, in some area, the ukran nazis have managed to gain a foothold so far... but they are not given the opportunity to calmly dig in there , our artillery, our advanced units, are working on them, also in the area of ​​​​the railway bridge, to the south, this is closer directly to the antonovsky bridge, the ukranazis have already been knocked out from there and are not being given the opportunity to land, the situation there is tense, but it is controlled, controlled by our military, and well, we can say that there are such serious threats of a breakthrough, well, we can say that the threat always exists, but in such a situation, some kind of dramatic one, we can say that no, thank you very much, pavel kukushkin, military correspondent in direct communication from the zone of
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the special military operation, we will be back soon, for now all that is required of you is to go to the city and bring the boy, this boy is my husband’s son. premiere on rtr, the fact is that he was taken somewhere in a car , so he could be anywhere, we need to find him urgently, ivan ogushchina, why bother with him, he’s really a complete loser, you know, ivan, where are you, what happened, where is egor, where is you have to, you bring a million, you get a boy, a mirror of lies, today on rtr russia, hundreds of languages, more than 200 nationalities, there is nothing like this anywhere on planet earth, we live in one
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world, the daisies are hidden, the whole country is singing, the song is our soul. ask me, my thoughts, my this love, platbands, go for a walk and sing, storichniki, do not forget these summer songs of the russian world, on the day of national unity. ask you to write a letter of resignation, for what? look at the holidays. seryozha, hi, i’ll call you back. that, it's mostly your fault that i'm with her. svetlana smirnova martsinkevich. i promise you, i will have a new job and you and i will rent
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a normal apartment. evgenia dmitrieva, i would like to introduce a new employee, elizaveta aleksandrovna, our director of happiness. okay, not out of misfortune. pavel borshak, my girlfriend left me, and i keep waiting for her to come back. there is no need to hold on to the past, try to let go. happiness is given to those who know what to do with it. you. lisa is the love of my life, you will marry me me, director of happiness, on saturday on rtr, god, you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing to get to know the country.
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what a beauty, just taste it, and we will add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just madness of taste, what’s next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products , unique recipes, and you know why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, so having fun jumping through life, unusual answer, i make a wish that all... our tv viewers have good health, formula food every saturday on rtr, look, love is when you look in one direction , look, look, look, you want to look , look, let's look, look, look at the screen, look at me, understand, look, look.
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sign the agreement, we sign at the same time one two three, we sign, we look, we look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, maybe it’s better to be alone, i’d rather be alone than with just anyone, maria poroshina accepts congratulations, in my student days, how to you... happy birthday, we had a wonderful course, and we still congratulate each other, natasha antonova is responsible for congratulations, your only friend who knows everything about me, whom i can trust, she will always be happy for me, you have had a lot of difficult periods in your life, how not to lose yourself , there is some rule of yours, don’t betray anyone , no matter what happens, never repay evil for evil, the main surprise from the main man of her life, i’ll tell you a secret, no one knows about it, but i want
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to say, now is the day masha's birth, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, on friday at rtr, voronezh the first flight of a prototype of the russian aircraft il-96-400m took place, the flight took place at altitudes up to 2,000 m, speeds up to 390 km/h and lasted 26 minutes, it is reported that the domestic bark will be able carry up to 370 passengers. the aircraft is a modernized version of the il-96-300 and features an almost 10 m longer airframe, a more powerful ps90a1 engine, and the l-96-400am will complement the line of civil aircraft, along with the ms-21, sj100 and du-214, will provide a route network throughout the country. russian prototype. the visual long-haul aircraft il-96400m, manufactured at the pao il vaso branch, part of the united aviation corporation
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rostec, took off for the first time. during the flight, the stability and controllability of the aircraft, the operability of systems, the power plant and radio equipment for landing were checked. the test program passed as usual, the stable operation of russian systems and equipment was confirmed, most from which they are manufactured by enterprises. rostec state corporation, it is clear that the measure is temporary, a forced measure, when the pd-35-96 engine is ready it will become a twin-engine aircraft, but at least we now have something to fly around our giant beautiful country, please, this is very good, today is the day the birth of one of our mutual acquaintances, i won’t say that he is good, but he is well known, his name is the european union. 30 years ago, on november 1, 1993 , the treaty of mastricht came into force, which, in fact, marked the beginning
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the existence of the european union, but it seems to me that the boy has grown up big, we can fail. has deteriorated, as we see, the guy fell into bad company , that’s absolutely true, he fell under external influences, abandoned the ideals of his youth, lied , doesn’t want to work at all, abandoned his roots, lost friends along the way, but i mean that great britain quietly left the european union, and in general the guy’s future is in big question, i think that the founding fathers of the european union would probably... look, even in the roots there was a refusal, from which it grew the european union, in fact, it grew out of the union of coal and steel in 1952, listen, the word coal now in europe is a dirty word, yes, with one hand they open coal stations, with the other hand they say that we will give up all coal, steel, frankly speaking, i don’t know
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steel production statistics. but it seems to me that the european continent has ceased to be the main breadbasket, the main economic machine of the world economy, including the rise, they smelt it somewhere in china, in india in russia, but not in the european union, in the united states, why did this happen , because the guy really found himself in bad company, thinking that he was among friends, today the european union is completely under the influence of american politicians when they do anything important for the european union. in the negative for the european union, it generally pretends that it doesn’t notice anything, i mean, well, for example, the explosion of nord stream 1 and nord stream 2, european tiles, well , you can say the european union, pretend that nothing happened, they tried to blame russia, but after that didn’t work out, they completely forgot about the accusations, but this is, well, a fundamental thing, this is a terrorist attack, probably even on a scale greater than in
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2001 in the united states of america, because from that day on, the entire infrastructure in the world is under attack and no one can do it guarantee, well, i’ve lost my friends, listen, well, the european union abandoned the ideals of its youth, where did it all begin? absence of borders, freedom of movement, world peace, europe free from hatred and confrontation, well , let's remember the year ninety-three, how we were given all this, and probably the european union also believed in it at least a little, but not everyone there is cynics and scum, there are also normal people. in european political parties, what did this all lead to? when it was necessary at the turn of the twenty-first-twenty-second year to say that’s it, we realized the mistake, yes, this is nato, not the european union, but in essence, it’s the same thing, by and large, and we the european union say that we we will never accept ukraine there and we ask ourselves, who are already
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with the sign of nato, to say that we will never ukraine will be accepted there, this friendship, movement, freedom, it should have been , this wonderful project, from vladivostok to lisbon, who buried it, the european union, and that the young man has no principles, it turns out that he has no principles, that’s what bad means the company in which the european union finds itself, moreover, by its actions the european union, which today, today from the european union peace fund pays for the war, and thereby becomes indistinguishable for us from nato, well , the truth is that one thing has simply grown together, i’m not even talking about attempt... the european union to create some kind of army of its own, then there will be cretinism in general: you are a nato soldier, this is a soldier of the european union, what is the difference , no one understands, in short, they went, maybe in the right direction, but were guided by the wrong principles, did not want to count us for equal partners, it all ends very sadly, but at the end there is one more literal phrase: remember what molotov said about poland,
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the ugly brainchild of the treaty of versailles, we must try not to call it a union an ugly child of the maostrich treaty. it’s okay, we will show them the way to a bright future. news, look, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, thank you. on the russia channel, in the studio. hello, the main thing is for this hour. egypt opened the rafah checkpoint for the first time and began releasing foreigners and seriously wounded people from the gas sector. the israeli army, meanwhile, is storming gaza from five sides , hitting the jebaliya refugee camp for the second time. again, dozens of dead citizens. 37 destroyed ukrainian
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aircraft and six american atacama missiles. sergei shaigu told us about our work. air defense forces and new positions that our units occupy in the special operation zone. ukrainian commanders refuse to carry out orders to attack, even from zelsky's office. asbu is hunting for an american journalist who wrote a devastating article about the kiev government. first flight of the newest long-haul airliner il-96400m. what are its features and advantages? they helped put out fires and saved others from fire and water. the federation council today awarded young heroes. and first, the situation in the middle east, where all attention is now focused on the rafah checkpoint on the border of the gas sector with egypt. as agreed by the parties,
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the checkpoint gates were opened today for the first time to foreigners, persons with dual citizenship and the seriously wounded. but we are not talking about mass evacuation yet. cairo is ready to receive about 550 people on the list, and the first ambulances have already taken the victims. fearing an influx of refugees, egypt stationed armored vehicles near the enclave, and israel even offered to write off part of its international debts arab republic through the world bank to persuade the government to open its doors to the palestinians. meanwhile, tel aviv continues to expand its ground operation and storms hamas positions from five directions at once. netanyahu said that the war would be long and acknowledged the sensitive losses of the idf. at the same time, according to the latest data, almost 20,000 tons of ammunition were dropped on the sector, and the number of civilian casualties , according to the palestinian ministry of health, is already
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approaching 9,000. operation idf today led to its first diplomatic consequences for tel aviv. bolivia broke off diplomatic relations with israel, and colombia and chile recalled their ambassadors. the attack on jibaliya, where the refugee camp is located, drew particular condemnation. all the latest information from the conflict zone in the reports of stanislav bernwald and sergei pashkov. the special representative of the yemeni armed forces, brigadier general yaahyasari, promises today to launch a powerful missile attack on israel, an attack that has never happened before. and as the general said, this attack will be broadcast live, judging by the video that has already appeared, the first missiles towards israel have already been launched. people with dual citizenship, including several russian families, arrived today at the rafah checkpoint with the hope of leaving gaza, egypt announced the opening of the rafah terminal on the border with the gaza strip to
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release about 90 wounded palestinians and about 450 foreigners, the possibility of expanding the crossing is being discussed possibilities, this is now shorter than the command post inside, there are no employees here, absolutely no, it’s here. ordinary people, the prime minister of egypt visited rakhfak, by the way, he sharply condemned the humanitarian the situation that israel does not allow the import of fuel in those volumes, and he also said that it is necessary to somehow correct the situation with the civilian population entering the territory of the same egypt. egypt opposes any attacks on civilians from any side, we call on the whole world to look at this from the point of view of justice and condemn the victims on both sides. the militant wing of hamas said seven hostages, including three foreigners, were killed in yesterday's bombing. israel continues to commit barbaric crimes against civilian population,
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the jabalieh refugee camp in the north of the gaza strip was bombed. the occupiers used six american-made megabombs, each weighing one ton of explosives. during the shelling of the refugee camp, israeli aircraft were killed and more than 400 people were wounded. israel admits that it carried out the attack, when asked that you knew that there were civilians there, one of the high-ranking security officials said that, unfortunately, these are consequential losses, now there is a debriefing in jabali rubble continues, people are reaching out from under the rubble of the dead and wounded, 50 people may soon die in the two largest hospitals in the gas sector, alshifaa and indonesian. all this can happen due to the cessation of operation of electric generators due to lack of fuel, this is reported by the ministry of health of the palestinian amclave, yes, i appeal to all countries of the world,
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all free people of the world, to arab and islamic countries, our brothers in oil-producing countries, with request to take urgent measures to save the wounded patients in alshifa medical complex in indonesian hospital. this is the very last call. we only have a few hours left before the main generators stop; as you understand, the humanitarian situation in the gas sector is critical and something needs to be addressed in the near future. stanislav bernwalt, andrey potapov. despite the powerful fire pressure of the israeli air force and naval artillery on the palestinian enclave and the gaza strip, the missilemen of the zadim el-qassam brigade continue launch missiles on israeli territory, air raid sirens sound in the border gas of israeli settlements, the day before the seva adom signal was heard quite often in tel aviv
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for the fourth day israel is intensifying and deepening ground attacks and military operations in the territory of the palestinian enclave, now there are serious street battles are being carried out in the jibaliya refugee camp, where tsal is trying to destroy combat positions and firing positions of militants, anti-tank and missile crews, destroy underground arsenals, at the same time the israeli military reports that in these street... battles there were losses among israeli military personnel, we are waging a difficult war, it will be long, we have important achievements, but there are also painful losses. our soldiers fell in this most just of wars, in the war for our home. i promise all the citizens of israel, we will continue until the task is completed. the task of completely destroying the islamist hamas movement in gaza has been complicated since yesterday by the entry into hostilities. another
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group that considers itself to be so the so-called axis of resistance is the yemeni houthis, possessing a fairly large arsenal of ballistic missiles, earth-earth classes, the houthis announced that they were beginning to strike israel. yesterday, the israelis intercepted one ballistic missile, the army reported the elimination of two more aircraft that were sent from yemen, again towards the southern israeli resort city, they were also shot down. outside israeli territory. at night in the red sea, south of eilat, we intercepted an air threat. penetration on israeli territory was not detected and there was no threat to the civilian population. in this area we are in high defensive readiness. we have sent additional warships there that are capable of significantly protecting naval space. another unopened one, while the third front remains tense. this is the lebanese border,
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severi and israel, there are constant exchanges of blows, artillery strikes with the shiite, lebanese group hezbollah, which has deployed its firing positions on lebanese-israeli border. there are constantly reports of mortar attacks on israeli territory, israel responds with artillery fire on hezbollah positions, the situation is on the brink, but has not yet turned into a state of open war between israel and the group. sergey pashkov, news. vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with the president of belarus alexander lukashenko, the leaders discussed preparations for the upcoming meeting of the odb collective security council, which will be held in minsk on november 23, and also talked about the development of interaction between the two countries and promoting union integration in the fields of energy, transport and high technology. the heads of state confirmed their mutual commitment to continue working together to strengthen
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the russian-belarusian strategic partnership. the russian armed forces in the special operation zone are moving forward, occupying more advantageous positions. defense minister sergei shaigu announced this at a conference call. the ssu unsuccessfully attacks in the zaporozhye, donetsk and kherson directions. despite the supply of new types of nato weapons. the kiev regime is defeated. personnel of the ukrainian troops, 138 and 114 motorized rifle brigades and air defense forces. air defense crews are operating successfully. over the past month , they have destroyed over 1,400 enemy air attack weapons, including 37 aircraft and six operational-tactical ones.
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produced in the united states, and i would like to note that 37 aircraft is almost twice the amount that is guaranteed to be delivered to ukraine for f16 aircraft. that is, with such work of ours air defense systems, this is about 20 days of work, for the use of high-tech weapons in the ied zone, 93,000 specialists have been trained this year. they will be sent to existing and new military units and units. in moscow, on the eve of national unity day, today we honor the young heroes of our country. it's happening. they helped put out the burning an-2 after a hard landing, thanks to them 10 people survived. anya belyakov from bashkiria pulled her four brothers and sisters out of the fire. a
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ten-year-old artyom gogarinov from the kirov region, without hesitation this summer, rushed into a huge pond to save a thin girl, who at that moment had already been pulled under the water. similar ones. and this year alone there are more than 200 feats, in just 10 years of the children are heroes project, one hundred and fifty children have already been awarded special medals of the federation council, including from new regions of our country. despite the constant shelling of the ukrainian armed forces, literally under bullets, they deliver humanitarian aid to our military personnel and residents frontline zone. you know. in the most difficult situation , you were not confused, you were not afraid, you were not afraid, you did not run away, but came to the aid of people in trouble, and in general
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a separate book could be written about each of your feats. the award ceremony within the framework of the project was held for the tenth time, this year more than 200 children of heroes from 60 regions of our country received commemorative medals for courage. rescue, 20 of which were personally in the capital. gazprom launched a small-scale natural gas liquefaction complex in the volgograd region, it became the first in the south of russia, networks of gas filling stations were put into operation in five regions. today, the development of the industry is discussed within the framework of the st. petersburg international gas forum. the departure of western partners did not affect russia’s plans. but european countries find themselves in a difficult situation and the transformation taking place. have developed over decades between traditional gas consumers and suppliers, as a result the world
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gas market has become extremely volatile, large regional markets are extremely volatile and accordingly we can say it is not... in this case, the gas market for western countries will remain narrow. russia itself did not close it. the western direction remains a reliable supplier of gas to european countries even in the current difficult conditions. this statement was made by the head of the ministry of energy nikolai shulginov. any cold snap leading to the selection of gases was stored and more is definitely needed. buy gas on the market, otherwise these gas storage facilities will not last long, and by the next season these storage facilities will be empty, this factor must be taken into account, in this case russia, which
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has huge reserves, could have up to 70 gas trillions, imagine the possibility of selling it at a low price, given that we have a low cost of gas, and gas supplies at a certain price, well, in our release there is new footage of how our lancets are burning british american equipment on the battlefield: sabotage of ukrainian commanders on the front line, and the very first flight of the newest modernized 96400, wait for all this in a couple of minutes. for now, all that is required of you is to go to the city and bring a boy, this boy is the son of my husband, the premiere of rtr. the fact is that it is the car was taken somewhere, so he could be anywhere. urgently look for ivan gushchin, but why look for him? he's really a complete loser, you know? ivan, where are you, what happened, where is egor? where necessary, you bring a million, you get
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a boy. mirror of lies, today on rtr, tea, manenka, manenka yes, yes, how you need to love a person in order to take and come to him. a strong family is being built, of course an interesting question, based on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, yes, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, he should have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on, on trust, i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning, my eye is burning, that is, well , if you noticed, when everyone is at home on sunday on rtr. for whom i keep spouses in leadership positions, and not just anyone,
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so that there are no disagreements. fedorov, he will fire us if he finds out that we are divorced, but you and i can pretend to be a strong , loving family for a couple of days, anna nevskaya, anton khabarov, i specially planned my arrival to congratulate you personally, 20 years of marriage, bitterly, bitterly. alexander mokhov, elena biryakova, excuse me, but who are you? and i, mother-in-law, it’s very nice, you raise a child, you raise a child, and then some kind of good girl takes him and eats him up piece by piece, vampire, galina petrova, vladimir sterzhakov, are you married? repeatedly, i thought, you are after me, i will be after me, after the divorce everything is just beginning, even. so much
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adrenaline, ex, on friday on rtr. every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down in the hallway on the floor and said: i’ll stay here, the military had to be informed of what was there animals simply die, they were shelled very heavily, but no. but we decided to be evil in the wedding, the main thing is that we are together , ours, ours don’t abandon theirs, from monday to thursday, on rtr, ekaterina, favorites, i ’m looking forward to it, 5 days left until the main premiere of the year. on the air, we continue
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our broadcast: an air raid warning sounded a few hours ago in the south and east of ukraine, explosions occurred in dnepropetrovsk, mirgorod, nikolaev and the odessa region, at night drones attacked an oil refinery in kremenchug. the hit was confirmed by local authorities, but directly in the special operation zone, russian fighters shot down two ukrainian su-27s in the donetsk people's republic. loncy. continue to destroy enemy equipment along the entire front. in these frames, loitering ammunition hit a british self-propelled gun, as well as the operators of domestic drones, and the polish sau krap anti-aircraft missile system. near artyomovsk, our paratroopers shot down a ukrainian drone with the latest verbo manpads; in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group of troops defeated two mechanized ones. one assault brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the kurdyumovka and kleshcheevka areas. enemy losses there
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amounted to up to 245 military personnel killed , wounded, three tanks, including a leopard and two d-30 guns. the ukrainian military uses prohibited methods of warfare . in the zaporozhye direction , the enemy dropped explosive devices with a chemical mixture on the positions of russian troops. these munitions are now being carefully studied. rcb does not carry out a special military operation, this is not only the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, where military personnel monitor the environment, and not only the sunshine and melancholy on the front line, but these mobile laboratories, which are used to study what is being dumped on the heads of our soldiers, opponents, can i come to you? the complex of laboratory field modification m1o consists
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of three modules, in the first one they carry out radiation research and chemical analysis. before.... we carry out any tests , we always check them for radiation, thank god, there have been no precedents yet, but anything can happen, anything can happen, mainly while chemistry is going on, there is a pungent smell in the laboratory chemicals, it can be felt even through a tightly closed door, a homemade unmanned device was dropped from a quadcopter, which contains just such substances, a capsule filled with a chemical mixture was dropped from an enemy copter onto the positions of our fighters in the zaporozhye direction. the explosive device did not go off and the contents did not spray into the air. hav impregnated with chlorine-picrin, it causes salivation, lacrimation, and difficulty breathing. the head of the laboratory complex says that containers with chemical filling are not uncommon in advanced. the enemy uses everything he finds in agricultural warehouses, fertilizers, pesticides,
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in his kitchen, cleaning products and paints and paints. neighboring modules conduct analysis... for viruses and pathogens of infectious diseases. almost every medical laboratory also has this wonderful device32, this is a real-time pcr color reaction. very quickly we can identify pathogens and prevent quarantine; in a short time, at least twenty pathogens of quarantine diseases can be identified. olga kurlaeva, sergey sheptev, zaporozhye region. the white house today opposed its own congress and threatened that biden will use the veta right if israel, ukraine and the asia-pacific region are divided in the financial assistance package, as the politician writes, kiev has moved to a new level of communication with washington and is now begging for a new tranche to fight russia, but the house of representatives, led by the new
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speaker, has other plans with a priority for tel aviv, which also urgently needs help. against this background, zelsky intensifies mobilization, however even the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces does not know how many conscripts join the army every month. ukrainian pravda shares the numbers; now, instead of twelve people, four are sent to storm russian positions. and those who do not hide the truth in the state of affairs are threatened with reprisals. after yesterday’s devastating article in time magazine, snbu secretary danilov proposed that the sbu kidnap journalist simon shuster in the united states. and find out who at the bank doesn’t believe in victory. russia, despite the sanctions, will continue to increase the number of air routes. mikhail mishustin said today this is at a meeting with the head of the federal air transport agency, dmitry yadrov. currently, 37 international destinations are available to russians. they are served by almost 80 carriers and 2/3 of them
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are foreign. there are hundreds of destinations within the country, more than half are direct flights between regions. non-stop in moscow. the prime minister instructed the federal air transport agency to keep under special control ticket prices, issues of personnel training, flight safety and the development of the aviation industry , primarily at the expense of russian- made aircraft. how do you maintain adequate airworthiness for everyone ? aircraft, all aviation equipment that is somehow involved in operation. currently, the russian air transport agency has issued 617 airworthiness certificates for foreign fleets. 225 aircraft currently have only russian registration. to ensure the serviceability of the aircraft fleet, including imported ones, the federal air transport agency has certified 438 maintenance and repair organizations, of which six are the largest. they have 23 fully functional hangar complexes that allow all types of
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repairs. flight safety is an absolute priority, it is necessary to maintain the airworthiness of all the necessary and operational characteristics of the equipment you work with in proper condition, today the newest wide-body long-haul airliner (ill-96400m) made its first flight; the modernized version of the most reliable aircraft in the world is capable of transporting up to 400 passengers at a distance of up to 8,000 km. this will open new routes and ensure transport accessibility to the regions of our country. and the new page in history of the fatherland. aircraft manufacturing, report by alexander revunov. the white and blue lanner is rapidly picking up speed, taking off from the ground, here is the il-96.400m in the sky over voronezh, a significant event on earth, its first test flight is being observed by its creators, workers, engineers of the voronezh aircraft manufacturing society, among them
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the designers of the legendary ilyushen bureau. what is the most important thing here, eh, i would say, eh. this is a family that we have expanded with the 96400m airliner, this is an enlarged version of the base l96300 aircraft and thus we have today in our fleet is the 96300 as a basic aircraft, the il-96400m as an enlarged version, there is a transport version, and we provide a full range of wide-body aircraft. the il-96-4m is a wide-body and long-range 100% domestic aircraft. this time he rose to 2,000 m at medium speed and flew around his native plant in a circle. the 6400m completed its first test flight, now its pilots are descending the ramp, the test pilots tested the flight and navigation equipment and
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were satisfied with the aptitude test passed with flying colors. i’m just delighted, the plane is constantly improving, this version of the plane, well, absolutely any pilot will like it, the distinctive feature of this winged machine is. it was created in the best traditions of the national aircraft manufacturing school. most of the systems of this machine were manufactured at enterprises of the rostec state corporation. the program started by decision of the president of the russian federation, who supported the idea of ​​​​modernizing the il-96 aircraft, the basic aircraft, which in our country forms the basis of a special flight squad. and today this is the first flight of the deeply modernized 6400m aircraft, a larger aircraft, a longer aircraft, by aircraft. up to 370 passengers, new more powerful engines, a new flight and navigation system, radio communications equipment, the new version of the 96 line aircraft will compete
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with its western counterpart, this airliner is capable of transporting passengers and cargo throughout the country, from kaliningrad to vladivostok, it is equipped with modern infotainment system, internet access, its navigation complex is created from russian components, but taking into account international requirements. the fuselage length of the new il is 65 m , it can carry up to 400 passengers over a huge distance, but while echo is walking in its cabin, the interiors will be designed for a specific customer; it still has long hours of flight testing ahead. voronezh aircraft manufacturers are ready to establish serial production of aircraft of this generation. the plant has modernized its equipment and trained personnel; this airliner is capable of displacing american and french aircraft in the air transportation market. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. news voronezh. in the state duma today they called on the prosecutor general's office to pay attention to the problem of shallowing the volga, after a report by the head of the federal water resources agency and the heads of the rushydra company
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, deputies recalled that one of the largest on earth, the volga, is today the most regulated river, over the past few weeks the water level in it dropped to the lowest level in 25 years, arguments that it’s hot summer, there’s no rain, so... they don’t work here, after all, this is a low level of decision-making specifically in agency that you head, because rushydra carried out all these installations, led to the fact that today we have this problem, everyone is ringing the bells, the situation requires, including the reaction of the prosecutor general's office, the environmental prosecutor's office, immediately after the big evening news , mirror of lies, well, all the news can always be found on


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