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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  November 6, 2023 5:00pm-5:47pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] we came across someone who cares, to support us in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help, you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from tuesday to thursday, on rtr. the russian tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i’m maria sitpel. hello. the israeli army has hit 450 hamas targets and is demanding the evacuation of hospitals in gaza for new strikes. the delivery of humanitarian supplies is difficult due to
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shelling. jordanians. dropping medicines by parachute. all over the world continue actions in support of the gas sector. south africa withdraws its diplomats from israel. 80 years ago, the red army liberated kiev from the nazis. the ministry of defense declassified archival documents for the memorable date. great happiness and glory to the liberators of the city of kiev. we expected snow, but got heavy rains. two normal levels of precipitation hit vladivostok at once. the city's storm drainage system clearly cannot cope with such volumes of water, utility workers are trying to do at least something, the ruling party of moldova is losing its position in large cities in the local self-government, the turnout at the elections exceeded 40%. what surprised the international exhibition forum russia today, the main news from vdnkh. at the stand of the altai territory , for example, a machine is presented, and a real one.
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the ski season has opened in the murmansk region in the khibiny mountains. literally the day before yesterday in st. petersburg with work to board a steam locomotive, sleep on the roller coaster, well, you can’t imagine anything better. and today don’t miss the long-awaited premiere, the fourth season of the historical film saga, catherine’s favorites. why are you smiling like that? i'm happy to see you, your personality. attempts neighboring jordan will perceive the eviction of palestinians from its territory as a declaration of war. this is the position voiced by the country's prime minister. in the gaza sector, the israeli army per day attacked 4.5 hundred objects associated, according to tel aviv, with the hamas movement. in particular, according to the defense armies, ground units captured the training camp.
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the saudi media reported 200 deaths in the gas sector just this past night about what is happening in the middle east, reports from our correspondents from israel sergei pashkov and a chronicle of the latest events in palestine by stanislav bernwald. when information comes that telephone and internet connections are being cut off over the entire territory of gaza, the palestinian enclave, it means that the israeli defense forces are preparing to deliver a new powerful blow to the next stage. extensive ground operation, if the day before we received information that israeli troops, infantry and armored vehicles had cut the gaza strip down the middle, along the southern outskirts of gaza city and reached the coastal coastline, that gaza city is the largest city in the palestinian authority surrounded by israeli troops, then last night, after a powerful artillery barrage, ground operations began directly in
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the city and center itself, and attacks were carried out on the nests of hamas militants, on launchers, a hunt was carried out for the commanders of the combat units of the brigades because of el-qassam, the stronghold was destroyed hamas point, which consisted of a training camp, observation towers and underground communications; moreover, the israelis report that the hunt continues for those hamas militants and commanders who had directly related to attacks on terrorist infrastructure, as well as terrorist units and vehicles . the gas is taken in a ring and divided into several parts. the israeli military is again demanding the evacuation of hospitals in gaza; according to army intelligence, there are militant operational tunnels near and under clinical centers in the palestinian enclave.
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demonstrated. near alshifa hospital in gaza. tsal expects the evacuation of the palestinian enclave to the southern regions. hamas and islamic jihad, in order to to make this evacuation possible, the fire activity of the israeli artillery and air force is reduced for several hours every day. here the entrance is covered with something, but soon you will be able to see it, you see the hole , it is right on the territory of the hospital, and there is a combat position, a tunnel, and we know that there is a whole system of tunnels under this hospital, why is this important, because hospitals and others. humanitarian facilities should enjoy special protection, and what hamas is doing is violating this special protection and using it for military purposes, forcing us to act there. the israel defense forces reports that as a result of night fighting, dozens
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of hamas militants were eliminated, while the israeli military also suffered losses, the army reports that more than thirty tsaal fighters were killed in clashes with hamas militants in the gaza strip, prime minister... the country's minister benjamin netanyahu says that a temporary ceasefire is possible only after the release of all the hostages, i want you to know, there is one thing, there will be no ceasefire without the return of the hostages, this must be completely eliminated from our vocabulary, we say this to our friends and enemies, we will act until we destroy hamas. despite the powerful air attacks on the palestinian enclave, the zadimalkosama brigade's rocket launchers. shelling of israeli cities continues, although, of course, a consequence of the israeli operation was that these shellings now do not occur as often as before, the alarm sounded in
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the israeli towns near the border, late in the evening and the night before, the tseva house signal was heard in in the central cities of israel, in azhdod, ashkilon and tel aviv, the situation remains tense on the lebanese border, where the israel defense forces are opposed by the shiite lebanese group hezbollah. sergey pashkov, lead israel. a new blow to the gas sector was caught on video and was published on social networks, as can be seen from the video published by our colleagues from al-jazeera, and the blow hit a building next to the square, where there were a lot of people. well, it is stated that israel is using prohibited ammunition with white in the palestinian sector phosphorus. that's how it is. the israel defense forces have stated that they have completely divided the gaza strip into a northern, southern part, and reached the sea, while, as they claim, the humanitarian
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corridor for the movement of palestinians to the south continues to function, and at the same time , the israeli military leadership strongly, i emphasize, strongly recommends ... people should move to the southern part, and where it is supposedly safe, although we have been observing for several weeks now that in the south, too, israeli aviation is using all the power it can perhaps tens, hundreds of dead, and by the way, the queen of jordan previously stated in an interview with cnn that the destruction of hamas will not solve the problems in the gas strip caused by human rights violations and illegal occupation by israel. even if we succeed in destroying all of hamas, what will happen next? the roots of this conflict lie in illegal occupation, constant violation of human rights, the construction of illegal settlements, disrespect for un resolutions and international law, and if you do not pay
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attention to this, you can kill a fighter, but it is impossible to kill an idea, from the ruins of destroyed buildings another group emerged, more determined and motivated to do what hamas is doing. the turkish agency reports this, meanwhile, the humanitarian situation is truly critical , the russian ministry of emergency situations has sent another batch of humanitarian aid to egypt, but when it will directly reach the gas sector, it is extremely, extremely difficult to assume, due to the shelling, the delivery of humanitarian aid will actually , very, very, difficult, in this seemingly hopeless darkness, there is a place for very human stories, a woman who fled from khanyunis, which is constantly being shelled, reached the south and
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decided to return, because she left her people at home, the attention of parrots, she returned for him when the airstrikes began, we ran away to the hospital, i passed halfway through i wasn't worried about myself, i was afraid that the birds would die, so i came back to take them with me, now. they live with me and sleep where i sleep, and i managed to get them food, even when israel struck khan yunis near old municipality, i was looking for food for the birds and did not return home until i found it. the jordanian air force dropped medical supplies by parachute to a jordanian hospital in gas; this is indeed a very important event and one of the ways to somehow reverse the humanitarian situation for all tories. stanislav, lead beirut, lebanon. against the backdrop of the conflict, the united states does not miss
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the opportunity to demonstrate its strength, so the american nuclear power plant agaya arrived in the middle east. this submarine is part of washington's strategic forces. it is equipped ballistic missiles. the region already hosts the aircraft carrier dwight eisenhower with carrier-based aircraft, a missile cruiser and several destroyers. another 300 troops are expected to be sent. these menacing american signals are clearly addressed not to the hamas group but to iran, and today the director of the cia arrived in israel for a visit. the one-sided approach that the united states demonstrates in the middle east causes corresponding relations. us secretary of state blinken, who is on a middle eastern tour, was received on turkish soil without special birth, not according to his status. u blinken was met on the plane's steps only by the us ambassador and the deputy governor of ankara. all of them. diplomats for consultations, the reason
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is the gas operation, according to pritoria, tel aviv is acting in violation of international law. protests in support of palestine continue unabated around the world. in naples, italy, students at the university of the east barricaded themselves in the main building of the university, hung palestinian flags from the balcony and called for solidarity with gaza, accusing israel of war crimes. immediate ceasefire and the withdrawal of troops is demanded by hundreds of moroccan protesters. in washington, activists placed a checkered arafat shirt on the monument to one of the us founding fathers, benjamin franklin. a crowd of activists outside the white house demands an end to american military aid to israel. a large march in support of the gas sector took place in the capital of venezuela, caracas. participants call on the un to intervene and stop the genocide of the palestinian people. the escalation of the conflict in the middle east is
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a political and moral failure of european policy. this statement was made by barel on annual conference of eu ambassadors. the head of diplomacy noted that the old world today faces the problem of anti-semitism. in france alone, there are over a thousand shares per month. bareli's current performance is perhaps a record one for the number of unexpected revelations. so he admitted that during the pandemic, europe was very reluctant to share with the rest of the world. calling to fight climate change, the european union countries themselves are leading in air pollution, but in addition, seeing the different positions brussels takes in different military conflicts, the world has every right to blame him in double standards. i don’t like the term global south, but you need to understand that for people of various views who consider themselves to be part of the global south, this is a really existing and established concept. it is a kind of response to the west, which has dominated the planet for
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the past 500 years. intellectually, this dominance has ended, but we have yet to feel the consequences of drawing practical conclusions from this new reality. the united states and its allies are wreaking havoc in different regions of the world, destroying countries and peoples, aggravating interethnic and interreligious conflicts. now they are pushing the entire middle east towards a big war. this is what sergei lavrov emphasized today when today at the exhibition at the russia forum they presented the largest oil and gas project vostok oil for hydrocarbon production in the krasnoyarsk territory. russia will export them along the northern sea route. marina gromova has all the most interesting and important things that happened at vdnkh today. russia at vdnkh is not only a large-scale exhibition, but also a forum with platforms for discussions, lectures and political statements about unabated. on the israeli conflict, its causes and consequences - said
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foreign minister lavrov. his performance took place online. now we see how the anglo-saxons are literally pushing the middle east to the brink of a big war. this line is fully manifested in other regions. ukraine, including. there are many examples, but the result is the same. loss or weakening of statehood, as was the case with iraq, libya, and indeed. lessons from history the west has to relearn the problems which finally seem obvious were discussed decades ago. with us from the soviet union. no one is talking, they are spreading their tentacles all over the planet, it’s sad, but i think they will get torn, it’s impossible, like this,
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brazenly, persistently, they are imposing their hegemony on everyone. sectors of the manufacturing industry, this is a motivating task to ensure technological sovereignty and ensure localization and import substitution, but not for the sake of import substitution, but for the sake of it. technological sovereignty, you don’t need to look far for examples, they are right here, at the exhibition, each region talks about what to be proud of, these are references to attractions, folk crafts , large-scale production, the stand of the altai territory
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is presented, for example, a machine, and a real, working one, this is a photo sorter, they are produced in barnaul, and purchased all over the world . oil presented the largest oil and gas project vostok oil, a quarter of the pipeline has already been built, guests of the exhibition are introduced to the country’s achievements in a variety of areas, as if they are discovering a new russia from other sides, you feel proud, that our country is rising and generally blossoming, just like a beautiful flower, our russia is so vast, and you can’t look at it, so when you get here, you know a lot, but still you go, you discover, again you surprise, the more you are surprised, the more you discover, i, i feel such delight , among the visitors of the exhibition, today the chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko walked through the collider tunnel of russia's achievement and visited the stands of new regions, she noted what a long way the country has gone through over the past two decades. we had fun over the abyss, in every sense,
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over these 23 years, what a long way our country has come, the main thing is that our president has restored dignity to the country. we realized. that we, we realized that we are truly a separate civilization, which is unique , which does not exist in the world, uh, what large, large-scale projects have been implemented in the country, all the diversity of its cultures, people’s capabilities can be seen here at vdnkh. it will be very interesting for young people here, to be honest, to know our culture, namely the culture of russia. there are really a lot of students and schoolchildren at the exhibition; young people want to know how they live. how the country is developing is one of the keys to its confident future. marina groova, magomed atsaev, ivan ponomarenko, andrey verichagin, natalya lundovskoy and sofia petrosyan vesti. the varatov region has reached the finish line of the global reconstruction of the children's clinical hospital. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin visited the construction site. today he works in his
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constituency. new seven-story the building of the medical institution appeared on the site of an old three-story building, built almost a century ago. the children's clinical hospital experienced a chronic shortage of beds and was actually outdated , because there are no inconveniences in the wards and the number of up to 12 people, here in the new one, where there are up to four children, in each ward, they are all equipped, the necessary equipment, for all of us this is the most the main thing is the health of children, so we need to commission a children's clinical... hospital as quickly as possible, we remember, always, it is impossible to forget, under this heading a section dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of kiev from the nazi invaders has opened on the website of the ministry of defense. archival documents from one of the largest battles of the great patriotic war have been declassified. the kiev offensive
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operation under the command of general vatutin in november 1943 became a strategic success for the soviet troops. the expulsion of the occupiers, who mercilessly destroyed... the local population, meant that the fate of nazism was sealed. i spoke about this today at the victory museum on the bow. grief, head of the presidential center for historical memory, elena malysheva. as part of the project , declassified fsb documents about the atrocities of the nazis and their henchmen during the occupation of ukraine were transferred to the museum without a statute of limitations. historical chronicle from ilya filippov. vladimir konstantinovichko, a participant in the kiev offensive operation in those days. this is a shrine, this is a museum, which means not a single shell was fired into the city. the germans planned
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to build an eastern rampart on the dnieper river, that is, it was a heavily fortified line with pillboxes, bunkers, barbed wire, minefields, which, as the furor believed, we would not overcome , about 4 million people took part in the battle for the dnieper, the largest battle in history lasted 4 months, in the kiev direction, soviet troops, having overcome the cold waters of the dnieper, gained a foothold on the right bank. kiev on the bukrinsky bridgehead in the north on lyutizhsky. this is the establishment of a pontoon crossing. by the way, please note that the 900 m standard subton crossing was completed in one hour. by this time, the voronezh front of general vatutin had been changed into the first ukrainian front. it was not possible to get through to kiev from the south, the area was too open, tanks could not get through, the german defenses were well fortified. losing the momentum of the offensive could lead to its failure. some kind of non-standard and quick solution was required. and stalin personally made a decision here in order to transfer, well , as stalin said, castling, a gigantic logistical, as
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we would say now, operation, and it had to be hidden, unexpected and the main blow was planned to be delivered by all tank formations, 40,000 people, the third tank army of general rybalka, at night we moved with podlyutizh equipment, this is a 200 km transfer, a repeated crossing of the dnieper, this is how the combination was described in the headquarters directive, to carry out the fishing transfer. so that it would go unnoticed by the enemy, using mock-ups of tanks, and indeed, the deception took place in such a way that the tanks, there were mock-ups of tanks, were left on the bukrin plazhead. on november 3, at 3:00 am, the densest artillery fire of the entire war thundered, about 400 barrels per kilometer of front, the ground rumbled, everything at once and, trembling, this konunaad lasted exactly 40 minutes, tanks thundered past us and went on the
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offensive. on november 5, soviet units cut the kiev-zhytomyr highway, depriving the germans of an escape route. general field marshal mainstein, knocked out by vatutin in 1941 from near leningrad, cut off in 1942 by vatutin, in the steppes near stalingrad from the army of paullus, understood well that here in kiev the soviet general, as he said, the grandmaster, could checkmate him, the nazis fled the city. early in the morning of november 6 , it was reported to headquarters: kiev had been taken, the city was burning, the germans are retreating in order to complicate the actions of our troops, they set fire to virtually all the remaining houses, the germans pursued a policy of brutal occupation, genocide of the soviet people directly in kiev itself, even before babi yar they shot people in the streets. headquarters representative marshal zhukov, walking along khreshchatyk, showed the kievans the commander of the first ukrainian. thank vatutin, vatutin pointed to ordinary fighters, thank him. their great honor is glory to the liberators of the city of kiev, the kiev regiments and divisions. he will die in april 44 from bandera’s bullet, and
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after the victory , a monument by the sculptor vochetich will be erected on his grave in the mariinsky park in kiev. this monument was only 8 months short of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of kiev. last winter, the monument to nikolai vatutin was demolished by order of the city authorities. commemorative events dedicated to the key events of the battle of the dnieper are taking place today in moscow. in the victory museum. the long-awaited fourth season of the film saga about the fate of the great empress catherine ii, the serial film catherine's favorites, this a fascinating account of the reign and personal drama of the most powerful and independent woman on the russian throne. watch the first episode immediately after the evening news. polina
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ermalaeva about the new chapter. love story, history of russia, don’t you love me anymore, if you knew how difficult it is to love you, the year is 1779, the war between austria and prussia continues, both the austrian emperor and the prussian emperor immediately ask catherine for help, but she herself needs support, for potemkin can’t count anymore, his serene highness doesn’t want to to be close, you can probably answer like this? it’s clear what kind of prince of darkness he was or the brightest prince, for me he’s still more the brightest, write to me every day, so i ’ll think that we’re still together, don’t get too carried away with your black one, the last 17 years of catherine’s reign are ahead, a series of not only political victories, but successive favorites, that you smile so much, i am happy to see you, your majesty, if she was looking for so much, then she probably strived... for ideal happiness, therefore, it is quite possible that she was unhappy, i’m in the right place here, this is my
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palace, by right, it didn’t come from my father. she usurped him. the confrontation with his son is only intensifying, pavel petrovich is locked in a gadchi, which does not prevent him from entering into a fight for the throne. catherine intends to pass on the crown to her grandson alexander. pavel becomes more nervous, more prickly, he goes for something more radical, something that rightfully belongs to him. i should sit on this throne, or at least stand next to my mother now, and not among the palace retinue. i ask you to, control yourself. from the throne room, his role in the film was played by catherine tsaritsina. filmed in moscow, st. petersburg, moscow and leningrad regions, the site for the winnings always goes to the queen. 500 costumes were made for the film, the artists tried not to assemble them in detail. a lush, beautiful, colorful era,
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people created color combinations in such a way that they don’t always work out. it’s not the empress who changes 30 outfits and four nightgowns in the frame, but there are still enough sensual scenes in the film. i will love you forever. for final filming series, marina alexandrova's plastic makeup took several hours, the beauty was cast. you must be ready to fight at any second, without this no emperor can rule. catherine's favorites, the finale of the historical saga , the three previous parts have been translated into 20 languages, successfully shown. in 100 countries, and viewers of the russia tv channel have been following the fate of the empress for 9 years now, this is of course a fascinating story about the transformation of the prussian princess sophia august and friederike of angelzerbskaya, which remains in history with russia one on one. i myself understand that i have a stronger rival than many, the russian state, and this rival in my heart, even you cannot defeat. polina
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ermalaeva, evelina kornaeva, arina bogorodskaya and anna metrokhi. lead. and that’s what we’ll talk about later in our issue. immediately two monthly norms of precipitation fell on vladivostok, in timber glaciers from all over the country. we'll be back with details in a couple of minutes. 1774, empress catherine is in mortal danger. what's going on here? gresha, is this a coup? on her impostors claim the throne. lugachev and princess tarakanova link not a single chain, which of the european monarchs will twist this? fortunately, she has a faithful and loving, rogue, that’s enough, after years, his serene highness will move away from the empress, you’re angry with me, you’ll come up with all sorts of things, as if you want to run away, what has become so bad for you, others will take his place near the throne in your heart , your
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majesty, i will love you forever, you alone. ekaterina favorites, well, our plan is working, the main thing is not to celebrate,
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the main premiere of the year, today on rtr. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs, or by an athlete? we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups, as a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or as a lifeguard, treatment should not be self-medication, you need
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to contact a specialist. doctor misnyakov every saturday on rtr. i buy happiness. i buy happiness, mom, this is a hotel with history, with traditions, on saturday, everything is fine with you , yes, of course, i go into the salon, she is sitting, and i, and you, and i, fell in love, you know that wife will kill me, and then another buyer showed up and offered such a price that i couldn’t refuse, so where is he? and your other customer? you, you, after the deal with happiness, i will become a partner, and it is my dream that will come true, not yours. oh, you know how, yes? i will still
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fight, i will save happiness. it's hard to share happiness if it's a hotel for two, the premiere is on saturday, on rtr. program 60 is on the air . we have a special issue, we start with breaking news, 60 minutes, don’t miss it, tomorrow on rtr, we will broadcast the news, we continue the episode. losses of the ukrainian army over the past 24 hours amounted to almost a thousand military personnel, as reported by the ministry of defense, russian troops inflicted fire damage against. our aviation, drones, missile forces and artillery worked on the targets. the storage sites for unmanned boats for aircraft ammunition, as well as a large number
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of western armored vehicles, were destroyed. in the skies over the donetsk and lugansk republics, over the zaporozhye region, 23 combat drones were shot down. air defense systems intercepted several missiles from the american haimers system. stopped within 24 hours to protect peaceful populated. about the consequences of the ukrainian armed forces' missile strike on dokuchaevsk, our military correspondent pavel prokopenko. a five-story residential building in dakuchaevsk, broken windows, a fragment of fallen ceilings, a shell entered the roof, went through the attic, the main damage was in this apartment, on the fifth floor. an elderly couple died, the relatives only managed to do it now, broken windows, warped doors, this is an apartment on one floor. a strong bang, an arrival, smoke, nothing is clear, like in a horror movie, we are walking, and behind us it all collapses, well, thank god, in general
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it didn’t bother me, in just one day the vssu militants fired almost a hundred shells at the republic, as a result of this shelling a ten-year-old girl was wounded, presumably the shelling was carried out with the use of fire, a total of five missiles were fired, 333, the enemy from civilians... the city is being pushed back by large-caliber artillery , this is footage from a drone of stavropol guards paratroopers. the klen battalion hits the enemy with all its guns. the ukrainian armed forces militants dug kilometers of trenches and were planning to build another fortified area. after a jewelry hit by one of our self-propelled gun, there is simply no one to hide in it. the infantry is advanced by the soldiers of the operational-tactical cascade formation, working at the forefront, clearing the very fortifications that were successful. disassemble the artillery mark the target, we go out and work, showed the landing, there is, well, the enemy , we were told to mow down the entire landing, we went out, worked a couple of times from different points,
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because it wouldn’t work from one point, and that’s it, we returned to the place of deployment , a volunteer convoy, which will help, among other things , to more effectively track down the enemy, the most valuable thing, of course, quadcopters, such birds in the sky will tell you where the enemy is hiding, they fly to ... drones, these are our eyes, i picked up a bird , looked, yeah, it’s worth going there, it’s not worth going there, drones are consumables, they need to be replenished constantly, like in the case of other equipment, having finished one training camp, katya and valya immediately announced new ones, everyone is already our guys everywhere, we are just bringing our victory closer together with the guys, they are in the trenches, and we are in those. valuable cargo is already on the front line, being used for its intended purpose, bringing victory closer, oleg makarov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondrenko, conduct the donetsk people's republic. a strike group of helicopters in the center grouping of troops are stopping new attempts to rotate ukrainian units in the krasno-liman direction.
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our mortars are on the ground in close proximity. the results of the successful completion of the next combat mission in the report of our military commander alexei baranov. we arrive at one of the military air bases in southern russia early in the morning. we catch the first strike group leaving for a combat mission a few minutes before the alligator takes off from runway. manages to climb into the drum cabin. the vehicles are already fully charged and the crew has the coordinates of the target. the k-52, the latest modification, is equipped with a system for interacting with the strelets reconnaissance complex, which means that the exchange of intelligence information with a helicopter in the air occurs automatically and in a continuous mode. after completing the combat mission, the crew commander with the call sign streltsya reports the channels, therefore. but nothing has changed for us,
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the enemy is also well camouflaged, but we find our targets, the targets today were alive enemy strength, strongholds, completed the combat mission, the vehicle is promising, can become as legendary as the mi-24. on the ground, right next to the line of combat contact , strike groups of mortars from the central military district are working; the risk is incomparable to a combat mission. and this unit is doing its job on the line of contact in serebryansky forestry. fire, aim, knit, powder, prepare a firing position, camouflage it, ethereals, yes, there are a lot of them, we have to camouflage, we are quite camouflaged fine. assault groups continue their work in the krasnolimansk direction. khaled tankiev, news, line of contact in the lugansk people's republic, serebryansky
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forestry. an innovative center for physical and rehabilitation medicine has opened in the chechen republic, it is equipped with the latest technology, there is a hyperbaric chamber, the latest shock wave therapy device ; patients with a variety of injuries, including participants of the svo, are already being treated in the center. artur mustaev talks about how fighters who have received severe wounds are put back on their feet. we don’t increase the speed much, the load is just a little bit. a little less than him, so, okay, aslan has an explosive injury , he was wounded during the liberation of the kherson region as part of the battalion south, now he is undergoing his fourth rehabilitation , essentially learning to walk again, i want to get back on my feet and i want to achieve this, there are already results, needs to be extracted, but in such a way as not to harm the rest of the organs and functions of the body, now doctors are helping aslan stimulate the thigh muscles and this gives results if the patient... couldn’t do it on his own at first
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sit, then now he completely takes care of himself, we consider this great progress, that is, psychologically he is now aimed at further progress. svo participants in the region receive special attention in the newest ultra-modern rehabilitation center, which was built in argun; all conditions have been created for a speedy recovery. since the beginning of the year , about 70 svo participants have undergone rehabilitation in our center. on behalf of our curator khutmat ramzanovna kadyrova, such patients. basis, rehabilitation covers a wide range of modern methods health restoration, physiotherapeutic procedures, occupational therapy classes, therapeutic massages, swimming pools and physical education, rehabilitation is a process that is usually lengthy for the speedy recovery of patients, specialists use all available means, for example, organizing leisure time, in fact, the entire territory of the center looks like a park area, there is even a pond where you can fish, too...
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svo, he received a bullet wound while saving a comrade from under fire. at first i thought that i had no legs, although i i even saw, and when they started working with this particular hospital with me, i began to feel more than 60% of my legs, they gave me a guarantee that my legs would work. injuries received in a combat zone, as a rule, become the cause of a number of other diseases, for example, hepoxia. how are you feeling? everything is fine? to treat high blood pressure, the rehabilitation center, on behalf of ramzan kadyrov, purchased a pressure chamber; it saturates the body tissues with oxygen, and this is the latest shock wave therapy device that can not every clinic can afford it, but the main advantage of the medical institution is that thanks to such conditions , svo participants from the chechen republic will be able to restore their health without leaving the region. arthur mustaev, zelimkhan buntyshev and aslan lolluev, vesti chechen republic.
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ukrainian president zelsky asked washington to borrow money. he did this in an interview with nbc. according to zelsky, if the us congress prevents america from helping ukraine free of charge, then washington could issue a loan to kiev, which he will return after the war. zelsky does not believe that kiev has a stalemate on the battlefield, although even the ukrainian military is talking about this and hopes that the money that zelsky introduced to the rada a bill to extend the martial law of general mobilization for another 90 days. under ukrainian law, this could mean postponing or completely canceling parliamentary and presidential elections. a new scandal is breaking out between ukraine and poland, following the farmers. the protest was organized by polish carriers. they intend to close the border for ukrainian colleagues until the end of this year, if their demand companies operate on the european market without special permits and significantly reduce prices. as a result
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, polish carriers are increasingly left without work. polish carriers have put forward a number of demands, including the return of special permits for ukrainian companies. queues for trucks with european license plates, but the ministry of reconstruction of ukraine has already called most of these requirements unrealistic and impracticable. in the elections, its candidates received only six mayoral seats out of thirty-six, well, according to preliminary data, the party will not receive a majority in any district council, although let me remind you that the authorities put unprecedented pressure on the opposition. a week before the elections, the broadcast of six tv channels was suspended, and more than 30 russian media sites were blocked. the day before the start of voting , the chance party was removed from the elections. all of its candidates, more than 650 people, were excluded from the race. president maia sandu personally threatened to stop funding those
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regions where undesirable politicians win. well here, as the local media write, the election results show that the residents of the republic are against the government’s course towards european integration, due to which energy prices have risen, 30% for the first time since the beginning of the century, rainfall in the east resulted in two monthly norms of precipitation in schools and kindergartens, tomorrow is free attendance, well freezing rain 300 km from the regional capital. the streets of lesozavodsk have turned into a testing ground for extreme driving. hundreds of trees were felled, more than 9,000 people were left without electricity. report by andrey kolesnikov. were waiting snow, instead received heavy rains. the downpour continued all night and all morning. two monthly norms of precipitation in vladivostok led to flooding and massive power outages. over 60 mm of precipitation fell in vladivostok in one day. the city storm
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drainage system clearly cannot cope with such volumes of water. utility workers are trying to do at least something, this is how they disperse the water in these areas, but with varying degrees of success. drivers of passenger transport do not wait for water. come down and look for fords, not everyone can get through and keep the interior dry. the starter spins without stopping, trying to dry the engine, the owner of the foreign car tried to break through the traffic at speed, but caught a wave , the car stalled, took on water, i saw the car started moving, i followed it, the bus started moving and we all began to stake, unscrewed the spark plugs, drove into idle the engine, get the water out of the collector, so that the water drains faster, utility workers have removed grates and hatches almost everywhere; it’s raining. sewerage, but in some areas this did not work, on the contrary, the water went in the opposite direction. brigades have been formed, that is, all low areas with flooding, as if we all know, and they have worked on them in advance, opened storm wells, drivers are asked not to park near problem areas next to retaining
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walls, large trees, not to make sudden maneuvers on the road, and if possible , do not travel at all. weather conditions in the primorsky territory are determined by the active southern north, and even more often by the prime region. precipitation occurs in mixed phases or precipitation in the form of snow. snow and ice, like in dalnegorsk, dalnerechensk, lesozavodsk, there was freezing rain, in the latter two the authorities introduced a state of emergency due to large-scale accidents on power grids, seven apartment buildings and at least 100 private houses were de-energized. the storm destroyed a huge number of trees. it is raining, that is, the temperature is now -1 °, the cars are all covered in ice, the cyclone is still hanging over the seaside, it is falling in different areas of the region, the situation on regional roads is now difficult, in the northeast there have been several overflows through regional transport arteries. in the very in vladivostok , serious cold snap is expected in the next 24 hours; ice, strong winds and snowfall are possible. andrey
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kolesnikov, sergey svestilnikov, dmitry popkov, lead the far eastern bureau. red northern lights, due to anomalous solar activity, a natural show was visible. even in the south of the country, in the crimea, in the republics of donbass, in the caucasus, in the voronezh, rostov, sverdlovsk and tyumen regions. as scientists explain, the cause was powerful solar flares, which provoked a strong magnetic storm. critical indicators air pollution was recorded in new delhi, the concentration of harmful substances exceeds the permissible values ​​by almost 10 times. according to indian scientists, this is equivalent for human health. packs of cigarettes a day. to minimize harm, all schools in the region are closed until the end of this week, with an exception made only for high school students. visibility. fell to almost zero; if the situation does not improve, from november 13
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the authorities will introduce restrictions on the use of private transport. on even days it will be possible to travel only in cars with even numbers, the rest with odd numbers. a sharp deterioration in air quality in the fall for residents of the indian capital has become a very common phenomenon in recent years. after harvesting, local farmers massively burn rice straw. in conditions of calm,
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