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tv   Demon revolyutsii  RUSSIA1  November 10, 2023 1:05am-2:46am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] all my life with whom i want to give birth to raise children, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, we look before everyone else, what you need, but i need information, vasnetsova, you don’t have a suspect, there is, no, there is, who, subscribe, watch , how many of you, when you wake up first thing, want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions? tours to abkhazia, i spent a week relaxing in a skirt i could barely
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fit into, you are at the address, here, i am its host nikolai baskov. the most positive, morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on рrt. anna mikhailovna, yes, i found out everything, fyodor really had a dacha, he also inherited it from his grandfather. is she in the place we thought she was? yes, from there to the place where the found fedor was shot down is about
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half an hour on foot. yes. there is one more clue. which? if the wedding groom was the red-haired nikolai, then fyodor painted the fence at the dacha. the fence at the dacha is freshly painted. i found this jar right there by the gate. the fence was definitely painted from this can. if the paint matches the one found on the hands of the deceased. well done. and you have you told belkin yet? no, i ’ll give you the jar right away. and now i’ll tell him in detail. yes. yes and more. i also found the redhead’s address, they remember him well at the orphanage, he’s calling them there now, they respond very well, they say he’s a very kind guy, and what’s most interesting is that he and fyodor were in love with the same girl, great, well done, phil, you
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guessed it , why did i all... call you here, we know that your husband, fyodor naydenov, was found dead at the very time when you started looking for him, when you filed a missing person report, that’s all that’s right, as soon as he disappeared, i contacted the police, yes, only the body had lain in the forest for more than two weeks at that point, he was dead even before yours. but maybe it’s not him, maybe fedya is alive, well, yes , it can’t be, he, he, he painted the fence shortly before his death, the fence at the dacha, here’s
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the expert’s conclusion, check it out. paint found on the hands of a dead young man, identical paint that was used to paint the fence, well, you already identified the things yourself, i have marriage certificates, we were already married after that, tell me better why at your wedding he played the role of fedar, gorozhkov, of course, start, pass , sit down, let her go, she had nothing to do with it, it was my idea, i persuaded her, she really, she didn’t want anything , she
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didn’t do anything at all, you guessed it. groom for the wedding, yes, i’ll tell you now how it all happened, she’ll prove it, well, tell me, well, finally. honey, where are you, i've been looking for you for half an hour? kolya, here, here fedya, he feels bad, i don’t know what to do, i mean, he feels bad, give him the phone, but he can’t, you know, he consciousness is lost, i don’t know what to do, where are you, where are you, i’m walking along the road, i see you, where is fedya, where is fedya, what are you doing, grandfather, yes, what’s going on here anyway, we just while they were waiting for you, we had a little fight, you know, he... he ran out onto the highway , he turned to me and then a motorcycle, he hit the motorcycle, we bandaged his hand, fetka couldn’t walk, but he probably broke his leg, and the motorcyclist actually said that he rode quickly, you believed him, buddy, quietly, quietly,
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quietly, this didn’t happen at first, but now, now you see what’s happening, hold on, yes, kolya, well, do what i’ll do, then how much time passed, i don’t remember, but soon i never arrived, i did everything i could to help feda, but he started cool down already, i realized that’s it, you dragged him into the forest, why , you understand, we are domovsky, we have nothing , i have no one except fedya and lyuba, i don’t really understand the connection. well, fedya with anyone, they were supposed to get married in a week, they, well , they submitted the application a long time ago, i suddenly thought that if lyuba didn’t sign with him alive or
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dead, then the apartment and the dacha that he inherited from his grandfather, they will go to the state, lyuba will then remain on the street, you lived on the street, this is not relevant, yes it is, that’s how they relate, but the state owes you, yes who knows what it owes? i lived without registration in a rented apartment, then, when i filled out the documents, they collected a fine from me because i wasn’t registered anywhere after leaving home, and what did you decide? haven't you guessed it yet? kolya offered to help me hide fedya’s body, i insisted on this, fedya was already there anyway, lyuba would have ended up on the street, fedya would have done the same quickly in my place, do you think otherwise? how come they didn’t notice in zaks that he was sweeping his passport, he shaved, she
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looked at his photo in the passport, then she looked at me and smiled, women in positions, when they see me for the first time, they smile. now, if it were up to me, i would let them both go on all four sides, god is the judge, just like that, he would take them and let them go, so what, they are just starting to live, and they are already beaten by fate, they killed fedor, no, he he died in their arms, from a blood clot that came off, yes, but in the zakse he passed himself off as fyodor, and this is already an article for fraud, here too, depending on how you look at it, fyodor submitted an application to the zaksa during his lifetime, which means he had the intention of getting married , in general, i gave lyuba the phone number of a lawyer, if he can prove that she was in fact fedor’s common-law wife, there will be a girl with an apartment, but what if it’s in my power to give a chance, maybe
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i should give it, what do you think, i think, what are you feeling about the investigator, anna? mikhailovna, but you would have acted differently, but what difference does it make what i would have done, the main thing is that you did the right thing. do you think so? i believe that everyone should have a chance, let's go. good evening, good fellow, what is your name? anna yacolena. anya, i bow to your beauty, i find it unpleasant when a stranger writes a note like this to my wife. i don’t need a house or a car, i want you and i to have a child, it’s so easy to be happy, you understood that i love you from the moment we first met, as soon as i
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i saw you, it’s so easy to get confused, i don’t know who i love anymore, i don’t know, i don’t like all this, the price of crazy passion is too high, i won’t give you to anyone, love that... wasn’t on sunday on rtr , the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking. big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without any glamor, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, we have plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac.
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real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly about the main thing. rescue of a drowning man, the work of a policeman. a traffic police inspector from st. petersburg was awarded for courage and heroism. prospects for electric vehicles in the northern capital is increasing the number of charging stations. the first shoots of the new environmental policy in st. petersburg were sown in
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artificial soil and the planting of water drains. creative brigades of the north military district, military history museum of artillery, exhibition of paintings by front-line artist yuri sevachoy. tomorrow is internal affairs officer's day on the eve of this date, traditionally awarded. thus, traffic police inspector from st. petersburg, senior lieutenant, konstantin mitrokhin received a medal of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for courage in the name of salvation. the solemn ceremony the video conference was conducted by the head of the department, vladimir kolokoltsev. today we honor colleagues who deserve to be known throughout the country. those who, with their courageous actions, have once again proven that being a police officer is a calling. they know how to maintain composure. they know how to support
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a person in trouble, they are ready to come to his aid in a matter of seconds. the officer distinguished himself on march 17, konstantin mitrokhin saved a man who was drowning in the neva, the man fell through the ice opposite the armitage 30 meters from the shore. the inspector received a signal and he was the first to come to the rescue, tied himself with a safety rope, got to the ice hole and pulled the drowning man out of the water, i would like to note the help, responsive drivers, we were provided with cables to secure me, as well as the driver, he directly took part and helped me remove the drowning man from the water, in total, this year more than eight hundred police officers received state awards , and over 11,000 departmental awards. the police were honored today in smolny, law enforcement officers were presented with gubernatorial certificates. mayor of the city alexander biglov thanked those who guard the law and security. he especially noted the merits of the veteran. and emphasized: the government always
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supports the police. this year , 1 billion rubles have been allocated for the logistics and technical support of the department, and another nine for the safe city complex. physical, spiritual health, first of all, to say words of gratitude to the veterans, yes, who are helping today, sound to the growing ones, to say, to the courses, to the sugorovites who chose this otlashnaya. alone in the field is not a warrior, never and nowhere, only together we can achieve serious, good, real result for the city, real, i emphasize the key word, not ostentatious, we are doing it, we are trying, much has not been done yet, there is room for improvement, but thank you for your joint work, in st. petersburg they also doubled the number of bonuses for police officers this year they will be received... on other topics, within two years
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more than a hundred new charging stations for electric vehicles will appear on st. petersburg streets. leonid apanasov for more details. egor borovinsky is the owner of an electric car, he owns his own car charges once every two days, he says, if you don’t travel long distances outside the city, then a st. petersburger won’t find a better means of transportation. the northern capital is much more comfortable than, for example, moscow. less population, more stations. and it seems to me that there are almost twice as many charging stations as there are charging stations in moscow; as experts say, in 2023 the number of electric cars in russia will quadruple . compared to the previous one, st. petersburg is one of the growth leaders, but new cars require new infrastructure, on the small prospect of vasilievsky island at the beginning in november, an additional charging station appeared, it was built , among other things, thanks to a special federal program, the program involves co-financing,
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after we make, let’s say certain expenses, install the station for us, we will receive a subsidy from the state. the power of the new station is almost... owners of electric vehicles call them super fast. investors believe that it is possible to completely fill the tanks of the machine with its help in 15-20 minutes, this is comparable to conventional ones. true, on the road it is difficult to find a station only with the help mobile application. however, this is always the case with electric car infrastructures; digital technology requires digital approaches. st. petersburg is one of the leaders in digitalization and, of course, both the city and investors are developing. digital services, and of course, all fans of electric vehicles, as a rule, are people who use digital technology. investors are ready to invest in the construction of charging stations, but there are serious restrictions on the ability to connect to existing energy tanks. a new infrastructure development project will turn the corner
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situation, a third of the cost is subsidized from the budgets. the federal center allocates 124 million rubles, the city next year - 150. sometimes a charging station wanted, well, an investor wants to install a charging station at a certain location, but the cost of technological connection can be several times higher than the cost of the charging station itself, and even despite the presence of subsidies and support state, the project turns out to be unprofitable for the investor, while the number of electric cars in st. petersburg is about half a thousand, it would seem not much, but this is only the beginning, heatless internal combustion engine cars are produced by all automakers without exception, the first models have appeared in russia, it is too early to make forecasts, but experts are unanimous, over time this type of vehicle will become the main one, there are 160 charging stations in st. petersburg, the ratio is one such unit
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for 10 cars, drive up, refuel , the main thing is to pay money, but the number of modern cars is growing, so in 2 years the number... of such charging stations should increase to at least 300, more will be connected by the end of the year 45 new, next year over sixty, the digital information future is taking its place on st. petersburg roads. leonidov, sergey nichai, alexey kuptsov, konstantin nikitin, vesti petersburg. the new bridge across the volkhov river is awaiting testing before the opening of the crossing; its construction is being completed 2 years ahead of schedule. the durability of the structures will be tested by a loaded column. all vibrations during the passage will be measured by sensors; if the bridge passes the test, all that remains is to complete the installation of the fence and railings, as well as to improve the surrounding area. let us remind you that the construction of the condiment began 3 years ago, the bridge is long, more than a kilometer and heavy, weighing over 2,000 tons. at the waste processing plant on volkhonskoe
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highway, soil was sown, which was created from planting water drains. our correspondents will tell you why this is necessary. now i’m sitting by the plevo maple tree. and this type of maple , unfortunately, is not yet widely used in landscaping in st. petersburg. maple, red sessile oaks, heart-shaped walnut, an equally unusual place was chosen for all these rare ornamental plants; they were planted on the territory waste processing plant near the valkhonsky highway, the soil here is special, half consists of organic waste, gatchina treatment facilities. these soils that are used here are much better, because they are specially adapted for planting de... the size of the experimental site is modest, but if the plants take root, the green zone will be expanded, in addition, the same areas are planned to be laid out in all five waste processing plants factories in st. petersburg and the leningrad region, they will be
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respectively on the territory of this plant, on in new settlements, on ostrovsky we are planning to make a large alley where to plant these. create trees as nurseries, because the trees that are now being planted here are really, let’s say, poorly represented in st. petersburg. among the waste arriving at the plant is 30% organic matter , food scraps, paper and plants; they will be sifted out and then converted into raw materials for creating artificial soils; a special workshop will be opened early next year. the screenings, which are less than 70 mm, and the fraction from msw gets there, is loaded into the tunnels, and there up to a month, well, depending on the cycle , it is in these tunnels; at the exit from the tunnel we get techno-soil. this recycled product can be used in a variety of applications, from landscaping to road construction. before agriculture, and besides, the plant has experience; a similar lean
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approach was practiced here back in the eighties of the last century. isolated the organic part of this waste, which was fermented in biodrums, resulting in so-called compost, which was used in agriculture, that is, we were so experienced in at one time leading in the field of waste management, not only in russia, but in the world. a return to useful practices is part of the new environmental... novozhilov, dmitry sevastyanov and galina romenskaya, vesti petersburg. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast, leonid petrov, it’s not cold and a little humid. region on friday, according to the hydrological center of st. petersburg, on november 10 in the leningrad
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region there will be light rain in places, plus 3-5 on thermometers, weather forecasters promise the same temperature in the vladey field during the day will be established in tifina, boksitogorsk from 4 to 6° above zero, also expected in volkhov, kirishi and gadchin, no more than +3 and vyborg, weak in st. petersburg during the day. on saturday night in the city there is also a plus on the thermometers; there is no rain; a good day; good mood in any weather ; in the artillery museum there is an exhibition of paintings by the artist yuri sevachev; he serves in the first front-line creative brigade. about the unusual military unit and paintings alexey komarov. yuri sivachev is an artist of the first front-line creative brigade of the western military district. at the heroes his paintings. no names, only call signs on the canvases, comrades in arms and landscapes of the places where they defended their homeland together; most
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of these works were painted in the zone of a special military operation, sitting in a trench or in a dugout, if at first the soldiers treated his work with distrustful superstition , then then they themselves asked to paint a portrait, today i painted your portrait, he is so happy, or you can send it, i ended up sending more graphic portraits, a lot. about twenty wives who are here, waiting for fighters, here is a portrait there from st. petersburg, i was somewhere in rostov, i need it, from there i send everyone such small gifts , yuri sivachov brought an exhibition of front-line items to the artillery museum, before that it was successfully held in other regions of the country, our young yuri is an artist, although he is young, but very already paved, he spent six months in the zone of a special military operation, what is presented here is in person, you see pictures
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, portraits unpronounced, but by last name, only the call signs that we hear every day on tv, yuri sevachev was mobilized in october last year , he ended up in a front-line creative brigade, they were created during the great patriotic war, such formations were organized on the basis of theatrical and musical groups, they went to the front from performances. them in parts of the red army. the first creative brigade of the western military district continues this front-line tradition. there were such concerts, we arrived 40 minutes later and left. and there were cases when we arrived in one of the settlements, worked, left, everything was done quickly , it was all done so quickly that 40 minutes it seems like for a split second we are leaving , 2 hours later there is nothing left from this cultural center, well, someone reported, i don’t know , hamers reconnaissance has arrived and goodbye. that is why the artist first makes a small sketch or simply photographs a soldier on his phone, after which, in the workshop that we organized in
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the front-line brigade, he creates a portrait or landscape. as sevachev himself admits, his paintings are a chronicle of a special military operation, on the pages of which the heroes of our time, they are forging a long-awaited victory. alexei komarov, sergey skripkin and konstantin nikitin, vesti petersburg. and our lady of kazan returned to the museum of the history of religion, the restorers of the academy of arts worked on it for 4 years, they made up for the loss of the paint layer, eliminated abrasions and scratches, but the main problem was strengthening the wooden base, cracks had formed over three centuries, so they came up with a new original technique, developed a special frame that does not bind the boards tightly with glue, this opens up wide opportunities for the next generation of restorers, here this is a fastening, it is as flexible as possible, it is... as forgiving as possible, and if someone ever decides that it is not suitable for a given restoration project, then it can
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be dismantled as easily as possible and something else can be used. the icon was painted in the first half of the 16th century in the traditions of the school of masters, the chamber of arms, and the museum of religion; it arrived in the thirties and before that was in storage. this was the st. petersburg news, all the best. one might think what relation the gastrointestinal tract has to culture, but it seems to me, at least to culture consumption, treatment, examination,
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personal care, is directly related, sergey, hello. as you and i said in our previous issue, i want to go through the entire gastrointestinal tract, what is included in it, how to live with it , how to be friends with it, how to eat, how to brush your teeth, what you need to do to be happy and healthy? well, in order to be happy, you need to not interfere with the gastrointestinal tract, because usually a happy person, he doesn’t notice any troubles, because they don’t bother him, and for this, of course, you need to take care of yourself follow and pay attention to some signs, and light bulbs, flags, some signals from the body, if you notice them immediately, then your health will be ensured, because as soon as you notice it, you usually immediately solve it, as far as i understand, from our previous conversation, the gastrointestinal tract includes a lot of things, today maybe we’ll start from the beginning, come on, where is the beginning of the gastrointestinal tract? in the oral cavity, of course, but in general this is a small part of the gastric tract, because our entire gastrointestinal tract is about 7-8 m long, yeah, but the oral cavity, well
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it's about 10 centimeters there according to the accounting records. and yes, if you crawl every 10 cm onto a new program, then of course we will be filming for a very long time, but even these 10 cm, which are the entrance gate, they bear a very large load, both in terms of digestion processes and in terms of sensation, but actually in terms of caring for our health, and we need the oral cavity, firstly, in order to eat food, in principle, we don’t need the mouth to breathe, we manage quite well with our nose, in principle, the oral cavity - this is the first a filter that allows us to generally eat it or not in relation to food, and here we focus on the taste and other properties of food , what about chewing food? i have heard many times that you need to chew normally in order to avoid gastrito, normal, such a word, you know, well, it’s 10, someone says 10 times, 20 times, then your teeth will last much less, look, what’s
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the question here, can we treat the oral cavity and life as a mechanism, as an apparatus? yes. chew 10 times, then swallow, or chew 20 times, then we swallow. in fact, it is structured a little differently, that is, the mouth and swallowing, it adapts to the consistency of food, so it will not be possible to eat different foods and chew them the same number of times, for example, if we are talking about some kind of liquid food, say, soup or i don’t really like porridge, chew soup, and swallow steak right away either, of course, you can, in principle, not actually chew porridge, because ... the task of the teeth is to grind them to make the consistency homogeneous, it is already homogeneous, so chewing is not required here at all if we are talking about some kind of solid food, for example, a piece of meat or a piece of a hard apple, uh-huh, when you bite it off and swallow it, it seems like something is stuck here, uh-huh, but is something really stuck? no, it didn’t stand up, it just moved, but very, very slowly and this creates an eerie feeling
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of fullness, that is, in reality it just moves slowly, leaving such a trail. sensations, that’s what we usually feel, this path, well, i don’t know where it goes, how long it can take, usually it’s a few seconds or a second, usually from 3 to 7 seconds, so this is a large piece, of course there shouldn’t be such pieces , this means that we were doing poorly and the food is solid, it can be anything, an apple, an egg, for example, or some kind of piece of meat, just a large size with a solid consistency cause an uncomfortable feeling, and this is a signal to us, we need to chew better, yeah, we’ll add another plane here, this is... dryness, moisture of food, because usually we wet food with saliva while chewing, about a liter of saliva is released per day , so those who drink little water, he does not have enough water even for production of saliva, this is where problems arise, we may think that we chew little, but in fact we drink little, i just wanted to ask about strong separation, does it serve any other function or role other than moisturizing food, this is crazy important,
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because these one and a half liters can be compared, i don’t know, with hydrogen peroxide. iodine or brilliant green or something else, because they kill more than half of the microbes that come to us along with food, yeah, besides, saliva, it works as a kind of backup digestion. because usually a person, when he finds himself in some extreme situations, the first thing he lacks in food is sugar, as the main source of energy, yeah, so saliva, as soon as food enters the oral cavity, begins to digest this sugar in order make it accessible, well, roughly, 50 %, yeah, digestion begins in the mouth, already in the mouth , if we talk about examination, treatment and maintenance of the oral cavity, in addition to brushing the teeth, there is something, but maybe brushing the tongue. or there, what to do, what not to do, but let’s do this, no need to clean your tongue, no need cleaning your tongue, this is a new trend, some kind of innovation, yeah, which was invented by the geniuses of marketing and production in order to sell this
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toothbrush with a toothbrush, with an elastic band, on the other hand, and not only a brush, today it has already developed to the point that we have various tongue scrapers, plastic, aluminum, metal, gold and silver even, unfortunately, unfortunately, this is due to a reason, right? it’s not for nothing that a person begins to clean his tongue, usually a coating appears there, which we try scrape from the mouth from the tongue. and this is what marked the beginning of what i now recommend to everyone to clean their tongue. in fact, the mucous membrane of the tongue, its surface, is very delicate and very sensitive, if we take the structure of the tongue, which is not exactly even and smooth like skin, but it also consists of taste buds, which have different shapes and different sizes, if we we begin to scrape, uh-huh, actually bare receptors, uh-huh. the perception of taste begins to change; they themselves are destroyed and thus we
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we create conditions for some microbes to settle on the tongue, yeah, and create a coating on it, what other interesting facts are there that we discussed in the rattle before the start of the program, what flavors there are, yeah, you can count them, let’s have the bitter one, salty, sour, sweet. and some secondary ones, this is what can be called umami, in my opinion, yes, yes, i forgot something, spicy, but spicy it somehow feels different, and spicy is not a taste, yes, but what are the sharp ones? it’s just irritation, that is, what we feel in different peppers, these are just some kind of secondary tastes, plus the irritation itself, yes, when the amplitude is already off scale so much that we cannot make out what it is at all , the same as, say, boiling water, that is, spicy, as if irritation therefore in spicy food, behind this spiciness we cannot distinguish the taste, just like , for example, if we take cold food, it also has no taste, uh-huh, it ’s cold, we take very hot food, it
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also has no taste, it’s just very hot , then the intensity of this physical sensations of heat or cold, it simply clogs the taste, but the most sensitive of these receptors is the receptor for bitter food, because bitter food in nature is usually poisonous, for example, that’s why the threshold concentration, citrus seed, bitter, of course, is harmful, there is also hydrocyanic acid, and thank you, doctor, yes, i understand, i agree, yes , and therefore it turns out that, let’s say, in some solution or in some volume of food or liquid, all the receptors sense a concentration there of one molecule per glass, and the bitter one feels even one concentration molecule per liter, so immediately report as quickly as possible, one molecule per liter, of course. i would like to ask more questions, but it seems that within the framework of the discussion of the oral cavity we have discussed everything, then i will ask them in the next issue, well, come on, thank you
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very much, see you, especially in childhood, but in youth, crossing railway crossings, drivers or older comrades they said, you see, this is a narrow gauge railway, it probably goes to such and such a place, and this is a single track, it probably goes to such and such a place, i’m like a person who loves everything secret and interesting, i was very interested in watching about the narrow gauge, why there are single-track railways, i want to share it with you, alexey, hello , hello, tell me, is the narrow gauge, is it something from the past already, or is it used somewhere, is it somewhere- then it is used, it is almost already... almost never used , as a rule, for the transportation of peat, most often, sometimes forests, isolated images, i looked just in the post-soviet space, one enthusiast restored just this narrow-gauge railway on peatland and
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drives there, they transport children in these carriages, do we have something similar? yes, we have the arkhanelskaya high-speed railway, we have the karinsky high-speed railway in the kirov region, that is, there are such, but as a type of transportation it... unfortunately turned out to be exhausted, because when they were built, this was an event in the 1870s, they began to build in russia, 1800 events, 870s, when the livinka, verkhovye , livevna narrow-gauge railway was built, to novgorod, the railway , because it was narrow-gauge, 1067 mm gauge, it seemed that it was only a meter, yes, yes, 1.67 mm, yes, a little over a meter, it seemed that we were very much down on this, because the rails are narrower, the rolling stock is smaller , everything is cheaper, everything is more accessible, there are fewer sleepers, there are fewer sleepers, when they build logging railways, they built mustaches, so
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called, that is, a branch... from the main line, they were laid directly on the forest layer, there was no embankment , nothing, just like that, that is, it was not suitable, but only the sleepers were all lying there, and given our lack of roads, of course, it was a very, seemingly effective remedy, and then this happened, it turned out that overloading is very expensive, sooner or later a narrow-gauge train will arrive at a broad-gauge station, and there the cargo from the wagons will end up one way into the other, and the track, no matter how narrow it may be, requires maintenance, when we suddenly began to consider the economy, and when it somehow... then itself, because high-speed railways began to die a long time ago, back in the tens of years, because automobile roads were developing and , of course, gradually, motor transport is in all respects more profitable than loading first from a peat harvester onto a narrow-gauge train, bringing it somewhere, reloading there again, all this
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expenses, they began to die, then the path, even if it’s narrow , go and watch it, no matter what it is, track prevention, track repair, by the way, this is the most expensive part there, it ’s expensive, keep the locomotives at the depot, it works all the time, it all works , this is all this, they began to die, but since this phenomenon is absolutely extraordinarily poetic, there are hundreds, thousands of narrow gauge lines operating in europe, for example, in germany, here , too, this, fortunately, has found its embodiment, and... and after the soviet union had 50,000 km in 1960 narrow-gauge railways, this is half the length of the wide network, well, all departmental roads are included there, that is, all sorts of peat-carrying, timber-carrying and so on , there was passenger traffic, well, the famous road was, of course, tumskaya ryazan, the most famous, it belonged to the keseninsky rescue rivets, that is, of course, we started.
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and museums appeared here, and to answer your question, we have the oldest of our rock museums - this is, of course, the museum in talitsa, this is the pereslavl narrow lane museum, now it is indicatively called the museum cuckoo, cuckoo, why? yes, the director of this museum, sergei dorozhkov, helped me find out why on the railway small trains were called cuckoo, it turns out that’s what it’s all about, when the kolomna plant began building narrow-gauge locomotives for numerous orders, the most common among them was the k series locomotive k, this was written on it, and people saw and said, oh cuckoo, we’ll go to the cuckoos, in ostashkava the high-speed railway depots were called that, cuckoos at the depot, that’s where the word cuckoo came from, that’s what this one is called now a museum, this is a cabin powered by gas 53, yes, just imagine, this is what the world of the uska gauge is, here we see a green fast-track car standing, pv-40, very cozy, there is
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a fire truck. here on a narrow track, that is, this is something amazing, you know, something unimaginable, i would say, this is their two-kilometer railway line that goes through the fornication swamp, this is the very path on which they spend so much effort there , yes, a semaphore, which as you can see, there is some kind of ring line there, no, it’s only 2 km from the once huge pereslavskaya railway network, which is theirs, is the first private railway museum in our country. no subsidies, subsidies, grants, nothing, now this is a group of enthusiasts with sergei dorozhkov, vadim mironov, my old colleague, and many others, i’m sorry, everyone, i can’t mention, but you know what a thing, they don’t just do this with their own hands they support the path, but it wasn’t in such a state, they also go on expeditions everywhere, what a beauty, they find things like this, you know, all this is
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natural with their own hands, all this volunteering, although the museum is visited, has been in operation for a long time and is already unpaid , i don’t know this, but i can say that it is already included in the list of the best museum objects of the yaroslavl region, the golden ring, we also have another museum, of course, pereslavl is the most famous and the old one, but recently, also in such a volunteer way , the tesovo collegiate museum, the so-called tesovo-nitylskaya narrow gauge railway, appeared, headed by alexei pomiguev, here they are. they periodically carry out such military reconstructions, as it were, events, they come from st. petersburg from all over the city, this is also a group of young people, for example, who restored this automatrice, it would seem, what’s wrong with this self-propelled trailer, and this is the only authentic narrow-gauge automatrice in the world, the matrice is on diesel moving, matrisa is a carriage with an autonomous engine , that is, it is a carriage that is not moving by a locomotive, with
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its own engine, well, for example, there are amazing people there, you can see his head there sergei kharebov, it is electric a trolley on a men's track, imagine, riding on it... i'll tell you that in pereslavl i rode on the tires, that here, just some motorcycles, this is complete nonsense, compared to these sensations, this is part of the recovery process, yes, this is exactly the process of restoring the carriage, some narrow gauge railways reached a length of 300 km, 400 km , a network within the enterprise, this is not, no, this is of course, a department, this is a department, this is a forest, this is peat, this is something such, well, i ’m not even talking about the fact that we have high-speed trains steam locomotives on children's railways, in yekaterinburg, where, by the way, there is also a museum on the children's railway , a rock locomotive, in yaroslavl there is a working rock locomotive, in st. petersburg on the children's railway there is a narrow-gauge steam locomotive, a children's railway, yes, they have
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we were always narrow lanes, children's roads, well, this is some kind of toy story , 50 miles long, no, this story can be several kilometers long, and in a park, usually some beautiful one, there on several roads, so i listed , we have too... high-speed steam locomotives, these are gars, beautiful, extraordinary, you need to see this, white with envy, i envy the people who live nearby, or in these regions, at least, yes, behind this there is a great history of the country, and social, industrial , it’s a pity that i’m not a narrow-track, but a broad-track, to dedicate my life to this, in my opinion, it’s pure joy, yes , sometimes i just want to say, that’s it, i’ll go to the narrow-track, to the train of stiffenson’s times, yes, huge. thanks for sharing, i 'm looking forward to your next one.
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come and tell us about the program, i hope you will come, of course i will, thank you, see you, sometimes, well, probably like all of us, we make efforts that are disproportionate to the result, but these are some of our personal affairs, and here the question is, the powers , state, now it will be very interesting, it seems to me, pavel, good afternoon, we will be talking, as i understand it, about the return of the worker and collective farmer to their homeland, and what efforts were expended, well, the means , respectively, to realize this? yes, that’s right, collective farm workers, a sculpture group, she actually had a lot adventures, they began back in moscow when i was just creating, well, firstly , everyone probably knows this symbol, it is such a bright, very powerful symbol, at least from the intro of the mass film, in general the phrase
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workers collective farmer was born a little later, not immediately, initially it was just a statue of a fly, or something like that , of course it must be said that this... the object was created for the pavilion of the soviet union in paris in the thirty-seventh year there was a world exhibition and the soviet union participated for the first time in this sebera exhibition and it was of course the most striking example of such soviet art in its most powerful version, and do you know how long it took to assemble, install or complete this monument, this statue, this symbol in paris? well, there were many stages in moscow in paris, after all, he arrived in paris already half-assed. well, but in each case it was, of course, a lie, in each case it was about weeks , this is generally typical for world exhibitions, everything is always done there very quickly, but in general, in order to understand these misadventures and adventures of the statue, need to
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understand and look at its structure, because in addition to the artistic image , the brightest and most daring idea here is the system itself, the engineering plan of how it was assembled, that is, the sculptural group essentially... made consists of two things: a powerful steel frame, such a skeleton, and a steel , but thin, very thin shell, which the sculptor had already created, it is clear that mukhina did not come up with this frame, this is the work of engineers, under the leadership of professor lvov, so they just created what collective farm workers are holding on, this is for me, as a person who is faced with design documentation with its development, this... the thing is so, well , intimate, not because it is what is under the skin, but because it is such a thought, it is such intellectual property is the very basis of this symbol. thank you very much for showing us this, first this sculpture was assembled in moscow, brought to the full
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plastic image that the sculptor actually conceived, showed it to the government commission, approved, then dismantled and taken to paris. so, this is a sculptural group, for the first time it reigned there in paris at the russian pavilion, at the soviet pavilion, and of course, for all visitors, and for the soviet leadership, it was immediately assessed as... a colossal triumph, that is, it was of course, a huge success, it was this, this impulse, this rapid form, this was unexpected, because no one, of course, knew what would happen at the russian soviet pavilion, nothing was published there in advance, so in addition to this intrigue , there was the fact that the pavilion of nazi germany stood exactly opposite, so this is this view, with the soviet pavilion, the german pavilion with an eagle and ephelio
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bash in the center. this is the most obvious such the most striking example of this confrontation and further, well, actually, the exhibition took place , i must say that it was even said that there were such in paris, there was a desire to leave and there was even talk about starting a fundraiser so that buy back this sculpture from the soviet state, son mukhiny, he wrote that this statue was thrown onto the platform and taken back, it was transported back by steam, to the ussr, and here is professor lev, who was involved in the assembly, he also later has transcripts at one of the meetings, he talked about how everything there was very wrinkled, here it must be said that this particular steel shell , which represents its own statue, in paris it was only half a millimeter thick, it’s unimaginable, then it was replaced with 2
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mm thick, that is, that shell, which we know now it is 2 mm. well, this is how it is, it means that in the end it was assembled, so we already understand that it’s either a copy or not, but in general, a lot has been replaced there, and now the question is where to put it, flies wrote that for this sculptural group, large, open spaces are required, that it is clearly drawn against the background... the sky, so she assumed that the best place for it was the lenin hills, the current sparrow hills, that’s where to put it, another idea was to put it her at the rybensky waterworks, it was an object, here on the upper volga, which was being built right then and there, it was supposed to be installed there, but while all this talk was going on, it was already decided that it would appear in another place, but talk about moving it did not subside. only later, even when the agricultural exhibition opened, vdh already existed, like
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vdnkh, ideas arose, for example, to install it on the manezh square, uh, in front of the manezh, on this square, or to install it on the spit of the moscow river, where peter is now standing ii, these are the ideas that arose periodically, because after all it seemed that it was on the yaroslavskoe highway at the entrance to the agricultural exhibition, but somehow it was standing temporarily, well, one way or another, in 1939 it was installed in front of the entrance to the agricultural exhibition of the current vdnkh, and in this form we have already known it all this time the next turn in its fate came already in the 2000s, when it became clear that it was falling into disrepair, so its entire structure was already falling into disrepair, here is this photograph from 2003, when it was again, in general, quite arbitrarily cut
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into pieces, and here we are 40 fragments like this they put it together and removed it, then quite a lot of time passed, because there was no funding, and also in 2000, only in 2009 it was reassembled again, then modern restorers wrote that this time we replaced the frame, because the frame is like once i took a pretty good look around, gradually with each turn of fate of this statue, something in it changed, but somehow she herself... now this is our working collective farmer, and this is no longer a working collective farmer with some kind of sickle with some kind of then with a hammer in his hands, and this is the symbol of moscow, which stands high above avenue of the world and it is already part of our lives, yes, this is an unconditional sign that we are moving forward, and that we do not forget about history, nor about ours, nor about our symbols, so yes, i agree, perhaps this is not the same statue , but but it symbolizes in my opinion. everything is the same, but still the same, still the same, thank you very much for coming and telling me, i will
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look forward to the next stories of avdh.
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thank you, thank you very much, see you later. joint work of the two states, trade, industry, space defense. results of vladimir putin's official visit to kazakhstan. the israel defense forces have taken a key post in the north of the enclave: the gaza strip is losing control of the region into a state of humanitarian catastrophe. assistance from the state the cabinet of ministers allocated 95 billion for preferential lending for large families. it's a new day on the russia channel, where they begin to broadcast the main
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news. in karina's studio. hello. expand interaction between russia and kazakhstan in trade, industry, and space. kasym dzhamart takaev. approved in astana ambitious goals for the next 3 years. the head of state and heads of state held a conversation in a limited format, and then with the participation of members of the delegation. strengthening interaction was discussed at the forum of interregional cooperation. report by our special correspondent alexei golovka. the main ceremony of the official visit is at the akordakh palace. relations between russia and kazakhstan are described by both presidents as a strategic partnership. this year marks the 10th anniversary of the signing of the agreement on good neighborliness and alliance between russia and kazakhstan in the 21st century. last year alone, trade volume reached
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a record $28 billion, and this year it has grown by another 7%. similar views and... on many global political processes. the presidents are discussing the level of cooperation between the two economies via video conference at the forum of regions, which is taking place these days in the city of kastanay. this is a unique format at the time. in which the regions of russia and kazakhstan communicate and exchange experiences directly. this year the main theme is agricultural development. russia is a key supplier in kazakhstan has such product groups as wheat, 98% of imports, barley the same amount, meat and poultry - 80-90%. sugar up to 70%. fermented milk products 60-70%. our country intends to continue to supply kazakhstan uninterruptedly. these and many other vitally important foodstuffs. russia continues to cooperate with kazakhstan in the field of space, is ready to build a nuclear power plant for this country and is actively inviting astana to
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participate in the north-south west-east transport corridors. following the visit, the presidents and members of the delegation signed a package of documents deepening the already close ties between the two countries. alexey golovko, vesti astana, republic of kazakhstan. eight attacks were repulsed by our units in different areas of specialization. in the krasnolimansky and kupinsky sectors, the enemy tried to break through six times, but to no avail. five american howitzers, a polish self-propelled gun krab and two tanks were destroyed. in the donetsk direction , the enemy lost 330 people killed and wounded; in just one day, the ukrainian armed forces lost about 800 militants. our air defense shot down a ukrainian mig-29 near the village of koptevo destroyed almost 40 enemy drones. russian families who need improved housing conditions will receive new support measures, this was discussed at a government meeting. as mikhail mishustin reported, this year russians
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will have the opportunity to take out 700,000 preferential mortgage loans. the cabinet of ministers will allocate 95 billion rubles for these purposes. another 8 billion will be given to russian farmers for the purchase of agricultural equipment. this will have a positive impact on the quality and cost of products. the israeli army announced liquidation. hamas fighters in military block near the alshifa hospital in the gaza strip. earlier, a key post of the hamas group in the north of the enclave was taken; the fighting lasted for 10 hours. the military seized a large amount of weapons and discovered a network of tunnels. the entrance to one of them was located next to the kindergarten. an arsenal of weapons was also discovered at the palestinian school. the israeli command said that the army's reserve division was in the gaza strip for the first time in 40 years and that hamas had lost control. about 50,000 residents of gaza have crossed to the south in recent hours alone. according to some reports, the militants hid behind the backs of doctors and traveled in ambulances. israel also attacked
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hezbollah military targets in lebanon. at the same time, israeli territory is also under rocket fire. an air raid alert was announced in the north of the country in the south. in ailat , a drone fell on a school building. there was an explosion. the identity of the drone is being clarified. israel's action is all three. gases clearly exceed acceptable self-defense, the head of the palestinian government, mohamed shtae, stated in an interview with french media, adding that more people have died in palestine over the past month than during the hot phase of the ukrainian conflict. the official figure is closer to 11,000. israel continues to attack gas with aircraft and cannon artillery. not everyone is able to leave gaza and move to the city of khan yunis, as tel aviv demands. the enclave lacks food, water and medicine. about 100 planes with humanitarian cargo have already arrived in egypt, including from russia. italy sent gases and hospital ships to the shores. the red cross says that through
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106 trucks of the organization passed the rafah border checkpoint, but this is clearly not enough for the local population. the wave of condemnation of israel’s harsh actions in the world does not subside. hundreds of people took part in a silence march in berlin in support of the residents of the gas strip. people carried candles and palestinian flags. in jordan , doctors came out to demonstrate in support of palestine; they called the protest an action of solidarity in support of gas workers and their patients. owl students came to the building of the local un office, protesters called for punishment of israel and the united states for what they considered to be unjustified cruelty towards civilians. a new island is being formed off the coast of japan. the cause was the eruption of an underwater volcano. it occurs in the area of ​​iwadima island about 1200 south of tokyo, while its approximate diameter is only 100 m, and the surface is covered with volcanic rocks. experts believe that as long as the eruption continues, the size
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of the island may increase even more. a monument of ancient russian literature was discovered in one of the small libraries of novosibirsk. in during a scientific inventory, the book depository of the seminary found a psalter from 1570. it was published by the first russian book printer ivan fedorov. in addition to this copy , only four other surviving books from the edition are known in the world. stay on the russia channel. a seven-year-old boy from the pskov region donated his savings to our fighters in the zone. seryozha intends to continue to contribute to the victory, so he continues to save his pocket money, as our correspondent irina kovalenko found out how the fighters thanked the schoolboy. seryozha bustrov is already 7 and a half, a serious , straightforward guy, he speaks it like it is, the russian language is not his favorite subject, writing is not
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easy, but... i’m ready to pull myself together, for example, to write to the soldiers on the front line, i endured it, wrote, in the end i wrote quite a long letter, more action, less words - this is about seryozha, i wrote a letter to the soldiers with a story about myself six months after that , when i started helping them, right after my seventh birthday i saw a video about a five-year-old boy and was amazed, i saw a video of how the boy gave his birthday money, i burst into tears to the soldiers because i bought a chair for 10,000, and did not give it to the soldiers, sergei decided to act and opened his piggy bank, which contained the first impressive contribution for a smartphone, he took this money to the volunteers, i would like of course, for a tank or weapons, but even if the stew is also good , the boy says, then more, sergei began to give almost all his pocket money to volunteers and even tried to open his own business.
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all the money i save. i take it to my aunts and they buy the things you need, and also, in order to earn money, i let them write off for money, the idea was unsuccessful, and i left my mother, after the complete collapse of the business project, my parents offered seryozha another option, a reward for good grades, sergey is a good person, and he has a lot of friends, and now there are even more, a video response from soldiers from the front line. looks on the brand new smartphone that they sent him as a gift, because dreams must come true. irina kovalenko, maxim lebedev, news, pskov. all news is always available on the media platform: look at application or website. stay on the russia channel. an evening of surprises for alexander morozov, who celebrated his
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72nd birthday this year. i am many years old. hi andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show tomorrow at 17:50, russian morning, don’t oversleep the main thing. good morning, hello, we announce the beginning of november 10, this is the morning of russian kolayev, vladislav zavelov, with you today, yes, on the calendar, as you noticed, november, but look outside the window, there is a maximum of mid- october, it feels like so many places in
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the country, not it was warm, autumn pleases those and where the cold is postponed for a while, but global warming itself has long required urgent measures, so scientists from tomsk are helping nature restore peat bogs, and at an accelerated pace, they should become a trap for greenhouse gases that the modern biosphere cannot cope with, and ice cream can again be collected, but to help nature, experts have developed this method of artificially preserving carbon, draining swamps, which were so popular in the last century, has pretty much spoiled ecology, and now we need to spoil everything again. almost the only natural way to combat excess dangerous gas, and yet the advantages of a warm autumn are obvious: cars are not tied up in snowdrifts, people are not chilly at stops, thermostats on radiators are at a minimum, and walks in the fresh air are at a maximum and without thermals, today and on weekends , masha borisova, we welcome you, we learn everything, hello, good morning, well, indeed , as you said, november surprises us with its
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anomalies, the weekend, which means on european territory, it would seem that it should have been there are snowdrifts in arkhanelsk, but the snow has begun to melt, and in general it’s very interesting, in the northernmost point of our country, and today the polar night has begun, but at the same time, the calendar winter is in no hurry there at all, that is, it’s only -2 there, but the conditions should be so severe , serious frosts, that is , anomalies of 10°, everything is swamped, show how it grew. in southern russia, the weather will once again be controlled by an anticyclone, so the region will be mostly sunny , with thunderstorms possible in some places on sunday. rains. daytime temperature in the reaches of the volga and don reaches +10-15, in crimea in kuban up to +13-18. on sunday , short-term warming is possible in kuban until 18:23. on the middle volga, on the contrary, there will be more rain today, and then
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sunny and dry weather will settle in the region. here during the day +1 +6. on friday it will be 3-4° warmer. in the northwestern part of russia , due to the cyclone, there will again be rain. in the north turning to snow. but along with the clouds , warm atlantic air will continue to flow into the region, so in the afternoon the thermometers will show +2 +7 only in the far north cold up to -4 -9. in central russia, significant precipitation is unlikely until saturday; on sunday, the region will be covered by fields of rain clouds from a powerful atlantic cyclone, but the temperature regime will still be significantly warmer, the climate, low-water hours up to +5-10. the frontal fields will shift along the urals. cloudiness, so there will be light rains here, in some places turning into snow, here the temperature is also much higher, the usual daytime is 0 + 5. in southern siberia today the temperature regime is still contrasting, it’s cold in the east, there’s a thaw in the west, on
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the weekend warming will make its way to the eastern regions, and the thermometer will fluctuate from zero on the banks of the yanisey river to +5 in the iertysh region. in the south of the far east the weather will improve again, but on friday there will be light snowfall in the amur region. daytime temperatures on the banks of the amur are -6-11, in the seaside up to -3 +2. mash, thank you very much, but basically no news. it was still interesting, it was warm and will be warm, thank you very much, maria borisova, about the weather, the golden collection of taser tea is a sip of luxury in every cup, start your morning with different flavors of fine black tea. morning time to brew azerchay, how many animals are there in your family? 16, why stop, he offered a goat first, a goose, there were ducks, ducklings , bendyuks, he’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog,
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leva, well, i beg you, leva, well, if you were a person, among friends, program for the whole family, tomorrow at 11:5 russia. having sunk into the universe, a bag of tools was lost to nasa astronauts in outer space. it was necessary to replace bearing units with blocks that generate energy for the iss. well, something went wrong. the tools of space labor suddenly floated away from the station. the loss was discovered using an external camera, but it was too late. the new space object is now orbiting the earth at an iss speed of approximately 28,000 km/h... and amateur astronomers can even try to see the bag through a telescope. and on the ground, construction materials will begin to be marked with qr codes. experts believe that in this way the market will get rid of counterfeits. so a new control system will work,
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alexander blinnikov understood it. it is imperative to plug your nose so as not to suffocate. the chemical genie from the jar successfully carried out a chokehold. so much so that after the renovation, vladimir could not enter the room for 4 days. at the same time, he specifically chose odorless paint for the walls. and the guarantee was written on the can. the manufacturer said that the quality, that the material is of high quality, yes, the paint does not smell, it is odorless, it dries quickly. in the end , it turned out that the paint stank, just like some kind of kerosene. but money doesn't smell which unscrupulous manufacturers receive for selling counterfeits. there are quite a lot of them on the construction market now, buyers complain, and sometimes you don’t know which material will fail. the couplings are made of polypropylene, sometimes they are older, they are new, they leak. sometimes it’s like a small lottery, because you don’t know, uh, that in a bag, for example, there may be a good mixture, or everything may fall off, everything does not fall off immediately, but after a month or a year, this is the catch of bad building materials, determine the quality of the goods
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cannot be seen by eye, although the sellers have their own marker of falsity, but it is also unreliable, corrugation, which will cost 600-700, 800 rubles, this is log, the original 1.2.5 will cost, expensive construction products really... are counterfeited less often, experts note, the most problems are with popular finishing materials , especially chemicals are used with bulk products, for example, with plaster or cement, this is mainly due to counterfeit goods, lack of proper control and, roughly speaking, cheap materials are easy to fake, for example, if we take the same cement, we can buy a normal one, just mix it and we just get a larger volume, the scheme is simple, but it works , according to experts, there was simply no quality control of materials, until today, now they are going to mark construction products with a special qr code. we point the camera of any smartphone at the qr code and go to the website, which contains all the information about manufacturers and their products. and real characteristics. such a mark is essentially a sign of quality. if it is on
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the material, it means it was tested in laboratory conditions and the product meets the requirements declared characteristics. but if the manufacturer still sucks, you can safely write a complaint to the system developer. we have laboratory control mechanisms; if complaints are confirmed, we will firstly select this product from the catalog, and secondly, we will forward this complaint to the appropriate authority. so far , there are 3,000,800 companies in the catalog of bona fide manufacturers of building materials. the list will gradually expand, the main thing is that this system is reliably protected from scammers who will probably also want get on the list of favorites. involving young people in science is an important goal of the national project science and universities; thanks to the priority 2030 program, students begin to engage in science from the first year, and universities get the opportunity to conduct the most promising developments, including in medicine, from
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genetics to dentistry. irina is participating in the experiment of belgorod geneticists not only for the sake of science; based on the results of a dna analysis, she learns about possible problems and can prevent them; she is especially concerned about the risk of developing hypertension. it could be a hereditary factor, because my mother started having problems with blood pressure at an early age. almost 1500 volunteers and years of work. the results of the study identified dna sections responsible for high blood pressure. by the way already. there were more such genes, and in general, female hypertension is determined more by heredity, and male hypertension is determined by lifestyle. another conclusion of the scientists is that the technique has already been worked out and the entire analysis of the 96 genotype samples collected today took less than two hours. we have discovered that you have a genetic factor of increased risk of developing arterial hypertension. we need to pay a little more attention to a healthy lifestyle. the ministry of health recommended preparing the methodology for practical use. at first, it will allow us to identify risks from childhood. for each person and give recommendations on activity, diet, lifestyle, and in
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the future develop genetically targeted drugs. these data will also serve as the basis for the development of new methods of therapeutic correction, because these will be target genes that can be influence and thus changing their manifestations, reduce the risk of developing the disease. dentists at omsk medical university are already putting their colleagues’ incomes at risk and may... leave them without practice. for the first time in the world, a gel was created here that not only strengthens tooth enamel, but also provides a kind of vaccination against caries. this is the best gel today, it has undergone many years of clinical research and has proven its effectiveness, it is especially relevant, of course, in pediatric practice. then it is very important to strengthen the enamel, speed up its maturation. for children there is a special composition - sweet and without preservatives. adults will have to use salty, but also with benefit. an enhanced medicinal formulation will stop it. the carious process that has already begun , by replacing the drill filling, the composition for
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everyday use will prevent caries and restore the mineral composition of the dental enamel, this can be used daily after brushing your teeth with regular paste. three modifications of the three-component gel for home use have been created with different fluoride contents for different age groups. groups. and the best thing about this news is that the gel is already being produced at a factory in the omsk region, and will soon be available in pharmacies. progress in the work of omsk and belgorod scientists has been largely achieved thanks to the program at. 20-30 national project science universities. currently, 132 universities from 56 regions are involved in it. 3/4 of the participants are regional universities. in addition to the basic part of the grant, 48 universities also receive a special part for the development of science. receiving grant support, students can go into science from their first year, although many start from schools. to attract talented young people to research, these days a competition is being held for schoolchildren and science students, the territory of heroes. it's not too late to register on
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sitero. sciences it is possible to start a career. and then, let’s be healthy, no one has canceled hand washing during the cold season, especially, and treat with an antiseptic, we’ll tell you which are the most effective soon, but remember from covid. who is he, and how did he end up here? this guy is 25-30 years old. in general, we did not have a statement of disappearance. yes, the capercaillie, this is 100%, the past, a valuable witness. this heaviness enough to lower a person to the bottom, which means it wasn’t an accident, you just need to be able to ask questions. where did you find it? there under the bridge, i found something else there. information about the owner of the badge can still be found in the archive. ekaterina rednikova. and you and i have. news about our
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stranger statute of limitations, you will interfere in this matter, freely, today: on rtr, this year 15 years with a cart. how many risks were there in general, the sygraph could once be spoiled in this image. after style i didn’t take pictures 3 years and understood perfectly well that i didn’t want to get stuck in this role. anton shakin. i asked for an audition for verkhovsky, and a couple of days later i was approved for verkhovensky. and this later completely changed me into different roles and one love, god sent me a nickname, courtship began, i began to slip poetry under the door, and a proposal, i realized that this is the person with whom i want to live
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my whole life with whom i want to give birth and raise children, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov today is on... ttr look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, understand, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for once, two three. let's sign up and look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie so that we can look good on the beach in the summer, natalya started feeding her best friend oksana in the winter, dried burdock,
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boiled burdock, salted burdock, acorns, everything with mayonnaise, even tea , but i can’t imagine refuse this. premiere on saturday on rtr, good evening, good sir, what is your name? anna yakorna, anya, i bow to your beauty, it’s unpleasant for me to be a stranger. i don’t need a house or a car, i want you and me to have a child , it’s so easy to be happy, you understood that i love you from the moment we first met, as soon as i saw you, it’s so easy to get confused,
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i no longer know who i love, i don’t know, i don’t like all this, the price of crazy passion, for now, i won’t give you to anyone, the love that never existed, in sunday, on rtr. a new speed record was set backwards, a test pilot from croatia accelerated an electric hypercar to 275 km/h, turning on reverse, most cars cannot be accelerated forward like that, but the power of 1914 horsepower makes itself felt, but this is not the first speed record for driving backwards, since 2001, in the guinness book of records, this title has been held by a sports car with an indicator of 165 km/h, whatever they can think of, and now
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we have a sprinter from japan, this retro car accelerates to hundreds in 11 seconds, on the russian market little is known about him, but ivan zinkevich will remember the gap. there is a belief among motorists that cars made in japan and for the japanese, that is, for the domestic market, are significantly different in quality from those that are exported. i won’t say anything about the quality, but their options are definitely unusual. today we’ll get acquainted with one of these cars, this is the toyota spriinter, a brother of the well-known toyota corrolla, or not even a brother, but a twin, because it ’s almost impossible to distinguish these models from the outside. . their generations changed at the same time. the first sprinters were released in 1968. we are testing the sixth generation of 1988. it's a front-wheel drive sedan with rounded fenders and long, narrow headlights. the windows are tinted from the factory. the tint shade depended on the body color. the white car
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was supposed to be brown. our car is the so -called northern modification. that's why it comes with this one. chains on wheels to overcome snowy roads. anyone who has been in snowdrifts understands how useful this thing is. under the hood is naturally aspirated. valve engine with electronic injection, volume of one and a half liters, power of 94 horsepower. the interior is cozy, with velvet and soft seats. this is not an amateur activity, such backrest and headrest covers were made in factories; fans of right-handed cars call them tullechki. in the glove compartment there is a pull-out table for the passenger, and on the second row at the bottom there are additional vents for warming the feet. the equipment is northern. and this is an air ionizer, back then they were in fashion, i think. that it neutralizes bacteria, viruses helps breathing, you eat and get healthier, especially that you are driving with the breeze, the sprinter accelerates
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briskly to hundreds in about 11 seconds, the gearbox is manual, five-speed, independent suspension, it reports in detail about defects in the road surface, but it is difficult to bring it to the point of breakdown. the toyota sprinter was produced until 2002, there were eight generations in total, it was conceived as a sports youth modification of the corolla, but in fact it did not show any special achievements on the track, but it was valued for its comfort, low price and reliability. it is interesting that the corolla and sprinter were even sold in different stores, apparently for so that no one will notice how similar they are, this is a gift, pike, the fish of dreams, i want, well, i want to marry the tsar’s daughter, i’m sure that you suit her, right? to my level, at
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the command of the pike, come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. the news will tell about the main thing in russia abroad in karina’s studio, hello, to expand interaction between russia and kazakhstan in trade, industry, space defense and other areas, president vladimir and kasym zhamar takaev. heads of state, first. in a narrow format, and then with the participation of members of delegations. a joint statement was signed on a cooperation plan for the next 3 years. the heads of state also
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took part in the forum of interregional cooperation between russia and kazakhstan via video link. vladimir putin, in particular, noted that 76 russian regions have established direct contacts with kazakhstani partners. trade turnover between the countries exceeded $28 billion. cooperation in the energy sector is developing successfully, transport sector in the agricultural sector. our country is already the largest supplier of products to kazakhstan and intends to expand cooperation. president of the russian federation, russia is a key supplier to kazakhstan of such product groups as wheat, this is 98% of imports, barley is the same, meat and poultry - 80-90%, sugar up to 70%, fermented milk products 60-70%. our country intends to continue to uninterruptedly supply the kazakhstani market. these noted that during
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the meeting the supply of electricity and coal transit and emphasized that moscow is ready to meet halfway so that kazakhstan ’s energy needs are met ; there are many new joint large-scale projects in preparation; it is expected that contracts will be concluded for a total amount of about $100 million. eight attacks by the ukrainian armed forces were repelled by... units in different areas of specialization. in the krasno-limansky and kupinsky sectors , the enemy tried to break through six times, but to no avail. five american gunships, a polish self-propelled gun krab and two tanks were destroyed. on in the donetsk direction, the enemy lost 330 people killed and wounded; in just one day, the ukrainian armed forces lost about 800 militants. our air defense shot down a ukrainian mig-29 near the village of koptevo and destroyed almost 40 enemy drones. the israeli army announced the elimination of at least 50 hamas fighters in the military quarter near
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the alshifaa hospital in the gaza strip. earlier , a key post of the hamas group in the north of the enclave was taken. the fighting lasted 10 hours. the military seized a large amount of weapons and discovered a network of tunnels. the entrance to one of them was located next to the kindergarten. there was also an arsenal of weapons was discovered in a palestinian school. the israeli command stated that the army's reserve division is in the gaza strip. for 40 years, and that hamas had lost control of the north of the enclave. about 5,000 gazans have come to the south in the last few hours alone . according to some reports, the militants were hiding behind the doctors and... traveled in ambulances. israel also attacked hezbollah military targets in lebanon. at the same time, israeli territory is also under rocket fire. an air raid alert was announced in the north of the country and in the south. in in iilate, a drone fell on a school building, an explosion occurred, the identity of the drone is being clarified. israeli actions in the gaza strip
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clearly exceed the limits of self-defense. this was stated by the head of the palestinian government. muhammet in an interview with french journalists, adding that more people have died in palestine over the past month than during the hot phase of the ukrainian conflict. the official figure is closer to 11,000. israel continues to attack the gas with aircraft and cannon artillery. leave gaza and move to the city of khanyunis, like that tel aviv demands this, but not everyone succeeds. the enclave lacks food, water and medicine. about 100 planes with humanitarian cargo have already arrived in egypt, including from russia. italy sent a hospital ship to the shores of gas. the red cross says 106 of its trucks have passed through the rafah border crossing, but this is clearly not enough for the local population. the russian foreign ministry, as well as the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of transport and the federal air transport agency will make every effort to evacuate our citizens from the gas sector. according to the official representative
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department of maria zakharova, despite the assurances of tel aviv. along the diplomatic line, while the process is moving extremely slowly. the lists are long-formed and statements by the israeli ambassador in moscow that approval may take up to two weeks are unacceptable. this is the news, stay tuned. the tourist season has ended in kamchatka. in the valley of geysers, the reserve staff is preparing all objects for wintering ; they have already conserved the forest cordon, with details from mikhail yudaev. the windows are boarded up with sheets of plywood, the doors are closed, backpacks collected. employees of the kronotsky nature reserve in the valley of geysers are waiting for the last helicopter of the year. there are no tourists on board the rotorcraft. the pilots will transport construction materials and equipment, and on the return flight they will take all the people from the valley of geysers. the cordon in the valley is open only in summer. winter in these parts
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is very harsh and the conditions for people are uncomfortable. and generally dangerous to life, the geyser river does not freeze in winter, it is heated by hot springs, the geysers themselves continue to work, there is a lot of snow falling in the distance, two-story houses the cordon regularly sweeps up to the roof. employees return to the cordon in mid -april and begin preparing the infrastructure for the season, but tourists will only be allowed into the valley of geysers at the beginning of summer. in the spring , recently awakened bears come to the thermal fields in greece to eat fresh grass. this is where their mating season begins; in june the valley opens. several thousand people will be able to visit this unique place during the season. here the excursion lasts on average 2 hours, we meet you and guide you along this tourist route along the path, well, we show all our objects. is there anything to see in the valley? almost all variants of manifestation of geothermal activity are represented in a small area. mud boilers, water boilers, pulsating springs.
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and of course, the most interesting objects are geysers, fountains of boiling water. which shoot out of the ground several tens of meters up, each geyser is unique, each has its own operating schedule and its own chemical composition. the number of geysers in the valley is not constant; active geological processes are taking place here, which can both lead to the destruction of sources and contribute to the formation of new ones. to ensure that the tourist flow does not have a negative impact on the unique nature of the valley, all routes. they walk on special wooden floorings, the cordon territory has all the necessary infrastructure , houses, recreation areas, a souvenir shop and several helipads, because rotorcraft are the only way to communicate with the outside world, the helicopter takes off from the ground and heads towards the city, reserve employees, the portholes admire the cordon for the last time this year; over the past few months, which have become their home, in winter the owners here will be hares, foxes and lynxes, and people will return to the valley of geysers only
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next spring. mikhail yudaev, vesti, kamchatka. a living monument to ancient russian literature was discovered in one of the small libraries of novosibirsk in the book depository of the seminary during a scientific inventory they found a psalter from 1570, it was published by the first russian book printer ivan fedorov, how many such unique copies are left in the world, anastasia bolotina found out. for many years this book occupied its modest place in the large library of the orthodox seminary, as it is a rare living copy. ancient russian culture could not even be imagined here until a planned orthographic survey began in the book depository, or, more simply, a scientific inventory. a valuable find was made by alexey yudin, an employee of the department. books and manuscripts of the state public scientific and technical library, at first i couldn’t believe my eyes, a psalter from 1570 ended up in the hands of the scientist, it was published in the city of zabaluevo, at that time a large center on the territory of the lithuanian principality
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, by the first russian book printer ivan fedorov; until that day, only four surviving books were known from that small circulation. one of them is in london in the library of the lambit palace, one is in the russian national library in st. petersburg, one, one copy, in the scientific library of saratov state university, but it is quite defective, and one book in ukraine in lviv. in the seminary they say things like this the collections touch the strings of the soul, they are read with the heart. something is written there that suggests that it changes not only the volume of your knowledge, but also your life, why the psalter was so valued as an educational book, because it was assumed that it both mentally develops, but also morally edifies. scientists have yet to find out how many owners the book has had over the course of more than four centuries, and how the publication moved from the west of the continent to siberia, but the book itself has already given one clue. the solution to how
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the book got to siberia has become a little closer. when scientists managed to restore, using digital correction of a photograph, the entry on one of the sheets of the publication, deciphering the erased lines, scientists found out that the psalter was purchased... by the previous owner in 1620 in veliky ustyug. and there are hundreds of such signs in the book, invisible to the average person, but real clues for scientists. each owner, understanding the value of the building, tried to preserve it. some of the sheets were also glued by the previous owners, that is, they took care of the book and wanted it to last for a very long time. in in the near future, the psalter will be digitized in order to preserve the valuable heritage of our ancestors for future generations. anastasia bolotina and sergey serdyukov, vesti novosebi.
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all news is always available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website, stay on the russia channel, come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don't miss the main thing, good morning, hello, 10 november, friday, we are in a hurry to start the day together, every morning we reinvent how to wake up, so don’t fuss, be on time everywhere, here is an important secret: when turning off the alarm clock, do not go on the internet , i learned for myself, technologies have been developed to combat internet addiction, scientists from chelyabinsk have created a special application that will teach,
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or treat, those who are susceptible to phubbing, that ’s the name of this disease , now we know the name, at least users will have to perform various tasks, for example , writing down their thoughts on paper or learning slow reading techniques and various techniques... breathing, testing the system, there will already be the first people next year experience, according to statistics, in general, 40% of adults, almost 90% of young people cannot live without gadgets, but not everyone wants to be treated, and everyone is susceptible to seasonal colds in one way or another, with or without a gadget, and the first rule, to minimize risks , is to wash your hands more often, and also use antiseptics, we have already heard this somewhere, tatyana studied their composition and effectiveness. i try to use various antibacterial things, antiseptic wipes muscovite irina malyushina finds fault with door handles, table surfaces, laptop, but
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most carefully, after each coming from the street she sanitizes her hands; during the virus period, viruses accumulate on them, the girl is sure, she chooses gels and sprays that can be thoroughly rubbed, it is very important for me that the composition firstly contains alcohol, because it disinfects very well, the virus itself is not as difficult to destroy as, for example , the same addena or rota virus, therefore it is on... these complex viruses that many antiseptics pass their strength tests. first, their composition is studied in animals safety is checked, and microbiological studies confirm that same effectiveness. it turned out that it is greatest in alcohol antiseptics. all studies have found that the virus gets used to this alcohol. the mechanism of operation of an alcohol antiseptic is very powerful, that is, as if the alcohol itself, it seems to break this shell of this virus. and this happens in a matter of seconds, if the composition is correct, of course. there are three types of alcohol, each must have its own concentration: ethyl alcohol has no less seventy, for propyl not less than 60, for propyl not less than 50%. the second group of antiseptics is based on
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releasing agents. the third, based on active oxygen, is hydrogen peroxide, which closes the group of products based on quaternary ammonium compounds; they are more often used for treating surfaces, and for hands in antiseptics, manufacturers are increasingly trying to combine several components from different groups at once. there are complex preparations that contain seventy percent alcohol and only 13% hydrogen. all this is indicated in the composition antiseptic, be it wipes, gel, lotion or sprays , so by the way, before applying the product, it is advisable to wash your hands with water, sebum and dirt reduce the effectiveness of the antiseptic, if this is not possible, well, we try to thoroughly rub the product to kill all viruses, probably 3-5 ml of the same gel is enough, then we carry out back-and-forth movements of the palms, we need to do this at least five times, then we treat the interdigital spaces, then we make a wrist lock from fingers, we process their surface, then the base of the thumb, now we take...
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hands like this and we do three on the palm at least five times. it’s difficult , of course, to imagine someone doing this, but it’s worth starting, everything takes at least a minute and a half, during which time the gel dries and the virus is gone. if an already ill urvi lives in an apartment, it is important to treat surfaces, tables, chairs, and door handles once a day. there are skin antiseptics, the instructions for use of which provide for surface treatment. including the same wipe the phone with a napkin. keys and headphones, so all means are good in the fight against viruses, if you do everything correctly, there is a chance to stay healthy this fall. if the dog has become a biter or is simply bored, bang will help, and only the production of air on the g string. british dog handlers assure that this is a proven method to calm a pet who is nervous about new year's, perhaps not only fireworks, the composition of the same author also helps well, oats can
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graze calmly. yes, it works well and swan sansa, as the second part of the


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