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tv   Babushka na snosyakh  RUSSIA1  November 18, 2023 1:25am-4:57am MSK

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so, komarov will remain in your class, and this issue is resolved, okay, then i’ll leave, yes, yes, sorry. may i, good afternoon, hello, what question are you talking about? i'm going for an interview, yeah, mm, come on, teacher, okay, and you tatyana ilinishna, you always look so gorgeous, i try, because appearance is of great personal importance. assistant, well, tatyanaeshna,
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i think you’ll suit me well, so you can get to work, hello, tatyana ilyinishna, your mother. i skated already, put on your pants, anna, yes, can i have a few words with you, yes, now, you said you’d be late? mom
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, by the way, i’m 17 in a month, do you even love him? mommy, of course i love you, very, very, very much, he’s good, it’s true, he proposed to me, but what about you? well, i, i’m not really, i said that first you need to finish college, and then you’ll see, well, that ’s right, then, well, really, we love each other very, very much, and that’s why we decided to live together, here, no, no, don’t worry, he still has an apartment from his grandmother, just not far from univera, it’s very convenient, no, dad won’t approve of this, well, mom, well, this is just an ideal option, for you too , but for me why, well, you’re so young, so beautiful, maybe you ’ll get married, nyus, don’t talk nonsense , mom.
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it’s possible, it’s possible, yes, it’s possible, thank you, slavik, i agreed with mine, tanechka, you can’t even imagine what you did today, a contract for 10 million dollars, here it is on the table, direct investment, england branson. oh , it’s all thanks to you, your charm, your diplomacy, where do you admit this from, well , there were good teachers, yes, yeah, that branson, tsar branson, sir branson, he wanted to get me drunk, i drank more champagne than i’ve ever drunk in my entire life, tanya, you ’re smart, you’re just smart, i want to double your salary.”
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and i also have a decent bonus, this is very good, because it’s my birthday soon, god, what a horror , thank you, dmitry mikhailovich, can i just dima, thank you, dima, and now my promised bonus, happy birthday to you, thank you, these are the keys to the car, yes, it’s waiting for you, you’re crazy, well, wait, i want to see it, you still have time. darling, i
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we'll be at the airport in half an hour, let's not waste time, wait. are you waiting for someone? no, i'm sorry, i'll open it, wow, what have you become, danya, we don't have much time, sorry for bothering you, nothing. happy birthday, thank you, i’m passing through moscow , haven’t seen each other for a long time, i would invite you, but no, no, the driver is waiting for me, sorry again,
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thank you. where are you going? listen, tanyush, why are you pushing so hard, well, i could have let you pass, well , of course, i’ll let everyone through, yeah, of course, you always wanted to be first,
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yes, that’s not the point, i just like to drive a car, that’s all, yeah, but you study on your own when you get ready, but why, valerka drives me, i always thought that you would be married, but what about you? if i want, i will, natasha, i forgot to tell you, you know, i recently found sazonov’s earring in sidi, we correspond with him, well, how is he in a dark row of houses, only one light in the window, tanya, yes, come to me, please, tanechka, i have business with you, here is his office, thank you, girl,
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who are you going to, i’m going for an interview, yulia korolkova, what interview for personal assistant position. come in, dmitry mikhailovich is free, uh-huh, yes, yes, oh, you always look so gorgeous, always, and as for us with english, very good, great, well, of course, english plus impeccable appearance, what you need for a personal assistant , can i just call you yurenka? well, it’s whatever you like, you’re accepted, let’s go, i’ll show you your workplace, i’m impatient, let’s go , what about you, well, what, i wrote a statement, damn it, of course it’s a pity that you’re out of work again, yeah
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okay, nyu, don’t worry, i won’t be left without work, you know me, yeah, mom, by the way, i also have some news for you, i beg you, nyu. just don’t say that you’re pregnant, damn it, mom, i thought you’d be happy, i’m glad, do you even hear what you’re talking about, you’re 18 years old, but what can you do, it just happened, you gave birth to me at 19, nothing , i graduated from college, i managed to do everything, do you even understand what it took me, oh, mom, let’s not, there’s no need to say that you’re the only one so unique, i can handle it too, by the way, scientists say that young mothers more often have talented children, mom, what are you going to do, are you going to sign or not, mom, well, of course, just me, i’m very worried that dad will be angry and won’t give money for the wedding, but i
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i really, really want a beautiful wedding, i’ve already chosen the dress, no , by the way, the main thing is to arrange it all early, before your belly is visible, no, i don’t know how you’re going to talk to your father. i don’t know, it’s just that i actually didn’t intend to, i was hoping that you would talk, especially to me now you can’t worry, uh-huh, i really don’t understand why i want him... smart , beautiful, bright, and even if i get her married, i’ll find her a worthy candidate, i was also a worthy candidate for you, when the country didn’t let you out without a wife , just don’t build up a poor little lamb, you were ready to get married yourself, and then the groom turned up. with money square, in the center of moscow, or maybe
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it’s good that she doesn’t want to repeat our mistakes, she wants to live with her loved one, let her go her own way, she’s going to hell on her way to a voluntary cattle hell with her future husband, a foreman, and a one-room apartment building in mytishchi, she is pregnant. how long? i don't know, it's very small. your account? yours? thank you, let him have an abortion. no, you wouldn't dare. i dare you. let her have an abortion, or she is not my daughter. oh, oh, valera, stop it, well, what are you, valera, well, it’s inconvenient , well, especially since it
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’s our tanyusha’s birthday today, that means congratulations to everyone, tanya, tanyusha, happy birthday, thank you , yes, so that you can be the happiest and finally find your love, come on for you, by the way, seryozhka sent his famous bouquet today, not yet, don’t worry, they’ll send more, a bunch of shawls, hello, this is a flower salon, i’d like to order a bouquet of daisies.
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write down the address, please, hello, leg, yes, come in, the first door in the corridor is open, okay, you see how you brought up, tanya , look, thank you, dear, oh, you are my good one, who was it, delivery, and delivery, it is necessary well, why, hello, come on in, so many years have already passed, okay, but we ’ve already stayed too long, let’s go, let’s go home, that’s it ok, good health to you, all the best, yes, valera! goodbye, goodbye , let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, only once,
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when i walk along this pavement, do i think about us. what a pity, but you are not with me today, and only every time i walk along this path with you, i think. mom, it’s me who came,
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nyuska, is there, do you want it, don’t, happy birthday, mom, sorry there’s no gift, thank you! so did you guys have a fight? no, just spend one night, it means you had a fight. what happened, come on, tell me, it’s okay, mom, it’s true, come on, look at me, talk, come on, you see, mom, slavik, he
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’s trying very, very hard to earn extra money, but i’m already saving every penny, and he thinks that i’m spending money on who knows what. and today my mother yelled at me very strongly, strongly, strongly , so, it’s understandable, you know, maybe your father is right, you shouldn’t have a child so early, take the money. mom, are you crazy, slavik and i love each other, we will have our own family, our baby, love is not a reason to get married , you know why you say that, because you yourself have never loved anyone in your life, that's why that if you loved, you would know that love is the most important thing in life, there is no happiness without love, lord, what am i doing, what am i
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doing, i’m sorry, forgive me.
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sorry, sl logic is located here, right on the first floor, thank you, please, hello. girl, excuse me, i urgently need to see sergei viktorovich, what is your question? in a personal way. unfortunately, sergei viktorovich is not accepting today. and you tell me that tatyana nikitina has come. woman, he's on vacation. girl, i urgently need to see him, please. you may be wedding? yes, just a minute. please, here is
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the address. thank you. hello, yes, i’m listening to you, yes, write it down, sergey, have you paid the deposit for the banquet? of course, that's it, let's go, wait, what's wrong, you go, i 'll catch up, okay, come on, okay.
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you forgot to congratulate me, you forgot, tanya, i, it’s better to say, you know, these daisies of yours, i just now realized what they mean to me, because i felt that someone loved me, that everything was not in vain. and now everything is in vain, as if we weren’t you at all, tanya, i’m like... i came to you for the last time, at the wrong time, remember? i realized that it was not our destiny to be together, i’m sorry,
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it’s too late, i wish you love, because without love there is no happiness. attention passengers, for the departure of rate number 906 5 minutes before the departure of flight number 950 to moscow, 5 minutes remain,
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passengers are requested to take their seats according to the ticket. attention, passengers, before flight number 238 departs, stop, let me get out, tampon, 5 minutes left, please, passengers, take a seat. according to the ticket.
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tea darling, yes, how much do you have to love a person in order to take him and come to him, to
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what is a strong family built on, of course an interesting question, on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, for this a person lives, he must have a continuation, on what is a good conversation built, on trust, i am so contradictory, wisdom has turned on me and cunning. the eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, when everyone is at home, until sunday, on rtr, your job is to lead the country, hold so much life in your hands, fight off so many enemies, and what are you up to, well, get up, ekaterina, favorites, premiere in monday on... the window opens and i love you with all my might, marry me tomorrow,
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it seems to me that i haven’t danced so much for a long time, such an extraordinary atmosphere, hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturday on rtt. the tv channel my planet presents: my planet, how to keep warm in istanbul in winter, if there is some kind of turkish folk remedy? yes, this is a traditional drink called salip; turks have been warming themselves with it since the times of the ottoman empire. salip is prepared from mountain orchid tubers, milk, water, sugar and cinnamon. the drink is very high in calories and burning, hot. in winter, salipa can be bought right on the streets of istanbul, look for slot carts. okay, my planet, here i am on the golden ring
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of russia, i’ve been here several times already, but every time i never tire of being amazed by this fabulous city, the open-air museum of sophistication, i decided to arrange a little holiday for myself, take a ride in the city carriage, look around like this say, the sights of suzdal, every year it gets older, aging, but at the same time it somehow manages to look good, we are now driving through... a century, if i memory serves, who do you think is buried here? prince dmitry pozharsky, the same one who led the militia with minin, his family comes from here, he lived in moscow , which is generally not surprising, he rests here, the kings are timed to coincide with
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the all-russian state day of national unity, when the militia of prince pozharsky and the novgorodians of minin in 1612 expelled the polish interventionists from moscow, so if it were not for the people from suzdal, perhaps we would now have a completely different story. deal with all the vicissitudes of suzdel defensive history, i was sent to local historian, antique dealer and collector of rarities denis lapin. when i was walking and thinking, in general suzdal, it has the moral and historical right to hold such holidays, but why don’t they have the right, pushkarskaya street, where it ran in the 16th century, had seven weapons workshops, it was rewritten immediately after the end of the time of troubles , a census was carried out, and so it turned out that seven weapons workshops in this city, this is a bit too much, where do you need so many weapons?
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defend yourself from whom? well, the shafts have been standing since the 19th century century, in 1611 they withstood a four-month siege by the poles. but they will withstand us if we go. let's go, why hasn't it fallen apart yet? so inside there were wooden frames, they collected several crowns, dug out a ditch and stuffed clay into these crowns, that is, they took the earth from there to here, and so it all grew, the frames are held up. so also the continuation of the wall was 10 m high in the 14th century, burned down, right here, yes, with a three-story house, the rampart encircled the kremlin, almost one and a half kilometers from it has been preserved, it now excites imagination, it seems, you can still hear the roar of guns and arquebuses, the clanging of reeds, the ringing, sabers, whistling of arrows, the groans of the wounded, the volga bulgars took the suzdar, they didn’t take it, the mongols-tatars
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took it, they took it in 1238, they find it every now and then, here people cannonballs are working in the gardens, yes, i’ll show you, i even have them, heavy, large ones, but weigh it, try it, now suzdal is a small provincial town, and once during the middle ages suzdel was a significant military and cultural center, many nobles lived here russian surnames, shuisky, yes, everything here is simple, you just have a concentration of everything, how did it happen, well, ancient russian history was forged here , moscow was still walking under the table then, when in suzdal all these first mentions of moscow were already thundering in 1147,
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remember that the suzdol prince yuri the long-armed is calling his allies to feast on the banks of the moscow river, history should have been taught, he would have been less surprised, alexander nevsky was also a suzdol prince in his time, your bell ringer is good, we are coming, here he is ringing and it rings, it’s valery mikhailovich, right in pursuit of bell affairs, well, a great master, he would listen, he would stand, so maybe ... let’s get acquainted, it seems to me that you yourself were vibrating, so i was also vibrating a little, yes, yes, what are you
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now they played, well, these are two festive bells, one, like a cathedral, this is for a church, ringing, we usually can meet the bishop there, so when the militia gathered there was some kind of ringing then or when the enemy approached the city on battle, but how it sounded, then denis showed up with cannonballs and went i went to his shop to look at artifacts from the time of troubles, and they showed me a silver penny from boris godunov. re-minted from the kopeck of ivan the terrible, later, long kopecks of the romanov era, oh, what could you buy with such a stub, well, they say that later, at the end of the 17th century, a corolla cost about 70 kopecks, but here is a book
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like this, here for example, it was written on the book that it was silver, of course, of course, but the book cost more than 2 rubles, kopecks, so as not to lose such small change, they wore it behind their lips, hence... the expression roll out your lip, you won’t get it together and there won’t be any money, but once you swallow it, keep watch and look for such a crumb.
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diversity and the greatest benefits vladimir putin at the forum of united cultures in st. petersburg on art and history. alshifa intensive care patients died after israeli attacks. the idf attacked warehouses in lebanon. hundreds of unexploded shells were eliminated. sappers are neutralizing the territory of the belgorsk region. a new day on the russia channel begins to be broadcast in the vera tarasova studio. hello. in st. petersburg on the site vladimir putin spoke at the ninth international cultural forum. the president noted
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that art still knows no boundaries, despite all the sanctions prohibitions. this year , the large-scale event was called the forum of united cultures. official delegations. the topic is history and modernity in artistic culture, the claims of individual forces to exclusivity are one of the main reasons for the current tension in the world. the president turned to history and recalled that st. petersburg is a city that built... the greatest good, in contrast to attempts unify everyone according to a single, proprietary template. the experience of the thousand-year history of our country convincingly demonstrates that cultural diversity is the greatest blessing, the interaction of cultures is one of the conditions for stability.
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and peaceful development, because among the main reasons for the current tension in the world is the claim of individual forces to exclusivity, including cultural exclusivity, their disdain for other customs, spiritual values, the desire to subject everyone to unification, and according to their own template. which they think the best most universal, the solemn ceremony of the first presentation of the hermitage prize is planned for tomorrow, which will then be awarded annually to two leading figures of world culture from russia and from abroad, its first laureates were the artistic director of the mikhailovsky theater valery gergiev and the artistic director of the ballet troupe of the mikhailovsky theater. massive. struck by the russian army in a week, as reported by the ministry of defense, all
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missiles reached their target. the department also said that our military is fighting for heights near kleshcheevka. and this is footage from the ugledar direction to strengthen the militants, the crew of the t-80 tank is firing. and on kherson, new enemy attempts to land on the dnieper islands ended in the loss of almost 500 personnel. the losses of the armed forces of ukraine in a week exceed 5,000, a lot of equipment was destroyed, three planes were shot down in the sky. during the period from november 11 to 17, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 24 group strikes with precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which forward control points and locations of command personnel, the operational-tactical group liman, the operational-strategic group of troops khortytsia, as well as points of temporary deployment of militants from the azov formation and the right sector were hit. in addition, artillery arsenals were successfully hit. warehouses for weapons, military equipment and
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lubricants, airfield infrastructure, as well as a training center for snipers and engineering personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. shelling of the belgorod region continues, ukrainian militants are hitting populated area, an explosion does not always occur after arrival, so the dangerous zone is checked by sappers; first, military specialists neutralized and destroyed hundreds of unexploded shells. report by alexander korobov. more courageous than astronauts and stuntmen. be careful, sappers from the western group of troops are working. the field of activity is the widest. often, specialists inspect arrival sites not only on the line of combat contact, but in peaceful border settlements. shells fired at the ukrainian armed forces do not always explode. we're coming, because it is necessary to make sure that there are no explosive objects left. there was a case when, out of sixteen places to which we were called, we still found one. an inspection of this scene did not
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reveal any dangerous finds; the shell that fell here scattered hundreds of small fragments. over the past week, sappers have accumulated a lot of such explosive stuff, and of course , unexploded ammunition poses a particular danger to life. eliminates such military products exclusively by detonation, in this matter the best assistant to the sapper, tratilovaya. the most reliable and best means for destroying explosions. this enemy anti-tank mine will no longer be able to harm our soldiers; it will finally bang loudly. but it's okay. while the sappers have no time to rest, there is enough work every day at the front and in the rear. alexander korbov, vyacheslav podzolkov, conduct the belgorod region. the world health organization recorded
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152 attacks on medical facilities in gaza, killing more than 500 people, as stated by the management of the alshifa hospital, all patients were in the intensive care unit died as a result of the blockade of the complex by the israeli military. according to the associated press, the delivery of humanitarian aid to the territory of the enclave has not been carried out for the second day. the israeli military cabinet on friday approved the passage of two fuel tanks for the needs of the united nations following us recommendations, but it is still unclear how and when the delivery will be carried out, in the press, meanwhile, they hint at the possible release of the hostages, but hamas has conditions for an exchange for prisoners according to the formula 50/50 and israeli consent to termination. israel defense forces hit the military infrastructure of the hezbollah movement in lebanon, a weapons depot of military publications in the gaza strip was hit, the israeli air force launched airstrikes on hamas targets, and the idf military captured a fortified stronghold where weapons were produced. according to the jerusalem post newspaper, the
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israeli government and army are discussing the scenario of an offensive to the south of the gaza strip. there is debate at the highest level about whether promotion should begin now or wait. for hostages, meanwhile israel is preparing for a protracted companies in gas. the idf said it was forming an additional defense system and distributing weapons to self-defense units in zderot. we are monitoring developments, stay tuned. the main premiere of the year. the clymperatrix will still be in grief. it’s tough, russia will have to. empresses are a joy for enemies, this is the best moment for justice to prevail, to the rightful emperor , the rightful throne, mother will not walk in the provinces for long, i already know the letter is not lost, it is safely hidden, this is your chance, but one day her tears will dry up, everyone who is frozen
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should be punished in this matter, look what you think , check me, i came to inform you that in the near future you are subject to arrest, not only did you not withdraw from business, but took up repression, now i, too , we are all in great danger, yakaterina, favorites, pavel will not be the emperor of russia, on monday on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman bought a piglet, you just have to get a pet and life will never be the same, it will set everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all , well i then clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a secret of dreams,
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how do you feel about that? i agreed, at first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, today on rtr. hello, good morning, we are starting our saturday broadcast , trying to get rid of sleepiness, tune in to an interesting day, denis toykov, svetlana abramova, today in the studio, learn to play the guitar easily, using a new virtual reality helmet, this is what such lessons look like in reality,
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with additions, know, hit your strings, at this time the smart gadget highlights which frets and which strings need to be pressed. if you can’t keep up with the computer, it doesn’t matter, the musical beat can be slowed down to a comfortable level. the composition can be anything, like in karaoke, and one cannot help but recall such a terrible word for all new guitarists as bare. now you can take it literally on the first try. i can do this, so let him play the murka. well, now about the latest technologies. from russian scientists, they they have created devices that allow blind people to regain their ability to see and deaf people to hear. 300,000 people, according to doctors, suffer from blindness today. our engineers and scientists are trying to solve the problem , at least partially, in different ways, one of the most promising is electronic implants.
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we and several teams around the world are now making a device that allows the camera to be connected not to the eyes, not to the optic nerve, but directly to the brain. experts call the design of the video beam an electronic eye. the device consists from glasses with a built-in antenna and video cameras. signals from them are sent to a control unit on the belt, from where the system sends data to electrodes implanted in the brain. this is a plate on which many contacts are placed. to simplify everything, a hoop with cameras films space, the computer processes and correctly packages this information for the brain. and then through the antenna hoops it is transmitted inside to a special implant. the brain recognizes this and a picture appears in the patient’s consciousness. first version devices will allow you to see the outlines of objects from white dots, but in the future with the development of technology, the image will become better. will gain color and clarity. at the same time, scientists around the world are working to restore the functions of the human ear. ours is no
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exception; they have created a special cochliar implant. it works in such a way that it captures sound from a microphone and converts it into a sequence of electrical impulses. and then the transmitter in an unjustified way transmits this information about these impulses to the implant. only it is not installed on the cerebral cortex , in the auditory region. cochlea, it turns out that the device replaces part of the damaged hearing organs, the eardrum and sound-transmitting bones. the developer of the device, dmitry, has hearing problems and has experienced the technology himself; he says the electronic ear hears in a special way. at first glance, it may seem that a person with a neuroimplant hears sounds exactly the same as any other person, but this is not the case, the fact is that the computer converts sounds into special signals. for example, this is how my speech sounds: that a person, look, hears exactly the same as other people.
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to learn to parse such signals, the patient needs several months of training; in fact, a person learns a new language, however, as future users say , it is worth it, with the help of our engineers, very soon, the dream of hearing, for example, the voice of your child, will become real for thousands of people. life on mars may also become real, there chinese chemists found molecules for the production of oxygen, helped them in this... intelligence, scientists created a robot under controlled by a neural network, which scanned samples of meteorites that fell to earth from the red planet. by analyzing them, the system synthesized compounds that could be used to produce oxygen from the water present in space rocks. this discovery, according to researchers , will help build a kind of oxygen plant on mars to saturate the atmosphere with oxygen vital for humans. and what discoveries are the star? next week astrologer vera khobelashvili will tell us. good morning, good morning, well we're successful survived, full moon, new moon,
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eclipse corridor, it seems like we need to relax, right? or the stars are preparing new surprises. by and large, yes, should they relax or should they prepare? let's talk about everything in order. we really experienced a fairly intense eclipse corridor. and after it there was an equally difficult new moon on the 13th. and now after that. new moons, energies, one might say, are on a slight decline. we also had saturn a little crazy there, it’s a planet of discipline, such a harsh planet, it’s like once it unfolded from its retrograde movement, it has now leveled off, so now such a time begins of more harmony , more calm, given that the planet of love, the planet venus, it is now in the sign of its strength, in the sign of libra, it gives such a very calm, one might say, such a peaceful mood for everyone and for everyone, i especially want to highlight the air element so that they do not miss this opportunity, because
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venus now favors gemini, libra and aquarius the most, i heard you, as aquarius, they say, the penultimate week of november, it should be rich in events, you said that everything should be peaceful, then what kind of events should we expect, let me tell you about such a very important day, this is november 18, on this day we have two very strong, one might say, masculine planets , the sun and mars are yang planets, planets of great strength, they connect with each other, thereby marking the fact that a certain cycle begins, a cycle when we can launch a lot, well, if it is necessary for someone something, because from now on it comes a whole two-year period begins, such a special day, i would highlight it separately and emphasize it, because the last such cycle we launched was on october 8 , twenty-one, maybe someone should look there and remember what happened during these 2 years
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it is from that period and now that we have a second, well, the next wave of such very great enthusiasm, inspiration, yes, that is, on this day, very well, some very important things that are necessary for you, on november 18, that is, today, yes yes, this day has come, i'm right i understand that now i need to start something new, and finally. take on the work that we were afraid to take on, because you told us that we were too emotional and could make some wrong decision, now these emotions have faded away and we just need to start doing this, there is more rationality now people have more, so to speak, calmness in their minds and more clarity in actions, so now you can already implement your plans, if you have not yet managed to implement them, then try exclude dangerous days in the sense of starting, because there are also such days this week, but let’s give examples, let’s give specific work, relationships, let
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’s say in the field of finance, if not dangerous, it’s called the day of no return, it’s november 21, what is meant, it is not recommended to start financial transactions on this day, well, this is in the best case, if you do not want your project to suffer some kind of failure in the future, just try to exclude this day for business, yes, just starting in this day, we are doomed to not have the best result, there are... there are still days when there is a risk of injury, it is also increased, and these are november 19 and 23, so everything may be fine, but we may get into some unpleasant situation for ourselves, situation, getting cut, getting hurt, getting burned somewhere or something else, well, injuries can be of any kind, so be very careful, this is a warning, but in everything else, as they say, we still have very good days, this is 25 and november 26, they are
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also energetically at their maximum... who in unlike denis , everything is not so good with love, what can they expect, maybe they need to do something, especially, i will also please anyone else who is doing just as well as his denis, because the air element has remembered that she is among the favorites , but also the fire element joins it, this is aries, leo sagittarius, it will be good for them too, but as they say, opportunities, yes, we just have to understand that there are opportunities that fate pushes us, and sometimes we pass by, so how to use these features? here everyone should try somewhere the signs that i have listed, they, of course, should not miss these chances, because going out to people, i think, there is no need to explain that this is the simplest thing, yes, at least appear, manifest yourself in this world so that peace can be with you i saw, and fate will somehow push the person you need to you, but those who remain, as they say with unspoken signs, and this is, respectively, the earth element and the water element, should not
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be upset either, because there are always their own on every street r thank you very much, this was the astrological forecast for next week from astrologer vera khubelashvili. ekaterina is a favorite in previous episodes. think before you say anything. catherine's happiness is darkened. general lonskoy is too simple for state affairs. you have always loved smart men, but no matter how much you teach him. the empress of her man. remember why i attracted you. i remember charming to show the true face of a half-man. exactly. why do you come to the palace when you are not even scheduled for an audience? i am a nobleman and am free to come wherever i want, especially to places where they are waiting for me and welcome me. but you are no longer welcome here. driven to despair by the intrigues of the court , lonskoy takes poison. who directed him to do this? i'll find out, i won't forgive. it would be better for me
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to put you in prison than to wait. now the empress will not intercede for you harm. ekaterina, favorites. we watch the continuation on monday at 21:30. digging bunkers with your own hands is fun, educational, and anyone can do it. the american self-builder kala, or simply the girl from the tunnel, was able to convince hundreds of thousands of her subscribers of this. who is looking for salvation from hurricanes. over the course of a year, she has already buried almost 5 million rubles for a good 6 m in depth, what a fine fellow, along the way kala encounters difficulties and heroically overcomes them, so to transport heavy rock, she welded herself a lift , drained the surging groundwater with drainage pumps, even after erecting the concrete walls of the vaults, finishing the project turned out to be more difficult than starting, but there’s no escape, the money is invested, subscribers are waiting, to the ground, that is
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, the country again attracted our inveterate... summer resident vera krasova. the weather still allows for pruning of fruit trees. they will have time to recover before frosts and in the spring will immediately begin to actively grow. now we’ll find out how not to make mistakes in this difficult matter. a sign that has been proven by more than one generation of summer residents. if leaves are falling outside the window, then it’s time to prune the fruit trees. moreover, this can be done until the onset of stable frosts. and not only depends on how competently you carry out this procedure. the harvest of apples and pears, but also how the garden’s favorites will overwinter. vera, good morning, good morning, ekaterina, i see you are busy with complex mathematical calculations, yes, more sharp corners, i’m just about to trim them, well, you took out the pruning shears early, the solution to any mathematical problem primarily depends on the order of actions. and where do we start then? to begin with, you will need a rake. rake in hand, remove fallen
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leaves away from garden trees. the beautiful leaves overwinter spores of fungal infections well, pests that, after awakening in the spring, won’t even have to look for prey, the native apple tree is already here, now you can get it... and the pruning shears must be disinfected, from sharp corners of course get rid of them, because they can break and harm the tree, but you shouldn’t forget about sanitary pruning either, these are dry, diseased and broken branches, yes , that’s absolutely right, that’s how it is, for example, you cut it right here into a ring, without leaving stumps, so that it becomes better rooted, without leaving stumps ; cut off damaged branches, deep scratches... and frost holes that formed due to temperature differences will become an excellent haven for bacterial infection; pathogens develop well in a too thick crown, where the shoots grow close to each other, cross,
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stretch straight up, inside the crown or hang down. as a result, poor air circulation and lack of light leads to the fact that the tree often gets sick, the skin grows poorly and does not bear fruit. vera, the main thing with pruning is not to overdo it, not to cut off everything we need. for example, flower buds, these, yes, yes, absolutely right, they will give us a harvest next year, we can shorten this branch, and here are also flower buds, we will not cut off all the buds on this branch, we will cut it to one vegetative , thereby the branch it will bush and give us more harvest, more apples, what else does a gardener need? the main thing is to know when to stop, we cut off no more than 30% of the entire crown so that the tree does not go into the winter under stress, we do not leave without attention... apple trees, they, unlike ordinary ones, will not bring more harvest, but they will decorate the area, well this such a beauty, but it doesn’t make a ball, well, it shouldn’t be a ball, it’s a decorative apple tree in the shape of a bush, what
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branches to pay attention to, what to cut, what to leave, well, the pruning rules are the same, we remove sharp corners, pinch out the shoots of the current year, intersecting, well, intersecting, yes, they can be removed, but from the other side. we can lose decorativeness, so we remove only those branches that spoil the decorativeness of the plant, such formative pruning can be done in the spring, before the sap begins to flow, when the buds swell, but in the new season the summer resident already has a lot of worries, so feel free to transfer some of the work to the fall , at this time of year it would be a good idea to prune stone fruit trees, cherries, plums, apricots, thin out their crown, remove sharp corners, diseased and damaged branches. but we don’t touch the shoots of the current year, because, yes, they are lighter and a little thinner than the shoots of previous years, this is the main difference from pome crops, because the shoots of this year
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ripen next year’s crop, and so that the new season does not overshadowed, all wounds remaining after pruning must be treated to prevent cracking of the wood, first of all, this applies to cuts with a diameter of more than two with ekaterina, so i’m prepared, garden varnish. vera, this is an outdated substance, our grandmothers used it, but it has been established that infection accumulates under it and gets wet. what do you have then? i have a special paste that contains a fungicide and disinfects the cut. what has technology come to? and it’s convenient, by the way, to match the color of the bark. speaking of bark. well, we’ll whitewash it and make it beautiful. well, whitewash. not for beauty, but to protect plants from frost damage, from sunburn, and this is already an outdated method, there is a more modern sponbond, sponbond, lutrosil, yes, any white non-woven material
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a color that insulates and perfectly reflects sunlight, and spraying the crown with meadows containing preparations, mordovian mixture, copper sulfate will help repel the attack of fungal infections, but it is important to have time to carry out the treatment before frost, at a temperature... the product simply will not work, so what, our beauties, the apple trees are ready for winter, it’s time to get some hair, stock up on vitamins, wow, but i hope i ’ll have the same harvest next year, even better, and then there’s a pause in the relationship, he flew away, but he promised to return, because all men are the same, a little straight away to the garage or to the attic. in fact, taking a break from a relationship is a surefire way for a happy couple. oh, denis, who told you that? life experience, whether to take a break from each other or not, we will ask the best expert soon. well, this is better than
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sorting things out. oh, don't start. don’t start, and by the way, don’t roll your eyes, otherwise it will stay that way. i will start a new life tomorrow. i can be useful to you, today, even now. concerned about searching housing and work, they say that you need an assistant, i’m ready to try, your name is irina, you and my wife, she has lost her memory. i’m standing there, but i’m not ready to lose my love, we were traveling together, oh you, a person cannot be another person’s shadow, she was always only mine, i need me to be real and i need real love, i ask you, please help me remember myself, from scratch as a prime minister, today on
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rtr. i don’t understand where these people come from, what planet? there's something inside you something that allows us all to be drawn in by this simplicity, sincerity, the girls worked without insurance, masturbated, surprised, tear-stained. and then each of us burst into tears. there were eyes in a wet place, sometimes eyes can say more than a thousand words , new emotions, what they create, it’s impossible , it’s just that all my nerves are frayed, this is just the beginning, everything will be ahead, new discoveries for the jury and for the audience, under a huge impression, this is definitely an event for the bluebird, in the new anniversary season, this a blue bird, a stage on which... people from all over
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the country come to become better, not better than others, but better than themselves, yesterday. blue bird, november 26 on rtr. there would be no happiness, but misfortune would help. this entrepreneur from china was able to make good money from someone else’s misfortune, precisely because of the collapse of family happiness. mr. lee, a wedding photo shredder of sorts , his industrial shredder mercilessly chews up once-touching pictures around the clock, just throw them in the trash; divorced wives and husbands cannot, for privacy reasons, like theirs. you can’t destroy acrylic on your own, you can’t break it, you can’t tear it, you can’t burn it, so you can’t do it without a pro , for its unique service, the destroyer of happiness doesn’t ask that much, from 100 to 1200.
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i would like to hope that the divorce will be followed by a new wedding, in everything should be perfect for her, the bride, the groom, and the cake, what modern wedding cakes are like and whether it’s possible to make a treat with your own hands, we’ll find out from our online selection, yes, that’s a ladder , nothing, so i really need it to be taller and stronger , but don't think, i don't... no, me a wedding was called, a wedding was invited, but they didn’t give out the equipment, not only do you need a stepladder, you also need a construction helmet , you never know your head will spin from the height, or from the beauty, or from so much sweets, my weight is 55 kg, i make cakes weighing up to 55 tons, these are not just confectioners, they are real builders, they need to create a drawing, clear the site, build several floors so that everything is level, lights are installed in the sweet castle, but
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unlike a new building, the cake cannot become a long-term construction project, the material is perishable. it usually takes more than a week to create one cake, but if there is no task to feed a small city with one cake, then confectioners are ready to fulfill more modest fantasies, for geometry lovers a square cake, for opponents of the flat earth theory an ideal ball, for physicists rebels a floating cake, just like cutting it, everything is just elementary , let's go, but we can do the wedding cake on our own, we'll make swans out of cream, it's important to choose the right nozzle for a pastry bag, we'll make flowers out of chocolate, a few movements with a spatula, now we attach the petals to the cream base and voila, or you can make a heart out of paper, not simple, waffle , the cost of such decor is about 50 rubles, but it turns out very impressive and cute, we cut, glue, fasten and paint, just like in art lessons , well, or in labor lessons, and here i’m making elements for the floating
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heart cake, you can also draw, but for greater effect let’s take paints that glow in the dark, turning off the light can generally brighten up all the flaws of your cake. all these shows are certainly spectacular, cake appears from a giant lotus or like an aerialist descends from under a dome, or can turn into fortune tellers, if the filling is pink, then the newlyweds will have a girl... advice and love, and now let's eat, sorry, but this cake is just a cake, it won’t change color by accident or turn into a pumpkin somewhere. then i don’t like pumpkin, can i have a piece then? some celebrate the dissolution of a marriage on such a grand scale, according to official data from rosstat, last year more than 680,000 couples divorced in russia, just for 7 months of this year, the number of divorces has reached
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400,000, the most common reasons, as surveys show, are financial problems, lack of mutual understanding, infidelity or jealousy of spouses. is it possible to save a marriage when a crisis occurs in a relationship, for example. take a break or break up for a while, we’ll discuss it with clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, mikhail khors. good morning, mikhail, you know, often in romantic comedies in films they show how the bets quarrel, go their separate ways, she goes to her mother, but as a rule, everything ends happy ending, in real life or not? oh, this and that happens, yes, the question is what goals the partners are investing in. spouses, when they take this, it means time to think, live, how to properly take this to think, then tell us to agree, at a minimum , yes, what we do is this time, because you know, without agreeing, what problem they usually run into, a woman understands this as
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a time when she needs to be alone, alone, which means to think, but in general, how can i live alone without a spouse, but a man begins i like it, i understand it as a time when you can excuse me, walk around, on the contrary, interact with a large number of women, yes, so dear women, first of all, advice to you, yes, if you still want to do this, then at least sit up straight, even here preferably a contract for this month, if there is some kind of disagreement, resentment accumulates, i don’t know, quarrels become more frequent, and the couple comes or should she come to... an offer, let’s try, live for a while, there is a month apart from each other , this is the way out, or or rather this is already the path to the break, well, rather, this is the last thing that can and should be done, and before that everything , the last, but you still need to say,
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the last thing, if everything else doesn’t help, but that’s what helps, but what helps is analysis of the reasons, why we quarrel, most often, they believe that the reasons are in another person, but this is not so, we quarrel with each other not because the other partner behaves somehow, but because we believe that this behavior is wrong , bad things shouldn’t happen in my life, people are becoming less and less tolerant of each other, well for whom this might be a way out, let’s do it this way, well let’s do it this way, this is for those people who, after all, yes, devalued each other, uh-huh, separated, realized that after all, there is value in her, there’s value, uh , so maybe, yeah, but just once again, if there are quarrels, then you need to solve, as it were, the reason for these quarrels, and the reason is in
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the interpretation of the behavior of another person, or in your unpreparedness for what it turns out, you need to adapt to the other person sometimes you need to shove your opinion somewhere deeper, listen, but if you still decided to break up, go away for a while, but what is the best way to do this, by the way, if you have children, how can you explain to the children that let’s say mom or dad left, give the children a normal, sort of interpretation, parents can quarrel, it ’s not a problem, it’s just life this is how it works, and even parents can disagree , well, of course we don’t want to, but this can happen, and if we are categorical, your parents are the best in the world, they are just there on a business trip. they’re leaving, that’s all, but the child is not ready for this, and he thinks there’s something wrong with heaven fell to earth when the parents separated, but if, after all, they decided to separate, but not amicably, one of the spouses, and he needs to be told, tell the other about this, how best to do this
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, how to make him i somehow understood correctly, here’s how to explain it, well, if this is, of course, a non-soft version of divorce, well, because a woman can perceive that this is a soft version of divorce, or maybe in another way, and on the other hand, maybe maybe a woman would want to go on vacation, why are we saying that only a man would want, well, more often, to unfortunately, statistically, yes, men do this, the question is, what is this correctly understood, no offense, well, how can a man tell his wife that offense will not work, everything will not work out, most likely they will be offended at you for this, they will yell, well, some are screaming, some are crying, some are... look, you said that it’s an extreme case, yes, but if you separate, most likely it will only help those who, having lived apart from each other , will understand... that you are missing this person, in this regard i have the following question:
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is it necessary, if these are the very people we are talking about, during this period, there is a month or so, they decided to communicate with each other, or is it necessary just to feel that you are missing him, in general how to put a block on a black list, block, i think that if you want to tell the person with whom you quarreled, to say, and you know, i still miss you... not enough, then it’s better to say, yes, that’s it to sit and endure, uh, well, why, well, sincerity in all these stories is the best thing, if hate sincerely, love also sincerely, understand that today you can hate a person, and then fall in love , a wave-like process, our relationship, when a person accepts both these sides in himself, that i am my humanity, i can get angry somewhere, somewhere... then on the contrary, yes, and in the end he, in another person in his partner, also accepts this right to be angry, then
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there are fewer conflicts in the family , we talked with a clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, about whether to put the relationship on pause, mikhail khors, thank you very much, thank you, what the hell is happening, where am i, so , we are acting according to the old proven scheme, she is a serf peasant, from a cruel landowner, when everything does not go according to plan, our grisha lost his temper, that we are entitled to a slave for escaping ? execution, set fire, no, i won’t, okay, i myself, cold, i want you to look me in the eyes when i put you out, soon, welcome to our french restaurant, i’ll plant, wine, chateau de ulanoude, men i want it in sour cream, but what have you done in the psychiatric ward, there are three
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napoleon, they shot down one kututov, i decided to restore historical justice, humor, humor, humor, premiere, today at 14:50, the highlight of the fashion show was not a celebrity, an arrogant dog, without family and without tribe and without a name, a mongrel somehow passed all the security cordons, the dog squeezed out of the shadows at the most important moment at the final fashion show and relaxed on the red carpet, disturbing the model, lying, by the way, spectacularly, even if you paint a picture. the public's attention should have been focused on the collection, but in the end everyone switched to an uninvited guest, one of the spectators tried to clear the podium, the dog resisted, in general there was an embarrassment for the entire fashion world, but what kind of collection it was and whose it was, is not so important in the end. and what is fashionable now, people are increasingly learning not from the catwalk, but... from social networks, through the efforts of influencers, with their input,
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the band has been declared the most fashionable accessory of this season. the trend came from social networks and seems to have captured the minds of all designers and fashionistas. the main accessory of this season, which has supplanted even real flowers, has become bands, and you can wear them literally everywhere. instead of laces on sneakers, like a brooch on clothes and of course on hair. the trend originated on social networks and instantly went viral. baitiks are officially allowed to be worn today. and not just schoolgirls, it seemed that everyone was just waiting for this, i put on bows, my mood just lifted, why is this happening , a trend that came to us this year, more precisely, it came back from the old days, i want to go back to childhood, i want to return in a doll of cartoon characters, and today’s image that you are wearing, it just returns us in that same anime, that is, you are like a cartoon character, so cheerful, the trend came to us from asia, there the image of the eternal child is elevated to a cult,
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an entire beauty industry is built on it, but this is only one of the meanings that this accessory carries , there is a big difference between a bow and a bow, the message of which is exactly the opposite, luxury and grandeur. bows came into fashion during the boroka era , decorating the clothes of both men and women, and kings and queens loved this accessory at all times. let's remember elizabeth the second, because she has a whole collection of brooches in the form of bows. which were presented to her by her mother-in-law, yes, it’s like a passed -down heirloom, or there are bows on her crown, but the queen of bows in history is considered the marquise de pompadour, she simultaneously wore a bow on her neck and on her dress, today such an outfit will make you look more like crazy empress it’s difficult to spoil our beauty, but it seems to me that we will do it, we generally gave everything to the table, why everything that could be done, we did everything. everything seems to be right, bow, shoes, smart blouse, smart kipyure bodysuit, yes,
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well, i don’t know, it seems to me that we need a performance for children for prom or some other, despite the fact that all the things individually are relevant, together they form a killer combo that looks caricatured, because modern fashion plays on contrasts and contradictions. each of our images can be modified , certain nuances can be added, let’s say i just took it and put on this sports bodysuit on purpose, with a very feminine dress, yes, and if i now put on sneakers, i’ll take the sneakers into a ponytail just like that. then of course you will already receive it, the next level is to fit gangs into a business style, yes, this is quite possible, this is what the suit will be, on the one hand it is very simple, but look, there are interesting ties here, love works in the beauty sphere, so in the office it is important for a girl to look not only put together and neat, but also feminine, see how all this will look on you and how the bows will decorate you and
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make you very feminine and light, in this case i... use bows as the main element that will lighten the image, make it lighter , more understandable for girls, for her clients, and which will show her romance and her mood for easy, pleasant communication, and i really like ballet shoes, they just complete, in my opinion, yes, they complete, they make the image very wearable, very light, she won’t get tired during the day, lisa chose exactly what really appeals to me as a person, first of all. and knowing my preferences, she chose some other option for me with such slight immaturity. and how do you feel in this image? i feel first comfortable due to the fact that i have such a fairly free image, plus on top of all this i feel very elegant , it turns out a kind of magic
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wand effect, just one detail is enough to instantly transform and turn, if not into cinderella, then into a ready-made woman.. .to conquer the whole modern world, and not just the prince, all that remains is to add a couple of strokes of the brush, apply a little blush and glitter, the holidays are coming and a fantasy image with bows, with japanese, korean makeup, with the addition of glitter, and arrows, is quite well written, arrow, fantastic, very beautiful, impressive, blush can be used with lipstick, on lips, on cheeks, but. what have we done to you? if such creativity is unlikely to be appreciated at a corporate event, then at a party in an informal setting the outfit will definitely become a subject of admiration. and it will cheer up the off-season mood not only for you, but for your friends. and then the full sound of saturday morning. we will find out very soon what music will set the tone for today, thanks to our colleague andrey petrov, don’t
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switch. here's the boy on the shirts. the main premiere of the year. your heart is huge kind, hug me, the holy woman went about this, i know catherine the great very well , yesterday’s favorite can become a disgraced traitor today, i’ve always been there for you, and now because of this booger you ’re putting my faithful service in doubt, right now here choose, either me or him, ekaterina, favorites, on monday on rtr.
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hello andrey, andrey malakh's evening show, today on рt'. lika, she sent me a message, wrote that she was scared, asked me to come, and then she just jumped off the roof, she didn’t jump, she your similar sister, isn’t it, that you wanted to take revenge from her, for the fact that she was a little more fortunate in life than you, do you want to take her place? the name of the thing, you understand that it’s not me, and you know who? yes, i saw his car at the construction site at the time of the murder, do you even know who you got involved with, his father won’t even have to get up from the cross to crush such a leader as you, i have to somehow
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protect myself, without you, sunday on rtr . the sounds of music flow from the food. this school teacher from china surprised his students a lot, having once drilled a carrot to make it sound, then came a variety of vegetables, as well as instruments that are not originally musical, in skillful hands, a saw turns into a violin, wrenches play a key role in the reimagined xelophone, as do scraps of facing whip. the master tries to make all the crafts make friends with each other and sound organic together, and for this he attracts all his friends who have already started rehearsals as
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part of an improvised orchestra. we will continue the musical theme, we will contact you now our colleague andrey petrov. we hope that his guests will have the instruments that are not real, andrey, good morning , good morning, andrey, at the coffee, good morning, good morning everyone, since we are meeting you on saturday, this is the time when you don’t want to rush, i want to sit, relax, it’s good, because it’s good, but it’s boring, and when it gets boring, of course, you need to add music, you need to add songs, and the team that we invited to our film set today says this: come to our concerts and you will smile, and smiles are what we definitely need to get on saturday, and more of them, and i will introduce you to our guests today, and this is good, in principle, you know the group, the stradivalka quartet, i greet you, thank you,
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that today we joined, in fact, today we will perform with you on this stage a wonderful composition of the 16th century, the cuckoo is called, interestingly, the author wrote it at one time, and not only it, for all kinds of salons where guests gathered, danced, had fun, that everyone had fun , the composition turned out to be so light and at the same time sparkling that it is still with... with pleasure, you are not the only ones playing it, but many people take it, but some children are not happy at music school they play it, and some enjoy it, i also wanted to ask you about the game, by the way, because i know that your team plays some programs once a year in total, and that is, the lucky ones went, managed to buy tickets, which means they heard , why does this happen, why so, we have programs, for example, with the star of the metropolitan opera and the mikhailovsky theater olesya petrova, a unique singer who simply has a busy schedule that it is difficult to find the total number, but venues are also not always in a hurry to invite a complex program where there are many elements that
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we need to ensure that the viewer leaves ah, or for example, pyotr nalivich, with whom we are also friends and perform, we also need to find a number for him and so that we match, and it coincided, the hall was suitable, well, on our russia channel everything is completely different -other, get a job screens, because today, especially for you, don’t miss: we’ll play a wonderful composition, let’s go.
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thank you very much, we have a quarter of suffering today on the music platform, i don’t know what thoughts the author put into this work, but there
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’s definitely something robberish in it, and... maybe saturday should be a little adventurous so that everything later it worked out, studio ivan has the floor, thank you, andrey, but i don’t want to leave the musical theme, so we remind you that on november 21, the crocus city stage hall there will be a grand concert of the finalists of the show, come on, all together, the brightest stars of the popular show will delight you with a live performance of super hits, and the hosts sergey lazarev and nikolay baskov with positive and modest humor, so don’t miss it. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in a good mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because everyone one of them is a real star, trink-trink! the secret of dreams!
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how did you agree to this? i first pushed in a red snake! our hearts sank! you are the most understanding program about animals among friends. among friends: a program for the whole family. today at 11:50 on the russia channel. who is the cutest in the world? the answer to this eternal question will begin to be sought today in selvador, where the seventy-second miss universe beauty pageant starts. our country will be represented by the defensive mission 2023 margarita golubeva from st. petersburg. she is self-confident and determined only to win. and we hope margarita will be helped in this by her beauty, intelligence and luxurious outfits. if at the miss russia competition margarta stood out with her blue mini dress, then she
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is going to salvadori. we wish you good luck, by the way, we already have one finalist for miss universe, this is our presenter vera krasova, yes, another colleague of ours, although without a certificate, is also smart and beautiful, anna aksyonova, closely follows the lives of royals and others celebrities, they have a bad day, a new scandal, good morning, what do you need to make it it was really kind, a cup of delicious coffee or tea, an excellent breakfast, assistants serve, other assistants select an outfit, work on the image, plan the day, organize meetings, and no troubles or surprises for you, there is a protocol in the end, but not like us we know that royal privileges do not save royalty, and if their day is not going well, everyone immediately knows about it, although even if this day went well, this is an impressive reason for gossip and possibly
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a scandal, why would it suddenly happen? the ever-sad princess of monaca charlene suddenly became so cheerful, the prince was so gloomy, the matter was clearly not decided purely by observers, the rare appearance of the spouses at a rugby match made them worry. charlene joyfully cheered for her favorite team, albert sat through the entire game with a straight face, observers note. either the prince forgot that there were photographers around, or was tired of pretending, but insiders again concluded that the couple had not lived together for a long time, did not love each other, and were only playing for the public. who said that everyone turned away from meghan markle for all her revelations and supposedly exposure of the royal family, not at all, here she is, flying beautifully to a concert in america , surrounded by hollywood stars. cameron diyas, who will not pretend to be at a loss for words, joyfully invited sweet mk on her private plane along with other famous people, so it was stated, the pr people really tried, but they couldn’t, for
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the camera. it’s clear that they arrived and flew away , meghan and harry were together, they were sitting together at the concert, but where is the friendly star company, and the company either didn’t get tickets nearby, then whether this company did not exist at all, that is, megan was not in it. observers do not rule out that for the joint flight with the famous harry had to fork out money, we didn’t say that, well, in order to sit next to him at a concert or have a sandwich together during intermission. the funds were not planned or were not enough, although maybe this is all made up by ill-wishers who for some reason did not fall in love with dear megan, who is now who the fans really feel sorry for? so this is the danish crown princess mary, that day seemed to work out very well, the beautiful mary performed with an excellent speech at an official event, at this time her husband, crown prince frederik, saw his ideal day in his own way, he spent it in the company of this blonde, she is a twice
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divorced actress, 47 years old, hinaviva casanova, casanova is the spanish version of the italian casanova, the paparazzi found the couple in a restaurant, in a hotel, at the actress’s house, now, according to insiders, merry... in tears, and fryderyk is under threat of resignation, was his romantic day worth it, and did the prince know that photographers and cameras exist, question. maybe the prince of venice is having a day didn’t work out, or the whole week, or what happened at all - the subjects are at a loss. the fact is that immanuel philibert of sovoysky said that he was ready to transfer the throne to his nineteen-year-old daughter princess vittoria sovoysky, seriously, the continuation of the dynasty will be a photo. a model from the covers of glossies, an inveterate blogger, citizens were surprised, the one who is now called the rock and roll princess, emmanuel believes that vittoria will succeed much better than him, and in general it is necessary to give way to the young, and not repeat the story of prince charles, which
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i waited so long for my turn, in any case, be that as it may, if someone didn’t know that venice has its own prince, he has a daughter, a princess model, now they know what to do if you are so luxurious, beautiful, talented people have suddenly forgotten a little, interesting profitable projects are not pouring in, but everything is elementary, you just need to get into some kind of scandal or scandal, hollywood stars have long known and used this technique, so maybe now it’s not only them, we’ll see if we want , have a nice weekend, see you on saturday, let's chat, and further from sadness to joy, what emotions animals , both domestic and wild, can experience and how to correctly decipher them, diversity, the greatest good, vladimir
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putin at the forum of united cultures in st. petersburg about art and history. alshifa intensive care patients died after israeli attacks, such as hezbollah warehouses in lebanon. hundreds of unexploded ordnance were eliminated. the news will tell you about the main thing in the studio vera tarasova, hello, one of the key topics of discussion at the current cultural forum, which is now taking place in st. petersburg - knowledge of history through culture. in his speech, vladimir putin noted that art still knows no boundaries, despite all the prohibitions of the sanctions. of course, today archives are accessible to almost everyone, but mostly specialists work with them. for those who are engaged in falsification of history, and, unfortunately, there have always been enough
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such turning points in history, genuine art, which is called a bone in the throat, it prevents these people from distorting the past to please the present, their ideological, or, as we often see, gender structures, interferes pit people against each other, so liars fabricate fakes in cinema, in the press, in literature, while everything that does not fit into their historical fakes is simply crossed out, entire swathes of the history of art, western europe, asia, africa are hushed up. latin america, as if nothing had happened. the shelling of the belgorod region continues, ukrainian militants are hitting populated areas, and an explosion does not always occur after arrival, so sappers are checking the danger zone. report by alexander korobov. bolder than astronauts and
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stuntmen. be careful, sappers from the western group of troops are working. the field of activity is the widest. often, specialists conduct inspections of arrival sites not only on. on the line of combat contact, but in peaceful border settlements. shells fired at the ukrainian armed forces do not always explode. we come because we need to make sure that there are no explosive objects left. there was a case when, out of sixteen places to which we were called, at one we still found a shell that did not work and had to be destroyed on the spot. inspection this scene of the incident did not reveal any dangerous finds; the shell that fell here scattered hundreds of small fragments. over the past week , comp. a lot of explosive stuff like this has accumulated, and of course , unexploded ammunition poses a particular danger to life.
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products exclusively by detonation, in this case the sapper’s best assistant, the tnt block, is the most reliable and best means for destroying the detonation, this enemy anti-tank mine will no longer be able to harm our soldiers, in the end it will loudly slam a good bang, but that’s fine, while the sappers have no time to rest, there is enough work every day, at the front... and in the rear. alexander korbov, vyacheslav podzolkov. news belgorod region. the world health organization recorded 152 attacks on medical facilities in gaza, killing more than 500 people. as stated by the management of the alshifa hospital, all patients in the intensive care unit died as a result of the blockade of the complex by the israeli military. according to the associated press, the delivery of humanitarian aid to the territory of the enclave has not been carried out for the second day. military israel's cabinet approved the pass on friday. two tanks with fuel for the needs of the un, following us recommendations, but
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it is not yet clear how and when the delivery will be carried out, meanwhile, the press hints at the possible release of the hostages, but hamas has conditions for an exchange for prisoners according to the 50/50 formula and israel’s consent to a cessation fire. the israel defense forces hit the military infrastructure of the hezbollah movement in lebanon, and the weapons depot of a military publication came under attack. in the gaza strip, the israeli air force attacked airstrikes on the facility. hamas also captured a fortified stronghold where weapons were produced by the idf military. according to the jerusalem post newspaper, the israeli government and army are discussing the scenario of an offensive to the south of the gaza strip. there is debate at the highest levels about whether to advance now or wait for an agreement on hostages. meanwhile, israel is preparing for a protracted campaign in gaza. the idf said it was forming an additional defense system and distributing weapons to self-defense units in zderot. joe biden signed the bill temporary us budget without a clause on assistance
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to ukraine and israel. thus, the white house has only 4% of the funds previously promised to the kiev regime. in addition, the signed bill on short-term financing of the american government delayed the suspension of the work of federal departments or the shutdown, but only until the end of january next year. problems with budget agreement are associated with the confrontation between republicans and democrats regarding spending. which includes financing for ukraine. eventually assistance, and it was decided to remove it from the interim budget project, as well as support for israel. truck carriers from poland are not going to stop protests against ukrainian imports. they are reported to have blocked another checkpoint for trucks . the protests about the checkpoint at the border have been going on for more than 10 days. the poles are not happy that ukrainian truck drivers not only compete with them, but operate without licenses, reduce their prices... deprive europeans of work. polish carriers have already
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been supported by their colleagues from slovakia. in sochi for in one day, half the monthly norm of precipitation fell, and a storm warning was declared in crimea. cyclones hit other russian regions. in khabarovsk, snowfall was replaced by warmer temperatures and freezing rain, literally freezing parked cars. the streets were covered with ice, and as a result there were dozens of accidents on the roads. similar footage comes from primorye on a number of routes. traffic movement. the first serious precipitation occurred in the kaliningrad region. this weather is forecast to last until the end of the week. don't switch. our victories making our families and fans happy. they bring very little joy to our rivals. since the second modern olympic games, boycotts have already begun. there are no complaints about the athletes, but there are complaints about the country. here in this situation. it’s not like with a flag, without a flag, i can’t sing
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at all, irina rodnina, in boris korchevnikov’s program life and fate, on monday on rtr, i will start a new life tomorrow, i can be useful to you, today, even now we are concerned searching for housing and work, they say that you need an assistant, i'm ready? try, your name is irina, you are my wife, she has lost her memory of who i am, but she is not ready to lose her love, we were traveling together, oh, a person cannot be the shadow of another person, she has always been only mine. i need real me and i
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need real love, i ask you, please help me remember myself, from scratch, premiere, today on rtr. russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth around the world, we look forward with pride, breaking new ground. paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity, we are proud of our successes, but we never stop there, discover the achievements of our country, come to the exhibition forum: good morning, hello, november 18 on the calendar, saturday morning svetlana meets you abramova and denis stoykov, we are cheerful,
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cheerful, we hope that you feel the same way, we were preparing for the broadcast, our fingers were writing, our fingers were tired. and rhythmic exercises for children’s hands are reaching a new level in china and it’s no longer easy great warm-up, and a new kind of very spectacular competition. the best students from eleven schools took part in this unusual championship in southwest china, from which everyone else should take examples. so, on the instructions of the jury, the schoolchildren tried to express their happiness and gave grades. for the neatness of the form and the rhythm of the movements , according to the school authorities , there are continuous advantages in such exercises, it not only improves the work of the hands, but also the students’ brains, promotes their healthy growth, and at the same time strengthens the classroom team. i would also like to brush aside the sticky autumn cold. if she covers her head, we don’t get upset, but
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get intensive treatment. internet users will tell you how to spend your time on sick leave in the most productive and fun way possible. got sick, had a fever, we are proud to present to you a new trend in the treatment of cat therapy, i guarantee that in 18 hours this girl will be completely healthy, time has passed, but it was worth a try, after all, it was the time spent on sick leave maximum suitable for various experiments, we check in practice whether communication with pets helps, they will recover faster, even if not, it will in any case give many positive ones. emotions, but if there is no strength at all, then we lie in bed and watch tv series, and no one will judge you for it , the main thing is to try not to spend too much time watching, but many prefer not to be lazy, on the contrary , invent new ways to get better as quickly as possible, how about a special vitamin vegetable soup that will definitely put you on your feet within just
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a couple of days, remember the recipe, the important atmosphere around being sick in a mess, no, this is not about our internet heroes, so if your health condition allows you to get out of bed, then the time spent on sick leave can be spent usefully, sorting things out or doing light cleaning , and also create a pleasant atmosphere around with the help of scented candles, for example, in general, if the temperature has risen and your bones are aching , a sick leave will be remembered not by the illness itself, but by interesting activities, yes, yes, no, you know, i won’t be able to come today, what ? and i
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i’m planning to get sick for a couple of weeks, you know, i need to finish reading the book, sorting out my closet, in general, that’s it, see you later, bye, okay, with a caramel on my cheek with a horse and a dog, this is the company in which pensioner jane dotchin travels across the british expanses , who recently turned 82 years old, but she has the vital energy of a sixteen-year-old, and the saddle of a trusted horse named diamond, having seated the dog dinky next to her, the grandmother is heading from her native england to the picturesque scottish highlands, even though there is a long distance ahead, but it will be easily mastered by the one who has not been in a hurry for a long time. 100 km. the rider plans to cover quite a distance in 2 months, visiting her friends along the way, and what’s even more surprising is that jane-dochen has been making such horse voyages every year for half a century, becoming famous not only in britain, but throughout the world. and now about an animal that cannot be ridden, and it is dangerous to keep it at home, this is a puma, which is
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also usually called a mountain lion. what kind of lifestyle do pumas lead in nature and what conditions do they need for it? in our story, every day the keepers of the moscow zoo they play hide and seek with the male puma, but they hide from him not toys, as in children's play, but meat. we put the meat higher. for him to find it, in nature, of course, no one brings him anything on a tray , he practically already knows all the feeding places, so he has to come up with something new every time, maybe tie it to a pole somewhere, well, we’ll see, how will he cope with the task today? gabriel, that’s the name of the male puma, slowly walks around the entire enclosure, of course, such enrichment creates a kind of imitation of hunting, but still gabriel knows that his prey will not run away, so... don’t rush, they feed gabriel 6 days a week, one fasting day, for lunch they give him beef, meat, poultry or rabbit, in nature they also
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feed exclusively on animal food. the main prey of pumas is a variety of ungulates, well, depending on where it lives, in fact, it eats there, and pumas actively hunt deer, actively hunt elk, and actively prey on any other large mammals, although they may basically eat rodents, maybe... any small, eat some animals, these wild cats usually hunt at dusk, like all members of the family, they are very fast and agile predators, pumas reach speeds of up to 50 km/h, jump 6 m, easily move along rocks, and climb excellently trees and swim well, so in captivity they create, so to speak, three-dimensional enclosures for them, so that they can use the space in length, width, height, these enclosures, they were redone with...
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he could get out of any place in the enclosure by himself, yes, here it is necessary to take into account that in order to avoid the situation of a kitten in a tree, if something happens, that’s why he and gabrielle have been living in the moscow zoo for a little over 10 years, he moved to the capital from veliky ustyug, but in general the species lives in north and south america. it is interesting that the puma, although quite large in size, is a wild cat; males, for example, weigh up to 110 kg, but according to taxonomy, scientists classify it as small, a puma, in its own way, that is, there are certain anatomical... features , which allow this to be done, but first of all, this is the hyoid bone
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there is, which in a puma is fused, like in small cats, and not consisting of several small ones, like in large cats, yes, a lion, there, a tiger, that’s why a puma, for example, cannot roar loudly, yes, that’s the roar of there is one, but she cannot roar loudly, but she can purr, like our domestic cat, cougars live alone, like most cats, the female and the male meet only during the mating season. only mothers are involved in raising their offspring. it is interesting, by the way, that puma cubs, usually two or three kittens in a litter, are born with cubs. such the colors, like camouflage, help the young to hide from other predators. the animal acquires adult uniform coloration by the age of one and a half years. the latin name of the species is related to the word “cancolor”, and this is how one-color is translated. but in general, these wild cats have many names. since the animal is so widespread, every indian... tribe gave it its own name , that’s why the puma is an animal that has a huge number of different names, well, the most
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common is the puma, as we call it, the cougar is the mountain lion, here indeed, a puma is similar to a lioness in appearance, yes, but there are never any mushrooms, of course, and pumas have thicker fur, they are not afraid of frost, in nature they live quite high in the mountains, at an altitude of up to 5,000 m above sea level , so you can watch gabriel in the moscow zoo all year round, unlike, for example , another wild cat, the south american jaguar, with the onset of cold weather he is not transferred to a warm room; the fluffy handsome gabriel winters completely calmly in his open aviary. i wonder how many pictures zoo visitors managed to take with this handsome guy; there are probably some random funny shots that could become favorites in the international competition for the funniest wildlife photographs. at the end of november, the results of the prestigious
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award will be summed up, the organizers of which have been trying to attract public attention to the conservation of the world of wildlife through humor for 9 years. this year, out of thousands of applications , 41 photographs were shortlisted: a flying calf, a happy turtle, kangaroo, guitarist, otter ballerina, it’s simply impossible not to smile. but what do they themselves feel? to feel emotions? well, we have someone to ask about this in the studio: our colleague, tv presenter, candidate of biological sciences, ivan zatevakhin. ivan, good morning. good morning, colleagues, ivan, look, when i was preparing for the conversation, i made a list of all the emotions that exist, a huge number , joy, delight, admiration, love, i even asked here in my question that many scientists believe that animals can test emotions, i’m not a scientist, but i’m sure that at least any animal experiences fear and anger, yes, what about tenderness or excitement, excitement certainly even exists, and
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hunters don’t have a term for it, well, like dogs, excitement, but hounds, greyhounds, in baiting dogs, passion, well, it is called differently, some there in the american or english, or rather, english-speaking tradition, so to speak, here we have passion - it’s just such a spectrum of emotions that does not limit it to fear and anger, no , of course, well, that's because emotion is hormones that affect... the centers of the brain, well, our dogs are pets, yes, which everyone understands, they are incredibly happy when we leave, come, and worry when we leave, i just recently watched my dogs, i have an older dog, foxy julia, and a younger dog, a male , whose name is gen. gen is scared, he just worries when julia is taken away somewhere,
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how he shows his anxiety, it is clear that when dogs. they are happy there, they wag their tails, he ran, whined, ran up to the door, well that is, it turns out that the manifestation of these emotions is very similar to a person, and we can recognize this or that emotion by behavior , by the expression of the face of this animal, certainly, certainly, that is, if it, especially we understand well, apes, emotions, they almost the same as ours, smiles, fear, bitterness, there are such signs , that is, when the internet is full of videos... when they almost laugh out loud like a monkey, this is real laughter, this is not a semblance of laughter, but it means something... something else, no, no, no, y it has been proven simply that they laugh, the same centers are excited, say, nervous hormones, everything is the same and smiles, but these facial expressions that are similar to us are a reflection of their emotions, yes, similar facial expressions are called universals, yes,
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that is, you understand when the gorilla is happy, and when she is sad, well, quite clearly, not to mention the champagne , yes, she understands, she has some kind of sense of humor, well, a sense of humor, they really like to put people like that on in such situations, i saw in one of the zoos, not i remember in which one, they came up with such a thing for chimpanzees, a lever, thanks to which, if the chimpanzee presses on it, then from below - a stream of air hits the visitors, not on the chimpanzees, on the visitors, they gather, which means, well, the men bounce off there. from a stream of air, women, when their skirts begin to develop, yes, they see, chimpanzees really like it, they are happy, well, what if it’s not humor, of course, that is, an elementary sense of humor, they won’t go to stand-up concerts, but to make a joke, no , but with some they may well go, it seems to me that, besides monkeys, other than monkeys, some animals have a sense of humor, it still requires a certain, apparently development,
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of the brain, well, i don’t know how much... i’d like to say that, of course, dogs there is, but it’s not scientific, well, here are dogs, here are dogs , they usually look like their owners, especially if they have been living there together for 10 years, and they accept the emotional part of their owner, that is , conditionally, if their owner is calm, they will calmly, if more emotional, humorous, well, not quite like that, they are more likely they read emotions and, moreover, better mirror themselves, yes, the owners themselves, only dogs or other animals, you also understand, are better known to us, because they live with us, well, perhaps some tame animals, yes, who have been since childhood, since childhood , early childhood, humans, perhaps also cows, well, maybe yes, if they communicate closely with people, but empathy is a necessary condition for socialization with humans, yes, that’s for sure, does this mean that animals in the wild have a much
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more meager range of emotions or just... oh we don’t know about it, no research has been carried out, no, of course, they don’t have a completely meager range of emotions, everything is the same, it’s just directed at each other, when we talk about emotions in the animal world, that’s probably all -well, in mammals, well, today, yes, perhaps we can talk about highly developed birds, for example, parrots , yes, they throw tantrums completely, they are very susceptible to mood, animals, yes, they have their own relationships there, they are of course calmer in the wild ...' but due to the fact that they don’t have much time other than to fall into hysterics, because almost 85% of their time budget, when they are awake, is busy looking for food, but yes, at the zoo there it’s a question that’s been resolved; ate, there’s a lot of free time left, be outrageous, like
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if you want, yes you can, emotional parallels are carried out when there is a lot of free time, well, we are dressed now with you, of course, i say, thank you, about our little brothers and their emotions, we spoke with candidate of biological sciences, tv presenter ivan, thank you, andrey, only wedding ones sound songs, taught ring, complex decoration, come out, how long have i been looking for you, how long have you been waiting for me, it seems to me that i haven’t danced so much for a long time, such an atmosphere, andrei malakhov’s evening show, today at 17:50, and here, dasha, i
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really appreciate you please never come again, from scratch, premiere, today at 21:00, swan lake was shown in china, but not on the ballet stage, in the wild. countless flocks of whooper swans are now flocking to a nature reserve in eastern china, where they will all spend the winter warm, well-fed and safe. swan lake every year becomes a haven for 10,000 birds, or even attracts a crowd of tourists here, the latter try to get as close as possible to the object of their adoration and take pictures with it from all possible angles; the swans take it as expected from the waterfall on the shore... the show among friends continues to amaze an unusual composition of participants, who were not already in the studio
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of the program. this includes a chameleon, a dancing dog, a rare paduan bird, and even a domestic pig. well, who will be the hero of the new issue, we will find out today at 11:50, this circle of friends every saturday brings together the cutest and who even came up with the idea that a cat and a dog somehow don’t like each other, and when necessary, they are very friendly, can an unpredictable dog become a devoted friend to a selfish cat, how to find a common language for two animals with dissimilar characters, what the owner needs to do so that the pet loves and respects him, qualified zoologists and psychologists will share practical advice so that he is not interested in society, but knows that keeping in touch with you is beneficial, we have a specialist on each topic who explains how to treat, how to train, whether it is necessary to train, how to find a common language, in the end, how to love and remain friends, well, meeting the animals
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of popular artists is always a discovery and many funny stories, this time popular actors, anastasia sovosina , will share their relationships in a star couple , sergey mukhin and agniya kuznetsova. he’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog , he... doesn’t yell at night, filming, calm, quiet, and this show also does an important job, helps those who are in trouble and left without a home, for their boundless tenderness and comfort, these abandoned furry creatures are ready to give their love and affection, all they need is a bowl of delicious food, a caring, faithful friend, whom they may be able to find among the viewers of the program, watch the new episode with friends at 11.50 a plate of delicious food and a faithful friend, three crusts of bread wouldn’t hurt us, three crusts of bread, why
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there must be meat in a child’s diet, and what vegetarianism is fraught with at a young age, we’ll learn about this from our guest , it won’t happen to me. ekaterina is a favorite in previous episodes. before anything talk, think. catherine's happiness is darkened. general lonskoy is too simple for state affairs. you have always loved smart men, but no matter how much you teach him, everything is without fatness. princess dashkovo thirsts for power and wants to make her man the favorite of the empress. remember why i attracted you? i remember charming to show the true face of a half-man. exactly why are you... coming to the palace when you are not even scheduled for an audience, i am a nobleman and am free to come wherever i want, especially where they are waiting for me and welcome me, but you are no longer welcome here, brought to
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lonskaya accepts despair through the intrigues of the court... i’ll find out who sent him to this, i won’t forgive him, i’d rather put you in prison than wait, now the empress won’t stand up for you, catherine, favorites, we’ll watch the continuation on monday on rtr, i thought that here everything is more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all a game. or not to play, yes, yes , that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting , obviously, just to see, let’s go, it must have been, i meant, of course, a bear when i said, such a stinking little one.
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a hint, in general, the most passionate team, if there is not 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five- on-one, five-on-one program, today on rtr. the new wine was solemnly uncorked in paris, only having time to place the glasses, this is the week for many french winemakers, as they say, the year feeds, the famous beaujolenuvo began its march around the world , the symbolic uncorking of the first barrel of the new harvest took place in paris, you should not expect a rich taste from bazhalei, and your head can hurt much more than from a mature burgundy , a wine with a minimum one-and-a-half month aging made from
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gaumet grapes, it is considered not aristocratic enough, but it ripens faster than others; according to the advice of samelier beaujelin, it is best to combine it with young camembert cheese, seafood and foie gras. in general, in the fall, health experts unanimously urge: add more colors to your diet, eat bright, colorful vegetables and herbs, and maria lyagina will suggest interesting recipes; today she will prepare a vegetable salad. from the popular series: knock on my door, what are you going to cook? something healthy and very tasty, would you like to serve your guests some salad? let me do everything myself, otherwise you’ll cut yourself, i’ll help you, i ’ll do everything myself, wow, great, where did you learn that? i either do something well or not at all
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i don’t, sirkan balat, you surprise me more and more, look and learn, there is a lot to learn from the handsome sirkan, millions of fans of the series copy the healthy habits of their favorite hero, who watches his diet and eats a lot of fresh vegetables. artyom, hi, hi, listen, judging by the ingredients, do you want to surprise me with an ordinary salad? besides the fact that this is a national dish, it is prepared by families, the most difficult thing in this regard is cutting, you need to cut it into very small cubes, all the ingredients need to be chopped very finely, everything the ingredients are chopped finely and equally, this is the task, the turkish salad kashik is the brother of our vegetable salad, the name translates roughly as spoon salad, because you need to eat it with a spoon, you simply can’t pick up such small pieces with a fork, we start cooking with cherry tomatoes, cut each tomato lengthwise
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, we do the same with the halves, now we cut the tomato halves into strips, and then into very, very small cubes, we leave all the juice from our vegetables inside, i don’t even know, of course you’re here you leave the juice inside, and judging by my board , it will all come together, on the board, you put a little pressure on the tomatoes, don’t put pressure on them, i crush them. from tomatoes we move on to cucumbers, cut them into thin slices, you succeed, i can’t, well wait, nothing is impossible for me , for a person with intelligence, i’m just on the wrong side, this is the thing, look how thin the pieces are, they are literally they glow, they look very beautiful, well, sorry, we don’t have enough.
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we also turn the cucumber slices into small pieces and send the cucumbers to the tomatoes. let's start with the pepper, cut it, but don't touch the white part, remember that it growls. and it can ruin the whole salad, but in general , to be honest, this kind of cutting is more like bird food, for chickens, we send the pepper to the rest of the vegetables, let’s take care of the onions. be sure to take non-onion, you can use yalta onion, you can use red onion, shallots will work very well, so that there is not a very bright onion taste, but so that there is a characteristic crunch, we will take yalotinsky, let’s not take onions, it’s still you, so i i didn’t cry, but i... i’ll borrow some greens, fine i'll chop the parsley. we send the onions and greens to the salad bowl and add a little piquancy in the form of hot pepper, do not overdo it, you need just a little of it and without seeds, now we will add a little freshness to this salad, we will take mint, mint in the salad, yes, we will
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also cut it finely , we definitely don’t add such greens to our vegetable salad, and now let’s get to the dressing, forget about mayonnaise, squeeze the juice from the lime into olive oil, we have lime not only with citrus notes, but also one of the few ingredients that will give us freshness, why can't you use lemon? lemon has no taste of freshness, it only has citrus, mix the dressing and add a couple more rings of hot pepper to it, all that remains is to add salt and pepper to the salad, add a pinch of smoked paprika to season, the koshik is served fresh, it cannot be left standing, otherwise it will give off excess juice, take a spoon , we'll go straight from here. yes, so, despite the fact that the ingredients seem to be ordinary, like in our vegetable salad, yes, but the taste is different, of course, here you can feel the sourness, of course, here
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you can feel that we tried very hard and finely they cut it, but it’s not a vegetable porridge at all, and at the same time, yes, yes, it’s a good salad. this is a good, fresh, very quick salad, just one question: bread, don’t you have some thorny bread to go with this salad, i’m running now, watch a movie and cook with pleasure, good morning and bon appetit, let’s get some bread, come on , i know what i haven’t yet this salad , a good piece of meat, is enough, after all, protein and refusing it can lead to irreparable consequences, especially in childhood, so in russia... they propose to ban it at the legislative level vegetarianism for children. the national parents committee sent a corresponding appeal to the state duma. experts emphasized that children and vegetarians are more likely to experience a deficiency of protein, iron, calcium, zinc, and iodine, which causes anemia, neurosis, and even
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developmental delays. our colleagues elena nikolaeva and vladislav zavyalov discussed this initiative with the chief non-staff pediatric specialist in preventive medicine of the russian ministry of health. leila namazova baranova. good morning, hello, lady simonovna, what does science say, here is a refusal of animal proteins, fats, amino acids are guaranteed to lead to a delay in the development of the child, to problems with the skeletal system? and yes, everything is correct, and if we are talking about children, then, of course, it is very important how, in fact, how correctly to give birth... or organize food for him or for her, because this is how nature is designed to grow , a child’s body can develop only in conditions where it receives all the necessary macro and microelements, it seems that there were so many explanations, but there are always opponents of proper nutrition
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for their children, there will always be arguments, one of them says that, well, there are countries where historically they practically did not eat meat and the nazis survived, one argument is such extreme cases, well, we are not one of such a nation and we ourselves the climate in which we live, our entire historical reality suggests that all this talk is not about us at all, it’s really about the child’s body in order not only to increase in size, that is, to grow, but also to develop, that is so that the brain accordingly moved forward, but you absolutely need protein, moreover, well... not only in very early childhood, although of course these are the most critical years, it is needed, for example, in school childhood, again, we just recently conducted a very large population study and proved that, including academic performance, cognitive or cognitive functions
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, as the child’s doctors say, depends on how complete his diet is, for example, how much protein he gets, does anyone even pay attention to what is going on on the internet, on social networks absolute propaganda of this way of life... of life, which, please, adults, do with yourself what you want, well , at least let the children grow up normally, well, this is probably a common problem, in our country, unfortunately, there is practically no regulation of what ... or the impact, for example, on those who spread absolutely false information through social networks, so it turns out that if a doctor said something incorrectly, then this person can be punished, and if some blogger wrote complete nonsense, someone then, so to speak, he followed his advice and harmed his own child, the blogger does not bear any responsibility, i’ll give an example last summer, all moscow hospitals were filled with unfortunate children who got chickenpox, and whose mothers... read articles by one blogger or several bloggers, i can’t say for sure right now, which
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means advertising a newfangled product, like brilliant green, you don’t need to treat it, you don’t need to treat it with any antiseptics, just cover it with this new mozilka, it’s very effective, well, the blogger obviously got money for advertising this drug, than that’s all ended, this thing created such a layer, really like a film on the skin, under which a secondary infection developed terribly quickly, but how to track all this, that is, yes it appeared... “let’s in general somehow monitor the nutrition of children, it’s clear to us , but also strangers, no, well, come on, the only question is how, what mechanisms are there for this, well , unfortunately, on the one hand, you are really right, we need to somehow solve this, so to speak, internet space -to do, on the other hand, but at least at least, at each appointment, the pediatrician must assess the child’s physical development, since in our country everything is very clearly interconnected if the child, for example, is stunted. development, this is already evidence that something is unfavorable, or, as they say about small children, he
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has lost the skills that he already had, very often we hear stories from such parents - even not only vegetarians, but also complete vegans it’s somehow strange, you know, the child was developing, everything was fine, and now he stopped smiling, and now he stopped sit down, and now he has stopped raising his head, everything is logical, everything is natural , unfortunately, you have thus limited all the substances necessary for... that, unfortunately, his development has gone in the opposite direction, when the pediatrician does not see this increase, he can insist on a mandatory test, well, blood, maybe some others, in order to understand that something is wrong with the child, the fact is that any deviation in the normal development of the child should force him to take the next step, that is, figure it out, why is this happening, because such a stop, for example, in an increase in body weight, it can be for a million reasons, from the fact that the mother does not have enough milk, the child ends up developing some kind of disease. in any
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case, the pediatrician should naturally conduct additional examination to identify the cause of this condition. if the cause is a sudden, for example, lunch, well, relatively speaking, in terms of protein, then, let’s say , he may suspect this situation, then naturally, the next step will be to more thoroughly find out what’s wrong with the child’s diet, why this is happening, okay , here there is such a thing, if a child comes to the pediatrician with bruises in kindergarten, then the teacher or doctor is obliged to declare somewhere if they understand that these bruises were not received, when children there themselves fall, well, in some unnatural, let’s say, places , here it may be that if this initiative is accepted and further promoted , then the pediatrician or kindergarten employee simply notifies special authorities, a special commission, that there is something wrong with the child , i think you are absolutely right, it should be written about mechanism, how the one who the first to notice this, it could be a pediatrician, it could also be a teacher, for example, in
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a kindergarten or school, who sees that a child is simply simply starving, should report this to the relevant authorities, because any manifestations are in one direction , that is, when a child is not given enough nutrition, in fact, all over the world, on the other hand, when a child is overfed, there are cases of child abuse, so this must be reported, and then what? someone is watching these children, because they may not go to kindergarten and come to school already in a very backward state, as you say? in our clinic or outpatient clinic, as it is called in medical terms, there are two functions, this is precisely the supervisory part, when, for example, a sick child comes there, and the child is given help, or a doctor comes to the house and accordingly , he examines the sick child, outlines the treatment and the preventive part, when visits are made specifically for preventive purposes with healthy
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parents come as children, but you are right, we need to strengthen this control, well, yes, if the child is not seen in medical institutions, then this is already a flag and some measures must be taken, thank you for the conversation, about children's vegetarianism, we spoke with the chief freelance children's specialist in preventive medicine, ministry of health of russia, leilai namazovy ram, all the best to you, tomorrow, am i... today with malakov himself with the living for a week for a week, i ’m happy, i love it when everything is like this at home, everyone is like that our beautiful ones. russian people, songs from the bottom of their hearts, evening show by andrei malakhov, tomorrow at 17:50, and then full sound, saturday morning, what music will set the tone for today, we will find out very soon, thanks to our colleague andrei
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petrov, don’t switch, we’ll sing the best wedding songs songs, it seems to me that i haven’t danced so much for a long time, the atmosphere is somehow extraordinary, hello andrey, andrey malakh’s evening show, today on ptp. i had a dream where i was standing in a wedding dress, today, i can dispel this fog, i didn’t think that you will fall in love, there is no need to cross the line, you are somehow involved in what is happening to me now, 9, 8, from scratch premiere,
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today on rtr. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore, nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, blow your mind, this world it’s worth seeing, a smiy caster, this is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, a secret to the whole world, today on
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rtr. the sounds of music flow from the food. this school teacher from china surprised his students a lot by once drilling a carrot to make it sound, then it was the turn of a variety of vegetables, as well as instruments that were not originally musical. in white hands, the saw turns into a violin, nuts keys play a key role in the reimagined xelophone, as do trim tiles. the master tries to make all the crafts make friends with each other and sound organic together, and for this he attracts all his friends who have already started rehearsals as
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part of an improvised orchestra. we will continue the musical theme, we will now contact our colleague andrey petrov, we hope that his guests will have instruments that are not real, andrey, good morning, good morning, andrey, at the coffee, good morning, studio, good morning everyone because we meet with you on saturday, this is the time when you don’t want to rush, you want to sit and have a good rest, because it’s good, but it’s boring, when it becomes boring, of course, we need to add music, we need to add songs, and the team that we invited to our filming platform, today he says this: come to our concerts and you will smile, and smiles are what we definitely need to get on saturday, and more of them, and i will introduce you to our guests today, and this is good, in principle , you know, the team, stradival quartet, i welcome you, thank you for joining today, in fact, today we
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will perform with you on this stage a wonderful composition of the 16th century, called cuckoo, interestingly enough, its author. at one time it was written, and not only for it, for all kinds of salons, where guests gathered, danced, had fun, that everyone was having fun, the composition turned out to be so light and at the same time sparkling that it is still a pleasure to play it, you are not the only ones playing it, and many people take it, but some children play it without pleasure in music school, and some with pleasure, i also wanted to ask you about the game , by the way, because i know that your team plays some programs once a year and that is the lucky ones... we have programs, for example, with the star of the metropolitan opera and the mikhailovsky theater ole petrova, a unique singer. which simply has such a busy schedule that it is difficult to find the total number, but venues are also not always in a hurry to invite a complex program, where there are many
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elements that need to be ensured in order the viewer left ah, or for example, pyotr nalivich, with whom we are also friends and perform, we also need to find a number for him and so that we match, and it coincided, the hall was suitable, well, on our russia channel everything is completely different, get settled at the screens, because today , especially for you, don’t miss it, we’ll play a wonderful composition, let’s go.
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thank you very much, we have a quarter of the suffering today on the music platform, i don’t know what thoughts the author put into this work, but there
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’s definitely something robberish in it, and maybe on saturday and i have to be a little adventurous so that everything works out later. studio over to you. thank you, andrey, but i don’t want to leave the musical theme, so we remind you that on november 21, on the stage of crocus city hall, there will be a grand concert of the finalists of the nuka show all together. the brightest stars of the popular show will delight you with a live performance of their greatest hits, and the hosts sergei lazarev and nikolai baskov will be positive with great humor, so don’t miss it, we have a self-playing accordion, i’ll find a self-playing accordion, the tsar wants everything at once, bring me some jellied meat, and what, jellied meat, at the behest of a pike, who is the cutest in the world, the answer to this eternal question, will begin to be looked for today in selvador, where the seventy -second miss universe beauty contest starts. our country will be represented by the charming miss russia 2023 margarita golubeva from
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st. petersburg. she is self-confident and determined only to win. and we hope margarita will be helped in this by her beauty, intelligence and luxurious outfits. if at the miss russia competition margarita stood out with her blue mini dress, then in el salvador she is going to shine in the role of the swan princess. we wish you good luck, by the way, we already have one finalist for miss universe, this is our presenter vera krasova , yes, another colleague of ours, although without a certificate, is also smart and beautiful, anna aksyonova, closely follows the lives of royals and others celebrities, what a day they have, a new scandal, good morning, what is needed to make it really good, a cup of delicious coffee or tea, an excellent breakfast served by assistants, others, assistants select an outfit, work on the image, plan the day, organize meeting, and no troubles or surprises for you, there is a protocol after all, but no, as we know, royal
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privileges... do not save monks, and if their day is not going well, everyone immediately knows about it, although even if this day went well, this is an impressive reason for gossip and possibly a scandal, why did the eternally sad princess of monaca charlene suddenly become so cheerful, the prince is so gloomy, the matter was clearly not decided purely by the observers, the rare appearance of the spouses made me worry match by rugby, charlene happily cheered for her beloved. albert’s team sat through the entire game with a straight face - observers note: either the prince forgot that there were photographers around, or was tired of pretending. but insiders again concluded that the spouses have not lived together for a long time, do not love each other, and are only playing for the public. whoever said that everyone turned away from meghan markle for all her revelations and supposed revelations of the royal family, not at all , here she is, flying beautifully to a concert in america
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surrounded by hollywood. who will not pretend to be a word, will not go into her pocket, happily invited sweet mek onto her private plane along with other celebrities, so it was stated, the pr people really tried, but they couldn’t, the photo shows that they arrived, meghan and harry flew away together, they sat together at the concert, and where is the friendly star company, and the company either didn’t get tickets nearby, or this company wasn’t there... at all, that is, megan wasn’t in it. observers do not rule out that harry had to fork out for a joint flight with celebrities, we didn’t say that, well there were no funds planned , or not enough, to sit next to each other at a concert or during intermission to have a sandwich together, although maybe this is all made up by ill-wishers who for some reason didn’t like dear megan, that’s who the fans really feel sorry for now, is
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danish crown princess merry. that day seemed to have turned out very well, the beautiful mri gave an excellent speech at an official event, at that time her husband, crown prince frederick saw his ideal day in his own way, he spent it in the company of this blonde, she is a twice divorced actress, 47 years old hinaviva kasanova. casanova is the spanish version of the italian casanova. the paparatists found the couple in a restaurant, in a hotel, and at the actress’s home. now, according to insiders, merry is in tears, and frederick is under threat. was his romantic day worth it and did the prince know that photographers and cameras exist? question. maybe the prince of venice had a bad day, or a whole week, or whatever happened, his subjects are wondering, the fact is that immanuel philibert of sovoy said that he was ready to hand over the throne to a nineteen-year-old daughter, princess vittoria sovoyskaya, seriously, the continuation of the dynasty will be
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a fashion model from the covers of a glossy magazine and an avid... the one who is now called the rock and roll princess? emmanu already believes that vittoria will succeed much better than him, and in general it is necessary to give way to the young, and not repeat the story of prince charles, who waited so long for his turn. in any case, be that as it may, if someone did not know that venice has its own prince and he has a daughter, princess model, now they know it. what to do if about you, such luxurious, beautiful, talented, suddenly a little forgotten. interesting, profitable projects don’t come pouring in, but everything is elementary, you just need to get into some kind of scandal or scandal, hollywood stars have known and used this technique for a long time, so maybe now it’s not only them, we’ll see, if we want, have a good weekend, saturday, we'll see you, we'll chat, and then star to star speaks solemnly and wonderfully in the heavens, when you look at the stars for a long time, calm
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comes, melancholy and fuss. i don’t want to, i want to go to the folding bed, that’s it, close my eyes, remembering my mother, how she sang, inter-high bread, lost, it’s not time for us to rest, i want to ask the stars important questions and get answers after the news. diversity, the greatest good vladimir putin at the forum of united cultures in st. petersburg on art and history. alshifa intensive care patients died after israeli blockades. the idf attacked hezbai warehouses in lebanon. hundreds of unexploded shells were eliminated. after attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, sappers disarm the territory of the belgorsk region. the news will tell you about the main thing. studios vera tarasova. hello. in
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st. petersburg on the site of the ninth. vladimir putin spoke at the international cultural forum. the president noted that art still knows no boundaries, despite all the sanctions prohibitions. this year , the large-scale event was called the forum of united cultures. among. participants from more than 70 countries and 56 official delegations. the main theme is history and modernity in artistic culture. as the head of state noted, the politician has mutual claims and constant struggle, but who then that’s exactly how the president responded to talk about culture and sports. emphasizing that without culture, as a conductor of mutual understanding, it is sometimes very difficult to end a conflict. who will build the bridges? the military has a hard time doing this. politicians have mutual claims, mutual grievances, ambitions, the struggle for their own political future , well, there is constant struggle and fighting, not only
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cultural scholars, who are smart, they think about the future and they build bridges, this is the mission of culture, just like by the way , the mission of sport, and those who neglect it or want block, burn the last bridges, these are narrow-minded and uncultured people, so to speak, they do not understand at all what the mission of culture is, the world health organization recorded 152 attacks on medical facilities in gas, more than 500 people died, as stated in the hospital management. all patients in the intensive care unit died as a result of the blockade of the complex by the israeli military; according to accp, the delivery of humanitarian aid to the territory of the enclave has not been carried out for the second day. israel's war cabinet friday approved the passage of two tanks of
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fuel to the un, following us recommendations, but it is not yet clear how and when the delivery will take place. meanwhile, the press hints at the possible release of the hostages. but hamas has conditions: an exchange for prisoners according to formula 50 for... the israel defense forces hit the military infrastructure of the hezbollah movement in lebanon. a weapons depot and a military building came under attack . in the gaza strip, the israeli air force carried out airstrikes against hamas targets, and the idf also captured a fortified stronghold point where weapons were produced. according to the jerusalem post, the israeli government and army are discussing scenarios for an offensive to the south of the gaza strip. there is debate at the highest levels. start advancing now or wait for an agreement on hostages. meanwhile, israel is preparing for a protracted campaign in gaza. the idf said it was forming an additional defense system and distributing weapons to self-defense units in zderot.
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shelling of the belgorod region continues. ukrainian militants are hitting populated areas. doesn’t always happen after arrival explosion. therefore, sappers are checking the danger zone. report by alexander korobov. the sappers of the western group of troops are working more boldly than the cosmonauts and stuntmen, carefully. the field of activity is the widest. often , specialists inspect arrival sites not only on the line of combat contact, but in peaceful border settlements. shells fired at issa do not always explode. we come because we need to make sure that there are no explosive objects left; there was a case when out of sixteen places here, who called us, we still found one. which did not work and had to be destroyed on the spot. an inspection of this scene did not reveal any dangerous finds; the shell that fell here scattered hundreds of small fragments. over the past week , sappers have accumulated a lot of this explosively dangerous stuff and, of course
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, unexploded ammunition poses a particular danger to life. such military products are eliminated exclusively by detonation; in this case, the best assistant to the sapper is the tnt bomb. the most reliable and the best means for destroying explosions. this enemy anti-tank mine will no longer be able to harm our soldiers. finally, there will be a loud clap. but it's okay. while the sappers have no time to rest, there is enough work every day. and at the front in the rear. alexander korbov, podzolkov. vesti, belgorod region. pedro sanchez took the oath of office as the re-elected prime minister of spain at the royal castle in madrid and was received by monarch philip vi. putting his hand on the constitution , sanchez promised to conscientiously fulfill his duties as head of government. this post is and so it took the last 5 years, in order
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to stay in power, the politician had to make a deal with the catalan deputies and promise an amnesty for everyone who, after trying to separate catalonia from spain, went to prison. most spaniards do not support such a move; on friday night in madrid, the police forcibly dispersed it. protesters who opposed sanchez. more than 5,000 people tried to break through to the government and parliament buildings; special forces used tear gas and rubber bullets. seven people were injured, 10 participants rioters were arrested. finland is closing four checkpoints on the border with russia, these are the crossings closest to st. petersburg from torfyanovka, brusnichny, svyatogorsko in the leningrad region, as well as vyartsel in karelia. while it is reported that the restriction will last until february 18 next year, the finnish country accuses russia of organizing trips for people from the middle east, as well as from africa and afghanistan, who seek to settle in european union countries. russia's response to such a decision will be developed. relevant departments reported to the ministry of russia and they added that europe has once again chosen the path of creating
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dividing lines, and this will inevitably raise new problematic issues, but will not solve the previous ones. this is the news, we are following developments, stay on the russia channel. they want to sin. the main premiere of the year. the clymperatrix will still be in grief. tuga. russia will have to, the grief of the empress is joy for the enemies. this is the best moment for justice to prevail. to the rightful emperor, rightful throne. mother won’t be in the provinces for long, i already know. letter not lost, securely hidden. this is your chance. but one day her tears will dry up. everyone involved in this case must be punished. look what you're up to, testing me? i came to inform you that you will soon be subject to...
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madushka not only did not withdraw from business, but took up repression, now i, all of us, are in great danger, catherine, favorites, pavel will not be the russian emperor, on monday on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman bought a piglet. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will set everyone in a good mood, this is an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a secret of dreams. how did you agree to this? at first they shoved
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in a red snake, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, today on rtr. hello, good morning, we are starting our saturday broadcast, trying to get rid of drowsiness, tune in to an interesting day, denis toykov, svetlana abramova, today on studio, learning to play the guitar is easy, with the help of a new virtual reality helmet, this is how such lessons look in reality, and augmented, know, hit your strings, at this time the smart gadget highlights which frets. and what strings need to be clamped,
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if you can’t keep up with the computer, it doesn’t matter, the musical beat can be slowed down to a comfortable level. the composition can be anything, like in karaoke, and one cannot help but recall such a terrible word for all new guitarists as barre. now you can take it literally from first attempt. yes, i can do that, so let him play murka. well, now about the latest technologies from russian scientists, they have created devices that allow blind people to return the ability to see, and deaf people to hear. 300,000 people, according to doctors, suffer from blindness today. our engineers and scientists are trying to solve the problem, at least partially, in different ways. one of the most promising is electronic implants. we and several teams around the world are now making such a device that allows the camera connect not to the eyes, not to the audience. nerve, directly to the brain. experts
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call the hoop-shaped structure an electronic eye. the device consists of glasses with a built-in antenna and video cameras. signals from them are sent to a control unit on the belt, from where the system sends data to electrodes implanted in the brain. this is a plate on which many contacts are placed. to simplify everything, a hoop with cameras captures space, the computer processes and correctly packages this information for the brain, and then through the hoops the antenna transmits it inside to a special implant, the brain recognizes this and a picture appears in the patient’s consciousness. the first version of the device will allow you to see the outlines of objects from white dots, but in the future, with the development of... technology, the image will become better, gain color and clarity. at the same time, scientists around the world are working to restore the functions of the human ear. ours is no exception; they have created a special cochliar implant. it works in such a way that it captures the sound from the microphone, converts it into a sequence electrical impulses, then the transmitter
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unlawfully transmits this information about these impulses to the implant. only it is not installed on the cerebral cortex, in the area of ​​the auditory cochlea, it turns out that the device replaces part of the damaged hearing organs, the eardrum and sound-transmitting bones. the developer of the device, dmitry, has hearing problems and has experienced the technology himself; he says the electronic ear hears in a special way. at first glance, it may seem that a person with a neuroimplant hears sounds in exactly the same way as like any person, but this is not true, the fact is that the computer converts sounds into special signals. this is how my speech sounds, for example. at a glance it may seem that a person hears from it exactly the same way as other people, in order to learn to parse such signals, the patient needs several months of training, in fact, a person learns a new language, however, as future users say, it’s worth it, with the help our engineer will very soon dream of hearing, for example, the voice of his child
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become real for thousands of people, become life on mars may also be real, there chinese chemists found molecules for artificial intelligence to help them with this, scientists created a robot controlled by a neural network that scanned samples of meteorites that fell to earth from the red planet. by analyzing them, the system synthesized compounds that could be used to produce oxygen from the water present in space rocks. this discovery, according to the researchers, will help build a kind of oxygen backwater on mars to saturate the atmosphere with vitality. oxygen necessary for humans. and what discoveries the stars promise us next week , astrologer vera khobilashvili will tell us. good morning, good morning, well, we have successfully survived the full moon, the new moon, the eclipse corridor, it seems like we need to relax, right, or are the stars preparing new surprises? by and large, yes. will they relax or
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will they cook? let's talk about everything in order. we really experienced a fairly intense eclipse corridor. and after it there was the same difficult new birth. numbers and now after this new moon the energies can be said to be going for such a slight decline. saturn was still a little naughty there, this is the planet of discipline and such a harsh planet, it was just unfolding from its retrograde movement and has now leveled off, so now a time of more harmony, more calm begins, given that the planet of love, the planet venus, is now is in the sign of its strength, in the sign of libra, it gives... such a very calm, one might say, such a peaceful mood for everyone, i especially want to highlight the air element so that they do not miss this opportunity, because gemini, libra and aquarius are favored by venus the most now. i heard you, as vodaly, they say, the penultimate week of november, it should
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be rich in events, you said that everything should be peaceful, then what kind of event should we expect? let me tell you about such a very important day, this is the eighteenth. november, on this day we have two very strong, one might say, male planets, the sun and mars - these are yang planets, planets of great strength, they connect with each other, thereby meaning that a certain cycle is beginning, a cycle when we can launch a lot of things, well, if someone needs it, because from this moment a whole two-year period begins, such a special day, i could do it separately... be highlighted and emphasized, because our last such cycle was launched on october 8, 2021, maybe someone should look there and remember what has happened in these 2 years since that period and now we are experiencing such a second, well, the next wave , so very big enthusiasm, inspiration, yes, that is, on this day there are some very important
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things that are needed for you november 18, that is, today yes, yes, this day has come, i understand correctly what is needed now. something new, yes, finally taking on the task that we were afraid to take on because you told us that we were too emotional and could make some wrong decision, now these emotions have faded away, and we are just... we must start doing this, people now have more rationality, more in their consciousness, so to speak, calmness and more clarity in actions, so now you can already implement plans, if you have not yet managed to implement them, then... try to exclude days that are dangerous for this, in the sense of beginnings, because such days are also on this there is a week, but let’s give an example, let’s give specific ones, work, relationships, let’s, let’s. in the field of finance, i would single out a day, well, not to say dangerous, it is called the day of no return, this is november 21
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, which is meant, it is not recommended to start financial transactions on this day, well, this is in the best case, if you don’t want your project to suffer some kind of failure in the future, just try to exclude this day for business, yes, it’s just that beginnings on this day are doomed to not be the best. result, and there are still days when there is a risk of injury, it is also increased, and this is the nineteenth and 23rd of november, so everything may be fine, but we can get into some unpleasant story, situation, get cut, get hurt, somewhere get burned or something else, well, injuries can be of any kind, so be very careful, this is a warning, but in everything else, as they say, we still have very good days, these are november 25 and 26. they are also energetically charged to the maximum, for whom, unlike denis, everything is not so good with love , what can they expect, maybe they need to do something,
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especially, i will also please someone else just like denis is good, because the air element has remembered that she is among the favorites, but she is also joined by the fire element, this is aries, leo sagittarius, it will be good for them too, but as they say, opportunities, yes, we just have to to understand that there are opportunities that fate pushes us, and sometimes we need to know how to take advantage of these opportunities , a guide to action, the signs that i listed, of course, they should not miss these chances, because going out to people, i think, explain it’s not necessary that this is the simplest thing, yes, at least appear, manifest yourself in this world so that the world can see you, and fate will somehow push the person you need to you, but those who remain, as they say, with unspoken signs, yes, these are the earth element and the water element, respectively, let them not be upset either, because every street always has its own holidays , and venus will also drop by very soon. thank you very much, this was the astrological
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forecast for next week from astrologer vera khubelashvili. thank you very much . sin will appear, the main premiere of the year. the empress will still be in grief, it will be difficult, russia will have to. the empress's grief is joy for her enemies. this is the best moment for justice to prevail, to the rightful emperor, the rightful throne, mother will not be walking in the provinces for long, i already know, letter not lost, safely hidden, this is your chance, but one day her tears will dry up, everyone who is seen in this matter must be punished , look what you intended, check on me, i came to inform you that in the near future you are subject to arrest. mother not only did not withdraw from business, but took up repression. now i and i are all in great danger. ekaterina, favorites. paul should not be the russian emperor. on monday, at
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21:30 on the russia channel. digging bunkers with your own hands is fun, educational, and anyone can do it. i was able to convince hundreds of thousands of this her subscribers, the american self-builder kala, or just a girl from the tunnel who is looking for salvation from hurricanes. in a year she has already buried almost... 5 million rubles to a good 6 m deep, what a great fellow, along the way kala encounters difficulties and heroically overcomes them, so to transport heavy rock she welded herself a lift, drained the surging groundwater with drainage pumps , even after the construction of the concrete walls of the vaults, finishing the project turned out to be more difficult than starting, but there’s no escape, money invested, and subscribers are waiting for the ground, that is, for... again pulled our inveterate summer resident vera krasova. the weather still allows for pruning of fruit trees. they
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will have time to recover before frost and will immediately begin active growth in the spring. now we’ll find out how not to make mistakes in this difficult matter. a sign proven by more than one generation of summer residents. if leaves are falling outside the window, then it’s time to prune the fruit trees. moreover, this can be done until the onset of stable frosts, and depending on how competently you do it. the procedure does not depend not only the future harvest of apples and pears, but also how the garden’s favorites will survive the winter. vera, good morning, good morning, ekaterina, i see you are busy with complex mathematical calculations , yes, i’m looking for sharp corners, i’m just about to cut them off, well, i got the cutter out early, the solution to any mathematical problem primarily depends on the order of actions, with why are we starting then, but first you will need a rake, a rake in your hands, do not rake up the fallen leaves. away from garden trees, spores overwinter well in rotten foliage
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fungal infections are pests that, after waking up in the spring, won’t even have to look for prey, the native apple tree is already here . now you can take out the pruning shears , which must be disinfected; of course, you need to get rid of sharp corners, because they can break and harm the tree, but about sanitary pruning also, don’t forget, these are dry, diseased and broken branches , yes, absolutely true, this is how it is, for example, you cut it right here into a ring, without leaving stumps, so that it heals better, without leaving any stumps to be cut. with the difference temperatures, will become an excellent haven for bacterial infection, pathogens develop well in a too thick crown , where the shoots grow close to each other, cross, stretch straight up, into the crown or hang down, as a result, poor air circulation and lack of light lead to that the tree often gets sick, the skin grows
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poorly and bears fruit. faith with pruning, the main thing is not to overdo it. don’t cut off everything we need, for example, flower buds, these, yes, yes, that’s right, they will give us a harvest next year, we can shorten this branch, and here are also flower buds , on this branch we will not cut off all the buds, we will cut them into one vegetative one, thereby the branch will bush and give us more harvest, more apples, what else does a gardener need , the main thing is to know when to stop, we cut off no more than 30% of the entire crown so that the tree does not go into the winter under stress. we don’t ignore decorative apple trees, they, unlike ordinary ones, won’t bring more harvest, but they will decorate the area, well , this is such a beauty, only it can make a ball it doesn’t work out, but it shouldn’t be a ball, it’s a decorative apple tree in the shape of a bush, what branches should you pay attention to, what to cut, what to leave?
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well, the rules for pruning are the same, we remove sharp corners, pinch out the shoots of the current year that are crossing, well, crossing, yes , you can remove them, but on the other hand, we can lose decorativeness, so we remove only those branches that spoil the decorativeness of the plant, such formative pruning can be done spend in the spring, before the start of sap flow, when the buds swell, but in the new season the lucky guy is already full of worries, so feel free to transfer part of the work to autumn; at this time of year it would not be amiss to prune stone fruit trees, cherries, plums, apricots, thin out their crown, remove sharp corners, but do not touch the shoots of the current year, because than they differ? they are lighter and slightly thinner than the shoots of previous years, and this is the main difference from pome crops, because next year’s crop ripens on this year’s shoots, and so that nothing overshadows the new season, all the wounds left after pruning must be be sure to treat it to prevent
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cracking of the wood, first of all, this applies to... cuts with a diameter greater than 2 cm. ekaterina, i’m prepared, garden varnish. faith is an outdated substance. our grandmothers also used it, and it was found that infection accumulates under it and dipping occurs. what do you have then? i have a special paste that contains a fungicide. and disinfects the cut. what has technology come to? and it’s convenient, by the way, to match the color of the bark. speaking of bark. well, shall we whitewash it? well whitewashing is not for beauty, but to protect plants from frost damage, from sunburn, and this is already an outdated method, there is a more modern sponbunt sponbondut, and any white non-woven material that insulates and perfectly reflects sunlight, and spraying will help repel the attack of fungal infections treat the crowns with preparations
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containing mordovian mixture, copper sulfate, but it is important to have time to carry out the treatment before the temperature is below plus5, the product simply will not work , so our beauties apple trees are ready for winter it’s a paradise to stock up on vitamins, wow, but i hope next year i ’ll have the same harvest even better, and then there’s a pause in the relationship, he flew away, but he promised to return, but because all men are the same, almost immediately... here in the attic, in fact, a break in a relationship is a surefire way for a happy couple, oh, denis , who told you that, life experience, whether to take a break from each other or not, we’d better ask an expert soon, well, that’s better than sort things out, oh, don’t start, and you don’t start, and, by the way, don’t roll your eyes, otherwise so the sunset will remain, we look before everyone else,
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four children. ex-husband, endless stress at work, vasnetsova, why are you always nothing but problems, let’s subscribe, let’s look. blue bird, stories of take-off. elisha myssin. i will be interviewing you as a correspondent, you get used to it, because you will be a famous artist. international shapin piano competition, first prize and audience award. victoria lestunova. i am sure that in your person we will get the infusion. olympic champion and we will be for you
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let’s worry, thank you, olympic champion, european champion, vita kornienko, your eyes, your tears, i held on, the jury doesn’t seem to be crying or giving birth, we’re not crying, but we really wanted to, more than 100 roles in films and tv series, golden eagle , i'll go put on a dress and a crown. ivan bessov, the family is so unusual, everyone is connected with music. the first russian winner of the classic eurovision. you were asked where you would like to be in 50 years, and you said: to the members of the jury. member of the blue bird jury. blue bird. anniversary
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season november 26 on rtr, there would have been no happiness, but misfortune helped , to make good money from someone else’s misfortune, it was precisely the collapse of family happiness that this entrepreneur from... mr. lee is a one-of-a-kind wedding photo shredder, his merciless industrial shredder chews around the clock once touching pictures, just throw them in the trash, divorced wives and husbands cannot, for reasons of confidentiality, how to destroy them themselves, acrylic cannot be broken, torn, or burned so easily, therefore, you can’t do without a pro; for their unique service, the happiness destroyer doesn’t ask for much, from 100 to 1,200 rubles. in return, customers receive videos that act no worse than a sedative. yes. i would like to hope that the divorce will be followed by a new wedding. and everything in it should
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be perfect, both the bride and the groom. and cake. what types of modern wedding cakes are there and whether it’s possible to make your own treats, we’ll find out from our online selection. yes, this ladder is okay, i really would like it to be higher and stronger. yes. but don't think i don’t need to paint the ceiling, no, i was invited to a wedding, a wedding was invited, but they didn’t give me the equipment, not only do i need a stepladder, i also need a construction helmet, you never know my head will spin from the height, or from the beauty, or from so much sweet stuff. my weight is 55 kg, and i make cakes weighing up to 55 tons. these are not just confectioners, they are real builders, they need to create a drawing, clear the site, build several floors so that everything is level. sweet castle conducts light and even water, but unlike the new building the cake cannot become a long-term construction project, the material is perishable, in our country the creation of one cake usually takes more than a week, but if there is no task to feed a small
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city with one cake, then confectioners are ready to fulfill more modest fantasies, for lovers of geometry a square cake, opponents of the flat theory earth, an ideal ball, rebel physicists, a floating cake, just how to cut it, everything is simple, let's go, but a wedding cake is not nuclear energy, we can handle it on our own, we can make swans out of cream, it is important to choose the right nozzle on a pastry bag, we will make flowers from chocolate, a few movements with a spatula, now we attach the petals to the creamy base, voila , or you can make a heart from paper, not simple, wafer paper, the cost of such decoration is about 50 rubles, but it turns out very impressive and cute, cut it, glue, we fasten and paint, just like in art lessons, or in labor lessons, and here i am... making elements for a gravity cake, a floating heart, you can also draw, but for greater effect, let’s take paints that glow in the dark, lights off in general, it can brighten up all the flaws in your cake.
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all these shows, of course, are spectacular, the cake appears from a giant lotus or like an aerialist descends from under a dome, and can turn into fortune tellers if the filling... advice and love, now let's eat, excuse me, but this cake , it’s just a cake, it won’t change color there. if by chance or somewhere it doesn’t turn into a pumpkin, then i don’t like pumpkin, can i have a piece then please? some of them celebrate their divorce on such a large scale, according to official data from rosstat, last year in more than 680,000 couples have divorced in russia; in just 7 months of this year, the number of divorces reached 400,000. the most common reasons, as surveys show, are financial problems, lack of mutual understanding, infidelity or jealousy of spouses.
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is it possible to save a marriage when a crisis occurs in a relationship, for example, take a break or break up for a while? let’s discuss it with a clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, mikhail khors, good morning mikhail, you know, often in romantic comedies and films they show how couples quarrel, they are leaving, she is going to her mother, but as a rule, everything ends with a happy ending, in real life one way or another, oh, it happens this way and that way, but the question is, what are the goals? partners, spouses invest, when they take this, it means to think about it, live, how to properly take this to think about it, then tell us, agree, at least yes, that we do this time, because you know, and without agreeing, what the problem is usually they resist, a woman understands this as a time when she needs to be alone, alone, which means to think, but in general, how do i live alone?
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without a spouse, uh, he starts to like it, and a man usually understands this as a time when he can, excuse me, go out, hey, on the contrary, interact with a large number of women, yes, therefore, dear women, first of all, advice to you, yes, if you still want to do this, then at least sit up straight, even preferably a contract for this month, if there are some disagreements , i don’t know, grievances accumulate, quarrels become more frequent, and the couple comes... or whether she needs to come to the proposal, let's try - live there for a while, a month apart separately, is this a way out or, rather, is this already a path to a break? well, rather, this is the last thing that can and should be done, and before that everything is the last, but you still need to, you said , the last thing, if everything else doesn’t help, but what helps, and what helps is an analysis of the reasons why we quarrel,
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most often people believe that the reasons lie in another person, but this is not so, we quarrel with each other not because the other partner behaves somehow, but because we believe that this behavior is wrong, bad, and so on my life shouldn't exist, people become less and less tolerant of each other, well, for whom this might be a way out, let’s do this, well, let’s do this, this is for those people who, after all, yes, devalued each other, yeah. they realized that after all, there is value in it, that’s how it might be, yeah, but just once again, if there are quarrels, then it is necessary to solve, as it were , the cause of these quarrels, and the reason is in the interpretation of the behavior of another person or in your unpreparedness for what turns out to be, sometimes you need to adapt to another person and sometimes you need your opinion. shove it somewhere
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deeper, well, listen, but if you still decide to break up, separate for a while, how best to do this, by the way, if you have children, how can you explain to the children that let’s say mom or dad left, give the children a normal, sort of interpretation, parents can quarrel, it’s not a problem, it’s just how life works, and even parents can disagree , well, of course we don’t want to, but well, this can happen, and if we say this categorically, your parents are the best in the world, they’re just there in they're leaving on a business trip, that's all, but the child and he’s not ready for this and he thinks something fell from heaven to earth when the parents separated, so if they still decided to separate, but not mutually, one of the spouses, and he needs to be told, informed about it to another, how best to do this, how to do it so that he somehow understands correctly, here’s how to explain it, well, if this is, of course,
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an option for divorce, well, because a woman can perceive that this is a soft option for divorce , or maybe on the other hand, and on the other hand, maybe the woman wants to leave, relax, why we say, only a man wants to, well, more often, unfortunately, statistically, but that’s what men do, the question here is, what is understood correctly, no offense, well, how can a man tell his wife, it won’t work without offense, that ’s all, it won’t work, most likely they will be offended at you for this, they will yell, some will yell, some will cry, some, well, in different ways, people are different, well, they will be offended, mikhailtovich, look, you said that it’s an extreme case, yes, that’s it if you have already separated, most likely it will only help those who live separately from each other they will understand that you are just missing this person, in this regard i have the following question : is it necessary, if these are the very people we are talking about, during this period, a month or so, they decided each other to communicate with a friend or just to feel that you are missing him,
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in general it’s like putting a block on the black list, and i should add, i think that if you want to tell a person with whom you quarreled. to say, and you know, but i still miss you, it’s better to say, yes, this is just sitting and enduring, uh, well, why, well, sincerity in all these stories is the best thing, if you hate sincerely, love also sincerely, and understand that today you can hate a person, and then fall in love, a wave-like process, our relationship, when a person accepts both these sides in himself , that i am my humanity, i can get angry somewhere, somewhere... he eventually , in another person in his partner, also accepts this right to be angry, then there are fewer conflicts in the family about whether it is worth putting the relationship on pause - talked to clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences mikhail khors, thank you very much, thank you. i fell in love with the princess, but
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the king interferes with our love, there is no deception, there is no way around it, bremen musicians, call. the sandman, he accepted, soon, how many animals are there in your family, 16, and why stop, he offered a goat first , a goose, there were ducks, ducklings, turkeys, he’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog, levochka, well, i really like you please, leva, be you a person, among friends, a program for the whole family, today at 11:50 on the russia channel, we found this little thing not far from the supposed place where lika fell, what were you doing on the roof of a construction site next to your sister and a bone in your hand? without you, tomorrow at 12:50
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on the russia channel. the highlight of the fashion show was not a celebrity, but an arrogant dog without a family, without a tribe and without a name. the mongrel somehow got past all the security cordons. dog. squeezed out at the most important moment at the final fashion show and relaxed on the red carpet, disturbing the models, lying, by the way, spectacularly, you can’t even paint a picture. the public's attention had to be concentrated on the collection, in the end everything switched to the uninvited guest, one of the spectators tried to clear the podium, the dog resisted, in general there was an embarrassment for the entire fashion world, but what kind of collection was it and whose was not so important in the end. and what is fashionable now, people are increasingly finding out. not from the fashion show, but from social networks, through the efforts of influencers. with their suggestion, the most fashionable accessory of this season was declared gang. the trend came from social networks and seems to have captured the minds of all designers and fashionistas. the main accessory of this season, which has supplanted even
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the ubiquitous flowers, has become a band, and wear them you can literally anywhere. place laces on sneakers, like a brooch on clothes and, of course, on hair. the trend started on social media and instantly went viral, mother. today everyone was officially allowed to wear it, not just schoolgirls; it seemed that everyone was waiting for this. i put on bows right now and my mood lifted, why is this happening? a trend that came to us this year , or rather, it came back from the old days, i want to go back to childhood, i want to go back to dolls, cartoon characters, and today’s image, which is on you, it just brings us back in that same anime, that is, you are like a cartoon... hero, such a cheerful, cool girl. the trend came to us from asia, where the image of the eternal child was elevated to a cult. an entire beauty industry is built on it, but this is only one of the meanings that this accessory carries. there is a big difference between a bow and a bow, the message of which is exactly the opposite, luxury and grandeur. bows came into fashion in the baroque era
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and decorated the clothes of both men and women, and kings and queens loved this accessory at all times. let's remember elizabeth the second, because she has a whole collection of brooches. in the form of bows that were given to her by her mother-in-law, yes, it’s like a passed-down heirloom, or there are bows on her crown, but the queen of bows in history is considered to be the marquise de pampadour, she at the same time put bandas on her neck and on her dresses, today such an outfit will make you look like more like a crazy empress. it’s difficult to spoil our simplicity, it seems to me that we did it, we generally gave everything to the table, why? we’ll do everything, tell me, well , everything seems to be right, bow, shoes, smart blouse, smart guipure water, yes, well, i’m not i know, it seems to me that for our graduation... all the things individually are relevant together, they
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form a killer combo that looks caricatured, because modern fashion plays on contrasts and contradictions. each of our images can be modified, certain nuances can be added, let’s say i just took it and put on a sports bodysuit with a very feminine dress on purpose, yes, if i now put on sneakers and pull up a ponytail like this, then of course you’ll get it. the next level is to fit gangs into a business style. yes, that's quite really. this is what the suit will be like, on the one hand it is very simple, but look, there are interesting ties here, love works in the beauty sphere, so in the office it is important for a girl to look not only put together and neat, but also feminine. you will see how all this will look on you, the edgings will decorate you and make you very feminine and light. in this case, i decided to use bows as the main element, which will lighten
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the image, make it lighter, more understandable for the girls, for her clients, and which will show her romance and her mood for easy, pleasant communication, i don’t really like ballet shoes, so they just complete it, in my opinion, yes , they complete it, they make the image very wearable, very light, she won’t get tired during the day, lisa picked just that , which really appeals to me. as a person, first of all, and knowing my preferences, she chose some other option for me, such a slight infantilism, and how do you feel in this image? first of all , i feel comfortable due to the fact that i’m like this quite a free image, plus to all this i feel very elegant, it turns out a kind of magic wand effect, just one detail is enough to instantly transform and turn into... not cinderella, then into a woman ready to conquer the whole modern world, and not just prince. all that remains is to add a couple of strokes of the brush and apply
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a little blush glitter. soon the holidays will fit very well with a fantasy image with bows, with japanese, korean makeup, with the addition of sparkles, and arrows, arrows enchantingly very beautiful, impressive, blush, you can use lipstick on your nose, what have we done to you? if such creativity is unlikely to be appreciated at a corporate party, then at a party in an informal setting the outfit will definitely become a subject of admiration and will lift the off-season mood not only of you, but also of your friends. and then the full sound of saturday morning. we will find out very soon what music will set the tone for today, thanks to our colleague andrei petrov. don't switch. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference
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between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you care, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts and so don’t miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch, watch the substation on the media platform, the first podcasts we watch. hi andrey in the studio today, only wedding songs, a ring, and a complicated piece of jewelry are playing. how long have i been looking for you, how long have you been looking for me
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i was waiting, it seems to me that i haven’t danced so much for a long time, such an atmosphere, hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show, today on prt, you are that shirt boy, the main premiere of the year, your heart is huge. kind, hug me, you followed the lead of this saint, i know catherine the great very well , yesterday’s favorite can become a disgraced traitor today, i have always been by your side, and now from this booger you are questioning my faithful service, now choose here , either me or him, ekaterina are the favorites on monday on rtr.
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the sounds of music flow from the food. this school teacher from china surprised his students a lot by drilling a carrot to make it sound, then a variety of vegetables, as well as instruments that were not originally musical, in the right hands, a saw turns into a violin, wrenches play a key role in reimagined xelophone, as well as trimmings of the facing lash. the master tries to make all the crafts become friends with each other and sound organic together, and for this he attracts all his friends who have already started rehearsals in composition of an improvised orchestra. let's continue the musical theme, we will now contact our colleague andrey petrov. we hope
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that his guests will have instruments that are not real. andrey, good morning, good morning, andrey, coffee. good morning, studio, good morning everyone, since we meet with you on saturday, this is the time when you don’t want to rush, you want to sit, relax, good, because it’s good, but a little boring, when it gets boring, of course, you need to add music, you need to add songs, and the team that we invited to our today the film set says this: come to our concerts and you will smile, and smiles are what we definitely need to get on saturday, and more of them. and i will introduce you to our guests today, and this is good, in principle, a well-known group , the stradivalka quartet, i welcome you, thank you for joining today, in fact, today we will perform with you on this stage a wonderful composition of the 16th century called cuckoo, what’s interesting is that the author wrote it at one time, and not only for all kinds of salons where guests gathered,
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danced, had fun, that everyone was having fun, it turned out so light and at the same time sparkling. that to this day you are not the only one who plays it with pleasure, but many people take it, but some children play it without pleasure in music school, and some with pleasure, by the way, i also wanted to ask you about the game, because i i know that your team plays some programs once a year only once, and that is, the lucky ones went, managed to buy tickets, which means they heard why this happens why do we have programs, for example, with the star of the metropolitan opera and the mikhailovsky theater olesia petrova, who simply has such a busy schedule that it is difficult to find the total number, well, venues are also not always in a hurry to invite a complex program, where there are many elements that we need to ensure that the viewer leaves ah, or for example, with whom we are also friends and perform, we also need to find a number for him and so that we match, and he coincided, the hall was
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suitable, well, on our russia channel everything is completely different, get comfortable at the screens, because today, especially for you, don’t miss it, we’ll play a wonderful composition, let’s go.
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thank you very much, we have a suffering quartet on the music stage today, i don’t know what thoughts the author put into this work, but something robberish. this is definitely present in this, and maybe on saturday it should be a little adventurous so that everything works out later, studio , over to you, thank you, andrey, but i don’t want to leave the musical theme, so
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we remind you that on november 21 , a grandiose event will take place on the crocus city hall stage holaconcert the finalists of the nuka show are all together, the brightest stars of the popular show will delight you with a live performance of super hits, and the hosts sergey lazarev and nikolay baskov with positive , modest humor, so don’t miss it. and here dasha, i beg you, never come again, from scratch, premiere , today at 21:00, the best wedding songs, he opens the window, i am with all the foolishness, my love, marry me tomorrow, happiness, andrey, evening show of andrei malakhov, today
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at 17:50 on the russia channel, who is the cutest in the world, the answer to this eternal question, today they will start looking in selvador, where the seventy-second miss universe beauty contest is starting, our country will be represented by the prolific miss russia 2023 margarita golubeva from st. petersburg, she is self-confident and determined only to win. and in this margarita, we hope her beauty, intelligence, and luxurious outfits will help. if at the miss russia competition margarita stood out in her blue mini dress, then in el salvador she is going to shine in the role of the swan princess. we wish you good luck. by the way, we already have one finalist for miss universe, this is our presenter vera krasova. yes, another colleague of ours, although without a certificate, is also smart and beautiful, anna aksyonova. closely follows the lives of royalty and other celebrities; every day they have a new scandal. good morning, what does it take to make it really
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good? a cup of delicious coffee or tea, an excellent breakfast served by assistants, other assistants select an outfit, work on the image, plan the day, organize meetings and no troubles or surprises for you, there is a protocol in the end, but no, as we know, the royal privileges on... save royalty, and if their day is not going well, everyone immediately knows about it, although even if this day went well, this is an impressive reason for gossip and possibly a scandal, why is it suddenly forever the sad princess of monaca, charlene, suddenly became so cheerful, the prince was so gloomy, the matter was clearly not clean, the observers decided, the rare appearance of the spouses at a rugby match made them worry, charlene happily cheered for her favorite team. albert sat through the entire game with a straight face, observers note. either the prince i forgot that there were photographers around, or was tired of pretending, but insiders again concluded that.


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