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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  November 29, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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look, bye. hello, on the russia tv channel, irina rossius is in the studio and the main topic for this hour. the military targets of ukraine were struck by calibers at gunpoint and ukrainian airfields in our svoo chronicle. ukraine itself admitted the puppet nature of the zelsky regime. the russian foreign ministry commented on the statement of verkhovna rada deputy arakhamia.
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where should i go, what should i do? i have six children. residents of the gaza strip are returning to their homes despite severe destruction. israelis are looking forward to returning hostages. the tsakhal does not intend to continue the truce. all the fishermen who were searched for four days on lake baikal were found alive. there is severe ice in yekaterinburg, where 40 cars were damaged in road accidents. in sochi , the consequences of a megastorm are being eliminated; in the crimea, yalta was covered with rain. river level standards in severodvinsk launched the newest multi-purpose nuclear submarine arkhanelsk. a complex strike by missiles and drones this night was carried out on ukrainian airfields, among them stara konstantina in the khmelnitsky region, voznesensk in the nikolaev region and konatova near kirovograd. large high-precision weapons.
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from a ship of the black sea fleet, the ministry of defense stated that all designated targets were successfully hit. in the kharkov region, our military for the first time knocked out a german leopard tank, one crew abandoned the vehicle and escaped, but the removed one... the production model was transferred to kiev a few weeks ago, after europe ran out of stocks of modern tanks, due to a lack of equipment from the field, the ukrainian military are forced to evacuate even outright junk in the hope of repairing it. fierce fighting continue on the flanks of artyomovsk, ivanovo paratroopers, with the support of armored personnel carriers, broke through the enemy’s defenses and gained a foothold in new positions. and in these shots of the combat work of the tank crews, after an attack on a strong point, the vehicle was hit by an enemy shell. at the same time, the crew
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successfully returned to the rear. in the kherson region , aviation dropped five hundred kilogram bombs on the ssu location on the zaporozhye front, units of the vostok group carried out a series of counterattacks, surrounded and destroyed ukrainian units. strengthening the enemy is now being cleared by an airborne unit. well, in the krasnoliman direction , the offensive is being developed by brave fighters from the lpr. report by alexey baranov. 5 minutes before the communication session with scouts operating behind enemy lines, the howitzer is already being prepared for combat work. a squad of fragmentation specialists are loading a gun just at the time when a spotter working behind the line of combat contact reports the coordinates of the target. sight 197, level 30.2 protractor, strike is delivered to a newly discovered well- camouflaged fortified support apu point, gun, shot!
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the accuracy of the hit is recorded by the drone, which is working on the target from the moment it is detected, excellent, the artillery of the central military district did not require any adjustments today, despite the fact that by the time the coordinates of this target were received, almost all of the ammunition had already been used up. there weren’t that many shells, there were about five left, and we settled down, burned the strong point, the position was completely reprimanded, and they, that is, they never returned there. say the artillerymen, the first thing that wears out on this one of the most reliable russian howitzers is, of course, the barrel, and in order to replace it, you don’t need to send the gun far to the rear. this is one of the largest repair bases of the central military district in the krasno-limansky direction, located not so far from the line of combat contact. almost all types of military equipment are brought here for regular maintenance and repair. if all this
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was carried out in a factory environment, it would take about 4-5 working days, but in our conditions we do it within a day. restored equipment does not remain idle for even an hour . this tank has undergone the necessary repairs and is ready to return to service, any day it will be punished in its unit. just like these d-30 howitzers, shot! alexey baranov, andrey yurchuk, lead the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction. ukraine recognized the puppet nature of the zelsky regime. this was stated today by the representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, commenting on the words of the rada deputy arakhami. he said that last spring years, when negotiations between moscow and kiev in istanbul were nearing completion, the british prime minister demanded that ukraine not sign peace agreements and continue military operations. finally, the ukrainian side itself admitted what we have been talking about all this
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time. these revelations by rakhamiya convincingly indicate that the staging in bucha was organized by kiev as a pretext to disrupt the negotiation process. all this once confirms the puppet nature of the zelsky regime and complete dependence on anglo-saxon puppeteers who control it literally as they please. russian security forces prevented a terrorist attack in moscow planned by ukrainian special services, and the perpetrator was detained. now he is confessing. with the help of development. what kind of reward with fuel were they supposed to receive? at one of the railway stations in the capital region. according to the forty-year-old terrorist, the ukrainian curator promised him money and travel to ukraine. after completing the task, the criminal had already managed to take the explosives from the tank and went to get the detonator. but our special services interfered.
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he was unable to complete his criminal intent aimed at committing a terrorist act, since after removing the detonator from the cache , he was detained by operative officers of the russian fsb in the city of moscow. and the moscow region, investigative actions were carried out with the defendant, charges were brought against him, and the court chose to put him under arrest in the form of detention. a memorial to the early non-healing donbass was opened in lugansk today. the complex is dedicated to the memory of civilians, who died as a result of shelling from the ukrainian armed forces, as well as fallen military personnel. the monument was erected on the site of a spontaneous burial. report by michael ermishkin. on hundreds of granite slabs there are the names of the civilians of lugansk killed by the kiev regime, the first were killed by ukrainian artillery shells in the fourteenth, the militants hit purposefully, so the authorities decided to deal with the enmity of donbass, they began to defend their right to be part of the russian
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world, part of russia, to speak russian , for it was them who began to kill, destroy, the memorial was erected on the site of a spontaneous disaster. when the city was surrounded by ukrainian punitive forces after an armed coup, there was little choice, the dead were buried where it was safe, we will never forgive the murderers for their cruelty, malice and callousness, and for us this memorial will become another symbol of the insubordination of donbass. in total, as a result of attacks by ukrainian forces over the years , 240 people have been killed, including residents of the liberated territories, which, like a human shield... the ukrainian army. tragically ironically, not far from here there is a memorial complex, we will not forget, we will not forgive, to the victims of nazi germany who killed civilians at the end of forty-two. from today this same place will be a reminder of the inhumane crimes of the ukrainian
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nazi regime. 170 soldiers who gave their lives for the freedom of donbass are also buried in the cemetery. alexander cherrednik fought for many years and died during the liberation. solidar, he said that, grandfather, one and the other fought, were heroes of the patriotic war, he said, i can’t help but to defend our homeland and the memory of our grandfathers. there are no names on many of the slabs yet, only the inscriptions of a victim of ukrainian aggression and an unknown defender of the fatherland. work to identify the remains continues. mikhail ermishkin, magomed bashir aliev, yana aleshina, vesti lugansk. all. dvinsky launched the newest multi-purpose nuclear submarine arkhanelsk. this is already the fourth ship of the modernized yasen project. well , the submarine is capable of carrying onyx and caliber missiles on board; the rest of the weapons are a state secret. it is known that the submarine cruiser is significantly superior to
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its foreign counterparts. report by oleg posobin. this is the most important and joyful moment for shipbuilders. the nuclear-powered missile carrier is being taken out of eling. according to the old tradition, commander. submarine breaks a bottle abortion nuclear submarine is moved onto the slipway of a train, these are several dozen special ... carts, rigidly connected to each other, a beautiful and formidable missile carrier is sent along rails to the loading pool, from there the submarine goes to the outfitting quay, where it will be prepared for the big voyage. arkhangelsk, the fourth generation nuclear powered vessel of project 885m is the most modern multi-purpose submarine in the world. the armament has changed, the noise of the ship has changed, the detection ranges of the enemy have changed, both... underwater and surface, in general, all the technical means have undergone
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modernization, three submarines of this series of the severodsk yasen project, as well as kazan, are already in service and novosibirs of the yasen m project. arkhangelsk also belongs to it. what weapons are on board is a military secret, but without a doubt, this nuclear submarine is capable of suddenly appearing in any part of the world's oceans, launching invulnerable nuclear missiles, delivering a crushing blow to... the crew is currently studying the materiel and the submarine as a whole is working out the tasks of the combat training course. in the near future, the crew will take part in sea trials at the factory, during which the crew will check the quality of weapons, military equipment and the ship as a whole. yosenem is one of the most secret projects on the stern with awnings, the screws are hidden. their the shape and details of the engine itself. secret, you can only see the hull of the tseksi processing plant in masha, where the construction of the submarine began, they
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show us one of the technologies that allows you to speed up welding several times. here we have real plasma in the frame, and on a unique machine they are now cutting steel plates, which in the future will become the hull of a ship. and this is the pipe welding area; here they create the ventilation of the life support system, which requires a special quality of seam, by specialists in special suits. come into a special installation where argon is supplied for welding and there are many hundreds of similar sections of sevmash, here is another place where the fire resistance of wooden elements is checked, on the other hand, it is not only not hot, it is not even warm, a nuclear submarine has numerous testing tests ahead , the nuclear-powered ship will enter the northern fleet, oleg pasoben, anton klimovsky, news, arkhangelsk region, raising the flag, and news of the last hour on lake baikal, where it has been raging for several days... bad weather rescued four fishermen, they disappeared
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anonymity back on sunday, the motor of the boat stalled during a hurricane , it was impossible to get to the chip place due to squally winds of snow for almost four days either by water or by air, this morning, we finally managed to track the signal of the mobile phone of one of the victims, which made it possible to determine their exact location, all four were found alive, it is known that they suffered frostbite, and are now being taken to the shore. 12 people were injured in a massive accident on the yekaterinburg ring road, where about 40 cars collided today. accident provoked a strong hunger strike. the grip on the surface is minimal, the trucks slip and go into a skid. according to the regional enzdrav, five people were hospitalized, one driver is in serious condition. in the buffet , dozens of trees could not withstand the weight of the wet snow; reports of fallen trunks of damaged cars come from different parts of the city. blizzards and stormy winds paralyzed traffic. in sakhalinsk, in the east of the island , a section of the federal highway was swept away. in kamchatka, where
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the sidewalks are frozen after the cyclone passed, the number of patients with bruises and fractures at the emergency queue points. in nizhny novgorod, to avoid falls, the most resourceful citizens wear skates. getting around this way is much faster. in sochi , the consequences of the megastorm are still being eliminated, the beaches and restaurants on the first lines have turned into ruins, and tons of garbage have to be removed from there. in crimea , the damage assessment as of... by this hour, the authorities are calling the amount at 1 billion 350 million rubles. there are rivers everywhere, puddles everywhere, just complete horror. but in the meantime, a new wave of precipitation has already covered yalt, the river level is much higher, the norm emergency services are examining the worst -hit areas of the city. after the weather worsened again in crimea, the number of de-energized houses and without electricity increased; now more than 4,000 people remain. russian unmanned trucks covered
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a total of 600,000 km in six months without a single accident. according to the ministry of transport, they transported more than 11,000 tons of cargo along the m11 neva highway. in experimental mode, the car selects the speed and changes lanes itself. but the operation of the equipment is controlled by test drivers, who are ready in case of emergency situations to take control. the carrier company is satisfied with the results. and it plans to increase the number of flights and cargo volumes. this is the news, this is what will happen next in the program. israel has not yet accepted hamas' offer to extend the truce. the iss ended today. another progress, in the chelyabinsk region officials stole a christmas tree for the main city square, from whom you will find out immediately after the advertisement, see you, watch today a special edition of the program 60 minutes, all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world, don’t miss it, 60 minutes,
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today on rtr. travel without restrictions. we take care of every detail so you can enjoy every moment. arlekkino tor is not just a trip, it is the story of your life, created in a world of adventure. don't miss your chance.
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fall in love with the journey, together with rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off, rest is rest, we know everything about rest. annex we watch movies and tv series, we watch opera, we watch ballet, we watch theater, we watch concerts and festivals, we watch competitions and master classes, we watch films about history and art, we watch educational lectures
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, we watch science programs, we watch interviews and talk shows, we watch: news, we watch documentaries, russia culture on the platform we watch, here’s a new novel, but i’m really there i took some liberties with the main character, on friday, because of this writer, i have serious problems, photo of a leather dandelion, in life, a powder keg, it won’t seem so small to explode. the main thing is to gain the trust, and then we’ll figure out how to neutralize it, for work, for work, or maybe he’s making love with you as a diversion, while he’s spying , apply a million-dollar contract to some woman, we can’t be together, you’re an impossible woman, an impossible woman, on friday on
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rtr. i don’t understand where these people come from, what planet, you have something inside you that allows us all to be drawn in by this simplicity, sincerity, the girls worked without insurance, delighted, surprised, tearful, and then burst into tears, we have everyone's eyes were wet, sometimes eyes can say more than a thousand words. new emotions, what they create, it’s impossible, it’s just that all my nerves are frayed , this is just the beginning, everything will be ahead, new discoveries for the jury and for the audience, i’m very impressed, this is definitely an event for the blue bird, in the new anniversary season, this blue bird, the stage on which young talents from
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all over the country come out to become better, not better than others, but better than themselves, yesterday's blue bird: sunday on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. hamas announced its readiness release two more hostages with russian citizenship, and outside the framework of the truce deal with tel aviv. as israeli media reported, the leadership of the palestinian group explained this step with gratitude for the position taken in the conflict by president vladimir putin. in addition, hamas wants to extend the ceasefire for another 4 days. the israeli authorities have not yet accepted this proposal with details, sergei pashkov and stanislav bernwalt. the evening before, hundreds of people in tel aviv square in front of the general headquarters demanded the return the smallest hostage, kfir bibas. he
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turned 10 months old in hamas ton. together with him on october 7, his brother ariel, he is 4 years old, his mother shiri and his father erden became hostages. here they really hoped that the smallest hostage and his family would be released. we don't know what to think, we're not on the list again. there is footage taken by militants on october 7, in which the woman surrounded by terrorists stands wider, clutching the red-haired hariel kfir. there is information that the bibas family is located in the south of the gaza sector in khanyunis, perhaps they it is not hamas who are being held captive by militants from another radical palestinian group. another difficult day, since october 7, my family is still not on the list. we hope something will change, on wednesday night the fifth batch of freed
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hostages was delivered to israel, accompanied by the red cross, they left the gas strip through the checkpoint, among those released was rimon kirsht. the footage captured her arrival in israel, when the hostages were just starting to be released, we talked with rimon’s mother. we are happy for the first group hostages, but rimon has no children, we hope that maybe she will be in the next group, today after 53 days of separation, the mother will again be able to hug her daughter, each stage of the return of the hostages can be interrupted, the fragile truce is constantly threatening to break into a new round of war. hamas systematically violates the ceasefire rules, the safety of our forces is paramount and any attempt to harm them will be met with fire and uses the days of calm to increase readiness and approve plans to continue the war. yesterday's hostages meet with with their relatives at an israeli military base,
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batsheva’s mother hugs eleven-year-old eitan yaalome, brought from gaza, ethan’s father ahad is still in captivity. added time to the deal to free the israeli hostages expires today, wednesday. so far , only 61 of them have returned home from gaza... the sixth group may be the last. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. the truce in the gas sector , mediated by qatar, will continue until this evening, meanwhile, this is the very the truce only applies to the territory of the palestinian enclave; on the west bank of the jordan river, the israeli army continues to carry out clean-up operations every day. israeli soldiers are taking va ... blocks, the humanitarian situation is still extremely difficult, according to the agreements, 200 trucks per day should pass into the sector, but israel arranges
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total checks of every vehicle at the checkpoint, which complicates the movement of traffic. the most difficult situation is in khanyounis, where thousands of displaced palestinians are currently located. u it rains constantly on us, the tents are already flooded. we are trying to adapt to the situation, but we still hope that. which remains under siege by the israeli army, but thanks to the truce it was possible to bury those who were killed and died in this hospital during the recent clashes. in these images you can see a makeshift cemetery dug in front of the hospital. according to media reports , 179 bodies were buried in the courtyard, including seven infants and 29 patients. intensive care unit, meanwhile, taking advantage of moments of silence, dozens thousands of palestinians are rushing to their homes in different parts of the gaza strip, people continue to look for their missing
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relatives, continue to clear the rubble of houses with their hands, we returned home, but there are no houses, it’s as if they were wiped off the face of the earth, where should i go, what should i do, i have six children, they had no food, no drink, no roof over their heads, we were happy at first about the truce, we hope that it will be extended, we were driven out of the north by gases, but here we had nothing, now help has arrived, our affairs began to improve, so the truce began to our benefit, despite the difficulties in delivering humanitarian aid, it still arrives in the gas sector, we fully support the efforts of the international community to deliver aid to the entire gas sector, including the north, the number of humanitarian aid arriving in the enclave has increased, these are food, medicine and fuel, which is now so... necessary in the enclave. stanislav bernwalt, andrey potapov, news from berut, livvan. the interaction between moscow and tashkent was discussed by the russian presidents of uzbekistan today by phone and, as reported
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in the kremlin, vladimir putin and shavkat merziyoyev spoke, in particular, about the implementation of agreements that were reached during the recent visit of the uzbek leader to our country. at the iss today, the mission of another progress was completed, the space truck departed from the station 3 hours ago, and a few minutes ago the ship’s engines turned on, they will help remove it from orbit at a given point so that the debris that does not burn up in the atmosphere sank outside the vessel. water areas of the pacific ocean, this friday a new progress 25 starts from baikanur, it will carry 2.5 tons of cargo to the iss, including incubators and a centrifuge for research on the development of chick embryos in conditions of weightlessness and gravity. there will be no fines for drivers for driving on summer tires in winter, this was officially announced by the leadership of the traffic police, they emphasized
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that we cannot have uniform rules on this matter in our country, because there are regions where the temperature drops below zero extremely rarely therefore, each driver is responsible for safe driving in winter. state traffic inspectors will fine no one will be punished. each vehicle owner must prepare his own car so that he can safely move on the roads in certain winter conditions. in the event of such a technical malfunction , the vehicle is not delayed or evacuated, but the driver must choose the appropriate conditions in order to move on, he must move in safety, this is the most important thing. in the chelebinsk region , officials from the city of minyar became real the christmas stealers. the tree, which was supposed to decorate the main square without permission , was cut down in a private yard, and not in the forest, as is usually done. this was a real
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blow for garden owners. they took him away, and they did it as openly as possible, representatives of the administration even posted a video report on social networks, questions about why they barely decided to steal them have not yet been answered , the federal part of the broadcast is over, regional news is ahead, now we have the opportunity to talk with astrakhan , hello, what's interesting about you? hello, irina, scientists from astrakhan technical university are creating anti-aging cosmetics based on fish collagen. the raw materials used are the skin and scales of local fish, carp and crucian carp. the first product is collagen water, it works as a tonic-moisturizer for any skin type. two types of such water with hydrolad are ready.
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the second product is the activator serum, the effect of which appears almost instantly. the skin understands that it needs to be renewed. thank you nastya, good news, we are moving to izhesk, where anastasia works sterkhova. anastasia, welcome to your floor. good afternoon, irina, the famous janitor, semyon bukharin, who became famous throughout russia for his drawings. snow, as soon as the weather allowed, he again took up the shovel and broom. today, for pet day, he created two new panels at once. for the first, the artist was inspired by a good old film with the participation of yuri nikulin, the second was his own fantasy. as usual, local residents and schoolchildren watched the work. bukharin is responsible for cleanliness on the territory of the republican lyceum for gifted children. yes,
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anastasia is impressive, good for you, we. broadcast, then we will continue with residents of moscow and the region. an accident on michurinsky avenue, two pedestrians were hit, one person died. a snow storm is moving towards moscow; strong winds and snowfall are expected in the near future. a yellow level of weather danger has been declared in the city. moscow is on the wave, another place of attraction on the map of the capital, a unique fish market, where more than 500 types of fish and seafood from domestic enterprises are presented. and more than a thousand artificial trees and almost 5,000 light structures will decorate moscow for the new year.


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