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tv   Pyatero na odnogo  RUSSIA1  December 2, 2023 9:25am-10:10am MSK

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in general she is very affectionate, jack russell terrier, a smart dog in general, even with a hand gesture we taught her mm, the command to sit, but sometimes there are incidents that she doesn’t do, yes, as if the dog just doesn’t obey a little these moments, when she sees rollerbladers or scooters, regular scooters, not electric ones, and people who skate, she...... tries to catch up with them, bite their heels, stop the movement, yes, but it’s very dangerous, first of all for her and the person who is traveling, yes, in general, because she is injured and man, and no matter how much i don’t want such problems.
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i would like to correct this behavior , to be calmer probably , to learn more even for myself how to properly raise her here in this direction, but mikus, such a look, as if it was still... looking for a scooter, okay, let's get acquainted, lyudmila golubeva and jackrasler , mika, please welcome, hello, i ’m very glad to meet you, thank you very much for coming, and we are very pleased, i ask you, please come to the sofa, i’d really like to meet you on several occasions reasons, one of which was jack russell, who, by the way, loved to throw himself on our bikes. samota and i
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had exactly the same problem, please tell us when you first encountered this problem, we encountered this problem when mika grew up a little, our first spring came, when she saw all these mobile things, but enough, she was both interested and scared, which means we were faced with this, she was 8 months old at the time, yeah, what did they do, they tried to get her to react like that stop, yes, by tugging the leash, well, again, i understand for myself that this is not very correct, because, as you can see, our collar is quite serious, yes, so as not to damage the dog’s neck and throat, and i would like to learn how to act correctly in such moments , i understand your desire, by the way, i haven’t found a solution to this problem, so i will be especially interested in hearing what you have to say about this, dear antoine, and in general it seems to me that, apparently for jack russell
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it is a common problem for terriers to lunge at something moving. these little friends of ours, firstly, they are hunters, yes, secondly, they react very much to fast moving objects, and if this quality is developed without brakes, then there will be a problem, because imagine a car without brakes, you put it into a state drive, but you don’t control this state, if i teach... to chase a sword, then i must definitely teach it so that the second stage dog does not chase a sword, in order to bring this state, balance, if i only teach to chase ball, there will be an imbalance, that is, it will break down when it sees the ball, because there are no brakes, unfortunately, you didn’t teach not to react, you only taught to react, antoine, what points are now important for you to talk to lyudmila before you start working with this dog, yes , i would like to understand what you tortured? to do
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, they tried to pull, pull away and say the phrase you can’t command to sit or lie down, just to calm the dog down, come to me, let them discuss you, and i ’ll pet you, well, in general, we treat people that’s kind , yes, that’s great, tell me, how does she treat food? she’s very good at food, she’s always hungry, no matter how much you give her, it’s not enough, she has her own portion of breakfast and dinner, including on walks, of course, we use treats, i would like to see the reaction, if possible, before our eyes she will attack the scooter driver, i wonder how many of you guys are here, so well, let’s probably take mika closer and see how she reacts, yes , hold on, now, here, here , that's all for you, you got it, let's go. you know, he's herding the guys,
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give me more, can i, can i, look, firstly, i’ll shorten the leash, i’ll tell her, she needs to attract her attention, you see, when she wants to do this, i’m at that very moment , no, don’t even think about it, i can give her more offer, look, so that she doesn’t even look there at all, i show her a tasty treat to her nose, it ’s as if there are no scooters now, you see, the attention goes exclusively to me, when i see one like this, you see, he jumps, yes, he talks, he sits, he doesn’t jump, well done, once again, look, again i’m showing that i have something there is for you, choose either scooters or
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benefits, that is, scooters are a kind of discomfort, because you are pulling it, but i suggest, discomfort or benefit, she chooses benefit, she doesn’t even look now, so... she says: i want what is in your hands, i say: you are smart, and i teach you that a skateboard, bicycle, scooter is not an object of attack, so you don’t have to graze it, but you need to look at the owner at this moment, because when a scooter arrives, this is food, when a cyclist arrives, this is food, here you go, this means if you will walk in the skatepark, she will become very fat, do you want this? you feed her, take the food ration that you feed in a bowl at home into your pocket, and give her the opportunity to earn this food, i understand everything, that is, you just feed in a bowl, yes, and now set a task for her, you must deserve food, but
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how not to react to bicycles, scooters, skateboards, as we saw now, even she won’t look at them, wow, wow, miracle, see, i say, you’re smart. can i give you a few things and you can try it? there, look, what is the importance, when a skateboard, cyclist, scooter approaches you , yes, approximately 3 m, redirect her attention, you can do this, please try a few things for you, please hold on, and i will watch, she... push mine away with your knee, because it says, give it, as if they are not there anymore, mind you, reward her, you see, she is reaching out to me , she says, that guy agreed well with me, this is absolutely amazing, antoine, please tell me how much exercises, how many attempts, how many repetitions it will be necessary for mika to stop
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paying attention to lyudmila, look, repeated repetitions reinforce the pattern of behavior, now you see, there is a struggle of emotions, to react, not to react? profitable, profitable, not profitable, profitable, now you confirm the benefit, well, it seems to me that this is worthy of applause, look at the magic right before your eyes, thank you very much, please, you just need to repeat it, reinforce it, and you yourself will be surprised, you'll be walking, she'll pass by and she'll look at you and say, remember, we agreed that a cyclist is a reward, you see how simple it is, yes, there are no words, just emotions, thank you. i’m grateful because i love her very much and sometimes it’s very difficult to cope with my emotions towards her. lyudmila, dear, we don’t offend her, we educate her, you understand? yes, anton, lyudmila, let's consolidate this result right now. i invite a cyclist to the studio.
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look, nika, look, nika is in shock, will the attack take place, well, we can definitely say that the result has been achieved, mika is absolutely in love with antoine, that’s what we achieved, everything is in order, now you can live in peace, i would, of course, like to give you a gift, please bring it here, i think that this gift will be useful to you during your walks, thank you very much for addressing your questions, and we are always here among friends, we are very happy to help , thank you, thank you very much for the company, yes, well, we say goodbye, we still have a lot of work to do with antoine today, yes, thank you very much, glad
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to meet you, thank you very much, all the best , bye bye! yes, i was always happy when girls appeared to me, our dad is very family-oriented, he can do everything, he can do anything, when he also made a samovar for a song, he himself performed in this samovar. i’m always surprised that at this age, a person has such a mature, powerful, deep, very strong voice, it seems to me that dad samovar warms the whole family with this energy, i just don’t want to let you go, maybe we ’ll sing some more ... a winter song: no matter how much winter there was in the cheerful cities,
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we never knew these cheerful days. blue bird - anniversary season, sunday on rtr. for fulfilling all our wishes. on friday. i didn’t even know that this could happen, that you could love me so much, this is such happiness, i don’t understand what kind of relationship we have with you, the most real thing, and why then all this, the wedding , the game of love with lena, for us this is a good deal, alexander makagon, legally i am a husband, an heir too, i didn’t play too hard, but it’s one thing to squander, but then there’s a murder, i was following an animal , i look, the car is upside down, she’s not breathing, i need to bring her to her senses, maria
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kulyakova, i know that there are people who are for i’m very worried, i need to somehow get out of here, it’s not my fault, on friday on rtr, we watch russian cartoons and children’s programs to spend time with the children. look, in the app or on the website, tea, manenka, manenko, yes, yes, how do you need to love a person in order to take him and come to him, what is a strong family built on, of course, an interesting question, on love, what beautiful girls i thought , he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, he must have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on? on trust, i'm so contradictory, my wisdom and
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cunning have turned on, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed when everyone is at home on sunday, on rtr. i came up with a brilliant idea. trust me, this is for you, i want to invite you to a restaurant today, i would be very pleased if you agreed, no need to rush, ol, i’m over 30, i’m already an old maid, nastya zadorozhnaya, your father died and left you an inheritance , andrey chadov, you’re courting rich heiress, olya, by the way, my wife, yes, listen, and you’re a shustik, you need to get rid of her, no? sent letter, today on rtr.
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antoine, in your experience, are there any particularly problematic dog breeds? honestly, no, dmitry’s problem is always created exclusively by people, yeah, this is according to my observations, according to my experience. initially , dogs have no problems. okay, does the size of a dog affect its behavior? no, you saw that we recently had a yorkie who behaved very aggressively. a large dog can also behave, the only difference is that a large dog does more damage, and a small dog does less damage. therefore, pit bulls have very bad reputation, because they are very powerful, if chinghu bites someone, nothing will happen, but if a pit bull bites, it will definitely be in the newspapers. they will write, but you see, if one pit bull behaved wrong, this does not mean that the whole
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breed is bad, this is bad manners, not a characteristic of the breed, you know, what can you say about the spitz breed, oh, these are very sweet, cool friends, who again, with their cute appearance, directly manipulate people, specifically, these dogs, if you have a spitz, then you don’t need a call, nothing, the spitz itself already a call. okay, there are some problems that are associated exclusively with this breed, perhaps excessive vanity, wisdom, well, something like that, yes, there is a problem, you know, the problem is that they are so cute that people just worship them, and this is a problem for people, in this case, right now i want to start a column, and today there are spitz in it, let’s watch the story,
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spitz are called smiling dogs, when they run towards you, they stick out their tongue. uh their mouth will open as if there is always a smile on their face, well now of course she’s sitting serious , but i’m just shy, so many cameras are unusual, okay, let’s get acquainted, there are four types of spitz, and this is the large german spitz, uh, the medium german spitz, and the small german spitz, the smallest is considered the pamiran spitz, the standard weighs 2 c2 plus or minus a kilogram, the breed is very sociable, very cheerful, and it is even used in hospices, it meets the sick and communicates with sick children, well, it gives them its love, joy, this is such a versatile breed for them, and we also have an amazing history of origin, our ancestors were large dogs that reached a weight of 15 kg, but you can’t tell,
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however, the ancestors of this breed are considered to be the turf dog, which actually existed 5,000 years before... sheira. the name pomeranian spitz comes from the region in germany of pomerania. this breed was considered an adornment in aristocratic houses; they were taken to balls and some events. perhaps some aristocratic manners were passed on to us, but in terms of care and maintenance, we are not at all picky. there is no great difficulty in keeping this dog. during the period of growing up, you need to take care of. the coat helps him shed, since at a certain age the puppy begins to shed as a puppy, and the coat changes from child to adult, a spitz cannot be cut short, that is, there are haircuts that are allowed for a spitz, a short haircut can cause skin problems and various diseases , up to baldness, grooming is perhaps the most difficult thing in maintaining
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our breed, and so we will fit perfectly into any company, and in principle this breed can you advise... a person, well, you live , let’s say in a studio apartment, you want a dog, a spitz is quite suitable, now we will have a great opportunity to find out first hand what it’s like to be the owner of a spitz, in the circle of friends allaganova and her big friendly family, let's meet alla yuganova, russian theater and film actress, singer. she has played more than 50 roles in films, and she also has more than twenty roles in the theater. hello, hello, hello, very glad to meet you, me too, glad to meet you all, with you, with you, please introduce us to your amazing big family, how beautiful you all are, this is vlada, my niece, hello, vlada, i'm dima, hello, this is anechka, my daughter,
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hello, you look amazing, cool image, this is lucky, this is lucky, hello , lucky. yes, when did you get this lucky one, please tell me, it ’s a girl, she’s almost 2 years old, yeah, i gave her to anna for 10 years, but she chose me, well, that’s what always happens, you know, give it to children, eh you still do it yourself classic, an, what are you doing , well, to help with the dog, well, sometimes i feed it, and i also go for walks with her, well, nice, but you have a very wonderful, sweet family member, how does he live with her, tell me, oh, well, she’s like that. .. cheerful , in fact, this is a real anti-stress, because - we get tired, we come, there are different moods, not very good, well , she runs up to us, she smiles, look, it’s a miracle, she smiles, she knows how, and most importantly, she has such a property, whoever holds her in his arms, she becomes like him, this is how way, look, the next one, it’s true
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, the next one, come to me, and now you will see how the dog grows a black beard, well , really, well, a nose, well, maybe a nose, very nice, okay, what other features does this dog have , what distinctive features or habits she might have that would be nice to talk about, you know, the dances are unusual, yes, she has such a feature, she knows how to dance, and, well, it ’s like we didn’t specifically train her, it's just that we have a fairly musical family, my mother was. and we often sing at home and at some point the dog just started dancing, i do n’t know if she will demonstrate it now, we can try, okay, let’s try, we’ll probably need some music. no, she loves it when i sing, excuse me, you'll have to listen , with pleasure, lived with grandma, two funny
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geese, varnishes, varnishes, varnishes, one gray, the other white, two cheerful geese, one gray, the other white, two cheerful goose, can't you show me your paws, bravo, bravo, well done, well done, antoine, are spitz dogs generally famous for their talents? yes, yes, there is and those who sing, dance, even sing , yes, well, like this, well, whoever sings as best they can, yes, some with greater or lesser success, yes, tell us about your pets, we have photographs , now they will be very useful, so, this is asol, fluffy, this is asol , the oldest, she is 18 years old, wow, she is very smart, anechka, this is the nanny, they do homework together, unfortunately, they also have lunch together, dinner and breakfast , sometimes even from
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the same plate, i gave a piece of fluff to anna for 6 years, but she was very shy, so far for some reason, varnishes didn’t appear at our place, the little fluffy lived practically under the bathtub, but then somehow she realized that there was less attention to her , suddenly she began to... come out, now she, well, all the time already, yes, anyut, you have sleeps on the pillow and still recognizes you as her mistress, yes, yes, i’m curious, but when lucky joined this big flock of yours, did she immediately manage to find contact with everyone, or were there still problems, tell me in more detail about this , asol decided everything, as the head of the pack, at first she reacted very aggressively, hissed, then there was a dog that was somehow friendly, it was a puppy, but the cat didn’t like that, i had such an experience of communication, but after about 2 weeks, even i started to get nervous, because everyone told me that, well, in
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for a week they became friends, but for two weeks in general , that is, well, they didn’t suit each other, the cat hissed and generally began to behave not very well, she began to show me in every possible way that i had done something bad, that we now have another dog, yes suddenly at some point i come home, they are all nearby. they’re sitting there, well, they’ve already become like that got closer got closer and began to play together and somehow, well, and the main thing they are united by is, of course, my bed, well, as if everything happened by itself antoine how to reconcile a spitz, for example, with a cat, any dog ​​can be reconciled with a cat or a cat with a dog, i’ll tell you a little of mine experience excerpt interesting once i was invited to a family where there was a six-month-old labrador puppy with eyes that wouldn’t let him get closer, and a good-natured labrador came up like that to communicate, this one hissed and pawed, and people were
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puzzled, what to do, i asked , cat familiar with the street? i was told no, what did i do? i put the cat in the carrier, took the dog by the leash, the carrier and went out into the street, where the situation was stressful for the cat, i noticed that the cat... was wandering towards the cage where the dog was, and the dog had to lie down at the bus stop, cars were passing by, people, i see that the cat is reaching out to the dog, because only in this situation does he trust him, i am also a stranger, and when we returned home 40 minutes later, i opened this gate and the dog came up, the cat did nothing, they they said: anton, what did you do, why is he not reacting now, you see, i made them friends like this, that is, if there are two enemies, that’s it! i’m talking about people, think about it, if two enemies are placed on a desert island, well, to cannibals, they are enemies, they must cooperate in order to survive, yes, i wonder
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what happened in your apartment when the dog and cat made peace, what happened there it ’s incomprehensible, i don’t know what happened, now of course, if they’re playing, here’s the youngest cat, fluff and varnish, well, you have to hide there, raise your legs, because they’re running around, they’re they're all going down, well, that's all i am. i’m glad that now the cats are not bored, the dog is not bored, i worry when they are alone at home, and they are at school, there i am at work, and now they are not bored, at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either , this is, of course, good , antoan, do you think that a spitz is a good companion for children, yes, but you see, dmitry, from my experience i see the following: when they buy dogs for children, they want to make a surprise, yes, they give it to the child. after a couple of months the child in most cases gets tired and says: i don’t want to, because she also it bites, it hurts me, all this burden again falls on the shoulders of the parents, that is, people
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want. with the help of an animal, to give the child responsibility, yes, for him to look after, yes , but it’s just like this that this desire is broken, yes, and of course the gift is good, it’s just necessary that it is not given to children, but that the family takes this dog responsibly themselves, and they said that this is for the child, so let them do what they want, it can grow up very naughty, an unstable dog, does your pet have any behavioral problems, how she reacts... to other dogs, maybe barks, we heard that this is common among spitz dogs , well, we have a very similar character, for now maybe, they say it will show up with age, she doesn’t bark yet, but there was an incident quite recently , well, well, sometimes i walk my dog ​​without a leash, because she walks next to me and - well, she ’s never run away anywhere and here it’s likely, well, i’m guessing that a chestnut fell on her head, because i hear such a fart , fell fell, well, chestnuts were falling on
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the boulevard, and... boulevards, there are roads along sides, for some reason she rushed onto the road, that is, i, it was such the most terrible moment of my life, i was screaming, i was running, the main thing is that she started running away from me, and of course, you are shouting at her for no, i i gently fell to my knees, i didn’t do anything, but she was terribly scared, of course, by these cars that drove next to her, and of course, i will never lead her without a leash again, please, those dogs, who walk... without a leash, if they are not trained, not brought up, their life 50/50, trouble comes once , you see, thank god that everything is fine with her, yes, you had experience in training dogs, you once worked with rottweler and even attended classes with a dog trainer, if i’m not mistaken, three once a week, responsible and big work, yes, maybe i just didn’t carefully choose a dog handler, but we met in a store where they sold products for animals
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and at some point in the training she told me that adolescence had begun dogs, and so that she would stay with me obedient for me, it was a male, i had to tie him up and beat him for half an hour, so i didn’t do that, i resigned myself to the fact that he probably wouldn’t obey me, and i only used gingerbread, i only tried with love, but there was a strict collar and there was some kind of pull... it was pulling me somewhere, it was hard for me to hold on to it, so, well, this was our story, my husband and i divorced and he kept the dog for himself, because... the dog recognized him as the owner, but i don’t know how much you have to beat the dog so that it listens you shouldn’t hit a dog at all, never at all, at any age, under any circumstances, this is just this advice to me, i thought, well, someone might follow such advice, how great that you didn’t follow this advice, antoine , what are
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the features of working with spitz dogs? if you still teach them to basic commands. training means food, yes, do something, some kind of physical exercise, because i always say, training and education are two different things. training is learning to commands, do this, do that, education is the establishment of statuses, who am i in your life, who are you in my life, education takes first place, but we are taught that training plays an important role, if you... feed a dog, then teaching commands is very easy, really very easy, because she has already, has already submitted to you and train, yes, of course, with food, so that she sits down, lies down, labs give, show, show now how, seriously, let's be happy to see, come on varnishes, varnishes, varnishes, varnishes, varnishes, varnishes, sit, varnishes, lie down, varnishes, lie down, what
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we have. the little girl wants to show off her varnishes , varnishes, varnishes, paws, varnishes, paws, paws, varnishes, paws, okay, paws, ay, well done, varnishes, high five, come on, huskies, varnishes, high five, here, well, these are ours, girls they are having fun, anton , what do you think, and such a game gives the dog pleasure, she likes it, of course , she gets a treat, yes, this is a kind of communication, this communication comes from exclusively positive energy on the part of the person, and the dogs like it, plus he also receives some -that bonuses, food, affection, wonderful, alla, if you have any questions about further education or life with lucky, ask right now, it’s okay that we sleep together, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, alla, begins, tell me, but she has her own place, and she has many places, but
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one is missing, but we have, as it were, these beds, the fact is that they are occupied either by cats or by dogs, it’s as if there is no such thing that they say, are you sleeping in her place, no, but invite her to your place, it’s somehow dishonest. you still offer me to spend the night a couple of times, i offer, no, i honestly offer, so that the dog has its own place, you have yours, this is my advice to you, but how to train a dog to a place, because it will sit there for several minutes, and then it will still come running to the crib, of course, look, you can start by it wasn’t hard for her to part with you, yes, first put her place next to your bed, so that she was downstairs, and you were upstairs, remember, in the animal world. the one on top is in charge, if you sleep with her, your smell comes from the sheet below, she is constantly above you, remember, mowgli, where kella slept, the most at the top, on the highest elevation, he was
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an important person, even in this cartoon this is demonstrated, if you put a lozenge next to your bed and every day 15 sims away from you, this separation will not be traumatic for her, how interesting, antoan, but why? a dog should have one single place in the house, there is no place as such, here is a lounger, lozenge, and there is a place, today i decided, this also has to do with status, yes, today i decided that this place should be here, that means the dog sleeps here, tomorrow i took it and moved it to the tumnata, which means its place is there, that is, you don’t need to give the dog a corner in the house, you just need to show that this lozenge, this rug is your place, where it lies is your place, it’s very... effective because it’s needed in the car , put it there, that means there’s a place in the car, i need it in the kitchen, put a rug in the kitchen, that means my place is there, there may be several such beds, maybe, but you can do all this with one, remember, the more you give
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the dog at home place, the more i grow, this is mine, and there is my place, and there is my place, and where she sleeps is also my place, and this is my master, he brings me slippers, well, now. it’s clear, every time there’s something new thanks to meeting you, anton, thank you very much, i hope it was useful for you too, girls, amazing work, first of all , compliments, you look great, it’s very nice that you agreed to come to us, thank you very much, thank you, wonderful program, allah, we are glad to see you, always , contact us and come, we do not let anyone go empty-handed, quickly bring gifts, so who chooses whom is also a sloth, a sloth, sloth, alla, thank you very much, you are truly the decoration of today ’s program, it’s very nice to meet you , we won’t let you go empty-handed, there will also be a delicious gift for lucky here, in general, come back
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more often, whether there are problems or not, i’m always glad, very much thank you, this is for you, thank you, so i ask and we will say goodbye, thank you very much for being with friends today, goodbye, bye girls, very nice, writer ilya ilev once said, a dog is so devoted that you don’t even believe that a person deserves one love. be worthy of your pets, see you next saturday with friends, bye.
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today in the clinic of dr. myasnikov there is flu and orv, how to alleviate the course of the disease and prevent serious complications, so as not to end up in intensive care. so, the main topic is how not to make things worse. one way or another, we all suffer from colds, one of this majority will end up in a cemetery, a virus has covered her, that is, it turns out that we are all at risk, and this is the very virus that causes what to do if a mole began to grow and change, when you need to go to the doctor, and when it’s enough just to observe, the frequency of melanoma has increased almost 10 times in recent years, so it’s considered if this is the case on your body. here we will look at my moles, it directly leads to skin cancer and melanoma, here we also need to understand that there are two mechanisms for the development of melanoma, how to properly limit calories and what is negative calorie content of a product? what is calorie restriction, why is it needed and
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how to do it correctly? you have to measure your energy balance, you must measure your consumption, you must understand what you are eating, it is small in volume, but you can see how much the calorie is here, hello, says the doctor, showing, you are in my clinic in belarusian and we are starting a conversation about health. in particular, we will talk about who is especially at risk of getting sick. influenza viruses, covid, other viruses, which make the disease worse, for some it goes away easily, for others it goes much more severely, because it causes a whole fire to blaze so that the person burns, no matter how much you we know people who are dying from viruses and will continue to die, unfortunately, here’s how to understand whether you are at risk or not, what you should do so that this... you personally pass by, but let’s not only talk about this,
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let’s talk about moles about many interesting other things, i will answer your questions, so here we go. so, instructions for using moles, we all know what melanoma is, the frequency of melanoma has increased almost 10 times in recent years, and this is not only somewhere in the sun. will melanoma develop, whether it is a lot or a little 22 person per 1000, i don’t know, the main thing is not to fall into these 22 risk factors yourself, and which risk factors we cannot always change, we know that this is a phenotype, white-skinned people, with blue eyes, blondes, blondes who are easily they get burned, these
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are the risk factors, how to determine who their risk factor is? well, firstly, i said, it depends on the phenotype, black people in africa also get melanoma, but much less often, white people, like me, are already white-skinned, yes, who burn easily, then there will be gradations, people who they tan easily, but rarely... those who tan well, but never get sunburned, but anyone can get sick, today it has started to move up in age, 50 plus, and one of the risk factors is undoubtedly the initial presence of moles and what kind of moles, here it’s considered if you have 50 or more moles on your body, or five moles, but typical ones, like this one of mine, my dad always grows up with de klop, well, it’s not entirely
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atypical, let’s say, but it’s still big , though with round regular edges, because the signs of an atypical mole and melanoma, as we know, is a chord system, it must be asymmetrical, it must be corroded. blurred edges, it shouldn’t change color, it’s this color, and if suddenly it becomes like this, that’s already a sign, it should be quite large, 5-6 mm in diameter, it shouldn’t change, so what should you do? you need to know your moles exactly, i have this mole,
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i’ve had it since childhood, do i have any other moles? yes , there is, so, so we will look at my homelands, uh, but for me, as you can see, they are small, if we start counting, then they are not so a lot, by the way, then, as if i would show you, i have here in the form of a big dipper, you can clearly see it, i even took pictures, well, here i am... no risk factors, i’m dark-skinned, i have moles in general not enough, but if i had 50 moles strewn like this, i would already be at risk, either five of these, or five atypical moles, what to do, do not visit solariums, i remember that solariums are prohibited for persons under 18 years of age in everything world, this is a source of skin cancer and melanomas, remember not to get sunburned, especially for children, these
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the risks are cumulative, when you get sunburned, there is a risk of one, you get burned twice, it is higher, higher, although it seemed like it was just a year ago, if you get sunburned often, it goes straight to skin cancer, to melonomy, do not sunbathe in the open rays, smear yourself with cream , thickly adequate, apply sunscreen, wear. clothing covering the arms and neck, and one cannot talk about risk factors without talking about heredity, 10% of all melanomas have hereditary ha, every tenth, by the way, among the risk factors are no longer the same as, say, race, skin color, heredity, but less related, so to speak, but nevertheless, this is smoking, chickens get melanoma more often, alcohol is a risk factor, but coffee is not, at one time they thought it was a risk factor, no, coffee even protects,
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for some reason patients with endometriosis , are more likely to suffer from melanoma, as are patients with parkinson's disease. purely statistical observation, we noticed that women with endometriosis suffer from melanoma more often, just like patients with parkinson’s disease. and by the way, there is one study that showed that men who take medicine against erectile dysfunction, these blue pills, also a little insignificant, but still statistically significantly more often melanomas suffer, because today melanoma is actually the fifth most common cancer in men, in women, photos... get a skin passport once a year , if your homeland is 50 or more, any changes should be made, because you don’t understand, you don’t remember what you have, you should send this to the doctor, the doctor should compare, you need to catch yourself in time , i had personal friends who died from melanoma only because the melanoma was
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on the back, and so she didn’t see all this progress, and when she saw and cut out the melanoma, but they didn’t clearly explain what was what, in any case, maybe she was scared, maybe it was just this was a defense mechanism, and a defense mechanism, she believed that she had nothing, and the discharge did not indicate that the noronnoma was there, it was removed, well then in those days, they somehow avoided saying, calling cancer cancer, so the sun - this is a very good thing, but too much of it can kill, there’s also you need to understand that there are two mechanisms for the development of melanoma, the first is these very areas of the skin, constantly exposed to the sun of chronic exposure to the skin, and there the degeneration and general accumulation of melanocytes begins, this is the development that rapidly develops into a tumor, the second mechanism, then about which i said, 50 or more moles
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, there is no need for much sun, there you really need to basically do a skin passport and just react in time, because if it is still thin, melanoma... caught it in time, then its excision and subsequent treatment, uh, now very powerful means, it is immuno-oncology that cures, because another risk factor for the development of melanoma is treatment with tumor necrosis factor inhibitors , this tumor necrosis factor inhibitor treats rheumatoid arthritis, some other rheumatic diseases and melanoma flares up , while treating melanoma... in addition to surgery, this is precisely the factor of tumor necrosis, an internationally accepted approach. now the question is, i’m injuring her, she’s bleeding from me, she’ll be reborn into cancer, but most likely not, but if it bleeds, of course, there is a risk of infection, if it is under the straps or somewhere on the collar, it rubs, it will become inflamed,
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infect, and of course there is no benefit from this , the enemy is considered to not be reborn, but you know, we don’t know why in parkinson’s disease, or why people with erectile dysfunction on medications develop melanoma, and here we say, no, you know, injuries, all this is nonsense, yes , it’s not such nonsense, so in these in places it is better to remove a mole prophylactically , then, so, the section, my answers to your questions, let's consider what you sent us here today, hello, my name is ekaterina razumovskaya, saratov, 69 years old and for the last 5 years she has been observed in a general blood test the excess of lymphocytes is stable every year, unfortunately, experts do not focus any attention on this and do not identify the reasons.


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