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tv   Neotpravlennoe pismo  RUSSIA1  December 3, 2023 12:35am-4:15am MSK

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igor, this is not the same panorama, he took her to the roof of the panorama bar. yes, we're on our way, lights out, return to base.
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i'll ask this question right away. for example, in one situation, now he asked, hands, stay in place, evgeny pryaskin, yes, you are under arrest, calmly.
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no change yet, unfortunately. that is, you claim that you knew nothing about your brother’s plans, no, i didn’t know anything at all, yegor said that he moved to nikolskaya, where the woman he loved was there. how did he
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get your passport? yes, he took it himself, i didn’t know. the investigation has a certificate provided to the zachs in the name of olga zakharova. this certificate was provided to the zakse by your brother. the certificate was issued by the fokinsky hospital. the doctor who issued it claims that he did this at your request. here. testimony, yes , he asked me, but i thought it was, what kind of relationship you had with larisa smirnova, this is yegor’s wife, but we know that, when you saw you for the last time, i don’t remember, but i ’ll remind you, a week ago you rented a minibus, without a driver, traces of this...
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minibus were found at the scene of an accident with larisa smirnova's car. no fingerprints were found on the steering wheel, but we found them on the back door of this minibus, your fingerprints, why are you so careless, so you are charged with the murder of larisa smirnova, but i didn’t kill her, but i didn’t kill her, well ok, let's assume then what you did at the crime scene. no, i didn’t kill larisa, i love larisa, egor said we need to get rid of her car, we set it on fire.
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whose body was found at the crime scene? an unidentified corpse was found in the morgue, our neighbor fokina died 3 days before, we put her in the driver's seat and burned her, where is larisa smirnova now, let's go.
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petrov gave me this envelope and said that he found it in yegor’s pocket, i don’t understand what an idiot, why did he carry such evidence with him? what kind of evidence is it, just a letter from a father to his daughter, what is it, then why didn’t he give it to olga right away? in general, he should have married her first, olya, you ’ve already read, well, read, olya, okay,
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my dear, my beloved olya, i ’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, and i don’t know if i can make them correct now, the main thing i am guilty of before you is cowardice, i knew that you and sasha bilanov loved each other, so i was very surprised to learn that he married someone else, i immediately suspected the machinations of your mother, i’m sorry, but we we lived with her for 20 years, together, i knew her very well, he’s right, yes, sasha told me that it was his mother who told him that i got married, well, what next, then, by the will of fate, i found out that sasha
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was a widower, i wanted to tell you about this, but i decided to consult with your mother, and she was strictly for...' i should do this, she, she said i will ruin your destiny, i know i should have called you myself. but i was scared to hear from you again that you don’t want to know me, did you really tell him that, you know what my mother told me, i, i believed everything, now i understand that you just still love sasha, that means you should be together. instead of writing a letter, it would be better to call, everything was different, olga, you don’t understand how
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difficult it is to admit to a man that he was faint-hearted, he might not have said it at all, but he loved olga and wanted she was happy,
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a very original, cheerful and bright country , just like me, hello, my name is yuri
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tarasov, i am a film actor, from today i am also the host of a secret program around the world, to be honest, the latter was my dream, it’s not just came true, came true in a square, even in cuba, yes, this is santiago de cuba, i’m on the island of freedom, santiago de cuba, the second largest cuban city, it was founded as one of the first in the country in 1514. it was immediately given the status of the capital, true not for long, after 40 years it was adopted by the current capital of cuba havavan, but the lack of capital status does not at all prevent this city from remaining a unique historical monument. perhaps this is the main symbol of the city of santiago de cuba, a fortress with an incredibly melodic name, in which the cubans will look for equals san peedro rocco, aka castillo del morro, although the fort was erected due to pirate raids. this was not
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uncommon in the caribbean; today there is even a small museum of piracy. one of the governors described those times this way: for every two ships coming here from spain, there are 20 corsairs. for this reason, no city on this coast is safe. it was during that period, or more precisely in 1492, that the first man from the west entered the island. and it was christopher columbus, 20 years later the first spanish settlement appeared in cuba, and then the first seven cities. this happened through the efforts of conquistador diego velazquez, and here is his house, which has hardly changed in 500 years. today it houses the velázquez museum, where they know exactly where cuba began. i can not believe, that this house is 500 years old, which is exactly how old it is, it was built in 1515, it is the oldest house
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in the city, but what remains of the original? yes, almost everything, the roof, some doors, walls , only the floor was made new, okay, help me figure it out, columbus was looking for a shortcut to india and landed in cuba, columbus and his team made the first expedition around the world in search of new shorter routes to the east and. .. a journey to cuba to explore the lands and mine gold. well, of course, they returned later for the second time with velasquis, yes, velasquis was conquistador, and he was sent here by order of the king of spain to become the local governor. first, velasquis founded the first city in cuba, baraca, and then founded santiago and settled here. who
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were the conquistadors? they came to our region with one main goal, not a very good one, to colonize the new world. for example, before velasquiz arrived here, there were about 300,000 natives living on the club who were engaged in fishing and harvesting, but ultimately almost all of them were exterminated, that is on the one hand they brought civilization with them, on the other hand they destroyed the indigenous population, of course, this is a medal of two sides, although on the scale of history they had a very important influence, even from the point of view of architecture, now we have a rich heritage, like this this house, for example, is in a traditional spanish style with arabic touches, but... for example, traditional spanish mahogany furniture. it’s very difficult to take all this and bring it from spain. moreover, it was cuba that was famous for its high-quality mahogany, so here they cut it down, took it to spain, they made this magnificent furniture there and took it back to cuba, and these are the remains of the walls of a huge metallurgical furnace, it was in it that the gold
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that the velaschis and others still found in cuba was melted, and then sent in ingots to ships to spain. thanks to the gold that spain exported from the new world over many decades, it achieved the status of the richest country in the world. allegedly, in the first half century alone , more than 100 tons were mined, but most of the conquistadors, whose forces did it all was carried out, they never returned to spain. diego velasquiz, for example, lived in santiago de cuba until his last days. and he got married here in cuba? yes, and according to legend, this story is very tragic. he allegedly got married in baraco and then came alone to santiago daca. a week after his marriage, do you think he ended up falling in love with cuba, i think yes, he could have returned to spain sooner or later or at the end of his life, but he stayed here. moreover, he did a lot for the development of cuba, dedicated his whole life to our
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country. why do you love cuba? well, for starters, i was born here in the city of santiago de cuba, i dedicated myself to my work. 44 years, 44 years i have been telling people about the history of our country, about our roots, showing our heritage, all this is my great pride, and cuba is my great love, where i was born, it was useful there, that’s what we used to say in russia, here’s another one the most important museums of santiago de cuba, the bacardi museum, it is believed that it was thanks to the family of this rum magnate that chrome... ceased to be treated as a rough drink by sailors and bandits. well, you understand, right? we got to the basics of liberty island, rum, they say, in this city they make the best of the best. the country's most famous factory, roma, is located here. rum from santiago de cuba, it is special. the fact is that
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the first roma plant in cuba was built in santiago de cuba; in principle, this happened more than 160 years ago. you see, a colossal experience is concentrated in this city, moreover, in these places there are optimal conditions for creating rum, very good quality water, the most suitable climate, and it still differs in different regions of cuba. that is why, if you make absolutely identical rum using the same recipe in different regions of cuba, it will still turn out different. your profession has a very poetic name. yes, specialists like me are called maestro. but in fact, maestro is an employee of the plant, like everyone else. we know that modesty is wonderful, but don’t be disingenuous, you are a maestro, how many of you are there in cuba? at the moment, there are nine such specialists left throughout the country, and the master who taught us he taught us not only the intricacies of production, he taught us to feel, to create, to create,
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this is not just about technology, and by the way, out of nine specialists, only two are women. bravo. how does your work day begin? early in the morning we come and listen to the smell , from this alone the maestro can understand whether all the processes in the current production of rum are going correctly according to plan, and then we need to try again, wait a second, from this place let’s try to smell in more detail, exactly like that, but i don't want you to like and most people stereotypically thought that all we do here is drink, there is a scheduled morning tasting, and that’s it. small portions, in general, there is no reason to worry. tell me, what should the maestro know? the maestro must know all the nuances from the first to the last stage of production, right down to the conditions in which it was grown. area, climate, land, for example, how exactly the fermentation process will take place depends on these characteristics, to be honest, it’s very nice to see how your
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look when you talk about your profession, how long have you been working here? 43 years, of course , is a lot, but believe it or not, every day i find something new for myself in this work, every day i learn something new and teach others, for example, now we have five candidates among maestro candidates , and this is not just as a student... at the university, you give them your whole soul and heart, it’s amazing how simple and complex the technology for making rum is, it would seem that distillate from sugar cane and aged for a long time, everything, no spices, no seasonings, no additives, i don’t understand anything, the barrels are all made of american oak, the same, yes, inside there is alcohol from sugar cane, yes , our rum is made from the same alcohol. why is it different? because the creation of rum is a miracle. we are often asked: where does rum get its chocolate aroma from, for example, and this is all exclusively american oak from which the barrels are made.
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and the aging period is 3 years, 10 years, hence the different taste and smell. do you know how i like you i'll call it the rum fairy. thank you, thank you. i'm sure you're very curious to see what's inside the barrel. let's. oh, this is hard work, how old is this rom? one year , that is, very young, young, but already fragrant, let’s get started, everything is simple , as we like, help me, what an interesting little ladle you have, yeah, and i’m not yet small in hand with rum. smell it, it’s wonderful, a very fresh aroma, very delicate, or what? although only a year has passed, the rum has already acquired woody fruity notes, in general, all the processes in this barrel
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they go as they should. how many times can a barrel be used? barrels have a long life in rum production. some of our barrels are 80, 90, and even 100 years old, and all this time they retain their aromatic properties. the drink acquires a taste and aromatic palette only after finishing. mixing , when a finished drink is made from rum of different ages and characteristics, and this is precisely one of the main tasks of the maestra, they, using simultaneously experience, talent, inspiration and some kind of instinct, or something, select such proportions so that, based on understandable classics to create something special and beautiful. friends, of course we don’t drink ourselves and don’t advise you to, but it makes no sense to deny that rum is an important part of cuban culture. that's why. let's find out how to determine the quality of rum? first, let's not forget about tradition. what does it mean? the tradition is very old, every time
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a new bottle is opened, we seem to give a part to our ancestors, remember them, and in general, everything connected with rum is one big ritual. first you need to take it slowly rotate it, as if to feel what is inside the glass, watch how the rum flows down the glass. how should high-quality rum drain from the walls? rum? should be distributed over the walls like curtains, like curtains, take a closer look, i heard that it ’s called tears, whatever you call it, the main thing is that it speaks about the correct density, well, the color should be uniform, translucent, and what’s the next step? we listen to the aroma, here i feel caramel, vanilla, something sweet, when you tell me, i feel it, but i don’t. how old is this rom? judging by his characteristics, in terms of aroma, more than seven. it’s amazing that you can determine the age and quality of rum just by the color of the aroma.
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in general, rum is not about drinking at all, it’s about prosthetics. this is culture in the broadest sense of the word. of course, it is customary to give flowers to women, but as a professional, i have prepared a special gift for you from russia. thank you very much. in general, cubans are conservative in their preferences, and the cuban classics themselves have not changed for centuries, if the drink is rum, if there is a dance, then salza, and if dish, then congris, now we'll find out what it is, let's get acquainted, yura, santiago, like santiago de cuba, yeah, we 're cooking santiago in santiago, today we... we'll cook congris, is this an old dish? yes, of course, the roots of this dish are both in france and haiti. the white rice in this dish is french and the black beans are
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haitian. and the combination of black beans and white rice is already cuban in general, this is an everyday dish for every day, just the opposite, this is the main festive cuban dish, i would even say family, days birthdays, carnival, new year, congris is always on the table, let's get started, where is my big knife, cut garlic, peppers and onions with our big knives, that's how it should be. now i’ll try, well, not so fast, here it comes, we have such a phrase, it’s called and it will do, and fry it all in hot vegetable oil, then add the fried pork, pork sausage and cracklings, and without thinking twice, add rice and pre-boiled beans along with broth. i see that there are three types of meat, it’s all pork, yes, pork, cubans are very they love it, although beef is also in high esteem,
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there is a very popular dish made from it, its name literally translates as old clothes. old clothes? yes, yes, it ’s called that because a piece of beef is stewed, well, almost until it disintegrates into fibers, it’s very tasty, i’ll treat you to it. the aroma is amazing. well, now add salt, add a little more oil, stir a couple of times and you can try. a little bit like pilaf, maybe a little bit like risotto. simple, it would seem, but delicious, and also, this is what my friend told me about santiago, it's called old clothes, pulled beef, beautiful, hear, yes, this cube doesn't just
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start. this is what cuba lived, lives and will live on. well, first of all, thank you very much, it was very exciting. thank you, this is the traditional style for these places, it is called congo, the style is very old. this is the heritage of our african ancestors, who were brought here as slaves, please tell me, what comes first in the congo, music or dancing? oh, no, music and dancing are inseparable here, congo is generally both rhythm and dance, and usually it performed during carnivals, city processions, let's go, i'll introduce you to the musicians, of course, musicians, hello, first we'll teach you how to play the main instrument, the pylon, and the big drum, i really feel like i'm in
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charge, that is, you also beat on the other side palm, yes, well, it seems to me that i have almost mastered this instrument, take me with you, of course, this is the boku drum, boku, this is the main instrument in the congo. great, but this is more complicated, but well, this, this is company, lunch, this is a part from a car,
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yes, brake drum. cuba is a mixture of different cultures dating back many centuries, here spain was at the origins of the state, and the roots of the main dish go back to france, here the honorary title of maestro applies not only to music, but music and dances tell about distant africa, the energy here is so powerful that resisting is pointless and completely impossible, i take this with me.
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you will find all our releases on the media platform , watch, download the application or go to the website probably the best jobs are at home, for the evenings they wanted to walk around , beat us up, they wanted to beat us up on a high mountain,
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they didn’t break out before then, and we’re sleeping on the dobor, a peasant doesn’t care what an ax is in his belt, that’s what mothers said in many parts of russia, and ryazan from... an ax was generally called a crooked belly , all why? there were a lot of carpenters, they would tuck an ax behind a train , go looking for work, chop houses, and the ax, it’s an extension of my hand, for me personally, well, without an axe, just like anywhere without an ax , a real carpenter, a traditionalist, he actually thinks from the ax or with an axe, what do we call these people now? they don't have there was no main tool an ax - this is the main tool an ax is so familiar from childhood, my dad was a carpenter, i love smelling this wood chips so much, it smells so delicious
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, it’s fresh, it’s so lovely they said, look, my grandfather cut down this house with an ax, it’s standing strong , i’m standing i live in it, my grandchildren will live over there with vaska, for example, zhukov, the house was made with a saw, as a result it is already a little askew, when the wood is cut with an ax, the vessels in the wood, which just absorb moisture, they become closed, a log becomes inaccessible to moisture, it is thereby preserved, as it were, and is more preserved from ruby. with the help of an ax in russia they did a lot, furniture, utensils, toys, vehicles and, above all, the house, they chopped it with love and with meaning, and there were many signs of care on the house in the house, and even under it, such an egg is a symbol of the eternal life, at the beginning of construction they laid houses under the red corner in many villages of the vologda region, fortunately, every log for construction was carefully selected. a very important log in the house -
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this is, of course, the mother, which is right here under our ceiling, and as our christians said, a bad mother will crumple the whole house, and a lot was connected with the mother, and in particular one of the most terrible omens that could... be in the house, if the motherboard suddenly bursts with a bang, they said it would either lead to a fire, or to death, or something similar. the doors to our houses were never closed, anyone could enter, but only get to the matitsa; behind the matitsa the family space already began; to go further, the guest had to obtain the owner's permission. each corner in the hut had its own name, its own purpose , and the main one, of course, was the red corner with icons on wooden shelves, and the icons must stand; icons could not hang in the red corner, because for ours the cross icon is inseparable from the one on depicted in it, we called the icon gods ,
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it was naturally impossible to hang a god in any case, uh, but there was always a table in the red corner, and our christians also had a special attitude towards it, the table-throne of god’s palm, everything on table - this is an offering god, so mittens, elbows on the table, all this was considered disrespect for god, and was not allowed on the table. in addition, a huge number of all kinds of beliefs were associated with the table, well, in particular in some regions of the vologda region, there was an idea that on which side the peasants sat down at the table, on the same side they would need to leave the table if someone walk around the table, as a result, so many children will be born in the family that they cannot feed, but there were still many children in the families, 10, and 15, all they slept in the only warm room in the house, which was called the hut, the stove was the center, the heart of the hut, as the peasants said, whoever sat on the stove belonged. with the help of an ax, our peasants could do
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almost anything. and, for example, in our house there is such a bench, it is cut out of one piece of wood. the peasants specifically went into the forest to look for a trunk so that the branches would diverge in this way. this large bench, a bench, once stood in the workshop of the owner of the house, but small benches were made for women, they are comfortable sit and milk cows. everything in life. very clearly divided into men's and women's, objects, places, works were divided, and of course benches were divided, according to our tradition, the brightest bench is, of course, the bench on the facade, sitting on it you can spend the longest time doing needlework, without spending money on lighting , so this shop is a women’s shop, a long shop, this long one is a men’s shop, but the short shop at the door had its own wonderful name, it’s a beggar’s shop, why so: where does the beggar’s shop come from in the house, again, our doors were never closed,
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any beggar could come and sit on this bench, no matter who came to visit you, you can’t kick anyone out of the house, but the fact is that, as our peasants believed, walking on the earth mother of god, saint nicholas walks, they walk in the guise of beggars, young guys with girls could come to any house in the village for conversations or parties, but this right had to be earned, the hut had to be bought in order to be allowed in. so dotya petrovna let her in, our guys had already gone to her and cut some wood they screwed her up, so she let us play at the party, yes, maybe we’ll dance, and the girls brought this house to the village of vozdvizhenskoye near moscow from the arkhangelsk region. carpenters up to... about 150 years old, but now it’s
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being born again , let's take a look, to enter the hut you have to bend down slightly, the doors in old houses are very low and there are several reasons for this, well , firstly, so as not to let the heat out of the hut, secondly, so that those entering do not forget to bow, well, thirdly , our ancestors were a little shorter than us. pull the string and the door will open. let's go. for now, you can only bow to carpenters who carry out restoration work in accordance with all traditions and they really deserve it. in the future , there will also be a living museum here, where you can learn many crafts - a real chicken hut. well, it’s smokey because the smoke comes from... the stove, there is no chimney in the stove, it enters
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directly into the room, under the ceiling, spreads along the ceiling, warms it up, already cooled, exits through the holes of the smoke duct, goes beyond the hut, that’s it such a traditional heating, all the work of the master is carried out with a special carpenter's axe, it was recreated 20-30 years ago by an architect and restorer of monuments of the ancient russian century, you see, it's so slightly columnar, rounded, and due to the fact that it is so thick, it easily punctures chips, does not stick in the wood, does not freeze in it, but as it moves, it breaks out chips, so it turns out something similar
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to the one you see here, such a wavy surface can be obtained using some kind of there is no other tool, perhaps this is why craftsmen treat the ax with particular reverence, although, however, such an attitude has existed at all times. yes, well, one of the last examples, two years ago, we went on an ethnographic expedition, we were very interested in a fence in one of the houses, a fence, well, these are... painted panels, well , behind me they are about the same, we began to negotiate with the owners , they agreed to sell us this fence, and when we saw that they still had a lot behind this fence all sorts of protnitsa tools, an axe , a plane, chisels, we suggested, guys, maybe you could sell them to us too, but the question of price didn’t even arise, because they basically said, no, the tool is not for sale, maybe it will suit our children, like this here the ax unites, because labor, it
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is probably something like this, they create, gathering all their motley teams, engineers, journalists, economists, and even a music teacher by profession. therefore, work has nothing to do with the rest that you get here, weekends. like this, in on their days off, carpenters hammer with axes to create new things, thereby preserving the old. for me personally, it turned out to be important, to be saturated with this spirit, the spirit of traditions, to understand
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how our ancestors thought, and to understand how they built and, in fact, to be saturated. with these images, yes, to build something not with an axe, but to build it precisely in the spirit of tradition. and then it doesn’t matter what ’s in your hands, an axe, a scraper or some other tool, what’s important is the essence and the desire to understand how your ancestors lived and learn from them wisdom, the ability to live in harmony with nature. this small house was also brought from the arkhanel region, but it does not have such a deep history as the signs depicted on it, the pinizh element, according to tradition it was located inside the house, the symbol is a three-part figure, the upper element of this figure is a hemisphere, like this here is the cup of heavenly waters, the lower element is also
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a hemisphere, but already directed downward, and there is a node between two hemispheres, so... the hemisphere is the cup of heavenly waters or the cup of grace, that’s all that exists in our world, everything came from this grace, on our world - this is precisely the lower pausphere, and this grace enters through a narrow section, through a certain tap, a valve, which is a divine node, that is, the gods, they dose the flow of grace from this upper container into our world. the pinizh element is also a clumsy job, which, of course, needed the help of other tools. there is
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also a bathhouse on the territory of the future museum of wooden architecture, this is a modern building, but the masters jokingly call it the xvi bathhouse century. here on purpose... the releases weren’t trimmed like that, it’s a little bit careless, they’re logs, they’re playing, this game, it ’s uh, logs, it gives such a kind of liveliness to the structure, the bathhouse is so shaggy, it looks somehow alive , forest, let’s say, a black sauna, a black sauna, it’s warmer, hotter, let’s just say, it’s much hotter and the spirit there is simply different than in a white one, wow, it’s nice , a sauna, a mowing desk. it’s especially nice to have a drink after a bath, this beautiful swan was also made with the help of an ax, such utensils they cut it out of a whole piece of wood , there is nothing glued here, but i went, this is how
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wooden utensils and... bowls and spoons begin from the ax, it is only then that they work on them with knives and other tools, the city of semyonov and semyonovsky district have long been famous for the masters of spoons, khokhloma and clumsy toys. pedoseevsky bolyas are, in general, a toy invented by spoon makers, it was fedeseev, one of the craftsmen , who made a simple toy for his children, which later grew into a craft, i won’t say what it is an ax is an extension of the hand, but without this tool, it is impossible to make a toy , which is probably why the toy was dubbed clumsy, and also for its unsightly, rough appearance, because for the first time the master made it in a hurry
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to keep the child occupied, now the clumsy toy amazes with its grace, the language is not turns to call it clumsy... the toys were white, the male craftsmen did not paint them, but then the women got involved and the toy began to sparkle with colors. all the toys there, from horses to airplanes, were painted with flowers. the main painting of the vvetoseyevskaya toy is a bright yellow background, they are also called konorrhea toys, because all the toys are against a background of yellow and bright paint. and there are leaves, flowers, herbs , that’s the main painting, that is, this woman also knew how to draw, she just like that... it became the first toy, well, in general, it became a tradition. as soon as they called the fedoseevskaya toy, balusters, that is, jokes,
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chips, and sometimes they called it a box, since it is made of thin boards that are connected with nails, if you look on one of the toys, this is an airplane , look at it from all sides, here except for the wheels , everything else is boards, the toys were made for girls, doll furniture, chairs, tables, dressing table and for boys, cars, airplanes, ships, but all the sofas, the boss and machines, the commander is, of course, a horse. good, wealth, this is a horse. moreover, each master’s horse turned out differently. there were good horses, there were angry ones, there were such heavyweights, there were such graceful ones. i get horses like this, and of course, troika, russia is not russia without troika, these are all
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traditional toys that were made by craftsmen from the end of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century, then the craft fell into oblivion. nikolai muravyov became interested in it, unexpectedly for himself, when the old masters were no longer alive, he learned from memories, books, museum exhibits, but began with mastering the ax and knife. i started to master the instrument so that i could work with it, because i myself was afraid of it, my fingers were all my own, it could all fall off right away, it’s very scary to work in general such a tool , it started slowly, and then toys appeared, first traditional, then mechanical, and even like this, such a toy took us in a competition with the guys, first place, all the parts are fastened together without a single nail, right here, it’s
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just glue, an ax and a knife are also used , everything is not used without other tools, just like that, everything is subservient to an ax in the hands of a real master, it’s not for nothing that it is said in a fairy tale, if there is nothing, then an ax can cook porridge, and it can also bring beauty. grilich yes it’s good to correct it, well i mean, you can point the blades, it’s quite possible , what’s so scary about this axe, it is an axe, how can this, how can this helmsman be scary , this can’t be, i have a lot of axes, all the axes are my favorite, this ax, let’s say, forged my grandfather, even the painting on the blade, ivan stolyarov forged the ax, chopped it and created it, grandson mikhail nikolaevich stelyarov, also a grandfather, continues, this is an aspen log
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, well, now we will make a classic village woman, women are such rural village toys, well, girls , women, this a derivative of a pagan idol , which was anciently worshiped... the slavs, so, and then , when christianity appeared in our area, naturally, paganism began to be supplanted, grandfathers and women began to turn from hydols simply like rural toys, and in the villages girls with these dolls we used to play, well, specifically, i can say that i gave them to my sisters... i gave them a lot of burns, it basically turns out to be a column doll, column why from the word pillar, by
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the way, what has been planed here, this is just a week, so i plan no lunch break, for days on end, well , i didn’t like it, i wouldn’t plan it, well, it’s probably , to be honest, it’s such a difficult therapy, i was born during the uchina, it’s myself... in a natural way, electricity was installed in our village when i was in fourth grade class , the main entertainment was a knife, an ax , there were no toys in the stores either, village toys, i mean, the people in the villages were hard-working, chaste even at that time, they began to drink in the villages, somewhere probably, well, among the poor, i mean, this is probably somewhere in the sixties, also the seventh, sixty-eighth
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years somewhere like this, looking at it. and there was no time, they kept a lot of cattle, so the sinokos, work, oh, mother, i don’t know when our fall fell, in principle, the woman is already ready, and the rest, in principle, the sisters will finish sanding with their hands, they will wrap this with rags in a month, it will already be smoothed, better than any sandpaper , wooden horses were also in even greater demand , the horse, it was feeding, it was also, in principle , hewn with an ax, there is something to be finished here, these are small things, let’s say, such a horse, clumsy toys were made in the north in the volga region, in the moscow region, wherever they used an ax
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and there was a forest, this is a mozyk toy, the mozyks are descendants of athenia, a greek. who fled to us from the turkish conquerors in the 19th century, and this is not a toy at all, but a model of a real boat, such a structure hollowed out of aspen, only 4.5 m long, first soaked, then placed on trestles and a fire made under it, from the heat of the sides opens up, it turns out that the boat is a gas chamber, people call it that, it’s very twirly, well, in principle, yes, it’s a boat, but the bicycle is also twirly, but from it no one refuses, and when you get used to the boat, you can dance, the boats are gas chambers, chuni, ryukhi, white lakes, all these are exhibits of the museum and at the same time the active slave fleet of mikhail stolerov, the fact is that this is our little boat, the so-called chuni, practically since the neolithic times it has been dragged to the present day, it is done very simply with the help of an ordinary pick and
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an ax, well, you have to... involve more beavers in this matter, the point is not to cut down the wood yourself, there are a lot of beavers around the lakes, they, and they are cutting down aspen always, always healthy , they never cut down aspen trees that are rotten, so sometimes we take trees from them, drag them in and pull out these little boats, an adze is the same ax, only the blade is turned across and curved, the wood from which boats are made is almost always aspen, so the tree fell in the forest. in a year the beetle will eat it, it's all rotted away, the birch turns into dust in six months, others even faster, the tree has fallen, come to this aspen in five years to try to break a branch, but you'll break your arms, iron tree, peasants in the north, as they said , an icon and a shovel were made from aspen, that is, wooden shovels were also made from aspen, and in general , no matter what, aspen was everywhere, everywhere, well, this
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belozerka boat was made... from spruce, and the tree was used right from the roots . they dug up a tree with all its roots, dropped this tree, chose the best branch, chopped off the rest, and the result was the letter g. so the top of the letter g is the nose, and the mother itself is the trunk of a tree, 8 m long. now you can’t sew such a boat. there is no tall forest, it has become shallow. by the way, belozerka holds 3.5 tons of fish. and this is our ryukha, the american vaunted aircraft insect, compared to this little boat, it’s an eggshell, because this ship doesn’t sink at all, if here i’m sitting, fishing, i can put a glass of tea on board, a motorboat flies past, raising a big wave , will not move, no drops will spill from the glass. in
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the north, to this day, such boats are used both for fishing and for fun. but now only a few people know how to hammer them, although previously in almost every village boats were built, handy there were all of them, men, women, and children, the babies were taught to work, they were still in the cradle, singing parental precepts, you will go to the forest, you will carry berries, you will be daddy and mommy. they definitely say it’s not the fur coat that keeps you warm from the axe, while chopping wood it evaporated , this is probably the simplest type of axe, a cleaver, they only use it to split wood, the ax has many tasks and varieties, but no matter what you call it, the ax remains an ax and a faithful
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friend of man .
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0.5 gorynnicha 300, everything is blooming, varsix, maybe it’s time to collect honey, get ready, that’s it saleswomen. david, are you going to take anything from the snack? no, after six you can’t eat, you have to drink, stop flirting with men already, but people are actually after work, it’s time to go home, little thing, prepare to pay you, i’m too lazy to count the change, why exclude a man, he doesn’t care about you so that you you haven’t forgotten how to count, what do you need, a tank of dumplings, 102, no change, change , please, it’s not a question, 25,
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katyukha, hello, oh, you’re sitting on , well, the sausages are fresh, yes, they brought it this morning, well, weigh it . 150, oh, a lot, less, listen, just a little quicker, maybe they’ll drink away their salary for a snack, there’s not enough money, i’ll write it down and give it back later, thank you very much, boorish, laris, i’m already here! larachka , thank god, i’m late, what’s okay , why are you so worried, you were freaking out for an hour , yes, how long you were gone, the whole day, nonsense, well, you know, well, you can’t escape from him,
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well, take your legs off, you didn’t really get away from him, in my opinion, yes, well, yes, yes, you know , how sweet, uh-huh, we can do it, what’s sour, why sour, no, we can do it sweetly too, go ahead, we can do it differently , well, look, if you eat chocolate alone, it will cause a burn, so no, no? i want to eat marshmallows, listen, i know what’s interesting, aren’t you afraid that in this confectionery department you ’ll have to make up for the shortfall, lar, what are you saying, these are the tourts, well, of course, you don’t understand, you live a completely different life , am i? i’m completely different, you know, so cheerful, you’ll just laugh, oh the store , the train has arrived, enjoy, i’m without gas, okay, take it, good, hello , hello, chocolate, i wish you good health, sergeant gorelov, your documents, please, please show your documents, yes. we
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all know where the drugstore is, we need to find out where you came from, what kind of wheels are needed, wait, wait , guys, i have a child at home with a fever, i need to buy medicine , honestly, guys, are you crazy , look, i ran out to the pharmacy, 300 rubles, what did he do? the fact that you're staring at me, the brute , where is he running around with you again , an alcoholic, damn, cute guys, i don't know what he did, but please let him go , i just don't have the opportunity to get him out pick out the monkey endlessly, who are you for documents? wait, i know her, she’s working for seryoga, that’s right, yours, yes mine , that you brought in a sick child, you have a conscience, you bastard, okay, ransom the man and deal with him, whatever you want, what does ransom mean, yes why are you paying her money, if you are a citizen of the lawless society, you will yell, come with us to find out your identity, so, well, well, everything that is, something is not enough for such a fine fellow, guys, are you kidding me? , i gave you everything. here
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there’s nothing else until payday , okay, man, you should have soaped up at the pharmacy earlier, that’s it, you’ll have to take medicine, what kind of houses are there, let’s go, thank you, wow , how are you, i actually believed that i’m your moha, thank you very much, thank you very much, i will definitely give you the money, where do you live, pushkin 14, okay, i ’ll be there tomorrow morning, i won’t be able to do it in the morning. i'm in the evening, will you be home at 79? yeah, yes, i will, i will, come on, come on, stomp, he’ll return it, of course , i’ll definitely return it, yes, yes, listen, yeah where is the pharmacy on duty here, on the square, thank you, thank you, i’ll definitely return it tomorrow, you go already, hello, hello,
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why is the door swinging open? the dirt on the street , well, yes, it also infuriates you, when people frown, sometimes it even infuriates you, when someone sulks in any way , it infuriates you when you drown, when your cap is blatantly torn off by the wind, when you shake yourself into ashes. when you seem to have drunk, but the most sober - it’s not fun, i’m interested, to be honest, i’m speaking as if in spirit, it infuriates me when!
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larisa. laris, where are you? listen, you are yours. vichka, come on, put it in order, what is this, how does he behave, what is he doing, and what’s going on with my beds, what’s going on, and where are you, larisa, laris, oh, yes, what to you, laris, after all, all this, all
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my beds were trampled, i sowed for 2 days without bending over, gave a lot of money for the seeds, the carrots disappeared, hello. yesterday your whole herd of friends arrived, standing stallions, what is it, well, come in, the girl with them had, uh, a tail, oh, like a mare, look, she will bring you a foal in the distance, like on your tongue, oh, you’re pandering too much to vidki. i regretted it, i regretted it, so what happened, after all, they trampled all the carrots on me, yes , now we need a man like him so that he’s afraid of him, he doesn’t need any man so that he’s afraid, his little father scared him, well , he was afraid, he respected what the difference is, here
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it’s my nephew, but he asked you, he came to your store, he liked you, he walked away, leave me alone with your nephew, for god’s sake, why is he worthless, or what? what, retired captain, oh, retired from army due to health reasons, but he’s a strong, independent guy, that’s the kind of guy vitka needs, to put his brains in his place, but vitka’s brains are fine , by the way, he’s in a lot of trouble, but well, well, i would have thought to myself , for how many years, alone with a pillow, please, they are ticking. yes, and that fire has been shining in the fog for a long time, why, why, soon the sparks will be left alone with the coals, oh, you know, i stopped these experiments in breeding husbands a long time ago, by the way, for the carrots you
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are owed, how much, so be, more i won’t take a thousand, thank you, the tea has gone to your head, you’re stunned, i’m for you... and how much work and look, i don’t have a single living bone left, if you want to make a scandal, come to my store , i don’t take work to the house , i don’t have it, i’ll give it to you this evening, listen , you’re not going to sell your grandfather to the house, why is it standing empty, it’s just a tease, but i’d let tenants in there, it’s all a pretty penny towards old age, mikhala and i went to my grandfather’s house for the shore, so that there was somewhere to bring my wife, okay? who is it will she marry him? who needs it? the whole dad is an alcoholic, you finished your tea, get lost, come on,
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are you from a hungry region or what? worth it, worker. well, mom, the boys brought beer, but i didn’t want it, they got me drunk, i don’t even know how it happened, beer is such rubbish, it stinks, i’ll never do it again, do you hear, honestly, what kind of girl was with you, what kind of girl, i don’t know which one. with a tail, but this is not a girl, but a boy, this is lyokha, he plays the guitar in our group, you want an amlet, i want it, well, sit down, oops, a notebook, give me, well
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that my husband discovered the shortage, no, he went fishing and took the petka with him. well, are you apparently happy about your sand? well, yes, lor, you know how jealous he is of me, the main thing is that he says, you’re cheating on me and your husband, who else should i cheat on him with? listen, isn’t yours afraid to take petka fishing, he’s only 5 years old? so, i tell him, it’s useless to him, everything drags him along with him, now to football, now to fishing, it’s just not a spill, are you not happy with him, i pulled my husband away from the whistle so as not to beat him again , open up, tyson, come on, come in, oh, hi, hi, they closed, yes, for 5 minutes, meet the champion, handsome, got everyone settled, and show me. dad, what dad, you're a champion, dad, cool , take a chocolate bar, i don't want a chocolate bar, i want
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ice cream, come on, let's go, tell us something, that you're half a world, see where you are, you'll be, i don't hear anything what happened, what happened, we need to figure it out, we need to figure it out. guys, what happened? our people piled up, what did they pile up? yes, you 've become pregnant, come to us, let's see, quietly, quietly, vitya, vitya, vitya, why did you do it, what did he do, maybe this is some kind of mistake, vitya, three were injured, taken to the hospital, this was also a mistake, move away citizen , listen, this is what you want to say, that he was the only one who did something, everyone ran away , only he was detained, well, look at him , who could he hurt, he can barely stand on his feet, i ask you to let him go, well, it’s clear that they took him by mistake, well, he just happened to fall into the hands, well , look how many people are around? when you come , write a statement, we’ll let you go if there’s no lead. yes, well, of course, and then they will register him
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, let him go, i ask, there are children, i beg you, you are an unlucky woman, husband, male, son is a bandit , so he is not a bandit, it’s just an accident, i beg you, you'll hurt him for the rest of his life, no, please close the window, i'll be right back. i don’t have money , honestly, i would give it, i swear, but i don’t need your money, i can’t let him go here now in front of everyone, we’ll go around the corner in 200 meters, you’ll pick up your bandit, thank you.
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thank you, quietly, quietly, for being stupid, i love you i ask what kind of crap you drank, i don’t know , the boys gave you something to drink, moonshine, probably, what do you mean they gave you something to drink, they forced the fool into you, they laughed, they said, you don’t drink, that means you’re not a man, you’re gay, in general, he proved to them what a man, he got drunk. did you prove it? no, i fell, almost as soon as i drank, i woke up, i’m dragging myself somewhere, well, it’s bad for you, well, lord, you can walk, my grief , well, you’re sitting still, come on, i helped your father, maybe and you’ll feel better, lord, how much like your father you’re becoming, and... hello, hero, hello, let’s go outside and eat go straight to bed, it’s clear, seryoga gave
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you your salary and bonus, great, you ’ll go to work tomorrow, well, where am i going to go, so what, vitka, oh, don’t ask me, okay, you , what are you, larisa, well, you’re so old, but you’re going to go crazy, yeah. listen, i , too, grew up without a father, well, like vitya , my grandfather really raised me, he was a world-class man, he had golden hands, he was just a master from god, look at the house he was demolishing, he didn’t have time to finish it, he was now invited to the construction site, well, once they had a landslide there when they were foundation they laid it down, one slab went towards him, and he alone decided to hold it, you know, instead of calling for help, he decided that he could do it himself, he overcame him, in short, laura, and
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what are you talking about, and to the fact that he i always said that i was like him, just as stubborn, doing everything on my own, but i’m thinking something, maybe this is wrong, there are a lot of questions, god grant that there is enough time to discuss everything, everything that i remember, 2023. one branch of nord stream 2 remains, today is the decision, tomorrow we turn on everything, and the gas went without digging a hole for someone else , you will fall into it yourself, so they fell into this hole, everything that is important for the president, you don’t have to step on the same rake, everything that is important for everyone, you need to know where the root of evil is , where this very spider is trying to entangle the entire planet with its web, this is not blah. the wind rose may turn in their direction, we do not create military alliances, and
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we are not friends against anyone, we are friends in the interests of our peoples, everyone has a future. only it is different, even in conditions of economic international turbulence success awaits us. results of the year with vladimir putin. on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the website moscow and by phone +7 495-539 4040 +7 499 550 4040 dad, and we’ll go to the amusement park, now dad will establish a business, and every we’ll go for a week, dad, today igor is in intensive care at the koshirka,
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they said it will be, here’s your phone number. some nika wrote to you, she was very worried, when your old life has fallen into pieces, you will have money for a house and the maldives, stop fooling around , go back to your love, kiril, i’m actually married, i’m dressed, so that’s why i’m inviting you to lunch, not dinner, not hurry up to leave everything behind, you are serious, this doesn’t concern you, i left nicky because i realized that i can’t live without you, i can’t live without children. the oncoming lane today on rtrzhit, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are out of this
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premises, absolutely without any decoration, we are making three different functional zones, the ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, in in the living room of our heroes , real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, as you look, let them into your home. big changes, today on rtr, allergies, yes, everything is starting to bloom, that’s it, i’m itching to eat, it’s uncomfortable, on flowers, or something, yes, thank you. so, well, oleg
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nikolaevich, maybe for acquaintance, i do n’t use it, i’ll report on you when you try more stores, and what is it, and what don’t you use at all, no, definitely, oleg nikolaevich, maybe bread, thank you, borist, maybe we’ll still go by you without a middle name. i’m still not senior in rank , rather the opposite, well, what can you do, she knows how to roll up pickles, she’s better than anyone in the village, by the way , everything comes from her garden, that’s it, as soon as the snow melts, she’s already in the garden, and right up to frost is the fifth point to the top, here
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mikhailovna, and you are a matchmaker, like i am an astronaut, by god, yes, mikhailovna, your report is somehow not according to the regulations, i’m silent, i’m silent , come on, figure it out for yourself, yes, this is your herring, lightly salted, yes, now you have you, well , a penchant for spending time at home, i have a lot of respect for women, my previous wife had no desire to sit at home with her husband, the result naturally came to light, who came out? well, one civilian, here’s a man, his wife showed betrayal and insisted on the division of property, which was expressed in belonging to me apartment, uh-huh, where are you going from your
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apartment, well, for the amount i read... i bought myself a living space in your city at the insistence of anna mikhailovna. i immediately told him, come to us, we can find a good wife, well... you’re still going to blow your nose, why aren’t you eating? yes, let's eat, i'll eat, i was really in some search for a woman who could spend the second half of my life with me, yeah, at the moment, i think i'm close to the result, but i have homework to do, the annual test is coming soon, well go. if necessary, can you give me some herrings? please, give me some herrings, please,
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thank you, be careful, yeah, well, actually, that’s something farming here. oh, look, what about beauty , yes, well, yes, what, good housekeeping, no, no, yes , look, she has it, she has it for water, she probably should put another bathtub here,
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yes, ah, but here it’s interesting , what he’s doing is planting, well done, here’s the housewife, oh, oh, you , well, man’s hands are needed here, well, well done, so, but you need it, look again, you see, a greenhouse , well, larisa, how are things with you, and the tomatoes are so good, no, yes little by little , there is little by little, well done, oh, the hostess, here the hostess, oh, okay, the house is standing, grandfathers, ah, to no avail , so, yes, you, ah, built, built, didn’t finish it, it’s standing empty , mikhalovna, i didn’t hire you as a tour guide, but what about finding a worthy use for such and such a house, selling it, for example, what you don’t have to sell, okay, it was nice to meet you , i’ll go, that’s it. well, thank you, thank you, goodbye, well, look, i’m telling you, if the owners come here, and the residents go there, we’ll make an entrance here, look,
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they go straight to the water, okay, where wait, wait, to the water, how many meters is there, but i don’t know, now we’ll see with you, we’ll see, well, it’s not far, nothing, this is a nice hut too, where and look at this , yes? well, how do you like him, well, you didn’t like him at all, but you, i don’t know, seem to be not disgusted, you’ll just get married, right? look, look what i did, listen
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, you’re doing much better now, i could do even better, the car doesn’t allow it, that’s okay, someday i’ll make money, i’ll buy a new good computer, there’s such graphics, so much it costs 100, probably, but why is it so little? bucks, mom, cool, right? yeah cool.
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so, well, actually, we’ve almost arrived, like this, now, now, now, now, oh, so, carefully, carefully, so as not
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to get wet. so you invited me here, but what, the cafe is good , i did a reconnaissance here, your cafe seems to have such prices in the center, but what if you don’t want to, then what, are you showing off, in fact, no one invited me anywhere , so let's go, let's go, no, but there's nothing here, i ate a good shish kebab, it's fine, all the salads, and the compote, yes, yeah, fresh, good, as if fresh, yes , what time, really, look, look how the weather has cleared up, and, at least for a fishing trip, so what, how much is it from me, just stand there, stop, one, two, boris, you know, that’s what i thought, that’s what we
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should wait for, huh? well, what do you mean? well , there are conditions for living together, the house is exemplary, and the surrounding area is in order, well, you yourself generally suit me, in general, laris, well, you, an adult woman, understand everything yourself. but not marlene monroe, seriously, well , it’s not a shame to appear on luzy with you, you know, to marry na beauty, uh-huh, hi, thank you, thank you, of course, i think this is a strategic mistake, always wait for the enemy to attack, they are just watching, listen, tea from a bag. just like
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giving it through a gas mask, don’t be offended, i definitely like certain parts of your appearance, right? what, come back, well, there, i like that you have a braid, women with short hair have... i have every sexual desire, why? do you look like an officer? is the kebabs delicious?
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colleagues, please don't, please, i i’m asking you, well, don’t, well, don’t , well, i’m asking you, well, the guy hasn’t been here for a long time , but you’re worried, nervous, that you’re crazy , and why do you doubt that you’ll like me, but you can, just like those he says, listen to me carefully, i understand, i’m not merlin, i don’t pretend to be, but i ’ve been living without constipation for many years now, i’m somehow standing strong, without help. on my own two feet, i don’t fall, as you noticed, vitka needs support, i understand that, i’m not stupid, you’ll find a common language with him, and we ’ll talk, do you understand me? well, yes, so what, here, but i was thinking and, don’t worry, i ’ll straighten out your little guy’s brains, you know, how many such talk i’ve broken in my time, i
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’ll break yours. well, you see, take me home, like the rain, the wood is wet, oh, so, everything is clear. i understand, everything is very simple, come on, the correct organization of society, you know who, who, the wolves? in their flock , everyone has their own task, if you complete the assigned task correctly and well, immediately after the hunt you will get a big piece, and if it’s bad, then that’s it, go hungry, understand? i understand, what if i don't
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i want to stand up, what is the smartest? well, maybe not the best, well, let's drink, squeeze harder , well, ah, look, come here, i'm here, look, you take it, you press and you see, she 's already coming, come on, here, oh, come on here , the most important thing here is that the arms and head are attached in the right place, to the shoulders, oleg nikolaevich, i feel like we won’t get away with these rafters, the whole structure, i think, needs to be changed, uh, you ’re so smart, listen, you’re going to fool vanka, i’m the one i’ll impose a penalty right away, but then you won’t be able to sit for a long time, i understand, i understand, the same,
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so, for lunch, 20 minutes, go ahead, i told you, oleg nikolaevich, lakimotalki, well, if it were n’t for the rain, then everything would be fine. yes, it’s okay, redo it tomorrow, but there will be time to work together somehow, right? well, yes, there is something to work on, well, yes, well, come on, goodbye, thank you, goodbye, why are you so gloomy?
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oh, this is a strong house, come in and live. lariska, where is she smart, and where is she a fool, you’re a fool, i won’t let anyone in, they say, that’s all, there’s only hope for you, oleshka, mikhalna, i remember, i’m talking about your agreement that you, well, why did you take so long he's hanging around her, it's all because of this, smart guy, i'm getting married, that's it, the house is yours, she thinks you have an apartment, well, let him think,
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but mom. see, let's go talk like man to man, damn it, i'm tired of wearing glasses, he specifically decided to come early from fishing to check, lord, how you tolerate this, but what should you do, little girl, they beat you, that means they love you, that's love to do this, you know, difficult thing, oh, what kind of love there is, love is when. a boy sees a girl off from school, his heart is pounding so hard that it’s hard for them to breathe, this is love,
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everything that comes after is just life, where everything that doesn’t get there is called love. larka, wait, are you planning to marry this retired captain, are you crazy, you said that you didn’t like him, that he’s a bore, you should marry for love, fuck you, expert on love and marriage . goodbye, lavisov, lovis, why are you here, again i realized that i finally got to my bottle, which i saved for the holiday, yes, yes, what is it, okay, oleg stopped by, took him home, put him to bed, that’s right , oleg says, without a scroll rigor. no way, he’s lying, that
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’s it, he’s lying that he doesn’t drink, he’s lying, it’s because of the house, that’s all, that’s all , that’s what i said, come on, quickly, quickly, go outside, quickly, now i’ll make you a soldier, one, two, come on, come on, so that the moonshine comes out later, don’t mess around, get on your feet, you’ll know how to lie to your mother and get on your nerves. i didn’t lie and you yourself got me drunk, once , twice, once, since i said, she will believe me, you understand, and don’t interfere, otherwise it will be worse, one, one, two, one, two, yes, you, yes, you, you, come here, i, come here, said, oh you, got it, here, i you said, upalaja, quickly, once, say, once. since what are you doing
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, educational measures, let's do push-ups, if you upset me, i'll kill you, you understand, are you crazy, get out of here, get out of here, what are you, a brute, okay, i'll leave, get out, i i’ll leave, but you’ll still feel sorry for me, now you’ll get it too, and you’ll get a log in the head, i don’t have the strength , what should i do with you fools, come here , what’s this, such rubbish, hello, what ? you have a gate to plow, have you come, what do you need? but i brought the money, come on, i’m probably at the wrong time, excuse me, well, give me the money already , you bastard, but i can’t give you the money now, when i promised i could, but now i can’t , i mean, why did you come then, i was kicked out of my apartment without warning, and i’m in this city i have no acquaintances besides you, i’m only for one night, i’ll find something for which you have a conscience. i’m like social service
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or something, get out of here to help all the time , let’s get out of here, you shameless face, before you get completely killed, everyone is already stunned, because go here, rubbish mom, what happened today is not what you thought, and i haven’t decided what to think yet, oh, well, mom. okay, it’s all tomorrow, i don’t have the strength now, go to sleep.
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you won’t have time to tell a cradle, no, no, tell a fairy tale, also no, something so harmful, you’ll drink, i don’t want to, you don’t want to drink, okay, you go to sleep, okay. just like that , lean on me and slowly fall asleep, everything will be fine, do you hear, uh-huh,
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hello, my name is alya, and what about you? vitka, are you so used to being called vichko? well, i don’t know, something like that, oh well, but when i can call alka, you’d better me, viti, okay, but what about fish, wow, they look like they’re alive, that’s because they’re three-dimensional. you see, ah this monster, is he evil? no, he’s kind, he ’s a svidon, ugly, vit, why are you feeding your guest pictures, go have breakfast, good morning, can we call dad,
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there’s no cheese in the house, maybe he’ll heat it? no, everything is fine, thank you, my name is maxim, larisa, larisa, i have one more request for you, the last one, is it really the last one, do you have a hard time believing that it’s nothing? can alya stay with you until the evening, and i’ll try to find an apartment in the meantime, will you have tea or coffee, probably tea, dad, there
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’s a lot lying there, can you imagine, a big piece lying there? and it doesn’t melt, well, as you see it, it’s called a cellar, the ice is in it until the end of summer. doesn’t leave , that’s great, dad, can we stay until the end of the summer, i see we don’t have enough chairs, so larisa, can alya stay until the evening, oh well, what’s there until the evening, what’s the difference, where to rent her , you can have it from me, i won’t charge much, hurray, we’ll stay, thank you, i don’t know how to thank you, but i’ll make do. dad, look what a wreath vitya made for me. wreath, wreath, you are harsh, mother, vitya. let's start with the main thing, you were waiting for them, there will be in the evening, wait, you waited, open the police, the police don’t move, hands on
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the back of your head, you won’t smooth out all the secret investigations in front of me, right? we are from the police, we are here asking questions. we are giving secret investigations again with us, experts are on the spot, i’m leaving, from monday to rtr, i don’t want you to cry, i don’t want your tears, you’re the first guy in the village, if you give me some drink, i’ll say obscenities, i want to get married , i want to get married, don’t be afraid, i’ll pay for everything, my mother really loves watching the show, i have such a discovery today, thank you very much, songs from everyone souls, evening show of andrei malakhov, today
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on rtr. where is he, he packed his things and left , your dad excused me, look at the weekend , of course we will treat your daughter, we will carry out chemotherapy, i beg you, do everything possible, there is almost no hope, i really want to see how you will be to grow up, but this was not given to me, but she left it to manya, our only joy, our only relative, in favor of her granddaughter anna, which means i have a daughter, the girl’s mother recently died, you are the first candidate for guardianship over her and her capital, the only chance to get rich go to daddy, daughter, in the very near future we will submit documents to deprive round valentina mikhailovna of guardianship,
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what to do next, how to continue to live, the only joy, on saturday: on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me away. another shelling began, they put me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, let’s say this is my trophy, someone was starving, here grandma is walking, she is hungry, but she takes this kurba to the shelters and says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the kids in, i came across such people who are not indifferent, to support me with a word... hello , dear soldier, and in fact , without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you,
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what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday, on rtr, what are you talking about, just a piece of wood, and if it had hit, if it had hit, it would have caught up a couple more times, it would have hit. he now he’ll hide from you, listen, but how is this lodger, interesting, who’s talking about what about the church, i left them only because of the girl, okay, yeah, okay, because of the girl, that means he’s cute, that means he’s not cute , he’s not interesting , i’ll tell you more, he’s unpleasant, in general he has a very difficult character, such men only love their children, especially if the girls don’t consider the rest as people at all, laura, how did you see him like that? why should i look at him, it’s all written on my forehead? so lorik, that’s what it is, come on, katyukha, come on, why are you silent, what is written, these are my
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notes on work, well, so as not to forget, well, yes, well, yes, so a jackdaw from kindergarten, 300 rubles, uncle lyosha 500 rubles, baba ler, so what is this commentator’s column like, why are you so nervous, i ’ve had a shortage at least once, well, that’s right, it hasn’t, then i conclude that you’re a lurik, a fool, and why did you turn away, i said something wrong, well, that doesn’t happen so that everyone pays their debts on time, and when you report, you pay your money for them, right? it's my business, right? yours, well, in my store like this there were no more uppercuts, got it? why are you silent? well, well, well, you want to dial it, right? orik, you’re a good woman, but life hasn’t taught you anything, and there’s also, come on, oh,
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you fool!
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how will we stream? well, not for an officer, of course, but something shorter, what? don’t go for a walk, give the doll to the child, give it to the doll, wait, don’t you see something , let the guy figure it out himself, let’s get out of here, i said, get out, get out, freak, in general, what ’s not clear, my head is completely in order became. i'm fine with myself, yeah, keep it up, i saw it, well done,
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oh, dad, dad, hi, well, hero, we're having adventures again, yes, well done, hero, you cut your hair, just a little, it suits you, doesn't it, dad? thank you, why are we standing, let’s go into the house, shovel, come on, let’s go, listen, i didn’t expect it. true, well done, he behaved like a man.
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oh, good morning, i was just on my way to catch the bus.
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good morning, hello, to work, yes , we can go together, it’s on my way, and in general , stop watching over me, okay, don’t inject yourself, uh-huh, tunok, you should say off correctly, you understand much better how to speak, now loop, i don’t understand anything, but i remembered, okay, i have to go home, wait , now we’ll have a drink and vitka will see you off, yes, vitka, of course, good evening, button, you haven’t stayed too long, hello, i
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decorated your old wallet for myself , what are you talking about, wow, what a beauty, what a shaman? no, aunt loris taught me, it’s good that you came, we were going to drink tea, drink tea, great, with pies, well, some tea, it’s late, we have to get up early for work tomorrow, but oh well, then tea another time let's drink, i forgot the pigeon, good night, goodbye. what is it? mom, is it okay, girl, your kebab is fresh, girl, i was there when they were still looking for you in the cabbage, and what should we call you then madam, but i don’t mind, your kebab is mashed, thank you,
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let’s go to the train, hello, do you have any suggestions or have you already decided? have you decided that these candies in the red box are delicious? it's not the same for everybody? it’s clear, it looks like nothing, it looks like there’s a lot of things, it looks like nothing, but you don’t know what the problem is, sometimes you come across so much rubbish. it happens in different ways, you have to try, otherwise you won’t understand. mom, as usual, how's the construction going, okay, construction, thank you,
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goodbye. don't you have yesterday's invoices? no, it’s like, why were we chatting with him? interesting, right? and he works as a proram, my neighbor, she bought an apartment and invited her to take a look at the setup, you know, here everything is to the point, he tells it straight to the point, such an interesting man, what did you buy? and what about vodka? i see, girl, how long have you been? madam, i’m coming, it’s a folk sign, it smells like pancakes, it means someone’s got a day off, yeah, and a bonus, we’ll walk, we’ll look, we’ll see, well, this needs to be fixed, he’s soon it will completely fall apart, of course, i ’ll fix it, i’ll come back from school, i’ll do everything, maybe ask maxim to help, i’ll help you myself, we’ll cope without him, nothing, nothing, okay,
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we’ll break through, okay, okay. and we'll buy you some kumk. you're smart, you're good at it. who taught? mother? no, aunt nadya, i hardly remember my mother. aunt nadya, then? clear. what about the dry land? oh, the compress, i forgot to take it off, my ear hurt yesterday, dad, yesterday i made a compress of vodka, it’s clear, well, dad is great, he knows how
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to use vodka correctly, yes, yes, he’s done knows, it’s good that we live together now, otherwise before the three of us lived, from aunt to one, in another city, in a big one, not like this one, yeah, the three of us, and then dad left, and here i missed him, i cried all the time, uh -huh, and he missed me, but then he took me, and we came here, uh-huh, and you immediately got sick, yes , come on here now, move, you got sick, yes, yes, very much, dad even had to it was time to quit my job, but then i recovered, my dad ran out of money, we were kicked out of the apartment, and that’s even very good, hello. we've arrived, what's going on here? good, because we met you, clearly, oh, you hear, the girl is already working, it’s interesting, somehow he slipped past us, let’s go and have a look, hey, what are you doing there,
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i’m fixing the roof, a working day about holidays have been shortened. and who asked you? i don’t need to ask, i have to have someone fix the roof, that means this is my roof, my barn, that means my problems, and i’ll solve them myself without outsiders, there’s no point in taking other people’s hands without asking, okay, alka, let’s go. dad, what are we going to do now, mom, you don’t
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know where the alka is, their door is locked, no, i don’t know, my father and i went somewhere , of course, there won’t be any barbecue, what other barbecues, yes maxim promised to make barbecue today, but what is it, i’m here... i hear maxim, yes maxim, what are you doing right away haven’t you seen any shashtukov, go, let’s get down to business, why aren’t they coming to dinner? and they don’t come, they leave, i mean they leave, where? maxim or lalka pack her things, she sits, cries, doesn’t want to leave, why, i don’t want them to leave either, can you explain to me what
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’s happening, why we’re leaving again, oh, alka, shut up, max, this is a month , alya, let's go, i beg you, don't go anywhere. forgive me, the devil, i didn’t say anything, honestly, i ’m disgusted now, please forgive me, ala, run to the vitcha, hurray, vichka, hurray, why do you hate me so much, what did i do to you? i really don't. there must be at least some
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reason, i met vitka’s father in the ninth grade, he came to us from another school, you know, when i saw him, i thought, god, how handsome, i was simply stunned, i even had a mouth opened up, and then i sat with him at the same desk, 2 years with with his mouth open, and then the army was waiting for him. well, then, when he came, i got family life in its full assortment, everything was there, he drank, and beat on svitka, and walked, and then he ran away with one there, it doesn’t matter, he took all my money, which i used for repairs i saved up, well, after him another friend showed up, can you imagine, even worse than the previous one. that’s when i kicked him out, but
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such a black melancholy attacked me, i think, okay, i can experiment with myself, but i simply don’t have the ability to experiment with vidka right, well, after that i lived for 8 years hugging a pillow, worked all day long until i fainted, so as not to think about anything at all, and then i met a retired captain... you know, i wouldn’t even look at him, but ducks such a difficult age has begun, and i was so scared for something , it seemed to me that he was going somewhere straight downhill, because he was missing a man’s shoulder, well, i didn’t notice, they just replaced him, i was looking for his stepfather , and it turns out he needed a little sister, you know? in general, it wouldn’t hurt the guy either,
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i know, you know, i, i look at you, and it hurts me, i don’t know why, but i have a feeling that it’s all your fault, for everything, for everything. what you suffered from these bad men, you alone are to blame, you know, i don’t know why, it’s clear, what you understand, you know, i’m not specifically to blame, you just don’t like me, it happens, you know, when... alina’s mother no, many women
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wanted to please me, i even tried to live together, but after my wife everything was not the same, but here for the first time i wanted to please myself and it didn’t work out, wok, well, i understand, i understand, i i’ll try one more time... don’t be an eyesore, if you don’t drive me away, we’ll live with you until the fall, and in the fall i’ll send alya to nadya, and i’ll live with her in the hostel, wait, why, why send alya, well, she’s off to school if she goes, she will need to be treated, if she gets sick, i won’t be able to handle it alone. bear with us
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until the fall, yes i, well, at least we agreed on something. oh, my assistant, the knife is sharp, be careful not to wear it, you’d better take the cucumbers outside, okay, come on, when you spoke, i didn’t hear, i should have spoken louder, i wasn’t the one who spoke, yes you're stubborn as a ram, who's a ram, i'm stubborn as a ram, so this will eat, that means i
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'm a ram, no, i'm a ram , who's a ram, i'm asking who's a ram, i'm asking, i 'm asking who's a ram, well, come here, oops, come here, i'm asking who's the ram, i 'm asking who's the ram, you're the ram. come here, come here, i say, got caught, who was biting , who, who is the ram, who is the ram, i am the ram, i am the ram, who is served with everyone, me or you, can’t stop, a bunch of balados, another lamb came running, a bunch balado, dobre, kuchavalo, a lot of small, a lot of ball, kuchavalo, both, a bunch of little, god help you, oh, help you , no, thank you, well, yes, well, yes, now you have someone to help, i see, the woodcutter has been repaired, and what, are you getting married or something,
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what, well, that’s right, don’t rush, who knows what kind of bird he is, no, he’s a man, but he’s a stranger, a vagrant, a stranger, look, but he takes you and leaves you, like vitka ’s father, from here, quietly, quietly, look, then you will regret that you didn’t listen to me, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, he’s still a stray fellow, what will he show you,
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thank you very much, so tell me you know why the camel , keep quiet, keep quiet, hello, hello, well, everything is fine with you, of course, but why is it so late, i see, it’s already dark , it’s still not in the yard, i’m already starting to get nervous, you’re not cold, go take off your clothes, are you tired? well , i don’t have slippers for you, but don’t take off your shoes, it’s fine, that’s it, we went on boats, on the pond, wow, we saw water lilies, what are you,
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real water lilies, i wanted to touch them, but vitya didn’t let me touch them, i was afraid, that i will fall. you brew tea like my mother, no one else does, i think you said that i don’t remember my mother at all, i don’t remember, but i remember how to make tea, i think i loved watching how i made tea. you’re my little bunny, well, you don’t have enough memory , nothing works, enough is enough, how do you know what ’s enough, what kind of technical education do you
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or i have, well, let’s say you have it, and what did it really work out, yes, who’s a harrow, now you will load.
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overweight, underweight, weight, oh, men, dear, these 10 g are a gift to you from me as a sign of love
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, respect, you want more goodbye kisses as a bonus, no need, so citizens buyers, we're vacating the premises, fire alarm, yes, yes, yes, we're vacating, lorik , come on, speak quickly, you're in love, leave me alone, lorik, don't make me nervous, leave me alone, i beg you, quickly tell me where i am i’m wondering myself, what is this? you're an apartment, right? yes , what did i say, you are still uninteresting, unpleasant, but you saw him, he came later, katya, well , such a tall, beautiful foreman, well, you and your neighbor went to his construction site, dear mother, oh well, lorik, well what was it like, that i was stunned, or what? no, lorik, it is necessary to tell, well, it is necessary to tell so that it burns for a long time , that you know, a woman always needs to share what her soul is burning with, this is so that there is an influx of oxygen, it’s like a candle, if you cover it, it will go out, and this is because there is no oxygen
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, and you were an excellent student in physics, otherwise you know how the physics student loved me , but for now i, well, in general, it doesn’t matter, come on , tell me, well, katya, you understand, i’ve never had anything like this in my life, at all, i was so nervous and i was afraid that i wouldn’t like it, just like a fool he’s a teenager, but he’s amazing, he’s some kind of necessary guy, you know, i think they don’t make people like that now, he has the energy of such reliability, you know, in general , everything that happened yesterday, it’s in my head like a movie spinning, spinning in circles, you see , i can’t think of anything at all , i don’t need to think about anything, morka, i just fell in love with her, much stronger, more dangerous, even more dangerous, because it will be more difficult to survive when it’s all over, but for me it’s not will finish.
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okay, yes, very much, well, we ran, ran, listen, can we alka for a couple of days will move to you, you are sending me on a business trip. when i go to moscow tomorrow, i’ll take the morning train, and we’ll hang out on the veranda, it’s not boring there, mice are running, mice, are you scared, okay, he was joking, did you seriously believe it, maxim, let’s go to football, you’re not cold, come on, let me button you up, hold on, chicken little guy, maybe i’ll pour you some tea, or maybe it’s good that you ’re leaving, it’ll be much easier for me to tell the guys about us. without you, you know, it seems to me that there is no need to rush, here i am
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i’ll come and we’ll tell him together what to bring you from moscow, but i don’t need anything , no, i need it, christmas trees, i almost forgot, everyone ’s birthday is coming up, i need to buy a gift, i don’t know if there’s enough here or not, well, in general, i saved up something, and borrowed something from katya, what kind of a gift is this, a computer, well, some good one, i don’t understand anything about it... i understand, but you understand, well, if i add anything, i’ll buy him the most sophisticated one, he’s a smart guy, he’ll figure it out, i understand why i hate you so much. what, well, for what you i haven’t met you before, okay , well, we’ll be late, stop it, well, when should we expect you, and not tomorrow evening, hey, hey, guys, be careful, you might push them off the platform,
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okay, don’t mess with them, don’t provoke them, come on, i'm ready, yes, i'll call every half hour, okay, come on, be careful, move away, bye. the subscriber's device is in the coverage area or the subscriber's device is in range, are you
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going to work or what? look up from your phone, will you? please, i'll come now, are people even waiting for you there? my sunshine, everything will probably be fine.
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so why without saying, and i’m literally for a minute, on what issue, i’m looking for a slave, maxim petrov, yeah, i myself would like to know where he is, today he won’t show up tomorrow, i’ll put him on the wanted list, but what already how, how , wait, why is he wanted, but because he left with the money, he had to give a lot, a lot to the suppliers. now they gave me the cash, idiots, so come here, that’s what it is, they promised to withdraw it 2 days ago, it’s not just up to me, oh, listen, come on, let’s have lunch, and then there’s a little left, well come on, you feel bad, everything is fine, sorry.
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lo, come and visit us at the dacha for the weekend, why don’t we go for a swim, my fish is smoking, lor, why aren’t you alive, but hello, hello, i’ll be right up, well, he can’t leave the child, sorry , i need larisa, it’s me, hello. i'm nadya, maxim's sister. hello, i ’m telling you, i don’t know where he is, i called, asked to pick up alya, said he’ll come as soon as he can, that’s all. yes, i understood, but did he ask me to tell you something? no, nothing, he just said where to look for you and everything. well, believe me, if i knew anything else, i
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would tell you everything. well, baby, let's say goodbye. my baby. this is for you, but no, what are you, no, this is for you, thank you, we ran, otherwise we’ll be late, goodbye, bye.
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it looks like he’s a swindler, he’s just told you about three stories, oh, he also used a girl to get into your shower... and you hung it in your ears, oh, how much do we women need? i was like that myself, here’s my little darling, he’s not a master of speech, but here he is nearby, and where is your handsome man, don’t be afraid, he’s skipping money, right? oh, oleg,
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from morning to evening, larisa, to larisa, i feel sorry for him, all alone, you, apple, you won’t eat, oh, i’m his...
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darlings with an apple, where are you going, mom, there are so many pies? i won’t eat in a week , but damn, i’m waiting for guests, i could provide... unconditional consolation as a support, you can count on me, it’s great
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, vitya, that you’ll have a drink with us, thank you, i’m not hungry, let’s have dinner, vitya, wait , vitya, well, well, i hope you understand, varisa, that in return, i would like to receive tangible, so to speak, confirmation of your disposition towards me.
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so wait, wait, wait, vitka is not sleeping yet, no, no, no, wait, oleg, calm down, no, no, no, no, don’t, vikha, at home, i won’t, stop, i’m not breaking down, no you need to talk to me like that, stop , don’t touch me, what are you doing, stop, stop , i said, what are you doing, what and wait, wait, what is this, wait, wait , what is this, wait, this what, wait, yes, don’t touch me, don’t touch me, i’ll kill me, the brute,
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head on... you know me, fuck off, i ’ll call the police now, quickly, see, turn, where are you, seeing, oh my god
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, vorik, well, why, i found out, well, of course i found out, i promised, so i found out, i want to say, the conversation was difficult, until the cops found out everything, i didn’t leave the ring, that’s all , let's get to the point, but in short, look, your danish prince was unlucky on the train,
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there was some passenger there, the pogronts started, who would have spat out, well, they didn’t knock on him, although yours answered, think about it, well there the public has already joined in, they say, such a racket has gone, sorry, well, about halfway through yours and two more were handed over to the ambulance help, alas, without documents and unconscious, and without money, well, i don’t know about that, so after 2 weeks yours got married and... sister, why didn’t he call you, lurik, i’m sorry, no one knows, i i know why, he was ashamed that the money was missing, i just told him about the story with my husband, yes, listen, let’s have this showdown between you, and santa barbara, what the word, so now, let’s get back to the search for what you there she said, the phone is blocked, his daughter has it, so you know his sister’s address, your mother, but that’s all you have to have such
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surname in our country, is it the same? what not to have, the guys, of course, promised to find it, but i don’t know, but i understand everything, thank you, by the way, the cops have a description of the passenger who started the whole mess, oh, yes, i know this passenger very well, what’s there? santa barbara, oh, mommy,
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well, today we’re just as late as last time, it’s all because of you, the earring was ready, come on. let's check again, t-shirts, two, panties, three, tights, four, what are you, well, what are you saying, you're becoming like a stupid moose, so there's a jealous tigress, if if there’s something missing, they won’t accept it like last time, last time you forgot your certificate of absence of infectious diseases, well, of course i, well, because i’m everywhere, i’m everything,
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i’m at home, okay, go buy me some ice cream, maybe this will calm me down, my god , my god, my god, what is happening to the child, nastya, river, do you think he will cry, but he will come and stop, like all normal children, seryozha, you want to go to the nursery and you won’t cry, old man ? will. cry loudly. your vicious upbringing. nothing will come of it, i’ll have to call klava klemkova. klava, klipova, klavochka, come here, come, there’s another boy.
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run, run, what the hell, let's go collect the jelly, why, what's his name? seryozha.
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let’s go, i’ll at least collect it, seryozha, seryozha, don’t look at me, seryozha, elena grigorievna, how many acorns do i have? so 1 2 3 4 5 repeat, how many acorns? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, not six, but five, go get some more, little, little, go, collect more, little, little, little,
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klava, say, please, zhel, where i found it, wanted , do you have more? everything will go away like a bang, seryozha, seryozha, elena grigorievna, elena grigorievna, sverridov took my three-piece, so everyone looked at zveridov, zviridov is not a shame. and we collected them together, then divide them equally, but how? one for him, one for you, and the third, so, that’s it, time is running out, let’s start counting the acorns, alexandrov 4, filippov five,
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petrov - two, grechenkovo ​​four, okay , sviridov nine, oh, klemkovova six, so, so far, he has the most sviridov, the children, everyone looked. everyone looked at sviridov, children. what is your name and boy, his name is seryozha, seryozha question. and now the children have seen everything
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to seryozha lavrov, come on, come on, guys , they pulled themselves up, they all followed me, the stream is flowing home, faster, faster, keep up, sviritov, sviritov, don’t you dare lay down the lava , don’t be ashamed, you’re pulling, you fool, mom, what i can’t help but read it, turn the plates over. and mom, i’m very stupid
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, as some people think, but how do you feel , i don’t feel it myself, you’re doing the right thing, spit on some, on the teacher, if it weren’t for seryozha lavrov, i would have spent all 3 years in first grade, it wouldn’t have happened if, seryozha, there would have been someone else, i would have sworn an oath to him, what, what is necessary? you can’t hold back, no, i’ll hold back, you’re not a stupid girl, klava, you just have a different mind, your friends have one mind, and you have another, but you don’t need their mind, here i am, i’ve lived my whole life with my mind and never about it i didn't regret it. the main thing in life is to never
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regret anything, and if you got a d in arithmetic, yes, where was your earring, and he sprained his leg on a block, then he fixed it. and yesterday the nanny from the choir bent me out, she said, i have no hearing, you have an internal one,
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how is it that you have no hearing, in the house of such an instrument i have no hearing, well, come here, well, sing, i, well, my father had absolutely, i have a good one, who are you so born into, and i have an inner, inner, mediocrity, an elephant stepped on your ear, well, march from home, march from home, to me now people will come, oh , dadya seva, hello, i went, where, let's play, let's play, you're small, i'm big, you 're small, and i'm big, okay, i'm small , who's on our right, klava, aunt klava, who's us on the left, uncle seva, just seva, everything is correct, i went where, no, no, show me mephistopheles, there is no mephistopheles, he will set fire, well then, we're dodadyra
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, okay, let me go, i'll go, okay, no, no, no, more , more, more, what's my name, cunning, right, what is this, i didn't recognize it, ran, froze, who is it, my acquaintance. yours, well, my mother’s, why was he making a face? not a face, but masks, you need to understand, for support, shurik again, now i’m the last person in the house, everything is for... shurik, you love him very much, you will love him now that you can’t escape anywhere, hello, hello, rita, milk it’s arrived, not even a year has passed, shurenka, don’t cry, now your mother will cook porridge for you, you saw, take off your clothes, don’t pay attention to the abnormality, pedagogically, by the way, rita,
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come here, what else, look at what this impudent guy is walking around in in the twenty-degree frost, oh, could you help better? it’s not too late for a lady to undress, i beg you, matma , after all, she’s a craftsman like you, yes, oh, what a good piece of clothing, where did you get this from, klavochka, my mother sewed it, that’s what real women can do, it’s good for those who sit at home, but i i work, just like you, take a needle from your ears, shop, at least you, make sure that the earring of your coat is doing well, you will catch a cold, get the flu, get infected shurika, by the way, get infected shurik, by the way, shurik, shurik, don’t cry, honey, now, now everyone is ready, seryozha, pash. shurik, don’t cry, don’t cry, well, shurik, calm down, you still have a point, now all the techies are mad, physicists are joking, oh, what
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a beauty, you can take it for yourself, mom will get another for herself, it’s not a problem for her, come on , in my own handwriting, and i’ll tell you the oral ones on the way to school, so that it doesn’t disappear overnight, well, shurik, don’t cry, come on, there are some incomprehensible parentheses here, but don’t get into it, shurik, where are your toys, pasha , let's at least go to a movie in the evening, maybe it will calm me down, hold on, wean, wean, we need to get rid of bad habits, otherwise at home together, at work together, cinema together too, but we'll soon get to that, that there will be nothing to say to each other, from wedding to divorce, and now shurik will be am-am, according to science you can’t talk, but mom, talk to him as if it were equal, he doesn’t eat anything, anyway, according to science, a child is the best eats collectively, where will we get this collective now, wait, come here, yes here,
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come here, why, open your mouth, why, for a positive example, i don’t want semolina porridge. open your mouth, whoever they say, open your mouth, what a joker, look how the earring likes porridge, so, now you open your mouth, parasite, now you, come on, come on, come on, come on , like this, now you, here, look , what do you say to this, children, i already love dad, get it, and now you, listen, maybe he ’s losing his appetite because of all this, but he wanted a crystal chandelier, a tv, yes, but first we’ll buy you pants, mm, come on, come on, work, burst, order, shurik, how did you lose your temper, handsome man, but
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he didn’t lose his temper, he was doing an exercise that no one had managed before, and when he dismounted, he wanted to distinguish himself again, yes, how... you’ll break your neck , it won’t turn down, everyone wants to distinguish themselves, let’s go, seryozha, i’ve already done everything, today you will sing in the choir, and life leads with movement, movement, movement, the mills come to life, movement, the miller must be bad, who lives his life house. what else do you have in your repertoire? it seems
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a little outdated to me, beautiful never is getting old, but look through the eyes of an ordinary viewer, and not some sheaf whom you put in the front row. girls at this age are always somewhat angular, i select based on musical abilities, god forbid me to interfere with your sharps, bimoli, but the final concert is coming up, it seems to me that it’s worth listening to serena’s serious proposal, let at least one stand in the front row she’s not an angular girl, she just opens her mouth, we always entrust klava klemkova with presenting. to our guests of honor and an immediate ovation can you imagine what if television announcers looked like tusya puppy? i would be the first to turn off the tv, because i ’m not fooled, be it your way, but how can i find klimkova now
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, she’s here, klava, come here, take a place in the front row, but just move your lips, don’t sing, i understand, get ready, girls, started
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, in the movement menik life changes movement movement into life leads the movement that miller' should be, who does not have his own home, wants to live, everything is at home, everything is at home, everything is at home, everything is at home, water
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is an example, serves as an example for us, water an example, serves as an example for us, it is no more valuable. and further and further everything runs, further and further, further and further, further and further, further and further , the wheels don’t stand either, the wheels, the wheels don’t stand either, the wheels crumble in the clouds and make noise.
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that’s it, i’ll probably have to part with you, dmitry alexander, well, i don’t know why, nothing can be done,
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things are disappearing in our house, where is my barometer? is he spoiled? it doesn't matter, it's a memory. and the pencils that i brought for the earrings from bulgaria. he gave them as a gift, like everything else, talk to him like a man, no, really, i’ll talk to klava’s mom , serezhkina doesn’t scare me, kindhearted, it’s much scarier that a girl allows herself to accept such gifts from a dunce who studies in the third grade, don’t do anything stupid, you’ll cause mental trauma to the children, that’s like me, don’t be afraid, i will do everything right, no way, i won’t go to the theater. i am a sculptor, if every sculptor who lived on our planet could leave behind at least one imperishable
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monument, we would not be able to take a step alive. it would be, but i offer you the right bread, verochka, theater artist, what’s wrong with that, the fact is that the purchasing commission purchased only one work from me, and that was 2 years ago, but that doesn’t mean anything, you can do sculpture just fine for yourself, no one forbids you, i also painted everything at home with a felt-tip pen, i don’t like amateur performances, if it turns out that i ’m mediocre, i’ll give up the sculpture, even if my hands are clean, you’re going to find out with the help of the purchasing committee, yes, at least, my motto is all or nothing , i'm with my husband because of this broke up, did he participate in amateur performances or does he have a former motto? you wanted to talk about klava, she’s sleeping!
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she is sleeping and now you will speak of her from a cannon more than once, you see, it seems to me, my son. it takes up too much of klava’s time, and they have such a workload at school, and yes, i myself could never stand it, but you see, pavel afanasyevich, klava is a girl with character, and i am even more confident in her than in myself . hey,
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come here, poor children, we have a day off, and they have a working day, hello lavrov, hello little puppy tusya, why are you still waiting for the keyboard? still, i’m waiting, but did you think we could quarrel someday?
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nobody thought this, everyone understands that it was just window dressing and went underground. otherwise you won’t live in this crazy, crazy world. klava’s mother almost threw her down the stairs, the teachers are eating up, woe to us. and by the way, klava won’t come, you’re waiting in vain, she has a sore throat, +38.2, by the way. she told you to run to her while her mother is in the theater. and you’ve been on klava’s errands for a long time. you are an unobservant person, with all your outstanding abilities, we are praised share common interests. what is this, love for you, i noticed this back in the eighth grade, by the way, but klava, you know, is not that kind of girl, okay, run before her mother returns from the theater, don’t take klava to the lyra cafe anymore, don’t feed her its ice cream, viruses nest there, so throwing your millions elsewhere, hello, 38.2, maybe more,
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you need to measure it. don't you see where the thermometer is? here he is, sit down, cold, i suppose the thermometers are always cold. take my temperature, why don’t you know how to take temperature? i know, so measure it.
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you want to kiss me, but what? it’s not interesting, in general, yes, but i have a sore throat, you can. but my tonsils have been cut out, it doesn’t matter, sore throats, you know what complications they cause, the progradator, it doesn’t interfere, it doesn’t interfere, it doesn’t interfere, it interferes, klav.
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what, now you’ll get a sore throat, let’s do it again just to be sure, no, why, i said no, that means no, but we haven’t measured the temperature yet, what else do you want, lie down, i ’ll open it, don’t you dare, why do you have to open everything? the third floor, it was already in all the jokes. i'm a fool, i'm a fool, i should have opened it right away, now it's already late, can you imagine what mom might think? i’ll go and look through the peephole, but what if she ’s looking from the other side? you don’t know physics, is this a useful thing?
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the sick klava is sleeping now, how did you sneak past me, and i’m from the fourth floor, kunitin told me that klava has a sore throat, and i decided to visit her, and you won’t mind if i visit the sick woman? as an exception, it’s useless, but have you tried it with your foot? i tried, oh, finally, you have a guest, fasten your robe, come in, seryozha, just stay away from
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this girl, she caught it somewhere phallicular, well, you're a sleepyhead, and you've been calling for a long time, hello , hello, you're sick, as you can see, maybe i can help you with your homework, no , thank you, lavrik will help me, what other lavrik, from parallel, seryozha, help me, here's sergey, what have to study? previously , the offer to be the main artist of the theater was missed, now i’m doing prop work and i’m glad, you see, i have to earn extra money, mom, by the way, seryozha, mom doesn’t need such
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a robe, mom, what? by the way, all the actresses of our theater wear these dressing gowns, and not just, i’ll go, see you on the air , good night, kids, and he’ll definitely go, more, yes, more, love, come on, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, i’m hanging out now,
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don’t you think that hanging out sounds a bit it’s infantile, it seems like what to do, respond only to tanya, i’ll try, by the way, lavrik is also not a masterpiece navif, well, i’m not for you. he said, what is it about him, fishnets, handbags , his mother is on vacation, and his father is a doctor, he generally never goes to dances, but i hinted that you were interested, and he agreed, really, for sure, hello, hang out, at first he said that i was lying, quick-witted. dimka, wait, and so understand, let’s drive through, by the way, her name is tanya, and you’re claudia, yeah, then i’m lavrenty, the best lav, what are you saying?
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did they really decide to drag me to the dance? just on the way we’ll grab an earring, he’s waiting for us at the carousel, hi, hi, thank you, boy from parallel, are these your little things, tuska? by the way, her name is tatyana, and you are a laurel, the best laurel, very nice, very nice, very, terribly pleased, and now the top laurel for a ticket, i only have three. nothing, i have four.
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but i would prefer this oleyka, it’s really better here, yes, but risk your health, try it, come on, come on, please,
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have you been friends with this what’s her name for a long time? okay, laurus,
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after tonight you will repeat her name in your sleep, but maybe it’s not worth it, why? there is a reason. do you like sergei? i have respect for him, the winner of all mathematical olympiads, the school champion in chess, isn’t that the point, it shows something, you didn’t participate in any competitions, you came to italy and played in a draw, accidentally. can i complain to you about your fate , the tanga is very beautiful, go ahead , i shouldn’t have called you here, you don’t need to be friends over the head, you shouldn’t do what i do, and i can’t help but do, it’s clear, of course, you’re understanding,
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i bought four tickets, an equation without unknowns. sorry, let's go, i'm tired.
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excuse me, she's not dancing, no, why , happy to stay, sorry, young man, ah, sorry, goodbye, claudia, all the best, see you, good, tatyana, please, sorry for not causing a scandal, what are you doing
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with me ? no sore throat, clave. well, retul, don’t twitch, and raise your chin a little, but leave me alone with your chin, let me watch tv, maybe this will calm me down. it was too early, something happened, everything is fine, but well, he quarreled with the boss,
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what else? dazh, if i were you, i would have left her long ago. yes, what do you understand about this? when she 's not around, i don't exist. and what are you doing? i'm waiting for me to see her. i ’m not interested in anything without a keyboard, even if they give me a nobel prize, but it doesn’t happen, everything disappears. say, call klava? i'll tell you. strong. why did you quarrel? yes, we didn’t quarrel. what then? yes, i don’t know, some laurels showed up, and this is that stalin played a draw, you were given this draw, look how everyone remembers about it, this, this, this, what? they give you a comparison, okay, i ’ll show them later, you don’t want a cake without a klava and
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a waffle cake, come on, what are you doing, well, get out of there, now, who am i telling? parotelov, you’ll come on monday with your grandmother, thank you, but do you remember how in the fifth grade, again, you’re not tired of yours, but you remember, as much as possible, watch out, watch out, watch out, watch out, well, what is it , well, hello, i’ll show you, and i’m the old
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king’s cattle, and i’m a cabbage butterfly, i’m a former caterpillar, these are your wings? you played the cabbage butterfly, remember, we had a re-enactment, so what? beautiful, and in general, so that i don’t hear anymore, but remember, i’m already sick of these words, understand?
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what are you, laurel? i've got you covered just in case, but touching your face with dirty hands is unhygienic, your dad is a doctor, he should know, and he has a lot of work to do even without you. ok. i i’ll take half an hour from him, girls, hold on,
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keep in mind, i won’t fight with you, i’ll lubricate you since there’s no escape, defend yourself, well, why don’t you want to fight with me? and i like you, that’s enough, what’s the matter, what ’s going on here, it’s lavrov showing new techniques, right? come on, show me, dmitry alexandrovich, why didn’t you give me the glasses on the roof? because you. when yes all the way, and if i’m tired of him, this is already
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called meanness, i have to nobly hide, listen, laurus, we have our own scores to settle, she became like this after i introduced you, you both are an empty place for me, they have already started calling us the magnificent four, klava, as i know the female name, so they gave it to you by mistake, who do you think i am, yes seryoga . i didn’t ask him about this, he ’s been giving me gifts all my life, they didn’t matter to me, laurel, stop it, i ’m asking you, okay, figure it out for yourself, i also found a carmen, that’s it, bolder into battle the black eye is waiting love you, why am i tired of you all, everyone, this club and school, and the whole city and the whole world, yes, if you want. tanya, stop drumming, i still have no hearing, i won’t appreciate it, you sang in the choir all your life, i opened my mouth there by seryozhka’s
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grace, he gave me such a gift, i have no hearing at all. mom says that i have an internal one, but in my opinion this does not happen, why does it happen, lack of coordination between hearing and voice, come here, such and such a note, and you turn away. now two, turn away, something more complicated?
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you have excellent hearing, so what am i going to do with it, i’ll sew a fur coat, scientists have put such an experience, with the help of tests, among waiters, elevator operators, hairdressers, they found people with exceptional mathematical abilities, and now they are doctors of science, bachelor's degrees, etc., this will not happen to me, they say somewhere experiments were conducted on learning in a dream, only on i could agree with this, go to sleep in the evening, and wake up in the morning with a higher education. so good night, kids, clau, wait, do you remember how in the seventh grade, again, i wanted to say, since kindergarten i know everything you can tell me, no, you don’t, i know, if you leave now, like this, you will never see me again, we have to go, no,
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because you will never see me again, no one will ever see me again. seryozhenka, boy, if you were capable of such an act, i would follow you to the ends of the earth, but tomorrow you will come to school right on cue, there will be no tomorrow for me, but shut up, you idiots, let's see, rita, why is this , i’m afraid for him, well, i found out something, the notebooks still contain only a’s, is it a habit? something is happening to him, klava klemkova, i always said, we will cry because of this girls, that the earrings organized a search, but is that really what they are looking for, i ask you to blame the klavuk for my death,
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what a horror? leave me alone, that's right , because i'm a nonentity, you're not a great person , seryozha, you understand, i understand everything, what do you understand, i love you, life, i hope it's mutual, seryozha, wait, you have to sleep through the night with trouble , you will come here tomorrow and no one will bother you.
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and what will change tomorrow, i trained, it means these terrible words, pavel, such words are written only once, or they are never written, calmly, let’s take a vacation right after the exams, it’s a good idea for the armpit, somewhere to the pine trees, to the water, it heals
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wounds perfectly. tanya, i’m leaving, the earring won’t do anything stupid with you, instill confidence in him, you’ll do it better, do you have anything stronger? there is no vodka, we don’t have a cafe here, only cognac, give me 100 g. have you ever drank cognac? well, okay, i have it too, don’t, take borjomi and some sandwich, we’ll get by, doctor, don’t worry, come on, inspire me confidence! like, well, tell me something about my personal outstanding qualities, here is your cognac, but the cafe closes faster, i don’t need it, why? i’m on duty, what else
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is on duty, my mother is in the hospital, but there aren’t enough nurses, and my dad, i don’t have a dad, well , anyone else, i have a little sister, but she’s with my grandmother. you live alone, alone for about six months, but why didn’t i know anything about this, and you didn’t ask, then at school it’s somehow forgotten, because no one really cares, but klava knew, she didn’t ask either, but someone should have known about this, lavrik, through my father, he arranged for me to be on duty.
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how do we manage to live like this? but as? fine. when arina rises under the circus dome at a height, my heart skips a beat and sinks into my heels , i know that my dad and mom are looking at me, and i have nothing to be afraid of, we performed without insurance , the granite is being crushed, the ice is blazing, it’s not light fluff that knocks you off your feet, what the misfortune , in my opinion, today you soared higher than ever, well, yes,
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it wasn’t scary, no, adorable, some kind of child, it’s impossible to look at her without admiration, since we have leonid fedorovich serebrennikov on stage, let’s ask so that we sing something together, hope, my compass, mine, and luck is the reward! courage, blue bird, anniversary season, today on rtr, the navigator shows an hour and a half before you, slow down, the victim is fourth negative, we don’t have one like that in our hospital. i have a fourth negative, they say some millionaire, a cool guy, wow , tatyana kolganova, this is marina, my daughter, she donated her blood to you, anatoly
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rudenko, i like you, i have a feeling that i have known you for a long time, tamara akulova, what do you think about this girl, sobbing, i i want to know everything about her, roma proposed to me . i wouldn't want him to make a mistake in his choice. if roman loves marina, he can't go wrong. he loves her, here she is, the fourth negative. sorry, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, you are watching 100 to one. our task is to open all the boards. we'll manage. if you ask, it’s a tricky one. what character's last name? from pushkin’s works, everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, how much, who is at work,
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speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i’m chopping oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics. chemistry is a set for a headache, god forbid, now beep-beep, if you win, then hurray 100 to one, today on rtr, hello, he’s coming back, oh, i missed you, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, discharge, all seasons at once, an amazing person, he simply
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always has talent. give yourself a gift for the new year now, look at sklefosovsky before anyone else in the application or on the website. klava is heavenly giggling now, or maybe crying, console, yes, you know who you are, you are better than all of us, people like you are born only 100 years ago. but you. if you look closely, i have no choice, you know, otherwise i would, why did i drink this cognac. listen, tanya, if you want to instill confidence in me, i want to kiss me, why? i need it, please. this isn’t the same, of course it’s not the same
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, but you weren’t disgusted, no, out of joy or out of grief, what’s the difference, out of grief they often end up drinking themselves to death, you’re kidding, no, you don’t know, i can guess, so what should i do. suffer, but i don’t know how, but what can you do then? you're kidding me, come on korenin did you pass? hamlet, pushkin, lermonov, what did they teach you, he really doesn’t know how to suffer, you’re not at all dear to me, sweethearts don’t come like that, heart. protecting them from melancholy,
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clenching their teeth, they are silently forgotten, they forget whose poems these are, one real poet, clenching their teeth, they are silently forgotten, understand? or will you say things like in vulgar romances, sasha, do you remember our meetings? go to sleep. and you were in trouble, i pointed them myself with a felt-tip pen so that you wouldn’t play the fool. does lava know about this? in fact of the matter? dad always said in the beginning do it and then brag.
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the bravest man, no braver than him, no one braver than him, sergei lavrov, the bravest man, no one braver than him.
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when the time of sadness and anxiety comes, you tell yourself then everything is for the better, when suddenly a difficult hour of separation comes, you know that on earth everything is always for the better, that it will turn into joy, someday trouble, the snow will melt, the cold will recede, let you again this time there was no luck, but you tell fate, in spite, everything is for the better, everything is for the better, believe me, no one got along without losses, everything is bad, believe me and don’t be sad, maybe
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tomorrow will begin to lead you, and even tomorrow will begin to lead you. and the bitterest hour tests us, everything is for the better, remember this truth, unfaithful love, don’t click your nose, you will meet love again, the truth, and no matter how it was, it’s sad now. my strong, you know that spring will come after winter, birds will sing around and flowers will bloom, you will wait for your love, everything is for
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the better, everything is for the better, believe me, no one left without losses, everything is for the better, believe me, don’t be sad, maybe tomorrow, you will begin to receive information from tomorrow will begin to whistle.


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