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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  December 4, 2023 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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and this is all, as it were , just the top of what is happening, so from this point of view, of course, internal political pressures and, accordingly , the electoral and economic impact, it turns out to be very serious, it gradually begins to reorient towards the internal agenda, the countries begin to tighten , realizing that there seems to be pressure in different directions, various movements begin to occur, such as, for example, bulgaria, which previously generally seemed to distance itself from the czech republic, which they now they impose restrictions on supplies, not because they don’t like everything there, but because they seem to have problems internally, of a military-economic nature. bulgaria this morning stopped allotted military aid to ukraine. they don’t deliver released , that is, the problem is that, by the way , it’s not a fact that the stabilization of the front, let’s formulate it this way from afar, accordingly, it’s like a closure, which was also predicted in connection with climatic conditions, and that’s what’s happening in principle , which will accordingly lead to the fact that some country will receive a serious military advantage, because taking into account the data on the corresponding number of russian military personnel, which we received on friday, which were increased in number, as we all have according to the relevant decrees,
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there seems to be a question of a fundamental advantage, accordingly , judging by the numbers, there is no multiple advantage yet, so from this point of view, the question is as follows, everyone roughly understands that we are talking about something like a white-flowing process up to certain moments , accordingly with small, as it were, progress in individual directions, the question is precisely what the prospects will be in the spring, as initially expected , statements are already beginning, so we very often quoted khash when he spoke about the northern flows. and now he is generally talking about the fact that negotiations are underway between the general staffs of the two countries, so by the way, from his point of view, another question is how much one can talk about it substantively, as it were, because this is of course not original statement, to be honest, he has a number of points there, as it were, from a logistics point of view, but the fact that the turkish direction seems to be very interesting lately is a fact, that’s why from this point of view, of course, how important it is many in ukraine and russia at the same time refuted this information from hersh, but in itself, the very fact that this appears and that it did not appear before is like vacillation, by
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the way, an important fact is also the fact that there is a serious scaling up on neighbor in the east, the united states has frozen, they want to freeze , as we discussed last time, 6 billion, even if it is artificial, forgive that interrupting the vacillation and hersh is trying to undermine ukraine, thus, co-opting zelsky , is also beneficial for us and also suits us, the question is that this would never have appeared six months ago, but the peculiarity of this is that the likelihood of escalation is very growing, seriously speaking, it is actually already underway, that is, 6 billion, which are now being collected in congress again freezing iran in fact already leads to a sharp escalation that is happening along the perimeters, that is , in fact, massive attacks are taking place there, that is , rocket artillery is already happening there , military bases are being hit, and there are already american casualties there military personnel , therefore, from this point of view, there is a very serious probability of escalation in the middle east, with all the attention, a significant part of the weapons, this is the actual track coming, as it were, in december, then moreover, this process will be from the point of view
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, of course, well, give or take the situation in the eu now, as it were, the question depends on the economy, and first of all from this point of view it is important to maintain the price of energy resources 78 i remind you, by the way, now the largest oil producer is the united states, in second place is the russian federation, in third place is saudi arabia, in third place is the country that was the largest, by the way, now , by reducing its production, it practically ensures oil prices like everyone else, so from this point of view , of course, the struggle for this very process will take place, and if next year there are no fundamental changes, accordingly, then we will be talking about freezing at best, at worst, or, at best, other tracks. hersh, let’s hear about gerasimov and zaluzhny, who are having conversations behind the scenes behind zelensky’s back. in some circles in europe , rumors have begun to circulate that russia and ukraine are currently conducting serious peace negotiations. the ukrainian government, headed by it will be extremely difficult for vladimir zelsky to agree to negotiations, given his repeated refusal to engage in dialogue with.
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russian president vladimir putin. the driving force behind these negotiations was not washington or moscow, not biden or putin, but two high-ranking generals. valery gerasimov and valery zaluzhny. the factor that prompted them to start negotiations was the general understanding that putin would not object to a peace agreement that would fix the borders along the front line that would exist at the time completion of peace negotiations. russia will receive unconditional control over crimea, as well as over the four regions that russia annexed last year, namely donetsk and lugansk. are still engulfed in hostilities in the kherson region. in turn, no one foresaw such a concession. russia, that is, putin himself, will not object to ukraine joining nato, zelsky is opposed to such negotiations. when the commander-in-chief of the armed forces , zaluzhny, says in an interview with a famous magazine that his army and the russian the armed forces have reached a dead end, there must be some kind of background behind this. one american official who was initially directly involved in the negotiations between the generals told me that this was not a spontaneous event. and
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zaluzhny carefully planned. the message is that the conflict is over and we want to get out of it; if it continues, it will destroy the next generation of ukrainian citizens. according to the source, there is no doubt that non-influential americans partly helped zaluzhny decide declare this publicly. what was the goal of this amazing story, the official continued: to force the leadership, that is , zelsky and his entourage, to agree to a peaceful settlement to realize that the continuation of the conflict is tantamount to self-destruction. we'll be back in a minute. there are a lot of questions, god grant that there is enough time to discuss everything. everything i remember. 2023 one branch of nord stream 2 is preserved, today is the decision, tomorrow we turn everything around, and the gas flows without digging a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself, here they are fell into this hole, everything that is important for the president, you don’t need to step on the same
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rake, everything that is important for everyone, you need to know where the root of evil is, where is this very spider that is trying to entangle with its web? turn in their direction, we do not create military alliances, and we are not friends against anyone, we are friends in the interests of our peoples, everyone has a future, only it is different, even in conditions of economic international turbulence, success awaits us. results of the year with vladimir putin december 14, at 12:00 p.m. moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens live and media representatives will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the website and by phone +7 495 539 4040. +7 499 550 4040.
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and the hedgehog is mine hare, her name was petrovich, petrovich , her name was felchik, she crushed the german, that’s it, you ’re killing me, she didn’t know what happiness it was to be, just...... gali, gala, that’s her name, wife, great salvador, like me draw naked, you’re so brave, let’s go, we don’t agree like that, oh, but i’m thinking, what is this the woman is standing so beautiful, and petrovich, on sunday on rtr, russia. traditional,
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modern, technologically advanced , original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition russia forum, let’s take a look. love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign
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at the same time, for two , three, subscribe let's look, look, maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie. so, us funding for ukraine will end by the end of this year, the financial times warns, stopping the flow of american weapons. will bring ukraine to its knees, at the same time increasing the likelihood of russian military victories and this is a direct quote: in ukraine, the appetite for ammunition has not gone anywhere, calculations of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine show that to complete zelensky’s task of liberating all of ukraine, at least 350, and preferably 400 billion are needed dollars. this is another insight from. how the newspaper reports that during his visit, the chief of the pentagon, osten, announced that
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ukraine needs 17 million artillery shells. the us secretary of defense himself allegedly rolled his eyes at these requests, and later, publicly, nevertheless said that there would be enough money and weapons for everyone, meaning ukraine and the middle east. from russia to china, from hamas to iran, our rival enemies want to divide and weaken the united states and separate us from our allies and partners. so, at this turn of history, america must not hesitate. now in israel and ukraine , democratic countries are fighting ruthless enemies seeking to destroy them. we will not allow hamas or putin to win, and we will not allow our enemies
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to divide or weaken us. so while we support israel, we remain focused on ukraine, and we remain fully capable of deploying forces to meet our commitments to different theaters of operations. the usa is the most powerful country in the world and we can walk around and live bubblegum simultaneously. we are transported to washington, where everyone walks and lives a living at the same time, ekaterina moores, the businessman’s own correspondent on direct communication, katya, hello, but i won’t ask you the question of what austin meant when he declared that the american army is the most powerful victorious, like like the american army has never won any victories, at least not recently. we are worried about something else: new year is coming, we have new year, they have christmas, christmas
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holidays, document on ukraine financing not voted, who is against and is there a chance to make it in time? hello, olga, there are really very serious problems now in the senate in the congress on the issue of allocating new financial assistance to ukraine, the question is that the majority of republicans, without whom... this document simply will not work, they insist on carrying out a very deep immigration reforms, in exchange for the allocation of any foreign aid, and today a fairly influential news publication announced that on friday, republicans and democrats walked out of negotiations on immigration with nothing, and accordingly, expect that a new document on assistance to ukraine, like the israeli document, even if it is submitted
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today or in the coming days to a vote in the senate, it most likely will not pass, because the republicans will block it through filibastar, but even if it passes in the senate, in the republican house of representatives, it will simply be blocked by speaker johnson, so it is likely that ukraine will not receive any financial assistance until the new year. and when your american institutions go on vacation, that is today is the fourth, it’s monday the eleventh, and everything seems to be there, when is the official holiday? and yes, already in the second half of december such a christmas bustle begins, and let’s not forget that the senate and house of representatives have a more important and more important topic, this is next year’s budget, which has still not been agreed upon and there are several dozen
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documents, which the senator should discuss on financing the government within the country, so i think that the question regarding ukraine is up in the air, given failed counter-offensive, we all know what to fund, to use a quote from george paton, famous. the american one, who went down in history, is not liked in america to finance or help losers, i think that more and more ukrainian assistance will be slowed down. katya, about biden’s impeachment, how seriously do we take this, so many attempts, so many conversations, every time it’s nothing, well, look, it was nothing from the start, but because declaring impeachment without the support of the senate is easy is impossible, therefore, what is now
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being done in the house of representatives is just such a pre-election game, a pre-election story, with the help of which the republicans, on the one hand, are trying to take revenge for what they did to trump, on the other hand, they are playing such pre-election games, bringing out all the dirty laundry the biden family for public viewing in order to further lower the ratings of the current president and do everything possible to ensure that he loses the next election to the republican candidate. democrats have a plan b. if grandpa really recognized as old and sick, who takes his place? well , if we look at the past week, we can remember that there were such informal presidential debates between ron desantes and the governor, whom everyone basically
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calls a potential contender if joe biden withdraws his candidacy from the presidential election. more and more experts are accusing gevinam of running such a shadow election campaign, he categorically denies this, but if we look at his actions, he met there with sinzenpen, for example, yes, before joe biden, apparently sinzenpen knows more than you and i know, or there, and he takes part in the debate with number two, ron desan, most likely this is exactly that... the same plan b , which the democrats are preparing, in case joe biden, for some reason, is unable to participate in the elections, thank you very much, ekaterina moore, the merchant’s own correspondent on direct communication from washington, please know, uhl, if i briefly describe the situation at the front, i think i won’t be mistaken if i say that the nato countries in
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ukraine fought the war with their homes, because , really, you know, you’re voicing a figure now, right? before leaving, he only asked for a measly 160 million. 160 billion ended up in rostov, i’m even afraid to imagine where these will end up if they ask for 400 billion. now about stolteng, who says that we need to prepare for bad news. yes, you know, we have no good news for you, because you can no longer deny. obviously , it will be increasingly difficult for you to retain this european unity, obviously there will be more and more skeptics in europe. obviously, you have no desire to continue funding ukraine, because you understand that the military path is futile and you cannot find any alternative non-military solutions without losing face. you are now looking for
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this option to get out of this situation, but so far you can’t find it, of course. , here we must admit that they simply cannot. make a decision to stop funding ukraine, what does it mean to stop funding ukraine? this means giving the zelsky regime a chance justify all the failures at the front, and shift the responsibility onto europe, can they afford this? no, do you know why? because they continue to want to control and manage processes in this country. they are very afraid of the disappointment of ukrainians, so some financial assistance, of course, will be allocated, the less assistance allocated, the more. all this will be accompanied by information in order to convince ukrainians, first of all, that no, no, no, of course, the doors of nato and europe are always open for you, we we support your country, now regarding the transition to defense, you know, i like it when they say so easily, well, we have decided to go to defense, if there is no funding for current, for the current
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state of affairs at the front, defense is more expensive project. you see, if anyone doesn’t understand at all what defense is, what is needed in order to create, well, a successful line of defense, this requires fortifications, this requires financial, organizational, human resources, and the main thing is that this requires time, time, this is at least 3-4 months, i want to ask a question, in this state of affairs that is now developing at the front, when in fact the ukrainian front is failing, throughout this entire period, russia, not only does it accumulate resources, funds, strength , and so on, what is the probability that tomorrow, for example, there will not be some kind of offensive. from russia, but we cannot say this yet, it all depends on the strategy and tactics that the military leadership will adopt, but the risk is very great, and how are you
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going to build all these fortifications there, all this , of course, sounds very beautiful, regarding zaluzhny and zelsky, you understand, for a long period this conflict was denied, but i’m just stating a fact, look, it means that zelsky, not only through his representatives, he is already directly... attacking zaluzhny, right? zaluzhny has not yet said a word to zelsky, he spoke obliquely in the publication iconomst, yes, but so far there has been no direct confrontation zelsky was not there, but this is still ahead , because this conflict cannot be resolved, i emphasize once again, this is not some kind of interpersonal conflict, this is not some kind of competition for the position of president, this is a serious, deep conflict between the political and the military. countries and solve it , i’ll say it again, this is not yulin radiculitis , you can’t remove it with your hand, it’s impossible to somehow
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resolve it without doing anything, without seriously influencing the parties to this conflict, but why don’t they influence it? well , i think such a conflict is probably for someone is needed, they could calmly stop it, but they don’t , so we’ll see, but i think the situation will develop far from being in the interests of ukraine and we will have to admit that the western project for ukraine has actually become, you know, the western project for ukraine has become a death sentence , sooner or later this will become obvious to everyone, not only to experts who assess what is happening, the current state of affairs, but if you believe the ukrainian truth, the zaluzhnys are already resolving issues with austin behind zelsky’s back and reports that zelsky is also a strategist and commander-in-chief during the visit of the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, he was told that ukraine is in need. 17 million shells, and to de-occupy the entire territory of ukraine , 350-400 billion dollars worth of resources are needed. austin , to put it mildly, was surprised, because in the whole world you couldn’t
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collect so many shells. in addition, according to the source, osin also said that zaluzhny complained to him about the interference of the president’s office. austin later told us that zaluzhny complained about how they were bothering him, that the office was not like that, that one was not like that, that other one was not like that. well, it is clear that the president also learned about such conversations; they do not contribute to trust. in the same time. zelsky is inclined to believe that zaluzhny’s dismissal will contribute to his political career. the bankers understand this very well, which is why a significant part of zelsky’s team is categorically against the resignation of the current commander in chief. we'll be back in a minute. hello, there seems to be some tension, what are you doing? long-awaited secrets of the investigation. we already. i don’t really want to work in december, and , excuse me, it’s a tea party, but she’ll have to, it’s time
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to work, work, let's work , complicated matters, hidden motives, like the mood, work, unpredictable endings, i see you have no rest, neither night nor day, only one thing remains unchanged, well , this is my usual schedule, something... .so the investigations are with us again today on rtr, tea monenka, monenka, yes, yes, yes, how do you need to love a person in order to take him and come to him, what is a strong family built on, of course an interesting question, on love, what beautiful girls , i thought. he knows how to do everything, for this a person lives, he must have continuation, on what a good conversation is based on trust, i am so contradictory,
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i have wisdom and cunning, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, even two, when everyone is at home on sundays on rtr. where is he, he packed his things and left, your dad cheated on me, we're looking at the weekend, of course we will treat your daughter, we will do chemotherapy, i beg you, do everything you can, there is almost no hope, i really want to see how you will be to grow, but this is not given to me. but left our only one for manya joy, the only relative, the old man changed his will in favor of his granddaughter anna.
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so i have it. daughter , the girl’s mother recently died, you are the first candidate for guardianship over her and her capital, the only chance to get rich, go to daddy, daughter, in the very near future we will submit documents to deprive round valentina mikhalovna of guardianship, what to do next, how to continue to live, the only joy is on saturday on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore, nature, dear mother, simply incredible beauty, you already understand
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what the vietnamese’s favorite... movement, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wild, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, you will understand, this world is worth seeing, snake charmers are the most ancient profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, for the fulfillment of all our wishes, on friday, i didn’t even know that this could happen, that you could love me so much, this is such happiness, i don’t understand what kind of relationship we have with you, the most real one, and why then all this, a wedding,
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a game of love with lena, it’s beneficial for us. deal, alexander makagon, legally i am a husband , an heir too, i didn’t play with cheese , but ruin one thing, and then there’s a murder, artyom osipov , i was following the beast, i see the car is upside down, it’s not breathing, i need to bring him back, maria kulikova, i know that there are people who they are very worried about me, i need to somehow get out of here. without guilt , those at fault on friday on rtr, and so the heaviest snowfall happened in moscow, over the past 70 years , 50 flights have been canceled at moscow airports, here is a panda munching on snow in the capital's zoo , half lying in a snowdrift, a bear calmly eating
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bamboo, and a cub , crawl and can now independently reach his mother din-din. on the portal, active citizens choose a name for the little panda; the name katyusha is in the lead. 27% of people voted for him. on second place is the name momo, from the first syllable the word moscow closes the top three most popular options, the name masha. look. i don’t go into the basket anymore in the kingdom of carrots and bamboo, we have such a pink pink jar, my mother carefully releases it, every day we get pinker, pinker, harder and
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thicker. he is already preparing for life, for enclosures, look at the news, bye! the information service of the russian tv channel continues its work. work on air, you are watching the news, my name is maria sittel, hello, exactly one month since vdnkh the forum russia exhibition is open, yesterday we closed, 2,180 people had already passed, today vladimir putin walked through the exhibition, looked around the halls that are dedicated to the main achievements of our country. hello, you have called the editors of the year-end program with vladimir putin. 10
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days left until the straight line. below -50 , it’s not a problem for a cyclist, it’s much warmer than standing at a bus stop, there are fogs and arctic cold in yakut, frosts are coming to moscow, for now we’re surprised at the record snowfalls, this is the norm, probably in the second half, even in january. another convoy with cargo for our soldiers has reached the donbass, tireless work is on the front line, we are always working, day and night, and more. we didn't have a single miss. the safe corridor in the center of the gas sector has become a battlefield. evacuation is now only possible along the coast. and vladimir mashkov will become the head of the union of theater workers instead of alexander kolyagin. in moscow, at
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the russia exhibition, at this moment the winners of the international prize are being awarded. and we are together, this is the key event of a large-scale civil forum, we are together, in which thousands of volunteers and activists from almost 100 countries of the world participate. vladimir putin will traditionally take part in the ceremony, which takes place on the eve of volunteer day, and first the president toured the exhibition, which presents the achievements of russian regions in various spheres of life. now our correspondent, alexey petrov, is going live from vdnkh. alexey, hello, and i give you the floor. yes, maria, hello, the president has a very busy program today, and first of all, having arrived at vdnh, vladimir putin headed to the pavilion the gallery of russian achievements, this is the same collider, as it is often called, which is installed right at the main entrance and through
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which all visitors to the exhibition usually go at once, a very rich exposition, where on interactive panels you can see our most important achievements in recent years, this and new planes, new locomotives, new technologies, an explanation... the president was given by his assistant maxim oreshkin, this is what he told about this pavilion and the exhibition. the main idea was condensed, to show all the results for the last 6 years, because then it, this story with this collider, it unfolds into a separate pavilion, where the details are already for each industry, for each region, and unfolds over time, that is, our regions now go outside the region, when the regions talk about achievements, then business will end in february, when the government will report in each direction about what happened, but i note that jokingly, many people here call the collider the world’s largest cinema, it really is long, tens of meters, and passing through it, you see these interactive panels, there is something to discuss, people are constantly
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taking pictures there, today the president saw all this, as natalia virtuozova, director of the exhibition, noted, today is exactly one month since the exhibition has been open and her the day before it had already been visited by 2 million people, you will agree that the figure is impressive, having examined the gallery, this is an achievement. russia, the president went to another pavilion, the pavilion of the first movement, this is a historical pavilion at the vdh, where today ancient mosaics and mosaics coexist initially installed there in this pavilion, and the most modern technologies, including an interactive panel, the president was shown what it all looks like, but we were talking about something else, many activists, participants in the first movement, are now collecting what they need.
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.. well, as i already said, the president looked around this pavilion, it’s really very interesting there, inside, it’s as if you find yourself in a virtual, completely virtual world, where you can see virtual works of pushkin, tchaikovsky, korolev, mendeleev, people of whom our country is proud, the most glorious pages of our history, you can be transported in an instant to elbrus or, for example, to baikal to see various natural beauties, see modern technologies, and of course, everyone who has gathered in this pavilion , traffic participants. everyone has their own dream, some , for example, nine-year-old milana from the lugansk people's republic dreams of shining at concerts, and many boys are already seriously thinking about serving in the army and defending their homeland. milana, create your 8 years
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for the benefit of humanity. be strong, never retreat and never give up, we have a very good dream. an employee. she wants security, when she arrives, she wants it, her son is going to join the army soon, she wants him to go as a volunteer to a special military operation zone, he himself wants it, he wants it, first. gain experience, get a profession, then the president of russia signed on the wall where they leave reviews about visiting the pavilion , went to the pavilion made by us, another pavilion, which is represented here by the ministry of industry, gave an explanation to the president deputy prime minister, head of the ministry of industry and trade denis manurov, many of our achievements are indeed collected there, and you can actually fly through a metal plant in virtual mode, see right in the sky, as if the new ms-21 airliner is flying next to you, visit the bottom of the ocean, well and after this excursion, the head
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of state went to another pavilion, the atom pavilion, where, together with him, the head of rosatam likhachev spoke about the most modern achievements in our nuclear industry, but let me remind you once again, ahead of schedule president, awarding the best volunteers of the year. maria. alexey, thank you, our correspondent, alexey petrov, is working live at vdnh, at the russian exhibition. there are 10 days left until there is a direct line with the president; the requests processing center continues to receive questions addressed to the head of state around the clock. the rossiya tv channel will broadcast the year-end program with vladimir putin, which will combine the format of a live line and a large press conference. this main political event of the year will take place on december 14th. how are preparations going? what the president is asked most often, report by ainur ali akhmetov. hello, you have called the editorial office of the program year in review with vladimir putin. a straight line becomes. hot from the first days of the call center, calls here do not stop
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for a minute. the big country is not sleeping, everyone wants to talk to the president. some call with a question already prepared, that is , they dictate it, some try to express it somehow, so we sit together to help formulate the question. from issues in the social sphere, housing and communal services, pensions, healthcare, to personal requests, this conversation without intermediaries, the most honest dialogue, a kind of map of regional problems. dictate, for the first time, a call center for processing calls is located on the basis of the popular front, 22 specialists are ready to receive calls from morning to 8:00 in the evening, however, you can ask a question to the president at any time of the day, then the answering machine will work. hundreds of calls every hour, there are requests from residents of new regions of the country, people are concerned about housing and communal services, concerned about healthcare, quality of life, and what is connected with a special military operation is, of course, social support for military personnel and their families, and everyone chooses the method of communication, there
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are traditionally several of them, by calling the hotline 8800 2004040 or by sending an sms to 04040. there is also a website, through the application you can ask a question via video link, there are 10 people asking questions on different topics, well, people are interested in everything, we have active citizens in the country. the call center will accept requests until the last minute of the live broadcast, without the attention of the president, not one question, ainyukhmetov, viktor vinogradov, denis kuznetsov, news, up to 300 killed militants near kurdyumovka and klishcheevka, two damaged armored personnel carriers and three cars. this is the result of the coordinated work of our aviation, artillery and assault groups in the donetsk direction. data for the day are provided by the ministry of defense. attacks were repelled in the kharkov and zaporozhye regions; in the kherson direction, the enemy lost three american self-propelled guns. just in the special operations zone. from lisichansk in the north to takmak in the south, air defense shot down 30 ukrainian
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drones and intercepted a hymers projectile. a snow cyclone covered most of russia in the altai mountains, traffic on the regional highway is limited, visibility is zero. in bashkiria, there is a multi-kilometer traffic jam. due to the volume of precipitation, a section of the m5 ural highway was overloaded for several hours. mobile heating points have been deployed for drivers. fifty-degree frosts came to yakutia, extremely low temperatures were recorded in seven settlements, flights were delayed at the yakutsk airport, the brakes of regular buses froze liquid, only extreme sports enthusiasts rejoice in the cold, tempering themselves in the weather. the capital was also covered in snow; in moscow today the record for the height of snowdrifts for december 4 was broken, how public utilities are coping with them, a report by maxim oparin. on the roads of the capital, all the cleaning equipment came out, as it always happens,
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white snow, the roads on the maps were colored red, trucks hauling snow from the streets were stuck in traffic jams with everyone, there were such volumes of queues at snow-rafting stations and there were no dump trucks. we are trying to get it out as quickly as possible so that organize traffic faster in the city of moscow. utility services switched to an enhanced operating mode, by order of the mayor, many enterprises allocated people and equipment and were responsible for cleaning specific areas. more than 135,000 people work, approximately 18 thousand units of various equipment work per night. janitors with special permission removed snow from the roofs. others settled lower on the canopies. a ground army of cleaners armed with gasoline-powered vehicles cleans playgrounds and yards. 5 liters of gasoline is enough for one shift. how many sites can be cleaned? well, it depends on the time, depending on what layer of snow? a layer
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of snow. drivers of tractors that clean yards have traditionally complained about parked cars. this vest is in the way of the car, you see, they clean it anyway, it’s very difficult, but the hardest thing was, of course, for the communal infantrymen, these are ordinary street cleaners with shovels, do you still follow the weather forecast? yes , i’m sitting, and when you see that there will be heavy snowfall, what do you think about? well, there will be more work, don’t worry? no, i’m not upset, the heavy snowfall led to dozens of accidents on the roads , 20 cars collided on the novorichskoe highway, seriously, no one was hurt, this is a massive accident, which i miraculously did not get into now, cars suddenly braked in front of me, the snow forced not only ... not only football players of cska clubs to take to the field and rostov, but also janitors, and at the same time. the latter tried to clear the snow at moments when the game was going on on the other half of the field; in these frames , tram drivers are trying to clear the passage for themselves using improvised means, but there were also those who, while clearing the street, did not forget about the approaching holiday maximin, anton svetnikov, dmitry shestukhin, alexander chukanov, boris agapov and
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anastasia roif. news. a destructive cyclone with powerful downpours on two continents at once. in northern tanzania, rains caused flooding. landslides, mud flows on the roads , houses destroyed, damaged , vehicles carried away by the current , at least 47 people became victims of the disaster, 85 injured, there are missing people, a flood in the indian city of chinnai, two residents died, due to bad weather it hit them building wall, temporary the work of the local airport has been suspended, the roads and streets are like the bottom of a solid huge lake, traffic is difficult. today on... on our channel, a meeting with the most charming and uncompromising investigator in the country, maria shvetsova will again expose those who break the law. the 22nd season of the famous series mysteries of the investigation, beloved by millions of viewers, is on air on the russia tv channel. starring anna kovalchuk. don't miss it right after the evening news. and here are the topics
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further in our issue: a safe corridor in the center of the gas sector became a battlefield in moscow. the series of children's qualifying rounds of the international rapid chess tournament chess stars 3:00 has ended and vladimir moshkov will become the head of the union of theater workers. all the details in a couple of minutes. every week we take stock of the president's work. the time has come to sum up the results of the year , and the president himself will do it. there will be not only answers to journalists' questions, but direct communication with citizens. results of the year with vladimir putin. december 14. at 12:00 moscow time time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the website moskва and by phone +7 495-539 40-40 +7 499 550 40-40. for
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execution. on friday, i didn’t even know that this could happen, that you could love me so much , this is such happiness, i don’t understand what kind of relationship we have with you, a real one, and why then all this, a wedding, a game of love with lenna , this is a good deal for us, alexander makagon, legally i am a husband, the last one too, he didn’t play too hard, artyom osipov , he was following the animal, i see the car is upside down, it’s not breathing, we need to bring him to his senses, maria kulikova, you know that there are people who are very worried about me, i need to somehow get out of here,
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guilty without guilt, on friday on rtr. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them them real star, and trink-trym the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, we first pushed in a red snake, our little people jumped, you are the most understanding program about animals in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole
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family, on saturdays on rtr, marry me , this is very unexpected, really , i love you very much, judging by the conversation, she is in a very close relationship with him, even very close, you are pregnant, there is no roman in the child, from dan, i don’t believe it, they took i had my blood tested, the fourth one was negative, premiere, in saturday on rtr, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we... every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr, senior
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investigator shvetsova, marya sergeevna, tell us, long-awaited secrets of the investigation, what's here? everything is fine, gunshot, well, in general , not a day without incident, detective, if i had not been hired as a detective, i would have become the commandant of the women's dormitory, wants to know, question, can i, when will the secret investigations begin? mash, come on, repent, mind you, i didn’t do anything i’m hiding it, secret investigations are with us again, oh, what happiness, on rtr, you’re watching the news, we
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continue the release. the salahaddin road, which was used to evacuate residents of northern gaza to the south, is no longer safe and has become a war zone . this statement was made by an official representative of the israeli defense forces. he called on palestinians to leave the enclave via a bypass road along the coast. for the second day they attacked the south of the gaza strip, several houses were destroyed, there were casualties, hamas strikes back, air sirens alarms are sounding in the north and center of israel, from the middle east conflict zone, reports by sergei poshkov and stanislav bernwald. tsal aviation is ironing out the southern regional gases; in the first day of renewed military operations alone, the army reported 400 targets hit in the enclave. the cannonade from 90 kilogram bunker-busting bombs, recently delivered from the united states, shakes the windows in
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the israeli city of ashkilon, 20 km away from gaza. the ground offensive continues under a powerful canopy of fire. we destroyed the battalion commander shati. under his command, hamas militants carried out raids into israel during the brutal october 7 massacre. fighting continues in the northern regions of the enclave. special equipment is destroyed by operational tunnel shafts. the operation, according to statements by military politicians, will be long, but today israel is announcing the creation of a sterile, buffer border zone 1-2 km deep into the gaza strip, ensuring the security of israel. if you are asking me about the buffer zone, i will be very clear, there will not be a situation in the future where hamas terrorists will be positioned right on the border, just to cross it again and kill our people. every evening , relatives and friends of those who remain hostage in the basements and tunnels of the islamists gather at the general staff.
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those who were released from captivity in the last days before the resumption of the war also come to them. kamilia, sasha trukhanov. i'm elena, mother of sasha trufanov. i'm glad to be here with you today. and now it is necessary to continue, to release sasha all the hostages immediately. the war's return to the south led to immediate escalation. situation in the north near the lebanese border, the israeli military is working in the kibbutzim bordering lebanon, constantly combing the area, checking for the presence of saboteurs, the danger of militants infiltrating israeli territory is extremely high. and in kiryad shmona in the north of israel in the border cities and towns of the south, in tel aviv, after a short break. gas is still
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extremely tense, there are really intense battles and strikes in the south in the north as a result of the latest attacks by the israeli army in the vicinity of the kamala adwan hospital in jebaliya, at least four people were killed and nine more seriously. israel continues to control the volume, quality and logistics of the medical teams that work in the gaza strip to overwhelm the health care system, while medical personnel deal with it. wounded with very few resources after each massacre. the day before, the palestinian ministry of health said that the conflict in the enclave killed more than 15,000 people. hamas said the exchange process prisoners has been completely stopped due to the incessant israeli shelling of the gaza strip. it is possible to return to the process only after a complete ceasefire on the part of
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the idf. this was stated by one of the senior hamas representatives. in light of the fact that israel is preventing the extension of the humanitarian truce and continues its aggression against our people, we declare: the resumption of negotiations on the exchange of prisoners is impossible without a ceasefire, before which there can be no talk of any negotiations. meanwhile, israel continues attack the city of khanyunis from all sides, using both artillery and aviation. previously , israel claimed that it was in this city that a high-ranking hamas military officer was located. makes a difference between the old and the young, for them everything is the same, the whole world is silently watching what is happening, god is our only help. well, a very important point is the epidemiological situation in the south of the gaza strip, where internally displaced persons from the north of the enclave are heading , it really is a critical situation, doctors and un representatives talk about it outbreaks
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of epidemics of various diseases may begin there in the near future. because they continue here. forced migrants from the north and other parts of gaza are flocking, this place is becoming overcrowded, children and adults are getting sick. the lebanese-israeli border is also restless; last night there was a large-scale rocket attack by the lebanese hezbollah on military barracks and strongholds of the idf in northern israel. arab and lebanese telegram channels report numerous casualties among the israeli military. stanislav bernwalt, andrey potap, inna loschenova, lead. beirut, lebanon. the states desperately need money for ukraine, which they have nowhere to get. the white house, in particular the american administration's security adviser john kirby, is already openly hinting at this to congress. the bloomberg agency quotes the words of shalland, head of the budget office under biden . we don't have a magic pot of finances, time is almost up. end of quote.
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europe, which promised kiev a package of 50 billion euros, may also not keep its word. alarming the situation, according to the british financial times, is the strengthening of conservative forces in the eu countries, in particular the rise to power of the far right in the netherlands, which oppose assistance to the armed forces of ukraine and anti-russian sanctions. help for kiev is definitely not expected from bulgaria. the country's president radeev vetoed the supply of hundreds of supported armored personnel carriers to ukraine. as the head of state wrote on social networks, this equipment is extremely necessary for bulgarian border guards. firefighters, and for him the needs of his own residents are much more important. international the valdai discussion club is holding its fourteenth asian conference in moscow. the role of the region's states in the new multipolar world is discussed by experts from india, vietnam, thailand, japan, pakistan, mongolia and other countries. thematic sessions have been extended by 2 days. today the focus is on the process
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of regional development and the reduction of international tension. by 2030, all households in our country will be provided with modern high-speed internet, as prime minister mikhail mishustin noted at a meeting with deputy prime ministers. within decades, every home should have internet speeds of at least one gigabit per second. this will allow residents of even remote settlements to use modern online services. in addition, a phased launch of high-speed mobile networks will begin. base stations of the 5g standard will appear in cities. with a population of more than 100,000 people. modern technologies will be introduced in the agro-industrial complex. on instructions from the president, the government continues to engage in digitalization and digital transformation, as agro-industrial and fishery complexes until 2030. the head of state emphasized that today artificial intelligence technologies are already helping to
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increase the output of agricultural products. we also. we expect that the introduction of such approaches will reduce the time it takes to provide public services, but also, which is also very important, eliminate excessive paperwork, entrepreneurs will be able to take advantage of modern technologies to increase productivity, optimize their costs, and establish effective sales channels for their products, and, accordingly, to receive a number of other competitive advantages for agriculture, the development of which will help improve the quality and variety of food products, as deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko said, by march 1 next year, the ministry of digital development will prepare a plan for implementing the strategy for the communications industry, and an update will take place within its framework orbital constellation of satellites. secondly, the main goals of the strategy are, firstly, to provide high-quality communications and access to the internet to all citizens of the country, business, domestic industry, secondly, to build an information infrastructure based on
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russian systems and equipment, as well as provide the industry with highly qualified personnel. achieving these goals will help ensure technological sovereignty of national control over communications systems. bans in the field of abortion will not solve the problem, valentina matvienko said. according to the speaker of the upper house of parliament, our country already has negative experience of bans in this area. it ended with the sad consequences of the authorities on repetition will not work. i am absolutely sure that no prohibitions, no sociability, no pressure, uh, no, no criminalization of legislation. in this area they cannot and will not be able to solve this problem, and the state will definitely not go down this path. a series of children's
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qualifying rounds of the international rapid chess tournament has ended in moscow, chess stars 3:0. it will be held in luzhnyaki from december 14 to 19. more than a thousand schoolchildren fought for the right to participate in it. 100 people reached the finals. based on the results of the main tournament, 24. winners in different age categories are determined, the total prize fund is 15 million rubles. the union of theater workers of russia was headed by people's artist of russia, artistic director of the moscow oleg tobakov theater, vladimir moshkov. he replaced people's artist of russia alexander kalyagin in this post, who led the std for almost three decades. at the union congress, vladimir moshkov noted that leading the russian theater society, which is almost 150 years old, is a huge responsibility. main goals - development of national regional theaters, preservation and enhancement of russian culture, support of creative groups. all news is always available on
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the media platform, look in the application or on the website, but the news continues to follow the development of major events in russia and abroad. stay with us. dozens of fighters employed in the kherson and zaporozhye directions were able to communicate with their friends and loved ones. the teleconferences were organized by the ministry of defense. the communication took place on the basis of universities, from which students voluntarily went to the special operation zone. report by igor pikhanov. soldiers of the 58th army of the southern military district are preparing for a teleconference. with the help of special equipment , they will be able to talk via video conference with their relatives with university students in the city of maykop, where they study, the guys joined the army as volunteers, they are in one of the hottest areas of the front, so due to the secrecy regime, they can’t often talk with close ones, by the way


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