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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  December 4, 2023 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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on the media platform we look in the application or on the website, but the news continues to follow the development of the main events in russia and abroad, stay with us, dozens of soldiers engaged in the kherson and zaporozhye directions were able to communicate with their friends and loved ones, teleconferences were organized by the ministry of defense, communication took place on the basis of universities, from which students voluntarily went to the special operation zone. report by igor pikhanov. soldiers of the fifty-eighth army of the southern military district are preparing for a television conference, with the help of a special equipment, they will be able to talk via video with their relatives and students of the university in the city of maykop, where they study. the guys joined the army as volunteers and are located in one of the hottest areas of the front, so due to the secrecy regime they are not often able to talk with their loved ones.
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you guys, everyone, everyone, for your courage, for your courage, for your desperate actions , for which we are terribly worried and worried, but you are great, you are our heroes, every single one, no matter who is there, we are very proud of us, although we are worried, we are waiting for you, we are waiting for you to win, and we are waiting for you all alive and well , there are no empty seats in the assembly hall of the mokuba university of technology, dozens of people came here in order... to see their classmates and relatives via video link are now on the front line, they all went to the front as volunteers, in total more than 100 university students joined the ranks of the armed forces, this is the first large-scale teleconference with soldiers, even simple everyday things always motivate me, that my brother is so courageous, persistent, brave, and this gives me the strength to simply live and win, and wait with victory, huttel
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participated in battles with the enemy near the settlements of verbovaya and rabotino, the units in which they serve protect residents of the zaporozhye region from ukrainian militants, the fighters say that the enemy suffered heavy losses. they mobilized 2000 people, sent them, well, they didn’t even advance a few kilometers at the front, that is, a huge number of people’s resources, but they are throwing them away, but they cannot do anything, they should already realize that somehow it’s pointless, everything they do is that they won’t succeed against us. the young man serves as an electronic warfare operator, intercepting enemy drones, these are kamika drones, copters with grenades and reconnaissance uavs. during the teleconference , he was awarded a departmental medal for saving a wounded comrade; he was presented with a state award. aslan yakhutel, grenade launcher. according to him, the counter-offensive of the militants has bled the armed forces of ukraine, the shells are running out, and specialists who can control the military have been disabled. technology by. they shot
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with their vaunted 155 mm, no, m777, they hit close by, they aim everything electronically, they just hit close by and don’t hit, we don’t even have a sighting device, our calculation worked so well that we immediately hit to the target, volunteer fighters from birabidzhan were also able to communicate with their loved ones and teachers, a video link took place with the amur state university. i studied for a civilian specialty, since i had experience serving the fourteenth separate guards engineering brigade, i i know what military service is, military craft, i know how to handle weapons correctly , there i was a squad commander, here i was also reinstated, promoted, now the students are on academic leave, after the completion of the special operation they are going to return to educational institutions to finish higher education, with this: everyone in the future is going to connect
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their lives with the armed forces. the ministry of defense will continue to hold teleconferences with universities so that volunteers can communicate with family and friends. igor pikhanov, konstantin peunov, anna povetyeva, vesti, zaporozhye region. thousands of dry rations for our soldiers in the svo zone are collected in one of the churches in the krasnodar region. volunteers make freeze-dried borscht and porridge, and also bake pancakes and pies, which are sent directly to the front line. so , to prepare lunch, a soldier just needs to heat up the water, pour the contents of the packages into it, but the main thing is that such a recipe can be stored for several months without a refrigerator, about drawing up a winning menu, report by alexander kroshnov, such a camp restaurant can fit even in a small women’s room bags, in these bags there are soups, porridge and pasta , to prepare you just need to pour the mixture onto a plate or pour boiling water into a glass, already brewed, this is what a plate of borscht looks like, this is how it looks... salted soup,
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here are dried fruits, crackers and even lard. all these kits are collected by volunteers from the tikhoredsky district per day, with the help of such a small team of ten people, they manage to make about a thousand rations, which are then sent... absolutely warmed up on a trench candle , the main principle is simply delicious. a warrior can a mug of water, pour out our bag and a hot lunch, his breakfast will be ready. the idea to provide russian fighters with nutritious meals came to elena golunova 3 months ago. a unique kitchen has been set up in the church of st. righteous john the russian , and parishioners also help with food. volunteers are doing a great job. in such a small room, at home they dry vegetables and meat, and here all the ingredients for the dishes are assembled, the proportions are adjusted to the gram, it is very important that they are satisfying, they expand the diet at the request of the soldiers, recently they added meat poultry, this is a breast, yes, this is breast meat , we boil it, then we dry
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it, or rather we chop it up and dry it, for real, albeit freeze-dried kuban borscht , it is necessary to add lard, it is placed in such vacuum packaging, in a similar... form it is stored the product can be six months. they also bake traditional pancakes and pies for the soldiers; there were so many people who wanted to help our soldiers that we had to open two more workshops in neighboring villages. olga solomakh got involved in preparing lunches a month ago. both of her sons are now in the special military zone operations. i personally think that everyone else who is here is all caring people who gather here, many, of course, are sitting and waiting for it to be announced on tv that everything has been won. we won, but how can you just wait so calmly, without contributing anything, well , this is our small, meager, i think, contribution to the victory, lunches for victory, that’s what this project to support military personnel was called and they even received a grant for the purchase of equipment for production workshop. the work of these
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volunteers inspired others to do good deeds. residents of the tyukhorets district, now 20 parishioners of the church of st. john the russian are sewing sleeping bags, camouflage nets and making stretchers to help wounded soldiers. they are also very light. multifunctional, that is, well, basically, of course, this is for the evacuation of the wounded, and each load is accompanied by the rector of the temple andrei dashevsky, support is necessary, support is necessary and a means of saying a certain protection that we carry out, but support, first of all , is also necessary spiritual , and this is spiritual support, believers pray for them, so even those people don’t know how to pray, but those letters even... that are sent there , believe me, i saw it myself, these are strong people who have seen death and feel death in front of them, tears come to their eyes when they read the letters , in these boxes there are letter kits that were prepared for military school students, such
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parcels from home, as the soldiers say, and give them strength on the battlefield, alexandrny, to news, the first operation was carried out in the kemerovo region. brain tumors through the nose, earlier for this i had to undergo treponation with a difficult recovery period, but now i’ll be discharged in a week, report by anastasia grigory. to the head through the nose is the safest and least traumatic way to remove a tumor on the brain. this is the first such operation in kuzbass. every movement of neurosurgeons at the regional hospital is monitored by specialists from the federal center. if we compare transnasal endoscopy and transcronial, that is, through the head, it is... anatomical for the formation of the chiasmal-sellar region, because we we immediately get to this tumor, we don’t go, we don’t injure the brain tissue. for a doctor , such an operation is more difficult than traditional treponation, it requires special skill, specialists from the kuzbass regional hospital studied this for 6 years, the patient becomes active
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the next day, immediately after the operation, there are no defects, no skin, incisions on the head, and there is less risk of various complications, and why, because when operating, for example, on an adenoma... we immediately go to the tumor, that is, we do not have to push back the optic nerve, and not svetlana belik from kemerovo was able to touch it, see the world in a new way after the operation , the woman began to lose her sight, there was a tumor, gradually it got worse, worsened, worsened, over the course of a year, the left eye almost couldn’t see at all, the right eye only halfway later, when i they performed an operation, and i opened my eyes after the operation and i understand that i see everything, today svetlana is preparing for discharge in just a week, after a three-hour operation, my roommates also went through the procedure, but with different diagnoses. six months ago it started leaking from nose, i thought it was just water, i turned to the ent specialist, they immediately said that it was a nasal medicine. this is when, due to a defect in the skull bones, cerebrospinal fluid literally flows out through the nose; to close it, they also
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use a modern endoscopic stand, which recently appeared in the regional hospital. the most modern stand in the world, which we currently have, it has finally been retrofitted... in 3 days , four patients were operated on with excellent results, this stand allows us to operate on more fifty patients undergo endoscopic spine surgery, when the patient gets up in the evening and practically does not feel pain. now patients do not need to travel to other regions for such intervention; everything will be done at the kuzbass regional hospital, and after discharge they will continue to be monitored by local specialists. anastasia krigoryans, pavel pasechnik, hosted by kusbas. in komsomolsk on the amur, builders are completing the main work on flood control dams to completely close the ring of protective structures around the city, are planning next year. report by lyudmila smirnova. it’s hard to breathe from the scorching frosty wind, it’s the harshest time in the khabarovsk region, an excavator is removing the slopes
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of the future monumental structure with an accuracy of up to a centimeter. 8 km of the dam is like a wall on the approach to the city. now the river is barely visible in the distance. in 2013, a devastating flood hit komsomolsk-on-amur. defending the city became a real feat when it became clear that the height of the existing dam was not enough. people stood on it like a living wall. day. and at night they were carried knee-deep in water duty to keep cupid away from houses. residents of a microdistrict with a population of one hundred thousand saw all this from their windows; here, on the channel of lake mylki , lay the main line of defense of the city, which was held only thanks to the stony will of the people. to embody it in natural stone was the task of the builders, which they subsequently could not cope with for almost 10 years. contracts with two contractors were terminated. it fell to frost-resistant specialists from the urals to complete the work. there will be a lot of it in winter. form a dam crest, build sewerage pumping stations, communications. due to the fact that
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the facility has been under construction for quite a long period of time, and some of the equipment has lost its relevance, including for manufacturers who are currently having problems with supplies to the russian federation, therefore it is necessary to make many adjustments to the design documentation, but so far everything is moving towards the completion of the object, so i think we will solve these problems too. well, this protective wall stretches to the most remote microdistrict named after mendeleev. in in the thirteenth year, he was the first to take the blow of the elements, precisely because of the erosion of the dam. and this is the longest section, its length is 18 km. mega-construction aircraft oil refineries, a number of residential microdistricts, are now sheltering. the stone shoulders of the new dam are
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nearing the finish line of one of the largest construction projects in the region. the estimated damage in the event of repeated flooding could amount to more than 12 billion rubles. construction of protective structures in the area of ​​special attention of the federal center in order to close the longest dump ring as soon as possible, 2 for years they worked day and night, without turning off the equipment. and this is the silinko river, which divides the city in half and flows into the amur, and even more recently. the flood divided people's lives into before and after, the flood of the mountain river had devastating consequences. now the protection work has reached the finish line, given the turbulent nature of the river, the riverbed will be lined with reinforced concrete. wait, the ladies would have been made specifically in reinforced concrete, in order to prevent erosion with a 100% guarantee, and, in fact, save the park area, the residential area and the bridge. ready descents to the water, and the dam itself now looks more like a walking embankment, soon it may become... park employee konstantin shows what plan of improvement was proposed by an initiative group of citizens, the plan
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includes playgrounds, children's areas, and an accessible environment, that is mothers with strollers can climb up calmly, there will be all kinds of swings, there will be lighting throughout the entire dam, in general, this will be a new attraction zone in the city, which will be pleasant to visit, a family recreation park too suffered from high water more than once, now there is no threat, the initiative should be supported... in the regional government at the federal level. lyudmila smirova, maxim nazarov, vesti, khabarovsk. employees of the ministry of emergency situations are conducting raids on the capital's reservoirs. rescuers warn fishermen about the dangers of going out to fly. real frosts will come to central russia only in a few days, but for now ice fishing remains a dangerous hobby. this is confirmed by statistics. the first accidents have already been recorded and it was not possible to save everyone. report by marina gromova. a local man was walking here. i saw that there was a fishing box, and there was no one nearby, and the ice was broken. rescuers from the moscow region regularly
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patrol the waters of reservoirs, but , of course, you can’t keep track of every fisherman, a man went out onto the ice, onto the ice that was not yet strong, and began to drill into a lane, the thickness of the ice was only 2.2.5 cm, not yet strong, he bathed in ice water, most likely with his head, he went there, there was no one on the shore on the ice nearby, a seventy-seven-year-old pensioner with many years of experience in winter fishing, died, the day before in dubna two. managed to be rescued, they were noticed by hovercraft, the men called for help, walked, moved, i was alone, well, the man began to fall through, it is very difficult to pull him out of the ice, because his clothes also get wet. we are checking the thickness of the ice with the employees of the moscow region. seven, as i said, is not enough? not enough , but this, that is, the ice still holds, but it’s better not to risk it, here, for example, there is a dam, under the dam it is thinner, springs, if so, springs, somewhere, streams flow, so, even if it’s frozen, but it flows under the ice, then it
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is naturally thinner there, the weather is still unstable, temperature, sometimes minus, sometimes plus , it’s dangerous not only to go out... but even to test it for strength, many reservoirs have high banks, it’s tempting to slide down on a sled or on a treadmill , this is absolutely forbidden to do, it’s important to keep dogs on a leash, animals also fall through especially not to lose sight of the children. do rescuers clearly show how to act if you do go under the ice? try to get out your back, turn your back, throw your leg, and get out that. in the direction they came from, it’s checked here, if it works, drop it shoes and outerwear, they pull down , call for help, by the way, about the fisherman, a life jacket that can hold a person on the water is not so expensive, but it will save life, but you fell through sometime, four or five years ago, and how did you get out? then he just lay down on his back, threw his leg out, then turned over, that’s all
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, and this incident did not teach anything, or taught something, did not teach anything, and that we were walking, fishing, in the water a spasm of blood vessels and muscles began, breathing slowed down, the heartbeat quickened, the first what should be done after a person is taken out of the water, wipe it dry, if you give a drink , it should be warm, in no case hot, it is strictly forbidden to give alcoholic drinks during hypothermia, as well as overheat the body, cover it with hot heating pads, because this can cause impaired blood circulation and form necrosis in the tissues , it is necessary to create conditions so that warming is gradual and it goes as if from the center to the periphery; rescues are carried out and raids are carried out and warnings about the danger of spontaneous crossings, on the territory of the khimki reservoir opposite the northern river there are quite massive undercurrents at the station; with our cameras we record the departure of city residents and actively interact with rescuers. there are no fines for going out on a flight. the ice
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has just risen, the path has already been trodden by those who want to save 5-7 minutes, which... is more valuable than life and health, although here you go, 300 m there is a normal pedestrian bridge, it’s scary to imagine how much time these people waste in the summer, when you can’t just take it and cross the river without getting your feet wet, no, no way, but don’t be afraid so on the ice, i’m actually from the magadan region, they walk like this , magadan residents and muscovites, and residents of the moscow region fall through the air, the statistics are updated with new cases, this season, there are already rescued and dead, marina gromova, alexander kucherovsky, yuri zabolotnikov, pavel letnikov and nelly borisova. news. a rock climbing and mountaineering center opened in one of the schools in salihard. the section has been working for a long time. but the professional track has only just appeared . our correspondent marina mikhailova experienced the new climbing wall. some seconds and the top is taken. mikhail has been involved in artistic gymnastics for a long time. for him , conquering the skolodro is not difficult if you follow
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the technique. it is very important to transfer your weight from one point of support to another. the legs work here too. my hands are working , now i actually have a big problem, i use my hands more, if you climb professionally, then you need to learn to just use your legs, transfer your weight smoothly from one leg to the other, hone your climbing skills in solidhard now there is where , installed in the gym of the second school a new large professional climbing wall with a height of 8.5 m with tracks of several difficulty levels, children and adults are allowed to participate in classes only with a doctor’s certificate, instructions, equipment, insurance, and you can start on... on a climbing wall in general, in principle, with a top rope and a bottom rope always problematic feature is why , for example, you can’t come to work out alone, that is, you always need a partner, so we divide a group of people into pairs and, accordingly, they take turns belaying each other, we teach both belaying and rock climbing techniques, so they can see,
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there were two carabiners, so that on one side, on the other side there would be fastenings, for complete safety. such a special knot here , a double knot, a control knot, that’s it, ready, ready, the main thing is to overcome the fear of heights, the closer the body is to the rock, the easier it is to maintain balance, but just in words: the first time and even the second it doesn’t work everyone. moving a vertical plane is not very common for humans, which means that during exercise our body receives quite a serious load. rock climbing develops flexibility, coordination and muscle strength. without this you can’t climb high, rock climbing is a special world, the russian federation senator from yamal, vladimir pushkarev, is sure, he has never participated in a hike. climbing and expeditions in many parts of russia and the world. a participant in the seven summits project personally assessed the route of the new climbing wall. there are routes here for both beginners and
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advanced ones, those who are already practicing more diligently. there are routes that will not be given any time soon. well now i tried the route for the first time, but it didn’t go right away for me, well , i think that on the next try i can overcome it. having adapted to the artificial obstacle, yamal athletes will have the opportunity to train on natural terrain. the regional mountaineering federation for adults plans to organize training camps in the mountains of the polar urals. marina mikhailova, ilya spasky, vesti imal. 60 heavy trucks were delivered to the leningrad nuclear power plant, along with three giant tower cranes. with their help they will install the main metal structures and install auxiliary equipment at power units under construction. leonid apanasov will tell you when such a large-scale project is planned to be completed. construction work. the construction of the newest power units at the leningrad nuclear power plant began a year ago, and the zero cycle is already coming to an end. revitalization at all sites located in the immediate vicinity of the development. first of all, installers
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need to install load-bearing structures made of reinforced concrete; this material consists, as the name suggests, of two components: iron, here it is in the form of high-carbon steel reinforcement for strength. the thickest rods will go to the foundation of the reactor room. these are steel rods. and eleven-meter ones with a diameter from 8 mm to 40, if you put them all in a chain, the length will be about 1.00 km, now here. the second component of reinforced concrete is still in boxes - these are two cement plants, they were delivered quite recently. huge mixers with a capacity of 5 cubic meters each will spin almost around the clock; the mixture, like fittings, also has special requirements. differs in specified strength. frost resistance and bending, 502 2 cum. and one more important delivery, at the end of last week
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a ship with an unusual cargo arrived in the large port of st. petersburg; there were three tower cranes on board, they were the first of twenty. to deliver crane parts from the large port of st. petersburg, a heavy-duty vehicle must make at least 60 trips, driving at night so as not to interfere. and unloaded in the morning, the situation with these lifts turned out to be difficult, because of the sanctions , european manufacturers refused deliveries, mechanical engineers from the middle kingdom helped out; now project managers are looking for replacements for many other units and materials. the task has been set ambitiously, next to the two existing power units two more of the same type will be erected, the soviet-built ss-1 reactors have already exhausted their service life, replacement capacity is needed, for one of... according to the construction schedule, this is the end of june, the first concrete is planned to be laid in the slab of the reactor building we are planning along the way according to the pace
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gained, this is march of next year on the twenty -fourth, that is, actually for 3 months like this it seems that by the end of the year , lis employees will receive a license to build nuclear facilities, and the power units themselves will be launched in 5-6 years. according to calculations, everyone's life. half a century, this means that for many decades to come, consumers in the northwestern part will be provided with electricity. leonit apanasov, alexander loginov, galina rominskaya, vesti, leningrad region. this year combordino balkaria supplied a record amount of fruits and berries to the country's market. local enterprises managed to double their export volumes. caucasian apples for the first time started shipping to china. agricultural production is developing and modernizing, zalin reports from nalchik. kardanova. the most delicious apples are in kabbordi in balkaria, even everyone praises them. we carry, as the season begins, we carry. we supply the entire russian federation.
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workers fill another car with fresh fruit. she will go to moscow. apples from kabordino-balkaria are in particular demand. several refrigerators are shipped from this enterprise to russian regions per day. the refrigerators are filled to the ceiling. our total capacity is about 30,000 tons, our products are supplied to literally all regions of the russian federation, we supply our products to the local market. the company's gardens extend over an area of ​​almost 600 hectares. red dilicious, golden, granny smith, simirenko, two dozen varieties are grown here. the workshop on the sorting line employs up to 70 people. they are working to ensure that selected fruits reach consumers’ tables. already calibrated apples are sent to the sorting line, then specialists visually they are divided into first and second grades; the first grade includes these beautiful,
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large apples. by the way, they are the ones who are sent to the shelves in the regions of russia. the second grade is apples with minor flaws. in such work there are no trifles, production workers say, any mistake affects the reputation, and therefore the future product undergoes two more checks. each box that goes down the conveyor undergoes a visual inspection. and only after that it is quantized, that is, it is weighed, and then it goes away. at the enterprise are going to open a new packaging line. apples will be packed in one- kilogram bags. the product that is sent to the consumer is checked by the rosselkhoznadzor. management employees take samples directly from the enterprises. since the beginning of the year, the supervisory agency has issued more than a thousand quarantine certificates to agricultural producers of the republic. over the 10 months of this year, we inspected more than 87,000 tons. which were shipped from
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our republic both to other regions and for export, all the batches were the right ones quality and complied with the requirements of the country's legislation. this year, 1,200 tons of fruit were sent outside russia, which is almost twice as much as in 1922. apples mainly go to kazakhstan and uzbekistan; for the first time, entrepreneurs have opened an export line to china; in total , the republic's farmers have collected a record number of fruits and berries, more than 700,000 tons, this is the result of this year. zalina kordanova, aslan konomov, leading kabardina balkaria. buryat is also gaining momentum as a social project, aboriginal cows of a local breed are distributed to rural residents free of charge. the animals do not fail, they are hardy, give rich offspring, a lot of milk. at the end of the year , cow owners gather to sum up certain results. irdeni radnaev visited pastures and farms. tsidin tsinguev became
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the owner of amberberry cows 3 years ago, he says that at first he doubted it, but after the first winter he appreciated the dignity. according to the farmer, buryat cows are independent, they cut their own grass, they can easily withstand the harsh siberian frosts, pasture the cows, they seem to be hardy, good, fertile, in about an hour they are already there. they are already immediately running after their mother, they are also paternal cows, but they are always on their own, like horses they also walk, i ride, in 2-3 days i will look, check, observations of this breed showed amazing results, the gorovs demonstrate a strong character, feeling as the wolves approach , they huddle into the herd and move towards the village, and the bull behaves as a leader, directing his kin. according to the owner of these cows,
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they are unpretentious eaters. excellent mining feed themselves in the most severe frosts, and it must also be said that after being born in cold weather, calves within an hour are already running next to their mothers, such as tsident tsinguiev, there are many participants in the project of the buddhist traditional sanha of russia in buryat. according to tradition, at the end of the year , hambalama damba iyusheev gathers the owners of the so-called social statistics for a report. farmers share their experience of caring for indigenous animals. for example, in the sorovoy, bauntovsky and venkiysky districts, buryat cows adapted very quickly. they have adapted to the north, well, they are very well, they seem to eat differently from ours, they drink less when calving occurs, but with them, they immediately accept their calves, that is, they don’t throw them somewhere out there, like ours can here. hambalama's charity project is gaining popularity, cows are given to villagers for free, and when they receive offspring, they pass
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them on to those in need, hambalama has plans to breed yakov in other countries, at the end of last year yakov was brought to the akinsky district from the altai territory, the mountain animals have adapted perfectly to the new place. yaks were brought precisely from altai, they are quite large and currently, they have adapted to the mountains, the most acceptable option is in the akinsky district of buryat, where they can graze, grow, and breed. livestock breeders are well prepared for the harsh winter, they are no longer worried about their herd, in the future tseden tsinguev will transfer a social herd of 50 heads to his fellow countryman. erdene radnaev alexander lopsanov, news of buryatia. three centuries of history, 20 years since the revival. an exhibition dedicated to the famous amber room and its reconstruction has opened in tsarskoye selo. this recognized masterpiece of jewelry and decorative arts
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art. every year , dmitry yaskovsky invariably attracts the attention of hundreds of thousands of tourists. visitors to the exhibition are greeted by two monarchs, portraits of friedrich welgerelm and peter the great. the russian tsar, during his great embassy to europe, saw the creation of prussian jewelers and decided to get this wonder at any cost. sunstone was not mined in russia, and velhelm, in the eyes of the tsar , seemed to be the owner of an unheard-of treasure. he practically forced friedrich welhelm to give him this unique work. the main exhibits are loretz with venus and cupid , creations of masters from the city of danzag. for board games of the first half of the 16th century from kenyaksberg and a small relief created from an engraving image of empress elizabeth petrovna. according to the authors of the exhibition, all this could have been born in such a stone-cutting workshop, where jewelers
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created the beauty of canary singing. if she suddenly fell silent, then this is a signal for artisans that, in general, this is probably not the safest place at the moment, well, jewelry production is that including work with not the most useful ones. only a few items remained from the collection of petrovsky intar; the entire intar room was taken away by the nazis during the occupation; since then it has been searched all over the world by serious researchers, amateur detectives, and simply adventurers. about four years ago there was a case in poland, when the authors of the information claimed that there was a sanitary room in an abandoned adit, as far as i know, it was not found there, but the tourist flow to this small polish place increased several times. the most a sensational discovery was made in germany in 1997, revealing a florentine
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mosaic, part of the interior of an amber room. by that time, st. petersburg restorers , based on drawings and photographs, had already recreated the precious stone painting, which we found by some miracle in germany and through the efforts of our diplomats, it was transferred here to tsarskoye selo, at that time we had already made our own similar allegory of the sense of smell in sezan , and of course, we compared it, and of course, there are some differences, but we got into the technology, the flavor, we quite a lot worked hard to make this happen. another part of the exhibition tells about the feat of restorers who managed to recreate the interiors of the room over a quarter of a century. now many tourists come to tsarskoe selo just to look at this man-made miracle. the sun stone continues to attract people, while some try to touch it, or even keep something as a souvenir. due to our mass tourists who come to
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us from the east, these attempts became so intensified several years ago, but still we have caretakers, we have a protective system, sound, sound restrictions, so nothing has been picked out, not damaged, and we are monitoring this, the exhibition will be open until february 4, the two darkest winter months, all this time, amber the sun will shine especially brightly for visitors. dmitry skovsky, mikhail yudin, alexander gorokhov, vesti petersburg. a youth forum we are russia was held in narofaminsk near moscow, it was held with the support of governor andrei vorobyov and brought together almost 500 children from the moscow region and new regions. the participants talked about who is interested in active youth today, shared their experience of volunteer work and interesting projects, a military observer, a participant in hostilities in donbass, former deputy minister of information of the donetsk republic, daniel bessonov spoke to the audience. i tried to give the youth
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some meaning, and explain what is happening , including how important the information war, information warfare is, and how it affects society. how an adversary, using information technology, can influence social groups or each individual person. we had a surprise for you on the program. the forum also featured various thematic sections and concluded with a festive concert. tyutcheva week is taking place in moscow libraries. it was timed to coincide with the 220th anniversary of the poet’s birth. among the events are literary evenings, quizzes, concerts, visitors... get to know the author’s work, as well as take part in quests and excursions. 360,000 lights were lit in moscow, capital region preparing for the new year, in the parks, on the streets, in the courtyards, there is already a festive atmosphere,
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denis voskovsky will tell you about the brightest places in moscow and the region. a wonderful evening, wonderful people, the square was stunningly decorated. admire the magically transformed center... the updated outlines of the myriad decorations left no one indifferent. garlands, in the center is the constant highlight of the fair program, smells of mulled wine, barbecue, a moderate drink for the holiday, a snack for dessert, spanish zdoba churras, domestic ones are coming with a bang pretzels, it’s still cold, there are stalls nearby with dumplings and hats, it’s like a new year ’s fairy tale, and what’s in the moscow region, the region is not lagging behind, moreover, in krasnogorsk they have already installed a christmas tree, everything is just glowing, burning, the tree has been lit, more christmas trees and skating rinks will be opened. .. two hundred in every large park , in public gardens, wherever
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residents gather, in order to create a festive atmosphere, we are preparing christmas trees, garlands and various other festive illumination, there are a lot of people, everyone seems to be in a good mood today, a little bit of snow it’s coming, the weather, as they say, did not disappoint , the heavenly office does not skimp, showers the region with selected snowflakes, the snow seems to be silver, as if it were some kind of silver product falling, not snow. or you can be a dragon, winter in the moscow region is a whole marathon of ice performances, in which there is a place for classics, modernism and even circus tricks. there are 39 performances ahead, in which the roles are played by figure skating stars, the atmosphere is family. excellent, in general, i'm so
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glad that i see all this, but let's go back to the center holiday, that is, to moscow, almost everything is ready to meet santa claus, tverskaya is shining, the houses of books on the new arbat are sparkling with colors, the old arbat is strumming with guitars, illuminated by holiday lanterns. a fabulous tent covering the entire lubyanka square, a large theater immersed in a sea of ​​lights, and a huge one erected on poklonnaya hill. in the form of a christmas ball, the led art object shines in different colors, the backlight will change, the beauty is provided by 11 km of garlands fixed on the surface of the sphere, the ideal background for a stunning selfie, foreign tourists are already celebrating. happy new year to all of you, may adversity pass you by and stay as cool as you are. meanwhile, all the most important and most new year's things are yet to come. on december 15, the traditional journey to christmas festival starts, the dishes promise to surprise. all countries of the world, grandiose historical reconstructions, an exciting
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event, the installation of the main christmas tree of the country , everything that is known so far, a 25 m high tree has already been selected in the forest near shchyolkovo near moscow, on the twentieth it will be solemnly delivered to moscow, denis vaskovsky, dmitry shestukhin, alexander chukanov, alexander ovsyannikov, lead. and then we will conduct regional ones. the height of the snowdrifts in moscow has reached record levels and the snowfalls will not stop until they stop, we’ll tell you what other surprises the weather has in store for muscovites. six new dedicated lanes appeared in the city, where motorists had to make room and which public transport routes will now benefit significantly. faster. the famous glass globe symbol
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of the central telegraph is being sent for restoration. what kind of work lies ahead for the craftsmen? and when will everything be ready? in order to to sign up for a training session, you need to go to the my sports district website. utility services. so, municipal services in moscow and the moscow region are eliminating the consequences of snowfall, which was recognized as the heaviest for the beginning of a calendar winter in the entire history of meteorological observations. the height of the snowdrifts in some places exceeded 40 cm. about the situation in the capital region, report by maxim oparin. despite the fact that the snowfall the day before did not begin in the morning, as forecasts had promised, but towards noon it was very intense and the snowdrifts were growing before our eyes. on the road of the capital everyone came out cleaning as always happens, the white snow
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turned the roads red on the maps, there were traffic jams with everyone and trucks hauling snow from the streets, such volumes of snow-rafting stations were expected, there were no queues of dump trucks. we are trying to get it out as quickly as possible in order to organize traffic as quickly as possible in the city of moscow. all the snow that is brought here is disposed of, one might say, in a natural way. first, a special laser system determines the volume of snow, then the dump truck dumps it into crushers, where it is screened out. garbage, and then what left, ends up in the sewer . each snow rafting point is located next to the main sewer. this way we don't waste any energy melting the snow. we fuse it. snow melts in its own natural way. utility services have switched to enhanced operating mode. by order of the mayor, many enterprises allocated people and equipment and were responsible for cleaning specific areas. more than 135,000 people work. approximately overnight it works - more than 18 thousand units
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various techniques. janitors with special permission removed snow from the roofs, others settled lower on the visors. a ground army of cleaners armed with gasoline. cleans playgrounds and yards. 5 liters of gasoline is enough for one shift. how many sites can be cleaned? well, it depends on the time, depending on what layer of snow? layer of snow. drivers of tractors that clean yards have traditionally complained about parked cars. it’s in the way of the car, you see this guard, they still don’t clean it. it’s very difficult, but the hardest thing was of course the communal infantrymen, this... you still follow the weather forecast and i’m sitting and when you see that there will be heavy snowfall, what do you think about? well, there will be more work, don’t worry? no , i’m not upset, heavy snowfall led to dozens of accidents on the roads , 20 cars collided on the novorichskoe highway, seriously, no one was hurt, this was a massive accident, which i miraculously didn’t get into now,
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cars in front of me suddenly braked, it fell during the day in the capital a third of the monthly precipitation norm; the third day of winter had not been so snowy for more than 140 years. the snow cover was about 15 cm on average and our snowdrifts have now reached 30-35 cm and this is probably the norm for the second half of even january - early february. the snow forced not only the football players of the csk and rostov clubs to take to the field, but also the janitors, and at the same time. the latter tried to clear the snow at moments when the game was going on on the other half of the field. and in these shots , tram drivers are trying to clear the road for themselves. driving with improvised means, but there were also those who, while cleaning the street, did not forget about the approaching holiday. maxim apalin, anton sitnikov, dmitry shestukhin, alexander chukanov, boris agapov and anastasia roif. news. well , weather forecasters warn that the record snowfall in the capital region will be replaced by abnormal frosts by thursday - -23.
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we expect to learn more from victoria chernikova. victoria, it’s obvious that you’ll have to warm up. tell me, what will happen to the snow? i'll tell you now. the atmospheric pressure is narrower. it will become above normal this evening and continue to rise through the end of the week. a little snow is still possible on tuesday wednesday, but it will not compare to sunday's snowfall. now on frosts come to the fore. in the region this coming night the temperature will drop to 15-18°, and during the day in the west and north of the moscow region it will be 13-14 below zero. snow is unlikely in these areas. but in koshira, serpakhov and kolomna it will be about ten below zero , light snow is expected. in moscow. next night up to -15 , during the day it's still -8:10, cloudy with clearings, light snow in places, and then the temperature is getting lower and lower, it will be 10-13 degrees short of normal, so let's warm up, be patient, this will take a long time, let's warm up, thank you, victoria chernikova was with the weather forecast.
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six more dedicated lanes for public transport have opened in moscow. according to experts, we are talking about sections affecting 37 routes. on which more than 117,000 trips are made daily. one of these stripes appeared on tsvetnoy boulevard. there, city transport received priority for turning around when moving to the center. in addition, dedicated lanes were opened on the second mechanical engineering street, grekova street, as well as in the vnukovo area. passengers on routes 759 and 805 can now travel four times faster overcome the section of dushinskaya street. well , four routes of ground transport began to cover the section of soviet army street twice as fast, from trifonovskaya street to the intersection with sushchovsky val street. almost 23,000 trips are made daily on these routes; i will add that since the beginning of the year , more than 20 km of dedicated lanes have been opened in the capital.
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the winter season of the my sports district project has started in the capital. adults and children can practice figure skating and cross-country skiing for free. fitness, under the guidance experienced trainers, an individual approach to each participant: from four dozen sites you can choose the one closest to your home, igor roslovtsev will tell you how to sign up for training. under the guidance of a master of sports in figure skating, polina takes her first steps on skates, learns how to brake correctly, balance and even tries simple elements, all this is absolutely free. for example, a swallow, a pistol, is it like a pistol? you accelerate like this and sit down, during training here they teach the elements of figure skating, now victoria will demonstrate to me how to do the constriction, is it difficult? no, it's not very difficult, it's one of the basic elements. we put our hands to the side, crouched down, give a push to accelerate, let’s go, once, it’s not very difficult, but it seems
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that i won’t make a figure skater, such free training takes place as part of the project in my sports district, last winter , for example, almost 30,000 muscovites took part in it , this year they are expecting even more, i started skating last year, and somewhere in december, this year i decided not to miss a single lesson, if this will be... perhaps i dreamed of becoming a figure skater as a child, but in my city there were no skating classes, when i saw that you could come here to skate for free, i was happy, everyone can come, regardless of whether you know how to skate or not, many sign up to regain their skills, they haven’t skated, yes, probably for 15 years, maybe i haven’t skated, well, i even remembered something, for example, we will remove there a small child who comes to classes, within an hour, the first - this is the basic stance of an athlete, the first steps, that is, to... for
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for those who are not very interested in skating, there are free fitness classes, i’ve been doing the project for a year and a half, now i’m retired , i feel great, i’ve lost 20 years, despite the fact that there are a lot of people who want to, the trainers can handle it, every guest here will find an individual approach, i depending on who came to the training, of course, i already distribute the load, i’ll come up to someone and say that here they need to finish the exercise, rest a little, for absolutely different groups, absolutely training is available for everyone. in order to to sign up for a training session, you need to go to the my sports district website, you can find it yourself on the internet or follow the qr code link that is at each site, select the date, place and time, then press the sign up button. the website has a map of sites for free training; there are more than 40 of them in the capital, so everyone can find a place closer to home. and by mid-december the number will increase; on new year’s eve, skiing training will be opened for residents of the capital. igor roslavtsev, igor stepanov, anton odarchenko and
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daria sitnova. news. in moscow , preparations have begun for the restoration of the famous globe, which is installed on the central telegraph building on tverskaya. for many years it was motionless, the metal frame was covered with rust, and some of the glass was cracked. specialists will disassemble the structure, all elements will be marked and sent to restoration workshops. there the parts will be cleaned, lost fragments will be restored and the mechanism with which the globe will rotate again will be repaired. moisture got on the bearing mechanism, it may have corroded there is freezing, and the mechanism collapsed and the globe simply slid, the earth will rotate, everything will be as it was, the lighting will certainly not be the same as light bulbs, after assembling the structure, there will be special spotlights that will be illuminated from the inside. during the restoration, the central telegraph will not only return to its historical appearance, it will turn into a new public space, with shops, restaurants and
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an observation deck. new functions for doctors have been added to electronic medical records. as reported in his telegram channel sergei sobyanin, all examination reports, referrals for consultations and patient research results are now collected together in the preliminary diagnoses section. it's easier not to miss it that way. important details in order to prescribe the correct treatment tactics. in addition, specialists can see which patients have not fully completed the necessary diagnostics. if there is enough information for a final diagnosis, the doctor will be able to make it in absentia and call the patient for an appointment to prescribe treatment. ended in the moscow region flu vaccination company. 4,600,000 residents have been vaccinated. the plan has been completed; according to statistics, this is enough to protect the region from storms. spread of infection. doctors note that this year the disease is sometimes protracted . the effects can last up to 3
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months. symptoms include increased sweating, gastrointestinal upset, and severe cough. the new section of the moscow high-speed diameter is 45% ready. it will stretch from the moscow ring road to the highway, solntsevo, butovo-varshavskoe highway. it will include a bridge over the bizza river, four. overpasses and two tunnels. in addition, it is necessary to build overpasses across mkat in the area of ​​​​the new residential complex and southern tets. with the opening of this section , the formation of the moscow high-speed diameter with access to the simferopol and varshavskoe highways will be completed. the work is planned to be completed next year. 360 wild hares were released into the forests of new moscow by specialists from the center for restoring the population of rusakov and belyakov. due to rapid development in cities, these animals are included in the red book capital cities. newborns conceived in nurseries are fed until they are one and a half months old
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, and they must not get used to a person, otherwise “they will not be able to live in a natural environment, well, how everything happens, alexander sanzheev will tell you. this is knopa, she is already retired here, for the period of her activity in 6 years, she fed more than a hundred bunnies, while there were only 20 of her there, the rest are all adopted in the hare’s house, that’s the name of this center, they are restoring the population of rusak and belyakov, due to the rapid development of the city, they turned out to be a long time ago. books of moscow. bunnies are born weighing approximately 100 g, already fluffy and sighted. it is important that they are not accustomed to humans, so that offspring born in captivity can survive in the wild. the baby was raised under its mother, that is, they have this fear of humans on a subconscious level. the main thing is not to suppress it. hares feed in the evenings; food is provided to them in abundance, branches, grass, vegetables and fruits, also in compliance with special rules. in order
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not to accustom hares to humans, they try not to contact them at all. that's why the food is left in the middle of the enclosure and they leave. rabbits begin to release their babies within a month and a half after birth, this is the same period when they leave their mother in the wild. we have this wild relief and joy, because it has returned to its place where it should be. over the course of 2 years, 360 individuals were released into the forests of new moscow. the program is bearing fruit with the help of camera traps, we are monitoring the places where the hares were released, in principle we will see. yes, that from time to time we come across them, that is, in principle they are calm they take root, find food for themselves, but before the doctor releases them from home, he evaluates who will be able to live in the wild and who will have to stay in the center. a visual inspection takes place, that is, mobility, activity, appetite, all some general points are assessed, if the hare does not cause any suspicion, it is released freely into nature. some stay in the hare's house
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forever, for example, this three-year-old male, he was pulled out of the nets by teenagers and placed in an apartment for a while; he will no longer be able to live in the wild. this hare's name is casper, unlike his relatives, he is not afraid of people, and even happily accepts food. almost all permanent residents of the center give birth to offspring. this is pusha, she is our honorary mother, this year she has already given birth to eight rabbits, which were released into the wild. now two more little hares are growing up near the pusha, closer to spring they will be released into the wild, and the heroine mother will remain in the center to help restore the population. alexander sanzhivsya.
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yes, how did it go, i couldn’t, sorry, hello. what i gave you, where, at your home? no, in the car. come tomorrow morning, we'll discuss everything.
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can’t get through, can’t get through
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, oh, i got distracted like the bottom of vermitage, well, i’ve found it, let’s get out of here, now, don’t interfere with your work, that’s it, oleg, fedor, come here, lord, meet me, this is galina evgenevna, she i lived in the same building with murdered , talk to him, and i’ll go and meet shvetsov, detective platonov, kurochkin, mayor, very nice, what was the guy’s name, sergei, such a polite boy, you know his last name, the owner of the apartment. knows she’s already on her way here, i called her, and he lived alone, it seems, yes, a couple i once saw him with some girl, but she definitely didn’t live here, clearly, well, thank you, you
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helped a lot, very, thank you, well, oleg, what are we going to do, what is the plan of action, who to talk to, oleg, yes, yes, i’m here, and well, everything is clear, marya sergeevna shvetsova arrived at the crime scene, oleg platonov became sad: oleg, listen to me, six months have passed, it’s high time to get used to it, marya sergeevna has long had a different life, but you didn’t fit into it , but it happens, you know how many women have left me, how many more will leave me, hello, marya sergeevna, hi, well... how are you? working, what do you have? a young man, 25-30 years old, his head is broken, there is something alive in his heart, he has no
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phone, no money, no documents, there are graves all over, and you say good morning , hello, my dear, oh, hello, my joy, i’m watching , you have no peace, neither at night nor during the day, but i saw you, oh, what happiness! what do we have here, and what do we have here , at least two of us were wielding weapons, one of them apparently had a handicap, one with a knife, the other with a piece of iron, this one, hello, but the knife was found, no, they were killed in this place, yes, it looks like yes, there is no tracking, uh-huh, laziness, there are cameras nearby, well, in these houses, they are on the intercom.
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this is the owner of the apartment that the murdered man rented, she has an incredible name, larisa, very nice, investigator shvetsova maryaevna, oleg. hello, marya sergeevna, what is the last name of your tenant, razanov, sergey, i don’t remember the middle name, but if necessary, i can look it up in the contract. uh-huh, we need to get into the apartment, do you have the keys? of course, just please keep in mind that i have nothing to do with anything you find there. do you know what he is did you do? i have no idea. he said that he works as a waiter, excuse me, we can already go to the apartment, i just don’t have time at all, of course, you and i should go, you
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are busy with the neighbors, i’ll take styopa , styopa, come with us, it’s necessary. how clean, and he lived alone? i have no idea, tell me, do you have to come here in a crowd? i won’t wash it for a week, please excuse me, man. killed, we didn’t come to visit you, the rules were set, it’s not for me, not for you to change them, yes, of course, stop, i’ll make it up, if this is a street robbery, it’s unlikely they would they came here, it’s too dangerous, but for some reason they took the keys from him, for some reason they took him, and now... i don’t
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see a laptop, for example, margeevna, well, maybe he didn’t have one, well, now phones are completely replaced laptops, what are they? i don’t know, it’s empty, he was holding something fragile here, uh-huh, what kind of life is this, as soon as olga prepares a gorgeous breakfast, then immediately... go to the corpse, it’s not a smart thing to cook, well , i’m calling, call, you’re from police, where did he find out, naturally, from the police, please open up, kuryshkin, fyodor mikhailovich, zanets ministry of internal affairs, i know, i saw you through the window, director. ugh, please come in, no, no, we
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’re here, somehow, yesterday there was a murder in front of your house, yes, i know, i saw two guys yesterday, one of them works in a car service, it’s not far from here, i can show you, forgive me, please, your dog’s name is hector, and you, grigory, tell me, hector, when was the last time you saw these guys, at 23:45. you can come with us to the service, help us identify him, yes, of course, but i need to change clothes, i’ll quickly, i thought, this doesn’t happen anymore like with alexander the great, i mean, well, he came , he saw, he questioned, the star on his shoulder straps is in the archives, this is your compensation for the breakfast you didn’t eat. i'm ready, let's go, please
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, i assume you have the victim's number? yes , he should be, but you don’t know if he’s from st. petersburg, yes, his parents live somewhere in the center, so here’s his number, step, write it down, you need to put through all the calls, yeah, now. look, the car key, did razanov have a car? when signing the parking agreement, i asked, but what car, i don’t know, it’s a spare key, if he had the main one, then the car could be stolen, or it could not be stolen, maybe it ’s parked near the house, let’s check, well, stop here. well,
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you can’t see the forest at all, but is there anything closer to the trash heap? yes, i’m telling you, there’s a blind spot, none of the cameras reach, blind spot, yes, now where are they going, yes , they’re going to the trash heap, and from there there’s an exit to another yard? yes, okay, move on, we need to see where they jumped, it would be nice to see their face. well, masergievna, which one do you think, red, or maybe blue, i took yours, in general, it’s strange, the car is here, he lives there, they found him at the trash heap, maybe he went to throw out the trash, thank you, now i’ll find out everything , a neighbor told
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me that he fed street cats, carried leftovers from work, i forbade him to keep a cat at home, you say , maybe i can go, yes, of course, we’ll call you again, goodbye, goodbye, all the best, there have been robberies in your neighborhood lately, but they caught one idiot, two attacks at knifepoint, but he did it it’s not farting, look, i found it in the glove compartment. hey girl, in friday that they will look for it, but i won’t have much to wear, and you will. there are some memories, some fragments, but nothing is clear, take a closer look at this kmasha, you like her, your husband is waiting for you at home, you’ll leave us, you’d think you’ll be bored, no guilt, on friday on rtr , i still
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have pain here, here it hurts, here it hurts, this disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually. to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the threefold principle. by the way, this has been officially proven. proper nutrition. how to properly deal with stress. you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat. the right drugs. let's run to the doctor. medicines are like crutches for us. and the right habits. i won't clap. should we have some kefir, and i’m not afraid of this word, our health, about the most important thing, from monday to friday, on rtr, where he, he
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packed his things and left, your dad excused me, we’ll look at the weekend, we’ll treat your daughter, we’ll spend chemotherapy, i beg you, do everything you can, there is almost no hope, i am so i want to see how you will grow, but this is not given to me, but i left our only joy for manya, my only relative, the old man changed his will in favor of his granddaughter anna, which means i have a daughter , the girl’s mother recently died, you are the first candidate her captain also has custody of her. the only chance is to get rich. go to daddy, daughter. in the very near future, we will submit documents to deprive valentina mikhailovna kruglova of guardianship. what to do next? how to continue to live? the only joy. on saturday on rtr.
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well, grigory, let's go, and i was thinking, now, suddenly he recognizes me, and i 'm a non-hector, so what, but he recognizes, but doesn't know, what's the difference, i'm afraid, i recently repaired their car... , they have my address , listen, if there was such a subject at school, civil courage, you would have a c, a d, gregory, let's do it this way, you will go first, and we will immediately follow you, and as soon as you see him , give us a sign , you’ll be free right away, i guarantee,
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he pulled me, damn, to get involved in this business, here button, like this. thank you.
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platonov could have already called, will he call? do you miss his voice?
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with the murder scene, the time is clear, i’m admiring one of them now, his face is painted, you saw him, i didn’t understand the last part, platonov, repeat. and i say , his face is beaten up, most likely he fought with someone , now i understand, let’s get in touch, yeah, well , what did you say, you saw him, he just came here to see you with tires, face covered in blood, unkind facial expression, where were you looking, well, tell me, the perimeter, well, i got involved,
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uh, what do you want? it’s okay, well, there’s no one with a painted face, let’s go and take down the dude, good day, can you tell me, you have a guy working here with a broken face, well, so damaged, what if he messed up again, messed up, no that word, where is he now, in the locker room, was he there, that he suddenly decided to take off his clothes?
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hello, citizens, are strangers not allowed here? where 's the one with the broken face? matvechev, kolka? well, yes, i just saw it, i went to the backyard. well, stand, stand, i said. some kind where are you, why, leave mine aside, guys
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, what did this frill do, so, punch this guy, i'm going to the car, so, we need all the data on this grasshopper, well, out of the way, you took him, get out of the way, i say, you, did you take it? here you are, dear, what are you doing, blind, where are you, got hooked, well, man, you
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got here at the right time, well, it’s clear. they established what the deceased was doing, there is no information on the current place of work yet, unfortunately, i didn’t have time to call my parents, let lyudmila take care of it, the murder is related to drugs, well, it’s definitely difficult for now to say, i’m waiting for an examination, we’ll see what ’s in his blood, that means he traded, then he’s an amateur, well, explain. an experienced dealer will never leave drugs in plain sight. no, i don't think he was killed because of drugs. are you
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sure? well, where is the conclusion? they took his apartment keys and car keys, everything in the apartment was clean. untouched, there are drugs in the car as if they were planted especially for us, and why did they even take the keys to the apartment, there are many, there are many questions, my dears, find out, yes. wait, wait, it won’t close, who are you going to, it’s good that you’re so vigilant, i’m from the criminal investigation department, look, what apartment does this guy live in, and what’s his name? i know the apartment, what’s the name, no, show me!
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who, police, open up, good afternoon, the senior first-team breakout department, come in, yours are already here, ours are already here, nikolaevich, how are you? we are working fedor, this is platonov , hello, platonov, and you, like here, i led him to the entrance through the cells, i just didn’t know what apartment and what his name was, by the way, he wasn’t the second one yet, but i know, we too, you know, we don’t show off our paws, we found out the address in the car service center where he works, and so you
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detained him, well, he didn’t quite leave at the last moment, so we’re finding out where he’ll be found. not lapchi, that means, oh, raisa, i have to ask you the question again, where nikolai could have gone , i already told you, i don’t know where he is, but you know his friends, he has no friends, we’re going to this apartment we moved not so long ago, but we don’t have any old ones either, well, there are a lot of lamons like himself there, that’s why they moved, this young man in a white jacket next to your son didn’t happen to do you know? so you can’t immediately see who it is? what do you mean it's not visible? in
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my opinion, everything is clearly visible, light jacket, dark hair, he didn’t come to see you last night, they’re here with... no one came to us, just as he would have come in, he’d come out, i see you’re determined, yes, that’s it so, if he didn’t hang out with all sorts of trash, and you wouldn’t be here, oh, golden words, leonid nikolaevich, come here, what’s wrong, we need to call witnesses, here the blood was washed up, oh, it’s already arrived, terrible,
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parents, after that i myself know how much i’m leaving, you’ll have some water, come on, sit down, well, in general, razanov, until the age of 20, he was seriously involved in sports, a candidate for master, volleyball player, then he got injured, gave up sports, yes, in the last 3 years, the relationship with his father went wrong , and he moved, that’s interesting. on what basis is the conflict? but they didn’t say this, they got away with general phrases. maybe because of drugs? but i approached this topic so carefully, you understand, but you’re not sure that you didn’t use it. yeah, i found out something about the girl. they don't know anything about the girl. yes. what else? loved animals very much
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place of work, yes, place of work. by the way, it is necessary to send someone there, yes, i will say, a ship. hello, hard worker, how are you? great, great, are you really interested, or will you get straight to the point? in general, our suspect matvechev was on the run, of course they gave him a lead, but you understand, this is his number, i would really like to know where he lives now and who he is in contact with, where did he lose his team? yes , they’re distributed, i’m working... don’t stand there over your head, go, drink coffee, eat
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something, there will be a result, i’ll whistle for you, and ok, you can grab something to play with, right? no need anything, thank you, go. to be honest, i wanted to get some money for the company , but the restaurant doesn’t seem to be cheap, and it’s not cheap, by the way, they offered to do the interior here, but i forbade it, you forbade rita, well, you recommended it, and why, do you know what the owner is? bagirov, gaff? well, yes, by the way, i check all the places where she works, well, just in case, so there’s nothing for you to do in this place, you just want to eat, i’m
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for the eternal doc, well, for potatoes, just a joke, i appreciated, let's go. hello, are you from the police? oh, sit , sit, yes, we are talking about razan, yes , it’s sad, such a young man, tell me, how did razanov end up with you, under the patronage, well, according to the announcement, we have a big drain of personnel, yes, what is it ? i don't tolerate carelessness. but by the way, like few others, i had almost no questions for razanov, but he himself decided to quit, he only worked for a month, so read it for yourself, yesterday
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he wrote a statement, he had to work for 2 weeks, listen, why did he decide to quit - well, i would never leave here he quit, it’s a decent job, people who aren’t poor will probably start leaving, where did he get away with it? i don’t know, he said that he found a more interesting option for the money, but you don’t pay enough, it depends on who, excuse me, i have to answer, gennady eldarovich, as usual, of course, of course, we’ll do it, and you have more questions for me, i we need to work, and we... can we take this with us? of course, take it, why do i need it now, goodbye, i wish you hello, look at the paradox, you were in
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a restaurant, but you want to eat even more, you need to drop by somewhere again, that’s enough for you let’s say, let’s first talk about this place, it’s an excellent place, only meat in french costs one and a half hay, this is already too much, did they slaughter this pig in paris this morning, or what? well, what does paris , a pig, chickens have to do with it, i’m talking about something completely different, razanov could have heard something that is not for his ears, it’s not for nothing that he quit, well, for a reason, i need to share with shvetsova, the first good thought for today, but first for shawarma, okay, so be it, but one at a time.
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yes, stem, i’m listening, so look, it’s yours the suspect is a man of great intelligence, he didn’t think to turn off his phone, he’s been sitting with his young lady for 2 hours, her phone was in his contacts. step, i told you that you ’ve been working a little poorly lately, what do you mean? today you worked as expected, joker. that's it, now i'll send you the address. i'm catching it. i’m already here, oh, i went to dinner
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, no, i met with zlatik, they have financial problems, they can’t pay the rent, it’s clear that the costs of independent living have begun, yeah, well, how do you even miss zlatik, well, how can i say, i i’m happy for her, let her get used to it, adult life , but i now have... time, now i read books, go for walks, come on, but sometimes i think how it will be for me when vanka grows up , books, melodramas and a cat, well, or in the worst case, a hamster , stop it, not everything is so hopeless with you, but with you, mash, i have long wanted
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to tell you, well, i’m sorry, it’s none of my business, but it seems to me that of all the men around you, lugansk , the person closest to you, and you acted harshly with him, i reconsidered this issue a long time ago, so i admit, i was wrong, he knows about this, well, masha.
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who is he? police open up. i didn't call the police. i know. marina, please open the door, we need to talk. how do you know my name? i know a lot of things. my name is oleg, my last name is platonov. open. maybe, i’m not afraid, okay, he’s at home , who is he, nikolai matvechev, your friend, just don’t pretend, i know he was with you, he’s at home, no, he left, said he ’d be back soon, okay, i'm looking at the apartment if.
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what are you doing? i told you, kolya left. you do not believe me? i'll believe you when you tell me where gone. i don’t know, i don’t know anything about him, i haven’t seen him for a year and a half, such love, yes, it’s none of your business, no, it’s mine, he didn’t say why he was hiding, he said that they beat someone, with who, who was with him? i don’t know, he
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didn’t say, i believe, okay, well, i’ll wait for him here, then, if you don’t mind, suddenly the truth will come, and for her, in the meantime, you prepare a cell, okay.
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marya sergeevna, it’s possible, yes, of course, i have everything ready, i’m ready, go ahead, hold it, look, listen. are you sure he lost consciousness from the blow to the head? 100%, open craniocerebral, but the blow was non-fatal , he died from a knife in the heart , it says, yes, i see, you just don’t think that a stab with a knife is too much for a robbery , he was unconscious, take what you want, run away, why kill? well, this razanov couldn’t offer any resistance, there are no traces of his blows on his hands, so if you want to know what’s mine to me. they were killed either by drug addicts in withdrawal, without realizing anything, or, or they killed to kill, all these are robbery, just for the sake of appearance, i’m not into alcohol or drugs blood, pure as the lamb of god, in short, i
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gave you a riddle, and now come up with the answer yourself, off you go, thank you, such a good fellow, so good, but what’s the point, okay. bye, bye, hello, hi, hi, something happened, but no, why should something happen, well, i just haven’t called for a long time. well, yes, something happened, can we talk? ca n't i go somewhere? no, we can have dinner at your place after work, if you don’t mind, no
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, of course, of course, no, i don’t mind, no, okay, well then i’ll come straight to you after work, after eight, but it was swept up. so, well, i checked your information, well done, the restaurant really belongs to bagero, well , well, what about razanov’s girl, kvashnya checked, like calls from the phone, he only called his mother at work, no more women’s names in the phones it was discovered, well, kvashnya believes that he could talk to the girl via messenger. or maybe it’s a second sim card, well , one for the phone, the other for the mobile internet, i personally do this sometimes, you can save up to 40 rubles a month, if you’re lucky up to 50, but seriously, yes, in general,
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it’s very difficult to install without a handset, the doughnut will fiddle with mobile operators, well, on the subject of whether he had a second seed, razanov, i mean, well, it’s a pity. so the girl razanova could answer us a lot of questions, but we don’t even know her name,
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open up, just quietly, what’s this for? just in case, open it, who? marrin, it's me. kolya, run, he has a gun, what a fool, it will be worse for him.
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kolya, you’re running around in vain, i’ll take you anyway, let’s come out and talk. i can't do it anymore, help me, boy, calm down, i’ll get you out now, don’t fight.
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matvechev, quietly, quietly, quietly, hello, senior investigator shvetsova, marya sergeevna, hello, tell me, do you know sergei razanov, who is he, i don’t know him, who is he, now, you’ll find out, what kind of scam is this, i’m seeing him for the first time, yes, because you love sports, where were you last
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night after 11 pm? i know my rights, i won’t speak without a lawyer, but do you have a lawyer? if not, we will provide it to you, no, provide yours, but for now you are detained on suspicion of murdering razanov, that the issue of choosing a preventive measure will be decided after interrogation in the presence of a lawyer, are you pushing? quiet, quiet, but i didn’t kill anyone , let’s go for a walk, oleg, be more careful, as you say, master yum, when arina is at her best, rises under the circus dome, my heart skips a beat, i know that mom and dad are looking at me , and i have nothing to be afraid of, we performed without insurance, the granite is rocking, the ice is blazing, and the light fluff knocks me off my feet, what? i think you
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flew higher today than ever, yeah it wasn’t scary, no, it’s lovely, some kind of child, it’s impossible to look at her without admiration, since we have leonid fedorovich serebrennikov on stage, let’s ask us to sing something together, hope, my voice, mine, and luck is a reward for courage , the navigator shows an hour and a half before you, slow down, the victim is fourth negative, we don’t have one like that in the hospital , i have a fourth negative, they say some millionaire, cool guy, wow, this is marina, my daughter, she donated
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hers to you blood, anatoly rudenko, you give me like you. i feel like i've known you for a long time. tamara akulova, what do you think about this girl? brydkaya. i want to know everything about her. roma proposed to me. i wouldn't want him to make a mistake in his choice. if roman loves marina, he can't go wrong. he loves her, and she loves him. fourth, negative. premiere on saturday on rtr. the floor is precious, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different ones from this room, absolutely without faces functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we
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want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes. i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. eh, apparently life is good, if lieutenant colonel korablev himself is in my office he pours tea when there are eight people in there, salutes to everyone
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, well, hero, word got around that you took the villain, otherwise, you need to do your joints somehow? fix, look what, wow, i caught one duck, and already my pants are full of joy , in a word, stepan asked me to tell you that matveychev’s phone was lit up at the malebden club yesterday, and that you went there, no, of course, only 10 minutes ago, as it turned out, excuse me, we were having a tea party, well , he showed up in the club, well, you’re in vain, matvechev ushoznanku, so now he will be silent, i looked at his previous place. so he’s been living in our area for less than a year, all his friends stayed right there, next to this club, so are we going to get an accomplice, or what? yes, wait, don’t rush, exhale, count to ten, you’ve counted, what’s
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next? well, okay, go, uh, go, and the tea is hot, it will cool down, well, come back, drink it, cold. iced tea, they became more frequent, the day before yesterday there was a raid, yesterday you stood at the gate, me. have you seen this client? did you see anyone with him? no idea, i didn't let him in. and why didn’t his face come out like that, in sweatpants, let him walk in the pub, and not here, explain this paradox to me, you didn’t let him in, but he checked in on the phone at the club, hello, our wi-fi
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reaches the street, yeah, but yesterday it was just like in the evening, was it quiet? it's always quiet here. did they extinguish someone on the street? olek, how i love such people, from whom you have to squeeze out witnesses drop by drop, but why were you silent before, friend, dear, who was extinguished on the street? we are not responsible for what happens next to the club, if i fit into every batch, there will be nothing left of me. okay, you don't answer who answers? i don’t know, the police are probably not the firefighters. hi , hi, come in, sorry, i'm late, no , it's okay, let me treat you, well , yes, well, that's how we live, or rather i live, and i
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hope you like it here, but that's all for me i like it, you know what, just please don’t be nervous, i’m nervous myself. listen, i’m also very nervous, well, i mean, let’s eat first then, let’s eat, yes, because i prepared everything, yeah, here, well , come on in, yes, here, oh, beautiful, well , colleagues, this are you talking about the fight near the club? did you ask? how exactly? igor, oleg, fyodor mikhailovich, what kind of struggle did you have between good and evil? yes, nothing special, an injured man, strong, he would have done these tricks if he hadn’t gotten hit on the head with a bottle. the turks don’t go one at a time, there were so many of them there, two, one had already been identified, although he gave up running. the victim owed money , this one no, not this one, i’ll show you now,
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andrei vasilyevich zabrodin was sentenced to probation for 3 years for 158, that’s probably why he went on the run, the victim is in the hospital, but no, it worked out, it’s resting at home, but share the address, i’ll write it down, yeah, we’re having dessert for tea, zero calories. well, no, it’s all too reckless, what’s reckless? eat up for the night, okay, then this dessert is cancelled , let's talk, i, forgive me, please, yes, i don't... aida, i
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'm telling you in human language, but there are cases in which i can't talk, this is one of them, yes, i don’t understand what the claims are, what for this, and what and what i should do now, wait, where are you going, excuse me, please, i need to run, how are you and i anyway? talk, you know, i suddenly understood, i don’t know anything about your life, i don’t want to destroy anything, let everything remain as it is, but no, well, you misunderstood, you don’t have to explain anything, bye, citizen korneev, well me, and who are you? senior detective officer of the homicide department of the zanimsky ministry of internal affairs, after such injuries fedya does not immediately show up, you know how to cheer up
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people, you know this little man, yes, this hurray hit me on the head.
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andryukha, well, for brodina, this bumpkin owes 10 tons, andryukha promised me five mowers, if i help him get out of debt. nikolai alexandrovich, i advise you to use understandable expressions. thank you, we understand everything. and what happened next after korneev was beaten? well, zabrod was afraid that he would be imprisoned, but he had this suspended sentence, he asked me to spend the night, but i agreed at first, and then i realized that my mother would make a fuss, well, in general, andryukha decided that he would leave altogether, well i went to bed, you were near the scene of the murder of a citizen: razanova, what can you say on this issue? yeah, i, i don't know this dude
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i’ve never seen it, look, this was filmed near the house of the deceased razanov, you ’re walking here calmly, after the club, this is about 20 minutes later, this was filmed near your house, you’re in a real hurry somewhere. something scared you, but there were two idiots there, well , one was tinkering with the car, the other was standing next to it, and we just asked for a cigarette, well, they rushed at us, like, get out of here, well, we ran, what kind of car , red hatchback, chinese,
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darid, so i just arrived at work, are you crying, where are you?
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marcilievna, hello, is it possible? yes, stepan i came myself, which means i found something, meet me in poetry, if i’m injecting, i’m injecting marsikevna , there is something, so, firstly, on matvechev’s pants, the blood is not razanov’s, but apparently the guy who was beaten at the club, secondly , secondly, razanov had another sim card, which he used for the internet, registered to a different operator, great, did you find anything interesting? well, i’m working on it, it has simple passwords, i think i can handle it today. oh, i feel it will be in the third, for sure, maryevna, you remember, in the apartment razanov, i found such a box , like a metal one, yes, empty with cotton wool, so i couldn’t rest, where could i see such a thing, and then i remembered
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to look at this little thing again, here is this machine, and one, one in i was poking around in the glove compartment, and the second one was standing right here next to me, and we, we wandered from there, and just asked for a light, this one, which is here on the street. he rushed at us, and we ran away, what did he look like, well, he was so healthy, a bull, will you help us draw up an identikit of him, do you remember him? yes, of course, i remembered, you then let me go, oleg, take me to the car, let’s go, so, deeply respected lyudmila andreevna, this is what i’m thinking about, that such
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pretentious, fedya, nerves. i return to my thoughts, the fact that he correctly pointed out the car to us does not mean at all that there were some other men there, why, well, because the two of them could get into this car behind brodin, it’s just pissing our brains, but why? they didn’t take anything, the radio was in place, they didn’t touch any drugs? deeply respected lyudmila andreevna, you are delaying the investigation, i believe him, hello, hello, i saw you through the window, in general, she came. who? yes, the girl came, when? this morning, i also saw her through the window, so i went down to her, i told her everything, what’s her name? well , then i realized that i had to ask, well , she sat down, drove away, all in tears, she left with her car, no, in a taxi, thank you very much, you helped a lot, well, did you catch him? sorry, it's a secret of the investigation, okay, if
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anything, i mean, well, thank you, goodbye, well, now i'll look at the cameras, taxi. should have get on them, if you ordered through the app, then we’ll find out the number, and if she caught a car on the street, who ’s catching a car on the street now, guys, work, well, yes. lenya, what are you doing? the main thing is, laziness, i love you so much, but when will it be
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known whether it’s a boy or a girl? the period is short , only 4 weeks, it is not yet clear. so take me home, you were probably searched at work, dialogue with the whole country, dialogue with everyone results of the year with vladimir december at 12:00 moscow time. for fulfilling all our wishes, on friday, i didn’t even know that
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it happens that you can love me so much, it’s such happiness. i don’t understand what kind of relationship we have with you, really. why then all this? wedding, game of love with lena. this is a good deal for us, alexander makagon, legally i am the husband, the heir too, i didn’t play around with cheese, but it’s one thing to squander, and then there’s murder, artyom osipov, he was following the beast, i see the car is upside down, it’s not breathing, i need to bring him in, maria kulikova, i know that there are people who are very worried about me, i need to get out somehow from here. no guilt, no guilt on friday on rtr, many of you check your email first thing when you wake up, and i, of course, am no exception,
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i opened the champagne and got a lot of positive emotions. tours to abkhazia, i spent a week relaxing in a skirt, i could barely fit it in, you are at the right place, everyone here will cheer up everyone, wants to read, please read, i can’t read, but a man has to earn money, i earned such money from my wife yesterday, on the air morning mail and me, its presenter, nikolai baskov. the most positive thing, morning mail with nikolai vaskolov until sunday on rtr.
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stop it. can it be enlarged? yes, we need to look at the number, oleg, take note. yeah, i do, yes, step, i got it. listen, can you run it through the database to see if there are any matches? yeah, thanks, bye. korablev, uh, why are you drinking because of my bath? oh, sorry, what happened? lyusa, i have
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a very difficult conversation with you, but no offense. lord, sit down. you gave birth alone, alone, i know that you were alone, you raised vanechka alone, it’s difficult, whatever happens when you need it, korablyov, rita is pregnant, margarita, wife my, really, wow, and you’re great, just like that at your old age, ship, i congratulate you, thank you, wait, what are you doing...
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why did i give birth alone, are you planning to leave rita, no, what you’re saying something like that, kolinskaya, you’re leaving, i’m just, well, this, well , i’m just thinking that, well, what if they shoot me, that’s how she’ll be alone and what are you even thinking about, you’re crazy, it’s so scary, not for myself, for her, i shouldn’t have told you everything, you told me, just don’t tell anyone, i won’t tell anyone, calm down, of course, you’re lucky to your ritka, no one has made such a fuss about me, yes, okay, that’s it, don’t think about the bad, you should be happy here, and to digest all this, i’ll definitely go eat, and who is this? and this is our
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new suspect, are we lucky? we were lucky in the sense that we won time. styopa is trying to open razanov’s correspondence, his girlfriend is probably there, but in any case they would have found her coordinates. we have already found it. if matvechev is not lying and these two were looking for something in the car, i have a question that they weren’t looking like that, they planted drugs, i agree, that means there was something else, if you want throw something in, you don’t have to go into the car and dig around, he opened the car. but
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he threw everything in, i agree, and matvechev claims that they were looking for something, i don’t know, maybe razanov stole something from bagirov or recorded some interesting conversation, by the way, yes, it’s not without reason that he quit so urgently, but bagirov sent his mordovots, they overdid it, no , it’s not good, they didn’t overdo it, they were going to purposefully kill razanov, well, if instead of a brain there are only muscles, this doesn’t happen, the guys at the base are now breaking through this identikit, i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s from bogirov’s circle, yes, too lazy, will you go with me to razanov’s apartment, no question, let’s go, what are you going to find there? there is one interesting thing there that will have to be removed.
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yes, this is the police, chernyshova, yuria vladimirovna, lives here, she is not at home. open up, we also have a couple of questions for you, yulia is just registered here, what do you need from her, you know sergei razanov, you are my former student, and what does yulia, your ex, have to do with it? the student was killed, and your daughter yulia
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i went to see him today, do you understand why we should ask her a few questions? why do i explain? where is julia? she lives with her mother, why did she go to him? well , apparently they were dating? stupid, interesting theory, but why immediately stupid? because i forbade her to meet with him. he’s not a match for her, that’s clear, i’ll call her now, but it’s useless, we already called her, her phone is off, we need her mother’s address, yes, write it down, yes, it’s okay, the apartment is with a former coach, well, let’s say it’s not good to be jealous , or maybe it’s some kind of olympic champion, by the way, does his last name mean anything to you?
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he says, no, i’m not interested in volleyball , and to be honest, neither am i, although i respect beach volleyball, and you noticed how he reacted to the fact that sergei razanov died , that’s all, that is, he didn’t react at all, he didn’t even pretend , they say, what a nightmare, what a horror, well, yes, i agree, he was more interested in the fact that his daughter met razanov behind his back, although at first , by the way, he pretended that he didn’t know anything, and you think that he pretended, well, we’ll find his daughter let's find out, lenya. here in the box this? yes, it will be necessary to take prints , if possible, find out what was inside, we’ll do it, margeevna, witnesses,
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please come, we will confiscate this thing for further investigative actions, please sign, what is it? please note that i, as... the owner of the apartment , have nothing to do with this, of course, thank you, good afternoon, wow, what question are you asking me about? now i just have one question, bon appetit, what is your name? please come out, don't kick me out, is this too much? howl, i'll call security now, don't call security, i will be your security guard , i will stand here and guard you, what do you need, tell me, beautiful collankov la,
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where can i find shvetsova ms, i already saw her closed door, it’s clear, you need marya sergeevna, uh-huh, uh-huh, for what. this whole performance was played out in front of me, i agree, it was not necessary, but if i had immediately waved the crust, it wouldn’t have been interesting, right? tell me, is l - larisa or love? l, uh-huh, this is lyudmila, this is andrevna, i see the ice has melted a little, we can prescribe date, tell me, lyudmila andreevna, do you like the theater? poison. excuse me, please, no one came to me, well, a friend is interested in you, maria sergeevna, good afternoon, zolnikov, my last name, i called you, we detained zabrodin, i would like to interrogate matveychev, yes, of course, let’s go, i’ll write out permission, i superoper and my name is igor.
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albin, yulka are at home, they came from the police, i’m now in a rotten atmosphere, i don’t understand how this athlete is out of a golden cage. flew here, the golden cage is also a cage, i agree, hello, hello, hello, hello, can you tell me, yuriy vladimirovna chernyshova, he lives here, it’s very interesting, why do you need yulia,
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how curious everyone has become, i repeat the question, yulia chernyshova is at home, no, she’s not at home, what’s the matter, but her friend was killed , sergey razanov. lord, it’s as if, seryozha, lord, come on, what are we going to talk about here? lord, julia didn’t say where she went, no. but she was shaking all over, i asked if something had happened, she yelled at me so loudly, so that i would back off, i thought that they quarreled, with razanov , uh-huh, they were going to get married, and i wasn’t against it, but volodka, of course, wouldn’t give them life,
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volodka, and this is your ex-husband, uh-huh, he found out a year ago that they were dating, oh , lord, he did this at home, i thought: he will kill one of us, but what, he could, oh, that’s not true, no, don’t listen to me. it’s interesting, somehow i can’t listen to you, if you’re such a storyteller, tell me, here’s volodka, your ex- husband, why he hated razanov, just because, well, or there were some serious reasons, oh, he didn’t like it, because he doesn’t know how to earn money, he called him a stupid loser, yeah, as if volodka himself knows how to earn money, he always lives in debt, and on credit, okay, he could have guessed that yulia continues to date with razanov? well, i don’t know, if you think
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that it was volodka who killed seryozha, then i’ll tell you this, no, he’s simply not capable of it, but why are you so sure, because he’s cowardly, he’s a slug, it’s one thing when raising a woman’s hand is another matter, excuse me, this is yulia, yes, if yulin’s phone number if it works, styopa will immediately detect it and snitch on it, but if it doesn’t work, i can say one thing for sure, the girl knows something, why is that so? mayor's thoughts, look, she comes to her boyfriend, finds out that he
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was killed, and just breaks her claws, is this normal? no, this is not normal, it looks like she’s hysterical, well, that means she’s afraid of something, she’s afraid of something, she’s afraid because she knows something, and what did her mother say, the priest almost killed them, yes, but this for a completely different reason, it’s due to the fact that yulia... with razanov, that’s right at the root, you know who she's afraid of daddy, she thinks that daddy killed razanova, or ordered it , platonov, well done, you're growing up, i always said that a detective should be hungry or lonely, daddy has a motive, and the girl has a reason to run from us, she doesn’t want to report her father, so let’s go see him again, i have some thoughts, well, twist, spin your thoughts, but you still won’t become a lieutenant colonel before me. the navigator
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shows an hour and a half before you, slow down, the victim is on the fourth negative, we have there is no such thing in the hospital, i have a fourth negative, they say some millionaire, a cool guy, wow, tatyana kolganova, this is marina, my daughter, she is the one who lost... you her blood, anatoly rudenko, i like you, i have a feeling that i have known you for a long time, tamara akulova, what do you think about this girl, babbling, i want to know everything about her, roma proposed to me, i wouldn’t want him to make a mistake in his choice, if roman loves marina, he won’t be mistaken, he loves her, she’s his fourth.
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my hedgehog hare, her name was petrovich, petrovich, her name was felsha, she crushed the german, that ’s it, you’re killing me, she didn’t know, it’s some kind of happiness to be just a galya, gala, that’s her name, wife, the great salvador dali, how to draw me naked,
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you’re so brave, we didn’t agree that way, i i think that this bar is so beautiful, and petrovich is on sunday on rtr, we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, well, kashnya, i gave your little cape to
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laboratory, let's see what kind of pinkerton you are, just put pressure on them. otherwise you won’t get anything from them during the day, don’t honk, press, i say, yes, i’ll press, i’ll press, look here, what’s similar? of course, it looks like he and razanov studied at the same sports school, 5 years older, that one is a volleyball player, and that one is a boxer, who is this? two convictions, the robbery came out six months ago, there is an address, arable land , i told you that you are a genius, well, it happened once, address, come on,
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if you want to find out his rights, then in vain, he probably already furnished... a lot witnesses will say that they saw him in a crowded place, well, to be honest, i don’t need his alibi for nothing, i’m not saying that he killed razanov himself, i want to show him now this good fellow, if they know each other, he will lead us to him, let's go, wait, look, it's him, yeah. well, oleg, well, let’s slow down, well, you’re a fisherman, let him lead you, we’ll have time to hook you, we’d sooner see this fish on the grill.
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hey, where did he go wrong at all times, maybe they will spot him, let him break away, he won’t go anywhere. wow, this is interesting, razanov is here worked, go, seriously, yes, it’s a wonderful
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place, the ship and i have already been here, you know, i read the menu, i understand , i chose the wrong profession, well, 50 is not a death sentence , i agree, but you won’t become a dentist, hands, and as i understand it , bogor is the boss here, yes, uh-huh, he saw how chernashova is messing around with an adult, which means he didn’t stop by for lunch, he probably has some business with a hook, listen, but i’ll report, uh-huh. blackshot has arrived, start, hello, gennady eldavich,
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and you can’t cook, give it to me. i’m talking about our questions, ours, this is your question, volodya, of course, i expressed myself incorrectly, i, well, don’t be silent, since i came, yes, of course. i need it, i would like to ask for an installment plan,
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mashvola, yes, you’re friends with the tax office, aren’t you? well, i’m trying, i urgently need to find out information on. they had a conflict over their daughter, and despite the fact that the opera found out that he had some business with bogirov, so, and razanov worked in ubagerov’s restaurant, interestingly, i asked the guys not to take chernyshov yet, but this urgently, i understand, i’m still running, you go upstairs, you stay here, the captain is behind
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me, who’s there, len-gaz? what are the police doing here? quiet, grandma , at home, at home, sleeping, got drunk yesterday, and how many of them are there, three, okay, rooms, where, second, to the left, you, grandma, stay here, don’t get into the line of fire, follow me, captain.
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i told you where to stand, just wash away that my eyes didn’t see you. dunnin, open it, it's ready, but the third one is missing, i checked it. don’t touch them, you see, they’re all blue, most likely poisoned, you should call them specials.
8:00 pm
stepan, i decided to pay you a return visit, mariaevna, i’m always glad, though i haven’t prepared my poems, it’s okay, show me, so, in order to restore the message, i re-registered the subscriber’s terminal.


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