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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  December 5, 2023 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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secret consequences: the new film of the twenty- second season is called heart failure. maria shvetsova is investigating a series of murders. the robbery version has been ruled out; the victims include a graduate student, a security guard, a criminal, a repeat offender, which connects such different people. secret investigation today immediately after the evening news. all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website. well, the news will continue to monitor developments. events in russia and abroad, stay tuned. from donetsk direction they report success in the area of ​​​​the settlement of kurakhova, to the west of the capital of the donetsk republic, where in a multi-story building there are artillery positions of the armed forces of ukraine, which is constantly firing at the cities of the republic. the situation on the front line in a report from voinkor vesti. stanisla nazarov, in order to get to
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the artillery firing positions together with the military personnel of the operational-combat tactical formation cascade, we move out in the dark early in the morning, through fields and forested areas, near the line of combat contact, we often have to walk on foot, in small groups, not attracting the attention of enemy aerial reconnaissance, the mood is great, we need to go there, go there. yes, every day, the weather in the steppes of donbass changes dramatically, there may be snow in the morning, and by lunchtime the roads turn into difficult obstacles. the earth is changing its state, it will freeze, then it will freeze , the enemy’s equipment has stopped working, there is also no such thing in zelenka, and visual detection, but as quickly as possible, so any serious attacks from the enemy have stopped, shot! artillery works in in conjunction with tank... groups that fire
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from closed firing positions, as well as with mobile crews of anti-tank missile systems. this is footage from a spotting drone, an air force vehicle is driving at high speed, soldiers of the first donetsk army corps are destroying a target with a guided missile. with the first snow under the igledar from the svebistiya, the crews begin to work in the dark for better workmanship... the artillery of the cascade, dispersed under the ugledar, works on the enemy's pillboxes dugouts, constantly our location, if we can break them with mines, then that’s how it should be, let him lay down this log, let us break it again, but we won’t let him put more, we won’t let him fill these concrete pillboxes, three more, loading a shell it takes no more than 10 minutes to put a clove into a self-propelled artillery mount, then rest, lunch, here
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you can light a fire again at the position. combat work on the ugledar front does not stop for more than an hour, after striking the target, the artillery returned to load new shells, and is now going back to work on the fortified areas of the armed forces. in the sky under the coaldar , enemy kamika drones, the cascade electronic warfare unit, are actively working, showing trophies. this is a drone. kaze, who was shot down by the forces of the fighters of our position, was captured. any rotation here takes place in the dark; near the line of combat contact, our units are consolidated in new positions. stanislav nazarov, vitaly, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, lead donbass. in western press publications about ukraine , the word schism appears more and more often. there is no unity, how among european sponsors of kiev, and in the ukrainian elite.
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zelsky is mentioned less and less often in a serious context as the commander-in-chief of zaluzhny. the bankers are preparing to launch a pre-emptive strike. they are urgently looking for a replacement for the popular general. andrey grigoriev will continue. what is happening now between the president of ukraine vladimir zelsky and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. the presidential office responds evasively to a question that is being asked more and more often, trying to find western influence even in this confrontation. not in whether we receive full assistance or whether we are not able to fully implement certain military ideas and so on, all these issues create a certain psycho-emotional environment within the country, and so, of course, in this environment you can cook up any, let’s say, conflict topics, ukrainian edition truth shares the details of the stay in kiev of the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, who met with the two conflicting characters separately, about the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, allegedly
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listened to an official who, bypassing zelsky, asked for 350-400 billion dollars additionally. austin was told of the need for 17 million shells, to put it mildly, because the whole world cannot collect so many shells. in addition, according to the source , osin also said that zaluzhny complained to him about the interference of the president’s office. the publication confirms that zelsky is now trying to communicate directly with commanders in the armed forces of ukraine; they would like to fire the stale general, but are afraid that this will only add political weight to him. a deputy of the pro-government faction, servant of the people, maryana bezuglaya, proposes a poll on who to replace the poor one with, and it seems that it is to them that zelensky is now turning. i say this to everyone. i thank everyone who is not disappointed, who does not waste their precious energy in disputes, who works for the sake of state interests. the ukrainian military demands not only money for shells, they need a new wave of mobilization, for this a decree has been prepared, which zelsky still will not sign.
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the military estimates the legislation will give recruiting officers access to an additional 140,000 potential recruits. in the meantime, they are making the most of what they have, this is how the conscription is going in the city. boldly in the cherkassy region, two military commissars in odessa extorted $20,000 from a conscript so as not to draft him into the army, it turned out that they were scammers with false documents, two caps, got two armbands, got two ids, so they couldn’t pay off, the borders are closed, the border service is under cheerful music demonstrates their daily catch from cloners who wanted to flee to romania, those who... can afford it are hiding in the expensive transcarpathian resort of bukovel, there are now queues of cars lined up there, but the military commissars, as they say, have never for some reason they didn’t get there, as people gather for bukovel, go to hand over summonses, they haven’t gotten there yet, they just called, it’s not
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possible, but women and children have been mobilized, there is already a message about the dead orphanages from the lviv camp of the gaidomas sich, even cats they were sent to fight the invasion of mice in ukrainian. these cats are used directly at the front, some of them were taken to war by the soldiers themselves, the cute cat syrsky, for example, became a star on social networks, this cat is now being actively advertised on ukrainian tv, showing much more often than commander-in-chief zaluzhny, syrsky cheese, but this is also the name of one of the contenders for zaluzhny’s chair, general syrsky, who currently commands the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. andrey grigoriev, nikolai zakharov, lead. ukraine's 50 billion euros in aid from europe may be blocked due to the strengthening of the position of ultra-legal forces. according to the financial times, the reluctance to share money with kiev is due to a deep budget crisis in europe itself. the netherlands, the czech republic, and bulgaria are against arms supplies.
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the hungarian prime minister said that financing ukraine will not help it win. london no longer believes in zelsky’s success at the front. in addition, the british discovered in their budget. big hole, report by alexander khabarov. there is no free money for ukraine in the west; the budget crisis is crippling the main european sponsor, the german government. the locomotive of the european economy is tired, and chancellor scholz’s hands are reaching for the mortar. the press received documents indicating that berlin intends to reduce its participation in the pan-european fund, intended for the supply of weapons to kiev. the german government urgently needs to solve problems within the country. scholz even demanded that his deputy habeck postpone his trip to dubai for the climate summit. the debts that we already have will cost the state 40 billion euros next year. this is more than the entire budget of the entire federal state of hesse. where will all this
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lead us? we need the government to provide a clear time frame for its plan. we need trust in the authorities grew rather than declined. we need the government to be prepared. talk to the population in a new way, as if they were adults . the financial times writes that germany's financial problems are complicating attempts to resolve differences at the european union level. there are still no agreements on assistance to ukraine. as a result, kiev may be left without funds. the eu and germany, in principle, are not the decisive factor in this matter; we are too weak to keep ukraine alive alone. without americans, europeans are just a herd. sponsoring. overlaps with other financial obligations of a united europe. an additional 15 billion euros are needed to solve migration problems. they plan to invest 10 billion in what is vaguely called strategic technologies, plus 19 billion in interest on debts, which also need to be
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repaid. the leader of the french patriot party, florian philippot, writes that military assistance to kiev must be stopped. bad times for zelsky, the deep state does what it always does, it creates a puppet, then abandons it and destroys it. france must stop sending money and weapons to this country. at the same time , hesitations appeared on the eastern european flank of the eu: the president of bulgaria vetoed the supply to ukraine of 100 used armored personnel carriers stored in the warehouses of the bulgarian ministry of internal affairs. poland is bogged down in a border transport conflict with ukraine. polish truckers blocked the road to ukrainian trucks at the beginning of november. in response, the ukrainians blocked the movement of passenger cars. after several weeks of confrontation for ukrainian trucks, one checkpoint was opened today . the conflict will be discussed. poland still insists that ukrainian carriers can cross
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the border only with permits issued by the eu, despite protests from kiev. we will very decisively and unequivocally demand from the european union the restoration of transport permits for ukrainian drivers. additional difficulties arise outside the single economic zone. in europe , one of the main initiators of sending weapons to kiev was britain, but here too no financial well-being. auditors have found a hole in the country's defense budget of almost £17 billion, and the figures are not yet final. the problems arose as spending on naval and nuclear programs increased sharply. high inflation and the fact that the planning did not take into account individual programs, such as the modernization of armored vehicles, played a role. goals were set, but now there are no means to achieve them. john hilley, otley's shadow defense minister , said ministers lost control of the defense budget, abandoned good government,
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failed to fix a broken defense procurement system, caused inflation to skyrocket, and wasted billions of public funds. plans to re-equip the british armed forces were drawn up back in 2012. the prime minister then was david cameron, now he heads the british foreign office in this capacity and actively lobbies for further military assistance to kiev. for this purpose he must visit in the near future united states time. i want to assure you that we will stay the course and activate other allies as well. prior to this , cameron called on nato weapons companies to increase production capacity. this position is more than satisfactory for the military-industrial complex in europe and the united states. the point is to get government orders. so the pressure on those who make such decisions will only increase. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov, ianna lvova. news. great britain. venezuela prepares special forces raids on territory of
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the estikibu region disputed with ggayanna. washington has already called on guyana and venezuela to resolve everything peacefully, but caracas does not intend to cancel the result of the referendum on the return of the oil-rich region. sergei brilev about the reasons for the possible consequences of the south akan redistribution. these are indians from a propaganda, or rather counter-propaganda video from guyana, and this, our eseki, measures the rhythm of the venezuelan singer chucho, in his video he calls not only kriols to vote, but again indians, because they are the indigenous inhabitants of the disputed land. about everything is in order. symphony orchestras at caracas metro stations
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invited voters to the referendum in this way: president maduro even brought his cat into the campaign, although his wife was nearby; in venezuela she is called the first not a lady, but a warrior. years over the map of the disputed territories, popular children's tv presenter uncle simon and the boy. smith. indeed, since schooldays, if not kindergarten, many today's venezuelan voters have believed that their country should have one more province. here's to the eve of next year presidential elections, it is important that even the oppositionist went to maduro’s referendum. through constitutional, peaceful and democratic means, we are resolving a 150-year-old imperial legacy. let's look at the map: here is all of south america, here is the disputed region. for guyana, this is generally 3/4 of the national territory. the axis of the region is the esequibo river. this river, the esequibo,
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is considered by venezuelans to be the natural border of their country with guyana. as was indicated on the maps of the spanish colonialists, reproduced and reproduced even today, established the captaincy general of venezula in 1777. actually , the late hugo chavez then added an additional star to the venezuelan flag, as a sign that esquibo is not a border, an internal region, the one that was occupied by the british in 1841, their former rulers, and the one that was occupied by the british in 1899. the crown was awarded international arbitration, where, however, according to the notorious monroe doctrine, the venezuelans were represented by the americans, an interesting nuance for us, the americans then covered themselves by calling a lawyer to the chairman of the arbitration internationalist from the russian empire, feodor martens. the current legal twist, at the last moment, last friday, the guyanese
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tried to cancel the sunday referendum in venezuela, through the international court, which is in the hague. there in the hague they said this: both sides should refrain from any actions that could aggravate or expand the conflict. after these words, the victory was paradoxically celebrated in venezuela and guyana. the president was the last to address his neighbors in the midst of voting. i assure the people of venezuela of the love of every goyan. in sense, in love within the existing boundaries within the framework of the process in the international court. but the venezuelan vice president. rodriguez drew attention to the fact that, in fact, gaga did not react in any way to guyana’s request to cancel the referendum. so after all, war is one of the options. well, it’s true that images of venezuelan soldiers allegedly already making their way to guyana through the territory of neighboring brazil, which were widely distributed online, turned out to be drawings. so the president of brazil, lula , expressed confidence that common sense will prevail. but why all this aggravation? sea,
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this is where, in every sense, we will still take a sip and a sip. in addition to what is happening on earth, and the fact is that the british empire came here to earth in the 19th century for gold, and now reserves of 11 billion barrels of oil have been discovered on shelfekibo, this is comparable to kuwait, but the licenses for it are controversial the shelf is received by the american company axonmobile; military infrastructure has long been in gyada, usa. and one more nuance, about the fate of these lands, and now... but everyone somehow forgets that these even the most ancient capitals are much younger than the indigenous peoples both americas, which have experienced and are experiencing the consequence, yes, this word is quite appropriate here, of imperialism, the indians are generally only informed about the fate of their lands, if at all, no one
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informed us, we ourselves are now going to gather the people and tell them. the cause of the fire, which resulted in an apartment catching fire in the center of moscow and killing two small children, was a short circuit in the christmas tree garland. the investigation came to this conclusion, in order to prevent a repetition of the tragedy, rospotrebnadzor recalled the basic rules use of new year's goods. it is better to choose a garland for the room with a power of no more than 50 w, with a thick wire, and do not leave the light bulbs on unattended. report by andrey romanov. a huge black stain of soot on the facade of a high-rise building in the center of moscow can be seen from afar. this is the consequence of a strong fire. the fire broke out in the apartment on the tenth floor late in the evening the day before. at first they thought they started climbing on sockets everywhere in our apartment, and then when i looked out of the window, i saw smoke coming. firefighters
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carried the father and two children out of the apartment. all unconscious, they inhaled smoke, despite the efforts of doctors. for a four-year-old boy and an eight-year-old girl, the dose of carbon monoxide was fatal. previously, the source of the fire was a new year's decoration installed in the apartment. the investigation is ongoing. a similar tragedy almost happened in elena krekotneva’s family when she plugged in a garland she had bought last year. we found the wires on this garland to be very sticky. the child asked if it was possible to plug it into the socket, since it was in this condition. well, we decided. try turned on, but unfortunately, it started smoking, the number of fires in december almost doubled last year during this month, 56 children died, this month already four, a decent number of such fires, when the parents left, the children were introduced to themselves, as a result, the death of children occurs from a fire, i myself started out as a firefighter, and when you enter a house, where you are always looking for
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a child, not in the corridor, not in the room, in a secluded place. careless handling of fire and poor-quality electrical appliances are the main causes of fires. now on every corner you can buy cheap garlands of semi-prepared production, even sellers have doubts about their safety. it is normal and will not burn. what certificate? the point is still insulating materials and they do not always have the quality that is necessary. fires often start at night and people suffocate. in the smoke, without even waking up, fire detectors will help you avoid trouble; their price is low, only 500 rubles, but often life depends on this amount; these are the most common house detectors. they react to smoke, it is necessary install a sensor in the hallway, install it in the kitchen, but in the kitchen not above the stove, not above the heating devices,
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three devices are quite enough for a standard two-room apartment, now we will try to simulate the situation when a christmas tree catches fire, here is the tree itself, there is a smokestack under it, it appears cloud of smoke, we place our fire detector under it and wait for a sound... signal to appear, about 20 seconds the sound appears, the sound is strong enough, it will wake up even a sound sleeping person. huge number of lives it will be possible to save if among the pre-new year purchases, instead of cheap garlands, there are devices that will not hesitate to distract people from the holiday and warn of trouble. andrey romanov, olga mazurak, victor bormin, alexander zarubov, khalimat kuchmezova, lead. in textile workers , the construction of a sports and recreation center was completed, which housed a swimming pool, a gym, and a volleyball court. since the beginning of this year , 16 sports facilities have already been put into operation in moscow. scheduled to open this month
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four more. yaroslav krosienko will continue the topic. well done, the young champion of moscow, the team of the capital's volleyball academy for the first time in its entire existence, there is no need to think about where the next training will take place. now they have their own home arena, the new nika sports complex in texilshchiki. we have been waiting for a very long time, finally they open our house, our hall, where children will come, there is a gym behind the wall, everything is new, the latest achievements in the fitness industry, the packaging has not even been removed yet, installation directly into the floor simulators will take place after the athletes have agreed on how it will be convenient for them to stand , of course, not only professional athletes are welcome in the new center, there will be a subscription system where everyone can... it’s the right time for them to visit our these sites , well, what kind of moscow sport would it be without a swimming pool ? you can still go here in clothes, here it is a new
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swimming pool, eight lanes, 25 m, short olympic standard, it has already been checked for leaks, all you have to do is fill in the water and you can swim, over the past 10 years , almost two hundred sports facilities have been built in the capital under the moscow sports program, this year we... are building 20 large sports facilities, of which 16 have already been commissioned and four are in the commissioning stage, including here in the texel region , so i think residents will enjoy working out comfortably in this beautiful gym. and this is not even a center, but a sports palace, also in the southeast of moscow, in nekrasovka, it has been open for only 3 months and up to 2,000 children come here every day. great, that a child can play sports, and we do it here. swimming, and at nikrasovka, the local ice arena, here on a budget basis, further along the corridor there are gymnastics, choreography, martial arts, more than 100 sections in total, the pride of the entire district
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is engaged in hockey, figure skating and short track, and children, adults and here can also take part in competitions of absolutely any level, mothers of young athletes know for sure that real men play in hockey, our dad just plays in a night league, so it’s like we have more pa... and well, the child seems to be in in principle, he really likes the discipline and the process itself, the same logo on the wall, the same tracks, but this is a different sports center, it opened in vnukov a month ago, there are two swimming pools here. parents and children do not have to spend half an hour or an hour to get to the nearest swimming pool, as was the case before; by the end of the year, sports fans will be welcomed by the new sports and recreation center yaroslav krasienko, yaroslav aulov, denis brazhnikov,
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mikhail vitkin and tatyana popova. news. opened in sverdlovsk, lugansk republic renovated palace of culture. several leisure institutions operate under its roof, including a youth center, for example, a cinema hall. the restoration work was carried out by specialists from the regional chief of the krasnoyarsk territory. report by nadezhda ostopushchin. providing first aid , sverdlovsk young army soldiers are now practicing on their own site in the local cultural palace, here they can study tactical maps and organize meetings, but the most interesting part is the practical one, today they are learning how to properly perform chest compressions, they train on a special dummy , what else do you explain to the children, besides pressing, well , let’s say we did 30 pressings, took a breath, after inhaling you definitely check the pulse, you ran up, looked at the pulse, there is no pulse, there is no breathing, what should you do?
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check the oral cavity, look, the oral cavity is clean, begin resuscitation, part of the sverdlov palace of culture, the chief of the krasnoyarsk territory region has significantly updated, on its basis the siberians have created a multifunctional youth center with sites for the development and rest, i was captured a little, just a little by the lens, now you don’t forget to use the lens, for the first time she’s trying herself as a... photo model at a new studio, but the schoolgirl prefers journalism, she’s been studying at the sverdovsk film studio horizon for 2 years now and dreams to enroll in the journalism department, now he is filming small stories about the life of the city, we are filming concerts, for example, what kind of events we have in the dcc, for example, or events, what kind of youth events we have in the city, we also run up with a camera, we work from different three cameras, this part of the building is working had to be done from scratch, for
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ten years, it was empty and the biryaks... carried out a major overhaul of the roof, foundation, installed windows and doors, and completed all the work in six months. about 70 people were involved in this work, only builders, not counting our planners, designers, representatives of the youth policy and the ministry of culture, and everyone made their contribution, so the quality, high quality of this object, the sverdlovsk city library was also updated, now it bears the name of the russian writer viktor ostafiev, born krasnoyarsk territory, here everything is thought out to the smallest detail, there’s even a children’s room, it’s bright, beautiful and definitely suitable for little sverdlovsk residents who don’t yet know how to read. from the previous library , only the book collection remained, about 85,000 books, 100 new shelves were installed here, areas for reading and work were created, and most importantly, everything complies with safety rules. library staff also show new
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arrivals of publications. in this room there are several thousand different copies, they were handed over to both regional chiefs and presidential foundations cultural initiatives, all this literature is gradually being processed, transferred to our branches, we have 20 libraries in the sverdlovsk region, which will receive excellent copies, well, not only of the classics, but also of modern literature, modern authors, the care of the russian federation is constantly felt now when about their institutions... culture, yes, especially about libraries, uh, how many model libraries are now being built in the russian federation, we are very lucky, we are the first, the head of the region appreciated the restored object, leonid pasechnik, he inspected the new locations created for sverdlovsk residents, the head of the republic noted that such centers help the development of our youth, make them more active and direct them in the right direction. every young person here can find something to do to their liking,
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someone can study... in clubs, someone can do creative work and other work, someone can become a member of the youth army, it’s actually very cool, someone can come, just ask for help in implementing some projects and ideas. here, on the basis of the recreation center, they opened a modernized cinema hall, it was created on the initiative of the federal fund for social and economic support of domestic cinematography. the fairy tale “baba yaga saves the world” was shown first; now residents of sverdlovsk will come to watch the movie. they haven't had this opportunity for 9 years. nadezhdachenkotanov, maria bulgakova, conduct lugansk, sverdovsk. in moscow , a historical globe, a symbol of the central telegraph, is being prepared for restoration. the frame will be cleaned of rust and lost fragments will be restored. but the main thing is that the globe, which has long was motionless for years, will rotate again and will again decorate the famous building on tverskaya, which will soon be a century old. with details
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marina gromova. restoring the globe is not an easy task, specialists started from the atlantic, are carefully dismantling south america, in the pacific ocean, over time cracks appeared and the metal frame that held the continent was weathered and rusty, this is the mechanism that rotated the globe directly, that is, it is a motor from which comes the tsupny drive to the sherster, which rotated the entire structure, it has become dusty, well, it has been standing idle for a long time, one of the symbols of the central telegraph - it is leaving for the workshop, like the legendary clock. german mechanism and production at the turn of the 21st-20th centuries, this is all that is known about the watch, the name of the master or company, history is unfortunately silent, but the main thing is that they are still running, which symbolically time does not stop in the telegraph building, and also curious fact, the same oil is used for them as for the kremlin chimes. the central telegraph building was built in 1927. ivan rerberg created the country's main communications hub
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in style. rational and modern, about 2,000 employees had to be comfortably accommodated here. here on the second floor there were living quarters, there was a club for workers, yaslina 200 people, after the 50s , 800,000 telegrams were sent here per day, 2.5 million on holidays. the central telegraph was conceived as a multifunctional building, the investor promises that it will remain so , there will be shops, offices, cultural spaces, several floors will be dedicated to housing. the building, which was originally designed as an impenetrable fortress for the townspeople, will become open, a new main entrance will appear in the building, it will connect tverskaya street with the territory of the central courtyard, this courtyard will become open to the townspeople. an observation deck will appear on the top floor. completely new angles on familiar views, such a historical museum and the kremlin have never been seen before. of course, there are
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other observation platforms, but the telegraph building is located a little on the turn and it seems that you are soar over tverskaya. the inside is still bare concrete, the space has been cleared down to the load-bearing columns of the walls, and this is how the building will be remembered by muscovites until the appearance of the facade changes after restoration. at arm's length, the globe is much larger than it seems from the street, although it is no longer visible from there, soon the structure will be completely dismantled, to its historical place, it will definitely return in the spring of twenty-five. and by the way, it will spin around its axis again, the mechanism will install a new one and it will last for a long time. marina gromova, rasul fitkulin, anastasi royev ekaterina romanova, vesti. the police opened a criminal case for fraud as a result. in which a moscow pensioner lost two apartments at once. she sold the first one so that, on the advice of scammers, she could start investing online; she was convinced to sell the second one, allegedly in order to acquire an investor’s license. is there a chance to return the property - maria
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tyamnikova found out. nothing has spoiled yet. pensioner tatyana nikolaevna lives in spartan conditions, moves around the apartment with a flashlight and a stove to heat no wonder, there was an electric stove in the house, the lights were cut off by unknown people. recently, the owner of two apartments is now virtually homeless; one call changed her fate. we suggest you start investing. i say, i will give you the best trader. yes. and i say, okay, fine, let’s see your best trader. tatyana nikolaevna registered on the online platform and plunged headlong into the unknown world of financial investments, selling, buying, betting, all under the strict guidance of the best trader. first invested 9,000 rubles brought profit, then more, at some point the mentor offered to play big. the scammers persuaded the victim to sell her apartment on lyublinskaya street and use the money received in investments in order to increase income. at the same time, they
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coordinated the woman’s actions related to the real estate alienation transaction. soon the trader disappeared, and another $400,000 disappeared with him. then other citizens started calling the elderly muscovites. that i had no right. work without a license, do rates, it means you will be arrested, deported from the country to which you could be deported , what did he say, to which country, where does it matter to me, i will be deported to england, or to france, if i face prison, tatyana nikolaevna went to sell the second apartment , the very one in which he still lives, the scammers convinced that the proceeds would be enough to unblock the account and buy a license, if at that moment there had been at least some doubt and we would have thought that there was some other story there , we would naturally not make a deal carried out, realtors assure that they
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are the victims, although they bought a two-room apartment at a reduced price, and now they are also terrorizing tatyana nikolaevna, demanding that she move out, such strange methods, cutting off the color, using wire cutters, what kind of system is this, it’s over, it’s over... the situation can be corrected court, we are going to file claims in court for recognition of the contracts concluded by tatyana nikolaevna barskaya, since, based on the explanation of this citizen, she sees that at the time of the transactions she did not understand the significance of her actions. in this case the victims will be the buyers of both apartments, but the prospect of finding the real villains is very vague, while the police have opened a case under article of fraud. maria temnikova, marianna peponyan, maxim gavrilets and ilya korchuganov, conduct. in the astrakhan region , more than 200 wild ducks were released into their natural habitat. mallard ducks are bred on the only farm in the southern federal district. as part of the federal program , specialists support the reproduction of ducks, pheasants and partridges. in recent years
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, the number of birds has been increased to 30,000. report by kirill butenko. the lazy morning sun had just woken up. the weather is warm and calm, as if to order, because today is a great holiday for the birds, the next release of duck juveniles into their natural habitat is scheduled. at the dichferme fazonaria base , everything is ready for the voyage. the task is simple - to bring the bird into the operational space to the places. nesting: we fly on two light fishing boats along the narrow, shallow channels of the erik suchata, we make our way through thickets of tall, gray reeds from last year, this is an ideal place for nesting and creating another duck family, quiet, calm, the bird has no enemies here. finally we got to a wide river flood, the water is warm, because it is shallow and the sun is generous, here is the moment of truth, a large feeding duck takes its wing, this is a six-month-old mallard, completely ripe for
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independent life. alexander golovanev has been working with birds for thirty years and knows everything about them. we do this as part of our events, we do this every year. at the moment this is a hunting ground, but this is a nesting place, from march to july, here place of organization, hunting, travel, fishing, everything is prohibited. phasonarium specialists feed the birds grain during the first couple of months so that they can settle down until the spring mating season arrives. the local population of mallards can safely be considered local, astrakhan, they spend the winter here, the weather allows, the ice is thin, food is easy to find and they quickly gain weight up to 2 kg, a worthy hunting trophy. as ringing has shown, today the kryakovo is often found in the caspian sea. the population has grown significantly in recent years at the seaside and delta. dechefarm employees will monitor
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the adaptation of ducks to new environmental conditions, as well as feed them; for this purpose, feeding areas have been installed in the vicinity of alumen. at the state pheasantry farm , reproduction of ducks and pheasants is carried out, the release of ducks and pheasants is carried out as planned, all work is financed by the state environmental protection program, by the way, similar... an enterprise like the game farm fazonal is the only one in the entire southern federal district, the wonderful and unique nature of astrakhan the delta is always ready to welcome guests with all its cordiality, but nature protection legislation is also mandatory for everyone without exception. kirillo butenko, vadim romanov, alexander golota, anastasia krapiva, vesti astrakhan region. in the atrium of the main headquarters , lights were lit on an unusual new year's tree. on its branches are toys made by hand by people from all over the planet. more than 3,000
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people, from latin america to southeast asia, took part in the traditional new year's eve event, the world christmas tree. they sent everything to armitage own designer jewelry. the main topic is st. petersburg and its cultural heritage. the final stage was master classes for the youngest sections. at the vorobyovy gory ski complex, winter recreation lovers can go skiing and snowboarding for free until december 25th. free entrance. allows you to get a ticket for five lifts on cable cars; to get a ski pass, you must register on the complex’s website. and then we will conduct regional ones. ice crossings opened in yamal between selhard and labetnange. two weeks in a row. the road workers froze the route, and before the opening
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of the crossing, people were transported here on a hovercraft. evgeny golovin with details. in a working car, we follow the controllers, the road workers pulled ahead a hundred meters, we can’t get any closer yet, the thickness of the ice remains a mystery. an hour before the opening of the crossing , a specialist drills a hole in the ice and a partner helps take measurements: 42 cm at the first point, the next ones are even more, at some the thickness reaches half a meter. for measurements ice, specialists make special holes, run a ruler there and see how many centimeters have frozen over the last 2 weeks, the numbers are good, more than 40 cm. the decision to open the track has almost been made, a car weighing up to 3.5 will be able to navigate the ice crossing, they can move and small-sized trucks, two in total were opened... the third lane for heavy trucks will continue to be frozen,
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the filling of the ice highway began on november 16, in 2 weeks they created a highway according to all standards, cleaning traffic lanes, removing hummocks that formed during freeze-up, installation of signal poles, road signs, planning approaches to the ordinary crossing, already on the opening day, on both sides many arrived several hours before the moment when the barrier was finally raised and the movement would start, people were in a hurry to get home, i passed, of course , i’m waiting, where did you come from, from raduzhny, the village of raduzhny, it’s outside surgut, you could say i’m going to surgut, there’s just something to do there. city ​​and well, we are pleased that the only way to travel between, well, communication between two cities, well, i’m a non-local person and it’s kind of surprising to me that there is such a thing, a signal like a wedding, but for hundreds of people
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it’s really a holiday, finally saliharty was once again betrothed by a road ribbon, well , this long-awaited moment happened, the crossing of salihart labytangi open to vehicle traffic. people in cars can freely drive from coast to coast, the main thing is to maintain a distance between cars and the speed limit. the distance between salihard and labatnangi is within easy reach of 20 km, in summer only on the pier that connects city ​​within half an hour of sailing. in spring and autumn there is no non-stop traffic at all, there is a helicopter, but it is too dependent on the weather and only now you can get from the district capital to the city of semilistvenets by car slowly, but quickly. arrangement for other vital seasons for the district will soon begin. evgeniy golovin, rengold vashkevich, vestil. in the amur region, regular preventive raids to the region’s reservoir have been resumed. this season, a dozen and a half administrative cases have already been initiated due to going out and going on fragile ice, contrary to the prohibition sign. in
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daria sherbakova attended another such raid with emercom employees and volunteers. the thickness of the cover that bound the backwater of the shipyard is almost half a meter, here on the edge it is even more, but you risk your life. and it’s still not worth going out to fly during the period of its formation, especially in unauthorized places and under prohibitory signs, these fishermen are safe, to go out on the river ice, its thickness must be at least 10 cm, a passenger car can easily drive here, in this case the required minimum is 35 cm. when the ice will already be frozen , accordingly, patrols will be carried out to identify unauthorized ice crossings, that is, well, the legal region on administrative liability and responsibility for violating safety signs when going on a flight, respectively, when going on a flight for citizens - these are fines from 500 to 1,000 rubles for when leaving vehicles for a flight there are sanctions from 3 to 5,000 rubles. but this is nothing compared to the possible cost of carelessness, so last saturday, having decided to shorten the route, a resident of the svobodninsky district found himself on a breakaway
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ice floe, fortunately, a few hours later he was helped to get ashore by eyewitnesses who were fishing nearby. suddenly you will see if there are children and teenagers here. walking, approaching the edge of the ice, you please make comments to them so that they leave, especially if they are without parents, the main task of the ministry of emergency situations employees, volunteers and representatives of local governments going out on raids is to prevent accidents, we make sure that children do not go out on flight, we conduct preventive conversations, tell, explain, hand out reminders, and so that there is no desire to come up, raids are carried out as on weekends, that is, with the involvement of various youth movements , here, in addition to volunteers, we attract athletes. on the amur river in the regional capital , going on a flight, in addition to risking your life, is also fraught with criminal liability. this may be considered a potential illegal border crossing. these are people who, in a state of alcoholic narcotic intoxication , lose their orientation. the light of the fire in china is also
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quite bright, focusing on this light , they go out to fly and what can happen in the future contribute to the violation of the border. they walk along the embankment, walk their pets, the animals respectively walk without leashes and run out onto the ice, and there was no violation of the border, including the death of people on water bodies. and during last year’s freeze-up , border control officers saved more than a dozen people on the amur river, but specialists or eyewitnesses are not always able to come to the rescue. remember: a good catch, a shortcut or a beautiful shot is not worth your life. daria sherbakova, leonid kasavan, amurskaya region. three lion cubs arrived in kursk at once, this is the name of the new trams, which were assembled for these citizens in st. petersburg. the transport was inspected by its future drivers, our correspondent, tatyana larina. this year the kursk tram turned 125 years old, over the years it has experienced a lot and right now is moving to a new stage of its development.
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in just a few minutes , the unpacking of three new lion cubs will begin behind me; by the end of the year, four more modern ones will arrive in the kursk region. carriage. trams are assembled at the nevsky electric transport plant in st. petersburg. each carriage has a domestically produced low-floor bogie. safe, smooth and fast movement are the main advantages in the work of lion cubs. the tram carries 40 seats and carries 161 people. we provide a 30-year warranty on the body. levits are equipped with a climate control system. it will be warm inside in winter and cool in summer. validators for contactless fare payment, an electronic scoreboard, and a usb device are installed. on the monitor we can see absolutely any door, examine the fat. yes of course, also. from the street along the sides, on the right side, on the left side, all this is also captured on camera, well , the car lends itself, the car is good, yes, yes , of course, certainly, compared to our
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cars, well, there’s nothing to say, the cabins have all the conditions for passengers with disabilities, folding ramps are installed, the tram approaches the stop, and the disabled person presses a specialized button, the tram driver must get out, well , the door opens, the tram driver gets out, folds back the ramp, and helps the passenger get on. and also there is a place for a disabled person, he wears a seat belt and there is also a call button. the lion cubs will be released onto the line next spring after the reconstruction of the rail bed; in total, the contractor will replace more than 40 km of pavement; to date, more than seven have been updated. tatyana larina, alexander azarov, vesti kursk. in the capital of karelia, after three years of reconstruction , a bus station has opened. routes to all parts of the republic, two waiting rooms, seven boarding platforms, everything is done for the comfort of passengers and drivers from petrozavodsk, report by tatyana leonyeva. light facade and on the modern sign, the names in finnish
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were replaced by karelian letters, and these are not all the changes that occurred at the petrozavodsk bus station after the renovation. boxes for pre-trip inspections and a new covered platform with seven platforms were built on the territory. today, for the first time , dozens of buses with hundreds of passengers departed from them. we've been waiting for this for a very long time, the area has certainly increased a lot. the territory was leveled more or less so that it didn’t become so steep, before it was like a bigger hill, much bigger, the bus station was repaired for 3 years, that’s all this time, passengers were forced to freeze at the railway station while waiting for flights, but now these inconveniences are behind us, we are already tired of traveling from the railway station, and here, of course, the wait was very beautiful and good, thank you for renovating the bus station for us, changes of course. cardinal , everything has changed a lot, beautiful, light , good station, new building, everything is safe, we waited, hoped and believed, now it
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came true, on new year's eve, this is a gift for the residents of petrozavodsk, all the guests of our city, the building was completely changed engineering networks, ventilation , redevelopment was carried out, the station area doubled from 100 to 2,000 km, at the updated bus station... now there are two waiting rooms, one is on the ground floor, as before, the second floor is higher, citizens with limited mobility can go up here on the elevator, in general, everything is done for the convenience of all categories of passengers. i have my next flight, then what time will it be, there are more stacked bathrooms, there is a medical room where drivers will be examined, if necessary first aid will also be provided to passengers , innovations include a mother and child room, an automatic luggage storage room, things for storage, press, select a cell, press five, a coupon is issued, use this
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coupon to open a cell, the fifth cell is opened, special attention is paid to safety, install 60 cctv cameras in the building on the territory of the station, we have equipped an inspection area, our exit to the platform is equipped with turnstiles, so that here it would be impossible for a stranger to enter the platform, he can only go out to... the platform is at availability of a ticket. the bus station has changed so much that people don’t immediately understand where everything is. the navigation system should help you figure this out. now workers are putting up the necessary signs, and in about a month kiosks and a cafeteria will open at the station. then passengers will have the opportunity to have a snack while waiting for the bus. tatiana leontyeva, roman savich, anton egorov, vestikalia petrozavodsk. residents of the tomsk region share on social networks. with minks, animals are increasingly entering populated areas, which is why such unexpected visits are associated, vladislav otmakhov sorted it out. here she is, running
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after the fish, after mine. residents of the village of mogochino talk about a whole invasion of minks; they are not afraid of humans and scour the roads in search of food. fishermen often notice when they sit fishing and fish, there are even cases when they feed them fish too, there were cases when they came in and... into a household where people said that chickens began to disappear. residents made a variety of guesses, one of which was the growth of the animal population. natural furs are very expensive, and the eco-fur trend of recent seasons is not particularly in fashion. the mink is hunted less, it has become closer to people’s housing and food, and has completely lost its fear. however, experts say the reason for the mass outing of fluffies is not the typical autumn thaw, and besides, according to estimates, the number of owners of valuable fur in the region is steady. according to the data that we have for the twentieth and twenty -first years, well, the number of mink
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is currently decreasing, as it was this year, that is, the results will show this. current accounting. with the locals were a little hasty with the term invasion, and in some videos they confused the mink with the sable, their numbers in the region are gradually increasing. the korgasok region is the leader in terms of the number of minks, almost 3,000 individuals. in second place is verkhneketsky. there are more and more videos of these animals. people probably shouldn't worry, but it's better to lock the chickens with another bolt. vladislav fotmakhov, ivan patlosov, vesti tomsk. the northern lights were seen in the suburbs of khabarovsk for the first time in about 100 years; the natural phenomenon was recorded amateur astronomer. kirill rogachev found out why the aurora appeared in the sky of khabarovsk. the khabarovsk sky plays to the music, this video of the polar lights, as the northerners also call it, was filmed near the village of druzhba by amateur astronomer evgeniy revva, and invited
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his comrades with him. the illumination could be observed for two nights in a row from 15 eugene has long been fascinated by the positions of celestial bodies in the starry sky, but he admits that this is the first time he has seen such a phenomenon, well, emotions, wow, of course, and everyone had wow, this is very for our region a unique event, because we are located at a very southern latitude, approximately 48°, and such phenomena do not reach us, usually, the last one, as far as i know, was recorded in any way about a century ago in our city, the radiance is a common thing, there atoms are constantly being ionized. in the khabarovsk territory , the latter was observed in the northernmost village of arka, okhotsk district, on november 4, 2021. then the sun flared and plasma was released. when it penetrates the earth's atmosphere, a phenomenon called ionization occurs. accelerated streams of solar plasma contain charged particles that interact with our molecules and atoms
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and a so-called glow occurs. the red color of such illumination is an atom. oxygen at an altitude of about 400 km. blue and green colors are the ionization of oxygen and nitrogen molecules at altitudes of about 100 km. in order for the northern or polar lights, as they say, to be seen, several factors need to coincide: first of all, the dark fabric of the sky, as well as a magnetic storm. this magnetic storm was very mild, but at some point she became very strong. in the north of the region , residents of the ayanomai region also observed the phenomenon at the hydrometeorological center; they emphasize that now there is an increase in solar activity. its peak will come, which means there will be more solar flares. kirilla rogachev, egor goncharov, vesti khabarovsk.
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folk crafts, thank you. need what are you doing?
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yes, i'm already getting out, let the driver pull up, yeah. olya, hello, sorry, i'm in a hurry, if you're looking for fedor, he's on the road, no, mash, i need to talk to you. something happened? no, nothing happened, but talk it’s necessary, let’s meet when it’s convenient for you, only if it’s not difficult for you, let’s drink coffee on neutral territory, and fedya, please don’t say that i called, you ’re scaring me, okay, i’ll figure out the time, i’ll call, agreed, okay, thank you, bye. so without passion, oh, lord , well, i scared you so much, little chicken, why are you , listen, you've seen enough, let's go work, don't bother, who 's going to stop you, work as much as you want, so,
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what have you got, and so what, we are working slowly, come here. what do you think? so what should we think? if they were shooting from here, he would have fallen next to the engine room, but he fell into it, the bullet went right through it, got stuck in the seat, well , from this angle it’s definitely impossible, at five o’clock, i’ll stand, thank you, well, what can you say about that? i don’t know yet, what about you? well , i think they planted the cartridge case so that we would look for another barrel. i agree, there is probably something behind the barrel. oh, guys, no, i doubt it, if they wanted to give it a lift, they would have dropped it next to the corpse, we might not
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have found her at all, if this comrade hadn’t been greedy for the dvr, we would have a portrait now the arrow was already in my pocket. oh, the bosses have arrived. maybe it will tell me something, i’ll go to the meeting, tell me, maybe, hello, marie seigeevna, hello, welcome to the world of our problems, how ’s your mood, ah, it was more fun, but what’s wrong, something with the family? vasivna, i will not embarrass you with stories about my family life, i will only say one thing, in this marriage i am underestimated, seriously, but we will talk about this later. whats up? everything is in order here, a firearm, not a grave, money, phone, watch, everything is in place, something valuable may be missing, but we this is not known. what was he doing here?
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he was running, other runners discovered him, they say he often ran here. did you hear isprin? no, are you turning it off? yes, god knows, these runners, they are also autistic, they listen to music and run, they don’t see anything, they don’t hear anything? they don’t understand, well, and then they can’t say anything, why are you angry, they come here to treat nerves, not to give evidence, but you don’t run? it happens, let's go, sometimes i'll go for a run, hello, dear, hello, my joy, what do you have to say, but nothing interesting, it's better, i'll keep quiet for now, you have absolutely right, just... stepan, hello, oh, yes, hello, marya sergeevna, oh, how good you look today, what are you doing, so
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what, maria sergeevna, in the process, so far, and what is platonov doing there? , so they found a cartridge case, 9 mm, german during the war, seriously, can you imagine, they shot from there, i haven’t fully figured it out yet, but it’s unlikely that it’s from there, who has the documents of the victim, platonov, oleg, give me the documents, hello, hello, oleg, kharitonov, valentin albertovich, registered. okhtinsky prospekt is a bit far to run, you know what, but go to his address, right now, thank you, so stepan, i need all the calls for
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the last 3 days, okay, we’ll do it, thank you, then don’t go to work. he’ll stay at home if he has a headache, please, well, i’m sorry, well, i got excited, i ’ll call you later, i’m sorry. yes, come in, leonid nikolaevich, where is platonov? so on the road, not with chicken. hello, vera pavlovna. hello, leonid nikolaevich. so, well, kurochkin’s testing is fine. by the way, you too, here is platonov, already the third just doesn't come. well, that's how it works. i know your work, that's why i'm here. by
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order of your minister. lani nikolaevich, please tell platonov. if today at 17:00 he does not come to me, then he will have big problems. vera pavlovna. give it without panic. and tell your minister that platonov will be tested as soon as possible, but i don’t want to. this is what i promise you. a man is working. everyone is working. let's not interfere with each other's work, yes, i scared you with problems, but i understand. why isn't the deceased runner here?
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ran? here you'll run for a while and you'll jump out of your lungs. nikolaevich cut through. listen, haven’t you noticed lately that he’s become somewhat twitchy, but he’s always been a beast. i wish you good health, boss, as well as myself. so, platonov, if you don’t show up at the psychologist’s by five today, blame yourself. i will stand up for you in front of the authorities, i won’t get involved. nikolaevich, oh my, come on. ok, well, let her come to an agreement with all the villains around so that they sit quietly for a day and don’t kill anyone, and don’t bother me, i said everything, you heard, oleg, go see that redhead psychologist, i visited her, she didn’t find anything, but don’t bother me, you won’t get away with it, no one will cancel the minister’s decree, let’s better go into the house. masha,
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hello, hello, you’re not changing, you look so cool, well done, let’s go, wriggle, for what? i don’t understand, lidiya anatolyevna, please tell me, your son had enemies, well, has anyone threatened him lately, but what kind of enemies? valya, scientist, graduate student of the faculty of chemistry, chemist, so this is interesting, oleg, well, there are enemies everywhere, you know how many enemies i have, well, it still might be. try, remember
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someone, and i understand correctly that valentin recently got divorced, and because of what, this is a formality, they separated a long time ago, larisa got ready to get married, they filed for divorce, but valechka has an excellent relationship with her, they are friends, divorced, but they are friends, it’s possible, they are intelligent people. and this is completely normal, lady anatolyevna, did your son go jogging, so far from home, only because the ecology here is unimportant, or was he afraid of something else? listen, valya, a chemist, he believes that it’s strictly forbidden to run here without a gas mask forbidden, i can’t do it anymore, you know, he always used to.
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i can’t, i can’t do it anymore, i’m very tired, i understand, but you know, to come and tell my wife about corpses, murders, he’s probably just taking care of you, i don’t need to be taken care of, i want him to treat me like before , i decided, i want to return to you, yes, to the investigative committee, what do you say, are you serious, yes, well, i don’t think this is the right decision, why? how, you have a child, mashulya is still too small, yes, but you have children, lyudmila has a child, you are you all working? wait, lyudmila’s nanny , my husband was caring for the children, and you, as soon as this happens, you’re working, swearing will start about who picks up the child from kindergarten, and in general for relationships in the family, this is not the best job
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, i’m sentenced to the stove for life, but no, why, why the investigative committee, but where, go as a lawyer, but with your track record... the lists of you in any legal office, commercial , will be torn off with your hands, i didn’t think about it, so you'll earn money and be home by 6 o'clock you’ll stand at the stove to cook, right? styopa, just don’t say that you don’t have 20 hands , so that we walk through the forest, because you didn’t have time to do anything, fed, don’t worry, something... well, let’s surprise you, well, i won’t say anything about the bullet, as long as the ballistics are working , i found something on my phone, look, what is it, a set of numbers, what should i understand from this? oleg, i hope you at least understand that he
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called this number several times a day, they also called him from this number, but much less often, the number is registered to nina alekseevna kulishova, a student, according to styopa, we’re going to her, fedya, to notify shvetsova that i should notify her, are you afraid maria sergegeevna, or what? here you are, tell me, come on, what are you really saying, what are you saying, and yours is calling, he will live a long time, yes, fedya, uh, hello, life is good, kharitonov has a friend, a student, we’re going to see her. great, thank you, keep me posted, yeah, but he only calls me to say that he doesn’t know what time he’ll be back home today, so think about my offer, that’s it
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it will change very soon, i’ll think about it, how are you, how are you communicating with lugansky? we communicate, but you know, it’s like he has his own life, i have mine, it seems like i have no place in his life, what does this mean, well, dima was wasting his time, well, everything is understandable, an interesting man, he has someone, yes , let's go, maybe you need to talk to him, discuss, ask him directly? i'll think about it, what can i say about it? okay, sorry, sorry, i don’t want to mind my own business, sorry, no, i’m very glad to chat with you, but it’s time to go to work, can you count, yeah, but you will definitely succeed, 100%, thank you.
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let's go, oleg, if i hadn't been hired as a detective, i would have become the commandant of the women's dormitory. i remind fedya that you are happily married, you won't forget this. wait a second, hello, and zanevsky ministry of internal affairs maor platonov criminal investigation department, are you nina
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kulishova? no, i'm kristina, batsula, yeah, where's nina kulishova? i took the academic degree and went to my parents. can i see your passport? for what? make sure you are really kristina batsula? okay, come in, but i haven’t cleaned it up. and what happened? tell me, nina left a long time ago, the day before yesterday in the afternoon, here you are as charming as in life. yes, i remember that i am happily married, please tell me, do you know valentin albertovich kharitonov, yes, he is a graduate student at our department . he and nina had a relationship, and you are from the naravov police, we are from the criminal investigation department, but
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i have to repeat the question to my colleague, did they have a relationship, yes they did, yeah, and this, well, with your permission, is love, love, not love , ask ninku, what do i have to do with this, please tell me, i was present in this relationship material interest, yes, yes? what’s wrong, he’s promising, wealthy , has an apartment in st. petersburg, did she have a relationship besides khoriton’s, well, like that, so that there was only love, a guy, ilya, they broke up, who are you, to yours, hello, sepa , hello, it’s me, listen to me, we need
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to find nina kuleshova on the call list, find ilya, we don’t know his last name, he supposedly works in a security company, so, hurry up, what can’t you call nina yourself, you must do everything through me, styopa how smart you are, they already called, phone disconnected, she left for arkhangelsk, of course. okay, i’ll look for what to take from you, come on, oleg, stepan, on weapons, is there any news, no, well, okay, but what about the idea of ​​why the cartridge case was in the wrong place, did you shoot? no, except for the stupid explanation that the shooter picked it up at the scene of the shot, put it in his pocket, it
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fell out through the hole when he got into the car, why is there a stupid, completely working hypothesis, by the way, about cars, what about the traces, is there something to cling to? there are a lot of traces, marya sergeevna, to understand what the shooter arrived in is it unrealistic at all? well, you made me happy, there will be news on weapons, call at any time, well, this is a must. marya sergeevna, yes, hello, lenya, hello, marya sergeevna, could you let platonov go today, otherwise the testing has already ruined my baldness with this. yes please, what kind of testing? order of the minister to conduct testing among personnel in order to identify risk factors for sensitive behavior. which one? delicate, that he said the wrong thing, now. ah, deviant. well, it’s been a long time already, well, that’s it, i’m off, hello to my wife, sir in general, when such behavior, when an employee
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does not obey the orders of his superiors, well , platonov may have problems with this, for what purpose do you say hello to her, i mean, just hello, whatever is wrong with you, yes, everything is fine, you are talking about platonov don't forget, hello, don't forget? you know, i’ll make a call now and come back. the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call back
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later, yes, oleg, it’s me, hello, marya sergeevna, please find time, go for testing, and you too, well, who will work, will you? why do you need these problems? okay, okay, i heard you. you're not a little child, do you have to do that? yes, yes, yes, yes, i just can’t wrap my head around it. some kind of nothingness. mikhail afanas, please tell me, here... kharitonov could have had some enemies, it’s scary to say, here at the institute,
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little things, what enemies, where from? valya, valentin , could have... achieved very good results, of course he was not a genius, but he could have, it’s a pity, well, as for his results, with students, well , we know about nina kuleshova, so maybe there were any other achievements, little things, i'm talking about it i don’t know anything, to be honest, i don’t want to know, this is valentin’s personal life, and i have nothing to do with it, if you don’t have any more questions for me? i need to go, yes, no more questions, thank you. what are you watching? yes, it’s an interesting science, chemistry, i always liked it at school, if you know that
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you can mix it with something and you can get drugs, yes, or explosives. or poison, hello, i’m platonov, i came for some exciting tests, what needs to be done, great guys, and platonov, but nothing, you ’re late, we’re already finishing. what are you talking about? okay, guys, fill out this waste paper, uh-huh, you heard, we have 5 minutes left, come out, heard, heard, i have time, platonov, i’m busy. i won't count your test.
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but this is no longer fair. platonov, give it back. i'm almost done. guys, tell me, i, platonov, know what? to be honest, i don’t really need this circus of yours with horses either. let's continue, he started to get interested in drums , i think he was four years old, he was drumming something on pots, the foot point,
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which increases his height, played... its role, i’m delighted, let’s talk without jokes , in fact, about the performance of this young colleague of mine, this is a wonderful virtuoso performance on one of my favorite instruments, a blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on ptp. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, we
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haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one. fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved , you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole team, only on the platform we look, you look 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole scoreboard , we’ll cope, if you ask, then with a bang, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, how much, who is at work,
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speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor. i would cut oak, not pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, head set. god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr.
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who's there? masha, it's me, hi, hi, masha, i don't... until we talk, okay, you could call, i was actually already asleep. masha, you weren’t sleeping, your light is on. okay, let's
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talk, i'll put the kettle on. dima, just don’t stay too long, otherwise i won’t fall asleep later. did you get the hint? no, this is not a hint, i really don’t sleep well. speak. masha, i, just don’t interrupt me, i’ve been preparing for a long time, something it happened, yes, it happened , masha, i will never forget what you did for me, masha, you gave up your career, you sold your apartment for me, you became my lawyer so that i could remain free, stop it, masha, let me please tell me. i did not live up to your expectations, i chose life, what was left for me, i could only let myself
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be killed, mash, forgive me, no, no, yes no, well, you have nothing to apologize for, but you really could have been killed, you did the right thing . repeat, no, seriously, i came to tell you this, but you got distracted there to a conversation with this young lady, i thought, why do you need my opinion at all, masha, you are talking about this telephone conversation with this woman, it means nothing to me, i had nothing with her and could not have, masha, i have been with you all my life loved, and love, seriously, masha,
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thank you, hello, hello, what's going on here? they found a guard at the gatehouse, a gunshot to the heart at close range, very similar to yesterday, just similar, or is it the same shooter, did they find a bullet? yes, the gentlemen over there are doing magic. what about the cameras? there are cameras, but you can only watch them in the security office, all signals go there. lenechka, hi, there’s nothing without
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glasses, what’s the expiration date? oh, hello, hello, the eternal sun of my soul, this is kipling, no, karl marx, wake up. well, does it really look like yesterday's murder? how can i tell you, well, if you take into account that both times they hit the heart, then it looks like it. and the money, phone, documents, everything is in place, well, this is not a question for me, yes, everything is in place, is there any difference from yesterday? yesterday they found a cartridge case, today they didn’t, lenya, what happened to the bullet? let me shoot a bullet in the morgue i’ll extract it, then we’ll see, well, if you ’re talking about the caliber of this simple nonsense, you know, specially trained people, that’s it, chow, we don’t interfere with the master’s work, did you call?
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mash, no, you're on duty, of course, hello, you're sleeping, well, apparently not anymore, good morning, we have a firearm, the guys say, it's very similar to yesterday. i see, okay, drop off your address, i ’ll be right there, good morning, hello, i forgot that you’re
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here, thank you. great, very nice to hear, i'm kidding, sorry, good morning, good, why didn't you wake me up? well, you don't i asked, i didn’t wake you up, uh -huh, come on, sit down, everything is ready, i can’t, i have to go, i don’t have a minute, well, it’s just a sandwich break, sorry, but i can hug you, yes, well, i’m going. everything is fine, yes, everything is fine, yes, well, just kind of tense, yes no, just to do my hair and get dressed, i’ll go,
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masha, take this, what is this? is this a forbidden move? this needs to be reheated, otherwise it won't taste good. dim, well, you can’t do this, i’ll get used to it, well, that’s what i’m trying to achieve, everyone, go, bye. oh, well, you can’t see a damn thing, but stop everything that’s there, why do you need so many cameras if on the main one you can’t make out anything at all, the cameras are watching the warehouse, not our
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booth. yeah, fedya, where have you gone, i ’ll explain to you later where to go? wait at home, now we’ll go to the victim, i ’ll drop by for you, accepted, but what’s in his hand, a boot, or what? it’s unclear, the quality is bad, yes, you are also seen, right? listen, do you have someone like this in your office... doesn’t ilya work by any chance, what’s his last name? no idea, no, there is no ilya, i know everyone, but why are you asking for the last name? so, in my opinion, he still has a boot, why does he need a boot? can? eritle, i'll call you back
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in a minute, come on! you can, you can, come in, platonov was 40 minutes late yesterday, but that’s not the main thing, look, what’s going on, or what? no , it’s not him, it doesn’t matter, just look at how he answered, here... some kind of hare, kitten, faces, birds in some random order, is he kidding me, or what ? vera palovna, don’t worry, i’ll talk to him, there will be the right first aid kits, you probably don’t understand, if i give this a go, he could be fired, or even worse, and i really wouldn’t want that, so, well,
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please tell me, those killed did you know each other? still obvious there is no connection between them, an interesting movie, of course, one thing, two things, one thing, two things, only the daisies are missing, viktor ivanovich, so what will we do, well, let’s do this, masha, while everyone is working on their own business, mash, yes, viktor ivanovich. viktor ivanovich, what if ballistics confirms that they were killed with the same weapon? well, they’ll confirm, we’ll combine things , for now, let’s work
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, well, come on, what’s going on with you, yes, why did you decide that something’s going on with me, i just really want something to happen to you happened, luda, if you knew how difficult it all is, let’s work, i’m very hurt for you, and i’m a chatterbox. oleg, i don’t have an answer to this question. listen, what are you worried about, but olga will get a job, isn’t it better for you? wait, what's better for me? no, let
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’s be more specific from this point, tell me why it would be better for me if my wife starts working, than if our entrance, you tell me, why it would be better if she starts working, that you got to the bottom of me, well , i don’t know, i’m better, but it will definitely be better, you’re a strange person, you say ah... you say b. let’s remember dad, or the service is not allowed, it’s not recommended at all, then without you, and you slow down until we talk, then you’ll get drunk, what are we going to do with you? that's it, and then we'll leave , well, here at least until the pig squeals, my father was a military man before working in security, well, he was in hot spots about afghanistan, he seemed to say something, like, well, that is, you are not very interested in the fate of your father, well, he said , he said, what difference does it make, the schmucks killed him, but what do you think is purple, what is afghan, what is magadan? olek, calm, calm,
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don’t you see, he just wants to get drunk, i see, now listen to me if you remember anything about your father. they called us right away, now next, pick up the glass , otherwise you’ll cut yourself, then blow into the labas, well, as you like, until you scream, thank you, so what are you wound up with, i’ve never seen something like this, or something, yes, on every step by step, complete freak, you know, you can’t change all complete freaks, yes, myage, hello, where are you, you just left from the son of the guard stepantsov, didn’t tell anything useful, well, i ’ll report to lyudmila later, now margeevna, where are you, yes, yes,
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parallel call, so fedya, they called from arkhanelsk, they found our nina kulishova, they are taking her to the department, we will talk to her via video. now, in short, come to me, yes , yeah, got it, let's go, yes, let's see, what happened, hello, hello, do you have a minute, yes, listen, i 'm standing here in front of the investigative committee at the entrance, maybe you can come down, huh? you can’t stand here, you’ll be fined, they’re already gathering, if you don’t come down, they’ll definitely fine you. i’m actually working, and i’m waiting for you, okay, he’ll come now. hello, we'll remove
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the car now, just quickly, we don't care about anything in the morning we agreed on what we had to agree on, this is what, well, i want everything to be as before, dim, well, it will definitely not be the same as before. no, well, if something worries you , then i’ll tell you right away, while i’m talking, they’ll take you to the impound lot, well, then don’t irritate the guy and take the keys, that’s fine, just for the sake of the guy, well, of course, my mother is sick, that’s why. .. i left, there is no one to look after her. nina, when was the last time you saw
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kharitonov? he accompanied me to the train, ask about ilya, ask about ilya. and when are you and ilya have you seen each other? how do you know about him? do i need his name and address? we broke up with him a long time ago, why do you need him? you answer when asked. ilya stroganov, the address is in my phone. tell them, let them give me the phone, otherwise they took it away and won’t give it back, on what grounds, oleg, well, i have to return to my question, to what question? tell me, what will be better for me when my wife starts working, what have i done, but there will be more money in the family, bad, or what? money, what to spend it on if everyone is working? no, well, of course you can put it off, but for... why put it off, maybe go to
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school, of course, but 10 more times everything will change, what do you think, do you agree, what do you agree with? once everything changes here, let's go. steb, hello, i was just about to call you, look , don’t look for ilya’s phone number in kuleshovo calls, we have his address, the guys have already left, at least something good, margeevna, and i also have something, yesterday and today fired from the same weapon, presumably a luger parabem, from the war, but what about the suppression? did you find anything? bye
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no, but even if they knew each other, they never called each other, that’s for sure. i see, thank you. i don’t like them, oh well, they have their own work, we have ours, but i keep thinking about olga, part of the money she earns will go to her outfits, and the other part i’ll have to spend on... a detective, so that kept an eye on her. so, hire me, i
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’ll give you a 50% discount. yes, to whom? uh, to your boss, criminal investigation department. well, what did stroganov do? we need. i want to find out something for him, and i’ll ask him, firstly, where he is now, i have all the guys, checked , double-checked, i don’t take punks to work with me, generally speaking, we don’t work with punks either, the homicide department, after all, why did they get so worked up, now we’ll ask a couple of questions, everything will resolve in an instant, he’s in the shooting range, and there's a shooting range, let's go, everything is nearby. do you have fire training every day? no, after his shift he
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decided to practice, he has a competition coming up, and what kind of competition, if it’s not a secret? he’s probably at the shooting range, what do you think, he’s not engaged in water shooting, he’s in a bad fight, stop shooting, ilya, you comrades from police, they want to ask a couple of questions, well, hello, stroganov, hello, how was training, director... olympic champion, ilya, give me a weapon, according to paragraph one, part four, article five of
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the police law, you are required to name your positions, rank and last names, are you literate, or what? yes, literate, and contact me directly. introduce yourself, okay, senior detective officer of the homicide department of the zanevsky ministry of internal affairs, major oleg platonov, yeah, field marshal of the underwater aviation of the central asian military district, fyodor kurochkin, will do, well, that’s it, tell me, where were you yesterday from 6 to 80 in the morning, domo, what’s the matter, can anyone confirm that you were at home? no, no one, my parents are in sochi, in a sanatorium, well then, unfortunately, you are forced to travel with us, which i am suspected of, they will explain to you, be patient, those.
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if you have a lawyer, you better call him, if not, i don’t need a lawyer, i ’m a fifth-year yokan student, very good, then you naturally know that i should have warned you, you know kharitonov, valentin albertovich, no, who is it? get to know each other. i saw this person, yes, but we don’t know each other, under what circumstances did you meet, stroganov,
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answer the question, but i refuse, go ahead. testimony, article fifty-one, understandable. hello, hello, come in, i gave you the keys, well, you still need to learn how to use them, i
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thought you wouldn’t come, i thought so too. well, go ahead, give birth already, uh, hello. let's get the car out already.
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yes, i’m listening, maryaevna, sorry that we have another firearm, we’ll send the car for you, no, send the address, i’ll come myself, now, without 105, yes, steb, i received it, thank you, hello, hello,
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well, they say , they didn’t give you a master today, alas, i went to see the corpse, yeah, look, daddy hasn’t had an examination yet, but i’m convinced that this is the third victim on our list, mother-in-law roman grigorievich, wow, what a biography, three convictions , and that they didn’t take anything from him either, everything was in place, an expensive car. 100,000 rub. phone, well, now it’s all over again, we’ll look for the intersection between the three victims, but we definitely won’t find anything on the surface, but the pen is in his apartment, i’m waiting for information, in general some interesting selection victims, a graduate student, a chemist, this security guard from the former military, a criminal, i don’t know, maybe our shooter is a maniac, that would be the worst option, but the most important thing is that... law-abiding ilya stroganov has nothing to do with it, well, naturally, he has an alibi, he’s in our air force , yeah, now he needs to be released, but not
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before the field examination comes, i also respect the law, so okay, if anything happens, okay, listen, but you’ve been away for a long time site, second year. what does that mean, when the guy sat down, you weren’t here yet, yes, you weren’t, but i know that he walked under the prince, and what kind of bird is this, and you’d better ask colonel makeev in our rvd, lyoshka, or something, alexei ivanovich, you know, we crossed paths a couple of times in the stone age, so ask him, he will tell you a lot about the prince, okay, happy, thank you, happy. yeah,
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fedya, i understand, go ahead and report on the results, yeah, is there any news? no, unfortunately, there is nothing interesting for us in tishchuk’s apartment, but the guys went to collect information about a certain prince, have you heard of this? no, most likely the leader of some small groups. well, okay, you keep me informed, of course, marya sergeevna, my respects, hello, yes, hello, beautiful, lyudmila andreevna, hello, igor, and you again. business, naturally, i’m on business, how could i come otherwise, this is for you, thank you, this is very nice, unexpected, but i’m busy, in what
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sense, in terms of work or in terms of family status, in both senses, who is my competition ? his name is ivan, and you are not his competition, resourceful, well, i’ll go. live your life in sullen solitude. good luck, just one moment, please pass it on ivan, as a sign of my deepest respect. primorsky krai, i hope you can hear me well, and i hope that i will also hear you well. and summing up the results of the year, vladimir putin will answer questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received from russian citizens. ask your question
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to the president through the website by phone +7-495 539 40-40 +7 499 550-40-40. results of the year with vladimiram putin. live broadcast on december 14 at 12:00. where is he, he packed his things and left, your dad excused me, we’ll look at the weekend, of course we’ll be there. treat your daughter, let's do chemotherapy , i beg you, do everything possible , there is almost no hope, i really want to see how you will grow, but this is not given to me, but i left our only joy for manya, my only relative, the old man cheated a will in favor of my granddaughter anna, which means i have a daughter, the girl’s mother recently
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died, you are the first candidate for guardianship over her and her capital. the only chance is to get rich. go to daddy, daughter. in the very near future, we will submit documents to deprive valentina mikhailovna kruglova guardianship. what to do next? how to continue to live? the only joy. on saturday on rtr. tea, honey. how much you need to love a person in order to take him and come to him. on what. a strong family is certainly an interesting question based on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, he should have a continuation, what a good conversation is based on, trust, i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning, the eye is burning, that is, well, if you notice, when everyone is at home on sunday
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rtr, watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. and you have known makeev for a long time, for a long time, he still worked in rubop, he was a stern man, he gnawed nails with his teeth, why, he had
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an excellent dentist, oleg, you lack imaginative thinking. so that means roma tishchuk is the third dead person on your list, well, 99 percent, we are waiting for a weapons examination, the district police officer said that tishchuk walks under the prince, but can you please enlighten me, who is he? yes, the client was noisy, but now he has settled down, owns several stores, a couple car services, gas station, but does it run it the old fashioned way? will they cut money from the owners? holds, in the sense that he is the owner? i'm telling you, i've settled down. do you have any questions for the prince regarding drugs? the prince has a score to settle with his drugs, his younger brother glued his flippers together from an overdose, so the prince is 100% not dealing, why the stupid questions? from the question that the first graduate student in chemistry was flunked, do you understand why we are going there? logically, i would also start solving the topic with stupidity, but your guesses are off the mark, but i’m not sure, i think that tishchuk
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could well have become a business chemist in addition to the prince. stir things up, such numbers don’t work for the prince , there’s another problem here, well, don’t scare me, there is information that the prince’s former friends want to squeeze out the business, if it gets into the prince’s head that roma tishchuk, they worked, a big showdown will begin, and the friends have also settled down, changed their colors, but the grips remain, they are at enmity, we should talk to the prince, no about that? just forget it, the prince won’t talk to the mit, it’s not according to concepts, you see, he says, they’ve repainted, all the medieval habits are still there, you can’t drink away the education camp, well, you give me your address, we’ll sort out the concepts, yes, no problem. lud,
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hello, where is marya sergeevna? hello, lenechka, i was at my place, but she’s not there, it’s strange , i called her from the morgue, she said she’ll be there, but the office is locked, of course, if you have any news, you can tell me, we work together , yes, you see, what a strange thing, all three dead people had microparticles of felt in their wounds. it’s interesting, well, it’s interesting, because it’s not from their clothes, they were all wearing different clothes, i think that they the arrow was some kind of homemade muffler. well, by the way, this is quite possible, because masha told me that the runner who discovered kharitonov, he didn’t hear the shot, so, you know, it’s morning, the silence of the grass, yeah
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, he should have heard, but he didn’t hear, yes, i don’t know , all this will help you, it won’t help, but marya sergeevna, you tell me all this, oh, what beauty, ah-ah, this means we haven’t run out of gentlemen yet, i don’t know what, but it’s crazy, oh, youth, youth , oh, good, because lord, i'll poop, bye. luda, hi, something happened, hi, you panov was looking, i thought i’d make it in time, you don’t know , something urgent, no, not urgent, but food for thought, you make it beautiful,
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then i’ll tell you, and how did you understand where i am, i’m a good investigator, i can hear him working in the background hairdryer, well, you’re not drying your hair in a restaurant, how smart you are, okay, i’ll be there soon. looks like the guys are freaking out. he’s probably getting ready for a big battle, what are you saying, but they ’re all on edge there, getting ready for a robbery, so
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it’s better not to show them the gun, hold it, don’t lose it, do you want to leave me here alone with two guns, so what? it's bad that is it? just think, how is olya doing, did they hire her , didn’t they hire her? good afternoon. guys, stop acting stupid, well, i said it in russian, well, there’s no gun,
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i haven’t seen you before, who are you? and i also only recognized you today, so i’m even, i ask, who are you? mayor platonov, zanevsky department of internal affairs, homicide department. that's right, roman tishchuk appeared because of you, was he someone you ran around with, a security guard or something more? you can say what you want, but roma was not close, he will answer for him, i agree, but before
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you ask the answer for him, you must first deal with who, and your former friends are clearly not involved here, i can tell you something, well, tell me. and i’ll listen, but first , you tell me, roma could have gotten past you into the topic of drugs , he couldn’t, roma and i trampled more than one zone, and he knew that for the wrong things i would get him off his back, and even more so for drugs . commendable, but if not, tell me.
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hello, hello, hello, olya, how are you on time , let me call you back later, i ’ll just be a second, they hired me, why, who hired me, i don’t understand, they hired me. i just had an interview, hello olya, let's go home let's talk, but i'm not busy, marya sergeevna , impressive, yes, mind you, i'm not asking anything anymore, mind you, i'm not hiding anything, this is
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for myself, well, of course, of course, only for myself, okay, a little for lugansk, finally , oh, i see, this opera comes up with the right trump cards, well done, how did you guess what it is? and i met him in the corridor, uh-huh, okay, let's get down to business. fey, are you there? listen, here it is, while i was guarding your trunk, olga was hired, i don’t understand, she couldn’t consult with me, i kept thinking that she was uniting our victims, two of them were killed next to their cars, yes, stepantsov it turns out that he was killed at his place of work,
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by the way, we don’t know whether he had a car, that’s what we need to find out, but stepan’s task, yeah, is being done, and i’ll look for kurochkin, they disappeared somewhere, please tell me, but it was impossible to consult with me, i’m already a completely empty place, fedya, this is shvetsova. marya sergeevna, excuse me, i suddenly decided that you were my wife and, and you’re talking to your wife like that, well done, where are you, we’re here, yes, we’re collecting information on mother-in-law, well, let's come back, i'll report everything, okay , i'm waiting, oh, well, the kvashnya, the kvashnya will break, bala? wants to see you, great
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, i’ll be there in 30 minutes, stroganov asked for questioning, unexpectedly, i wanted to let him go today, but he doesn’t know about it, okay , i’ll go and listen, wow, you can’t put her in prison, i will, oleg, i could have said , where did she go, now there are such scams at every step, i would have at least found out what kind of office it was, contacted the director, raised his billings for the month, in the end i would have met the chief accountant, okay, that’s enough, you’re always the contour you’ll have time to break through, but it seems to me that you’re not worried about the contour.
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what kind of movie is this? department of internal security, mayor grishin. commander, we did not exceed the speed, the first aid kit is in place. turn off the engine and get out of the car. we've arrived.
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i finally decided to testify. for what reason? because in this case , silence works against me. don't you agree? we absolutely agree. what do you want to tell? the person, the photo you showed me, i accidentally saw with the girl i was dating, they kissed, then i i asked nina to explain herself, she said that this was a graduate student from their department, i understood this and broke off the relationship, you just stepped aside, just like that. i don’t need people like that and they didn’t try to solve the issue like a man , it’s a provocative question, but no, i didn’t try, i’m a lawyer and i solve my problems either according to the law or not at all, that’s all you wanted
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to tell, no, this guy is unlikely had relations only with them, i advise you to look for the killer. to whom he crossed the road just like me, but you need to let me go and apologize, i apologize, today you let go, backwater, platonov, sit down. izzarov, that means work on the land, romance, i myself once wanted to come to you, i read your explanations here, well , you claim that you have never
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communicated with the prince before, well, you tried with him for more than 20 minutes, but how we know that the prince never communicates structurally with his employees, this is not according to his concept, unless of course they are connected by business relations, mayor you have nothing to do, but i just have something to do, the prince is about to start a batch, he’s already didn't care about caution, he had to meet an employee of our structures who works for him, here you are, but the mess will not begin. well, unless, of course, the prince is completely beaten on his head, so-so-so, yes, i see platonov, deep in the material, well, let ’s go into more detail, but i’m busy, that’s right, i understand,
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there is. you can be free, your car is in the parking lot, you can get your weapon from the duty officer, major. he did the right thing in not deciding to come to us, well, he wouldn’t have pulled us to the ground,
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so tell me, do you have a version of why they let us go? well, not yet. well, this is the topic, there is one lieutenant colonel who is a prince crumbled, they took him, they took him, we came under attack, we came under attack, okay, i understood, let's go, whatever, and oleg, don't twitch, well, it'll start now, calm, so calm, what ? bila rode her, now she won’t budge, ours can’t stand strangers, marry me, this is very unexpected, really, dan,
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i love you very much, judging by the conversation, she is in a very close relationship with him, even very close , you are pregnant, the child is not from roman, from dan, i don’t believe it, they took it from me... negative premiere on saturday on rtr. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything , they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because... .of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you
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agree to this, at first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays: on rtr , for performance all our wishes, on friday, i didn’t even know that this happens, that you can love me so much, this is such happiness, i don’t understand what kind of relationship we have with you, the most real, and why then all this, the wedding, the game in love with lena, this is a good deal for us, alexander makagon, legally i am a husband, a non-descendant too. i didn’t play around with the tsar, but it’s one thing to ruin, and then there’s murder, artyom osipov
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, he was following the beast, i see the car is overturned, it’s not breathing, i need to bring him back, maria kulikova, i know that there are people who they are very worried about me, i need to somehow get out of here, no fault of my own, on friday on rtr. maya sergeevna, if you please, come out, where are the guys? oh, yes, there was such a story, in general, platonov and kurochkin came under friendly fire, well, what do you mean? under fire, no, that’s an expression , well, at usb they were detained by mistake, but they were already
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released, it’s just that platonov still has a lot of cars, with a sour, well, in general, not a day without incident, but how beautiful you are today and your hair is simply amazing, thank you, listen, what did platonov test? here bad, very bad, yes, very, very bad, and he’s still a dunce, as if he’s deliberately making things worse, you should talk to him or something, i, well, yes, otherwise he ’ll be turned away altogether, laziness, well, i’m like his nanny, what can i say, an adult, everything, yes, step. hello, marya sergeevna, i found stepantsov’s car, this is the first. second,
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the examination came. tishchuk's bullet is identical to the first two. well, who would doubt it? stepan, the only thing that connects the victims is that they all had cars. well, they had to intersect somewhere. so go ahead, look where? marsegievna, this may take a week, maybe more, until the billings arrive, while i work. you know what, i'll try. to make your task easier, come on, lazy, i ask you, go to stepantsov’s son, find out if his father had traffic conflicts, and in general where he went lately, i understand, thank you, we’ll do it, yeah,
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who do you want? criminal investigation, lieutenant colonel koravlev, what are you doing there, there’s no ambulance , i’ll be right back, i understand everything, i remember my dad, well, yes, well, yes, my father didn’t get into an accident in the car, no. and on the road i didn’t quarrel with anyone, didn’t speak, no, it wasn’t like that, come to us already, i’ll come. where the car is parked in the yard, it should be inspected right now, or what? yes, young man, right now, now i’ll take the keys, if you would be so kind, hello, well,
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show me. here it is. did father travel a lot? no, he had work nearby. open it, come on, i let you go, with a creak, to go fishing, but the registrar. i should, i gave it to my father for his birthday, i need to look at the recording, i’ll take a memory card, i can write a receipt, no need, just don’t lose it, don’t be afraid, i won’t lose it, oleg, so what?
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so sour, well, he fixed the car , sing, i know her, this won’t last long, hello, fyodor , hello, platonov, we need to discuss something with you, we can talk in your office, yes, of course we can, fed, i i’ll be late, go home, vera, i’m home, go , fedor, come in, and where can i sit, yes, where will be comfortable for you, sit down, you passed the repeat test, i would like to discuss its results with you, and what’s going on with you with your hands? yes, the soap in the toilet is out, i appreciate your
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astro skill, well, this is not funny at all, what's wrong now? you didn’t even think about the questions, just to check a box, what do you mean you didn’t think about it? i thought? yes, yes, well, then , for example, this, will you save a dying pet, you answered, no, but can i find out why? well, it depends where to save, in what situation to save, i had this happen, what happened? the dog fell into the wormwood, on the ponds in moscow, and why didn’t you save the drowning dog? i was chasing gubarev, he had a gun, and there were a lot of people there, they would have pulled out the dog without me, so i would have taken gubarev
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just me, you know, listen. i’m coming, i’m tired as a dog, are you going to leave, will you throw the hooks in the duty room? yes, zlatik, yes, mom, hi, are you still at work? oh, i, no, where are you? yes, i’m at home, miite and i had a fight, can i spend the night here today? well, of course, you can, what a strange question, okay, only there is one problem,
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you don’t go to the store for groceries, they ’ll probably hang a mouse in the refrigerator. you know what, as soon as i arrive, i’ll cook you an omelette, and you’ll understand what kind of mother i am, great, otherwise i haven’t eaten anything since the morning, come on, oh, hi, hi, what is it, is it someone's birthday? yes, no, this is shopping, but you have nothing here, no robe, no slippers, but i, what kind of hair do you have, thank you. well, don’t you think that this is for you, i generally change my image often, i don’t think so, dim, zlata called, she’s sitting there at home, alone hungry, i promised
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her to come, so let her come here, we ’ll feed her, here, well and you didn’t say that you were here, well, i didn’t tell anyone at all, i myself don’t really understand what’s going on, no, but you do as you want, i won’t... force you, yes, zlatik, i’m already on my way, mom, mom, mitya has arrived , make peace, we’re leaving for them now, that’s it, smack, bye-bye, well, i’m very happy for you, really, bye, dima,
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oh god, you scared me, laziness , what are you doing, you have to work, why aren’t you sleeping, you have a headache, again, maybe you should call a doctor, which one, a neurologist, i don’t know who, don’t go crazy, which neurologist. don't sit for long, you won't get up tomorrow.
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hey guys, you're so busy, help me finish this, yeah, of course, yeah, so, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, more, more, more, more, more, everything, good, good, everything, thank you! platonov, you were fixing it yesterday, yes, you were fixing it
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, now it’s broken again, and whose is this, mine, roomy, everything you need will fit, but what, i, nothing, sold that one to where? so, wait a minute, i remembered, come on, come with me, quickly! office, what happened yesterday, platonov, what brought you to this prince? tishchuk walked under him, it was necessary to talk about what? well, i had this idea that those killed for drugs worked,
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the chemist did the butchering, this retiree hid, tishchuk pushed, and that the prince would take it all for you and laid it out, what are you up to, well , at least i suggested something, well, platonov, well, you know how to find your own adventure, well, how many times do you need to say, partizan, kurechkin, defenseless, he almost framed him, korablev, hello, nikolaevich, but here an interesting thing arose, all three killed were traveling one at a time.


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