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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 9, 2023 5:00pm-5:50pm MSK

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happy time in our corner, happy time in our corner, happiness, love, joy to everyone. hello on the rossiya tv channel, in the studio denis polunchukov and the main thing for this hour: in russia today is the day of heroes of the fatherland, this is the merit of all my guys, about those who perform feats in the northern military district zone, a report by eduard punnikov. moscow today announced the beginning of the formation of a group of voters in support of vladimir putin. the russian military struck. attack on
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ukrainian ammunition production sites. destroyed in a week almost 5,000 ukrainian armed forces militants. why are the states no longer eager to help kiev? american journalists about the termination of support. the work of military correspondents of the news was especially noted at the tefé prize. the vgtrk holding took 10 bronze orpheus at once. so, our military launched a strike with long-range precision weapons on the production sites of ukrainian ammunition for the lha multiple launch rocket systems, a hail of operational-tactical missiles grom, the targets of the strikes were achieved, all designated targets were hit. according to the ministry of defense for the past over 600 militants in the ukrainian armed forces were killed in a day.
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our hail struck the enemy's strongholds and command posts, and in the artyomovsk sector the militants' armored vehicles were destroyed by d-30 howitzers. proven and reliable, they work in conjunction with aerial reconnaissance, from receiving target coordinates to firing, in a matter of moments. there, near artyomovsk, russian soldiers shot down a ukrainian baba yaga. the attack hexocopter in the ssu, after gaining altitude, rammed the drone of the far eastern paratroopers. after the enemy fell. units to study. all attempts promptly delivered to our location , rotations of militants are successfully suppressed throughout the southern donetsk direction. today , an attack by an assault group of the ukrainian armed forces was repelled there; the militants lost about 80 people. report by our war correspondent stanislav nazarov. the militants of the ukrainian state are being driven out of the industrial zone with the help of aviation and heavy artillery. self-propelled artillery
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units of malka, the fourteenth separate artillery brigade of kalmiu with heavy 203 mm shells, destroy living enemy strength and technology. we work at a distance of 35 km 34 basically, we provide effective counter-battery combat, if there are headquarters there, reconnaissance there, aerial reconnaissance finds targets, they give us targets, we hit them, the crew.
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chick, which burns out neo-nazis from their positions. this is aerial reconnaissance footage under the throat. the artillery of the 132nd brigade is suppressing attempts to rotate ukrainian militants. shot. western gorlovki, crews of 2s-1 gvozdika installations are hitting the enemy in the area of ​​​​the settlement of derzhinsk. can work at a distance of 15 km. we are striking. like a living force, so the equipment is fortified by the enemy. throughout the southern donetsk direction, our units are successfully suppressing attempts to rotate militants along the routes of the armed formations of ukraine, our artillery and guided missile systems are working. stanislav nazarov, vitaly godanovich, andrey rudanko, olek bondarenko, lead donbass. today in russia we celebrate the day of heroes of the fatherland, a holiday when millions of people pay tribute to our outstanding... compatriots, those who
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have received the most honorable state awards, the titles of hero of the soviet union, russian federation, order of glory of st. george. they have a special place in this list. special operations, those for whom honor, duty and love for the homeland are not just words. among them was the commander of a tank battalion, the hero of russia ruslan kurbanov; our war correspondent, eduard punigov, met him on the front line. before each combat mission, the commander of the tank battalion of the vostok group, ruslan kurbanov, personally visits all the crews, gives instructions to his subordinates and checks the condition of the equipment, the position of which is a camouflaged t-80 bvm tank. twenty second year, but it already has our sosnau multi-channel diesel sight, which has proven itself very well for introducing initial actions. in this battalion, his authority is indisputable; everyone knows perfectly well that ruslan kurbanov himself worked in a tank on the front line, from the first days of the northern military district, was seriously wounded,
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underwent treatment, and then decided to return to the front again. for his courage, president vladimir putin awarded him the title “hero of russia.” in the kiev direction, one of the first, i have a tank, my tank factory. with gru special forces, we broke through, it turns out, the enemy’s ground defenses and were the first to enter the gostomen airspace to our paratroopers, do you feel like a hero? well, this is largely not only my merit, it is the merit of my entire crew at that time, my entire platoon, because i performed those main actions as part of my platoon, so this is the merit of all my guys. he is also a hero of the donetsk people's republic and dagestan, but ruslan takes his numerous awards calmly, now... he is on leadership position transfers experience to young soldiers, why did he decide to return here to the front, the wound was very serious, at almost that time i had a platoon, that after that the whole company was 90% composed of guys who were from 19 to 20 years old,
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even at the moment, almost 95% of all companies are full-time servicemen, these are young guys, and if i hide behind their backs, this is not good, it ’s very good to work with the commander, a good person. respect for him from all companies, before go out on missions, we look, we walk with our feet, well, with our eyes, so that we know where, to what positions to go. these crews work on the line of combat contact on the border of the dpr and zaporozhye. the t-80 bvm tank, one of the main attack vehicles in the vostok group in the south donetsk direction, is currently crewed.
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i started working exactly a year ago. the names of the participants in the special military operation who received the title of heroes are listed on the wall. also in the hall of fame there was a cancellation ceremony for ten postage stamps from the series heroes of the russian federation, participants of the northern military district. she dedicated to military personnel who showed great perseverance on the donbass fronts and were awarded the title of heroes posthumously. and in nizhny novgorod, as part of the thanks to the heroes campaign, schoolchildren wrote letters to the soldiers. they contain the most sincere and warm wishes to our.
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leader as a presidential candidate. details of the meeting in alexey golovko's report. less than a day has passed since vladimir putin announced that he would participate in the presidential elections, an initiative group for his nomination has already gathered in moscow. this is the first most important step in the beginning
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election campaign. famous throughout the country, scientists, athletes, public figures and politicians meet at the headquarters of the all-russian popular front. here is artyom zhoga, whose question launched a big question in the kremlin the day before. right now on the front of the residents of our regions of donetsk, lugansk, kherson, zaporozhye, that they are asking vladimir vladimirovich to run for election in 2024, in march. vladimir vladimirovich responded positively to this request. gather in such a composition in saturday was not an easy day, we had to urgently cancel work trips, but everyone came: vladimir mashkov, the brightest representative of the russian creative intelligentsia, tells why putin is his candidate. vladimir vladimirovich putin, as a true leader and leader, pays
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great attention to all spheres of activity of our state, the sphere of art is no exception here, we have a huge multinational country with a great culture, i am very proud that our country has such a strong, strong-willed, deeply feeling. country, its people, leader. the president has great support among doctors in the initiative group, maryana lysenko, head of the fifty-second moscow hospital. the confidence that vladimir vladimirovich , who personally, here is the key word personally, pays enormous attention to the development of medicine, to what is happening, to the difficulties we face, evokes respect and desire from colleagues.
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will allocate the moscow zaryadiya concert hall. alexey golovko, nikita korneev, artyom davidov, lead. now about how it's going preparation for the main television event, results of the year with vladimir putin. on december 14 , the head of state will answer questions from citizens. the program will include a live line and an annual large press conference. the number of questions increases every minute. an appeal from the processing center, where work is literally in full swing right now. report by dmitry petrov. hello, you! called the editors of the code summary program with vladimir putin, your call is free. russians call the president around the clock, mostly
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those over 56 years old, many very elderly 80 plus. the questions are traditionally about what worries us the most: social policy, pensions and payments, healthcare, medical care and preferential medications, housing, mortgages and equity shares, these are the top three. the popular front immediately takes up some of the issues, for example, why are doctors and medical professionals not equal in rights? biologists, medical biologists work on an equal basis with laboratory doctors, they also fight against all infections, epidemics, are also exposed to threats to their health and so on, in general, everything is aligned with them payment, but they do not have the right to a preferential pension, of course, this offends them. this year , novation, rostelek operators and popular front activists are working together; volunteers have come to moscow from all over the country.
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those who are younger, as always, can contact the president via video link or send a voice message, vladimirovich asked from the krasnodar territory to remove calls and sms. which come more than 15 per week, that is, they ask either for advertising campaigns to ask for permission, or for some kind of law to be passed. 8 800 24040, even if you are not you will be able to reach the operator, your call will still be received automatically, and then processed and taken into account, it is quite possible that on december 14 the president will be able
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to read it and answer it. dmitry petrov, konstantin morozov and vladislav dudar. schoolchildren, they swore the oath of allegiance, and then met with veterans of the great patriotic special operation, then the children were given a tour of the museum and became acquainted with the military history of the country. the hero of the fatherland is an integral part of our national history, he said today vladimir putin, addressing... his native land and responsibility for its future. your movement was created in order to unite children who are not indifferent to their country, its history and culture, who are always ready to benefit their homeland and be involved in its destiny. and the fact
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that you are making your all-russian mark on the day of heroes of the fatherland. this is symbolic and correct. energetic, purposeful. you actively help search engine volunteers. take care of the older generation, support in word and deed those who need help help. you are involved in the implementation of projects targeted at participants in a special military operation, who worthily continue the military traditions of veterans of the great patriotic war and the armed forces. i wish you not to slow down. work. the solemn ceremony for presenting the national patriot award is taking place today in moscow. this year, applications for participation were submitted from 11 countries where our compatriots live. and the winners were teachers, doctors, war correspondents and even schoolchildren. they were greeted in the hall by the participants as well. special operations, who were especially thanked for
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passing on their experience to younger generations with their example and attitude towards the country. there is a formula that... a true patriot is only one whose children are patriots, because if you are truly convinced of something, only then can you pass on your beliefs to the next generation, because knowledge can be passed on through a textbook, they can be transmitted in different ways, by different carriers, but beliefs are transmitted only from person to person. announced the laureates the main television award tefé. the vgtrk holding won 10 bronze arfey statuettes in key categories. they especially noted the work of military correspondents of the news, who risk their lives to cover events in the zone of a special military operation. report by olga mishcheryakova. a short and succinct word sounds from the stage: for millions of people,
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television viewers. the standard of professionalism, efficiency and information, truth. news. vesti tv channel russia is the best evening information program. another important nomination, our channel is back on pedestal. news of the week is the best information and analytical program. sociology shows that young people began to watch vedeli, young people, schoolchildren began to watch vedeli, this is part of the return of television. and why? because meaning is needed, and leading the week is television.
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and now the audience stands up, these are small fragments of reports, very humane, sincere, just like he himself, borya maksudov. he died
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from injuries received while filming a report in zaporozhye, for which olga armyakova receives an award for all our military officers. borya, boris bakhtiyarovich maksudov, bakhtiyarych, as he was called at the front, and what was the name of his telegram. channel, he didn’t like being called a military commander on air, being where it is most important for the country to be now, he asked to be introduced on air as a special correspondent, he believed that in a war the main people are, and it doesn’t matter what they call you , it is important to show people, and he did this every day, and he... found himself, it seems, precisely there, in the war, and this is now being done by our guys, our military correspondents, who go from the regions to a hot spot and work there
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every day, and this is your reward, guys. we are leaving in order to definitely return, and we are making every effort to return, and this award, the award to the military correspondents of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company for work in the northern military district zone, i am completely convinced of this, this is an award for our family and friends, this is an award for those who support us waiting and waiting at home, the work of war correspondents in each of...
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the tail didn’t wag, who didn’t throw a tantrum, who continues to do their job, who still shows that russian
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television is the best in the world, one more nomination, evening socio-political talk show of the year. moscow, kremlin, putin. good evening, fundamental changes are taking place in the world, an exclusive interview and truly breathtaking footage. the best daytime presenter takes the stage again. year for those who work in this profession, this result is very important for our channel of our holding, we received the maximum this award can probably be called the total number of awards in the most important professional categories. nominated for leading evening news program the arfey statuette went to vladimir chernyshov and elmira effendieva (ntv). the military correspondent of channel one, dmitry kulko, is recognized as the reporter for this television season. 21 nominations were completed, each of which is recognition, very important for those whose profession has become more than a profession, a matter of life, needed by people.
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olga mecheryakova, ivan panomarenko, nikolay lomakin, lead. abnormally cold weather will continue across most of the country until next week. even in siberia, which is accustomed to frost, the temperature is 20° below normal. in the novosibirsk, kemerovo, omsk, tomsk and irkutsk regions, it drops to minus at night. in central russia, the cold is being replaced by a cyclone; in tula, bryansk, oryol, belgorod and other regions tomorrow there will be heavy snow, snow drifts. in idmurt, due to severe frosts, schools are switching to remote mode; in altai, 34 people are stuck in snow captivity on a highway . as a result, rescuers came to their aid. increased alert has been announced in krasnoyarsk, where the thermometer will drop to -40 in the coming days. about rapid cooling. once again they say, in these frames , a huge steam cloud has formed over the yenisei. by the end of the year, in the village of vysokaya, smolensk region
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, there will be a house of creativity and... a boarding school and a swimming pool. this is the third stage of development of the phoenix boarding school lyceum for orphans and children from low-income families. its construction is taking place within the framework of a private public partnership under the patronage of vyacheslav volodin. today the chairman of the state duma visited the sponsored lyceum. he got acquainted with the progress of completion of the work. at the final stage also includes the construction of office housing for teachers. when we talk about our boarding lyceum, the guys from...
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the orchestra will be accompanied by young talents, who have already passed a strict selection on the updated stage only live. among the new participants there are guys from new territories of russia. report by anton dzemidov. the blue bird competition once again gathers young talents from all over russia under its wing. me: of course, i admire, i just admire these children, such children grow into wonderful musicians, participants in a new tenth season students are engaged in creativity from an early age, the level of their skill is very high. i’m pleased that this season we have small children on stage again, probably this is such a gift to us that in the tenth season
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we meet with such people again... maybe a little excitement, but i’m sitting here, warming up, working on the air belts, therefore, a warm-up is necessary so as not to get injured anywhere, that is, you have some kind of dangerous number, well, quite dangerous, yes, i don’t have insurance, but from experience. all performances on the bluebird are performed to the accompaniment vgtrk orchestra, this is a unique experience that
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for... new release tomorrow at 17:55, don’t miss it, anton demidov, philip nazarov, lead. and that’s what we’ll talk about later in our program. in the zaporozhye direction, our troops launched successful strikes against ukrainian militants. why are the states no longer eager to help kiev? and today a festival starts on the palace square of st. petersburg. country of the world, about this not only immediately after the advertisement, stay with us, what are the next tasks, i will tell you this separately, when the cameras are turned off, where go and what to do, they just recommended never reading american newspapers, fighting directly from russia, from china, nonsense , of course, how much time do you devote to the progress of a special military operation, all this begins the day and ends with this, the first
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thing.. .they said, we have a lot of them, the buryats don’t flee, on helicopter board number one, we will be the first to know about it, alexander grigorovich, again, hello, let him in, guys, there are no forces that could hold him, you are probably the first here who shows it pasha, you’re filming this, hello, hello, yes, you’ve learned how to do this stuff, i’m doing it, in the first person, just tell me what ’s happening and where at 3:30, of course, i should always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, again we will see more than others , thank you very much, come back again, on sunday on rtr, the navigator shows an hour and a half before you, slow down, the victim is the fourth
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negative, we don’t have that in our hospital. anatoly rudenko, i like you, i have a feeling that i have known you for a long time, tamara akulova, what do you think about this girl, sobbing, i want to know everything about her , roma proposed to me, i wouldn’t want him to make a mistake in his choice, if roman loves marina, he won’t be mistaken, he loves her , here it is, the fourth negative, ask, premiere. today at rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me,
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another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on me from above, one bullet so far is in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry herself, but she’s bringing this whore to the shelter, she says, baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that i need to take the guys in, i came across such people , they care, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing , monday to wednesday on rtr, we watch before everyone else what we have the courtyard is like this, there are only intrigues on the mind,
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the royal vaccination, why didn’t you say that catherine was going to be vaccinated against smallpox, this vaccination could really turn out to be fatal for the sovereign, subscribe, let’s see. luka became interested in music quite early, at the age of four. to become a good violinist, you need to treat your profession with love. you are a small boy, but already a very big musician. thank you, but i still have to study, study , study. where did you come from? it’s simply mind -boggling, you know, playing companella for 8 years - this is incredible.
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you watch the news, we continue the release. vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with egyptian president abdel-fattah assisi. according to the kremlin press service, the russian leader shared the results of his recent trip to variad and abu dhabi and spoke about how the negotiations in moscow with the president of iran went. vladimir putin thanked his interlocutor for his assistance in the evacuation of russian citizens and members of their families from the gas sector, as well as for his efforts to deliver humanitarian supplies from russia to the enclave. them meanwhile, the united states in the un security council blocked a draft resolution demanding a ceasefire in the gas sector. the document was supported by the overwhelming majority of security council countries, 13 out of 15, but the united states called the project unbalanced and vetoed it. as stated in our
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post-press, washington thereby passed a death sentence for thousands of people. israel and hamas do not stop exchanging blows . air raid sirens sounded in zderot and ashkelon for the first time in several years, in several days. in tel aviv. the idf is developing an offensive both in the north and in the south of gaza. in the area, shujai, the military discovered an exit to an underground hamas tunnel, which was located in one of the schools. the shelling does not stop on the lebanese-israeli border. for the second time in a week, the israeli military attacked the positions of the lebanese regular army. meanwhile, israeli media report that another hostage has died in hamas captivity. the number of victims in gaza is growing.
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consideration of a request for new funds for let me remind you that the republicans in the senate blocked kiev. the white house emphasizes that there are only a few weeks left, after which help will be possible. will no longer be in ukraine, it is possible that the real reasons why the states are no longer eager to help the independent states are the colossal losses in the ssu. this conclusion was reached by the independent american publication military watch magazine. according to observers, the so-called counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces has completely failed, and the russian army is successfully destroying western equipment. in addition, washington is very worried about the reputation of the best american abrams tank, which can... be captured or lost during battles, cessation of assistance
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on the part of the united states can not only weaken ukraine’s military potential, but also prevent it from fulfilling the basic functions of the state, the authors of the article summarize. in the zaporozhye direction, over the past 24 hours, our military carried out successful strikes against ukrainian militants in the areas of the villages of pyatikhatka, verbovaya and rabotina. aviation and artillery worked in tandem. 35 servicemen in the ssu were liquidated. car, howitzer and self-propelled artillery mount stud. about the heroes who risk their lives to defend our borders on this sector of the front. military correspondent's report news from igor pikhanov. there is a goal, a goal to destroy. in one of the most difficult sectors of the front in the zaporozhye region , an air defense unit destroys ukrainian drones. menoborun specialists are equipped with verbo anti-aircraft missile systems; often
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the pilots of the armed forces of ukraine do not reach the point of their work ; in fact, they work on their own. this is summer footage of the work of the hero of russia unit anatoly ishchenko met three attacking su-25 aircraft with fire from manpads. one attack aircraft was shot down, another was damaged, the third side flew away without firing a single shot. behind professionalism and courage, almost all fighters have the order of manhood and state title. our urgent task was to help destroy an enemy helicopter in the kherson direction, and we successfully completed it. on a neighboring section of the front, soldiers of a separate engineering and sapper unit of the fifty- eighth army are preparing for a combat exit together with reconnaissance officers. you need to move near the front zone with extreme caution, constantly watching the sky, because there may be kamikaze drones, you also need to watch your step, because the ukrainian military they use a large number of cluster munitions, and many of them... explode, sappers make their way through
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the minefield, they need to work quickly and extremely carefully, i can say with confidence that these are very strong specialists, very brave and just as competent , taking care of your excellent composition. sapper units help repel attacks by ukrainian militants, 90% of specialists have state awards, commander maxim andronik, a career officer for competent actions and courage twice awarded orders of courage. leopards, bradley, m-113 were blown up by mines. the russian military not only protects residents of front-line regions, but also demines residential buildings in agricultural areas. igor pikhanov, konstantin peounov, lead zaporozhye region. in kiev, instead of fighting, they now seem to be more busy with the war on monuments. today, city utilities dismantled the monument to nikolai shchors. however, even here everything did not go so smoothly. it took the utility workers 6 hours. to to defeat the motionless figure of a civil
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war hero, to do this they had to cut off the hooves of a horse sculpture. the monument was erected for the tercentenary of the reunification of ukraine and russia. in other news: at the international exhibition at the russia forum at vdnkh - day of kobordin of balkaria and stavropol. our correspondent, alexey karev, knows what program has been prepared for visitors; he is in direct contact with vdnkh. alexey, hello, what about your impressions? what do the exhibition guests say and what did they find most interesting? denis, dear evening, well, about impressions a little later, i would like to say that we are at the stand of kabardino balkaria, a region of comfort, the garden of the country and the highest point of russia, all these are the leitmotifs of kabardinin’s stand in balkaria at the russia exhibition, and here at the stand are high technologies presented with the richest cultural heritage, look at the technical developments of diamonds.
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the figure of people ready to climb snowboards or descend these slopes of incredible beauty. by the way, being a seasonal resort is a significant contribution to the economy, which rise. these are successes both in industry and agriculture, they are actively developing greenhouse complexes, all thanks to this, all this is the blessed kabardian balkaria, once seen, it is impossible to forget, and of course, the special cuisine, in general, there is something to surprise, so go to the region’s pavilion at the exhibition
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today there was increased attention, they told a lot about the republic, the best, the brightest, but in any case it’s worth... kabbardina-bolkaria is ready to amaze with its rich tourism potential, it is an original culture, unique nature, in a word, there is something to see and the best confirmation of this is the increased tourist flow. in just 3 years we can say that this figure has tripled and we
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expect one and a half million tourists by the end of the twenty-third year, this has never happened before, it hasn’t happened, we were standing on... you can see the panorama of the caucasian mineral water resorts or go to a virtual excursion to yasentuki in a hot air balloon, so today guests of the russia exhibition have a good
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opportunity to find out what is being prepared in the regions, which are always famous for their hospitality, and this is only one day at the russian exhibition, it is not over yet, i note that the atmosphere at vdnkh is already pre-new year, so whoever lacks a festive mood, go to the russia exhibition, denis. thank you, our correspondent alexey karev was on the direct line with svudenkha. the 10th anniversary is being celebrated today by our colleagues, journalists from mia russia today. vladimir putin congratulated the team on the round anniversary; he noted that the media group unites a close-knit team of talented professionals.
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we fight for seconds, we have resources that specialize only in lightning, so we are fast in terms of coverage, we have our flagship site, raru, this is the most popular information resource in the country, these are meeting platforms, training programs, when we in different countries we attract specialists to work with russia, it turns out to be so explosive or something? the effect of russia's information presence in those countries where this occurs. about the main events of the last 7 days, in news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, watch on sunday at 20:00. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on
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sunday. this is absolute madness, no matter how biden frightened the americans with russia, they never gave him money for zelensky. yes , and my son got into trouble again, washington is shaking, ukraine will not beat russia, if anyone has been beaten, it’s the usa, they have several floors of fortifications and a huge entrance 500 meters from the enemy, this is an ill-fated, evil, always snarling hf. sergei zenin from the ukrainian okupas, repulsed by our troops, the ukrainian armed forces is retreating, and that on others fronts from our military officers? chained the find with a gun, russia and the arab world face to face, our tricolor in the sky over a...
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news of the week, sunday, 20:00.
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the land of light festival starts today on the palace square of st. petersburg. the multimedia show is dedicated to the 320th anniversary of the northern capital. a large-scale extravaganza will unfold on the facades of the architectural masterpieces of the city on the neva. dmitry pishchukhin attended the dress rehearsal. the palace square seems wider and more voluminous, the walls of the main headquarters come to life, the historical facades have become canvases for multimedia paintings. history and modernity are intertwined together, for a moment it may seem that st. petersburg is talking to its inhabitants. it is difficult to imagine a more successful place for holding a multimedia event. show than the arched façade of the main headquarters, the total length is more than half a kilometer, the area of ​​6,500 km made it possible
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to create the largest wide-format screen on which any artistic concept can be realized. this is a real declaration of love for st. petersburg. this year the city celebrated its 320th birthday. the square is a city, it is st. petersburg, it has a special mood. and it's very difficult. the light show gets into the mood, this hermitage show gets in, some kind of inner life of these buildings, it spills out onto the square and corresponds to the mood that real petersburgers should have. in addition, on the same days, on the facade of the guards building on the palace square, the finalists of the land of light competition, the theme of which is a small homeland, a place of power, will present their works. i really wanted to tell everyone about our city, to show it so that everyone knew. for 2 for minutes, the participants will have to talk about
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the impressions that are dearest to their hearts about their city and captivate the audience with this on the palace square. the project is being implemented with the support of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. dmitry pishukhin, sergey ishchenko, dmitry lukashevich and galina orlova.


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