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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 10, 2023 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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i know the preview of my daughter on friday on rtr. dialogue with the whole country, dialogue with everyone. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. hello, hello vasilyevich, hello, hello, borya, what time is it? borya, but for me. happy, oh,
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fathers, what is it, oh, let’s see, uh, everything is written in a foreign language, well, it’s you , borenka, well, thank you, you! my son, thank you, you are my good one, no need, wow, what are you like, and most importantly, are you pouting, why are you pouting like a mouse on a rump?
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screw the spread!
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hello, dmitry petrovich, how is your health? thank you, okay, i ’ll close the window for you later, do you mind?
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lyudka, come quickly, zina, zin , girls, are you sick or something , you’re strutting a little in front of them, why did you get that idea, why are you staring, haven’t seen each other for a long time, or something, so... the lanky ones are bringing it on, i give up, i give up,
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i give up. “golubiva, gray-haired, ivanna, bring some water , what are you doing, boris, don’t drink water, here’s more, well, i
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’m asking you, borenko, well, i said everything, i, i. what pub of earth was found, who was born like that, in father, little mother is wondering, what are you talking about? you know, well, it doesn’t matter, it’s genes, why are you talking to your mother, but you still don’t understand, hello, goodbye, thank you, thank you, please, good health. you don’t want to get acquainted, but here he does that, what do you think there’s a circus here or what,
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what, what, what, if only he had respect , he would dress like a person, otherwise he’d come to visit like all the people who i got stuck on a tractor, hello, what do you want? the main people, i can tell people even now that what i have for you is crazy, but what yes you’re like a hair on a stone, and why should i be ashamed?
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me, i stand under the window, i’m with a car, my own brand grader, so look at
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me, just once, on a yarchemai day, the wonderful sparkle of your eyes, the plane rises higher and higher, and the engines are beating long on takeoff , rats are still clearly visible below, give me tickets to the dance, and under each rat there are two tickets to the dance, below you can still clearly see one ticket. laughter, some numbers, take it here, it’s long, well then he’s here, what kind of
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striped one is she. fat, yes, wow, you what, the groom came here, well, after all, well, well, who do you like here, where, here, here. in general, no one, oh, how tired i am of you, stop!
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let me invite you, yes, i’m with my husband, yeah, what’s the matter, excuse me, excuse me, young man, and you invite my friend, right?
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lada, for me your laughter is a reward, lada, even if you become a grandmother, you will still be ladushka, for me you will be ladushka lada, centuries are not a barrier for us, centuries are not a barrier for us, and i want it again. forgotten words of lada, forgotten words of lada, loved ones
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began to call. he takes you to a restaurant, but no, what are you talking about, such pure love, right? as long as he doesn’t offend me, i don’t complain, fufu, how is he with wrestling? but no way, he didn’t show up to fight, so
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how will he deal with the children, and don’t tell me what will happen? yes, i brought him a ticket to a football game, a ticket, just think, let the rich one prepare something, how much does he earn, but how do i know, you surprise me, but what do you know about him? well, divorced, childless, lives in a hostel? you don’t know anything about him, did you go to the hostel? yeah awkward to me, well, you’re just like a girl, she’s awkward , you tell me, you’re going for him, yes he’s calling , you’re hanging your ears , you’re unmarried, you’re going into the dark, but go, go, listen, it’s strange how you reason, well, verka, he’s look at me, i can’t do that, what a fool, then you’ll wash yourself with tears, but you don’t know him at all, oh, come on, you’ve seen a lot of them, what did you say? i'll be offended, won't i? dmitry
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petrovich, can i call? yes, yes, please. oh, i'll get you dirty. sorry. hello, you don’t have bori golubev, be kind, tell my mom called, i told him i got the ticket for the occasion. match, yes, they are playing with foreigners, let him come to see me, yes, and you have a son, yeah, wrestling,
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attention, team player.
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in general, you know, i have a whole collection, rights to any car, well, just a steam locomotive, an airplane, what’s not there, what’s not there, these cars, a tank, a tractor, a grader, a bulldozer, an excavator, i can do it all, this is a motor scooter, well there is nothing to explain here, only. and the most difficult thing is the traffic rules . didn’t i tell you that i myself work on a scooter?
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i was thinking that when it rains here, it means... it rained all over the world when it was little, funny, right? you are a mother, don’t offend her, who offends her, i’m doing this for prevention, let’s do it, but it won’t work
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out, you, i have money, let’s go and sit, hmm, but i need to go see a friend, he’s here, right in another time you come in, no, i can’t , okay, go, i’m waiting, run!
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what, i didn’t remove the cut,
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come here, pain, help me carry things, that ’s all, well, how is it all, you know, zina, it’s me. i'm drinking, but on you, hello, come on in, victor, stepanovich, no?
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smoke, be, don’t offend him. he's alone from the war, he has no father, no mother, an orphan.
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great, lunch is in the kitchen.
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so, thank you, darling.
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it’s myself, ler, i wanted to find out everything from you, how it is with you, well, with that girl you mean, and this is a nightmare, that, yes, well, so clean, inexperienced, so. listen, lev, you have a vacation soon, so what? let's go somewhere, but we haven't
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been anywhere, hello! yeah, it’s clear, but no, they won’t give me a vacation, well, whatever you want, it would be nice, it would be nice, with the girls, and the little blue girl is coming, the little red girl is coming, well, okay, hello, you call. are you crazy, my father? and you said, you don’t have a father, you don’t belong to any of our people, okay, well, it’s clear, little girl, brother,
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sister. brother, he left you a long time ago, yes, a long time ago, i can’t imagine how someone can live without a father, do you even go to see him, no, no, he’s generally okay, he’s neat, he paid child support.
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youth is on the air, the youth radio station is on the air for those who do not sleep. in today's episode you will hear our foreign policy commentary, get acquainted with the soloists of the vio-66 pop orchestra, undisclosed secrets, hear a conversation with the artistic director of the leningradsky
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bolshoi drama theatre, laureate. what do you want, and why are you borin, maybe you , maybe i won’t go anywhere, and i’m not
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talking about the village, but maybe you? you go buy bread, why didn’t you tell him , well, i forgot, well, i forgot, it’s nice in the village now, the weather is wonderful, the hay has been cut , there’s a library in the gardens, like in the forest, and how many relatives you have, oh, you you don’t know any of them, leave me alone, what are you doing, just like that, you’re in the city all your vacation, but you’ll talk, and it’s none of your business, mommy, luka became interested in music quite for four gulik, to become a good stapler , you need to treat your profession with love,
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you are a small boy, but very big... musician, thank you, but i still have to learn, learn to learn, where did you come from, it’s simply baffling to the mind, to understand, playing companella for 8 years is incredible, he and i practice every day, two at a time, and besides me, he also plays, how long? three or four, our future is you, it’s beautiful, it ’s growing and i’m honored, blue bird, anniversary season, today on rtr. i decided to return a day early, i want a surprise for anton do, look at the weekend, happy twenty years of happy married life, dear,
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i wonder why my husband went, also a cretin, with such a woman, i would like to live my whole life, oops, and what should i do now, you... take me back to saturday on rtr, yulia mareeva , the ex-wife of a journalist and... threats to friends, parents, charges of contract murder, she experienced all this after her husband decided to divorce and, most importantly, about the division
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of property, what was happening behind this eight-meter fence of the mansion in the moscow region, behind these gates hell begins, malakova on monday on rtr, it’s very beautiful. “if you don’t get away from victor , this will suit you, you don’t know him at all, i know that he loves me, the rest doesn’t matter to me how strong you are, let’s go to my hut, i made you such tea with herbs, i won’t do it anymore i want and can’t see you, go away, a conspiracy for loneliness, premiere on saturday on rtr.” those who want to stay in the know are watching the weekly news, a program for advanced people, the weekly news with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr,
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hello, he’s coming back, oh, i miss you, sklefosovsky, the city falls asleep, wakes up, eight new episodes, rank, high! all seasons at once, an amazing person, he simply has the talent to always be in the center of events. give yourself a new year's gift now. sklifosovsky, we look before everyone else. in the application or on the website. vitek, we went, we’re waiting outside the gate, okay.
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little by little, by little, eh?
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vobi, you’re an old man, you have to get your first salary, i’m bringing home, i have a family, a son, a wife. house, peck, zhink, i brought my salary, it’s hot. ugh, this is what i’ve been wanting to ask for a long time,
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who is this, who is antoanteri, and who is he for? played? what are you saying, this is not a football player, this is a writer, he wrote books, good books, yes, read us, i don’t have a bible. let's sign up, but you never pawn? no, no, what are you doing, huh? well, let's see what salary our dad brought in?
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jack lonan, but i read this, not all of it, of course, and i think i also read about uncle tom, or saw the production, a long time ago. crazy ideas , science, interesting, but i haven’t read it, well, this one , but most of his books are interesting, he reads a lot, he has a good memory, not like you and me. oh, that's
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where all the wisdom is buried, now i'll ask them a couple of questions, come on! come on, beauty , you are talking in front of me, explain to me what philosophy is, how do you understand it, philosophy , in my opinion, is a doctrine, and what is doctrine, doctrine, yes, doctrine, well, you were talking about philosophy, now give it to me, grief, call dad to dinner, let's go.
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we’ll help you financially, study to your health, now you can’t study without a diploma? very, this mother, one might say, i’m sorry, of course, showed exceptional clarity, well, it should be noted, you haven’t said it yet? borya, we
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got married yesterday, yes, newlyweds, well, for overcoming temporary difficulties, for you, zina. borya, maybe it’s not necessary, drink it, drink it, drink it!
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and she changed her last name, of course, she could have consulted with me, or i don’t count now, that’s right, let’s consult, why not? and you borin, don’t take our surname , maris leonov, listen to how it sounds, but the writer leonov is not your relative, no, no, but i didn’t sully my surname either, and in general, fighting, i would like everything to be
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like in a normal family, i don’t know you, let’s introduce him, but i don’t want to know him, but i'm tired of the bachelor life , "you're settling your old age, you'll say, no , well, no, you'll say, nothing, he'll endure it,
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borya, what are you doing? morko, let's go have lunch orrga.
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it's coming, it's rubbish, the putin men are coming, take it off so that wash, they'll come to the village , we'll give it to you, uh-huh. why, look what you found?
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i brought laundry, yes, thank you, i brought a folder of such watermelons, yes, i was lucky and dropped it, it split, oh, why are you so careless, father, where he mowed today, oh, uncle valya, it’s far away, even sell a cow, yes, why won’t borya come to us, he’s painfully proud, but he’s afraid, lord, he’s afraid, but what? so you’ll start asking these guys how it’s going with them, but what about zinka, you’re always interested, women, huh?
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the main event of the week, but as soon as we saw what kind of conversation was next, we were completely overwhelmed. much remains behind the scenes, our program will show for the first time: you are on the phone all the time, and we will tell them the truth, when and where these shots were taken, only we have unknown details of key visits, to guarantee the safety of the head of the russian state, footage from the hotel of the russian delegation. and my mother also put me in a corner, i had moments before everyone’s eyes, like a volunteer, but there is
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only one program, moscow, the kremlin, putin, which always sees and shows more than the rest, that’s how it is, that’s how it is, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look at rtr today. in the far north-west of russia, beyond the arctic circle, lies a veritable treasure trove of nature. kola peninsula. sometimes it is called russian lapland. the nature on kola is surprisingly diverse. this is taiga. gambling areas. countless herds of reindeer; in the north, the kola
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peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea. in the east and in the south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by the ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located right here, on the kola peninsula. oh my hare, her name was petrovich, petrovich , her name was felshu, she crushed a german , she killed everything for me, she didn’t know what happiness it was to be just a galya, gala is the wife’s name, the great
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salvador, how to draw me naked, you’re so brave, we didn’t agree that way, oh, but i ’m thinking, what kind of woman is standing there so beautiful, and petrovich, today on rtr. well, that’s all, i don’t know how to thank you, zinochka, thank you very much, yes, well, it’s not worth it, it’s not difficult for me, well, let me play you a farewell record, which one do you want? yes
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, i don’t know what it’s called, but this is the one you listen to all the time, and it’s probably bang.
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ay, it’s cold, okay, stop it, you’ll drip on your pants, i’d like some champagne, after that, yes, eat ice cream, yes. 3 rub.
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who is the last, it’s hard, guys, i’ll drive you crazy with just a glance, if you want me, listen, i’ll crown your soul with a song, if you want, i’ll sing for you, listen, if i touch you
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your soul, if you want, i’ll stand up, i dare you , i’ll tear it apart,
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okay, what about you? and my mother said that you drove away the stray wrestler. our fighter is in the village, resting. it's clear? i see, look here. borya, come on, go home.


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