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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  December 11, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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or somewhere else, but of course, not to victory , well, scenes such as the demolition of the monument to the legendary red commander, sawing off the hooves of his horse and at the same time sawing off the legs of zelensky’s throne, which, if he returns empty from washington, may simply fall into coming weeks and maybe months.
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yes, you are still fucking there, how can i leave them, give me transport, or sit there until the end, wait, under the constant roar of artillery guns, the gunner asks the command for evacuation, she is offered to abandon her wounded comrades or die with them, so now it looks like a war until the last ukrainians and ukrainians, aggravating the pull of life of those thrown to slaughter, dirt and mice writes the wall street journal, rats at night. they gnaw
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holes in the uniforms of the bandarites, and due to bad weather, the winter dirt on their uniforms often simply does not dry out. these shots show how in the cold it turns into ice. this is a war of attrition, from trench to trench. the use of drones is very important now, it is becoming more and more important and making the battle bloodier.
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it is of limited use only for military registration and enlistment office, when he gets into the armed forces, there this question disappears, there any commander has the right to put him in any position, then they call me and say: “and i’m already an attack aircraft, although i can’t put a bulletproof vest on you, because i’m just i can’t carry it, and that’s the problem.” this is how mobilization takes place in the kasino sanatorium in transcarpathia, a crowd of armed military commissars of police, threatening employees of the recreational complex with machine guns, searches and interrogates vacationers, many people in only swimming trunks were pulled out of pools and saunas, as the prosecutor's office later reported , two evaders were caught during the scandalous raid, here is another crazy video from transcarpathia: a military commissar with a knife attacked his former employer, who fired him due to drug use. at the time of the attack , the military man was also, as they say, out of uniform, but the man managed to subdue the avenger and hand him over to...
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and this is the less fun everyday life of ukrainian mobilization in ternopil. military commissars descended on the city market in search of cannon fodder. raids on markets and shopping centers gyms are a necessity, explains zelensky’s advisor, the polyak. it’s scary that when russia comes, ukrainians won’t be able to walk the streets calmly. in fact, he admits that it definitely won’t get worse, because under the zelensky regime, people are afraid to leave the house and fall into the clutches.
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with the leaders of paraguay, uruguay, ecuador, well , a ukrainian clown flew to argentina to attend the inauguration ceremony of local president frik meley, he hugged with zelensky and gave him a candlestick, apparently they weren’t prepared for the meeting, they didn’t give him much dear guest the first thing that came to hand.
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a source reports this to the guardian. orban, who is blocking eu aid to ukraine , wants kiev to be left without support from the united states. zelensky has a completely opposite goal. he flies to meet with... and money. the white house reports that the president , in order to beg the senate at the last moment , wants to emphasize the commitment of his administration to support the ukrainian people, who are defending themselves from russian attacks. this visit comes at a time when legislation on capitalist hill return to the negotiating table to
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discuss funding for ukraine. president biden, as we know, visited ukraine in february, and we know that the president continues to apply pressure to get congress to act on the ukrainian issue. the congressman believes that america has already sent enough money to ukraine, it’s time to tell zelensky that he must seek peace. the head of the white house office of management and budget admitted that the united states has only a billion dollars left to replenish its own reserves, weapons and ammunition, but despite the emptying arsenals of the pentagon , kiev still needs to be helped, first lady of ukraine alyona zelensky appeals in an interview with the bbc, because without the support of western sponsors, the kiev regime is over. we can't. "we can't get tired of the situation because otherwise we'll die, and if the world gets tired they'll just let us die, given what's going on, the threat of aid being cut is a mortal danger for us, it's a very difficult situation, yes, that's right, we desperately need help here
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only fewer and fewer people want to help kiev; the number of american voters who consider us spending on ukraine excessive has reached 48%, the survey showed. financial times and university of michigan. against this background , telegraph writes that putin’s russia is approaching a crushing victory. posted by daniel hannan in mid-july. the same propagandist. assured that russia was about to lose, putin was definitely finished, so it was time to think about how to take away nuclear weapons from the defeated russians, but after the failure of the offensive in sosof, he abruptly changed his shoes. american senator james swans explains that only people without brains can believe in kiev’s victory. everyone knows, everyone with brains in their heads knows that this should always have ended in negotiations. the idea that ukraine will push back russia. nobody really believed it. let's not forget,
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jake, ukraine is functionally destroyed as a state. the average age of a soldier in the ukrainian army is now 43 years old, which is tragic, they are older than me, i am 39. if all this lasts a little longer, the average age will be more than yours. at the same time, nato and the european union are panicking about the possible return of donald trump, the new york times reports. the ex-president of america's will will lead not only to the refusal of assistance to the kiev regime, but to the destruction of nato. trump’s son, donald trump, is calling on trump’s son, donald trump, to stop sponsoring the world’s main parasite. jr. he sends three letters: an extravagant man, those who believe that americans should continue to finance an endless war in which there is no way for america to win. and if nato is so afraid russia, then let... this is a direct quote,
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the statement appeared on social networks, trump himself adds no more wars, no more funding for the military-industrial complex. at the same time, bloomberg writes that right now there are more armed conflicts on earth than in the last 30 years; for understanding, in the twenty-third year there were 183 regional wars on the planet, and this is growing. the intensity of these conflicts, the number of deaths over the year increased by 14%, the number of cases of violence , according to their information, by 28%. the radical reasoning that hundreds of american military bases around the world do not make this world safer, even on cnn. i'll ask a question. "make your self -proclaimed role as the world's policeman make our country safer? technically, the united states
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is not at war with anyone, but that doesn't mean our defense should sleep. since the end of world war ii, the united states has assumed the role of world peacemaker, and the u.s. military bases have spread throughout the earth so much that there are now about 800 of them. in addition, out of 195 countries in the world, the united states has 78 counterterrorism
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units." and we see this in syria and iraq, because the presence of american troops there in the name of fighting terrorism increases the chance that our military will enter into action abroad. too far from being the world's gendarme, this country has kind of military status quo, the us believes that it must intervene militarily if something happens abroad. we have gone too far in using military force as the primary means of our foreign diplomacy, and it is not safe, and this does not protect against threats. neither americans nor anyone else in the world. it’s crazy, all this
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is happening on cnn, as if they were starting to prepare the americans for the withdrawal of the united states, now from ukraine, it was under biden that the americans left afghanistan, it is unlikely that his ratings grandfather himself will be able to somehow withstand this blow, although the ratings such that, in principle, he can even... not try to participate in the race, but he said, he will try, please, well, honestly, i don’t know, judging by his rhetoric, the rhetoric of his team, uh, which is pumping up... here these passions, notice how they began to talk in droves about a possible war with russia, and if russia wins in ukraine, the next one will definitely be a nato country, which means american boots are there, that means, on the territory, to hell with their boots, american blood, well, that’s why grandfathers will go to war, why are cousins,
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brothers-in-law and sons, so the pentagon chief said, yes, but judging by this rhetoric, they just decided to escalate these... fear strategies and it is of course very interesting that today zelensky arrives in the united states apparently, having made it part of their election campaign, the states of america are gathering him tomorrow , they are going to get him accustomed to the white house , he is going to hold a whole bunch of meetings, if you believe him, and so again, a bunch of them in different media, including american, british, international, like financial times, these articles appeared that you quote in particular from the survey.
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on the front page today, the financial times published a non-random, probably coincidence with this visit, when we see that zelensky is going to lobby, which means the interests of ukraine, in this is the time the guardian with its own sources are reporting that at the same time for 2 days, supposedly orban’s people, mind you, the event is organized by heritage fauanda, the renaissance foundation, yes, they will be - this is also an indicator, that is, orban, his people,
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for some reason his advisers, embassy employees, will hold this event; in america this really doesn’t happen often. when a similar issue at a similar level with the involvement of american lobbyists will actually be considered, at the same time today on the website, not yet in the newspaper financial times, a big article appears that the ukrainians themselves are already tired of the lies that zelensky is spreading, so stop looking through rose-colored glasses, enough with these rose-colored, so-called pink speeches, zelensky’s pink speeches, yes, with reference. for a whole bunch of former and current advisers, for some reason aristovich’s name is not mentioned there, but several names were named from former and current advisers, yes, who also remember a whole bunch of these unjustified speeches, with unjustified optimism, in in particular, that very one, those very howls of zelensky that you often quote, about the bakhmud fortress, special
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attention is given to this there, yes, when everyone already understood that artyomovsk was lost, when already... i understand everything, everyone persuaded zelensky in the west, in ukraine, that they would stop clinging to him, zelensky continued to convince them that they were almost winning there, and this, of course, broke, completely broke the faith of the ukrainians in all these fables, fairy tales that were disseminated to them from the screens by those same zelensky, aristovich this whole campaign, but once again i say, we knew all this, we discussed it all here, we talked about it, financial times the question is not really asked. and why didn’t all those western media, which spread all these stories, yes, subject all these statements of zelensky, and the hedgehog with him, to any critical analysis. you just brought a really wonderful article in the daily telegram by this hannon, not just, he’s not just a columnist, he’s a fairly well-known politician in britain, a lord, not much
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less, a member of the house of lords, a former deputy the european parliament, yes, it means everything there. a crushing victory, forgetting about what he wrote throughout the last year and a half about how ukraine is winning, spreading the same fairy tales for which they now for some reason only blame zelensky. question: do you want to take responsibility for all these stories, for everything that you have been telling, hanging noodles on the ears of your own readers and voters? no, now he says, russia is winning, of course, zelensky is to blame, zaluzhny is there, whoever, but we are not the west. propagandists, western media, western politicians, and well, then, the truth comes to an interesting conclusion, whether you like it or not, you will have to give up territories in exchange for... peace there and so on and so forth, well, as if the question really lies in territories, but more than once they were told by the supreme
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russian commander-in-chief, yes, that we do not have a territorial dispute, it is a question of the security of the russian federation, when such hannens actually write, and he had several articles on this topic over the past year, that it is necessary how russia is falling apart, why it needs to be broken up, how it is necessary to intercept nuclear weapons in time so that they... do not spread across various territories and so on, well, this is what we are talking about, you want to destroy us, you are fighting with us, accordingly , yes, for us the issue of the security of the russian federation is a priority, and it’s clear that with some kind of territorial concessions or recognition, or rather, of the existing situation, well, of course, we won’t limit ourselves to the pink speech, let’s listen, 50 days in a row ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky delivers a video message to the nation praising his troops, celebrating successes on the front line and reaffirming resolve in
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the face of russian aggression, but with ukraine making few military gains this year and western support waning, the communications strategy is leading to a rift between the presidential administration and military leadership, say military officials, former presidential staffers and communications strategists. this tactic full of optimism, was initially effective in inspiring citizens to believe in their ability to resist invasion, but over time it led to a situation where high expectations did not correspond to reality. this strategy leaves audiences in the west asking: why should they invest their taxpayers' money if ukraine is always on the verge of victory? critics warn that such tactics could undermine trust, especially with western partners, and suggest.
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well, what do you want from me? secret investigations again with us, continuation, we are watching today on rtr.
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we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me. from above, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this kurba, i come and
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say: baby, feed the dogs, extend your hand help, olga and i decided that i need to take the guys in, i came across such people who are not indifferent , support them in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, “without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing , from monday to wednesday on rtr, watch, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look , let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look , agreement, sign, we sign
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simultaneously. subscribe , watch, watch, maybe we'll come to me, just watch a movie , we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, mom, mommy , mommy is back, it’s not mom, it’s another aunt, she was transporting furniture for a man, in general, he has children, two daughters, and his wife died last year, she’s very beautiful, that’s what i mean, that’s ours mom's secret, and now it will be yours, you are just a superhero for marishka, she only tells you, i have forgotten
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how to rejoice, thank you , so, zelensky is flying to the usa, the last, as they write now, is an attempt to persuade, to agree on a package of assistance to ukraine. on friday, december 15, americans begin to celebrate christmas, new year, and, in general, the holidays. democratic congressman brandon boel reports in this regard that trump personally puts pressure on republicans and
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does not give them the poor. the biggest problem for us right now is that former president donald trump and some right-wing the media in the united states are putting pressure on republicans in congress to vote against funding for ukraine, which is what is causing the biggest delay. tucker carlson is one of them, but he is not the only one, there are others on fox news and similar media that are putting a lot of pressure on the republicans in congress. and those afraid of losing the next intra-party election due to loud voices on the right who are openly campaigning against ukraine, there is little anyone outside the us can do to convince my colleagues to do the right thing, i think that members of congress can only cope with this challenge themselves, well, this week, in principle, the issue will be determined, now also on
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monday evening there will be a meeting with... the imf and about the allocation of the last tranche of assistance for 900 million. the total amount of assistance smarta 15.9 15.6 billion dollars, that is, this is the last assistance that the imf will now allocate. accordingly, there will also be meetings, and on tuesday, just before tuesday, there is an attempt to put pressure on congress. the problem is this: the problem the fact is that the situation, of course, rests primarily on the border, which has seriously complicated it. weekend in fact, that’s why from this point of view, as if without resolving the border issue, in the near future there will be no allocations in the amounts that are agreed upon, plus, they have begun to allocate funds from the package, that is , for example, the sale of the same shells that are sold to israel for the merkava, they are sold separately by decision, although it was originally intended to be included in the package, i remind you that there is a social event going on, this package is also being torn apart a little in different
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directions, here. and the problem is that we will now have a summit, thursday-friday, of the european union, three main decisions will be made there, the first is the allocation of 50 billion for 4 years, these are funds that will mainly go respectively to the civil component, the allocation 20 billion and the military component and , accordingly, the provision of additional , as it were, military support, hungary is blocking all this, they think it’s possible with hungary agree by providing 10 billion dollar euros, within the framework of the funds blocked components, so you can buy it for cheap. let's give him 12, the problem here is that he actually gets much more through the energy sector, that 's why money decides everything in this case, of course, and therefore 10 billion compared to what he earns, they say, that's how it is in annual terms, i’m not even talking about the value of, for example, contracts, this seems to be a big feature, finally , hungary, that is, 10 billion will not suit it, here there are different positions on this issue,
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but... basically, i remind you, last year, when...


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