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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  December 11, 2023 5:30pm-7:50pm MSK

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part to enable universities to focus on their core missions, teaching and research. the training of the student rescue corps is taking place today in the moscow region. the all-russian trail is named after hero of russia evgeny zinnichev. over 200 people from 50 regions of the country take part in it. volunteers have to eliminate the consequences of a major fire and car accident, to call trapped passengers out of the car, they use special equipment, then provide treatment to the victims.
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ru, news is following developments in russia abroad, stay with us. at vdnkh, where the grand exhibition forum of russia is taking place, two republics, chechen and lugansk, presented their achievements at once . dmitry petrov spoke about this brilliant spectacle. the stand is crowded. chechnya is always interesting to the public. over the past two decades, she has done so.
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with a mixture of sour cream and cottage cheese, like all dishes of caucasian cuisine, it is very high in calories. this path of transformation of the lugansk people's republic has yet to go through, it also has its day at the russia exhibition, and this symbolic: during a special military operation, lugansk residents and chechens are fighting shoulder to shoulder, and here at vodnkh they are neighbors, even visiting each other with congratulations, this is not even the first time in such company for fraternal lugansk.
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homeland of heroes, your indestructible spirit has not died, the day will come, banners, dmitry petrov, magomeev, lundovskaya, victor barmin, evgeny kirilenko and mikhail mirzayans. news. novosibirsk scientists were the first in the country to learn to detect cancer from a drop of blood. capture fragments of altered dna. in blood,
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three or four molecules are enough to catch the disease, report by elizaveta malykh. this is what synthesis looks like in a chemical reactor, low temperature, dry air. a reaction occurs. triphosphate is obtained, in simple words, the future reagent for pcr tests from such a vessel with a solution will be produced by several thousand test systems tomorrow, this is already the second site today, the first has already been processed and is ready for further purification. at this stage, nafisa sirozhedinova is involved, the chemical engineer is responsible for cleaning, the more transparent the reagent - scientists say, the better the test system works. through tubes, in fact, we first supply our sample, and then... such pure reagents save laboratories from errors and false results, today they are used to make tests for hundreds of diseases, not only of humans, but also of animals, residents of the novosibirsk academy of sciences, the largest in russia, component manufacturers. sanctions
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are a problem for some, but an opportunity for others. foreign competitors have left our market, a certain niche has become available, which we try to notice. one of the latest breakthrough developments is the diagnosis of colon cancer. this type of oncology is practically asymptomatic in the first stages. for the first time in russia, novosibirsk scientists have learned to detect the disease using a blood test; this is the earliest diagnosis. if cancer is detected at an early stage, then there is a very good chance that it will be cured, there will be few relapses, and the person will live a long, happy life. briefly, the process looks like this: plasma is obtained from the patient’s blood, dna is isolated, after happens. transformation, the result of real-time pcr testing. it took 2 years to develop the technology, another year to register. today you can get tested for intestinal cancer in thirty-two clinics and laboratories in novosibirsk. in this laboratory, test systems undergo daily monitoring before being sent to research centers. journalists
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are exceptions here; after filming the premises, they will be treated with ultraviolet light for several hours. reagents produced in novosibirsk today detect the disease at an early stage throughout russia and not only. now an agreement is being signed with kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan and azerbaijan. in the future, scientists say, the technology can be used in the diagnosis of liver cancer. ilzeta malykh, roman shulik, lead novosibirsk. scheduled vaccination against coronavirus has begun in lugansk. a batch of the new domestic vaccine convas-l has arrived in the republic. a total of 170,000 doses were distributed to 40 clinics, and a special mobile laboratory is visiting remote settlements where vaccination can be done in more detail. stanislav sewed.
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i honestly don’t miss all these moments, because well, you know, i think anyway this will be some kind of protection for my body, there is such a verse by sergei marshak, for the first time getting vaccinated, you heard, it’s you, i ’m not afraid of the vaccine, if i have to, i’ll inject myself, but just think about the injection, i’m injected, let’s go, this is the vaccine that the employees of the bus station are vaccinated with, the vaccine is domestic and one of the best in the world, there are practically no side effects on... at the bus station, the employees know about it they are very willing to get vaccinated, that’s how many already empty ampoules in literally half an hour of work by health workers. everyone was waiting, there is a vaccine, let everyone come and get vaccinated, there are a lot of people who want to, please come and get vaccinated. the incidence rate in the republic
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exceeded the threshold by 20%. they suffer from influenza, arvi and coronavirus. doctors say that in order to reduce the incidence rate, one should be vaccinated. our operator is in charge. a fairly large number of people gathered, and we invited the clinic workers to vaccinate our employees at our first-aid post so that people would not travel public transport, we didn’t have to get there ourselves, we didn’t have to stand in line, it all went to the enterprise in an organized manner. immunity from the vaccine
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is developed within 21 days, the peak incidence occurs in january, so by this time vaccinated citizens will already be ready for the rampant viruses. there are somehow more young people, that is, students, a lot of students, a slightly smaller elderly population, and this is probably even due to the fact that we have few of them.
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tion screens had to be completely replaced by the contact network, all for the main 6 km of tracks number three, they had to be laid in difficult conditions, almost in the center of the city. the process is further complicated by the fact that this is currently one of the busiest sections of tansib. we’ve been here for about 10 minutes, and this is already the fourth train, well, in general , trains go every 4 minutes, and therefore it’s a different story to choose to use the so -called technological window. judging by what. the track is ready, we got it done, now the details are coming and after switching to new devices for regulating
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the movement of trains, they will go along the third track lineups, here they announce not only the date of december 29, but also what is expected after the launch in numbers. at the moment , the capacity of this section of the stretch is 113 pairs of trains; after the start of traffic , the capacity will increase to 154 pairs of trains. this will allow part of the tracks to be allocated only for freight trains going to far eastern ports, in order to increase their capacity. one here, the construction of one of the largest reception facilities in the far east is being completed, now the dispatch park has already laid 8 km of tracks, including 13 turnouts, is underway updating automation, telemechanics and communications, all this after launch will make it possible to increase volumes by almost 20%. all this is part of the eastern rgd training ground, the implementation of the presidential decree, according to which the carrying capacity of bama and transib next year should increase to... 80 million tons, but in the meantime , contractors are flocking to the construction site of the century, the khabarovsk territory is changing their registration, the same
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localization, which, from the first days of construction, the governor says, should bring a multiple increase in tax revenues to the region’s budget. part of course our building materials already have settings there, we can bring them up to 100% of the year, and such proposals from the regional government, together with the krdv, the far east development corporation, will be made by the railway. contractor. the first has already begun; an agreement has been reached on moving to khabarovsk with one of the largest contractors working on the construction of the eastern training ground with the bam stroemekhanizatsiya company. potential taxes can be judged by volume. this year they completed work worth more than 100 billion rubles. anna kolchuk, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. during the implementation of the federal program for additional gasification , almost 1.00 km of gas networks were built in udmurtia, which were connected to more than 13,000 subscribers.
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several decades, reporting by yulia ilmurzina, i’m very happy, very happy, there are tears of joy, i even want to cry with joy, comments here are unnecessary, the emotions are understandable, svetlana varlamova in the village of verkhnyaya izhbobia was born here all her life, grew up, got married, gave birth to children, everything during this time the family lived without gas. finally the long-awaited event has arrived, blue fuel has been turned on for the first time it’s so hard, i don’t know what to do, i don’t know what to do, i don’t know, there’s so much time , it would have been earlier, we would have taken care of our hours, we would work, turn on the stove, stand, wait, something needs to be done, in honor of such a holiday the hostess decided to cook one of her signature dishes, pancakes with curd filling for the first time, she makes them on gas , she admits it’s unusual. together with the varlamov family
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, seven families have already spent blue fuel in the house of ekaterina petrova, now the stove will be lit only on major holidays, when there is a lot of cooking to do , a to prepare firewood only for the bathhouse. the air temperature, if the batteries were standing, is not the same, the mold is already starting to become damp, and now we have received gas, so we hope that we will have all this humidity and nothing will be left, they started solving the gas problem here more than 10 years ago, first they laid pipes. but not a single house was extinguished. there are 80 people living in the village; by the end of the month, most of them will have blue fuel. in total , almost 6.00 residents of the republic were connected to the additional gasification program this year. yulia almurzina, alexander karpov, news from udmurtia. near ggadchina, the construction of a memorial to civilians of the ussr who died during the great
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patriotic war is being completed. the composition consists of a forty-meter stele and 150 bronze figures depicting concentration camp prisoners. the opening of the complex is planned on january 27, on the day of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad from the fascist blockade, reporting by michal dubkov. work on the future memorial in the village of zaitsevo does not stop even in frost; builders are installing the structure in two shifts to finish before the end of the year. everything is are we enough? yes, yes, all the panels were purchased, they are brass, which we are re-tinting. everything, everything is bent, everything is ready. the civilians of the soviet union who died during the great patriotic war were assessed by nikolai vsienko, deputy head of the presidential directorate for public projects. he talked, he definitely wants to come here to worship. the idea of ​​creating a memorial complex was voiced by the russian military historical society back in december 2020. the initiative was supported by vladimir putin. then the preparatory work began
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job. electricity and water supply were supplied to the swampy plot of land near the kiev highway. and even gas. the memorial complex itself consists of several parts. in the center is a forty-meter stella, on top of which are bronze figures of a mother and two children. now, at the final stage of installation, they are hidden under scaffolding, so the composition around is already ready. stella is surrounded on both sides by 150 bronze figures, and these are not abstract characters. each of them has a real prototype of a prisoner tortured in a concentration camp. the architects looked for real stories of people in archives across the country, the profiles found will now be collected into a single material for guides. in total , 130 concentration camps operated in the leningrad region during the war, and there were especially many of them on the territory of the modern gachchinsky district. however, the government of the forty-seventh region says that this monument is dedicated to all the dead civilians of the country. and this memorial is truly national, it does not
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apply only to the sleningrad region or st. petersburg, it applies to the whole country, probably, and if we see. as i said nikolai pavlovich, in 10, 20, 30 years there, and that people will come here, walk here, look at these figures, leave flowers, well , that means everything is in order, that means we did everything right. an eternal flame will be lit on the square in front of stella, and the names of all the concentration camps where soviet citizens were kept will be engraved on the slab around it. these are more than sixty names from 14 european countries. the access road will be turned into a memorial gallery of archival photographs. this is not... a noise barrier, this is a wall on which there will be photographs from the time of the great patriotic war, which will introduce any visitor to this topic, to the topic of tragedy, to the topic of victims, civilians. the builders want to complete all installation work by the end of december;
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they plan to officially open the memorial complex on january 27, the day of the eightieth anniversary of the complete liberation of leningrad. irina yakubova will continue, i was very happy, the medallion was read, and i was more glad that they found relatives, they are waiting for their relative from the war to this day. the medallion returned to the squad 10 years later, the soldier’s capsule was found in a fold by evgeny shabalin in august 2013. he
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then participated in the search expedition of the siberian cadet corps, excavations were carried out in the area of ​​pogosti station in the leningrad region. in a small crater one and a half by one and a half meters, together with a comrade, they found two soldiers and a medallion, but the feeling of joy, hope that some name, someone, some soldier, will return home, this is important for us. the form turned out to be filled with a chemical pencil or ink, everything was blurred, nothing was clear. well, i'm upset, honestly i'll tell you. but even such medallions have now been read. the examination was carried out by vologda specialists. thanks to. they managed to find out the name of the fighter who defended the approaches to leningrad. vasily vinnikov, a red army soldier, a native of the then ukrainian village of isaulovka. today this is the territory of the lugansk people's republic. 80 years old. cleared of obscurity as a missing person. we went to see our relatives quite quickly, and in the summer we received news that the medallion had been cleaned. the luhansk administration
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of the antratsitovsky district got involved. at the end of november , novosibirsk search engines were closed in acts in memory in kaluga, the medallion was handed over to lugansk colleagues, they brought it to the homeland of vasily vinnikov. the ceremony took place at the anthracite historical museum. the biggest reward is when relatives are there, then immediately a person. now he is recovering from injury with a group of infantry in a combat vehicle that came under fire. we are proud of our grandfather and great-grandfather. in general, i want to thank the search team,
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the group of all the guys, thank you very much. today , relatives know where vasily vinnikov’s grave is; he is buried at the military memorial in the village new moluxa. the medallion will be kept at home for the edification of descendants, to remember the glorious feat of the winners. pavlovsk opened an exhibition that tells about the life of grand duchess elena pavlovna. report by alexey komarov. grand duchess elena pavlovna could live
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a quiet life in the shadow of her husband, taking care of children, home and arranging receptions, but it so happened that her husband mikhail pavlovich, the fourth son of paul i, neglected his wife and did not even hide his attitude towards her in public. he was only interested in the beauty of the front, as he wrote about him count basquei. “his name was red bear, and red bear without a book, well, in general, he was like that in the family of the children of emperor paul i, well, a little not very educated, not very keen on science, at the pavlovsk reserves museum they opened an exhibition that tells about the life of the grand duchess elena pavlovna in russia, she was a housewife
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and the complete opposite of her husband, contemporaries noted her intelligence and education, for example, she learned the russian language using a self-instruction st. petersburg, elena pavlovna opened a salon, gathering writers around her, artists and composers, was friends with zhukovsky, turgenev, ivanov, rubenstein, and invited pushkin to the palace several times. here is a unique document, a letter from the grand duchess and her husband, to whom she tells about the duel of the great poet. in the archive we found a letter addressed to elena pavlovna. to her husband mikhail pavlovich, who was in italy at that time, where she describes in great detail from her point of view what happened during this duel story, which means where pushkin was wounded, her attitude
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to this, that the whole of st. petersburg was divided into two parts are pushkinists who support pushkin, dantonists who are on the side of dantes. elena pavlovna’s family had five children, the fate of most of them was tragic. elizabeth's middle daughter died during childbirth at age 18, just 12 months later. the czech fever took the eldest maria. literally 3 years later , grand duke mikhail pavlovich also left. only the youngest daughter, ekaterina, remained , although she had a bad relationship with her mother. elena pavlovna devoted her future life to serving the country. i left this entry in my diary about this. position there is no advantage to the russian grand duchess.
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during the crimean war , she trained her own resources and sent girls to the front to care for the wounded, and this is how the holy cross community of sisters of mercy appeared , based on the image of the russian red cross, but her main work was working on the project for the abolition of serfdom, this is its first version, as noted contemporaries, perhaps she... was not the main gear of this clock mechanism, but she was definitely the first spring. this entourage rallied around elena pavlovna, which, therefore, contributed , members of the editorial commissions often visited the mikhailovsky palace, she donated - for the editorial commissions part of her library on the peasant question, which were in her library, she provided premises in the komenostrovsky palace so that these editorial commissions
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could meet in convenient conditions, the project for the abolition of serfdom... the law became the basis for the manifesto on the emancipation of the peasants, for which emperor alexander ii awarded elena pavlovna a medal for reform activists. the grand duchess mounted the award she always carried pearl bracelets with her as a long-awaited recognition of her merits. alexey komarov, alexander popovtsev and sergey larichev, lead st. petersburg. sorgut was recognized as the best city in the russian north based on the results of monitoring the quality of life in the country's cities. independent assessment. today , schools and additional education facilities are being built in surgut , new microdistricts are being erected, and next year they plan to carry out a program for relocating citizens from dilapidated housing 2 years ahead of schedule, more details in elena katkova’s story. a bulldozer levels a dilapidated house, and with it
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the history of the temporary. housing in surgut , this year 77 similar ones were demolished, in total , more than 680 families have moved to new apartments since the beginning of the year, another 200 families remain to be resettled from dilapidated houses, district funding helped to gain a good pace in resettlement, the city received about 2 billion rubles. in the first half of next year plans to complete the resettlement of all emergency dilapidated housing stock, which is located in the city of surgut, according to all programs, thanks to efforts of the head of the city of surgut, and the governor of the autonomous okrug in terms of allocating funds for resettlement, that is, we are provided with all resources, all residential premises have been purchased. at the same time , new microdistricts are actively appearing on the map of surgut. this year they plan to deliver 250,000 km of housing. the city is introducing modern educational programs. this year we opened a school in creative industries. here, schoolchildren study for free in four areas:
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animation, 3d graphics, sound. let's just say the level is 136 children, starting according to the stream, that is, our total minimum , from next year, but i want to say that already now the number of students in the school is almost 80 people, that is, the enrollment has been exceeded . i am very pleased that it turned out that... a modern educational platform for training it specialists. over the summer period , about 300,000 m2 of roads in the city were repaired, colleys were eliminated, 13 driveways and ten courtyards were repaired, the transformation continued in the winter, in december they began new year's decorations in eight
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locations and installed. elements festive trees and ice sculptures are installed. the main concept for, well, let’s say , the artistic part is russian epic tales; on soviet square we are focusing on the theme dedicated to the 43rd anniversary of the city. we are making every effort to make it as beautiful as possible and, of course, create the best mood for our surgut residents before the new year. the city is becoming interesting and more attractive for living, the population of surgut continues to grow. now it is more than 415 thousand people, people come to the economic capital of ugra from different regions of russia and the world to live, work, receive education and medical services. elena katkova, roman turbin, news yugoria, surbul. an all-star match of the continental hockey league took place in st. petersburg; it traditionally consists of two parts of competitions, where the most reliable goalkeeper, the most accurate and fastest player are identified, as well as the most beautiful bullet and mini-tournaments among the four.
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the novoselyevskaya arena lasted for 2 days, the khl all-star match became a real highlight of this december weekend in st. petersburg, hockey fans had the opportunity to get to the stadium on saturday and sunday. one of the characteristic and distinctive features of this new hockey arena is the height of the stands. when examining the upper tiers, you may even feel dizzy at first, but the view from there is excellent. it's so big that... it’s not for nothing that the largest scale is impressive at the top , you look at the people there, you can’t see them, i don’t know how they ’re sitting there, it’s generally scary to me , it seems to me, well, you just look really very high, they seem to be right above the arena, so in ours sitting on the platform, well, cool, not cool
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, when the first appearance was when we came out, i got dressed , i immediately went out and i thought that i had probably arrived at the football stadium, that it was some kind of prank because i saw, i looked up , i think, well, i’m used to seeing it, yes, it’s 5.00 there, i’m not there i know eight and here i came out telling me more than 20 thousand there’s 21 or something then i clarified yes that’s why the first impression was a football stadium, perhaps that’s why alexander mostovoy even decided to take to the ice in the match for third place, playing for the division bobrov, but his football colleague dmitry sychev was able to surprise, who, together with vladimir tkachev, realized the shootout, effectively scoring both the puck and the ball in a falling header, they also allowed andrei arshavin to distinguish himself, he actually scored the first goal of the final, i was more excited because that it was difficult for me to handle the puck, but i didn’t know how it was... nikita gusev’s trick.
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with the implementation of a one-on-one exit, repeating vladimir mikhalev amazed the audience with a bright performance . this time nikita was surprised to catch a pineapple from vasily atanasov, who was not shy to be on ice with such fruit. last week marked the 170th anniversary of
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the birth of one of the most famous muscovites , vladimir gelerovsky, a legendary writer, poet, but above all a reporter. gelerovsky was considered one of our people everywhere, even where the gendarmes were afraid to appear. irina went through the slippery slopes of crawl reporting. at the age of 16, without finishing high school, he ran away from ochy house to the volga, without money or documents, and apparently, there, throwing on himself the heavy strap of a barge hauler, he threw on himself a few extra years for the sake of respectability. only in 2005, an entry was found in a church book according to which the future king of reporters was born 2 years later than he had claimed all his life. yes, let me introduce myself to gelerovskaya, vladimir alekseevich. “you can , and, in short, uncle gelyai, that’s what the whole of moscow called me, and i often signed my reporter’s notes that way. a brilliant , beloved artist in the image of a journalist no less beloved by his contemporaries. oreg pavlovich tabakov, in the first person film
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, a report from the past, released in 1985, talks about moscow and muscovites. the film contains unique photographs, video footage from before revolutionary moscow, which are better than gelerovsky, absolutely no one knew. there is no fiction in the stories, i present the events untouched, without any sauces or side dishes, i am proud of our title as a reporter, because sometimes i managed to draw attention to the most painful issues, one of them was the winter clacking of clay, which after each rainfall spilled infrequently along the streets of the city . gelerovsky went underground and, breathing a terrible stench, examined the source of the disaster. his articles made a difference then a lot of. in orekhovezuevo, dozens of people died in a fire in a residential barracks; the authorities then attributed the tragedy to arson. gelerovsky arrived at the place, talked with everyone and wrote about the inhuman living conditions of the workers of the local weaving factory. he wrote about what he knew for sure, yes, what
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was verified by his own experience, so when he wrote about the war, yes, he was a war hero, when he wrote about, as they say, the moscow bottom, yes, he was a regular this moscow bottom. his companions, whom the reporter took on excursions. one of stanislavsky was such excursionists. after the fire of the twelfth year, general khitrovo built a wonderful square. forest gardens, squares. then they built one market, then another, homeless people, tramps, unemployed people appeared, so we have what we have. karen shikhnazarov has been interested in gelerovsky’s work for a long time. uncle gelyai's essays formed the basis for the script for the feature film khitrovka the sign of four. here's to your heroes. he was clearly in love, yes, despite the fact that his heroes were bandits,
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prostitutes, completely desperate some thugs, convicts , he understood them, one day, in a fire, in the crush, in the turmoil of ugulerovsky, a watch, personalized, a father’s gift, disappeared in the morning, i opened the mailbox, my watch had a note, styrina by mistake, they didn’t know that it was yours.. even during gelerovsky’s lifetime , the brothels on khitrovka were liquidated by the soviet government, but several former apartment buildings still stand there today. the house of iron is one of the most terrible discoveries of the cunning of the late 19th century. its inhabitants were called that way, irons, and those who lived in the stinking buildings behind it were wolves dry ravine. the bokhitrov bastards were surprised that the apartments in their rooming house would cost millions. gelerovsky's physical strength allowed him to roll coins into tubes and darn teaspoons. he had incredible charisma, for example, he
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never paid for travel on a tram and no one ever fined him for it, he reads a newspaper, the conductor approaches him, what does he do, he, without looking at the conductor, tears off a piece of paper from the newspaper, gives to the conductor, the conductor also, without looking, with a composter, so to speak, notes this false ticket, and he didn’t just have acquaintances, absolutely everyone was friends , konstantinsky, who of course... also knew gelerovsky, wrote about him like this: poet, writer, expert on russia and moscow, a man of a big heart, a pure example our talented people. happy birthday, uncle gilyai, irina baranova, selatsavicheva, gennady talochkin, luna agasieva, tatyana popova, news. a rare, almost unstudied species of marine animals was discovered by residents of the primorye region, a five-meter cetacean that climbed ashore, scientists recognized commander's... tooth, report by sergei komarov, two notches on the caudal fin
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are located off-center, which is unusual, who would have known, the first find in russia, they are the same, yes, maybe it’s natural for him, saber-toothed tigers haven’t walked for a long time on the surface of the earth, which cannot be said about the ocean and its ancient inhabitants, the red book commander's belt tooth for the second time in the entire history of observations in the primorye nailed to the coast, but alas... alas it ended up in the hands of scientists, the rarest animals were discovered in the pasture, they quickly went to the place specialists. at 5 in the morning we set out into the pasture , unfortunately, the animal was already dead , we tried to determine the species, we concluded that perhaps this was a very rare japanese belt tooth, but later it became known that it was, after all, a commander’s belt tooth, a species that has been poorly studied for the last 100 less than ten years of these whales have been observed in russia, the unusual name: the animal received its characteristic teeth on the lower jaw, they are clearly
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pronounced in males, this particular species of the belt in russia earned its name due to its place discovery, it is important that the rarity of these cetaceans is not at all exaggerated; saber-toothed whales are rare visitors on any coast. belt teeth have been studied very poorly, this is the commander belt tooth, in russia it is known from only a few finds on the commander islands, this is a very rare find, it is simply of enormous value for science. unfortunately, cetaceans run aground on their own, as a rule, for one reason: exhausted animals cannot float on the surface of the water; in such cases, it is possible to save marine life rarely. it turned out that this individual was mortally ill. the verdict is not good. however, a unique guest from the depths of the sea will now be able to tell the whole world a lot about his nature and coastal scientists will study him. sergey kamarov sergey yarovoy, leading primorye. further regional news.
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in the moscow region, 11 people were detained for bribes outside of the usual work quotas for migrants. five crippled cars sleepless night butovo, the driver of the range rover did not find a parking space, he decided to park his car on already parked cars. russian schoolchildren won six gold medals at the international science olympiad in bangkok. and in the capital there are more and more people wanting to ride. areas with natural ice have already appeared in skating areas, parks and courtyards, and special routes have been launched to the central skating rinks. a large corruption scheme was uncovered in the moscow region, 11 people were detained, three of them were consultants to the ministry
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of the moscow region, and another eight were accomplices in the crimes. according to the investigation , the suspects took bribes from entrepreneurs for issuing work quotas for foreign citizens. without the appropriate documents, registration of one foreign specialist cost an entrepreneur about 12 thousand rubles, while 100 to 350 quotas were issued at a time, depending on the entrepreneur and the volume of his production; to date , more than forty searches at places of residence have been carried out as part of the criminal investigation and the work of the defendants, more than thirty people were interrogated. during the searches... the activists seized large sums of money, all suspects gave confession, he was chosen as a preventive measure in the form of house arrest, criminal cases were initiated under two articles at once: receiving bribes and mediation in giving bribes. the skill of parking without rules was demonstrated by a driver from southern butovo; not finding a free space in the yard, he decided to park his suv directly on other
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cars. but it turned out to be difficult to bring the reckless driver to justice. denis voskovsky found out why. cotton was everything. at 2:00 a.m. security guards of a residential complex on starokrymskaya street approached the place incident, they saw an suv perched on top of a parked car around a group of people. literally in a matter of minutes the situation changed; it was the owners of the crippled cars who did not find anyone in place. look, he crushed it all. the suv was hanging in the same position, but with the headlights off and the engine turned off. only the front door window was down, apparently jammed from a strong blow. just in case. we looked into the salon, there was no one, he drove through all the cars and ran away, there was no one in the car. the next morning the owners of five notes from a certain vladimir kotovich were found on the windshields of damaged vehicles. he apologized that quote: he hooked the car and stated that he was ready to incur financial expenses. however, in a telephone conversation he already claimed that
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he had hooked, and if you call a spade a spade, damaged someone else’s property on his car , it was not a cat at all, someone else, apologized, apologized. what does he say? they show how, at a decent speed, in reverse, without braking, the culprit of the accident literally flies into two rows of real cars, eyewitnesses of the accident, with whom we managed to communicate, they claim that the driver was indeed not a man, but a woman, and whether the driver was there or not, whether the driver was a man or a woman, a woman driving, and the owner of the suv lives in a neighboring house, but on the phone...
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.. but no, it wasn’t, in my opinion, pensioner alexander vladimirovich alexandrov, who has been driving for 40 years without a single accident, and his relatives are still in shock, but do not agree to timur’s proposal to immediately begin repairs at some trusted service center. the chassis of the front part is broken, it's probably there already screws and something with the engine, even if it is repaired, it will already be a damaged car, you don’t need this, i’m afraid of it, the geometry is broken, auto lawyers confirm, there’s no need to rush, contact the insurance company first. company, and if that doesn’t help, the court. a direct appeal to both the insurance company, which will also conduct its own investigation, and the court for compensation; after an assessment of the damage caused, the court will award the amount of damage. in addition, it is worth waiting for the official comment from the police. denis voskovsky, gorbozhletsov, maryana pepanyan,
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victoria makarova, news. today a large-scale restoration of the house-workshop of architect konstantin melnikov began in moscow. the main stage of work. will take at least 2 years, specialists will repair the roof and facade, update the interfloor ceilings and interiors, and in order to reliably recreate all the elements, the craftsmen studied archival materials, photographs, and melnikov’s diaries of the twenties of the last century. there were some, as we now call it, genetic problems, that is, problems in the house is associated not only with its almost century-old existence and use, but with the fact that some experimental technologies and some savings on building materials. led to the emergence of defects that can never be completely eliminated and can only be temporarily stabilized. melnikov's house is recognized as a world masterpiece of constructivism. the mansion has been built. in an unusual shape of two cylinders and hexagonal windows. well, the coming week in the capital region will be snowy, according to
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weather forecasters, by sunday it will pay up to half of the monthly precipitation norm. but the frosts seem to have softened, now in the capital it is -6. tatyana antonova is already in the studio with weather news. tatyana, well, i understand that the harsh winter is receding. irina, our frosts are now milder -3 -8 in the region, but the time for prolonged snowfalls is coming. and he will bring them. a cyclone from the atlantic, by friday a new cyclone will be from the south, so the snowdrifts will grow without interruption. the winds on tuesday will be quite dense, there will be snowstorms, and the temperature will please those who are tired of the severe frosts. in volokolamsk, in mozhaisk tomorrow only -3, in kolomna -5, in sergiev posad even a degree lower. in moscow, next night it will drop to -9, in the daytime tomorrow it will be about 5 degrees below zero, cloudy, it will snow all day, in some places there will be a sharp wind with gusts of up to 12-14 m/s. and it won't go any further. no snow until the end of this week, every day, especially heavy snowfall, we are waiting for friday, irina, skis, skates, sleds,
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the time has come, yes, what about the snowmen, tatyana, too, yes, thank you very much, tatyana antonova, oh weather, we will sculpt, we continue, in this weather it’s nice to spend time at the skating rink, in in the capital this season there will be almost 1,500 of them, and there is absolutely no need to go to the center or to popular ice rinks, you can skate right in the yard or in the nearest park, and... for free, guests can also use the services of a coach, take part in ice skating competitions hockey and even visit an ice disco. more details about everything oksana maksimova. ice skating in moscow has become so popular that for the convenience of those wishing to get to the central skating rinks of the capital, 50 bus routes were launched specifically. so, for example, from the marya stop on roshcha to the main entrance to vdnkh the journey is only about 15 minutes. vdnkh is the main entrance, the final one! however, no matter how fiery the enthusiasm may be, according to statistics, muscovites come from the outskirts of the city to the center two or three times a season, and
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they want to go out on the ice more often; this year , more than 1,300 regional skating rinks were opened in the capital , almost within walking distance. you can traditionally ride both in the center, on revolution square, and on the surrounding areas, for example, on matveevskaya, mitinskaya, vishnyakovskaya, pravosoyuznye streets, hello, come on in, you can get to the festival grounds during the moscow seasons by...
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the weather is cool, frosty, happy new year, happy new year, the free skating area is being expanded in the capital's parks. at the request of residents, this hockey rink in babushkinsky park was updated, there were stands, music, lighting, and thanks to the astmatov system there is high-quality artificial ice, the ice rink is working. there is a night hockey league here, how can we leave it without ice spaces in the city, it is in no way in favor of indoor skating rinks, skating rinks that located in the courtyards of residential buildings have also been put in order, we have completely replaced the hockey rink, all the ice equipment has been replaced, fencing, completely new toilet modules, locker rooms, a medical center, admission to the skating rink is free, there is no pre-registration, for those who know how to skate, here you don’t need to think about anything at all, i brought my skates from home, put them on and skate, there are no skates, i went to the rental office, i got them absolutely free, but for people like me
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who don’t know how to skate, there is a trainer at the skating rink who will help you make your first steps on ice, well, there is such a wonderful helper, a charming minion, well, let's go, it's always crowded here, especially when there are ice discos on the program, it 's wonderful here, music, lighting, very beautiful, a lot of children. it’s very close to us, we really like it, we are very grateful to the city for giving us this opportunity. two-year-old vika, the smallest one on the skating rink in goncharovsky park, cannot slide yet , but her mother does not give up. he can walk, which means he will also learn to skate. this it’s no longer just entertainment, it’s a whole culture, the demand for which is growing every year. by the way, this season a new trend has appeared: celebrating the new year at the skating rink. oksana maksimova, gennady talochkin, mikhail sidorov, and lika javakhishvili, conduct. hello! plastic surgery, aesthetic medicine, cosmetology. it brought together thousands of participants from russia, brazil, japan, spain, the united arab emirates and other
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countries. and narrow specialists, doctors in related fields, that’s not the point. only about preserving beauty and youth. today surgeons perform complex operations that allow patients with serious illnesses or injuries to significantly improve their quality of life. the national congress, every year it becomes bigger, more and more interesting, unites all the specialties that are around plastic surgery, brings together the best specialists from all over the country, and we all share experience and exchange knowledge. the congress will last until december 13 in the program of the report of leading experts on advanced techniques and drugs that are used in cosmetology plastic surgery. a charity football tournament was held at the spartak academy manege. 20 teams took part in it, part of the funds raised will be transferred to the lifeline foundation. the money will go towards treating seriously ill children. over the entire period of its work, the foundation managed to save more than 1,300
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lives. thanks to the tournament we will be able to say more. plus two saved children's lives, this is konstantin from moscow, and victoria from mytishchi near moscow. we do not, so to speak, select candidates for help, hospitals contact us, and we simply take the closest ones queues and give them away, accordingly, as funds become available for work. the life line charitable foundation holds various events to raise funds for the treatment of children, including not only sports competitions, but also concerts and film screenings. clean energy waste in the moscow region, the construction of a unique plant for processing household waste is being completed; its equipment will not only allow recycling without harm to the environment, but also obtain an additional source of electricity. how everything works when the enterprise will operate at full capacity, artyom kuznetsov knows. it is noticeable from afar, the energy waste processing plant
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is unique, it is the first not only in the moscow region in russia, there are no analogues of its kind. no acceptance, its construction near voskresensk has reached the finish line. an innovative plant was built where there was a field just recently, and now specialists are setting up the equipment. the first such modern powerful plant, which will make it possible not to bury solid municipal waste in the ground and thus polluting the environment, they are not only thermally processed, but also provide electricity. today. all waste undergoes mandatory sorting in special complexes, the main part , of course, is recycled, these are paper, metal, glass, plastic, more than thirty fractions in total, some are sent for composting, the rest is buried by launching an energy recovery plant, and the burial can be forgotten forever , only waste that cannot be recycled goes to this enterprise, why? because the data enterprises have a peculiarity: they extract
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another useful component, the so-called energy. the plant will annually process 7,000 tons of waste into electricity. at the offsite meeting , state duma deputies noted the importance of the plant not only for the moscow region. in the country, similar enterprises should appear in all cities with a population of one million. the beginning, as they say, has been made; a similar plant is already being built in tatarstan. i am sure that we will be proud of such thermal waste treatment plants. without these factories, realize this complex industry is impossible. we must understand this.
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and anastasi roiphe, lead the way!
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what once we fail as an end was justify we could. hi, you’re not bored, go do your homework , no, thank you, it’s boring here, and we’re already leaving, it will be fun with us, just not here, but where
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it will be fun, well, we know one place, yes, lisa, i understand, moment, check. “fat, have you had lunch today? no, no, well, boxing with him, hello, lenya, hello, documents were found, kurochkin has a student's
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wetness, well, you can clean it up, student, third year medical, three knife wounds area of ​​the abdomen, tyurin , velizaveta petrovna, like a queen, uh-huh, there’s a phone, no, not a phone, no money? yeah, that ’s what kind of work we have with you, it’s so rotten that we only meet on sad occasions, what should we do? , i'm already used to it, i'm old, marya sergeevna, he gets melancholy again, especially when i see children in front of me, third year - how old is she? 20-21, not like that. time of death? well, judging by the numbness of the body, plus let's add the temperature water, well, about 12 hours ago,
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or rather, i’ll tell you after opening it. okay, not sad. yes, don't be sad. hello hi. are you a student? yes, but it’s better not to touch him, he’s on...
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who do you keep calling? yes, i haven’t been able to reach olga for an hour now. what did you get to her? i didn’t get to the bottom of it, i ’m trying to understand whether she has time to pick up the car from santik or should i go again? you only took masha instead of her once. seriously? of course, you get away all the time, and i get in front of the bullets. you are a hero, you deserve bullets. what's wrong with you today? she wasn’t friends with anyone, she’s an introvert, wow, that’s how it is, oleg, what is she he says, but i’m not very good at introverts, i confuse them with those who are opposite, but the murdered woman
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was generally so thoughtful, uncommunicative, all to herself, like a covin, well , give or take, my friends, but you’re 3 years old study together, but really you can’t remember anything else about her? so what, 3 years, she’s so proud all over, an excellent student, she lent me several times, 500 rubles each. that’s already good, but just once for me. but immediately 500, even better, yes, my friends, but you are young, i’m already at the limit of my capabilities i exist, but maybe you’ll strain yourself and remember something else about her, well, i saw her once with some dude near the university, that’s right, i saw them too, the shaggy guy looks like an artist, oh, that’s a shaggy artist when did you see him, not yesterday, no, a long time ago, last semester, and he’s also from your institute? no, he's not one of us. do you
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ask around in the dorm? yes, in general they always know everything about everyone. so it’s still difficult to say anything definite. well, it feels, it feels. well, it feels like i don't think it's robbery. why do you think so? didn't the tyurins take off their gold earrings? well, they might not have noticed there, or someone might have scared them off.
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yes, olga and i are still thinking about what to give masha for her birthday, when it’s her daughter ’s birthday, but what does the daughter have to do with it, she has everything, i’m talking about marya sergeevna, listen, i’m asking you as a friend, you know, an unnecessary mention to marya sergeevna, i understood everything , really, i’m sorry, thank you, so you decided what to give, christmas trees, sticks, hello, hello, i can’t believe it, how terrible, please tell me, this is liza’s bed, yes, lizina, what kind of relationship did you have with her, normal, normal, and this despite the fact that liza was generally introverted.
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silent, well, that didn’t stop us from communicating , lisa had a boyfriend, i don’t know, well, he probably was, wait, what does that mean, you’re probably friends, you lived together in this room, didn’t he come here, are you three together? they weren’t singing champagne, you said they were in a normal relationship. well, that’s okay, that means that we didn’t quarrel, lisa didn’t introduce me to anyone, she, she really was very closed, and i wasn’t her friend she was stuffed, there was probably a guy, she went somewhere every evening, of course, i look at her things, yes, of course, uh, please, tell me her phone number.
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yes, styopa, i dropped tyurin’s phone number for you, try the calls, okay, knock-knock-knock, does the girl mashenka live here, well, manyun, let me in, the old, tired, oh, bear , i’ll let him in, and i’ll even treat him, only i don’t have honey, oh, god, let’s take off the mung beans with honey, there’s no time for honey. now, oh, that means so, tyurina got into the water with three wounds, they are non-fatal, so the cause of death was drowning, oh, poor girl, but there were injuries other than those on the living, but nothing, she had no sexual intercourse before her death, and microparticles of skin were found in the scrapings from under the nails. another
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person, uh-huh, i guarantee injury, she studied medicine, uh-huh, but i’ll tell you that the child was given birth by a man who has nothing to do with medicine, who doesn’t understand anything about anatomy, he’s white at random, so it’s not her classmate, well, maybe well, maybe , of course, maybe there’s someone out there with little probability, a truant, a poor student, how nice, you understand me perfectly, thank you. stop there, manyun, and now about the main thing, let’s confess to me what to give you, everything, nothing, really, you don’t need anything at all. and give me a new investigator's notebook. think about yourself, about the house, think carefully and tell me something about housework, a necessary thing, i don’t have
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time to do housework, i don’t need anything, do you know who you are? klutz. so she has had this sim card for 3 years, which is very good for us, the last call was yesterday at 15:46, and this is 6-7 hours before the murder, which is very good for us it’s bad, who did she call, she didn’t call, but they called her, now i’ll find out, oleshka, well, you have to paw at everything, what kind of gadget is it? the tracker , don’t play around, it was confiscated from a jealous husband, it’s clear that she didn’t call anyone else the whole evening, but why not, they called her, judging by her clothes, she was going to a party, why else would she call someone, maybe
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this , people, look for... who is the police, viktor sergeevich skvortsov, lives here, i’m skvortsov, what happened?
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detective officer, kurochkin platonov, criminal family. do you know elizaveta? tyurina? yes, i know, what's the matter? is there anyone else at home? no one, parents are at work. what happened, can you tell? tyurina was killed. shall we go in? how did they kill? with a knife? so shall we go in? come on, wake up already. so where was the last time you saw tyurina, hey, i heard the question, yesterday around five in the center, so
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we met, then where did we go? nowhere, she left, where she went, what, every question needs to be dragged out of you with pincers, i really don’t... understand, are you, are you also one of these, who, these, well, these, well, how are they, these, these, werther, ugh, ugh, just an answer to the question, yes , i don’t know why, why are you interrogating me, you were the last one who called her, where were you last night at the beginning of 11, what do you care, what does it have to do with me, so, what do you have, nothing , you just got scratched, it happens... okay, get ready, let's go, i'm not going anywhere , you have no right, we have iodine and peroxide there, i 'll personally bandage you, and it has wi-fi, and you'll like it, you have no right, i’m not
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going anywhere, can i give my parents a note, korablev, this is the duty officer, i have a call about the murder of a girl, tyurina, switch to of course, switch you over, hello, hello, who is this, the head of the department for investigating intentional criminals. lieutenant colonel korablev, who i ’m talking to, tyurina had a relationship with dean mishcheryakov, it was he who killed her. misha, i just
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received a call in my office, please find out where the call came from, and send me the information, but i won’t pay. where were you last night, after half, yeah, who can confirm this, no one. i went alone, do you go to the concert alone? what's wrong with that? well , usually goes with friends or with a loved one? ok, let's say what time is the concert over? they were supposed to finish at 10, but they had problems with the ap. they finished around half past ten, uh-huh, took the subway home? no, i... i take the subway, i have, i have claustrophobia, i was on
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the bus, that’s it, nikolaevich, dance, i found your dean, now, stack, rita, it’s me, and one more thing, please, i ask, when you get there, well, call me back right away, well, i’m worried, well, you understand, i’m not being bothersome, that’s it, that’s it, i’m sorry, yes, see you soon, kiss you, bye, well, well, what, well, here you go, meshcheryakov andrey rastislavovich born in 1985, dean, married, teaches physiology, yeah, yes, you, rita, okay, the duty officer, yes, mish, he found the phone, give me a pen and a piece of paper, now, wait, dictate. “let’s go back to your meeting with tyurina, you didn’t call her for more
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than a week, yesterday you suddenly called and even met, what we talked about, i wanted to make peace, i offered to go to the concert, she refused, before that you had a fight, you can say so, we broke up with her, uh, it was her initiative, how did she explain it?” “ she didn’t explain anything, but what do you think, why she broke up with you, apparently because i was dating another man , i saw them, i told her about it, it’s a scratch, well, you found out all this anyway, lisa did it, i told her, grabbed her hand and, but i i have nothing
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to do with what happened to her, okay, okay, can you describe the man you saw her with, the elder of her face, i don’t remember, i’m not good with artistic perception. shvetsova is at home, she has lyudmila, come with me, you can, march to serge, of course, well, the mathematician split, yes, he admitted that he scratched his tyurin during a quarrel, it was during the day , the murder, of course, denies, but who would doubt it, colleagues, there is interesting information, i received an anonymous call, they say tyurin was killed by a certain dean meshcheryakov, with whom she had an affair, and skvortsov said
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that he saw tyurina with a man who is older than her, yes, well, and the mathematician cut her off out of jealousy, the bell will need to be checked, lenya, go to the dean, talk to him , take luda, no question, uh, wait, and where was skvartsov, did he tell you what, well, he says that last night he was at a concert in the ice palace, work for you , unfortunately, he broke the phone during a quarrel with tyurina, vashnya is not our help, that means he went to the concert, yes, but now he’s in this crowd, that is, in the subway, where there are a lot of cameras , he’s afraid to drive, in ice, we ’ll be looking for him for a week using these cameras, the most interesting thing is that we won’t find him, and that doesn’t mean that he wasn’t there, i’ve calculated everything, okay, so why not work now, or what?
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but there is another option that the dean has nothing to do with it, maybe someone just doesn’t want to take the test, what are you doing, from this phone they called from the machine, i’ll go to security , find out about the cameras, meet me near the audience, we also need to find out whether the concert was delayed yesterday or not, well, i think they really were delayed, which means you think that this shaggy , highly organized guy didn’t go to the concert himself
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i went, but i learned about the fact that he was detained from someone or read somewhere, well, such details are evocative. what are you doing? i have an idea, i need to check something. where are you going? start without me for now. hello, mishcherikov andrey rastislavovich.
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this is not a hint, this is a question about your relationship with student tyurina elizaveta, take the trouble to answer. this is some kind of rudeness, i refuse to answer such questions. andrey rastislavovich, in any case, you will have to talk to us, either now, or we will call you on a subpoena. yes, okay, okay, but let's not go here, classes will start here now, let's go. to the patio, of course , come on, come on here, come on, sit down , well, are you interested in the question, did i have an informal relationship with this girl, yes, yes, i answer, no, no, and again, no, well, you
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they could have told us about it right away, no, i couldn’t. there, there’s a student, well, what were you doing last night, after 10, before, i was at home, i’m at home, i’m always at home at this time, who can confirm this, here’s my wife, well, she just stayed at a friend’s house yesterday, and the children are with their grandmother, excuse me, but you’re here for a long time , i’d just like to check with andrei rastislavich, natasha, not now, you see, i’m busy, we won’t be later, leave, excuse me, for god’s sake, excuse me, where did we stop? there is no one to confirm your alibi? yes, natasha, yes, be kind, help me, please,
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with what? look at this video. it turns out that we talked today, i didn’t talk to you, i actually called a friend, a friend, let’s check, the friend has a phone, so let’s continue the conversation, but i have a choice, no longer. you ’re talking about vitti, come in, sit down, i don’t understand what happened, he left a strange note, yes, yes, i’m talking about your son, i need to ask you a few questions, this is some kind of mistake, because i’ve never done anything like that , well yes, he has some
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oddities, but he is absolutely harmless, tell me, do you know the girl from... lisa, he didn’t introduce us, although i insisted, as i felt that something was wrong with her. what are you about? well, do you see? vitya is not an ordinary boy , i hope you understand, and it was strange that they spend time together, and now you are interested in her, understandable, but tell me, your son often irritates vitya with music, especially modern music, and in general the bear has stepped on his ear , he never drank, tell me where he is, i can see him, unfortunately not yet, if you have a lawyer, i advise you to send him to the zanevsky department of internal affairs, lawyer? yes, where did you go, we’ve already
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finished, i was finding out something, sorry for taking up your time, nothing, nothing, i understand everything, but you won’t tell me how to get out of here, so through the building to the watch, there’s the way out is already, yeah, thank you, thank you, yes, please , hello, girls, hello, hello, this is what you were doing, seriously, the girls are ready to testify that meshcheryakov. forced them, but you yourself understand what, moreover, they saw how he threatened tyurina
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, we saw, we saw, we saw, we saw, aina, lyus, just give the command, and i’ll take him right now, to get up twice, no, first we’ll take the readings, and while you check something, master blarin. dialogue with the whole country, dialogue every december at 12:00 moscow time, are you crazy, sunday. then good people reported that you got mixed up with a muscovite, this girl, she’s the world and you’ve been dating for four years, we need to have a child, i
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really, really want this, don’t trust anyone, hello, i’d like to talk to anna, so she’s gone, she and her boyfriend drove off to the south , don’t listen to anyone, you should have forgotten him a long time ago, i can’t forget, i still love him , i’m truly happy, i’ve only been with one person, max, what are you doing ? a year and a half has passed, this is you, what you wanted, live according to the dictates of your heart, sunday on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig, you just have to get a pet and life will never be the same again, it will set everyone in the mood. this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, so do i it’s not boring, because each of them is a real
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star, the secret of dreams, how you agreed to this, we first shoved a red snake in, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program. animals in a circle of friends in a circle of friends - a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, so, this is not him. platonov, come in, fed , get ready, let's go, what are you saying, i attended the concert, now i'm watching the audience enter, i've just started,
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fed, there's no mathematics here, how do you know , he just hates music, you go, and i'm here i’ve already settled down, oh, i’m going to the cinema, now i’m going to the theater registered, alexander, thank you. we're done, please contact us, all the best. come on in, sit down, let me go, i didn’t do anything, i sincerely hope so, but we need to check your testimony, look at this photo, have you ever seen this man?
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no, i didn’t see, stop, stop, stop , don’t be in a hurry, don’t be nervous, look calmly, wasn’t he the one who was stern, i remember, i have a bad memory for faces, your memory is bad, or you didn’t see him, i didn’t mind i don’t know, let me go, then take him out. leonid nikolaevich, lewis, he didn’t identified, please, from my words it was written down correctly, signature, number, you will arrest him , we are looking into it, but why look into it, well, we told you everything, and how he threatened lisa, and how he pestered us, but if he pestered you , you had to immediately contact the rector or us, it’s easy for you to say, but he
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could only you... by the tails. wait, tyurina studied well. could she have been kicked out by her tails? he threatened her, but they didn’t really hear, they asked her, they wanted to unite, maybe write it down to show it to the rector, otherwise then they would turn everything against us. and what did she say, why did he threaten her? but she didn't say. she was secretive, she was. yes. mathematician, get up, come here, well, i’ll say this , you came up with a good idea with the concert, straight a +, yes, the only problem is that you weren’t there, come up with something else or start confessing, we still won’t believe it, tell me the truth, we’ll believe you, i didn’t
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want anything. i didn’t want to go home, i was just walking, well for now, weakly, where i was walking, remember, i was walking through the streets, i was just walking, but that’s not me, i’m not killed, okay, that's it, we're wasting time , listen, guy, we won't help you, only you can help yourself if you tense up, remember well where you walked, when with whom, ah, bastard, what a bastard! the students claim that tyurina promised to go to her wife mishcheryakova to tell everything, and his wife is the daughter of the head of the regional health department, well, this is the end of everything, family, career, he had a very serious motive to get rid of tyurina, if the girls had not kept silent, so he it would have been over a long time ago mathematician that in any case mishcheryakov needs to be detained, well, a scandal, again a scandal
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for the whole city. well, to hell with him , he deserves it, let it work out, you have to think with your head, and don’t apologize, detain him, lyus, and i said that you need to take him right away, i said, when will you understand, oleg, that not every educated person is a criminal, nikolaevich , please tell him, here... “lucy, i have a circus with horses here, i understand everything, i’ll do everything, everything, so far, what happened, our mathematician invented another fairy tale, fedorsya, fedor didn’t fall for it, fedor for justice, skvortsov said that after that, he was at the concert, he lied, he was afraid that he did not have an alibi, he came up with a story about this concert, he thought that we
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wouldn’t check it.” but how can you check him ? i sat in the rumyantsev garden for a long time , they took him there as a child, there are cameras there, or there are no cameras, stop, okay, fyodor, go and check, in the end it has to be done, yes, well, why are you seated, come with me to detention , yes. mash, they’re taking me, i’ll interrogate you right away, will you have some tea, no, he’s a slippery guy, we’re not used to it, i want i ask you, can you check for an attack with a bladed weapon in the city over the last
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two days, uh-huh, you think it’s some crank, a misogynist, so i’m checking all the versions , i’m on the safe side, you’ll do it, i’ll do it, there won’t be any tea for sure, no, no, i won’t, i'm at my place, yeah. you’ll go to a birthday party, you won’t go, yes, i won’t go, and i think it will be better this way, first of all for me, but as soon as you get out of it, i’ll completely give up on duty, that’s also
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an option, oh, here goes, andrey, these investigators, i’m done i’ve already told everyone, well, it looks like not everything, they asked you to take it without fanfare, but if you’re against it, we can make some noise, carefully, i ’ll call the lawyer, call the investigator, and you can also call your wife if you want, of course, follow me, i’ll take the documents, if you please, the head... carefully, please,
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comrade. “stop for a minute, please, can you come here? tell me, please, you work here every day, maana feed us, there will be no argument, i clean here every day, i clean it very well, well, there are no complaints about your work, but tell me, what time do you finish work, this, this is from garbage depends, comrade"? if there’s a lot of garbage , a lot of work, not enough of it, not enough work, okay, now tell me, yesterday, last night, there was a guy sitting here somewhere, well, so to speak, strange, don’t you remember this? drank, then
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i ate this hamburger , i scattered this napkin, no, no, no, no, this guy is not like that, he is calm, so intelligent, with long hair, i remember him, a good guy, he didn’t leave any trash behind, he was sitting there with talking to himself, yeah, rakhmate colon, salom matbushi, this is a lie, this, this is a blatant lie, what a lie, what are you forced girls? intimacy, or that you threatened tyurina, it’s all a lie, these little bitches are taking revenge on me because they don’t want to study, you wanted to call a lawyer, now is the time, i don’t see the point yet in delivering
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proof of where you were last night, i have every right detain you for 48 hours , suspicion of murder, call a lawyer , it’s time, can i have some water , last night i was already a woman, why are you looking at me, i have my own personal time, i have the right to spend my personal time wherever i want with whomever i want . why are you looking at me? i don't i ask you, with whom do you spend your evenings? i don’t suspect me of murder, i didn’t kill anyone, you hear, i didn’t kill anyone, calm down! “i’m calm, thank you, first name
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, last name, address of your girlfriend, woman , lover, in the end, these are your alebi, okay, write, well, the client has sailed, and what better way for you to go home, be with her, and i i’d like to go on my own, it’s a dilemma , i don’t even know what to take if his wife is interfering with work, let’s go,
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yes, andrey and i are always with me. we met that evening too, did he stay with you all night? no, no, of course, he wanted to come home before his wife, is he walking your dog? what surprises you so much? andrey and i have been together for almost 15 years, how many? 15, we were classmates studying at the same institute. and he married the daughter of the head of the stripping department. well, yes, it happens. do you know about his affairs with female students?
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oh, what about these? are you well informed? what didn’t they do to remove andrei from the institute all for the sake of grades? you've got it all, we'll go away, okay, sloth, we 've already had a walk, we'll go, see you tomorrow, that's all good, goodbye, thank you, goodbye, nikolaevich, well, to be sure, let’s talk to lenchik? nikolayevich , let’s sum it up, well, let’s sum it up, it means that they confirmed to us that mishcherikov left svetlana at 11 o’clock, from there to the place where the body was found was about 40 minutes by car, no less, well, yes, the body could have been brought by the current, let’s add another 15 minutes, but he couldn't keep up. biturin, i agree, students, scoundrels,
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what a bastard, they weren’t afraid to write out a statement, well, yes, okay, we need to bring shveytsov up to date, okay, i’m at home, come on, i understand, alyon, thank you, rest, i looked at the reports from the attack with a knife two. everyday life, both open. meshcherikova, please invite me. meshcheryakov, come in and have a seat. your testimony was confirmed, and so on. let the lecturer deal with them. can i ask you? “yes, please,
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did you really sort things out with tyurina on the day of her death? yes, she saw us in a cafe with svetlana, i was afraid that she would tell her wife, but she wanted to restore justice, oh, you just don’t know her well, we you listen, tyurina is not the one for whom gives himself away. goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, you can come in, but i thought you were already home, my wife, i’m a good policeman, i mean, well, an ordinary policeman returns.
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what about you? well, i talked to one witness and, despite the serious language barrier, i understood something: skvortsov was in the rumyansovsky garden, in time he was fighting a murder, that is, he had to be released, but what is it, there were two suspects, now there is no one at all, yes, okay, tomorrow with plato visit this restaurant, meshcheryakov claims that tyurina was a prostitute, you said, in any case, go with platonov and talk to the restaurant staff, they should know her well there.
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hello, hello, hello, hello, i'm tired, i'm tired, okay, i won't do that. i need to torture you with what? well, i wanted to approve the menu with you, what we will order at the restaurant for your birthday, well then tomorrow, but better tomorrow, in general, you know, i somehow doubt this idea, why? well, because everyone will come, and you know what will start? firstly, i
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will be patient, and secondly, you are not with me you will smooth out all the secret consequences, right? this is one thing, and secondly, i know all of yours. but to all your colleagues , have a drink, joke, remember the old things, have fun , everything will be fine, you think, yes, i’m sure , let’s go to dinner, come on, come on, starlings, do n’t lag behind, they’re waiting for you, who, who, mom, who, mom, how did she find out, vitya , mom, viska, what did you do again, i didn’t do anything, they were mistaken, of course, they were mistaken, of course, my boy, of course, they were mistaken, i told you, thank god, thank god, all this will end , mash, so, the body was found today, and the murder happened the day before yesterday, for the living in the abdominal area, like
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tyurina’s, so, we need to go to the guys in the department, take koralev, he has someone he knows there, okay, oh, you’re here, they told me , here, liza tyurina’s father, hello, please come in, it was like this, meshcheryakov with friends.
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come here everyone, how long have you not seen your family, you miss your brother, once as a boy he wanted to fly, it turns out that this is possible when i come to... mom, mommy, mommy is back. is not mom, this is another aunt, she transported furniture for a man, in general, he has children, two daughters,
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and his wife died last year, she is very beautiful, what do i mean, this is our secret with my mother, and now it will be yours, you are right for marisha superhero, she only tells you, i’ve already forgotten how to be happy, thank you, she’s running around someone else’s family like she’s going to work, maybe she’s already found a replacement for you? marishka, little one, fell in love with you, a man is drawn to you, well , some kind of stranger, daria shcherbakova, ilya maskov, i understand that i have no right, you are not alone, you like vera, well, as a woman, i like it, if i find out something, i’ll kill you, daughters, on friday on rtr. i still have pain here,
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here it hurts, here it hurts, this disease never , the most important thing is to remember the 3p principle, by the way, this is officially proven, proper nutrition, how to properly eat stress, you need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor. medicines are like crutches and good habits for us, but shouldn’t we slap some kefir and i’m not afraid of this word on rtr, yes valera, let me in, my dear, lyonya, what people, hello, hello! well, introduce yourself, this is fedoseev, valery ivanovich, kolonkova,
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lyudmila andreevna, lyuda, valera, stop, we’re on business, got it, sit down, thank you, i’m listening to you, valery ivanovich, in general, this is the case, a little man was found on your land today chopped. so we want to find out if he somehow intersects with our case, but there is one, well, what can we say, they found him in the bushes, threw him branches, no money, no phone, no documents were found on him, three in the abdomen, one in the left side of the chest, fingers are broken, alcohol in the blood, but he doesn’t look like a homeless person at all, not close, the clothes are definitely not from the market, the time of death was the day before yesterday in the area.
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how can i help? please tell me, are there any adults? and there is olga vladimirovna, the hostess, be so kind as to take us to her. ok, please follow me, here's the police. hello, i'm listening to you, yes. good afternoon, excuse me, who do you work with here? i am the owner and director. oh, but you
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don't look like a showbiz shark, you're more like you remind me, well, of a little movie star, you know, you don’t look like a policeman either, but i know, the equipment in the hall doesn’t work, i ’m tired of swearing, they promised to fix it in three. i’ll probably be deceived, but yeah, okay, yeah, you saw her, she came to you, i don’t communicate with the client.
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and if the girl was here, then she will certainly be identified. so, dear women, you have a high honor, tense up, she has been here at least once. girls, let's look at the photo again, carefully. well, no, there is no trial, how they say, don’t give it up, let them look for the murdered person on social networks, he’s good at it . korablev, wait, it looks like you are lucky, they just reported a missing person report, some
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businessman, according to signs our client, well now yours. here you go, hostess, you are not simple, you rolled up your swimsuit right away, and you noticed the prices, something is painfully cheap for such an establishment, in a pie shop it’s even more expensive. and why do you think? because in the evening the prices will rise 10 times, our dead tyurina, they know for sure. yes, of course they do, only they can tell they can't do anything.
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this is babich, lord, yura, tell me, your director had a family, why did the missing person report come from work, yuri valentinovich, he is divorced, lives alone, lord, without him everything stopped, we should look at his apartment, can you? with us, yes, of course, red,
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is it possible? viktor ivanovich, you need to sign, i want to take the case of babich’s murder from the neighbors, where did you get the idea that the cases are connected, well, how were they killed in the same place in the same way, they just threw the tyurina into the water. he has an alarm it’s turned off, it’s strange, yura didn’t do that, maybe there’s something valuable in the apartment , but, friends, we go through, but we don’t touch anything. well, go ahead,
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babich could have stored a large sum there, i have no idea, i’m like the chief accountant. “i can assure you that everything that goes through the accounting department is in the safe at work, please write down the address, we need you. that is , we don’t know exactly what amount was kept in babich’s safe, no, but it’s unlikely that they would kill him from -for little things, well, well, basically, who could have known that babich kept money in the house? well, i
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i would say that an indefinite circle of people, i beg your pardon, i believe, babich was a womanizer, and his ladies could see him in the background, where did this information come from, from the chief accountant. mafia, girls, in general, they scam clients for money, we'll scare them off, we'll waste time, what's the plan, i 'll just stand on the sidelines, watch, you never know what, yes, bavesh, he was still that kind of guy,
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okay, take a scratch, fooling around, okay , and take the chicken with you, eat it, well, like this, you can’t resist such a temptation, yes, you need to interrogate this hostess. barington, bring out her, so to speak, on the surface, these are golden words, this is exactly what i was going to do, but oleg has his own plan, i didn’t understand, well, oleg doesn’t want to waste time, but no one can tell about this better than him, oleg, well, look, this landlady probably has a very good lawyer, as long as she is a result, we will attract her, well, at most for fraud, but during this time we will lose the killer, it sounds... fair, uh-huh, well done, oleg,
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oleg, well look, if you and i calculated everything correctly, now these two female students. they’ll hand over this living commodity in the form of men to experienced waitresses and pretty soon they’ll send them back out, and that’s where we ’ll get to know them, but if we’re wrong, what will we do? if we are wrong, then we will have to talk to her again, i see you liked her, liked her, she compared me to her cook, but what does that mean ? it really does look a little like a chef, but it’s not bad, seriously, it seemed to me that , firstly, you should support me, and secondly, i myself know that i have a difficult appearance, look, it seems you were right
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, it doesn’t work out, well, girls, how about a ride, we don’t drive cars like that, maybe it’s better to take a taxi, but no, no, girls, no taxi can compare with a criminal investigation car, let’s sit down, come on, where are you taking us, we haven’t done anything, we’re not taking us anywhere , we seem to be standing still, so girls, we look carefully, you know her, well, it’s lisa , why are you asking, they just killed her, and we ’re looking for that one, who did this, well, yes, you have a unique chance to become heroines, will you help? do you work alone or in pairs? in pairs, so we were told, with lisa in pairs, who worked? zhanna, well, i don’t know her last name, do you have zhanna’s phone number? but there is, i
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used to work with her as a couple, stepan, drop everything, i urgently need to get the girl’s address by phone number. nikolaevich, can i wait 5 minutes? no , let’s go ahead, and checked the fingers in the woman’s apartment, well now, now, nikolaevich, not all at once, so, i’ll tell you , the situation is this, the safe, the pulse alarm is well wiped, the door handle too, there are a lot of prints, all identical to men, apparently owner, there are a lot of women’s ones, all different, of course, well, what about the address, i have oleg and fedor at a low start, now.
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“zhanna samarskaya, yes, we are from the criminal investigation department, kurochkin, fyodor mikhailovich, major, and with me, major platonov, as always, what do you need? we are about liza tyurina, she has a problem with her, you know her, that we come in , jean, we know everything about your business, how you scam clients, but we... that’s not what we’re after, but
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help us find the killer, but i don’t know anything, so tell me, but lisa left earlier, and we they only managed to make one pass, one coming in - they picked up the men and brought barinton, yes, we had to sit with them, then we usually leave, the client... the waitress further deceives, and someone called lisa, she said that she had to run errands and immediately left, yeah, and you, and i called her all day yesterday, and the phone was turned off, you called her all day yesterday, her phone was turned off, right.
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no, of course, he thought she worked at the hospital, well, i couldn’t tell the truth. yes, i know what you mean. okay, i'm
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kind of on duty. no, i just asked understand how many people there will be, maybe no one will come at all. i will come. fine. every week we take stock of the president's work. it's time to sum up the year. and the president himself will do this. there will be not only answers to journalists' questions, but direct communication with citizens. and we, as always, will see and show more than others. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you you can ask your question now through the website by phone +7 495 539 4040. +7 499 550-40-40. i want
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to give anton a surprise, look at the weekend, happy twenty years of happy married life , dear, i wonder what my husband is asking for, no idiot, with such a woman, i would like to live my whole life, oops, what should i do now, you, i love him . yes, if he loved his life , he wouldn’t ruin his life, i would like to talk to ella, ella has left, bring me back, on saturday on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, ritual is ready, explore nature.
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taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing! this world is worth seeing! sme caster is the most ancient profession in india; they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world! on saturday on rtr, i was free, i mean, i found something, well, yes, i found it, come here,
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the last person who called tyurin was a citizen sveshnikov, possibly ex. “citizen sveshnikov, well, yes, what’s the matter, in
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the zanevsky ministry of internal affairs, the senior opera is authorized by platonov and the chickens, yeah, what questions, you are familiar with elizavita tyurina, and that’s why you?” "well, yes, it’s a pity for the girl who is locked up, is he something? well, yes, we are zeblians, remember, come in, are you tyurina’s father? passport, can i have yours? guys , splash it, but no, no, no, they don’t recommend it to us, but you , perhaps that’s enough already, let’s go, bainiki, but you seem tired, alekh, okay, alexey
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ivanovich, yes, can i ask you a couple of questions, ok, ok, yes, you sound it. well, i called sometimes, but where did her phone number come from? so she gave it herself, said that this phone is always with her, uh-huh, but she didn’t tell me where she was going, no, damn, continue, while i look for shveitsova’s phone, after talking with tyurina, what did you do? i took my neighbor to the airport, and why do you keep asking me? and we ask everyone, will you be able to drive up to the investigator tomorrow at 10 with tyurin? i can, but why should i go to the investigator? give
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evidence, tyurin was already there, only you especially. well, we need to warn shvetsova that major platonov has called witnesses to see her tomorrow, and we’ll warn her, well, okay, oh, quite, yeah, somehow i couldn’t swallow my tongue, but what should i have said, they’re taking your smile off, but do you remember that the guys are wearing saturin. she said about their parting, well, yes, that tyurina called, and having received the call, tyurina got ready to go somewhere on business, and tyurina called, her friends.
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