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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  December 12, 2023 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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well, let’s just say, it will stop russia , but i don’t want that, here’s my opinion, the nwo should end at the western buh, here is the western buh river, the border with poland, then the border with slovakia, russia needs a common border with slovakia, i think that fiza will also not give up this common border, and orban will not give up the common border with russia, it will be right there in transcarpathia that the common border will pass, this needs to be brought to this, this needs to be reached, in principle, russia has- that is, there is potential, there is an opportunity to realize this potential, that’s all here is what... the president of the russian federation did today, well, here, this person definitely has no complaints against him, if you had said putin is a good person, i wouldn’t disagree with you at all, and the fact that these are the achievements of nuclear missile carriers that were launched, well, yes, this is all the more symbolic with the name of one of them, the phrase belongs to alexander ii: russia has two allies, the fleet and the army, and the most important ally, which, about which alexander ii did not speak, but which the russian state definitely has a head. vladimir putin, this is the russian
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people and the support of the russian people, this is definitely present, and this is the key to victory, which will definitely be there - there is the western bay, the western western border, then, you never know, suddenly andrey, if the flag is on the collapsed capitol, this must be, because this will be the final victory. we agreed, we'll come back. there are a lot of questions. god grant that there is enough time to discuss everything, everything that 2023 will be remembered for, one child of nord stream 2 remains, today is the decision, tomorrow we turn the valve everything, and the gas flows, without digging someone else’s hole, you yourself will fall into it, so they ended up in this hole, everything that is important for the president, no need to step on the same rake, everything that is important for everyone, you need to know where the root of evil is, where this...
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everyone has a future, only it is different, even in conditions of economic and international turbulence, success awaits us. results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. president live will answer questions from citizens and journalists. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the website by calling +7 495-539-40-40 +7 499 550 40-40. you're looking at 100 to one. what is our task
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to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then it will be done with a bang. the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7,8, 7,8,8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i’ll cut it. sleep, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know, what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday, on rtr.
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this is for you, well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen , just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, sovereign, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter there is an even cooler one, in they fell in love, yes, who is good for you, your wife or your boys? give me stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for your own words, a hero of his time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew, just watching on the platform. we gathered about
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ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me away, another shelling began. they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry, but she carries this kurba, and says: baby , feed the dogs, lend a hand help, olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such caring people, to support them with a word, hello,
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the military-industrial potential of europe has weakened over the years of budget cuts. military warehouses and arsenals are empty in countries. great britain now has only 150 tanks and 10-12 long-range artillery units. although the kingdom has the highest defense expenditures in the region. in addition, the publication notes,
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most europeans do not support financing military spending through cuts in social benefits. no wonder. at the same time, the german authorities do not want to. such a step, german foreign minister annalena bärbock calls counterproductive. in his article for frankfurter, algemeik writes that freezing will not bring winter peace and quiet to ukraine. on the contrary, it will lead to the country losing its sovereignty and identity. kuleba in brussels is trying to convince his fellow ministers that kiev has fulfilled all the conditions necessary to join the european union. but hungary is against the start of negotiations on ukraine’s accession, this issue will have serious historical consequences, said the head of the hungarian foreign ministry , peter szjarta. slovakia also agrees with hungary. in addition, ukraine’s accession to the eu will cost european countries almost 200 billion euros.
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this follows from a report by the german institute of economics. but kuleba assures that the ukrainians are ready to even jump, even dance, just to be taken. to the european garden of eden. so we can jump and dance if they tell us to, but i think this game needs to be played fairly. if they tell us to do something, and we do it, which means it must be recorded as a result. the european commission has clearly formulated that ukraine must bring its legislation in accordance with the recommendations.
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the blue line is partially closed to train traffic in the section from teremki to demeevskaya, there is a great threat of destruction of the tunnels, the footage shows that there is already... now there is water in the tunnels, it is noteworthy that the leaks were caused not by soviet buildings, of course, but by those who appeared in independent ukraine, that is, the descendants of the ancient ukrainians, who allegedly they dug up the black sea, they don’t know how to dig metro tunnels. the last station in ukraine, for understanding, was opened under yanukovych in 2013, that is, as much as 11 years ago. in moscow this year alone he opened 16
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metro stations, but the anti-hero of the day, the mayor of kiev klitschko, no matter how hard he tried, could not explain in the sovereign language that he was not to blame for the emergency, he was simply stuck. the internet has already become popular with this meme, infographics in the style of ukrainian armed forces reports, about the successes of air defense and the text, six metro stations have been destroyed. by ourselves. the people of kiev, of course, it’s no laughing matter that the city is in complete collapse, 2,000 people used the closed section of the metro, they naturally had to transfer to ground transport in the city’s traffic jam, this plays into the hands of the kiev military commissar, there is no need to run after anyone anymore, drivers locked in a traffic jam can simply be calmly handed summonses.
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this has never happened in our country; six metro stations were closed for six months this week. demeevskaya, galaseevskaya, vasilkovskaya, exhibition center, teremki hippodrome, this is the newest section of the capital’s metro and the solution to the question of how get to the center for 2000 kiev residents. depressurization of the tunnel, water began to flow onto the rails and the movement of cars between teremki and demeya.
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to get to the hippodrome or to the towers , there is now an alarm, so the metro doesn’t go, trolleybuses don’t run, i’m not local, i don’t know how i can get at least to lybetskaya, i’m thinking about how my children will get to work, they’re on maidan workers are working, they probably need to go to work an hour or two earlier, this is a disaster, meanwhile the kiev prosecutor’s office has begun a pre-trial investigation into whether there were violations during metro construction, since this is the newest section of the kiev metro.
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today, after the morning peak, we saw new cracks that had appeared, this is already a threat to the safety of transportation of our passengers, so it was decided to stop traffic along this section at 13:45. thank you for the information, to summarize, i can say that now for security reasons. chief engineer, and now summarizing the information that we received from the head of the metro and the chief engineer, the movement is based on considerations security, traffic between teremka demeevskoye stations has been stopped, this is an eloquent illustration of ukrainian corruption, total theft, they steal like crazy, ordinary people suffer as always. new york times. sensationally accuses biden of the reluctance of the us congress to help ukraine, such a ukraine. molly joe himself
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provoked the republicans when, along with a request for assistance to kiev and tel aviv, he also proposed to finance the strengthening of the southern border of the united states. i wanted to sweeten pelula, but only caused additional demands from right-wing republicans. the issue of american border security has led to a certain split among democrats, that is, biden is digging a hole for himself. the situation is deadlock, help the kiev regime. the eft writes that the west is hesitant regarding ukraine; these doubts are not only in the united states, but on the other side of the atlantic, the newspaper notes. ukraine is no longer seen as an issue. national security, of paramount importance for the eu, nato and the usa. against this backdrop , the wall street journal is raising hell because of problems with western sponsors, the failure of the summer counter-offensive, the increase in the power of the russian military-industrial complex. the next counter-insurgency of the armed forces of ukraine is unlikely to begin before the twenty-fifth year, if by that
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time ukraine and its army still exist. how should i leave them? give me transport or sit there and wait until the end? under the constant roar of artillery cannonade, the seushnitsa evenly asks the command for evacuation, she is offered to abandon her wounded comrades or die with them. this is what the war looks like now until the last ukrainian and ukrainian woman. aggravate the hardships of life for those thrown to slaughter
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vsushnikov dirt and mice writes the wall street journal. rats gnaw holes in uniforms at night. bandera, and due to bad weather , the winter mud on the uniform often simply does not dry out. these shots show how in the cold it turns into ice. the position of ukraine in this war is getting worse, the commander-in-chief of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine sirski is complaining about the difficult situation in the eastern direction, the russians do not stop advancing along the entire front. ukrainian militants have to strengthen their defenses and conserve ammunition, he laments.
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because i just can’t carry him, and this there is a problem, this is how mobilization takes place in the kasino sanatorium in transcarpathia, a crowd of armed military commissars of policemen, threatening employees of the recreational complex with machine guns, searches and interrogates vacationers, many people in only swimming trunks were pulled out of swimming pools and saunas, as the prosecutor’s office later reported, to be caught in the course of a scandalous two evaders succeeded in the raid, here is another crazy video from transcarpathia: a military commissar with a knife on... at the time of the attack , the military man was also, as they say, out of shape, but the man managed to subdue the avenger and surrender to his authorities, and this is the poltava establishment krinitsa, where the military commissars received a very unexpected reception. and this is already.
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raids on markets in shopping centers and gyms are a necessity, explains zelensky’s adviser podalyakh, it’s frightening that when russia comes, ukrainians will not be able to walk the streets calmly, in fact he admits that it definitely won’t get worse, because under zelensky’s regime people are afraid to leave their houses to fall into the clutches of the military looks a little strange, do you want to live in freedom?
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ecuador, well, a ukrainian clown flew to argentina to attend the ceremony inauguration of the local president frik meley, he hugged with zelensky and gave him a candlestick, apparently, they were not prepared for the meeting , they gave the not very dear guest the first thing that came to hand, some special personal feelings allowed him to give such a gift, because not everyone was given a gift for in front of the cameras, but no, of course, this gift is nothing more than... some kind of formality, it’s like a handshake, it’s not a friendly gesture, there’s no familiarity here. at least, i think that's what our president thinks. others could have received the gift, but the president could not help but congratulate him. believes a columnist for local publication 12.
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cyros does not want to interfere in foreign conflicts, the same position is held by hungarian prime minister orban, who does not want to arm ukraine and see it in the european union. in argentina. employees of the hungarian institute of international relations will negotiate with republican congressmen on ending support for kiev. this was reported by the guardian source.
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orban, who is blocking eu aid to ukraine, wants kiev to be left without support from the usa. zelensky has a completely opposite goal. he's flying to biden's meeting with the senate to beg for money at the last minute. the white house says the president wants to highlight his administration's commitment. support for the ukrainian people, who are defending themselves from russian attacks. this visit comes as lawmakers on capitalist hill return to the negotiating table to discuss funding for ukraine. congressman matt gues believes that america has already sent enough money to ukraine, it’s time tell zelensky that he must seek peace. the head of the white house office of management and budget admitted that the united states has only a billion dollars left to replenish its own supplies, weapons and ammunition. but despite the empty ones. the pentagon's arsenal still needs to help kiev, the first lady of ukraine alena zelenskaya appeals in an interview with the bbc, because without the support of western sponsors, the kiev regime is over.
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we can't, we can't get tired of the situation, because otherwise we will die, and if the world gets tired, then they will just let us die, given what is happening, the threat that aid will be cut is a mortal danger for us. this is a very difficult situation, yes, that's right, we desperately need help. but there are fewer and fewer people willing to help kiev; the number of american voters who consider us spending on ukraine excessive has reached 48%, a survey by the financial times and the university of michigan showed. against this background, the telegraph writes that putin’s russia is approaching a crushing victory. article written by daniel hannan, mid-july. the same propagandist assured that russia is about to lose, putin is definitely finished. so i'm glad. explains that
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only people without brains can believe in kiev’s victory. everyone knows, everyone with brains in their heads knows that this should always have ended in negotiations. the idea that ukraine would throw russia back to the 1991 borders was absurd; no one really believed it. let's not forget. jake, ukraine is functionally destroyed as a state. the average age of a soldier in the ukrainian army is now 43 years old, which is tragic, and not older than me, i'm 39, if all this lasts any longer a little, the average age will be greater than yours. in general, when i saw this hall, apparently, there were ceremonies where the president of argentina met this man, at least. himself some kind of ceremonial military uniform, but since he is fighting to attend this kind of event, yes , when the candlestick was brought in, i thought
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that what was supposed to happen would happen, a candelabra on the head of schuler, who was caught in the hand in a card game , this was a tradition in russia, but it didn’t happen, i don’t know, maybe they treat it differently in argentina, cheater. a lot, so, well, the year is ending, so everything is as it should be, everything is as it should be, in moscow, finally a real russian winter,
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thank god, wonderful. the leaders of russian television receive their well-deserved awards, so i see it’s no coincidence that this tefé figurine is clearly standing here, yes, that’s all as it should be, yes, but in international terms , all the trends that in the spring it seemed that this would not happen, these are battles, then forecasts about a quick victory for ukraine, and love for zelensky.
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there i marveled for a couple of hours or a couple of days, in in general, all of these, all of this was taken for granted, such a worldwide sensation did not, it did not work out, i believe that this was simply because such a natural, logical development of events, well, how else could it be in this situation against the backdrop of such western leaders, the european union is cracking , there are all sorts of squabbles, obviously a new leader... has appeared, or rather the only dissident orban, who could have imagined 5 years ago that hungary would be the main dissident of the european union, and even at the beginning of this year somehow weakly manifested, tiber it’s quite obvious, well, the poles are separate, they always have their own role there, they just 5 years ago the main dissident of the european union was great britain, now it’s a different dissident,
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it’s not.
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doesn’t work, i decided to get involved in this strange, still inexplicable by anyone, not a single specialist in the arab east can explain what really happened there, why all this happened at the moment, in general, these are all trends, china is getting stronger, as you know, well, in general, everything is as it should be, so i’m looking at the remaining ones, according to at least until our new year holidays and...
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that’s why all the trends have been outlined, everything has been commented on, including, this should be noted, the tone of this entire kiev elite has certainly radically changed, and that is, they are ready, without hiding, ready to dance, they say that without western help they will not have life, they will die, they will perish, but what is meant, of course, is not the territory, it will remain, not the people who live there, they, thank god , will also remain, this is...
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their vileness has already manifested itself many times, they can still surpass this, in my opinion, you need to be very prepared for this - react adequately, quickly and decisively to this, well, what is it, well, europe is unfortunate, the institution of democracy has completely degenerated, because in past times, the kazter of the federal republic of germany, who would bring down the economy of his own country like this, and even the chancellor is from a coalition government, that is, he did not have an absolute victory for his party in the elections, he would have been replaced long ago, and he constantly lies, which the germans themselves say that he lies, and yet
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all this all remains, well , here is a situation that, in my opinion, unless something extraordinary happens, and apparently... it won’t happen before the new year, can again invigorate, introduce something new, radical , excuse the banality, vladimir vladimirovich putin on december 14 on this direct line of his, apparently he will say something that he has not said before, i ’m waiting for him to clarify, we have a lot of internal problems, i’ll touch on only one, i ’m waiting i wish he... explained russia’s migration policy, which has recently something is going wrong, now some initiatives , now others are opposite to them, everyone is already confused, in general we are already close to
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the situation corresponding in the european union, with its multiculturalism, with the admission of trial to everyone who does not want it, whether they are good or not. bad, i would like to hear this, i hope it will say something. i don’t expect any other serious news, which is good, zelensky has not yet reached washington, the white house reports that the americans will announce new military assistance to ukraine before the end of the month, but we must understand that we are not necessarily talking about 61 billion, they have a billion left that has not yet been spent, they will probably officially present it, but plus even... will they transfer 61 billion to ukraine, although the probability is very small, on the fifteenth the americans go on christmas holidays, then even this most likely will not change the situation in the sense that the ukrainians fought for the previous year and a half
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, having received 113 billion from the americans, plus 240 billion in aid from the european union, and as you can see, we are standing where we are, we are now waiting for our offensive, they have gone on the defensive, so the main thing is that they didn’t collapse...
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the history of the united states hasn’t ended, we are so, we are so waiting for the announcement of impeachment, as if it had changed something for us, what will it mean for us if during zelensky’s visit it is announced at the same day of impeachment, then the main topic will not be zelensky’s visit, but impeachment , besides, the next day, wednesday, they are going to present hunter biden directly to the lower house of parliament, force him to come to a closed hearing, and all wednesday evening everyone will be posting videos, as it were with his speeches that will be there , which...
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well, this is actually the problem, here is the problem, if only it had been different, the electoral cycle had changed, or it had been shifted accordingly or something like that, as if it might all have been different, but now there is a problem with the border, they are even more stubborn, and accordingly, if... now all republicans, even moderate ones, vote for impeachment, then there will be very few negotiating platforms to be found, and that’s why problem if you have a vote on the same day against biden, in principle, as you agree with him, you will agree until the 15th, right by the way? that is , the timings are slightly shifted, but this does not change the fact that, in principle, there are willing people there. the second important point is what will happen. today it was announced that the party of no confidence was announced - this is respectively the conservative party of poland, and according to morowiecki it was announced today, tusk has just announced the only candidate, so for sure within a few weeks, most likely we will get a new prime minister and a new the cabinet of ministers, that is, accordingly , this is a scheme for the transfer of power, so to speak. by the way, there is nothing good in this, for us, well, let’s say, it’s, it’s like
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on both sides, on the one hand, tuskov is blamed for everything all the time, as it were, in every aspect, on the other hand, he’s not like that there will be a radical one, at least on issues that correspond to the conservative agenda, and there are a number of aspects there, but we are not interested in abortions in poland, and homosexuals in poland too, we are interested in helping poland and ukraine, and tusk is in favor of it, the question is that he is in favor of being singled out at the european general level, but he is not entirely in favor of spending more on defense. he is more in favor of the economy, therefore, accordingly , no matter how leftist he is, in fact, the gins are changing their skins, but this is not the question, this will affect the financial characteristics of some, accordingly, most likely this will lead to the lifting of restrictions on border, already now, as it were, partially filmed on the polish border, there is one thing for a while, if the leadership will have to change accordingly, most likely they will sort of pick it out, because in many ways it was the conservatives who did not allow the restrictions to be lifted normally, now hungary will join, that is , in fact, now the main movement along the border will take place in the next 2 weeks, the second one is very important moment, taking into account the fact that the main partner, as it were, is china, and the fact that how it moves now
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will be very important, in fact, it will depend on this, among other things it’s like january, because in january there will be taiwan, what’s special, china is now trying, while the situation is turning towards the american market, to grab all the partners that biden visited, he is visiting vietnam this week, i remind you, in in vietnam, accordingly , he will have negotiations, they are going to announce grants there for the construction of railways, for the construction of port infrastructure, like, quite large sums, why is this important, because vietnam, together with india , is one of the main partners and japan, well... still hesitating, as if everyone assumes
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that because now it is starting everything will be a reduction in the first quarter, which will stabilize oil, negotiations were going on about this, but against the backdrop of the general weakness of economies in a number of structures, before in the european union , to a lesser extent in the united states, most likely it will be weaker there by the second quarter, against this background, of course, there will be very serious pressure, why it is also very important to monitor what is happening in the american market, the fact is that the more complicated the situation, the more difficult it is to negotiate between coalitions, between parties, there are now very good data on occupied people. but this employment of 81% falls on three main sectors: healthcare, which is financed from the state segment, medicar mediaid, naturally the civil service, well, mediker is the only one left now, civil service, respectively, and hospitality consider tourism, so if you cut out the civil service from here with medicine, this is government spending in all honesty, if you look at it like this in reality, well, in turn, then in reality the blow will be quite serious, so a significant part of the population in the united states does not seem to see an increase in employment in principle, but at the same time it is actually shown. from this point of view, why is this important, because january 20 january, when
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the issue of government spending will be discussed accordingly, this will become the next big battle in which everything will be brought together, as if around which the entire information agenda will be wrapped already from the 15th , january 15, so even earlier, probably, in general, you mean that zelensky will have to to stop in the usa only to refuel, because the small plane will not fly otherwise, the problem is that the agenda will switch, it will switch actively in january, it is already corresponding to palestine and they won’t even pour kerosene for him there.
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nearly half of american voters believe the us is spending too much on aid to ukraine, according to a poll, while volodymyr zelensky prepares to visit washington to lobby for more funding. the latest ft poll found that 48% of respondents believe the us is spending too much in military and financial aid to support the war effort. kiev vs. russia, only 27 % said washington was spending the right amount and 11% said the u.s. was not spending enough, opposition was especially pronounced among republicans, 65% said the u.s. was spending too much on ukraine, independents were dissatisfied only 52%; among democrats the number was 32%. the findings come as biden struggles to coax a sharply divided congress will approve a massive $111 billion security spending package that would include about $60 billion
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for kiev, as well as funding for israel and taiwan. according to the white house, this is also due to the fact that zelensky is scheduled to visit washington to meet with biden. tuesday, and today zelensky apparently has a day off, because he was first in kabaverda, then he flew to boynos airos, for half a day now no one can find him, perhaps he flew to his house in miami, relaxing, swimming, gaining strength. we'll be back. primorsky krai. i hope you can hear me well, and i hope that i will also hear you well. summing up the results of the year, vladimir putin will answer questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received from russian citizens. ask your question to the president through the website by
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phone +7 495-539 40-40 +7 499 550-40-40. to surprise anton, look at the weekend, with i decided to return a day early, i want twenty years of happy married life, expensive! “i wonder what my husband is asking, no, because i’m a cretin, with such a woman, i would like to live my whole life, oops, and what should i do now, you’ve sat down and lost your mind , what are you talking about now? yes, she’s into you good enough for a mother , is the boy really so good that it has blown your mind, i love him, but if i loved
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him i wouldn’t ruin his life, i would like to talk to ella, ella has left, bring me back on saturday”? the bunk is shaking, the walls are shaking , big changes have come, in the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three from this absolutely faceless room different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object. it will be full and there’s a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams
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will become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. i would like to invite you to watch an amazing sunrise. he proposed to me on the first date, and you agreed. my heart is restless, nina. you need to go to the farm, that bastard , but he hurt himself, her fate is such a girl, she is spellbound to loneliness, a black widow, from any curse there is always a talisman, my name is victor, nina, i realized that i can love again, even if i the one
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i cursed will not live, you will become my wife, i’m scared, all the men who marry me then die, nothing will happen to me. you are a little boy, but already a very big musician, thank you, but i still have to learn, to study to study, where did you come from, it’s simply incomprehensible to the mind, you know, to play for 8 years.
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so, kiev faces the real prospect of not getting the help it wants and needs now, writes the independent newspaper. zelensky just said that putin has deceived him more than once, and he will definitely not agree to dialogue with moscow. tomorrow the kiev artist has two important concerts at once, firstly in the american congress, and then immediately in the white house. for some reason the ukrainian president never made it to washington, he’s been flying for 24 hours already, one can assume that
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they are rehearsing somewhere. president biden will host the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky, on tuesday. the two leaders are expected to discuss a deal to send emergency aid to ukraine. the proposal has stalled in congress because it involves funding israel to defend the u.s. southern border. senators from both political parties are trying to hammer out an agreement that could pass before congress recesses for the holidays. zelensky will also meet with speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson. again zelensky again biden, but now the clock is ticking, namely, as you know, washington’s ability to provide assistance to israel and ukraine is evaporating. how much has the appetite for more aid to ukraine waned, what battle does zelensky face? he's facing a massive battle, he's running out of ammunition, he's running out of money, the europeans are giving him little, but
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there's resistance there too. in the us, the biden administration is essentially being held hostage by the republicans in negotiations on the us border, they, in fact, they link their support for ukraine to a much more controversial topic, namely the border. this is a very difficult week. while zelensky is flying, we will arrive in washington.
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the most critical moment for ukraine, despite all the attempts of the white house, this is, in general, a failure of the long-term us strategy towards ukraine, of course, a serious blow to the biden administration in this election year. let me remind you that on the eve of the vote in the senate, both biden and the head of the pentagon already openly threatened not only to send american soldiers to fight with russia, and send to... well, relatives of senators, if the aid package is not approved, that is, there is pressure - quite strong, unprecedented, one might say, but these threats, as we know, did not work, just as the exhortations of the delegation from kiev , who was here all last week , now zelensky was personally summoned to washington for one day so that he himself could convince the republicans that the money must be given immediately, and this is really not a figure of speech; according to the schedule, congress is already dissolving this friday on vacation, the next time it will meet now only... in mid-january, with these four remaining days before the holidays, as zelensky probably expects, more than 60 billion in aid can be approved by both
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chambers, which really takes into account the clinch that happened between the republicans and democrats, well, it’s actually impossible, nevertheless, here in washington, in addition to meeting with biden, zelensky will speak to senators, and he will meet tete-tat behind closed doors with the leader of the house of representatives, mike johnson. besides, and he expects to meet here. with imf distributing director kristalina georgieva, and of course, the white house hopes that his visit here, zelensky’s visit will be able to somehow return the american public’s interest in ukraine, since the americans, according to polls, already believe that america is allocating too much money to kiev , and radical republican senators generally oppose not only the allocation of money to kiev, but also zelensky’s visit here itself, since we remember their main argument is that there is no money for ukraine without... a fundamental solution to the migration crisis, here, of course, we must admit that congress actually took hostage both biden and ukraine, assistance to the armed forces of ukraine, but in
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the election war, like us...
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the white god walls, so kiev at that time was a big city, even in comparison with european cities, 50,000 population, and after the tatars ravaged, but kiev, according to historians, these are really historical facts, there were less than 200 people left, then there is kiev for several centuries, not that it ceased to be a center, it ceased to be a city , that is, when the poles occupied kiev at that time, they decided to deprive the principality and metropolis of kiev, by the way, here are the mongols, when they handed out labels for, well, reign. no one wanted to be a kiev prince , he was even a kiev prince, few people may remember this, alexander nevsky, it would seem, yes, he was also a kiev prince, these are the legends they tell, yes, like this kuchma, yushchenko also tells, that it takes four to five generations still, there’s not enough hatred, yes, we still need to hate the next four or five generations, they’re really fighting, they’re having a war, they call it a war with russia, but they ’re fighting with the russian world, in ukraine, they’re not
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trying to destroy everything evidence that indicates that ukraine is a part. he says, yes, that is, 6 million ukrainians now live in russia, if or when russia comes to ukraine, ukrainians will finally be able to walk the streets freely, because they will not hide from ukrainian military commissars, they will be able to move freely throughout russia and move around the world, because in russia the borders are not closed to people, as they are in the prison of nations, that’s really in ukraine, but it’s all a lie, klitschko surprised me too, but that’s all there they watched him
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hanging in the metro, minus six metro stations, this is the only mayor. in the history of the city, in which metro stations were not opened, well, i mean from the moment the metro appeared in kiev, it’s immediately minus, but today you’ve already heard everything about the olympic lenya opened the space metro, absolutely right, here is the same line of the olimpiyskoye metro station, but there is flooding, that is, as i understand it, soon there will be a minus line, klitschko looks, yes they are accusing there, i already read there how they are accusing yanukovych azarov, who they opened this metro there more than 10 years ago, but i think it’s probably not their fault, it’s still their fault.
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absolutely right, local culture, local language and the population itself, which means you are building your state on someone else’s territory, not your own land. we'll be back in a minute. we're breaking into the world of artificial intelligence and digitalization without creating protective mechanisms that will protect us from the mistakes that destroyed our country. they sang it, behind every manifestation and act of artificial intelligence, in one way or another there will be someone’s interests, those who will stand behind artificial intelligence, the first thing they will do is
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manipulate the consciousness of humanity. we need it to be our artificial intelligence, which means ignoring this need, it’s either the desperate courage of the comics, or... game there is a goal, russia is trying to do everything so that this insight really comes. besagon tv. today on rtr. have you gone crazy? on sunday. then good people reported that you had become confused with a masked man. this girl, who is she anyway? a random girl from a random city, and you
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have been dating sveta for 4 years, we need to have a child, i really, really want this, don’t trust anyone. hello, i would like to talk to anna, but she’s not here, she and her boyfriend drove off to the south. don't listen to anyone. i should have forgotten already, i can’t forget, i love him so much still, truly happy, i was only with one person, max, what are you doing, a year and a half has passed, this is you, what you wanted, live according to the dictates of your heart, sunday on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer. the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here,
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taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, eat your mind, this world is worth seeing. snake caster is the most ancient profession in india; they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and
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so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch. mom, mommy, mommy is back, it’s not mom , it’s another aunt, she was transporting furniture for a man , in general, he has children, two daughters, and his wife died last year, she’s very beautiful, what do i mean, this is my mother’s secret, and now it will be yours, you are like a superhero for marishka, she only tells you, i have already forgotten how to rejoice, thank you. you run to someone else’s family like you’re running to work, maybe you ’ve already found a replacement for you, little marishka, she’s fallen in love with you, a man is reaching out to you, well, some kind of stranger, daria shcherbakova, ilya moskov, i understand that
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i have no right, you are not alone, you like faith, well, like a woman, i like it, if i find out something, i’ll kill you, daughters , on fridays on rtr. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could become a bailiff. or athletes, we took the gto standards for 30-dash 34 years old, we can do pull-ups, a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a lifeguard. but
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he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to turn to specialist. doctor myasnikov, every saturday on rtr. so, over the next 7 days , almost a month’s worth of precipitation will fall in moscow, up to 55 mm. immediately the thaw in yakutsk has already become warmer, it is now -33, last week it was -50, the extreme cold, look, does not stop yakut athletes, a checkers tournament, people without gloves, in fryanovo near moscow they cut down the country's main new year tree, it is 84 years old, the height of the tree is 25 m, the span of the branches is 10 m. in just a couple of days , on december 13, the tree will be installed in the cathedral square of the kremlin. it was 60 minutes straight.
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now look at the news, all the best to you, goodbye olga, happy birthday, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, thank you, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look , well , look at the screen, look at me, he takes it out, look, look. sign the agreement , we sign at the same time for one, two, three, we sign, we look, we look, maybe we’ll go to me, just watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear everything away ours, which was joint, what will you have left, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories? russia comes and the city lives,
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boris kovchevnikov’s program, life and destiny from monday to friday on rtr. hello, on the russia tv channel, irina rossius is in the studio and the main topics for this hour. tsu-35 destroyed a radar station near kupinsk. our alligators in the krasnolimansky direction knocked out equipment and people.


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