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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  December 14, 2023 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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this is not only the appearance of a squirrel, but also a guarantee of his health. come on, let's smile, it's morning in russia, don't oversleep, that's the main thing. more than 2 million questions in gostiny dvor, final preparations before the direct line with the president. a handout from the united states, zelensky, who arrived in the states, was able to receive 200 million dollars instead of 60 billion, which he had expected. the winter swimming club is in full swing for the irkutsk porgies -30 is no problem.
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a new day begins on the russia channel, the main news is in karina elgina’s studio. hello. only a few hours left until the beginning of the main event of the outgoing year , vladimir putin’s big press conference, combined with a straight line. the final preparations are being completed in the gostiny dvor. in the meantime, the call center continues to accept requests from russians to the head of state, almost 2 million have already been received. the most popular way to ask the president a question remains a phone call: more than 1,300 have been accepted.
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the vsug operational command reported a massive drone strike on its facilities in the odessa region. according to his statement, all the drones were allegedly shot down, but odessa authorities acknowledged hits on a number of objects and serious fires that were extinguished throughout the night. and in kiev they reported a night rocket attack, a series of powerful explosions occurred there, and fires started. infrastructure facilities were damaged, some areas were left without water, and part of the destruction was the result of unsuccessful ukrainian work. this is the donetsk direction, russian paratroopers with the help of lansed ammunition destroy enemy equipment near kleshcheevka, under solidary they liquidated before the platoon of militants in usa in dugouts of strong points. in general complexity, according to the ministry of defense, the enemy was defeated in krasnoye, kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, maryenka and kirov. in the kupinsky direction, our military repelled eight attacks by ukrainian attack aircraft. norway confirmed the transfer to kiev. package
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and sweden, as well as with the norwegian king. until additional humanitarian and military assistance. earlier, zelensky arrived in oslo to meet with the leaders of norway, denmark, iceland, and finland ; the head of the kiev regime was in the united states, where neither he nor biden managed to convince congress, which was leaving for the christmas holidays, agree on new financing for ukraine. zelensky hoped to receive 60 billion dollars, but received only 200 million as a handout from the american president.
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it all happened during the speech of the head of the european commission at a meeting in the eu council. the footage shows that the officials could barely contain their laughter. a little later, barking was explained by the presence of service dogs in the building, and the leader of the largest faction in the european parliament, who spoke next , tried to joke by classifying the dogs as supporters. almost half a million people remain without electricity due to bad weather and... frosts in different regions of russia, under the influence of the elements dagestan, pskov and rostov regions, as well as donbass. in voronezh, after a powerful snow cyclone, there is a traffic collapse on the roads, ten-point traffic jams, stops are packed with people, but even those passengers who managed to board a bus or trolleybus first have to push multi-ton vehicles out of the snow porridge. in the belgorod region after a serious snowfall. there were victims of the accident; in
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novosibirsk , the heating main could not withstand thirty-degree frosts. due to the breakthrough a river of boiling water overflowed the streets. in buryat, due to severe cold weather, the frost regime is in effect... the frosts caused a series of power failures, several districts of ulan ud were left without power. but for irkutsk walruses, -30 is not a hindrance; those who like to slaughter, plunge into such weather. on the island of youth, representatives of the winter swimming club organized a mass swim, reporting by vlad boronenko. a good mood, determination and a prepared body are what allows them to smile at the camera and not think about their low degree. it all starts with active warm-up, at least 10 minutes. we work on the joints, the main thing is movement, because when the blood begins to circulate, it
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gives warmth to the limbs. when the body is warmed up and the body is ready, you can undress, it ’s more comfortable and warmer for them than for us in jackets. how to mentally prepare for this right away, just ahead, the most important thing is to quickly get dressed and find warmth, because it’s cold - extreme sports enthusiasts say, not in the water itself, its temperature is above zero, but in severe frost clothes can become stiff on the shore, however... -30 is not a record for such bathing. the walruses of yakutia bathe in minus 52 there, at -60 they have aisles, when they come to visit them, they test it. on december 23 , irkutsk walruses will join the campaign. seasoned russia is a strong country. on this
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day, all fans of swimming, hardening and winter swimming from kamchatka to kaleningrad will plunge into the local oceans, seas and rivers, or douse themselves with cold water. vlad. irkutsk this is news we are following developments. a competition among young halen herders has started in yamal. college students from different regions took part. how to preserve traditional crafts and the original way of life of the northern peoples, contestants. demonstrated in practice, one of the stages took place in thirty-degree frost, larisa bazanova saw how the future reindeer herders coped. every boy born in the tundra knows how to lasso an animal. this takes young nomads 2-3 minutes. as expected, no one had any problems with the task. five
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students participating in the competition showed mastery of not only a tanzin, but a regular roulette. the future reindeer herder needs it to measure the parameters of the stags. this is also one of the tasks. even... to throw an animal down in the snow must be done skillfully according to the rules, the fall is done in order to carry out some veterinary manipulations, or apply bandages, or give an injection, well , that is, some kind of processing, and measurements are baneting, then there is selection work , yura, time passes, yura, but something went wrong with yura, in order to kill the reindeer, you need a normal jerk to tie the jerk, uh-huh, and somehow you made a mistake, yes, yes, you made a mistake. i was very upset, because i was about to win the competition. now on it’s -32° outside, it’s hard to say because your face is freezing, but for reindeer herders this is quite a familiar temperature; even in severe frosts they continue to lead a traditional way of life. you won't be spoiled in the tundra; it has its own
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way of life, where deer are the main resource. we have four breeds in russia, these are our ninirskaya breed, venkaya, velenskaya, venkian and chukotka. which are common among us, here we will see, this is a nenets breed, in this herd there are only riding reindeer, they are physically harmonious, their legs are strong, in general, they are trained for multi-kilometer hikes, well, everyone here loves bread, not only deer, even huskies, this little puppy will be a month old one of these days, very soon he will manage that large herd, this is why we need away competitions, to get a feel for it in practice all the intricacies of the difficult profession of reindeer farmer-mechanic, it is taught in college for three... years, and if you add to this the life experience of a nomad, the result will be a highly qualified specialist who has no equal in the arctic. larisa bazanova, ilya spassky, lead yamal. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the application or on the website, they follow the developments of events. let's start! come on,
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come on with a smile, morning of russia, don’t forgive the main thing. good morning, good morning to you, wake up, we’ll try to cheer you up this morning, it’s getting more and more difficult to get out of a warm bed, we understand you from the very beginning, we’ve already woken up, we’re already at work, take an example from us, yes, what time is now, time is now so, pre-holiday bustle, but where? vanity, there are crooks. here's how a resident
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of san francisco offers to fight the attackers. his method concerns car robbers. for this purpose, the young man specially leaves a decoy bag in the cabin. the most inopportune moment for a scammer is when the surprise gets covered in glitter and starts to smell bad. over the course of several months , they took the bait 25 times, and it all started with an unpleasant incident. valuables were stolen from this american's car. that’s when he, an engineer by training, created a... on the same wavelength, but for children she is taisiya mikhailovna. the girl doesn't like this kind of treatment. i immediately got used to it, as if it were all
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a school event. i was very scared about how i would involve them, what if they weren’t interested. but in fact, yes, it was a very big discovery for me that everything is not so, and the children themselves offer me events to hold, they themselves offer me to participate in them. when the school was looking for a candidate for educational advisor, the choice immediately fell on her. a young teacher leads clubs and is ready to work 24x7. taisiya was really embarrassed that she would have to raise not only children, but also colleagues too. it turned out that teachers have been waiting for a long time to be relieved of non-core tasks. if earlier it was necessary to have some events, maybe even invent them or coordinate them, now we clearly know, in accordance with the work plan, what, when, on what day. and the events at school are one after another, just have time to prepare. flash mobs for the holidays, a talent competition, and now a christmas tree. yes, this is understandable, it’s a cool, well-practised dance, but it needs a new year’s element. taisti immediately understood, alone. cope, collected assets, i turned to the school management; the children now have uniforms with the symbols of the movement of the first,
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they are the center of attention, they involve friends, and sometimes even parents, in their work. not only mothers participate, fathers get involved, and children actively participate, and of course, this is a kind of contribution to family relationships. educational advisers are also like a big family, 27.00 specialists work in schools across the country, these are student teachers, trained future teachers. navigators of childhood - we are the ones who educate the future of our country. they are generators of fresh ideas, exchange experiences, look for new forms of working with children. at first, by the way, not everyone understood the meaning of this idea. who are you, why do you need advisors? to which i always answered that there cannot be extra people in education, when there are additional units - this is great. and the main thing is that it’s noticeable, taisti picks up, when you manage to captivate everyone, it’s all the more difficult.
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details, is there not enough responsibility and
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responsibilities for such a counselor in one school, because our schools are different, some are very large, with thousands of students, you you know, it’s very cool that such a position has appeared in the team, in the school team, of course there is rationing, i’ll tell you that a different number of rates are allocated for the position of educational adviser, depending on the number of students. to be honest, just when we watched the plot, my eyes became wider and wider, because i was a little skeptical about this whole story, i think, well, as always, it was brought down from above, there will be some people recruited for show, they are there -they will walk along lists. but the eyes are true, i said at the beginning, the eyes are burning, those who were interviewed, and even those who accidentally got into the frame, they don’t know what their camera was filming, their eyes are burning, andrey, indeed, the system is built and there is a certain vertical, it supervises the project of the ministry of education of the russian federation, there is an entire federal structure called rosdetsentr, and just part of the rates for the implementation of these
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functions is allocated by the rosdetsentr, that is, part of it...
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that is, in each municipal district there is a person who supervises all education advisers in schools of a given settlement , small town or regional center, in addition, they are not the only ones involved in education, now every teacher, in accordance with the federal law on education, along with teaching, must fulfill the important mission of an educator, yes , well, just in time for the plot, i wanted the teachers to say: hurray, we will finally be able to shift some of our responsibilities to these people, but it doesn’t turn out that there is a huge amount of everything for the educational adviser is shifted, here everything of course depends on the head of the educational organization, how he will set priorities, and i like that these headquarters for educational work are being created, where the children are included, by the way, necessarily, representatives of the school
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self-government and the parent community, then the question arises again , if our parents are watching now? who do not yet have such an adviser at school, this may happen either until the end, before the end of the twenty-fifth year, such advisers should appear in all schools, but there is, of course, a problem that there is no preferential teaching experience while educational advisers have, and many of them are forced to combine with teaching activities, we know about this problem, we are working interdepartmentally to solve it, thank you very much, we spoke with the deputy chairman of the state duma committee in science and higher education by ekaterina. kharchenko, thank you very much, today at 12:00 moscow time, summing up the results of the year, vladimir putin will answer questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received citizens of russia. ask your question to the president through the website by phone 8 800-240-40 or via sms to number
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04040. results of the year with vladimir putin. live! today! opening a business while on maternity leave is not a dream today, but a reality for many russian women. they manage not only to raise children, but also to develop their business, because now the federal program mompreneur of the national project for small and medium-sized businesses helps them in this. aspiring businesswomen can take educational programs find out where to start and even get start-up capital to develop your business. here is my certificate, i tell all my children: look, there are available support measures, without such support elena vaskovaya from krasnodar could not imagine that an ordinary hobby could develop into a business; she became interested in making candles while on maternity leave, first for herself, then for a gift to relatives, and then i learned that all this wealth
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can also be sold, so from one candle a whole flame of business ideas flared up. i saw that they were recruiting for... project mom entrepreneur, i went with the only desire to win, because i needed to buy silicone molds in order to make even more candles than i was making at the moment. with the entire grant, elena bought silicone molds and now her mini-production is literally in full swing in her small workshop. we stir the gypsum, it should look like a viscous mixture, well, pour it into a silicone mold. now elena has her own brand of candles, which her children also like. they are proud, they waited patiently for this, tried to show your successes in life and studies. and the children of kaluzhanka svetlana tatalyanova
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woke up famous when their mother declared herself at the world level. but for many years no one knew that such a master worked in an ordinary provincial hairdresser. in the creative coloring category, svetlana won the world championships in paris. her work caused quite a stir. the my business center helped me get into the competition and make myself known. and now appointments at svetlana’s salon are scheduled months in advance. well first of all this is information support, which has attracted new clients, not only residents of our city, but also guests, there are clients from nearby cities, even those who come from moscow, st. petersburg, from other cities of russia, some from abroad. over the 10 years of existence of the federal program mom-entrepreneur of the national project for small and medium-sized businesses, about 11 women took part in it, they received support for 250 million rubles. 35 of which are grant funds. in 2023 , more than 3,500 people took part in the competition
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mother-entrepreneurs, three finalists received grants: one million rubles, 500 thousand and 250, two more participants received prizes from sponsors. all this allows even the smallest business in remote regions to sprout, and mothers to take confident steps in realizing themselves. this gives a good effect, because during maternity leave. financial stability of the family, so that there is no feeling of isolation or abandonment, but mothers are not going to leave the business even after maternity leave and most often leave it not for their previous job, but for a new level of business lady. many of you check your email first thing when you wake up, and i’m certainly no exception.
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do you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions? with nikolai baskov on sundays on rtr. have you gone crazy? sunday. then
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good people reported that you got mixed up with moskvich. this girl, who is she anyway? random girl from a random city. on sunday on rtr, i thought that everything
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is more serious here, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there are two opinions it can’t, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal. it’s all about fleas , i’m beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let’s go, it must have been edible, i meant, of course , bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a program of five for one, five for one on saturdays on rtr. look, love is when you look in
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one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time one, two, three, subscribe, look, look. maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. for it we're going live. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. that
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in the next 2 weeks we will receive such video footage more and more often, an unusual road patrol, happiness went out on the streets of abu dhabi, law enforcement officers on new year's eve suddenly became good wizards and are handing out gifts left and right. a valuable gift is given to everyone who behaves well, that is, strictly follows the traffic rules. this is a pleasant reason for stopping: the happiness patrol also stops violators, but gives differently. in honor of the new year , instead of fines.
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but which of the contestants will continue to participate and perform in the final episode of this musical festival depends on the tv viewers, controlling the blue bird is easy and simple, send a free sms to 9392 with the number of the participant who you liked the most, the jury of the tv project will also make their choice , we have always been guided by who in their
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profession... we watch the blue bird on december 17, sunday at 18:00, then vanya, you won’t believe what’s on at the general meeting of residents they decided, this is what the people say, yes, he says from our palace, a moz will appear on your porch, engineering work will rise from the top, and in the sun’s rays, this bridge will shine and will attract tourists, and
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there will be a cow from our area. nothing, mom , morning of the evening, go ahead, well, we all supported the idea, we supported it, yes, we supported it, you can also vote for beer, yes, the more votes, the better, local authorities are now taking this into account, yes, about the formation of a city wednesday, let's talk to experts in a few minutes, crystal, this is the morning news, we will tell you about the main thing in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina ilgina. hello. there are only a few hours left before the start of the main event of the outgoing year, vladimir putin’s big press conference, combined with a direct line. the final preparations are being completed in the gostiny dvor. in the meantime, the call center continues to accept requests from russians to the head of state; almost 2 million have already been received. the most popular way to ask the president a question
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remains a phone call. of course, the president will not be able to answer all 130,000 questions, but in any case, all requests will be considered by a special team and sent for resolution. vladimir putin will begin answering questions from journalists and citizens live at noon moscow time. our channel will broadcast live. the un state assembly overwhelmingly adopted a resolution on an immediate ceasefire in the gas sector. the document was supported by 153. the united states, israel and eight other small states spoke out against it. in the enclave itself, sahal began to flood underground tunnels used by hamas fighters, regardless of the fact that there may be hostages there. meanwhile , it is reported that the death toll from
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israeli gas bombings is approaching 19. 2/3 are women and children. the wounded are admitted to hospitals around the clock. the work of rescuers and doctors is complicated by constant shelling. tsahal reported the death within 24 hours. these countries. arab media write that this was done in response to shelling from the israeli forces using shells with white phosphorus, thereby violating international convention. next year , construction of a branch of the cosmonaut training center named after yuri gagarin will begin at the vostochny space launch center. the infrastructure to support manned launches is already being created there. at the center , astronauts will prepare for flights and undergo pre-launch training. it is also
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planned to conduct training on survival in different climatic conditions in case of an emergency landing. krasnodar airport has been closed since february last year for security reasons and may reopen already. this month, it is reported regional authorities, tomorrow the first technical flight without passengers will take place, the operation of all systems and equipment of the airfield will be checked. in addition, air defense has been strengthened in the airfield area. aeroflot announced its readiness to resume regular flights, and russia and russia will be able to begin immediately after the new year holidays. real december frosts came to the khabarovsk territory, many drivers cannot start their cars in the morning, in...
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dmitry was able to warm up in time, and ended up in the surgical department with frostbite on my hands and feet, a passer-by felt the pain, called an ambulance, and so i came here. the second regional emphasizes that traditionally, with the arrival of cold weather, an influx of such patients is expected, treatment up to 4 months. there are no usual pre-new year traffic jams on the highways yet; many cars simply won’t start. sergei's car was one of those and paid 3,000 for professional heating. she stood for 2 days on the weekend, he was frozen. called for heaters, blankets and heat guns to help, sergei’s torment brings toyota to its senses in half an hour. on this car the exhaust system is frozen, now we will use two guns to warm it up. experts predict that the piercing wind will subside
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in 2 days. according to weather forecasters, the cold snap, and such a sharp one at that , was brought to khabarovsk by an anticyclone from siberia. the feeling of frost is enhanced by winds of 17-19 m/s. heating plants switched to enhanced supply mode. sergey shulga, vesti khabarovsk. this is news, we are monitoring developments. in mariupol, residents of houses damaged by shelling are being paid compensation. more and more people are returning to the city people apply. what kind of financial assistance can apartment owners, owners of private houses that are badly damaged or damaged, count on? cannot be restored at all, irina efremova found out everything. each district of mariupol has its own department of labor and social protection of the population. you need to apply for lost property, damaged housing and get a new one
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here. first, get a ticket for a certain time or, on a first-come, first-served basis, show your existing documents and get advice on what else is needed for their submissions. and as for the destroyed housing. yes, housing has not been demolished, but destroyed, this is both the private sector and apartment buildings, compensation is paid here in the form of 7 thousand per square meter, in the zhavtnevo district more than 100 people have already received this. for a total amount of more than 257 million rubles. only the owner can claim this payment, even if he owns two or more houses or apartments; compensation can only be submitted for one dwelling. this applies not only to the destroyed, but also to the completely lost. tatiana pilipas she says that her private house not far from the azovstal plant cannot be repaired; the whole family lives in a dormitory. azov men were near the house and they destroyed everything that could be destroyed. total number of such statements. almost 15,000 have been sold,
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more than 9,000 positive decisions have been made on them, 2,628 families have received apartments so far, the rest are waiting their turn. 100,000 rub. all registered residents receive compensation for lost essential property within a month after submitting the application. for this purpose, an act is also drawn up at the site of the damaged or completely destroyed housing. in total , more than 66,000 applications were submitted throughout the city for all types of compensation. and
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now this is the best
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reward for alexander and dolgat, they say, they couldn’t do it any other way, because it’s customary among siberians; the spirit is tempered in severe frosts. svetlana krukovskaya, rashid latypov, host yugoria, surgut. the tallest new year tree in russia was delivered to the kaliningrad region, the height of the forest beauty is 30 m; in order to determine the height of the tree, we even had to introduce new units of measurement, where they found a tree with outstanding ones.
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ru, this is news, we are monitoring developments.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. good morning, good morning, we greet you, very nice. svetlana abramova and andrey petrov joined you today, well, it’s clear that we were captured by the new year’s bustle, so we could take a little step back from it, sometimes you think where to hide from this december bustle of the excitement that arises every year before the new year, well even sometimes, you know, andrei, you want to fall through the ground, and there’s an old military man underground
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a bunker, in america it was turned into a city, it has 575 apartments with a variety of layouts, a luxury apartment includes eight bedrooms and three bathrooms. however , you can move into a more modest option, where there are only four rooms, there are also public places in the dungeons, by the way, living rooms with soft sofas, a cinema, a large kitchen, this city is designed for 10.00 inhabitants, the reserves for an autonomous life should be enough for a year, well and then you still have to go to the surface, you go out, and after a year, and then december again, what a mistake, well, we are looking for comfort on earth, at least 30% of russians should... take part in creating a cozy urban environment, this is the task facing the regions. people can vote on which streets, parks or squares need to be improved, choose the appropriate project and even participate in its development. oksana serova has details. that’s why larisa mikhailovna was afraid to even go to the square until recently, but now she spends almost all
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her free time here, walking either with her grandchildren or with her girlfriends, laughing that from hatred to love is one step, and that step is improvement. under every bite you can. there was garbage to be found, we drank, and everything else, and now here is a recreation area where we walk, we made an entrance group, a central alley, carried out large-scale landscaping in the second stage, we implemented children's playgrounds, sports grounds, and the winner of the voting rating on the territory program for creating a comfortable urban environment, that is, so that the park named after the sixtieth anniversary of the ussr turns from a frightening wasteland into a favorite place for residents novomoskovskaya. they, the residents, did their best and chose this object among several others through online voting. i involved all my family friends, explained to us that this was necessary, significant, they took part and now we are standing in it, all this is landscaped, and thanks to the activity of the residents of the soviet district of omsk, one of the courtyards there has been transformed. the people, the initiators of this project themselves
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, drew, proposed, calculated in general, as they say, figures, that is, practice shows that the more active the residents, the more. chances that urban space around them will change for the better, especially since today there are many formats for participation in improvement, one of them is all-russian online voting, this year 14 million people took part in it. we have been holding a vote for the third year in a row, any citizen can choose a territory that has been proposed by the municipal authorities, and for improvement, influence the decisions that are made at the level of his locality there. and not only choose among those proposed, but also put forward your option on special internet platform:, in some regions russians still have the opportunity to take part directly in the development of the project and then control the quality of the work performed, when people themselves begin to participate in the process of transforming the city,
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firstly, after all, they advise the designers, there for designers, local governments, how development should be done. the city, where, what and how should be done, well then , of course, they treat these objects much more carefully, which is beneficial both the city, and residents, authorities , however, situations and misunderstandings between them , of course, also happen, so experts propose, firstly, to introduce mediators into the improvement process who could help establish an effective dialogue between the parties, and secondly, conduct educational seminars for residents that would help them understand the sometimes difficult issues of architecture and design. well, thirdly, actively, more actively inform citizens about the opportunity to vote for this or that improvement project. sometimes residents of the regions find out about this after the fact, when the park has already been landscaped and the sports ground has been built. why is this happening, let’s figure it out with the deputy minister of construction and housing and communal services of russia, alexey mireysky, alexey vasilyevich, hello, thank you for joining, our correspondents
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asked people, yes indeed, because the figure was called 14 million this year, they wanted more there, 90 million have already been voted on, but so far this is not working out, for some reason. doesn't work or works like you're actually very good progress, this is already the third vote and we started with figures of less than 10 million, last year there were already 12, this year we heard 14.20. now many projects are promoted by volunteers, what role do they now play in all this and in general how many people can they convey information to? every year their number increases and, accordingly , the number of people who took part in the vote increases thanks to. and accordingly, maybe we should add some more local public advertising somewhere television, on local radio
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, so that people are aware, because well , the volunteer is good, today he came out to volunteer, tomorrow he didn’t come out to volunteer, he didn’t tell anyone, so that the coverage was maximum, as you think, this is definitely necessary do and this is done in the internet space on television, in the local press, various municipal events, who controls these processes, here... use phones, tablets, young people, yes, they are just more in the internet space, on our view is just involving more interesting applications
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, we are working on this here, tell me how things are now, if, say, the residents of the area did not like how their site or park was arranged, what happens, there are cases when the result does not quite coincide with those. wanted? there was one case where the contractor,
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and why didn’t it actually work out as a contractor, you know, how the artist had his own vision, but i see it this way, well, they showed him that he needs to see a little differently, in the end it turned out that you don't forget, you don't artist, you are a contractor, next time, don’t forget, you often come across the situation that, let’s say, you see an architectural plan, they seem to tell you to look, but you don’t understand anything about what they wanted? yes , just in time for the conversation, yes, which is almost after the fact, yes, because the tiny plan and really the architecture, on which nothing is clear, seem to have been presented, yeah, well, that’s why municipalities hold discussions in person, invite residents, and if it appears really questions, we want, let's say, we will consider it in more detail, but it is quite possible here to actually conduct such a face-to-face presentation of the proposed facility, thank you very much, the deputy minister of construction and housing and communal services of russia answered our questions. thank you very much, thank you, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing is, the new year
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is approaching, whoever is not yet thinking about gifts for loved ones, and of course, for themselves, is to blame. our colleague ivan zenkevich argues that it makes sense for grandfather frost to ask for a car, i agree with her, why waste trifles in showrooms, he says now tangible discounts are not an argument at all. you need to indicate which transmission is automatic or manual, because there are nuances; when choosing a car, we always pay attention to what kind of gearbox it has; dynamics, fuel consumption, and our convenience, in the end, largely depend on it. today, cars on the market are mainly offered with four types of transmission: manual, classic automatic, cvt and robot, so to find the right option... it is important to know the strengths and weaknesses of each. let's start with good old mechanics. the main advantages of this gearbox are
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that it is the cheapest to produce and the most unpretentious to maintain. this transmission is good off-road, and if you get stuck, it is the easiest to get out of the swing. there is only one minus, but it is significant: you constantly need to change gears, this is especially inconvenient in dense city traffic. most drivers today choose different types of automatic machines. the classic automatic is the most reliable gearbox, but its main disadvantage is that it has an expensive production cost, which accordingly, it makes the car more expensive. if we are talking about servicing this gearbox, then it is, well, much more expensive than a manual one. and the fuel consumption of a car with a classic automatic transmission is generally higher, which is why manufacturers use cars in the budget segment. cvts are being installed more and more often; they are cheaper to manufacture and more compact, which is important for models with a transverse engine.
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there are no steps in such a box, so acceleration is smooth, comfortable, and without jerking. minus a relatively small resource, in on average 100-150,000 km, in which case you will have to change the transmission fluid quite often, avoid slipping and high loads. and finally, another common box today is the robot. it helps save fuel and shifts quickly, which gives good dynamics. but at low speeds you will feel jerking; it’s better not to meddle with it off-road. in addition, owners of cars with such a gearbox complain about the fast wear of clutches in so-called dry robots and frequent problems with control electronics. let's sum it up summary: the robot and the variator are good if you are buying a new car and intend to drive mainly on asphalt. but a boo-car with such a box is a real lottery. a classic automatic or manual machine is much more reliable in this sense, but here you need to clearly calculate your budget, because servicing the automatic machine will require
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a lot of money. and then here we go. she came to us dressed up for the holiday, how much does it cost to decorate a christmas tree now and what toys to choose, we’ll find out in a few minutes, that’s for you, well, did you get enough sleep, gentlemen, wait a minute
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, i stand behind my words, a hero of my time , beauty, rapping, the whole crew, just looking at the platform, there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will set everyone in good spirits. “this is an incredibly charming face , to which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well , then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams , how did you agree to this, first they shoved in a red snake, hearts skipped a beat ours,
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among friends, a program for the whole family. saturdays on rtr. this crime scene suits you like no other. thank you, fedor. premiere. please don't be nervous. you are in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends of the corpse, he looks appraisingly, under the suspicion of half the city i feel, he will fall , we’ll sort it out, he doesn’t believe in tears, i like it, oleg, great, i have nothing to do with it, oleg, and he can’t stand it when a man has unclean shoes , i ’m wondering how they let you into the hospital looking like this, but sometimes it’s an excuse to get acquainted,
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so wow, turn signal, fine, that’s enough, new secrets of the investigation from monday on rtr. well, a library on the palm of your hand is convenient, one american woman uses one of these, having re-read... another bestseller from cover to cover, she decided to make a miniature copy of it and was so carried away by this activity that she created a whole selection of such tiny books, by the way, for such a miniature to appear, you need to work hard, the work is painstaking, sometimes it takes much more time than reading this very thick book, there are a lot of small details, nuances and subtleties, i don’t understand, she ’s writing something, well done, in small, small
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handwriting, well, as they say, the book is the best... buy christmas tree decorations, the demand for toys has increased by 14% compared to 2022, marketers say, at the same time, people try to approach their choice in an original way, the different figures are interesting and have such beautiful feathers, there are stars, balls, big, small, something connected with childhood, a christmas tree or some balls, fortunately you can find a large assortment that same new year's decoration will not be difficult, the only question is the budget, the most affordable ones... of course, plastic toys, especially in sets, are more often chosen to decorate a workplace or public space, in this case they prefer not to spend a lot. among the categories of christmas tree decorations, the leading ones are sets priced
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from about 300 to 400 rubles. sets of balls for decorating one small christmas tree. it’s another matter when you need to decorate a green beauty at home, here experts advise making a choice in favor of more expensive, but high-quality toys that can be passed on to the next generations. i would still recommend starting to form your own new year’s tradition of spending glass toys on toys that will be very pleasant to you and toys that will have a certain value and cost in the future. if your wallet allows, you can go for more expensive ones, for example, porcelain toys, the price per piece starts from 420 rubles. glass figurines cost from 300 , ceramic figurines from 290 rubles per one, and for plaster figurines you will have to pay at least 100 rubles. basis at the peak of popularity, cotton toys, like from the soviet past, and evoke special nostalgia, experts say, you don’t have to try to find them from collectors, you can make them yourself, they are a safe and environmentally friendly material, and also inexpensive,
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the craftsmen share. needlework allows you to save your budget, yes, of course, because you can make very beautiful toys, decorate your home with your own hands for quite a budget, to make a simple but stylish decoration, you just need to have... cotton wool, wire for the frame, a glue gun, paints and brushes of different sizes for decoration, glitter and ribbons if desired. the cost of such a set is not so small, but depending on the size and shape, you can create up to ten christmas tree decorations from it, but you need to put in the effort and spend time to get a really beautiful element of holiday decor, so if you buy a ready-made handmade product, it will cost from one and a half to 10,000 rubles. depending on the eminence of the master and the materials he used. original souvenirs can become like decoration.
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hello, oksana kuvaeva studio is on the air, the main thing for this hour. more than 2 million questions for the president; a live press conference will be held today at noon. at the end of the year with vladimir putin. massive drone strike on ukrainian military targets in the odessa region. and under the solidarity of the russian paratroopers, they eliminated the militants until they reached a platoon.
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in the european parliament. the european parliament barked a speech before the final summit, where they will look for money to support ukraine. otherwise, kyiv is bankrupt. frosts, snowfalls and freezing rains, bad weather left residents of dozens of regions without light and heat, the consequences of icy conditions are being eliminated in rostov. from malevich to aivazovsky, a new museum storage facility has opened for 220 thousand exhibits of world value. so, only a few hours remain until one of the main political events of the year. vladimir putin will start a direct line, which this time will be combined with the final press conference at exactly noon
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moscow time. by this moment , about 2,200,000 had already been received by the call center applications and will accept them until the end of the program. the final preparations are being completed in the gostiny dvor, where journalists will communicate with the president. this is where olga armyakova reports. 138 139 smooth count, like a metronome, less and less time remains until the main event of the year, on a low platform. cut off the table, here the wires are still stretched, microphones are visible, the sound is checked so that every word can be heard, a small speaker under the table, here is the place of the president himself: two screens on the table are for presenters, to track news questions, see that in real time the program will continue to arrive at the editorial office, the same monitor on the podium of vladimir putin’s press secretary, i see the news agency’s feed and chat, what is chat, is chat for internal broadcasting, that is, sands? can
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correspond with the presenters, yes, with the presenters, regional, federal foreign reporters, there is a queue lined up for accreditations, among them are our colleagues from the branches of the state television and radio broadcasting company. the chelyabinsk region is located on the border of europe and asia, i would like to ask about the development of transport infrastructure, the mood, of course, so that the president notices and so that a question is asked from the volgograd region, so that they notice, journalists draw posters in national costumes, appear on air, there is a night to prepare. in the meantime, they are walking around snowy new year's moscow, as i understand it, this is where vladimir putin's big press conference will take place tomorrow. among the guests at gostiny dvor tomorrow there will be more volunteers, members of the svo, politicians and representatives of the public. 600 seats in the hall, the seating arrangement is always interesting, chairs in this year, the gray ones are arranged so that everyone can see the president; vladimir putin can freely communicate even with those in the last row. and directors must know each one personally. the remote control
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goes to the vgtrk mobile television studio. we don’t know how long it will last, no one knows, only the president decides. that is, conducting live? yes, the president always conducts live. our task is only to convey. after all, the president will select questions during the program from 14 screens throughout the studio, on them messages from the site, sms.
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i really hope that by the end of this month we will receive a positive decision, the call center of the popular front will accept the appeal until the last second of the live broadcast at 12:00 on the rossiya tv channel, the results of the year with vladimir putin. olga armyakova, anna kol, ksenia vyachina, mikhail avyarenkov and dmitry timofeev, lead. the operational command of the armed forces of ukraine reported a massive drone strike on ukrainian military targets in the odets region. according to his statements, all the drones were allegedly shot down, but the odessa authorities they acknowledged hits on a number of objects and serious fires that were extinguished all night; in kiev they reported a nighttime missile attack, a series of powerful explosions occurred there and fires also started, and the alarm was announced after the first hits. the air force also routinely claims that it shot down missiles, but the scale of the consequences speaks for itself: infrastructure facilities were damaged, some areas were without water, and some of the destruction, as... before, was the result of
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the unsuccessful work of the ukrainian air defense. and this is how russian paratroopers hit a unit ukrainian armed forces near solidar. as a result of precise strikes , up to a platoon of militants in the dugouts of strong points were eliminated. and as can be seen in this video from a drone, also filmed in the donetsk direction, the militants are fleeing en masse with their position. in total, according to the ministry of defense, the enemy was defeated in krasnoye, kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, marinka and kirov. losses in the ssu up to 250 people. in the kupinsky direction, our military repelled eight attacks by ukrainian attack aircraft and hit their equipment and manpower in senkovka. about how former servicemen in the ssu fight for russia near ugledar, report by military correspondent stanislav nazarov. on the ugledar front , units of the cascade operational-combat tactical formation are being assigned to new firing positions from which they managed to drive out ukrainian militants. go russia. for a separate battalion named after bohdan khmelnytsky. this was the first combat
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mission, all the fighters here are former servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, who came over to our side and are now fighting shoulder to shoulder against ukrainian militants, we have to go forward there under the bullets, under the bird there under these there along any path, they took everything and went all together , no one hides behind anyone, no one pokes anything at anyone, does not poke anyone, does not remember the past, now tasks are set, we must carry them out, and there is trust, we carry them out, in the steppes of donbass. snow drifts give way to difficult off-road terrain. together with the crew in the self-propelled artillery mount gvozdika, we move to the vicinity of the village of urozhaynaya artistaya. the cascade girls have received the coordinates of the target and will now work on the accumulation of enemy manpower. load one line, fragmentation fuse. sight 542, one fire. to achieve the most intense fire against the enemy,
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artillery batteries and rszzo grad crews work in constant cooperation. they did the zeroing, practiced the zeroing, and gave us proofreading. to us, we adjusted, hit the target, to the left 0.03, to the left 0.03 to the remnants, yes, yes, a shot, in the artyomovsk direction artillery crews of the 150th division are hitting the militants, combat work is constantly going on, every person, he knows what to do, the only thing what is personal composition, he was given a task, he goes to carry it out, ukrainian formation. every day they continue to shell peaceful cities, american highmars missiles, nato artillery today hit car gas stations from the donetsk service station. as a result of this shelling , a man was killed; fragments, presumably from a 155mm artillery shell, were found at the scene of the shelling
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. operators of the fifth brigade of the 1st donetsk army corps are working against enemy infantry using kamikaze drones and we manage complexes. news donbass almost half a million people remain without electricity due to bad weather and frost in different regions of russia. in voronezh, after a powerful snow cyclone, there is a ten-point traffic jam on the roads. the stops are literally packed with people all day, but even those passengers who managed to board a bus or trolleybus first have to be pushed out. multi-ton truck of snow porridge, residents have to invent the most unexpected ways to move around the city. in the belgorod region, after a serious snowfall, dozens of accidents, there are injuries, traffic police inspectors come to the aid of motorists stuck in snowdrifts.
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patrolmen in the lugansk people's republic, which was also affected by the snow cyclone, are helping to pull cars out of snow drifts. and in novosibirsk. the heating main could not withstand thirty-degree frosts, due to a break , a river of boiling water spilled through the streets, the consequences of the freezing rain have been being eliminated in rostov nadona for the past 24 hours, report by yulia babakova. oh my, icy wires are blazing in donskoy capital, in the oksay district, after an icy rain, a multi-ton lep support collapsed, almost a day without electricity, 150,000 people were left, the authorities declared a state of emergency. it turned out that there was an electrical problem.
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it’s difficult to count how many wires were torn down by the fierce wind, but here on one of the main transport routes of rostov -on-don the traffic lights stopped working because of this. the road to work or school for rostovites is still very dangerous. this is rain. there
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were hundreds of fractures, bruises and sprains from falls, more than 70 were injured children. the road is so dangerous that in many areas of the region, schoolchildren have been transferred to distance learning. we have a matinee today, new year's, we can't miss it. the disaster made adjustments to the operation of public transport. it is still unknown how long it will take for the rostov region to recover; according to forecasters, the disaster will only recede by the weekend. yulia bobakova, oleg pudov, conduct the rostov region. relaxing among the beauties of the tsei gorge, one of the most picturesque places in north ossetia , is becoming more accessible to travelers. in the republic is opening. more and more hotels and tourist routes. report by alexander kundokhov. this hotel complex on the slope of gorny tsey opened only a couple of months ago, so far there are only 10 separate modular cottages, we have hired staff in a set number, the cottages are already
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fully operational, i will even say more, they are often in higher demand now than our supply, small pre-fabricated houses are equipped everything necessary for a comfortable stay, inside we have a sleeping area and a shower in the bathroom, and here everything everything you need, a kettle, microwave, refrigerator, wardrobes, sofa, tv. rooms in the new hotel were booked several weeks in advance, georgy from volgograd spent a long time choosing a suitable place to make, perhaps, the most important decision in life, and he came here, came to make an offer, because this is better than any something banal, here nature is beautiful, and i’m sure it will make an impression, i hope at least the project was brought to life thanks to the grant supported by the state, the tourist flow to ossetia is growing with everyone.
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in ossetia, six entrepreneurs received grants for the development of tourism business and similar modular mini-hotels are being built in different gorges of the republic, the idea has taken root and many grant recipients have already planned expansion. here tsey has already begun work on the construction of new rooms. this year we are already laying the foundation for a future building with 16 rooms, moreover, we are laying the foundation with the expectation that we can make it not even 16 rooms, but...
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the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs. he could become a bailiff or an athlete. we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. taster. i always like to eat a lot. or a rescuer
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, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, i decided to return a day early, make a surprise, look at the weekend, with twenty years of happy married life, dear, i wonder what my husband is asking, no credit, with such a woman i would like to live my whole life, oops, what should i do now, you’ve lost your mind, what are you talking about now, yes, she’s good enough to be your mother, is the boy really so good that you’ll lose your mind they demolished it, i
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love him, if i loved him, life wouldn’t ruin him, i would like to talk to ella, ella has left, bring me back to rtr on saturday. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the podbokh, the name of which character from pushkin’s works, everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much it will be, who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would chop down an oak tree, not
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pluck it, problems with water, electricity, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else. look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, takes it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign simultaneously for one, two, three, sign, look, look , maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, where is your
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homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve? ex-friend, tear everything off ours, which was together, what will you have left, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. international assistance to ukraine may be reduced, german chancellor olaf schols said this during a speech in the bundestag: germany itself is preparing a package of military assistance worth 8 billion euros, denmark intends to give another billion, but ukraine needs at least 50. about which countries are refusing act as sponsors of kiev and why the chairman of the european commission, who called today
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to demonstrate the unity and power of europe , was pleased, the chief of our berlin bureau.
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we are talking about cuts and savings, we do this without pleasure, this is understandable, but this is necessary in order to fit within the funds that we have. the germans will be constrained by their own expenses, and the hungarians may be the opposite. until now, prime minister orban blocked the same 50 billion euros for ukraine, but as bloomberg reports, he is ready to change his mind. the european commission, which froze funds to support hungary from... the euro, can unlock about a third of this amount in exchange for budapest's compliance. whether the deal will take place or not will become clear tomorrow or the day after tomorrow; if so, then this will for some time reduce the severity of the discussion around the use of frozen russian assets. slippery topic. lawyers note that
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the eu cannot ignore its own legal principles on which it is... built. they also warn of setting a precedent. the less the eu respects the property rights of foreign states, the it is more likely to encourage other countries to encroach on assets. western companies, and where possible, even central banks. the question of where and how they will find money to save ukraine from default next year is in no way connected with another problem that does not yet have a solution at all. what to do with a bunch of promises made to kiev regarding joining the eu. here orban is not ready for a compromise. the government's position is that ukraine's rapid entry into the european union will lead to unforeseen consequences. accelerated accession of ukraine is not in the interests of either hungary or the european union. regarding ukraine's prospects in the eu, hungary is by no means alone.
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for example, the austrian authorities openly oppose the start of negotiations. this is the mood of the voters. after the victory of critics of brussels' foreign policy in elections in slovakia and the netherlands, the same thing may happen again in austria. spiegel magazine is horrified that an alliance of putin supporters appears to be forming in europe. herbert kika. head of the austrian party svoboda, who has a clear lead on public opinion, leaves no doubt that after winning the 2024 election he will abandon his policy of aggressive sanctions against russia and intend to push for peaceful negotiations on the future of ukraine. next year there will be frequent voting in europe. germany has triple state elections: brandenburg, thuringia and saxony. the german alternative is expected to win the majority of votes everywhere. and in the elections to the european parliament you have the right. every chance of seriously ousting all lawyers ukrainian membership in the european union, have they calculated how much it will cost to accept it on the balance sheet? 17% of the joint eu budget
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will be directly allocated to ukraine if it gains eu membership, according to a report by a german economic institute. this means that almost all other eu member states will become net donors, and ukraine will become the main net beneficiary of the european union. everyone wants to be a beneficiary. and virtually everyone viewed the eu as a feeding trough. germany agreed to be a donor, benefiting from common market, but now this system of relations is beginning to fail, and this means not only in relation to ukraine, but also in relation to itself. europe cannot make any strategic decisions. the eurozone economy entered recession in the last quarter. as expected, falling germany is pulling everyone along with it. and the european union has a lot of unpleasant discoveries ahead. one of which will be that the matter will not end with 50 billion, even if this money is allocated to ukraine, it will be eaten up and stolen
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much earlier than twenty-seven. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. in the absence of money and weapons from western countries, the kiev regime is intensifying its mobilization. employees of ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices use any means. in the lviv region, a summons was issued. radio ukraine proposed announcing a general mobilization of women. deputies from zelensky’s party maryana bezuglaya advises equalizing both sexes in the rights to send everyone to the front line. and in sums, ukrainians are called
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upon to go to war with their entire families. on the streets posters appeared with the words together at home, together at the front. losses among foreign mercenaries are growing. the spanish rebelion complains that the command of the ukrainian armed forces is using latin american militants as a living battering ram against russian fortifications. a new storage facility for 220 thousand exhibits opened in tula; it was built on the initiative of the regional governor alexei dyumin. in addition to storage rooms, the building houses exhibition halls and a restoration workshop. from the third museum capital of the country. report by vitaly matorin. in this sections we store our most valuable works of art. canvases by aivazovsky, shishkin and sirov, and nearby paintings by masters from germany, italy, france and holland. these funds will store works of world value, for example, authentic parts of the iconostasis of the assumption cathedral of the tula kremlin, dated back to the 15th century. to store
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such masterpieces, special conditions are required, a temperature of no more than 18° , humidity within 50-55, and here these conditions are created ideally. new the depository of the tula museum association is 24 premises with a total area of ​​more than 200. rare books, paintings, graphics, sculpture, and for each category of exhibits in this metropolis there is its own home and its own unique storage conditions, all the premises here are equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system, well this a modern infirmary for masterpieces, such restoration opportunities have never existed in tula, in the workshops of the new storage facility there are professional microscopes and special lamps, there is even such a unique table
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the object lying... on it is in a vacuum, there is even a special plate for heating the glue, an ultra-seal dirt and dust cleaner, we must attract the younger generation and attract, maybe even more experienced court restorers, so that there is an elite workshop in tula, on such a basis , probably already possible. representatives of the museum community asked the head of the region, alexei dyumin, to create such a repository fund in the tula region, because many of the 230,000 exhibits of tula museums... were previously stored not in special, in adapted premises, the governor approached the president of the country with this initiative, who supported it. a long-awaited storage facility that meets all modern requirements, including safety, climate, humidity and many other technical solutions that are aimed at preserving and storing these unique masterpieces. i want to say that this is another step in the development of the museum business,
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since today... the region is the third museum capital after moscow and st. petersburg. large relocation of art objects to new and modern the building in the third museum capital starts next year and will last from 3 months to six months, but the most important thing is that all these special sections, where entry is allowed only for curators and restorers, are only the first part of the new funds. the second is about 1.2 m of exhibition space, accessible to everyone.
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time, summing up the results of the year, vladimir putin will answer questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received from russian citizens. ask your question to the president through the website by phone +7495 539 40-40 + 7 499 550 40-40. results of the year with vladimir putin. live broadcast today at 12:00. why was the case entrusted to us? i don’t know, polsiger for you. it's impossibly beautiful today. favorite job or loved one. maybe you'll write a letter of resignation? what do you
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mean, a statement? is she ready for such a choice? you don’t know what you want, but you, masha, are still alone as a result. secret investigations, again with us, today on rtr. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth, our job is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go out on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. have you gone crazy? on sunday. here good people reported that you got mixed up with a masked man? this girl, who is she anyway? random.
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hello, i would like to talk to anna, but she’s not here, she and her boyfriend drove off to the south , don’t listen to anyone, you should have forgotten him a long time ago, i can’t forget, i still love him , i was only truly happy with one person, max, what are you doing, a year and a half has passed, is it you, what did you want? to the life of the heart, sunday on rtr, we are with you we are meeting now in the days when there are marches across the country. snovaryny, 35 years ago the first ones came out, now the fourth fifth part is already underway, time passes and the wilds are already close to 90, but nevertheless you have to work in the bins,
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look for strength and energy, mikhail boyarsky, when you arrive at the site, it feels like he came to his family, the most charming frenchman in soviet cinema, but how did you fit in with the frenchman? mukasey helped me become more french on the set, like he added a little cognac to my mood, and you you know, it’s really some kind of hussar beginning, the chase immediately appeared, love, the perfect suit, the french beginning, and what else is needed for happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, love - when you look in one direction, look, look, look , you want to look, look, let's look, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, understands, look, look, sign the agreement, we
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sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we can go to me, just watch a movie. semi-finished products a fool, a blockhead, no matter what anatoly vladimirovich tarasov called me, but this exactingness was necessary, because he took me to the national team when i was all 17 years old, the most titled soviet hockey goalkeeper, state duma deputy and president of the russian hockey federation once recalled , vladislav trits, at the csk children's sports school. with his light hand , triat's stellar hockey career began. it was tarasov who led him to great victories in sports and
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his first olympic gold at the age of 20. on december 10, anatoly tarasova performed. would 105 years, how he was remembered by one of his most famous students, for which vladislav tretyak is especially grateful to his mentor, and what was taught at the famous school of winners anatoly tarasov? this is the life and fate of vladislav tretyak. good morning, vladislav alexandrovich. you know, i always wanted to ask you, when i see you running around in public, the olympic games are opening there in this sochi stadium, you can experience this only once in your life, probably, what was that like for you? well, for
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me, first of all, it was unexpected, uh, because that whoever lights the fire is really, well, a symbol of the country, when i ran, all the hockey players ran with me. from tarasova, kharlamov and today’s ovechkin, everything and the fact that my family and i, two three-time olympia champions, were trusted to even fire, this, of course, is worth a lot, because i was proud that i represent this sport, you know, well, there’s another moment , as if your whole life was compressed at this one point, we are talking to you, in these days your coach would have turned 105 years old.
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there's a big-eared boy who no one knows knew, and to entrust the cska team, it was a big, big risk for him, and he believed in me, and he invested a lot in me, taught me the science of winning, and i, of course, i am very grateful to him, because if not for tarasov , i don’t know how my life would have turned out, so of course i am very obliged to him, and he paid a lot of attention to me. on the ice, off, off the ice, in raising me so that i would not be arrogant, in my playing practice, he always made me think about hockey, he comes up to... me and says: young man, how old are you? i
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i say, 17, and i want you to be 25 , you will play every day, and i played for the youth, for the youth, for the men’s team, and then he says: and tomorrow you will go to train the children, i say, i myself don’t know how yet train, how can i do this, but i need you to get older and for you to analyze why you came to hockey, so tarasov forced me already as a young boy... at the age of seventeen i was already a coach, and this, only he could think of this, and then he never explained to you why, that he was in i saw you, why he bet on you, he gathered the players, he felt the star , he felt mikhailov, he invited petrov, kharlamov, you know, he felt the players, he felt what came out of this, you know how - a diamond, that’s when a diamond is found... in the ground, it’s generally a muddy stone, you wouldn’t even
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pick it up, but how it sparkles, yes, but because it falls into the hands of the person who granites it, it sparkles, it becomes the most beautiful stone in the world, maybe yes, but you have to fall into these hands, here you are, when you you get to a coach like tarasov, he always gave you a goal, a bar that you must pass, and he helped you with it, helped you, that he let you play, this is the most important thing, if you don’t... of course you can’t achieve result, so he trusted , it’s very important when a coach trusts a goalkeeper, you know, because there were bad games, there were good ones, but still he believed in you, he believed in you, and you gave results, and he did it, and at the same time he could be cruel, he was, yes, he was, when he was in a bad mood, we no one looked at his side at all, let’s say, well, there was a moment like this, in arkhangelsk we live in training camp, which means we are standing and waiting for him, that we will run to exercise
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in the morning at 8 am, it’s -30 on the street, he comes up to me and says: are you standing here like a fool, he says, yes, you should already be playing with tennis balls in thirty-degree frost, already preparing for a match, well, it’s so harsh, so you, for no reason, no way, you know how, he didn’t always agree with me, why, because i am the first, one of the first goalkeepers, who began to sit butterfly, that's about because it was more convenient this way, and he said that it was bad, but then i showed with my play that this was correct, and i was in canada, when i started doing this too, having played the canadian one, they stood like this for a long time, quite a few fell to their knees, and i was flying in canada , a flight attendant comes up to me and says, the captain of the ship is waiting on the plane, please come over, and the captain says, well, he says, but the truth is, the communists told me to make a goalkeeper, i say, and what, well, he says they found you when you were 5 years old, both your legs were broken so that you could sit down like that and not a single one the pucks were not missed. the canadians don’t even believe that someone can beat them
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, it’s normal, the boy’s legs were broken so that he could sit down and do the butterfly, so i began to do these first elements more than other goalkeepers, so, but tarasov was at first an opponent of this, but then he reconciled himself, so i’m here somewhere - how i outplayed him in this regard, but for me, of course, his every word is wow, such a person tells you , on the contrary, he could praise, he could praise, well, not very much, he , well done, congratulations, well... i didn’t praise it too much, because i didn’t it was accepted because the coach, he is everything, he is the king and god, today the coach is the same as the player, hired, and before the coach, everything depended on him, whether you will get an apartment, and whether you will play in the team and so on further and so on, because he was the general manager, the coach of everything, and everything depended on him, your whole fate, but there were situations when he, well, really, was a little more than a coach, somehow like a father? for example, i could tell you, uh, about your personal life, listen, you had fans,
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it was impossible to survive in this without going crazy in such love, in such attention, he gave you some advice, such as, for example, don’t advise out of pocket, but so that your head doesn’t move a little, from such attention to you, there was a moment when i bought a jacket in sweden, yes, so that i wouldn’t become arrogant, they immediately hung up a combat sheet on me, drew me with rings like this. so it was very difficult to become arrogant in his team, firstly, there were eminent hockey players, idols and my idols from all over the country, so he really watched how things were in the team, he knew what was going on in the collective, we even had a women’s council in the collective, he gathered women, discussed with them, here are some of his questions, firs’s wife headed this women’s council, he talked with our wives and so on and so forth, he he had his own people everywhere... and informants, wives sometimes
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told him there, what a great guy, but there was such a moment, the wife came alone and said, my man drank there. all that, yes, well, i ’ll punish you, and he punished the salaries there, he comes home, and the family’s salary was taken away for yours, for what you said about me, well there was such a moment, let’s listen to anatoly vladimirovich himself, as he said about you, come on, vladik, he is already experienced, he has already received - a lot in advance, the team, coaches, comrades gave him a lot, so i’m afraid, as it were. .. vladik stretyak, your son has not forgotten about this, vladik has such a trait that he begins to love himself, i’m honestly here with some nitpicking, which is to thicken the colors a little so that the boy will be useful to our hockey for more than one year, but
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really , if i put my hand on my heart, there was a risk that this star sickness was dizziness from... well, it’s probably natural when a person lifts a little off the ground, when there is such attention, every person can tear himself away, this is what you have to go through, and i went through it, why, because that the team helped me, because you get such attention right away on magazines, i covered all the covers of the soviet union, and i say, i received 50 letters a day and... girls and boys there and autographs where i didn’t appear, you are everywhere they know, of course, you’re right away, which means your head is a little dizzy, here’s tarasov paid a lot of attention to me, individually , we even went out to get ready, he said, well, come with me, otherwise your legs were stagnant, everyone was resting, and he took me, i was with tennis
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swords, what was he doing, a tree, i the tree was playing with tennis balls, and the tennis ball from the tree, of course he changes it in different directions to... control, you have to catch, he was always coming up with something for me, some difficult exercises, for example, i had to go through to the bench make a mound, catch the ball, or let's say throw the ball, somersault to do, to catch this ball, and so on and so forth, he was always inventing something, by the way, i later did all this with my young goalkeepers, when i had a goalkeeper school, now i show it to the children, basically i take his exercise, which he gave to me. your first olympic medal was in 1972, you received it with tarasov, yes, and he entrusted all the matches to me, russia, all russian power, then defeated the americans with such a devastating score, then tarasov, how you congratulated each other with the coach, champagne, after the game champagne
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they poured, they were joyful after all, my first olympics, i remember, even there... they gave me a gun, that’s how the youngest olympic champion of the komsomol central committee brought a gift to me and a yezhevsk gun, can you imagine how they brought it to japan, i don’t know at all, i got it from japan, i brought it to the country calmly, no one checked it at customs, not the japanese, not ours, but i was just 20 years old in february, i wasn’t even there yet, i was 19 years old, so and of course the olympic medal is very very expensive, why... because there are many world champions, not so many olympic champions, the olympics are a separate sport, after this olympics, after this victory, after this gold, tarasov left, yes, but why did he do that? well, that ’s what the ministry of sports decided, you know, in soviet
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times no one discussed it, if the newspaper no one defended anyone, no one knew anything, there was no information, no one said anything, they changed the coach, then they changed.
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champion, suddenly other coaches are already going to the world championship. tatyana anatolyevna tarasova, i remember anatol vladimirovich’s daughter telling me how hard my father was worried, yes. and leaving the sport is hard, but you and her, tatyana anatolyevna , communicate, we communicate very well, it’s like we trained together at the same skating rink, she looks like her dad, she’s tough, well, a coach should be like that, that’s why she’s respected and as a coach and as a person in general, because she knows what she does and does it professionally, so of course she knows that i was a favorite. but she told me that, when i played, i didn’t know that favorite, but it turns out he also went, so she knows that i always talk well about him,
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i always come to the cemetery there and so on and so forth, it’s true, if it weren’t for him, of course, my fate would probably be - it would have turned out differently, so i am very obliged to him, as well as to my first coach, vitaliyovich gerfilov, who did a lot to me and with whom i passed on to taras, here are two coaches who played a big role in my... lives, well, that means it’s not torn continuity, thank god that we do not forget our teachers, and today there is equal in scale, in general , i think that taras has no equal, i think that in scale , no, i remember the case when i began to play well and he kept reprimanding me, this is not so, this is not so, i say, anatovich, ozerov praises me, as if everything is fine , i... the game is going on, but he was still dissatisfied with me, this is not so, this is not so, but he says, young man, if i reprimand you
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, you alive, and if i don’t reprimand you, you see the carnation, hang your skates there, that’s why i always, when i speak in schools, i say, you, when a teacher makes a remark to you, you understand, he wants you to be the best student, because every teacher, at school, at the institute, coach, he always wants... so that his students, his athletes were the best, the most successful, and so was tarasov, all the time he strictly approached each player as much as possible, only gold medals, only success, only victories, i listen, i understand you, there is a sacred concept of a teacher, those who know how to be students in obedience to teachers, do they become outstanding athletes? athletes, journalists in any environment, where we know how to obey the teacher, thank him for you, thank you very much
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for preserving the memory of him, of your teacher, yes, blessed memory, we will always remember him, because he made the hockey that we love, which is remembered in the world, and he is the first person who brought so many victories to soviet hockey, made the anthem of the soviet union at various... international competitions at the olympics to listen to, it’s a great honor, and many thanks to him for everything, what he did for for for us. happy birthday, happy memorial day of anatoly tarasov and happy centenary, this is also the date of this year, of your native cska. thank you, thank you, dear vladislav alexandrovich, this is the life and fate of vladislav kritikh. there are places that fascinate because they are part
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of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is , there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says: eat your mind, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner , in secret to the whole world. on saturday at rtr, i would like to invite you to meet
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an amazing sunrise, he proposed to me on the first date, and you agreed, my heart is restless, nin, you need to go to the farm, what’s wrong with volodya, but i’m hurt, she’s crazy such a girl, she is charmed by loneliness, a black widow, from anyone. i'm scared, all the men who marry me then die, nothing will happen to me, svetlana smernova martsinkevich, vitya, conspiracy to loneliness, premiere, saturday on rtr, provocation is
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treacherous behavior. on the video platform we watch the substation , the first podcasts we watch, mom, mommy, mommy is back, it’s not mom, it’s another aunt, she was transporting furniture for a man, in general , he has children, two daughters, and his wife died
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last year, very beautiful. what is this to me? this is my secret with my mother, and now it will be yours. you are like a superhero for marishka, that ’s all she tells you. i have already forgotten how to rejoice. thank you, she runs around someone else’s family like she’s going to work, maybe she’s already found a replacement for you. marishka, little one, fell in love with you, a man is drawn to you, well, some kind of stranger. daria shcherbakova, ilya noskov. i understand that i have no right, you are not alone. you like vera, well, as a woman, you like it, if i find out something, daughters, on friday on rtr, i still have a pain here, here it hurts, here it hurts, this the disease never manifests itself acutely, it creeps up gradually, in order to be healthy, the most important thing is to remember the principle of 3p,
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this, by the way, is officially proven. how to properly deal with stress? we need to choose those foods that are not harmful to eat, the right medications, run to the doctor, medicine is like crutches for us and the right habits, but shouldn’t we pop some kefir? and i’m not afraid of this word, our health. and the most important thing today on rtr. posters on the tv channel culture. theatre, music, visual arts december 14. in a festive film concert dedicated to the centenary of the birth of leonid gaidai at the state kremlin palace. among the participants are dmitry kharatyan, ilchin azizov, efim shifrin,
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igor merkurbanov, alexander oleshka and a symphonist. festival december evenings denis matsuev. the darwin museum hosts svyatoslav rictor, continues at the pushkin museum of fine arts with a concert of offerings to irina antonova , an exhibition of travel to india and nation for the 140th anniversary of the birth of vasily alekseevich vatagin, one of the most famous russian animal artists. the exhibition includes drawings, paintings and sculptures created by the master after traveling through the countries of south asia, which he made. in 1914. the exhibition “author unknown” continues at the museum of russian impressionism; let’s touch on the main thing. the exhibition includes paintings and graphic works by unknown artists of the late 19th and first third of the 20th centuries, as well as works whose authorship has been established over the past 60 years. many works from private and museum collections are being exhibited for the first time. in eketerinburg opera ballet theater, premiere of garitana
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denizetti's opera l'elisir d'amore staged by elizaveta korneeva. conductor-producer konstantin chudovsky. this is the great music of donetsk, first of all, a masterpiece and edging. and today we have such a warm, joyful, happy atmosphere that we would like to share with you, dear viewers. the fifties, a show, bright, sparkling and, of course, with a happy ending, at the end of love, family, friendship. and simple. the arts square opens with a concert by alexander ramm, honored alexey tikhomirov collective of russia, symphony orchestra of the st. petersburg philharmonic. nikolai
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veshin and stepan erzya, designed to emphasize the similarity of creative searches and human destinies of the two greatest masters of the 20th century. the exhibition includes picturesque canvases of sculptural work created by artists in different periods of creativity. berlin shaobing shows. thomas ostermeier's performance based on shakespeare's tragedy hamlet at the international theater festival in nicosia. the english national ballet presents the ballet the ballcracker choreographed by wayne eagling on stage london coliseum. the winter festival at baden-baden's feshpielhaus opens with christopher wheeldon's ballet cinderella to music by sergei prokofiev, staged by the bavarian state ballet. andres nelsons begins a series of concerts with the berlin philharmonic orchestra, featuring works by beethoven, richard strauss and sofia gubaidurina. soloist baiba skrida. at the louvre museum in lens until january 15, an exhibition of fantastic animals is open, which contains more than 250 works of painting, graphics, sculpture, from antiquity to the present day, with
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images of dragons, sphinxes, unicorns, griffins, phoenixes and other animals that never existed in reality, but occupied a significant place in the history of european culture. doctor, we hear everything that happens around us, even when we sleep. why then don’t we wake up from extraneous sounds? you are right mikhail, the fact is that the brain can ignore all extraneous noise during night sleep, blocking signals from our ears, giving itself the opportunity to rest, but there is
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noise that the brain cannot ignore, and if we don’t pay attention to this problem in time, we can lose our hearing, let’s go have a look, good morning, hello, let’s listen to the sound. the sound that we are hearing now is familiar to many, it is tinnitus, tinnitus, which especially often appears after colds, well, when the ear is blocked and cannot be put aside, and this may also be the reason, but in fact there are several of them, who are familiar that sound, raise your hands, have you been sick recently, yes, i recently had a cold. symptoms were classic chills, fever, cough, runny nose, today there is no cough, the temperature is normal, but in the morning i wake up, my nose is stuffy, so i hear
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this exact noise in the ears, it’s very uncomfortable, but the noise is passing or is it constant, you you know that in the mornings i somehow hear it, during the day, well, maybe some daytime worries, but somehow it seems to me that it is less, tinnitus, a sentence or minor unpleasantness. there is money, he tears off the ticket and gives it back, conduction is transmission, that is, a violation of transmission, absolutely right, the mechanism of sound transmission is disrupted, conditionally, the nasal passages, paranasal sinuses, inflammation in which
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can cause, such a process looks , by the way, it looks like the tube, in fact, personifies the auditory tube or the eustachian tube, the story is as follows: it should fall on the eardrum the pressure is uniform from the side of the external auditory canal and from the side of the auditory tube, here it is, when the pressure drops equally, then there will be no conductive component as soon as the auditory tube is in a state of edema and inflammation, its occlusion will occur, what just happened now, since the auditory tube is covered with a mucous membrane, it closes, is blocked, drainage... and the person hears the same thing, as if he had plugged his ear with his finger, that’s the story, it’s like since there is an element of conductive hearing loss, the cause.
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sinusitis: inflammation near the nasal sinuses, when exudate mucus comes out of the sinuses into the nasal cavity, rushes back into the nasopharynx, this is called postnasal drip, in fact, from the anastomosis, from the opening in the himer's sinus to the entrance to the auditory tube, a few centimeters, mucus getting into the auditory tube provokes inflammation, tinnitus appears, the nose needs to be treated, of course, but what if the nose is cured? remains in my ears, is it dangerous? but there is nothing good in this, because it can remain forever, that is, everything should pass evenly, the sinusitis has gone away, the swelling of the lower nasal conchas, which is presented here, has gone away, there is no sinusitis either, inflammation near the nasal sinuses, the auditory tubes have opened and the problem has gone away, if, after all, we are not talking about this conductive hearing loss, then what can be the cause of these noises? the second reason is a violation of the sound mechanism? perception
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of pathology of the inner ear, these are hair cells, the so-called organ of corti. yes, it is absolutely right inside the head, and they are responsible for the perception of sounds. we have three semicircular canals. here they are, these three semicircular canals, each responsible for its own frequencies, high, low and medium frequencies. where there is pathology, for example, if it is a pathology of low frequencies, then the patient. will say: i have a buzzing in my ear, my noise is getting louder buzzing, who has medium frequencies, this is the noise of a non-working radio, tv, the noise of the sea, this is the frequency at which we speak, sometimes it beeps, and a squeak is welcome, these are high frequencies, well, here they are, and most often it all starts with a list , vladimir mikhailovich, we have a recording of these noises, let’s listen to them now, and you comment, this happens to me, is it high? this is it, these are
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high frequencies, of course, the danger is that this is a story that comes first, came on its own, went away on its own, someone scared someone, stress at work, stress at home, overwork, burnout syndrome, professional exhaustion, such a story appears, even when a person enters somewhere, sees someone, his ears begin to squeak, the second sound. absolutely right, this is the average frequency, we are talking at the same frequency at 1000 hertz, and if there is such a problem, this is the biggest problem, by the way, because our socialization is disrupted, i have to read the noise, the noise is blocking yours voice, third option. what does it look like?
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bees? well, i’m a bumblebee, and i would say the plane flies to the drone of the plane. well, too , it happens that a person works on some kind of machine, this machine works only at this frequency, yeah, and it constantly acts for years, or even decades, this is where hearing loss occurs, but this does not mean that this needs to be accepted, and they used to say, well, what do you want, my friend, well, make noise at your age, and with your machine.
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only 30,000, so we need to take care of these 13 and support the remaining ones. how to protect yourself from tinnitus. yes. if we are talking about sulfur plug, it needs to be removed. there are special drops that liquefy sulfur masses, and you first dropped them in, then went into the shower, they flowed out. inflammation of the external auditory canal will also lead to noise in the ear. get treatment. we have special ear drops for these. have an effect, and it’s not for nothing that we have so-called antihistamines , so that decongestants and desensitizing drugs are used, that is , which are usually used for allergies, absolutely right, and the person says, how am i i will take anti-allergic nature, i don’t have allergies, you don’t have allergies, but there is swelling, this is swelling of either the auditory tube, or the nasopharynx, or near the nasal sinuses, all our openings, anastomoses. the auditory tube
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should be normally fully ventilated, this is what you need to fight for, well, in general , to treat a cold, you don’t need to run down the street when you have a high temperature, but you have a congestion. we still need to sit at home, we need to drink, we need to tone up, recover, rest, and if you already feel high-frequency, low-frequency noise, as a monophenomenon, a monosymptom, a single symptom, most likely we are saying, either pressiacusis is an age-related hearing loss, the so-called age-related hearing loss, it will squeak, it will make noise, you need to go to the doctor and have it treated, or this is already the story of a real sensorineuria . hearing loss in middle age, and this also needs to be treated, it can be treated, it can be treated, there is a device that stimulates the hair cells of the auditory nerve with microcurrents, the session is half an hour, the patient is wearing headphones, the sensors are syllable processes on the frontal bones, and since
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our temporal bones are located in this way, from bottom to top the microcurrent electric potential passes through them and passes through all the semicircular... canals and stimulates with the exposure required at what frequency, how many seconds it takes. thank you very much, vladimir mikhailovich. i remind you that all episodes of our program can be found on the online media platform, watch the application on the website today we found out why tinnitus occurs, and most importantly, how to deal with it. we give the floor to the cardiologist, academician yuri nikevich belenkov, who will tell you what heart problems mornings can warn about. dizziness, stay with us, symptoms of tachycardia, as indicated by dizziness and rapid pulse in the morning,
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dialogue with the whole country, dialogue with everyone, results of the year with vladimir putin, today at 12:00 moscow time. i decided to return a day early, i want to surprise anton , look at the weekend, happy twenty years of happy married life, dear, i wonder what her husband is asking for, also a critic, i would like to live with such a woman. all my life, oops, what should i do now? you're out of your mind, seloy , what are you talking about now, yes, she's good enough to be your mother, is the boy really so good that they'll blow your mind, i love him, but if i loved him, life wouldn't ruin him,
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i'd like to talk to ella, ella left, bring me back to rtr on saturday. a red snake, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals,
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among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. premiere, shveytsova, i’m listening, an unsuccessful marriage is in the past, mash, maybe you’ll stay, a successful marriage is in the past, mash, forgive me, the medical topic is closed, some one has gone, the man is in the balls. and even office romance no longer brings joy, you don’t give me a chance, you definitely had one, it’s time to look around, maybe you’ll still give me your mobile phone, he’s just a charming, pleasant guy, admit it, you have
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a personal interest , new investigative secrets from monday on rtr, you don’t notice anything, you put on makeup, no, what’s needed, you’re young, where is the young man? that’s all, we are ready to divorce us, i was just fishing, contact my wife, she will tell you what to do, where to go, a friend wrote: i’m ready, transfer me 50,000, i transferred it, now i’m ready. i’m now raising all the outfits and 98% that we won’t catch anyone, the noise of a big country, the premiere is on friday on rtr, good morning, today we ’ll talk about symptoms that occur quite often, but are nonspecific, that is, they can affect different people people for different reasons, let’s say one of... sometimes there is dizziness due to in the morning and my heart beats like this, oh
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, well, naturally, to say, everyone got up, but i think that everyone has a different reason, so anna turned to me, my name is anna nikolaevna murochko, i’m 45 years old, i live in the city moscow, i have a wonderful family, a husband and two daughters, i am an emotional person and worry about any reason, my heart starts beating strongly, i get hot, my hands and feet sweat, during my school years i... was very afraid to answer at the blackboard , my legs began to feel weak, while i went to answer, i was drying up in throat, my heart was beating very strongly, this condition did not go away over time, i also continue to worry about any reason, especially school chats, chats with parents, chats with management, and sometimes you read at night, from there all sorts of information and heart, then look, it will jump out of your chest.
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nothing provokes it, it can happen during the day when i’m in a calm state, let’s say, if you engage in physical activity, let’s say, sports, there will be tachycardia, no, it won’t, no, please tell me, you checked the thyroid gland a long time ago, well, you donated blood for hormones, well, is everything normal, is it normal, what do you do when this rapid heartbeat occurs, well, if i can’t lie down and sit, it’s really hard for me to lean against the back of the chair, even that is. a feeling of compression in the chest and even from behind in the back, well, if there is
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an opportunity to lie down, i lie down, only then it becomes easier, food provokes, i didn’t notice, no, are you generally hypotensive, hypertensive or whatever, low blood pressure, hippotonic, you are active man, so in in great shape, yes, yes, i love sports, yes, yes, that is, when you play sports, then it’s easier, then everything is fine, even sometimes i came to classes, i was in very good condition, yeah, i worked out straight home, ran, flew, everything went away. dizziness happens, and ringing in the ears happens, yes, that is, you didn’t say anything unusual, nothing surprised you, let’s go through your symptoms, yeah, weakness, frequent dizziness, this is usually still the level of pressure, with persistent increased heartbeat , of course, the heart works like the pump is not at a very good level, and of course the pressure may decrease, especially since you are hippatonic, yes, yes, insomnia, in principle yes, shortness of breath, a feeling of lack.
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if it does not close, then there is a backflow, yes, yes, of acid along with the remains of the cutlet, and of course, the mucous membrane of the esophagus, which is not adapted for hydrochloric acid, is affected , this is what triggers a tachycardia attack, why tachycardia is dangerous, this is sooner or later can lead either to the development of complex cardiac arrhythmias or to conduction disturbances, because in principle this quite connected. processes, and of course, this is the development of heart failure, as a result of an inadequate number of
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heart beats. there are different types of tachycardia, and there are certain types of tachycardia that are characterized by, or at least sometimes associated with, blood clots in the cavities of the heart. pulmonary edema, pulmonary edema, is a manifestation of worm sufficiency and prynocardia. this means that for this, in order for a patient to develop a cardiac disorder, it is necessary, of course, to have a branch. unfasten the buttons and slander, this is, in principle, recommended for everyone and for hypertensive crisis, and for cardiac asthma, for an attack of tachycardia, cool the face, put a towel covered in cold water on the forehead and deep breathing, alternate it with a delay of 4-5 seconds, this is all delicious, but it is useless for relieving tachycardia , therefore , here either you make a pastural test, that
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is, you yourself choose empirically, so to speak, by experience, what to do. how to slow down your heart rate? if not, then there are some drugs that have minimal side effects and reduce the frequency of episodes abbreviations. for the rest, of course, this is an examination of the vascular system, this is an examination of the thyroid gland, because thyroid hormones are responsible for tachycardia. of course, these are walks, but this again has a calming effect and, of course, what you already have excellent is maintaining a healthy index. now the most difficult thing is to use sedatives, in principle yes, if it is still tachycardia in the presence of panic attacks, so here this recommendation is not really for you and not even for you at all, yanochka will help, valerian will help anyone, motherwort - yes, chamomile - yes, peony tincture
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yes, especially if you put it all in a bag, brew with boiling water, cool, throw away the bag and... half a glass at night, this is the conversation about tachycardia, you will comply my recommendations, you will live a long happy life without tachycardia, thank you for your attention, there are still 2 weeks until the new year, the worries have turned the heads of the entire female population of our country, and men’s worries, gifts, where to celebrate the new year, do you know how much work we have, sevgey mikhai? honestly tell me, have you ever tried to sign up for a beauty salon before the new year? what is the problem? take an appointment? do you hear laughter? people who tried to do this before the new year laugh. everyone wants to do their best before the new year in order to look beautiful, dazzling,
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in fact, this is not news, 100 years ago it was the same, but the only difference is that 100 years ago people did what? did they put leeches behind their ears? so that blush is on the cheeks, there are also more exotic procedures now, on which women go without sparing money and their mental health. our heroine at the station asked us a question about these procedures, let's see, hello, i 'm irina, from vologda, i'm 50 years old, i don't visit beauty salons very often, but the girls, well, my friends work together, they gave me a certificate for the cosmetology department cabinet. i was so happy, but then i looked, and there were snails, and somehow i do n’t know, i very much doubt what kind of procedures they are there, do they really rejuvenate, that’s what they say there, do they really smooth out morshyn, i have this question for the doctor , please tell me whether snails really smooth out the skin and rejuvenate the skin , remove wrinkles, i’m interested in this,
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the certificate is there, please, it’s really not in order, the certificate for... needs to be purchased, we’ll do this right in our studio, we have those same snails here, and seraphim is the owner of these snails, good morning, yours, my, how long have you been friends with such exotic animals, my god, they are simply ready for anything, for 5 years already , i literally hatched them from a bunch of eggs, the snails are multiplying eggs, you know that, for sure, i can see it in your eyes, of course, i’m an expert. on breeding snails at home, but the fact is that i am 58 years old, before retirement i decided to acquire another higher education, a speech therapist-defectologist, i had an internship in the office of a speech therapist-defectologist , there was an animal therapy office, that is, they worked there with problem children, that is, with autism, with children who have problems starting speech, snails, clawed frogs, fish, rats, that
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is, they all worked for the benefit of the cause, so that the child... spoke, that is, to give birth to an emotional impulse, a person is given, for example, a snail, and he, for example, is a child, he is emotional, and wants to say something, look, there is a mucous surface, it is with one on the other hand , it may be unpleasant for someone, mikhail, but it also causes a reaction, and a person adapts to contact with the world, it’s just that they actually cause a reaction, and i... worked, that is, well, we planted snails on face, to relax a little, to rest, i see you have a lying reserved seat here, i
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then i’ll go, show me how this roughly happens, it seems to me that my hand has become younger now, so help me, you hold it, i’ll position myself here now, look, yes, yes, yes, yes, but she should get used to me now , what a place, but on the cheek, and even they basically work on the hair, yes, that’s right. friends, how useful this procedure is, let's find out from our expert. oksana vladimirovna shatrova, dermatologist, cosmetologist, specialist in the field of hardware and injection cosmetology. i can no longer live without you, because that this riot has started in our studio, will there be any benefit from having a snail crawling on your face? the snail secretes a drain. mucus contains mucin, it is a well-known cosmetic ingredient, that is, most cosmetic companies use them, we found out and they are most often found in korean
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cosmetics, that is, this is a popular one, mucin is quite popular, effective if it is part of a cosmetic product, that is, yes, mucin plus vitamins, microelements, collagen will have such a moisturizing, soothing action, but mostly the action will be on the top. besides snails, there are a lot of different remedies, why snails? well, maybe it’s something exotic and interesting. oksana, would you recommend such a procedure before the new year? if you have already done it , that is, this is not the first time, then yes, perhaps, as before going out, to really moisturize the top layer, smooth out small wrinkles, create such light reflection so that the skin is more radiant, but if this is the first time, then of course it's possible again allergic reactions, that is, we don’t do anything. i think that many people don’t know that they have an allergy to snail or not, well, maybe yes, that’s how you feel about cosmetics, where this snail mucin is added, cosmetics here are already
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specially processed, the mucin is sterile, then yes, it was made in a laboratory, biotechnologically, there are also added substances that will further enhance the effect, so as an ingredient in a cosmetic product it is wonderful, garrara and hijama, why are they dangerous...
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have you gone crazy? on sunday, good people here reported that you had become confused with a muscovite. this girl, who is she anyway? a random girl from a random city, and you have been dating sveta for 4 years. we need to have a baby, i really do. i don’t really want this, don’t trust anyone, hello, i would like to talk to anna, but she’s not there, she and her boyfriend drove off to the south, don’t listen to anyone
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, you should have forgotten him a long time ago, i can’t forget, i still love him since then, truly happy, i was only with one person, max, what are you doing, a year and a half has passed, this is you , what you wanted, live according to the dictates of your heart, sunday, the floor is giving birth on the rtr, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room absolutely no faces , we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans for... i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes soon real stone ones will bloom
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flowers, after dismantling. a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let big changes into your home, every sunday on rtr, i would like to invite you to meet an amazing sunrise. he proposed to me on the first date, and you agreed, my heart is restless , you need to go to the farm, what with volodya, you hurt yourself, her fate is like this, the girls are spellbound, she is for loneliness, a black widow, there is always a cure for any curse my amulet, i am victorov, i realized that i can love again,
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lila, he won’t live, you will become my wife , i’m scared, all the men who get married then die, nothing will happen to me, collapsed on everything, svetlana smernova martsinkevich, vitya, plot for loneliness, premiere, saturday on rtr, we... work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. we have another cosmetic product that i propose to discuss, many have seen it at resorts, now
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we have it. in the capital there is fish pedicure in big cities, has anyone seen it? and we have the fortunate opportunity to do this for free, who is ready? i beg you, i beg you, this type of fish is called gararu, they have no teeth, so you don’t have to be afraid that they will bite your nails, but where do they live? in the tropics, if you are looking for a high-quality, good pedicure, then it may be better to choose a professional procedure, of course, if you have any calluses or corns, because of course. won’t remove it, it’s more like relaxation, relaxation, calm, fish, well on their own, of course they won’t cause any injury, they won’t cause any harm, but as a dermatologist, i still have big concerns in terms of hygiene after all, who was there before you, how are they there, what’s behind them they take care of it, that is, there’s a big one like that, they have registration, after all, a health certificate, that’s the procedure itself, what
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do they do?
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blood from the face so that the blood can give up its nutritional properties and, accordingly, cover the damaged layers of the skin. i knew about the beneficial properties of blood myself. cleopatra, therefore, in order to remain beautiful, loved to take baths with blood and milk. how is the facial hijama procedure done? the first thing we need is to cleanse the skin, then we will steam the skin so that the blood flows and the procedure is better. after steaming with herbs, which by the way are natural, we will do it directly. the procedure itself, facial hijama is mainly used for skin rejuvenation, but it is also used by young people in the fight against postacme rashes, it looks like listen, well, let's start with the historical aspect, yes, bloodletting in one form or another has been known to humanity since ancient times, that from the point of view of the medical aspect, are there any studies confirming the effectiveness, safety of this therapy, there is no clear evidence of its effectiveness, yeah, so here... this
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is really a moment that has been going on with us since ancient times, also bloodletting, the moment of asepsis, antiseptics, a big question, because this is an incision, that is, this is an injury, therefore. any inflammation, any spread of inflammation, plus if done for inflammation on the window, this is absolutely not possible , but there are a lot of questions, well, friends, maybe someone has used this procedure, there are such people or want to use it, friends, no, just such a small scar, it has a chance turn into some kind of, for example, kyloid scar, that’s it, that again, we are all different and we can’t decide how someone heals, who has scarring... at what stage does it happen, so there are high risks of getting scars , that is, we come for beauty, for rejuvenation, in the end you can get micro-micro-scars, either they will protrude above the surface of the skin , or vice versa atrophically, that is, going to go - this is of course not about beauty, but snails
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nevertheless, here they are, look, they have sucked on, not just, look, there is so much mucus there when they stood out, wow, the snails are really tired, they’re already a little tired, they’re bright, but they became dull, i ’ve already gotten used to them and studied them, i feel tired, there’s a lot of light. they seem to dry out, but where do you go with them on your day off? they stay at home, i leave alone, really looks exotic, and the most important thing is that it is safe, unlike hijama, what you saw, thank you very much, today we found out that not all exotic procedures are so safe for beauty health. right now we will answer the most pressing health questions from our viewers. stay with us! so, friends, we are ready to hear the first question. hello, inna viktorovna, i have noticed redness in my eyes for a year now, there were no injuries or damage, just redness in
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my eyes, i go to the doctors, they prescribe drops, i drop it, it doesn’t go away, it doesn’t hurt my eyes, it doesn’t hurt , it doesn’t itch, nothing, it’s such a strange disease, what could it be related to? if the eyes do not itch, then we can actually rule out an allergy, otherwise there was itching, if there was an infectious inflammation, it would have long ago entered into some very serious process, and it would have been noticeable, and therefore, in fact, there is only one option left, this is so called dry eye syndrome, it occurs due to insufficient... tear production, in older people this, by the way, is quite often happens, precisely for this reason, the first thing a person is prescribed is a tear replacement drug, the so-called artificial tear, the person instills it, yes, and this leads to moistening of the cornea of ​​the eye,
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but often this is not enough, since a violation of the blood supply to the cornea may occur, first of all, a violation venous outflow, here you need to pay attention that if this state of redness is stronger in the morning, less in the evening. does not appear if, for example, there is no work at the computer, then we can really say that this is a violation of the venous outflow, drugs that at first glance are not intended for this most often help, these are venotonics, that is, a drug that improves the tone of the walls of the veins, if the work is associated with prolonged visual fatigue, be sure to take breaks after an hour, a maximum of an hour and a half for 5 minutes and 5 minutes, don’t look at your phone, but really sit with your eyes closed, i actually, you know, the doctor noticed that... some walk with red eyes, some for five to 6 hours sits on the phone, and this actually used to be wild, older people , older people couldn’t even imagine, they watched tv, well, what about two or three o’clock in the evening, now
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everyone sits on social networks for 6, 7 hours , are treated using the internet, here is the result, the eyes are strained, so you need to pause, please, the next question: hello, lidiya kiseleva, dry calluses on the soles of the feet, we just can’t cope, a young man is 30 years old, freezing, all kinds of ointments , all we tried, they still appear again , that’s it, in connection with this i have a question, what should we treat, how to get rid of such a scourge, here it is necessary to approach the issue comprehensively, firstly, of course, these are the services of a padologist, that is, treatment of the foot
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, very often the problem can be a violation of support, that is, a person has, for example, longitudinal or transverse flat feet, if a person, for example, is tall, if he is overweight, this puts... a load on individual bones, they are in the result is mechanical stress on the skin, the skin begins to thicken along with this compression, and this leads to accelerated formation of trampling marks; often the problem is solved simply by selecting an insole. hello, i’m lydia, here are the children during the new year holidays, they usually sleep longer, is this necessary or do you still need to wake them up according to a schedule so that their rhythm does not get lost? what a pity it is to wake them up, what a pity it is to wake them up, but somnologists say that
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, unfortunately, very often holidays lead to desynchronization of internal rhythms, then there will be a lot more problems, because during the new year holidays the child will get used to getting up at 10 am, but when he has to get up for school at 6:00, it will be even more stressful for him, so somnologists recommend waking up even on holidays at the same time it's time, another thing, this awakening can be arranged a little differently. for example, start the morning to wake up, for example, with a cartoon or some fun music, game, game, that is, so that waking up is not the same as usual, yes, but it was festive, as a result the child will get up at the right time, but at the same time he will not develop the feeling that the holiday has gone somewhere. we give the floor to the doctor, ophthalmologist dmitry dementyev, a surgeon with many years of experience, he will tell you how... recommendations from an ophthalmologist on how not
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to lose your vision after 40 years. every week we sum up the results of the president’s work, it’s time to sum up the results of the year, and the president himself will do this; there will be not only answers to journalists’ questions, but direct communication with citizens, and we, as always, will show more than others. results of the year with vladimir putin. today at 12:00. moscow time, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live, media representatives will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the website by phone +7 495 539 40-40 +7 499 550 40-40 .
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mom, mommy, mommy is back, it’s not mom, it’s another aunt, she was transporting furniture for a man, in general, he has children, two daughters, and his wife died last year, very beautiful, this is what i mean, this is my secret with my mother, and now it will be yours, you are like a superhero for marishka, she only tells you, the little one loves you, the man is drawn to you, well, some kind of stranger, daria shcherbakova, ilya natskov , i understand that i don’t have the right, you’re not the only one, you like faith, well, as a woman, i like it, if i find out something, i’ll tell you, my daughters, on friday at...
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a friendly frenchman of soviet cinema, how are you in the frenchman got in, he even helped mukasey become more french on the set, as he added a little horse to me the mood, and you know, really some kind of hussar beginning immediately appeared, the chase, love, the perfect suit, the french beginning, and what else is needed for happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov. on friday on rtr. good morning. today we have
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a festive atmosphere in the studio, but everything is not as joyful as it would seem. many people have poor vision since childhood and are forced to undergo special treatment, wear glasses, and so on. but many people see perfectly in their youth, and after 40 years their vision is poor. starts to get worse and let's talk to you today about what to do if your vision begins to deteriorate after 40 years, and how... uh, try not to lose it in the future years of our lives. so, i address the audience with a question: who began to notice that as you approached 40 years of age, some changes began in your vision? so, here’s a pretty girl in green, raising her hand higher than everyone else, come here to me.
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hello, hello, hello, what's your name? irina. irina, how old, we don’t tell everyone in secret, 38 years old. irina is 38 years old. recently my vision has been deteriorating, box, here is a prize for you, which you can receive as a gift, yes, if you don’t take care of your vision, senile farsightedness, what is it? many people think that if i'm nearsighted, i look like a certain amount.
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the mechanism that causes changes in its curvature still works, the muscles it is attached to work, but it has become so dense that we stop seeing up close, and in order to see up close, a person needs to correct this defect with reading glasses. myopic man like you, he can read perfectly well without glasses, yes , having taken them off in his youth, and can see without glasses and... some short-sighted people may even need to be corrected with two glasses: one glasses for dali, the other glasses for near vision. but for people who do not want to wear glasses for near vision, today there are a number of
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surgical techniques that allow them to replace the lens with a special artificial lens. multifocal, so-called, will allow a person to see, continue to see without glasses, if i want surgery, this is possible do it, come , let’s do it, sit down, thank you, who else is complaining about deteriorating vision at your age, raise your hands, here ’s the girl in yellow, good morning, hello, what’s your name, yana, how old, 37, open the box, maybe wait for you? and our other viewers, age -related macular degeneration, this is the macula in an enlarged form, but this macular zone is covered with photoreceptors, the concentration of rods and cones is huge in this zone, which makes it possible to get the picture that we want to see with macular degeneration
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the retina's blood circulation is disrupted here and the rods and cones begin to suffer, the person sees a central black... spot. the first symptoms are a person begins to notice slight distortions of objects. the test that you see on the graph comes to our aid, called the amsler test. covering one eye with your hand, close it, we fix the point that you see. and the squares next to the point should be perfectly even. you see how a person with degeneration sees the same test that we just uh saw fine. the dot is much larger, a black spot has appeared, the squares are uneven, the squares are blurry, sit down, thank you, who else ’s vision has changed, recently, a girl wearing glasses, i always like to talk to girls with glasses, come here to me, what’s your name, yulia, yulia, how old are you,
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yulia, 36 years old, and you wear myopia glasses, myopia, just a couple of years ago it was -3, i just got it checked. -4 surprise that may await julia, take what is written, cataract, cataract, unfortunately, this is inevitable, a condition of our aging lens the lens, we have a lens in the eye, the lens that we talked about, which changes its curvature, it increases in size, it grows all the time, the growth of the lens is 20 microns per year, by the age of 40 it loses its elasticity, elasticity, it also changes its optics for some people who previously wore glasses. -3 receiving a change, a natural change in the optics of the lens, myopia may increase,
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this may indicate that there is an initial cataract, clouding of the lens, cataracts are well treated with surgery, removing lens, we change it to an artificial, transparent one, we can choose such a lens that you will see better and you will see without glasses. thank you very much . there was still a forest of hands, show me who is taller than everyone else, here’s a woman, come to me , good morning, good morning, hello , what’s your name, my name is tatyana, tatyana how old, i’m 45 years old, tatyana is 45 years old, what without, why my vision began to change, describe it to me, my sugar level is generally high, they are examining me now, in addition to this i also have my vision began to deteriorate, i... a gift awaits you called glaucoma,
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a neurotrophic disease that leads to complete blindness, the conductivity of the image through the optic nerve fiber is disrupted, and the visual image gradually narrows, that is, the visual fields are narrowed, one of the symptoms of the diagnosis. this is a rise in intraocular pressure, then the mechanism of optic nerve atrophy accelerates, the optic nerve fibers burn out, and the field of vision narrows. if during a medical examination we determine that a person’s blood pressure is elevated, if, yes, there is glaucoma, it’s a miracle that we caught it in time with the help of various medications and drops.
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thank you sadit, thank you, dear friends, take care of your vision, vision is priceless, and the program about the most important thing continues. what to add to your diet to keep your teeth healthy? what to exclude? today we will discuss foods that many people eat every day without even realizing how they affect their teeth. these are probably some kind of harmful products, right? not only harmful and beneficial. let's set the record straight with our expert. maria igorevna mikhailova, doctor orthodontist, periodontist, candidate of medical sciences. good morning. well, everyone knows that children are told, yes, don’t eat sweets, your teeth will deteriorate, but there are probably some
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foods that we know about, but have no idea that they harm our teeth, yes, absolutely true, for example, leads to imali pigmentation, what are we thinking about, well , let's think about coffee, some berries, fruits, let's find out, and ivan tea, what's harmful in it, but despite the content? there are a lot of useful enzymes in ivan tea tannins, more than in coffee in black tea, so it causes staining of the enamel, and the enamel becomes such an unpleasant brown color, but this can be prevented after you drink the tea, you can rinse your mouth, or even better, brush your teeth, take note , let's go further, it leads to corrosion of the enamel, this is something aggressive , probably something aggressive, and what is imaginary erosion, imaginary erosion is a non-carious defect like... yes, enamel, roughly speaking, dissolves under the influence of something. which product causes enamel erosion? who has
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what thoughts? i ask you, maybe acids, fruits, oranges, tangerines, yes, you mean, any canned foods, oh, straight to the point, these are pickled cucumbers, how to live without pickled cucumbers? i think you can eat them, but not so many, one a. a cucumber a day, this is quite enough, that is, you should not overuse it, since it contains vinegar, as our viewers absolutely correctly said, and it affects the enamel in such a way that it is destroyed, how to protect yourself, but again, i’ll go back to cleaning teeth, you definitely need to brush your teeth, well , again, or rinse your mouth, this is always effective, here is caries, i wonder, destruction of bacteria, some kind? come on mikhail, something , come on, you’re close, meat, it’s unlikely, i didn’t get it, who has any ideas,
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a hint from the audience, sweets, probably. sweets, definitely, probably, of course, oops , here they are, kozinaki, why exactly kozinaki, it contains a binding element, sticky, which contains either honey or sugar syrup, that is, it is a carbohydrate that leads to the destruction of mali, that is carbohydrate - these bacteria also love sweets very much, they multiply, secrete acids, caries form, and also the kozinak can injure the enamel of the teeth, that is, if it bites the kozinak hard, cracks can occur. or chipped teeth , so we do not recommend eating it at all, yes, if the caramel, despite the caramel content, you can still suck on it, yes, then somehow this trick, it seems to me, will not work, by the way, more likely you can’t even rinse them very well, that is, you already need to brush your teeth directly, my friends, but there are also good ones news in our section, these are the products that strengthen our teeth, so, i think
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that here is carrots, and here is parsley and... parsley has a very good antiseptic effect and also neutralizes unpleasant odors, yeah, well, plus it contains second, and there is five times more of it in 100 g of parsley than in a tube of toothpaste, wow, and vitamin c also strengthens the enamel, cheese, how nice, they still love cheese, and it’s the hard varieties of cheese, the so-called mature ones cheese, here they put it right. effect, because it contains calcium phosphorus , namely hard cheese, it promotes the production of saliva, saliva is saturated with these components and neutralizes acidity, and accordingly, restores, including those foci of initial caries, this soft cheese has less, it is more viscous, and it most likely contributes to the formation of plaque, it is
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not so healthy, we eat cheese in the morning. and prevention of calcium formation, that is, this is such a protective film, and again we have tea, well, not ivan tea, but green tea, green tea, there are antioxidants, which, by the way, also have, well, that is, they suppress the growth of bacteria, their acidic activity, and in addition to this , they neutralize sulfur compounds that cause an unpleasant odor; in its deodorizing function, green tea is superior even to mint . yeah, well, by the way, the torah contains a huge amount of green tea, so they think that green tea is a drink for dentists, even this is true, because there really is a lot of second in there, thank you very much, i hope you already we have compiled a list of products that are good for teeth, those that are not, thank you for spending this morning with us, we wish you a good day of good health, see you on
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the russia tv channel. hello, oksana kuvaeva is on the air in the studio, the main thing for this hour. more than 2 million polls for the president; today at noon there will be a live press conference with vladimir putin. a night hail strike in the krasnolimansk direction, crews of multiple launch rocket systems destroyed camouflaged positions in the ssu. the strongest frosts, snowfalls and freezing rains, bad weather left residents of dozens of
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regions without light and heat, and roads collapsed. connection. large land, the most important winter road across the lena was opened in yakut, in the snowy tundra of yamal, a championship of future reindeer herders, from malevich to aivazovsky, in tula, a new museum storage facility for 220 thousand exhibits of world value. so, just a few hours. remains until one of the main political events of the year. vladimir putin will start a straight line, which this time will be combined with the final one press conference at exactly noon moscow time. by this moment , the call center has already received about 2,200,000 calls and will continue to accept them until the end of the program. the final preparations are being completed in the gostiny dvor, where journalists will communicate with the president. from there,
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report by olga armyakova. 130. 139 an even count, like a metronome, less and less time remains before the main event of the year, on a low platform in the center of the hall there is a table, here they are still stretched. wires, microphones are visible, the sound is checked so that every word, a small column under the table, this is the place of the president himself: two screens on the table are for presenters, to track news and questions, to see what continues to come to the editorial office of the program in real time, the same monitor is on the podium of vladimir putin’s press secretary , i see news agency feeds and chat, what is chat, chat is for internal broadcasting, that is, peskov will be able to correspond with the presenters, and with the presenters of the regi. europe and asia, i would like to ask about the development of transport
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infrastructure, the mood, of course, is to the president noticed, and in order for a question to be asked from the volgograd region, so that they would notice, journalists draw posters in national costumes, appear on air, have the night to prepare, but in the meantime they walk through the snow-covered new year's eve. cbo members, politicians and members of the public. there are 600 seats in the hall, the seating is always interesting, the chairs, this year the gray ones are arranged so that everyone can see the president, vladimir putin can freely communicate even with those in the last row. and directors must know each one personally. not to hear is the worst thing errors. the console goes to the mobile television studio of vgtrk, how long it will last, we don’t know, no one knows this , only the president decides, that is
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, to conduct live, yes, the president always conducts live, our task is only to convey, because questions during the program, the president will select 14 screens throughout the studio, on them messages from the site, sms and video calls, like this one from terlitomar. in our microdistrict for more than 20 years, but there is still no road, every year they answer us that there is not enough funding, the president from serpukhov near moscow is asked about social gasification. 2 years ago we concluded contracts, paid them, but unfortunately we still have not received our treasured gas. the owner of the roads is obstructing the work, and mosobgaz is also suing him. we are dealing with this problem, i very much hope that by the end of this month. very positive decision. the popular front call center will accept requests until the last second of the live broadcast at 12:00 on the russia tv channel. results of the year vladimir putin. olga armyakova, anna kol,
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ksenia vyachina, mikhail overenkov and dmitry timofeev, lead. in the krasnoreman direction, crews of hail rocket launchers launched a night attack on camouflaged positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the crews of the rocket batteries covertly took up their positions, after which the drone operators targeted them. packets of missiles were fired in a matter of seconds and covered a huge area of ​​territory. the coordinated work of artillery and reconnaissance in the area of ​​​​the torsky site and serebryansky forestry is ensured by signalmen central military district. their main task is to ensure constant radio exchange between units that are constantly moving during combat operations, often already working. line of contact and crews of rocket launchers providing fire support for assault groups, tankers of the 40th marine brigade of the pacific fleet are also in action, reports from our military correspondents, alexey baranov and
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eduard punigov. the crew of the msta self-propelled artillery mount stops the vehicle as soon as it receives the coordinates a new target from the scouts. full charge, sight 419, gun. the long -range artillery of the central military district is today working on ammunition storage points and places where enemy armored vehicles have been discovered by reconnaissance groups, thereby interfering with both the rotation of ukrainian armed forces units and the transfer of reinforcements to those areas of the kremensky forest, where russian assault groups are operating meter by meter, moving forward. . most. for example, we set fire to three tanks in a day, we hit crabs, three axes, the so-called american strongholds of the armed forces of ukraine, they are trying to break through, we are preventing them in every possible way, they are suffering huge losses. a battery of self -propelled artillery installations almost
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continuously moves from one firing line to another, moves along the line of combat contact, covering tens of kilometers per day, and is never left without communication with the units working here on krasnolimanskaya. direction, this armored personnel carrier has no weapons, under a camouflage net, antennas and transmitting devices. messengers armored personnel carriers that work on the front lines. serebryansky forestry provide communications between units located at a distance of up to 40 km, so just a few of these vehicles are enough to ensure work on a fairly large section of the line of combat contact, so that units operating on the front line and constantly moving can continuously receive and transmit all information necessary in battle, the whistleblowers of the central military district often approach directly.
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the armored personnel carrier, equipped with transceiver equipment instead of weapons, will continue to operate the utor ledge.
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i don’t have a lot of trips and i don’t have a lot of planned work, but i have to somehow maintain order at home. the brigade changed its position quite recently, as the front line moved towards the enemy. from here to the line of combat contact is about 15 km, now the soldiers here are relatively calm and are actively preparing for winter. the crews live in these dugouts, but in fact it is very cozy here, there are many amenities, for example, here there is a tv, a heater, there is even a game console, you can live here. each
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dugout has one crew; here, for example, the tank commander with the call sign adam lives with his comrades. i am here, sleeping, here is my sleeping place, here my gunner sleeps, there is a driver. adam signed the contract immediately after serving his military service; he has been in the combat zone since the first days of the special operation. why did you decide to go, why did you do this? i don’t know, i have some kind of patriotism in my blood since childhood and i couldn’t just stay away. calmer has it happened now? much calmer. uh? is connected with the fact that the enemy is already completely exhausted, and here in our immediate direction there are already ordinary, mobilized soldiers, they themselves are already afraid and do not want to fight, before the onset of cold weather , each dugout was thoroughly insulated, the soldiers are now continuing to lay vital communications, water and electricity supply system. a canteen was also built here, where those on duty prepare food for the entire company three times. sometimes
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azerbaijani cuisine is prepared, that is, sometimes russian , that is, preferences are taken into account, there are muslims, there are slavs, that is, accordingly, some kind of halal food, that is, for some chicken separately, for others something else, and there is also a bathhouse being built here, where crews can take a steam bath and wash themselves, even in such harsh conditions, everything was done to ensure that the tankers had a good rest after combat missions. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. electricity due to bad weather and frost in different regions of russia. in voronezh, after a powerful snow cyclone, traffic collapse on the roads ten point cork. the stops are literally packed with people all day, but even those passengers who managed to get on board the bus or trolleybus first have to push multi-ton vehicles out of the snow porridge. residents have to invent the most unexpected ways to get around the city. in the belgorod region after. serious
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snowfall, dozens of road accidents, injuries, traffic police inspectors come to the aid of motorists stuck in snowdrifts. patrol officers in the lugansk people's republic also help pull cars out of snow drifts, which was also affected by the snow cyclone. and in novosibirsk , the heating main could not withstand thirty-degree frosts, and due to a breakthrough, a river of boiling water spilled through the streets. consequences. after the freezing rain , the multi-ton labe period collapsed, 150,000 people were left without electricity for almost a day, the authorities declared a state of emergency. it turned out that the electricity had been turned off since lunchtime, around 11 o’clock. power engineers are on duty around the clock. by this hour , they had managed to restore the operation of more than 600
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energy facilities. colleagues from the volgograd region came to the aid of the don specialists. region and kuban. restoration work will continue until the end of the week. exactly. the most tense situation is in the aksai region. restoring energy supply. the task is to restore the full volume within 24 hours. to restore heat supply. the task is to restore heat supply by the end of today. squally winds and freezing rain paralyzed sections of the m4 don federal highway. m4 - direction to moscow. special equipment continues to combat the consequences of bad weather. on federal highways.
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hundreds of bruises and sprains were caused by falls, and more than 70 children were injured. the road is so dangerous that in many areas of the region , schoolchildren have been transferred to distance learning. today we have a matinee, new year's, we can't miss. the disaster made adjustments to the operation of public transport. it is still unknown how long it will take for the rostov region to recover; according to forecasters, the disaster will only recede by the weekend. yulia bobakova, oleg pudov, lead. rostov region. the news is following developments . stay tuned to the russia channel. every week we take stock of the president's work. the time has come to sum up the results of the year, and the president himself will do this. there will be not only answers to journalists' questions, but
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direct communication with citizens. results of the year with vladimir putin. today at 12:00 moscow time, the president will answer live. to answer questions from citizens and journalists, media representatives will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the website by calling +7 495 539 4040, +7 499 550-40-40. i decided on i’ll come back a day early, i want to surprise anton . we're looking at the weekend, happy twenty years of happy married life, dear, i wonder what i'm doing with my husband? i'm such a cretin,
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i'd like to spend my whole life with a woman like that. oops, what should i do now? you've lost your mind, what are you talking about now? yes, she ’s good enough to be your mother, isn’t she a boy? really so good that it blew your mind, i love him, but if i loved him i wouldn’t ruin his life, i would like to talk to ella, ella has left, bring me back to rtr on saturday, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs, he could become... either an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups as a taster, i
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always like to eat a lot, or a lifeguard. but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. misnyakov, every saturday on rtr. why was the case entrusted to us, not us, you?
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we work in the interests of our side, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we come out on the air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr.
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russian paratroopers hit a unit of the ukrainian armed forces near solidar, as a result of precise strikes , they eliminated a platoon of militants in the dugouts of strong points, and as can be seen in this video from a drone, also filmed in the donetsk direction, the militants are fleeing their position en masse. in total, according to the ministry of defense, the enemy was defeated in krasnoye, kleshcheevka, kurdyumovka, marinka and kirov. up to 250 people, in the kupinsky direction our military repelled eight attacks ukrainian attack aircraft were hit by their equipment and manpower in senkov. about how former servicemen in the armed forces of ukraine fight for russia under carbon, a report by the military correspondent of vesti stanislav nazarov. on the ugledar front, in new firing positions, from where they managed to drive out the ukrainian militants, units of the operational-combat tactical formation cascade are being consolidated. go russia. for the separate battalion named after bohdan khmelnytsky this was the first combat mission,
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all the fighters here are former servicemen in the armed forces of ukraine who came over to our side and are now they fight shoulder to shoulder against ukrainian militants. we have to go forward in front of the bullets , under the birds there, under these there along all sorts of paths , we took everything and went all together, no one hides behind anyone, no one pokes anything at anyone, doesn’t poke anyone, don’t forget to remember the past, now tasks are being set, we they must be fulfilled and... there is trust, we fulfill them. in the steppes of donbass, snow drifts give way to impassable off-road conditions. together with the crew in the self-propelled artillery unit gvozdika , we move to the vicinity of the populated area harvest artillery obdf cascade. we have received the coordinates of the targets and will now work on the accumulation of enemy manpower. load one shell. fragmentation breaker. sight 542, one fire. weapon. in order to achieve the most intense fire on the enemy,
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artillery batteries and rszzo grad pumping crews work in constant cooperation; they sighted, practiced sighting, gave us corrections, we corrected and hit the target. the rest, right? in the artyomovsk direction , crews are hitting the militants. lyria 150th division, coming constantly combat work, every person , he knows what to do, the only thing is that here is the personnel, he was given a task, he goes to carry it out, ukrainian formations continue to shell peaceful cities every day, american himars missiles, nato artillery hit cars today gas stations and service stations in donetsk. as a result of this shelling, a man died on the spot. donetsk army corps
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using kamikaze drones and guided missile systems. stanislav nazarov, vitali kadanovich, andrey rudoenko, oleg bandarenko, to lead the donbass in the absence of money and weapons from western countries, the kiev regime is intensifying mobilization. employees of ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices use any means.
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posters appeared on the streets with the words together at home, together at the front. international assistance to ukraine may be reduced, german chancellor olaf scholz said this during a speech in the bundestag: germany itself is preparing a package of military assistance worth 8 billion euros, denmark intends to give another billion, but ukraine needs both minimum 50. about which countries refuse to perform.
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there was a moment of confusion, laughter and the european parliamentary work moved on as usual. the dog barks, but the caravan is going somewhere. tomorrow important events, the final summit of the european union, will look for money to support ukraine. the german chancellor is going to brussels. putin remains determined to bring ukraine to its knees militarily. he is betting that international support for ukraine is waning. no need to write off. ukraine is not the next one, but the next four of the year. without this, kyiv is bankrupt. zelensky
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flies across the atlantic and back, begging for money for weapons. today in norway he is lying without...
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euros, he can unlock about a third of this amount in exchange for the accommodation of budapest. whether the deal will take place or not will become clear tomorrow or the day after tomorrow; if so, then this will reduce the severity of the discussion around it for some time. use of frozen russian assets. skolsky theme. lawyers point out that the eu cannot ignore its own legal principles on which it is built. they also warn about the creation precedent. the less the eu respects foreign property rights, the more likely it will encourage other countries to encroach on the assets of western
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companies and, where possible, even central banks. the question is where and how they will find money to save ukraine. brussels's course in the elections in slovakia and after the victory of critics of the foreign policy of the netherlands, the same thing may repeat in austria. spiegel magazine is horrified that an alliance of putin supporters appears to be forming in europe. herbert kickel, head
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the austrian freedom party, which is clearly in the lead in matters of public opinion, leaves no doubt that after winning the... land elections: brandenburg, thuringia and saxony. the german alternative is expected to win the majority of votes everywhere. and in the elections to the european parliament, the rights have every chance of seriously ousting all the advocates for ukrainian membership in the european union. have they calculated how much it will cost to put it on the balance sheet? 17% of the joint eu budget will be directly allocated to ukraine if it receives eu membership, says a report by the german economic institute. this means that almost all other eu member states will become net donors, and ukraine will become the main net beneficiary of the european union. everyone wants to be a beneficiary, almost everyone
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saw the eu as a feeding trough. germany agreed to be a donor, benefiting from the common market. but now this system of relations is beginning to fail, and this means that not only in relation to ukraine, but also in relation to itself, europe cannot accept any strategic decisions. in the last quarter, the eurozone economy entered a recession, falling germany is expectedly pulling everyone along with it, the european union has a lot of unpleasant discoveries ahead, one of which will be that the matter will not end with 50 billion, even if this money is allocated to ukraine, it will be eaten up and will be plundered much earlier than the year twenty-seven. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany.
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many of you check your email first thing when you wake up, and i'm certainly no exception. she opened the champagne. do you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions? tours to abkhazia, rested for a week in a skirt, ate vlazia. you are in the right place, here they will lift everyone’s spirits. kesha wants to read? please read. kesha can't read. and a man has to earn money. yesterday i earned such lyuli from my wife. i'll do it for you all. morning mail is on air and i, its presenter, nikolai baskov. the most positive thing. morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sundays on rtr.
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from the first note. beauty, rapping. with the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in in one place, swimming shallowly, bone, with the first smile, we recognize each of them. front, profile, back of the head, bilov, or something, the first class and i are together, we are also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the brigade, slow down from the car, run, the whole brigade, only on the platform, look.
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hello, dear friends, comrades , your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things.
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put all the clues aside, biden forgot to remove the cheat sheets, left them on his knees, then raised his left hand up and unmistakably said, i just signed a check for $200 million for ukraine, which is less than a percentage of what zelensky is asking for. biden himself laughed at that moment, and the laughter coincided with the reporter’s question: does he want ukraine to win? zelensky then began to convulsively nod his head, frown, sniffle and smile nervously. funny for... when journalist jennifer jacobs asked whether zelensky could defeat russia without the united states, zelensky shrugged and said nothing. clarifying questions were already joint press conference, but for some reason american reporters are more concerned about the fate of israel’s gas sector than ukraine. biden himself ritually reproached putin and unexpectedly scolded our program. but we are glad that the republicans
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have used zelensky’s money for a ride. yes, we are happy, because there will be fewer weapons, which means fewer russian people will die. well, the main moment from the meeting between biden and izze, who, in fact, speaks about everything without words, when the president of ukraine thanks the united states for new anti-russian sanctions, biden blows his nose. i repeat, it’s very nice to be on your side, and we will remain on your side, we are at a turning point in history, we talked about this, all the decisions that we... funding ukraine before they go on holiday vacation, before they present putin with the largest congress should approve additional accept now will determine our future for decades to come, especially in
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europe, right now is one of those moments, the christmas gift that is possible. president biden, do you want ukraine to win this war? look at the arrogant expression on his face, you see it, he tells you: disappear, don’t interfere, you want to know how this money is spent, you need accountability, you want to know about my son hunter’s connections with ukraine, why did you constantly write them these checks? yes, putin committed aggression without a doubt, let's stop it, no problem, but we deserve to be given more information, don't you think, arrogance, and i don't know how we allowed this to happen, how...
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i'm sure i can, and i'm glad you brought it up this question. 90% of all dollars are returned. you can count it. facts are stubborn things: those dollars go to the ukrainians, who then buy weapons primarily from the united states. why? because our weapons are the best. so 90% of those dollars are part of a virtuous cycle that enriches the us economy. this is an important point that is not very well understood. president biden, while backing zelensky, criticized republicans for slowing aid. in russia, a kremlin spokesman said: they the meetings between biden and zelensky will be watched very closely, and biden, meanwhile , said that inaction now could lead to russian success in the future. we will continue to supply ukraine with critical weapons and equipment for as long as we can, including the $200 million
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i just committed. without additional funding, we are rapidly losing our ability to help ukraine respond to the immediate operational needs it faces. is betting that the united states will not be able to help ukraine. we must, we must prove that he is wrong. you know, we need to fully understand how wrong this is, how it is perceived throughout the world, and especially how russia is taking advantage of it. we need to make sure putin continues to fail in ukraine and ukraine succeeds. and the best way to achieve this is to pass an additional aid package. american leadership is especially important in maintaining unity. unity that serves the whole world. i thank america for the new sanctions. today we discussed putin's isolation. for the last
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ukraine has not regained any major russian-held territory for months as its latest counteroffensive has largely failed. meanwhile, zelensky issued a sharp rebuke to some. republicans calling for peace talks and asking ukraine to give up territories. many republicans doubt ukraine's ability to win the war. senator j.d. vance even recently said that ukraine needs to cede some territory to stop the fighting. to be completely honest, you are considering are you even taking such a step as ceding territories to stop hostilities? not only have we tried. the question is not only in our words or. the question is: what are we ready for and what are we not? how can ukraine give up its territories? this is crazy, to be honest, we mention god very often, it’s not about christianity, we have our people there, and those voices that...
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yes, he said. he didn’t say anything about bakhmud, solidar, where zelensky killed at least 100,000 soldiers, apparently, it’s considered more solidarity. zelensky and the english language he forgot he spoke as a sign of respect for the united states. according to pbs correspondent lisa des jardins, at the most crucial moment zelensky faltered and literally looked into the dictionary. zelensky did not understand the words. the word is translated as a complete dead end,
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it is obviously about a dead end in the war, zelensky now needs to learn this word dead end in all languages, because no one wants to help ukraine after the failure in the west. at night, the russian aerospace forces carried out further attacks on ukrainian armed forces facilities in kiev and. odessa, kiev were attacked with ballistics, odessa with geraniums. targets of strikes steel auto repair enterprises. the hangars were completely destroyed. right now, russian troops continue to move west of artyomovsk in the bogdanovka area, between khromov and grigorovka, as well as between the cheerful disputed excavation towards the populated area. this is already the northern flank. on a daily basis.
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you see terrible footage, and this happens on a daily basis, a precise drop from a russian uav, grenades onto an inflatable boat with personnel of ukrainian marines, after the explosion, the entire crew along with the boat, of course drowned. we don't know where. we pick up the journalists
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and move to the right, a minute of readiness , close, you see where the arrival would be, we need to move from here, i’ve failed, now i’ll come, journalist, one at a time, you see where he is, i’ll put you on top, moving quickly towards the weapon. the next guy wanted to go there, now we were running across the field, they could see us, they could, they could, but there’s no other way, they have a drone hanging, but it’s unclear, tell that guy, the minister of defense, let nikola give it to us, shut up, nikolai , be silent, why be silent, huh
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i’m telling the truth, let them go to jail, it’s 5 am, we’re going with the guys to the infantryman’s position. they are constantly kept in such tension, because just as they can strike not on one flank , so on the other flank, as if without attacks, they will cover the artillery very tightly, they have many times more of them, probably more than we have, we are eating little here , we are hiding here a little while they cover the position to which we now
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have to go, we reached, reached the position of our defense forces, about 100-120 m to the russian positions, but these positions are still being counted quite rear-facing, but even being here, we understand the intensity of the fighting, russian drones are constantly flying here , russian mines are falling nearby, aimed armata, shot, the situation is critical for the ukrainian armed forces, all the wounded soldiers in this dnepropetrovsk hospital at the front are convinced of this real hell is going on told us.
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secondly, fpv kamikazes don’t fly at night, and fpv kamikazes don’t fly during the day, but during the day i fly, to catch up with a car on such a road, it flies 60 km/h, then it’s spit out for him, maybe he flies more, glad, glad, glad, i’ll say this, yes, it’s hard, because they always have an advantage in artillery in fpv, i’m very shocked and disappointed that they still have an advantage in fpv. at a meeting with speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson, zelensky asked the armed forces of ukraine to transfer ataki missiles from a longer range in order to hit the rear of the russian army, politico reports. but so far zelensky has only been given
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a personal lip-rolling machine. blinken deciphered what would be included in the $200 million aid package to ukraine, which came. from the bard's shoulder biden, although these are more likely leftovers from the bard's table. the new package, for example, will include hesco barriers, which sounds menacing, but this fashionable nato word hides ordinary canvas bags reinforced with a metal frame. if you pour sand there and place one on top of the other like cubes, you will get a protective structure, for example, for a firing point. with a sad expression on his face, zelensky also left after communicating with american senators, to whom he... informed that ukraine was considering the possibility of conscription for military service. service, almost pensioners, will officially begin with men over 40. however, the place of pity in response received a caustic comment from senator eric schmit. it's the same old trash, there's no, there's nothing new here. according to the new york times,
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schmidt said that instead of talking to his country's president, joseph biden, about us border security, sen. the basis for stopping aid, apparently convinced only the democrats. chuck schumer, the leader of the democratic majority in the senate, said that zelensky is very detailed outlined how we will win this war. that is, no one hides anything anymore. the usa and ukraine are fighting together, but the republicans. they don’t think so; trump’s party members decided to give putin a gift for the new year. republican minority leader in congress mccon said that speaker johnson, after meeting with zelensky, made it clear: the house of representatives is going on vacation at the end of the week,
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they will not all be able to help ukraine before the holidays, that is, the armed forces of ukraine can only hope that they will talk about money will return on january 20th. well, he performed the coolest luda. today he confirmed the main thesis, as they say, of russian propaganda, the us strategy, to fight putin to the last ukrainian. very interesting productive meeting. president zelensky has arrived on capitalist hill for a meeting that will decide everything. just 2 days before congress recesses for christmas, he is desperately trying to convince politicians to commit billions of dollars in a fresh aid package, without which ukraine will not win this war, and that is exactly what zelensky said today.
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so guys, i'll be brief, it was a very powerful meeting, president zelensky made it clear that he needs help, he made it clear, and we ourselves make it clear, that if he loses, putin will win, and it will be very, very dangerous for the us, we cannot allow this, we cannot allow it. the 9/11s are better than at any time since 9/11. president biden has reversed all of trump's policies. i told him if you
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do this, you will lose control of your boundaries. all these bad policy decisions bit biden in the ass. what as for our strategy in ukraine, everything is simple: the american strategy in ukraine is to fight to the last ukrainian. we finally have an ally willing to fight for us. we did not lose a single american in the war. zelensky arrived with a whole list of requests, but he did not want to come to us and answer our questions. president zelensky, are you confident that you will be able to convince congress to provide you with assistance? he then went to the main meeting of the day with far-right republican house speaker mike johnson. i conveyed a very clear message to president zelensky, this is what i told the white house: we support the ukrainian people. but first, we need to put our own house in order, i told both the white house and mr. zelensky that we need
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clarity, we ask the white house to provide a clear strategy that will allow ukraine to emerge victorious from this conflict, we have not been given intelligible answers. we need clarity on how america's precious taxpayer dollars are being spent and what the outcome will be. this conflict, and the white house cannot say anything at all about... other republicans were less correct. i don’t give a damn what zelensky says. our fundamental responsibility is to secure the border of the united states. this must be done
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first and foremost, and it is not discussed. this is not discussed. the border must be secured before we discuss anything about ukraine. joe biden said he is ready to compromise on the border issue, but congress must make a decision on ukraine immediately, otherwise the money for weapons will run out by the end of the year, and this will compromise everyone's security. president zelensky, how was the meeting? are you sure that congress will allocate the money? even if he is sure, he will not say it. what are they thinking about in russia, in particular vladimir putin, what is he thinking about now? he feels very good. this is not good. it's been a good year, this is terrible. the fact is that the ukrainian offensive seemed to stall, and he successfully traveled to north korea. he met his, you know, sort of new best friend forever, kim chinn. which now gives him weapons, he went to tehran and he's now getting weapons from tehran , he's doing well and he's looking at this election and
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he'd like to see donald trump come back because he feels like he has a strong personal relationship with former president, so unfortunately, yes, the situation in the kremlin is such that he feels pretty good. we cannot allow ukraine to fall, we cannot allow our support for ukraine to wane as the week approaches. russia sees that we are starting to get tired and we lose interest. every time congress falters, like now, it's a fresh breath of air for the kremlin's protracted war strategy. for the first time in my memory , the republicans turned their backs on ukraine and essentially allowed russian aggression to continue. this appears to be a change in us foreign policy. when you ask us for this help,
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do you think putin will stop if you don't get this help? are you ready to deal? at a meeting with mr. speaker, and this was our first meeting. i said this: it doesn't matter when it's accepted decision, in december, january or february. it does not matter. we are not talking about financing, we are talking about the moral side of the issue. the problem is that when you don't support ukraine, the people on the front lines and the families waiting for their heroes understand that the united states does not support ukraine. and that she was left alone, and we defend our common values, the values ​​of the united states in europe, so the problem is that this hits our morale. how many of these people can find ukraine on a map? we have such a map without names countries, let's be honest, can you show where ukraine is?


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