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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  December 15, 2023 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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what is a strong family built on? the question , of course, is interesting, on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, for this a person lives, it should have a continuation, what is a good conversation based on, on trust, i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning , the eye is on fire, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, even two, when everyone is at home on sundays on rtr. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's see. let's see. in the application or on the website. there are places that fascinate because they part of the cultural code. because they contain power, beauty and history.
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the squad is ready, explore, nature, mom, dear, just incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says , answer your mind, this world is worth it... to see it. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret everything to the world on saturday on rtr. everything about the elections in russia. we will tell
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you in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, it’s honestly convenient, how to vote on a trip, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we’re going to the village to relax, but our grandfather thinks the vacation can wait, because he wants to these days to vote, but his mother told him, vote directly in the village, be a mobile voter, dad, mom supported, by the way, i already wrote a statement for this, we are going to the village with our family, animals, adults and children, relax in nature and choose mobile , choosing in the country is free, important, honest convenient, russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone. all of
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russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, have you gone crazy, sunday, here good people reported that you are confused with moskvich. this girl, who is she anyway? a random girl from a random city, and you have been dating sveta for 4 years, we need to have a child, i really, really want this, don’t trust anyone, hello, i would like to talk, so she’s gone, she and her boyfriend drove off to the south , don’t listen to anyone, you should have forgotten him a long time ago, i can’t forget, i still love him, i’m truly happy, i’ve only been with one person, what a year and a half has passed
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, it’s you, what you wanted, live the commandment of your heart on sunday on rtr to exhale a little, putin was asked today about how he, putin is going to celebrate the new year, in particular, what gifts he would like to receive on the night of january 1st. and what is the most memorable thing grandfather ever brought him? freezing? the president replied that the greatest gift is children and grandchildren, these are gifts from god, and in general he likes giving gifts more than receiving them. we didn’t find out about putin’s favorite salad, olivier or herring under a fur coat; the president said: “it depends on what you’re snacking on.” what do you like more, herring with a fur coat or olive to watch and snack on? what is
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the most memorable gift from santa claus? you know, the most memorable gift, i think that many in the hall are in this, and those who listen to us.
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for launching an impeachment inquiry to the american president. old joe is accused of personally benefiting from his son hunter's dealings. representative mary miller even asked the fbi on social media about the arrest of the son of the us president. she recalled that last year
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, former adviser to donald trump peter navarro was arrested at the airport for refusing to cooperate with a special congressional commission in the case of the storming of the capitol. but... on his own steps, hunter said that he was ready to testify only at open hearings, stressed that joe biden did not accept financial participation in his business. i am here to do everything to ensure that the illegitimate investigation against my family is not conducted on the basis of distortion. i make it very clear: my father had no financial connection with my affairs that i conducted as a practicing lawyer, nor with the
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affairs that i had as a member of the board of directors of burisma, nor with the relationships that i had with private chinese businessmen, not to my investments in...
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that his father had no financial attitude towards his affairs and that he is ready to give public testimony, what do you tell him? he has the right to make statements, but some facts go against what he says: the most important thing is that an investigation is carried out and charges are brought against him. today, the house of representatives voted to open an impeachment investigation against joe biden. the arrogant statement that hunter made during his press conference, refusing to admit the charges against him, and that's understandable when your father
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there is a pardon power, no one believes hunter biden will face serious consequences, daddy will just pardon him. energy. a company from china received 5 million dollars after a phone call, and if i remember correctly, the message on whatsapp said: i’m sitting here with a guy right now, we want to ask who is this guy? everything is obvious, but we still want to ask this question. we know what the business was: selling access to the brand. devon archer told us in july that the brand is joe biden. this is access to joe biden, because he has influence and everyone with common sense sees what is happening. flights with four engines. the european council summit is naturally discussing the allocation of 50 billion euros to kiev, the start of negotiations with ukraine on joining the european union. both. point is going to block budapest. the zelensky
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summit itself will not take place in brussels either, and also precisely because of orban’s position. the leaders of the european union, it turns out, were afraid of his negative reaction, politico reports this, so instead of personal presence at the meeting, zelensky again humiliated him and addressed european leaders via video link. and hungary and slovakia publicly refused to supply weapons to ukraine. putin said today: “this, of course, does not mean that orban and fiza are pro-russian politicians, they simply defend the interests of their country. at the same time, even in america, putin has friends . the financial times is looking for kremlin agents in the american congress. columnist for the publication edward luce writes that a number of republicans are simply opponents of aid to ukraine, but, horror of horrors, supporters of putin.
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in this case, the propagandist laments that moscow can play on the internal contradictions of the united states. biden does not have comparable leverage within russia to harm putin. as a result of the summer breakthrough that never happened , ukrainian president vladimir zelensky. perhaps the most difficult weeks lie ahead. he had to take a break from the biggest war in europe in the 1940s to find himself between these two politicians who are fighting their own battles here on capitalist hill. at the end of the week lawmakers can't wait to head home for the holidays. but in ukraine, in these few weeks, there may be a shortage of money on the front line. as the combat helicopter pilot said, it's about a choice between life and death. it will be very difficult for us to fight without your support, but we have no choice and this is a serious challenge, since we
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do not have enough of our own strength, it is a matter of our survival. ukraine may lose the war, and this is a much greater risk than a deadlock at the front, writes a washington post columnist. almost 2 years after the start of the special operation, fate ukraine finds itself hanging by a thread, and putin. through strategic patience, it can break the political will of the collective west. another pessimistic material for kiev, your post from the same newspaper warns that without western help, ukraine will inevitably have to cede territory to moscow. they constantly conduct exercises at training grounds, they constantly train new personnel. you need to understand that we have fighters with extensive combat experience, and in the same way they have instructors, of whom they have a lot...
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units suffer from a shortage ammunition and risks ending up in a pocket north of donetsk. the same forty-seventh brigade suffered terrible losses in the zaporozhye region. they share their experience of participating in the counteroffensive. i'm not proud of what the administration and the west have done and what we've delivered to ukraine, but
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we haven't passed the critical test, we haven't decided what the strategic outcome is that we want, we haven't said we want ukraine to win. the kremlin has adopted its long-term military strategy because they hope they can wait for us to surrender. the american military is increasingly supporting the operation of the armed forces of ukraine, reports stars and strike, and the us army lieutenant general is increasingly traveling to kiev. usa, but is poorly understood in the west.
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congress before the christmas break, democratic senate majority leader chuck schumer reports that republicans are more interested in flying home for the holidays than in getting the job done for america. the ukrainian nordi kustinov reported about the victory and the postponement of the holidays in the us congress for a week, but her words were refuted by the speaker of the house representatives mike johnson. the white house
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called this a refusal to take steps vital for the nation. us security. the pentagon stimulates development and expands production capacity to support ukraine. with $1 billion remaining, approximately 96% of resupply funds have already been used, and the pentagon plans to use the remaining four percent this month. donald trump, the youngest son of the ex-president of the united states, was categorically against aid to ukraine and said that endless spending would not change anything. in kyiv they steal everything and have no incentive.
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we didn't leave and took this fight, so when you ask if it's possible to do this without help, it's possible to do it like it was almost occupied, but we didn't escape anywhere, it was, i mean it's difficult, you lose many people, of course, cannot be defeated without help, will america give ukraine, this is the question asked by the wall street journal, the publication writes that the defeat of kiev will destabilize all of europe and will deal a crushing blow to the power of the influence of the united states.
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decision by the military command to withdraw a few meters into the forest plantations, so that they are there, they hide the personnel and protect them from unnecessary losses. the ukrainian armed forces entered this area; it was small, approximately 1,200 meters long, and was about 300 meters wide. the servicemen themselves say, ukrainian servicemen say that this is a one-way road, the enemy has dozens of dead, they just got hit. they are throwing personnel into a fire bag for political, i believe, only political reasons, i want to draw your attention to what?
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well, nevertheless, the minister said no, well, we will gradually narrow this space of freedom there, almost along the entire line of contact our armed forces are, let’s say, modestly improving their position, almost all of them are in the active stage of action, in the active stage, the position of our troops is improving all along the line. the ministry of defense still calls all this active or elastic defense, i ask you, comrade general, dear comrades, evgeniy,
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olga, i want to congratulate all of us that we have with you the supreme commander-in-chief, which you can and should be proud of, you know, i listened to the entire direct line today, i got it. pleasure, here is the analysis on the krynkas, which we just listened to again, in general , well, a rare military man can do all this like this, you know, to me, what vladimir vladimirovich told me reminds me of one of the most brilliant battles of mikhail ilarionovich kutuzov, when in 1811 he lured 36 thousand to the left bank of the danube. blocked it, then transported part of the forces to the right bank and
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defeated turkish rear bases there, then 2 month forced the turks to eat first food, then horses, patronizing each other, in november the turks by...
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this is the behavior of this ukrainian pendasek, who is mistakenly called the ukrainian
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president, reminds me more and more, remember, he was like we are now what do we call it? a combination of ukrainian and american, this is somehow not parliamentary, this will work quite well, which means he’s in germany now, by the way, wow. there was such an afghan president, the second, the most democratic, ashraf goni, his name was, here he is, god willing, in june washington also flew by in the twenty-first year, besides biden, biden patted him on the shoulder, they were sitting in front of the same fireplace, the same thing, everything, everything the same, america was talking to you, don’t worry, everything will be fine, exactly in a month, in kabul, those who believed the americans on the shasta of american planes taking off, and another month later, ashraravghani in oman with a helicopter full of dollars, that’s why. but
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the fact is that history repeats itself, once in the form of a tragedy, the second in the form of a farce, where this character who is now i went, apparently, again to beg something from the americans, what, what should he do next, and what should he do next, there is nothing, nothing, our president said, we are ready for negotiations, we offered you everything, we are now open for negotiations , for that matter, but on our terms, on our...
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well, you know, in fact, they were there, the united states, the new york times were at this press conference, i don’t remember when our reporters were allowed at least the state department in the united states to attend briefings, they won’t allow it, they won’t, why, because they are afraid of the truth, the very truth that may come out, we are not afraid, it is, you saw what questions were on those screens there. very different and in general the severity of the questions asked today, including by our military correspondents, i will say, it deserves all respect, our president calmly, balancedly, i would even say friendly, answered all these questions, and take these again just for the sake of comparison, not shaved, but plump, always wrinkled, some in green, some in black, or in a t-shirt, or this,
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listen, so what?
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thank you, it’s peskov’s fault, but please let me ask open a democratic view, in principle, i opened the article by valeria hopkins, which she wrote after the press conference, the headline is quite true, at the annual press conference putin said that his military plans have not changed, what’s next, we’ll read it later, dmitry gebich, of course he said in more detail. i would like to know, but the very fact that the events are combined, i remind you that a big press conference, accordingly, a straight line was combined, accordingly, as shown by a fairly wide format, there were correspondingly both journalists and representatives of the so-called public, that is, such a concentration is happening, which suggests that, of course, next year is extremely important, electoral, elective , this is important, and accordingly, there is also the fact that the president answers questions himself, this is also extremely important, this is a direct communication channel,
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because not all communication channels that reach a little... from the cost of the route moscow kazan and ending accordingly , it turned out that it really costs four and a half, not six, well, 4,480 yes, but to the question that i would like this press release a little earlier, because this topic is being discussed there’s already a lot of cars, the same goes for eggs actually, because the question seems natural, as if with humor, but the question is not idle, because for a conditional victory you can sometimes for...
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it doesn’t get cheaper, because it was said, there were measures have been taken, as in the case, respectively, with situations with the exchange rate, and how they were accepted, accordingly, imports were opened, because accordingly imports were abroad, russian eggs went to the left, to the west, i remind you that they were imported.
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including on krynkas, on everything else, because these questions, which are also asked, seem to be necessary, accordingly, to answer them correctly and adequately and as if rationally, this is very important, and especially taking into account the fact that, as it were, the situation plus or minus, as it were, the end of the year , we can sum up what these results actually are is, well, how did we start with what, we started with the economy , the economy is dragging accordingly, the economy is traditionally pulling, i must admit, the results are traditionally collected from the economy, but as a rule, its volume was usually not so large before, but usually the international part is large there, it was known that the military-industrial part was large enough, it was usually in this part of the underwater, respectively, there each segment was determined by sports culture and the like, they were divided separately, now we know it was, as it were, concentrated therefore, such a large share is ashamed of the economy, especially since the economy is the main, as a matter of fact, reaction, well
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, the main, as it were, protective mechanism, that ’s what has been dragging on all this year and, as it were, why exactly who has been beaten lately, strictly speaking, their survival rate we owe a lot to her precisely from an economic point of view, from the point of view of money which , accordingly, we allocated a third of the budget , respectively, from the point of view of, as it were, re-armament, all this thanks, as it were , according to what happened, therefore, with from this point of view, 3.5%, as was rightly said, is a good recovery growth, that is, we failed last year, accordingly, we are now restoring these rates at quite good rates, especially taking into account the results that are visible in other areas, the problem is inflation, what was said, as if accordingly it needs to be extinguished, as if, apparently, the exchange rate account, everything else will be tried to be extinguished, because inflation is very important, the mutual fund will be in january with a big for, because they turn into housing and communal services tariffs , then stabilization occurs, as if this story is important to go through, because for people to vote it is extremely important, specifically the cost of everything else and the cost from, as it were, in the russian federation as a whole , the situation is different in the regions as if
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, on the one hand, this leads to the fact that people have work, this is already very good compared to the same argentina, but on the other hand, accordingly, this suggests that there are real problems with labor forces, as if from objective objective, that is why from this point of view it is necessary. to stabilize next year, as i understand it, judging by the statements, they will be able to stabilize this, plus or minus, so from this point of view , the main task is to ensure that these indicators do not go negative , it’s quite simple, but some of them , in theory, shouldn’t go into the minus at all, so this, accordingly, is like the basis on which it was possible to make some decisions, which, strictly speaking, now they are starting to work, in principle , on the international component; accordingly, the unfolding of the tracks was shown by trade turnover with china. it is predicted at the end of the year 220-230, people there tried to change 200 , respectively, at the beginning of this year , 220, 230, this is a lot, in fact, in principle, well, well, for example, the nomenclature needs to be expanded, because this is mainly hydrocarbons, of course, here it is necessary to import semiconductors and equipment from there, too
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, and technologies, i would say that we, of course, need to equalize and stabilize the trade balance, especially since the window may have now opened, taking into account geopolitical features, which we have now begun to analyze, this is very commendable, we naturally open windows in... the middle east, the latest package deals accordingly , which have been concluded by their own arab emirs in saudi arabia, do not say that in principle we can even get into the machines there, which in itself long ago was , so to speak, a closed issue, and there china also competes , content is also sold there, so from this point of view, we need to correct our trade balances, if previously we were a supplier of raw materials, mainly supplying raw materials, the higher the price of raw materials, the greater our trade turnover, the lower the son, the lower our trade turnover, now it is extremely important to come with products with high added value,
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the trade balance is already very positive . we have nothing to provide for our market, we have had a balance for a long time, but our machines are overloaded, to put it simply, it’s close to 90%, we don’t have the production capacity, by the way, eggs are one half. of course , the issue is imported components , imported equipment, and the other thing is that all capacities are simply loaded, we cannot produce more. the question is what happened over the past 2 years that demand has increased so sharply. for these eggs, and the supply has fallen so much, our imports were not that big, but now they will open a resource, as i understand it, there is re-export there, especially, as it were, on a fortified ruble, so this situation is being resolved in fact, the question is that just how to explain this, indeed, people began to consume more eggs, no, the problem was that we very often before this used various forms of flows that came here they supplied, bread did not rise in price, so i’m talking about eggs specifically, accordingly, firstly, there was a significant part of imports, accordingly, your exchange rate jumped by 30%, then this part seemed to jerk, the equipment does not explain this.
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as if it is usually included in the basic accordingly, the food basket , therefore, that is, people, in principle , consume it every time, so this base is an anchor, any value of it immediately affects the consumption basket, naturally it can pull out other goods, as it were, that are dependent on the egg, so from this point point of view , well, it’s very correct that this is being monitored, the economy is the most important thing that can happen now, as for all other areas, then, of course, the most important factor is the development of our own markets in those areas which seem to be traditionally painful, this is primarily mechanical engineering, machine tool building, this is where we actually sit and see it. it is a separate story regarding points, i
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can expand this accordingly for another 2 hours, but the point is this, you have 30 seconds left, i mean the same thing, so the most important task is that a critically important industry must first of all be stabilized with taking into account the fact that in the near future, most likely , there will be no fundamental changes in the landscape, plus or minus, the economic one is good, so the dollar has stabilized there, the exchange rate has stabilized, and maybe there is no need to change the economic good, so there is no need for fundamental changes in the economy if it is good. i’m talking about the economy , i didn’t say a word about the economy, i said that everything is fine with the economy, accordingly, we have another part that , accordingly, appeared in 2 years, a number of issues seem to arise in this issue, in the long term, if we, respectively, are in this format for a year, two, three, 12, it’s like this will completely change the economy, fundamentally, if there is a short component, this is a completely different economic component ; in fact, it is also difficult for economists to plan without understanding what will happen next year on the battlefield, but now it is difficult for everyone to plan, well, only 15 minutes. let's be back in a minute, i would like to invite
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you to meet an amazing sunrise, he proposed to me on the first date, and you agreed, my heart is restless, nin, you need to go to the farm, what happened to volodya, but i was hurt, the fate of her is such a girl , charmed. for loneliness, black widow , there is always a talisman against any curse, my name is victor, nina, i realized that i can love again, if i cursed someone, he will not live, stand up for my wife, i’m scared, all the men who get married or me, then they die , nothing will happen to me, collapsed on svetlana smernova martsinkevich, vitya, plot for loneliness, premiere, on saturday on rtr,
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if you walk into my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs , he could become a lawyer or an athlete... norms for 34 years old, we can do pull-ups as a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or as a lifeguard, but he is a doctor who... treatment
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should not be self-medication, you need to see a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr.
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we are putin’s troops, their videos are watched and discussed by a million, they often record video messages with proposals to world politicians and famous people, a whole group of people from krasnodar who are actively involved in sports, help the disabled and teach youth patriotism. according to numerous at the request of viewers, for the first time on television.
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already now sklefosovsky, we look before everyone else, in the application or on the website, we are meeting now in the days when midshipmen are marching across the country again, 35 years ago the first ones came out, now the fourth fifth part is already underway, time is ticking and we are already approaching 90, but nevertheless, i have to work hard to find strength and energy, mikhail. boyarsky, when you arrive at the set, you feel like you’ve come to your own family, the most charming frenchman of soviet cinema, and how do you become a frenchman? they got in, he even helped mukasey become more french on the set, how a little cognac added to my mood, and
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you know, there really was some kind of hussar beginning, immediately there was a chase, love, a perfect costume, a french beginning. and what else is needed to count? the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov today on rtm. a few juicy details for you, so that no one gets bored compared to biden and similar european men, putin is clearly winning, who would have thought, but this is the british newspaper the daily telegraph, here that's what it advertises. president, look carefully at the photographs. women in western europe, apparently, watched putin's big press conference today, and men, as it turns out, did too. elon musk is definitely not against getting even a russian passport, and the billionaire, live on
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his social network, called putin a good guy, because he loves his country and acts in it. this has already become a tradition and the main message of president vladimir putin during the russia press conference, despite western economic sanctions and western attempts to isolate it politically are still firmly on their feet. even zelensky is right now prophesying that putin will be in a good mood before the new year. i think he'll definitely be in high spirits, that's why he decided to put on this show now at this joint press conference, he 's showing ordinary russians that he cares about them, that he's focused on their problems, and just like the international ones , he looks responsible, even questions from foreigners were resolved
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media, putin uses the so-called santa claus strategy, promising that he will solve any problems, the strategy of santa claus, father frost. germany, as far as i understand, has a decline of 3%, how can you explain this to the germans? is falling, that is , it is already difficult to explain to the german average that sanctions actually harm germany itself, the second aspect,
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which also prevails in german media reports, is that here we seem to be preparing the ground for freezing the conflict in ukraine it seems like we will disperse according to the korean scenario, because all our european warehouses have already been swept out, there is no money to further finance the war in ukraine, and president putin says that he will be there...
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i’ll start with the fact that you had a discussion here about why eggs became more expensive, why they became cheaper, there was a discussion about why
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have gone up in price, not like our economists , politicians, politicians apparently don’t want to explain, but economists are embarrassed, the market, everything, prices will never decrease over a long period of time, seasonal dill has become cheaper when...
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yes, of course, there are problems there, but then who knows him a little better than just by tv, he was clearly in a good mood today, didn’t want to upset anyone, even this macron could have been killed like that, with his bugs with anti-russian statements, and then he said: call at any time, this does not mean that i think that when now macron, of course, is thinking whether to call or not , what’s this? does not mean that they will pick up the phone right away, but nevertheless, but some topics did not sound like they were played, by the way, i
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can’t, when economic issues begin, i am a simple person, an economist, as a consumer, basically, 6,000, let's say, 6.00 moscow, kazan, expressway, toll, 4,800, 6,000, complain, the person said, then they explained that it was a lot. in this from sheremetyevo to moscow to the moscow ring road kuso yes, there are at least those who know reality, imagine 3 km 500 rubles and evidence 6,000 well, yes, it’s funny to even discuss the moscow region, ask, but vladimir vladimirovich, i repeat, was good-natured today , yes he knows how to send softly, then sleep hard , this is relatively military . his operations sounded such notes, and of course, the most the main, in my opinion, the most interesting answer was when he was asked to say when
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peace will come, it’s so wonderful, we’ll achieve our goal. centuries have been excluded from the unified state examination questions, and putin is reading, it may be possible to return not only the price of
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eggs. but lermantov, as well as pushkin, nikrasov, tolstoy and others , were already turned down in the unified state examination, and there was a prototype of bismarck, he quoted about teachers winning wars, according to my information, nothing has been returned yet, now regarding western journalists, ours have something to criticize for, i don't know us, there's even experienced journalists seemed to...
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and there was this wonderful thing, when there was this big board, where they went through like text messages, it was written there, but only one question putin himself about microloans, something no, several about family mortgages and about microloans, i paid attention, well, today, in general, so to speak, he pushed towards this large family with many children, also paternally and
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paternally gently, in my opinion. it would be necessary to be tougher, but it’s not me who’s holding the press conference, they didn’t come to listen to me, but several very important things were said there interesting, even if it was thought that he should not answer them, then nevertheless, although there were things on the internet that were also interesting, but i don’t quite understand whether it really went across the screen there or not, but in this case i have i mean, it’s decent there about ukrainians, what’s wrong with you? was it really there from the residents of kharkov, will we already participate in the presidential vote, was this question real, there is no kharkov there, there in the kharkov region, well, there was the kharkov region , it doesn’t matter the moment, it even was, that means here they showed, but that means it’s not necessary that he’s writing from the kharkov region, but you and i
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should understand, well, by golly, well, just in case, were we in the air? population, than today even there was served , uh, in general, it’s really such a new year’s eve, but as a rule , these big press conferences are held before the new year,
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there’s nothing unexpected here, 30 seconds, so uh, it’s really clear that in putin’s opinion overall the year was a success, overall the year was a success, the only problem is that eggs have become more expensive... but this is already a problem, but thank god this one is better too, let's come back in a minute, this crime scene suits you like no other, thank you, fyodor, the premiere, please don't be nervous, you're in a circle of friends, in the circle of friends of a corpse, yeah, he's looking appraisingly, half the city is under suspicion, i feel like he'll fall, let's figure it out. doesn’t believe in tears, i like it, oleg, it’s great, i have something to do with it, oleg, and i can’t stand it when a man has unclean shoes, i’m wondering how they let you into the hospital looking like that, but sometimes it’s a reason to
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get acquainted, so, wow, wow, this is very romantic, that's enough, new secrets of the investigation from monday on rtr.
10:55 am
we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, we watch, we look in the application: or on the website, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here that’s all, whether to play or not play, yes , yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, is this? obviously, just to have a look, let's go , it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not
10:56 am
there, zhenya will add his own, then what used by many, the strongest love for the game is the five-on-one program, oops, five-on- one on saturdays on rtr. mom, mommy, mommy is back, it’s not mom, it’s another aunt, she was transporting furniture for a man, in general, he has children, two daughters, and his wife died in last year, very beautiful, what do i mean, this is my secret with my mother, and now it will be - you are like a superhero for marishka, she only tells you, i have already forgotten how to be happy, thank you, i’m sitting with my family running to work, maybe replacements i’ve already found
10:57 am
it for you, little marishka, i’ve fallen in love with you, a man is drawn to you, well, some stranger, daria shcherbakova, ilya vatskov, i understand that i have no right, you’re not alone, you like the faith, well, like a woman, do you like it, if so? i know that my daughter is on the rtr today, the floor is trembling and shaking. applications, big changes have come , in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants , i’m generally a plant person... maniac,
10:58 am
real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big ones changes, every sunday on rtr. have you gone crazy? on sunday, here good people reported that you got mixed up with a masked man, this girl, who is she anyway, a random girl from a random city, and you’ve been dating sveta for 4 years, we need to start a relationship.
10:59 am
sunday ivan came to us on rtr, that’s what the cyclone is called from minute to minute. the strongest snowstorm in 100 years will begin in moscow. it will rage all night by 9 am, they promise, there will be huge snowdrifts, 55 cm traffic jams, you yourself understand, everything in the city will come to a standstill. take care of yourself. news right now, it was.
11:00 am
60 minutes, all the best and goodbye, bye. on the russia channel, evgeniy rashkov is presenting in the studio, hello, the main thing is by this hour. vanya showed his character, the center of russia was covered with snow, the rainfall was 10 points, and in some places they even canceled classes in schools. our su-34s are attacking in the kupinsky direction, lancets are working in krasnolimansky, the french armored personnel carrier is blazing in yes.


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