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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  December 19, 2023 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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it’s a great idea to label the packaging, we ’ll tell you about it very soon, so, did you buy it? no, now i know how to choose caviar correctly in a store, let’s go and show you, did you take the money? what money? it's morning in russia, don't oversleep the main thing. personal presence and passport vladimir putin submitted documents to participate in the elections in march as a self-nominated candidate. the future professional elite and specialists for the high-tech sector in the kremlin, the president met with the young finalists of the professional championship. sahal attacked two camps refugees in gaza, hundreds of dead in jabala and dozens of people under the rubble. this will be broadcast,
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we will talk about the main thing, in the vera tarasova studio. hello. vladimir putin submitted all the necessary documents to the central election commission to participate in the presidential elections in 2024 . the russian leader presented his passport and signed the papers handed to him. putin is going to the polls as a self-nominated candidate. voting will take place for 3 days from march 15 to 17. according to the election law, for this it was necessary to create a group of voters of at least 500 human. the group meeting took place on december 16th.
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the final of the competition took place in st. petersburg in november. schoolchildren from 14 years old and college students competed in various types of skills, including industrial automation and drone repair. the head of state noted that in the next 3 years the country will have to train about a million specialists in areas related to high technology. at the same time, the training process should be closely related to the labor market so that graduates can easily find work. a technological revolution is taking place now. not at us. or let’s say, not only here, we also have a technological revolution happening all over the world, it requires completely new qualified personnel, you can call them whatever you want, you can call them blue-collar specialties, you can, well, whatever you like, the important thing is that this is, of course, completely different generation , completely different requirements, and another generation of specialists should appear, in a lot of directions, you yourself know this, they are connected with high technologies, connected... at first
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glance, maybe there is nothing like that from high technologies, but they are associated with high technologies, require a special quality of work, it is extremely important for us that the process of training highly qualified specialists is closely connected with the labor market with employers, with those who are waiting for high-class specialists at their enterprises, because that it is impossible to develop large-scale, especially high-tech... without these personnel. the ministry of defense reported the destruction of american polish-made enemy equipment, including tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. air defense also shot down 25 ukrainian drones and intercepted two khaimars missiles. in the danetsk direction, a unit of the southern group , with the support of artillery and sunshine , stopped nine attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy has 190 killed and wounded. the total enemy loss per day was over 500 militants. in the krasno-liman direction near serebryanka, a checkpoint was destroyed.
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the attack of the ukrainian national guard was repelled. russia completes the evacuation of russians from the gas sector. 73 russians, including 45 children, returned to moscow on board the ministry of emergency situations. in total, our rescuers took out 1,124 people, and also delivered 350 tons of humanitarian cargo. meanwhile, in the gaza strip on monday, the idf attacked two refugee camps at once. in jabalia in the north of the enclave, more than a hundred have died, with dozens of people remaining under the rubble. in the central part of the explosion thundered in the camp'. yesterday there were at least 15 killed there, more than 19 have already died. over the past 24 hours, israel has attacked 150 enemy targets from the ground and the air; during the raids, a four-kilometer hamas tunnel was discovered, one of the exits of which is located right on the border with israel, it so large that weapons and people could be transported there in vehicles, air raid sirens sounded again on monday in northern israel, where hezbollah attacked... in india, downpours
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caused new heavy floods in the state of tamel nad due to loud voices. monday was declared a holiday in the state, all schools, banks and other organizations were closed. the state authorities ordered to organize a help center and, if necessary , evacuate people from the flood zone. military and rescue workers were sent to the region, but forecasts are not encouraging; rainfall in southern india will continue. in australia, due to hurricane jasper, several cities in the northeast of the continent were under water, rivers overflowed their banks and flooded residential areas. the airport in the city of cairns was under water. three hundred local residents needed the help of rescuers. 15.00 people were left without electricity. in one of the parks, emergency services caught a crocodile, which was carried into the city by the current. on other topics: quarantine began
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to be introduced in schools in the far east. the threshold for coronavirus and flu in the region was exceeded by 70%. and at border crossings , control over passengers from china has been strengthened. with details. on the flight from harbin , mainly the chinese arrive before the holidays, which is called closing business affairs, sanitary services on board carry out thermometry, this is a mandatory procedure, russian passengers note a completely calm mood in all public places abroad, despite the fact that in the prc there has been an increase in the incidence of acute pneumonia. flights are now being gradually launched in the border region , almost all hotels in heihe have already been booked for the new year, at all border crossings in the far east in... to add to the morbidity rate among neighbors, work has been added not only to the sanitary service, but also to customs. if a citizen is found to have medications that contain substances that are prohibited or restricted for transfer to the citizen, a criminal case will be initiated. therefore, at
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the russian-chinese border they warn that you should not carry a large first aid kit with you for fear of the virus. now in anticipation new year's tours, the flow of people will naturally increase the vigilance of all services too. doctors recommend that with the slightest signs of illness it is better to cancel the trip so as not to be removed from the flight, but so far there have been no such facts. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. don't switch. the russian valenka festival took place near kenishma. there were songs and dances on stage, and nearby there was a trade fair with handicrafts and... local factories, where you could buy warm clothes for children and adults, in the highest demand, felt boots were used. anna belikova will continue. and hemmed and not old at all. felt boots for festivals in pillowcases in every tent, painted with embroidery, classic
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for kids of real heroes. original russian shoes do not lose their relevance to this day. because we have russian frosts, because we have a russian character, because they are warm, here was one of the main centers of boot-making in russia, now local craftsmen are also trying to keep up, inviting craftsmen from other countries to the festival regions , share experience, master new technologies yourself, and there is always something to learn, because many people still make felt boots by hand, how we decorate them, the wife sits
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with a needle, poking, poking, sheathing, poking, poking, every drawing, so wearing handmade shoes is much more pleasant invested in each pair. a lot of effort from the craftsman, and besides, the felt boots will be unique in appearance and will fit any foot, even the smallest one. we bought little felt boots for our great-grandson, who is only one year old. we bought him these felt boots. guests of the festival not only bought warm new clothes for themselves and their loved ones, but took part in traditional fair fun, performed round dances, danced and competed in fun competitions. anna belikova, nadezhda demidova, sergey tyutin, lead the kenishemsky district. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, greet the morning on the russia channel,
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let's start, let's go with a smile, more, more, more, great, good. morning of russia, don’t forgive me , the main thing. hello, good morning, december 19, tuesday, let's recharge our batteries and good mood, today we are with you, denis toykov, iraq. as they say, tell me what kind of tree you have, and i’ll tell you who you are. have you decided to tell your fortune on the tree? yes, psychologists say that a new year's tree can reveal the secret character of its owner. a miniature christmas tree is often chosen by those who cannot stand clutter and demonstrate a fair amount of
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practicality. those who love overly large trees are ambitious, risk-taking and not afraid to experiment; those who prefer an artificial tree are consistent in their decisions and do not like to deviate from plans, and lovers of living trees are usually a little conservative and appreciate the classics. well, the classic of the new year's table is, of course, red caviar. the main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing. why counterfeit goods are sold with impunity in front of everyone and how to fight it - ilya davidov found out. it's like some kind of jelly, it doesn't look like caviar. this is not the first jar of red caviar that albert puts on his black list. before buying for the holiday, try different brands to avoid disappointment. i remember, as a child, even when you open this jar of small caviar, it so crumbly and grainy, you know, it has such a pleasant smell. many people notice with caviar the latter.
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the buyer cannot check, there are no rock mechanisms, or even protein imitation , control from retail chains, they cannot open every jar, cannot send it for examination, cannot obtain laboratory test reports, or rather, they can, but in fact they do not do it, because it would be very expensive, often the retailers themselves put pressure on the manufacturer, if you want to get on the shelf, reduce the price, for some reason this jar added a stabilizer
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for... inspections can only be carried out with the sanction of the prosecutor's office, in the usual way, as we work now, this is usually a warning, the manufacturers of counterfeit products just chuckle, but soon it will not be a laughing matter, from april 1, fair labeling will be introduced for caviar sign, the buyer armed with a smartphone application will become the controller. each can will have qr codes that will allow you to identify products, see where they came from... this is a very important thing that allows you to increasing the quality of products will simply
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whitewash the market. the moratorium does not apply to the inspection of goods with qr codes; in molochka , five times more violations were identified in a year than in the previous seven years. it is important that retail also use this tool, or bear responsibility for the sale of counterfeit goods. in the meantime, we’ll talk about honest small-medium business. following the key rate, which rose to 16% per annum, banks are forced to increase. interest on their loan products, usually the increase does not occur immediately, but still somewhere they are already have grown up, how this will affect small medium -sized businesses and what entrepreneurs should do , we will discuss with our guest in the studio the director of the small and micro business division of sberbank alexey shashkin, alexey, hello, good morning, good morning, tell me how difficult it is today to get a loan for a small medium-sized business business, especially small ones? you know, getting loans today is absolutely not difficult. you can do this in 3 minutes by logging into the application and
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receiving a loan completely online, that is, there cannot be a refusal, or such a refusal may still occur maybe we make a decision based on artificial intelligence, use various data on the client, and after 3 minutes he receives an answer, and not only for one loan, but receives an answer for a set of loan products that he may need, and on what it depends, will they give a loan or not, or is it only at the discretion of artificial intelligence? yes, well, i want to blame everything on him, of course, but at the same time we analyze the client’s data, we keep his credit history, we look at him as a credit history as an entrepreneur, as person, individual, based on. a large amount of data, we make a decision , if a person takes out a loan for the first time, this is, well , that is, there is no history as such, is this a good sign or, on the contrary, negative, this is a good sign, we first of all look at how long he has been doing business, how long ago he in business, what are the indicators of his business, and if we talk about interest, how much does the interest rate for a business differ from a regular consumer loan, here it is higher, lower,
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are there any, if we talk about small business, then in fact lending to small businesses and lending to individuals is practical. well, the rates are very similar, now they are practically no different, even decisions are now made as quickly as previously only available to individuals. and if a person, well, an entrepreneur started as a micro-business, applied to a bank, received a loan, and then everything went well for him and the business increased, grew, well, from a micro-business to a small business or maybe even to a medium-sized one, is this necessary? inform the bank or not, if necessary, then why, maybe then the interest rate will be better? well, what's the story here? as soon as the client reaches a certain level , he moves from micro to small business, then everything happens successfully, he becomes a client of medium business, we see all this in open sources and simply transfer him from one segment to another, introduce him to a new client manager, he simply receives different products, what changes for the client? for the client changes first of all, including the list of available products and solutions,
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which he may need in business. for him it also changes, well, according to our tax order. perhaps some taxes are changing, there are simply many, probably, some opportunities opening up for him at a new level of development, what is sberbank doing to help small medium-sized businesses, what services are available? well, you know, you mentioned loans, we did everything to ensure that 85% of loans, now for small businesses we accept in 3 minutes, we do not ask the client for any documents, if we talk about small businesses also, we’ve been implementing industry-specific solutions for a year and a half now that help our entrepreneurs run their businesses. can you imagine, you’ve opened a business from scratch, you’re just starting to take your first steps, you connect an industry-specific solution depending on what your industry is business, and we actually put a business management tool in your hands. we considered the option when a small medium one grows from a micro one, and if suddenly the middle one began to fade a little, and if this is possible, the small one leaves. well, that's what happens sometimes unfortunately, well, business in general is
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probably a difficult story, when this happens, we take a client from a medium-sized business to a small one, we serve it, our client manager starts working with him. and if this is a newly opened enterprise, let’s say a person has just registered an individual entrepreneur and immediately applies for a loan, it seems like there is no credit history, but how he feels in this business, you also don’t know, we are this year launched a program called welcome credit, when we send a small amount money for a beginning entrepreneur , you know, when you open a business there’s always a little bit of a shortage, so we give the opportunity to intercept it for 30 days, then we see that the client starts paying us and over time just starts to... thank you very much, we have the guest was the director of the small and micro business division of sberbank alexey shashkin , thank you very much, thank you very much, in the new year in the new season everything will be new, i promise you that, sklifosovsky, a new season in the new year on the russia channel, i will show everyone,
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where doctors yawn, duets, incredible new season. i will always be with you in the air and i definitely don’t expect this, on friday at 21:30, and the main thing is that it be, as they say, how to revive the brain? first , let's figure out the reverse process: scientists have found the starting point that triggers brain decline, it turned out that it lasts for some time and is not at all similar to the situation, as if someone pressed the turn off button, the cells turn off, it's time...
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for this case a sub-compact subclass was invented, essentially these are slightly raised city hatchbacks. let's compare three new subcompact crossovers, officially presented in russia. let's start with the kaliningrad kai x3. under the hood is a one and a half liter naturally aspirated engine with a capacity of 113 horsepower, a five-speed manual gearbox, and a ground clearance of 190 mm. the base will have parking sensors, keyless entry, heated all seats, steering wheel and injectors. air conditioner, prices start from rub 2,238,000. another new product that came to showrooms around the corner of the year is jack gs3. there is only one motor. naturally aspirated with a displacement of 1.6 liters and a power of 109 horsepower. basic box, six-speed manual transmission, ground clearance, 155 mm, in the starting configuration,
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tire pressure sensors, parking sensors, cruise control, air conditioning, recommended retail price from 1,800,000 rubles. under the third number is billg x50, under the hood of a chinese with belarusian registration, a one and a half liter three-cylinder turbo engine with a capacity of 100.50 horsepower, a seven-speed automatic transmission, ground clearance of 180 mm. the list of standard equipment includes remote engine start, parkingtronic plus camera, heated front seats, injectors and windshield, digital dashboard, air conditioning, cost from rub 2,255,000. so, the basic jack js3 for a price that is quite humane by today’s standards offers a simple engine, minimal equipment and a mechanical... transmission, to get a cvt you will have to pay extra, but at kaya such a transmission is available even in the basic version, but in general the x3 is
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richer packaged at the start , it is also interesting that the initial top-end configuration differs in external design, but the billg x50 is a licensed belarusian copy of jilli coolray, it is good-looking, well equipped, but most importantly it offers a turbo engine for almost the same money, although some speakers will prefer the reliability of an aspirated engine. it is clear that all three models are purely city cars, without any claims to off-road capability. however, in a snowy winter in megapolis, you still feel more confident in a crossover than in a sedan. and then, father frost and cheburashka. we'll tell you about the new year's fair show for the whole family in a few minutes. i had difficult ones in my youth.
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i’m guilty, i abandoned the boy and didn’t look for him , i can’t see you, i can’t, i’m on my own this is the time, please stop punishing yourself, the past cannot be changed, what are you doing with my child, but the future can be given a chance. “i must tell the truth right now, until the moment of his adoption, no adoption will ever take place if he finds out that i am his birth mother, you see, i found my son and immediately lost him, like the last fool, my own blood on friday on rtr , i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about playing”? or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous
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fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check it out, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just have a look, let’s go , it must have been edible, i meant, of course, a bear when i said such a stinking little one. a hint, in general , the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the program five on one, five on one on saturdays on rtr. in the new year, in the new season, everything will be new, i promise you that, stefosovsky, a new season in the new
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year on rtr. i'll show everyone where doctors spend the winter. i don’t know how it will turn out, but... life, but i dream of becoming a professional musician to play the boyan, in the future i would like to dedicate a piece to my mother and grandmother, but every time an accordion or button accordion comes on stage, it’s always something... this is an extraordinary pleasure, romochka, you are not just a soloist, you are an orchestral person, musically, artistically and virtuoso, you just got us going from the first seconds. there you stand, ending, a thin blade, with a folding head. blue bird, anniversary
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season, sunday on rtr, yes, reality does not fit into my understanding, premiere, examination, yeah, there is a coincidence, yes, you are our captain of obviousness, as i see it. i don’t understand anything, let’s figure it out, new secrets of the investigation, today on rtr, the symbol has returned, the golden rooster once again decorated the spire of notre dame cathedral, restorers created a copy of the figure, which was damaged by a strong fire.
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years ago, this is part of the final stage reconstruction of the symbol of paris, noterdam. after the fire, the rooster was found in a severely damaged state, but although it roosted, it did not burn, just like the phoenix bird was revived with the help of specialists. by the way, the rooster is also the tabernacle. a fragment of christ’s crown of thorns and several other shrines were placed in the new figure. and our symbol of the new year , together with santa claus, will be the cheburashka. dizzying stunts, new songs, a whole range of magical ones. this whole show is cheburashka eared and christmas trees, the first viewers have already appreciated it. here the cheburashka is so huge, you can literally hug him. for sergei zadorin, the leading actor in the show eared christmas trees , the dream of all children came true. for him, cheburashka is not a character from the screen, but a real friend, with whom in an hour and a half he lives incredible adventures, from ordinary childish pranks to saving the world. a year ago , an animal unknown to science became a symbol of the new year for thousands of children, he deftly peeled
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oranges and circled them in... the film only takes it as a basis: chaburashka falls from heaven onto the gardener gena’s flowerbed, quickly becomes a friend of his family and, first of all, grisha, who for some reason has no friends. together they defend a small confectionery against the shapoklyak factory. from a mischievous old woman, she turned into one of the most spectacular and loudest characters on this show. well , we need to present evil not as some kind of wimpy thing, after all, so that there is a fight. the father of my sweets, but who is to blame for this?
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by the way, all the music for the show, be it ari about the lust for power or a rap battle in which a chebra and his friends call rat assistants shapoklyak, wrote sergei zhukov, the lead singer of the group hands up, himself a father of many children, and he knows exactly how to please children of all ages. believe me, this is the most difficult thing, because writing a hit for ver’s hand is much easier than writing a hit for all the children in the country. dizzying stunts from the artists of the dusol circus, spectacular animation that introduces viewers to the terrible chaburator, an incredible story about what miracles true friendship is capable of...
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i, i will show everyone where doctors spend the winter, let's start , let's go with a smile, russian morning, no sleep through the main thing. this is news, we will tell you about the main thing, studio vera tarasova, hello, vladimir putin has submitted all the necessary documents to the central electoral commission to participate in the presidential elections in 2024. the russian leader presented his passport and signed the papers handed to him. putin is going to the polls as a self-nominated candidate; voting will take place over 3 days from march 15 to 17. according to the election law, for this it was necessary to create a group
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of voters. movement, you did it in person, as required by law, please confirm, thank you, thank you, i wish finish, konstantin sergeevich, thank you very much, thank you, we met the future professional elite today in the kremlin. vladimir putin spoke with the winners and finalists of the all-russian professional championship, as well as with their mentors. the final of the competition took place in st. petersburg in november. schoolchildren from 14 years old and college students competed in various types of skills, including industrial automation and repair without...
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it is extremely important for us that the process of training highly qualified specialists is is closely connected with the labor market with employers, with those who are waiting for high-class specialists
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at their enterprises, because it is impossible for large, especially high-tech enterprises to develop without these personnel. mikhail mishustin arrived on a visit to china, in beijing the russian prime minister will meet with the chairman. the twenty- eighth regular meeting of the heads of government of the two countries will also take place. it is planned to consider the development of russian-chinese relations, with special attention to the expansion of trade and economic cooperation and promotion of large joint projects in various fields. as expected, following the meetings , a joint communiqué will be adopted and a number of russian-chinese documents will be signed. russia completes the evacuation of russians from the gas sector. a group of 73 russians is returning to moscow on board the ministry of emergency situations. among them 45 children. in total, our rescuers evacuated 1,124 people, and also delivered 350 tons of humanitarian cargo. meanwhile, on monday, tsahal attacked two refugee camps at once. in jabali in the north of the enclave, more than a hundred dead. at dozens of people remain under the ruins. the
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central part of the explosion thundered in the nuseirat camp. there are at least 15 killed there. the death toll is already over 19 thousand. this figure will increase after the rubble is cleared. on monday, tel arif did a four-hour humanitarian program. pause so people could stock up on food and water. over the past 24 hours, israel has attacked 150 enemy targets from land and air. during the raids , a four-kilometer hamas tunnel was discovered. one of the exits is located right on the border with israel. it's so big that weapons and people could be transported there by vehicles. air raid sirens sounded again in northern israel on monday as hezbollah carried out strikes on areas along the border with lebanon. a barracks containing israeli soldiers was also shelled. in india, downpours caused new heavy flooding in the state of tamil nadu. due to the severity of the disaster, monday was declared a public holiday in the state. all schools, banks,
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and other organizations were closed. the state authorities instructed to organize assistance centers and, if necessary, evacuate people from the zone flooding. military and rescue workers have been sent to the region. but the forecasts are disappointing. don't switch gears, the first soviet nuclear submarine k3 leninsky komsomol, now an exhibit of the museum of naval glory in kranstatt. the restoration work is almost complete, our correspondent, ekaterina gritsienko with details. "the legendary boat will never see the sea again, now the kotri is a museum exhibit, in the first compartment above the rack torpedoes there are bunks for sailors, and this is also the so-called survivability compartment, in case of an accident the way to the surface is directly through
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torpedo tubes, the torpedo tube opened, four comrades climbed in here, the hardest thing was for the first one, who was walking there on dry land, so it was closed, we filled it, we made museum openings, but the bulkhead hatches between the compartments were left for clarity, visitors will not be able to boats, for convenience they also kept the hole above them, the submariners put paper and pencil there, this method of communication is also a case of an accident and loss of communication, the team in one compartment wrote a message in another, they let you know that a message had arrived by knocking, and this the crew washed themselves in the shower once every 10 days, each person was given a 5-minute row... a section foreman stood in the cockpit with a stopwatch; if someone violated the schedule,
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they knocked on the wall with a chanter. of course, here you can not only study the life of sailors, but remember the history of the first nuclear submarine in the ussr . in 1962, in 178 hours, the boat made a trip to the north pole and rose to the surface. thus, soviet submariners proved obstacles for nuclear submarines in the arctic. no, it’s true that the ship’s hull was not there at that time. so durable to break through the thick pack ice, they looked for wormwood. in 1967, when the boat was already finishing its service in the norwegian sea, a fire broke out in two compartments, killing 39 sailors, but even having overcome difficult trials, katri was in the fleet until 1987, almost three decades. the boat was brought to kranstat from the murmansk region. the transport and loading dock on which the lenin komsomol was delivered passed into... through the locks of the belomor canal,
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10 cm remained on both sides. the submarine was divided into two parts by a giant diamond string and for four nights we were driven through the streets of kronstatt to the navy museum, where a new story will now begin: the k-3 submarine. ekaterina gritsienko, lead st. petersburg. innovations applied in the yamal agricultural complex are bearing fruit. so, on a livestock farm in the priuralsky region , the need has increased significantly. and the quality of milk has improved. the secret is changing the approach to the cows' diet. our own workshop for growing green grass played a significant role. our correspondent larisa bazanova appreciated the innovation. friendly mooing of calves greet their breadwinner. for lunch , healthy feed with vitamins and skim milk. in this room , the calf barn is adjacent to the maternity ward and a dispensary for cow cows. here we also have cows that have died from
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the body, cows that are going for treatment, they calve separately here, there is a veterinarian, he looks at them, treats them, and then sends them to the main group. the outgoing year turned out to be fruitful; 36 bulls and 53 heifers were born on the farm. this well-fed baby was born a few hours ago. animals are kept in the calf barn until until they gain a mass of 350 kg. then they move on to the elders. its own rules, entering here is almost like entering an operating room, in a robe , this is a cow asking for grass, in a robe, in hats, in special boots, all in order not to spoil the microflora familiar to the animals, chew, and one cow chews 5 kg of this greens per day, so the delicacy is mixed with hay and feed using special equipment, the daily diet of cows is 2 tons of hay and 320 kg of a vitamin complex, including cake, wheat, corn, barley and peas, op. useful grass grows here on the farm, and in considerable quantities, 1 ton
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per day, and this is in the arctic circle, outside the window -27, inside is unusual to the northerner’s eye, bright greenery, here there is only light, air exchange, temperature and clean drinking water, then there is nothing added to it, the water goes through three stages of purification , including ultraviolet, that is, even bacteria are killed in the water before watering the hydroponic root, it’s really delicious. the animals liked this food and the result was an increase in milk yield. daily one hundred cows produce just under 2 tons of milk, which is used to make kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and butter. this separator heats the milk to almost 83°, then it is subtly moved to tank number one, here it is cooled to 5° and then goes to bottling, and the output is milk of our own production. well, then local products are sold out like children.
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good morning, hello, you woke up, stretched! turned from side to side, well , let's wake up, igora krasov is with you, denis stoykov, tuesday, december 19 at calendar just like in the movies, the eighth international charity cadet ball evoked such emotions. a huge hall with an area of ​​3000 km2 in the gostiny dvor brought together the best graduates of military schools and russian foreign
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students. almost 3.00 people simultaneously swirled in waltz, there were representatives of ten different countries, everyone was impressed and admitted that... and parents unite in unions in order to participate more effectively in school life. what is such a duo, fathers and sons, capable of? let's get a look. it’s very pleasant that my name is ivan vladimirovich, i represent the council of reliable fathers. the presentation is only for formality, because absolutely every student at tyumen school number 9 knows ivan urvantsev. are you involved in sections? i have practiced. i also worked out. now, why aren’t you studying? when at the beginning of last year the educational institution decided to conduct an experiment and involve fathers in school life, at the first general meeting the assembly hall could barely accommodate 150 men, together they drew up a list of responsibilities and distributed duty. this is going to school, during school hours it is on duty at school, in the evening it is on duty
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around the school on the territory, we have a lot of children, parents go for walks, but this is not only dad-control, this is also an organization. for them, men try to become older comrades , we had a small case here at school, well , there is also no dad, the mother is raising the child alone, well, we seemed to have his behavior suffered a little, we talked with him, we talked with his mother, we talked with him, in the end, we assigned him to the sambo section, so he is now walking, practicing happy and satisfied, like... other educational institutions in the region have already begun to adopt the practice. of course, mothers can also participate in school life. now parents can, on their own initiative, organize various events, for example, checking road safety or how to control the organization of school meals in this school in khakassia. the same menu can be found on the school website. when parents come to us,
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we also present to their attention the protocols of laboratory tests. menu, main menu that matches. if there is no council, then it’s worth starting by creating this governing council. and such participation, of course, will help teachers in putting things in order and in other important aspects of school life. the main thing is that parental control also obeys some rules, for example, psychological ones, because the relationship between fathers and children does not always go smoothly. some kind of at least a little instruction is needed, or better yet
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, psychological training in order to teach parents in general, then this is really will be beneficial. that is, if we have a parent at school, then it is important that, firstly, he is safe for... children, and secondly, he is trained. the school, in principle, can organize such instruction, for example, ask a staff psychologist to come to a meeting with parents and give the necessary recommendations, then the excellent initiative of papacontrol can really bring impressive results. on december 30, a bright new year's show for the whole family starts. uncle styopa, they say for the new year, the performance is inspired by the presidings of the writer sergei mikhalkov and dedicated to his 10th anniversary. today we have a granddaughter in the studio. how will the performance surprise the viewer? this is one of the few shows that definitely unites both adults and children. this is such a bridge through the childhood of their parents and through the childhood of their grandparents, because in 2 years uncle styop will turn 90.
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but when they started rehearsing, it turned out that the poems had not lost their relevance for a second. it feels like this. the children themselves tell these stories, and it seems to me that success is absolutely guaranteed, because uncle styopu, our grandfather wrote when he was only 23 years old, and it seems to me that, firstly, he always remained, in general, a child inside, and he so accurately described this image of such a friend to children that we have every chance of winning. i remember a lot of stories about uncle styopa, and i remember the poems, maybe not entirely, but partially, mainly sergei vladimirovich laid out comic situations against the backdrop of uncle styopa’s growth, in your... in your performance, something else will come from these are cool , what a spoiler
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small, give me, what adventures , you know, uncle styopa, thanks to this growth, really has some , well, still conditionally superpowers, we use a lot of different technologies, so that due to this growth the scale will be changed, that is, we we prescribe special shadows , we change the size of the rooms
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, well, it was as if they were inviting him to our school , too, so we, together with everyone, from the whole school , listened to him read, when sergei vladimovich came to your school as an official, if suddenly you happen to address him as they addressed him as grandfather or not, no, we always called our grandparents dadochka and tadochka, at school, if we had to, well, tadochka, of course, well, even if he came like sergei mikhalkov, well, of course, ana, why do you think those poems about uncle styopa, loved by many generations, you said that yes indeed. century , modern children, and we, when growing up, loved them, taught them, what is the secret? there is
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always a feeling that, when reading sergei vladimirovich’s poems, that they were written by a very young a person, that is, he speaks to them absolutely exactly in their language, this is the rhythm that is in these poems, it generally fits so well into a child’s memory that these poems stay with you forever, and... you announced, that the show begins on december 30, what stage is it now, is everything ready, or are you now, as they say, in the mode of such a scalded cat in a good sense, you say when any show, any performance comes out, it’s always in the mode of finalizing it, even when it ended, so of course we are in mode scalded cat and we will continue to exist in it, a lot of very pleasant and very... touching ideas have been invented, thank you very much, thank you, our guest was the actress, the author of the idea for the show uncle
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styopa, they say on new year's eve, anna mikhalkova, have a nice day, thank you very much, where is she, she ’s gone, a million apologies, you killed her, new secrets of the investigation, today at 21:20, watch today. 60 minutes today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the russia channel. the future of construction lies in 3d technologies. the architects presented at dubai's first fully printed villa. the building area is 200 km2, it has three bedrooms, four bathrooms and a built-in parking lot. the housing has an interesting design. curved walls, large windows, all this makes the room very cozy, the city authorities liked the house so much that they planned
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to implement a quarter of all construction projects on a printer in the next 6 years, convenient, well, our engineers, in decades of science and technology, have developed heavy-duty glass for airliners, based on multilayer technology. this glass is equipped electrically heated and can withstand severe impacts. andrey alekseenko attended the tests. pilots say that birds are one of the main enemies of aviation; getting caught in a flock during takeoff or landing is a very dangerous situation, which is why engineers equip airplanes with special glass. these, of course, are no longer triplexes, they are a multilayer composition consisting of a set of glasses, a set of adhesive materials, and glass of different thicknesses. our engineers created just such glass for the superjet cabin to replace it with a foreign analogue. design is a sandwich of seven components. inner surface. covered with an electrically conductive layer, it is used for heating. both the multilayer structure and
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the glass material itself are responsible for the strength of the structure. we needed a number of specific equipment that would allow us to do just that. and to impart the required strength to the glass that is included in the design of the product, it was, let’s say, for a specific task , a special installation was subsequently purchased to allow it to be exchange strengthened. it takes several days to produce one such element, during which time the glass goes through many stages, one of them is packaging ; at this stage, a film is added between the layers, the glass is still opaque, so that it becomes so, it is pressed in an autoclave, after completion... all technological procedures , not all glasses will leave the territory of the enterprise, some of them will be sent for testing, climatic, but dynamic, or mechanical, for example, these two products passed dynamic tests, the same test new glasses for the superjet are also awaiting, the results of the tests will determine whether this batch will go to the aircraft production plant, an air
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gun is used for testing, they shoot with various objects from bottles to iron blocks. but now the chicken is charged. once the gun is loaded, it takes about a minute to inflate the air tanks and press the button. at the moment of collision, the speed can reach 700 km/h. in this case, the glass withstood the impact and did not even crack. of course, this is a positive result. it is noteworthy that in there are not many manufacturers in the world capable of creating such durable glass. fortunately, our developers are among the industry leaders. then i carry everything i have with me, how to create comfortable, economical, and just fun backpacks, we’ll show you in a few minutes, let’s, let’s smile, more, more, more,
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great, good, so. morning of russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing is tea, manenka, yes, how do you need to love a person in order to take him and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question is, of course, an interesting one, based on love, what beautiful girls are. i thought, he knows how to do everything, for this a person lives, he must have a continuation, on what a good conversation is built on trust, i am so contradictory, i have wisdom and cunning, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, even two, when everyone
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is home on sundays on... knows, maybe this time they will be lucky, your fate is being decided, a hotel for cinderella, on sundays on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that was ours that was together, what will remain with you,
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they went against god. we went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate from monday to friday on rtr. the farm is already painfully deaf, a former collective farm, we will raise it.
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thing on saturday on rtr. in the animal world in the usa, a couple bought a plot next to the forest and have been watching wild animals for a year now. at first, raccoons, foxes and wolves came running to drink water, the owners noticed this, installed surveillance cameras and a trough more so that everyone could quench their thirst. but one of the owners of the forest took this as an invitation to take a bath. the engine liked the spa treatments so much that he invited the whole family, he had to fork out money for the pond, now almost every day instead of a program about the life of animals, the owners just look out the window, and share amazing footage, safari without
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leaving home, but other users the internet shares useful content on how to fit an entire house behind your back, or what you need to create comfortable, economical and simply fun backpacks with your own hands, let's watch. darling , that’s it, quickly get out of your backpack, i found your phone number, you’ll get lost there, like your sister in her purse, remember, they still haven’t found it, a backpack the size of a house is not an exaggeration at all, giant backpacks have literally taken over the internet , the most popular item right now is this one, why is it needed so big, some people exclaim, well, for some reason, for example, it can be used instead of a tent, and some... really manage to sleep in this, oh, you sleep there oh well, spend the night in our in general, you can live in a backpack, but without maximum comfort, but how much you will save on rent, yet this option
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is not for everyone, only for the thinnest and most flexible. this is the front door, we open it, there is space inside, there is a window on the roof, another trend is homemade backpacks from scrap materials. for example, from old clothes we cut unnecessary pants and t-shirts into pieces, sew them again, add fringe for beauty and a fashionable boho satchel is ready, or you can make a backpack out of paper, but keep in mind, this is a thing purely for beauty, carry it in it something heavier than 10 g won’t work, so what next, it turns out here, right? oh, no, you know, i’m probably better off with my boring backpack for now, somehow it’s more reliable, although, it’s interesting, well, we
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’re ending our boring morning and saying goodbye to you, but not for long, just until tomorrow , and may today not be boring for you either, see you tomorrow, bye, good mood. hello, this is from the studio alexander efremov. briefly about the main topics of our issue. a complete package of documents has been provided. vladimir putin first registered with the cic as presidential candidates. they know how to work with their hands better than others. the president met with the future professional elite of the country , the winners of the all-russian competition. accurate strikes of lancets. russian troops destroyed a lot of ukrainian armed forces equipment. a german leopard,
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a polish speck and an american bradley were burned. an avalanche of snow falling from a roof covered a bus stop in voronezh, and in st. petersburg a janitor died due to falling icicles. sharp warming has led to ice on roads in different regions of the country. the truce may be renewed. from israel and hamas have outlined the outlines of a deal, new attacks on refugee camps in the gaza strip, leaving dozens of people under rubble. vladimir putin, the first of the potential presidential candidates, submitted a package of necessary documents to the central election commission, including a passport, a certificate of employment, information about sources of income. the current head of state is running as a self-nominated candidate, and my colleague, author and presenter of the moscow program, was personally convinced that all the required formalities were observed. kremlin-putin, pavel zarubin. the meeting room
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of the central election commission , the presidential elections in russia are getting closer, vladimir putin has become the first to submit documents for nomination as a candidate for the post of president of russia, now together with you we will consider in detail. thank you, well, you know the president , well, of course i do, everyone knows him, but nevertheless you must have a passport and so on, this is an exciting moment, of course, not everyone gets to check the president’s passport in life, so of course this is an exciting moment, why check? well, according to the law, we must establish identities , it is clear that in this case the identity is obvious, but the law is the law, it is the same for everyone, so there are no exceptions here, the president or another candidate, we still check the passport, we can start accepting documents, yes ? now we need to fix
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the start time of the reception, today december 18 , 2023 16:36 it was just 16:36, and putin himself fixed something in advance: i had to write my last name, first name, patronymic there, and i wrote it, but i have a little there wasn’t enough space there, i had to wrap it up like that, probably, well, it’s okay, we’ll sort it out, probably, the central election commission employees now know about putin more than anyone else, a statement has been submitted to you. about your consent to run for the position of president of the russian federation, a notice of submission of documents for registration of a group of voters and its authorized representatives, a certified copy of your passport (we just reviewed the original), a certified copy of documents on professional education, a certificate from the main place of work, information about sources of income, information about property, information about expenses, some of the documents were transferred electronically on a flash drive, everything opened, yes, the largest document, notarized before...
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preparing for work in very difficult conditions. we clearly predict that this level of intensity, tension and , given what the west is saying, the security of actions aimed at discrediting the elections, will be unprecedented, but this is external interference. here we also need to protect the electoral system and the procedure itself from the internal fool, sorry, because we have some of those you know, when they say that make a fool pray to god, he will kill the question, equal treatment of all candidates, that’s it, the countdown has already started, there are 87 days until the start of voting, putin signs documents and the employee hands them over.
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continue to perform presidential duties. pavel zarubin, andrey melnikov, andrey vershinin and anton krosilnikov. moscow kremlin-putin program. russia is capable of training a million specialists to work in high-tech enterprises in just the next three years. vladimir putin expressed confidence in this at a meeting with the young winners of the national championship in professional skills. all of them, as the president noted, are actually ready to enter the labor market in a variety of areas.
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education, they have very little time left to complete their education before entering the labor market. previously, back in soviet times, which were prehistoric for you, you know, as they said about blue -collar jobs, we grab more. keep going,
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that's all the worker had to do to a person, this is also not always the case, of course, there have always been high-class specialists there, this is understandable, but what is happening now, a technological revolution is taking place, it requires completely new, qualified personnel, you can call them whatever you like, you can call them blue-collar specialties , you can, well, whatever you want, it’s important that... the requirements are completely different and a different generation of specialists should appear. more than 37,000 people took part in the professional competition this year, they competed in two hundred areas, contest. a professional works closely with industry, the best graduates are expected in roscosmos, rostec, rosatom, from a mentor from a nuclear corporation, an important question for young people comes up. graduates of targeted recruitment who have reached the age of majority are subject to conscription into the army, and this is correct. at the same
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time, there is a high demand for personnel, is it possible for them to receive a deferment or alternative service? we have graduates, god bless us, about 800,000 of them. together with defense industry enterprises, they compile lists of certain professions and specialties for which an exception is made for conscription for compulsory military service. a second-year student at the moscow fire and rescue college, grigory khabalov, is already leaving with his senior comrades to extinguish the fire. i know that some of the best specialists and professionals in their field work in the kremlin fire brigade, i ask you for the opportunity to undergo an internship in this unit, i would love to do it,
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but there is no fire department in the kremlin, there is only one fire truck, really , i'm not kidding, s forty-first to some 55 or six to seven. years, the kremlin had its own fire department, due to the fact that the enemy was dumping lighters here throughout moscow, but then it was liquidated now and there is not even a fire department, but nevertheless there is a fire department in the presidential administration, its area of ​​responsibility is and the complex of buildings here is a government complex of buildings, in my opinion, the presidential administration. we will resolve this issue. the path to the profession for many in this room is not easy. at first it can be difficult to find your business, but then sometimes you have to combine study and work, as did third-year student of the ural railway college sergei kharin. i started working, combining it with my studies, that is, i worked as a courier in
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the food delivery industry and paid for my studies. it is always not easy to earn money, study and take these steps in the profession. but this always creates serious competitive advantages in the future. about families where there is complete prosperity, financially, and we have many of them, what are they doing now? they take their kids out of their comfort zone, that's how they say they create artificial difficulties for them, but of course smart people do this, why? because it is necessary for a person to at least crawl himself. that guys like you
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don’t and won’t have this problem, and of course, in the training of any specialist, mentors have a huge role in teaching, there are no trifles, i say, sleepyhead, this is what i am for you as a mentor, what i gave you and you know ? answered: you taught me not to be late, i will have to work with you separately, right? the president also has a personal story about his mentor, a coach who convinced the family to allow vladimir putin to engage in wrestling. my parents decided at some point that i should pay more attention to music. he really wanted me to play the bayan. well, this is interesting, everything is important, but i didn’t do it very well there, but in wrestling, by the way, it worked out, coach. came home and talked to my parents, convinced them to let me go, let me continue to play sports, and well, to be honest, i didn’t even expect from him, he showed such attention,
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well, love, one might say , to your student, young people are now waiting for internships and new vacancies at enterprises, bonuses of up to 300,000 rubles and travel around the country, but for now a new year's gift... ivan panomarenko and andrey verishchagin. news from the kremlin. moscow is ready to develop the entire range of russian-egyptian ties and interact within the framework of international associations, as stated in the telegram that vladimir putin sent to abdel-fatah assisi on the occasion of his re-election to the presidency. the russian leader called the victory in the elections evidence of recognition of the merits of the head of egypt in solving the problems facing the country. mikhail mishustin. arrived on a visit to china in beijing, the russian prime minister will meet with the chairman of the people's republic of china xiding pinn and the premier of the state council litian. the twenty- eighth regular meeting of the heads of government of the two countries will also take place. it is planned to consider the development of russian-chinese relations, with special attention to expanding trade and economic
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cooperation and promoting large joint projects in various fields. it is expected that the results of the meetings will result in a joint communication and a number of russian-chinese documents were signed. sharp warming, ice and snow porridge on the roads have complicated the situation in a number of russian regions. near ufa, the skolskaya road and the inattention of drivers almost led to a tragedy. on the highway , a school bus collided with a truck, 10 children and one adult were injured, but the hardest thing was for residents of the southern regions of dagestan because of the accident , a multi-kilometer traffic jam formed at the entrance to the gemrinsky tunnel. in st. petersburg, mountains of snow have accumulated on the streets and on the roofs of houses. walking along the sidewalks turned into a quest. one of the janitors died due to icicles falling from the roof. dozens of parked cars have already been damaged by them. and this is how. from voronezh, there in the city center a snow avalanche covered a public transport stop, at that moment there were
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dozens of passengers there, the structure took the brunt of the blow, no people were injured. in the special operation zone, 10 ukrainian attacks were repelled in the kupinsky direction and nine more in donetsk during the day. the germans were destroyed in the battles leopard-2, polish crab, american bradley, polish installation zuzanna 2. footage from the front line of russian paratroopers. these hit two camouflaged self-propelled guns and a ukrainian armed forces tank at a firing position in the andreevka area. the crews of su-34 bombers launched a strike with high-explosive aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module on a strong point in the krasnoylimansky direction. a precise hit by one of these shells on a ukrainian tank caused the detonation of the ammunition in the fuel tanks. near klecheevka two of our military captured five militants who were hiding in a dugout. but decided not to resist. now about the middle east conflict. the israeli army
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is launching new attacks on the gas strip. the jibaliya refugee camp in the north of the enclave is under fire. more than a hundred dead, while dozens of people remain under the ruins. the central part of the explosion thundered in the nuseirat camp. there are at least 15 killed there. over the past 24 hours, israel has attacked 150 targets from land and air. during the raids , a four-kilometer hamas tunnel was discovered, one of whose outputs are located. right on the border with israel, militants could be transported there in vehicles that moved freely along an underground corridor. meanwhile, according to reuters, israel and hamas are ready to resume the truce, but so far cannot resolve a number of disagreements. in warsaw, the qatari prime minister is now discussing a hostage exchange with the heads of massad and the cia. the outlines of a possible deal were presented the day before; now the intermediaries will have to work out its details. meanwhile, israel, according to the british times. looks at another coast - the southern lebanese one. the likelihood of a ground operation against hezbollah has not yet been confirmed by the idf,
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but israeli f-16 fighter jets are already flying over lebanon, and the israeli defense minister is threatening beirut from the pages of national newspapers. 50 years ago , alexander solzhenitsyn’s novel the gulag archipelago was published in paris. in the soviet union , a work that the author himself characterized as artistic research. in the soviet union , many classics of russian music were banned. literature. for example, in the twenties , dostoevsky’s demons were banned, all the religious and philosophical works of leo tolstoy were banned, bulgakov, akhmatova, zoshchenko, mandelstam, bunin, yesenin and many, many were banned. another half century ago , the gulag archipelago
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of alexander isaevich solzhenitsyn, which was first published in paris in december 1973, was added to this list of honor . it was for this book that solzhenitsyn was deprived of soviet citizenship and forcibly expelled from the country against his will. in the soviet press under the leadership of suslov there was a fierce propaganda campaign was launched to smear the writer, including traditional letters from workers. and calls with death threats to his family's apartment. this apartment is called the alexandranitsyn apartment museum. it could just as well be called the archipelago apartment, the history of the archipelago. a huge part of this final one, this is how the archipelago rose, rose, rose to the surface, how it swam across the border, how it was published, how we picked it up here for the first time and how... it burst out over us this sending of games, it all happened right here, in these rooms.
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the gulak archipelago was written by solzhenitsyn in the sixties and was kept in several typewritten copies by the writer’s volunteer assistants. in august 1973, one of the copies was captured by the kgb and the writer gave the go-ahead for publication of the book. they collected it from photographic films sent to france. they took down two sheets of typescript and laid it facing out on the platform. a total of 38 films of 36 frames were shot. the box of films was handed over to the secret way to paris and unprecedented.
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that i didn’t get something for them, we are obliged to get something out for all the dead, people now ask me why i am involved in social activities, because we are obligated to get something out for all the dead, because they cut off, cut off, cut off their heads, there is no one like them how to make up for all this, this feeling, the feeling of working not only for oneself, but for others, yes, this feeling leaves me all the time, the gulag archipelago will become one of the most read books of russian literature in the whole world
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and a concentrated emotional expression, moral, philosophical of his era. alexey denisov, vasily yakovlev, viktor prikhudko, pavel varbuzov, mikhail devyatkin, dmitry tolstoukhov, broadcast from moscow. vesti monitors developments in russia and abroad. stay with us. how many animals are there? there are 16 in your family , why stop, he offered a goat first, a goose, there were ducks, ducklings, turkeys, he ’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog, leva, well, i beg you, leva, well, well, be a human, with friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, they
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endless fields, cows. manure and at the head of this absurdity i’m like joan of arc , you write papers there, and we make sure everything works here, and i’m waiting for him in the store, and he’s here with this one, you’ve come here, such a metropolitan little thing, to become your own, and i i offer everything, have a rest and go home, adios, don’t oversleep your work day tomorrow, a metropolitan thing, on saturday on rtr, your favorite songs are played on...
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we’ll watch it on the weekend. my daughter disappeared and didn’t return home last night. is your daughter missing too? well, i messed with both of them, so
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what? i wonder how your life is going, i know that you raised a monster? yes blood. and there’s a lot of it on the floor and the coffee table, waiting is worse than death, i won’t rest until i find out what happened to your daughter, do you believe me, the unknown is worse? love at risk for life on saturday on rtr. eva, she is my princess, when we dance i imagine. that i am her knight , girl, partner, the couple needs it to be beautiful, and the boy should decide everything, not me, look into your eyes, i want to say, i will forget you, i
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will not cry, i want to know as if i exchange me, don't stink anymore, don't write me down, i i’ll forget about everything you said, i’ll give you everything back, you chose such a hard path because of the competition. you will have it all the time, it’s wonderful, i ’m just delighted when you get pleasure, you’re here, now you’re getting it, and it’s transmitted, it gets right into us, and we’re just happy, guys, it’s so lovely, blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. the tver suvorov school celebrates its 80th anniversary since its creation. its history is inextricably linked with
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the history of our country, its army and navy. eat everything a boy can dream of from robot classes, artificial intelligence technology, space class to a professional hockey stadium, climbing wall and swimming pool, but most importantly, tver suvorov students are raised to be real... students of the tver suvorov military began to use technologies with artificial intelligence back in may schools have already studied the basics of management and developed. in
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real time, using a copter, you can recognize military equipment, the result of the guys’ painstaking work is first place in all-russian competition, and this is just the beginning. the project will be useful, especially for a special military operation in order to quickly identify enemy military equipment and destroy it. technologies interactive educational complex vks the basics of flying here keep up with the times and meet all modern requirements for training the country's future officers. and this is a special sports ground, where suboro workers assemble and test drones. by the way, this one is called setus x. 80 years in service, more than 15,000 graduates, only a small part of the history of one of the best secondary specialized educational institutions in the country. suvorovets' day is scheduled minute by minute from 7:00 am until the train. evenings, but this does not stop the boys who come here from different parts of russia. competition - four people per place. here, well, good academic performance is a great chance to
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get into a good university after college. yuri pridachin, a graduate of the kalinin suvorov school, a veteran of combat operations in afghanistan, shares his experience with future defenders fatherland. first of all, they are still children. i have sixth grade students, some of them are 11 years old, some are 12 years old. the guys participate in a large number of events, which one way or another. are dedicated to a patriotic orientation, and they do it completely sincerely. graduates of the military school today continue their feat of arms, fight ukrainian neo-nazis, and in order to support our soldiers on the front line, tver suvorov students write letters wishing them a speedy victory. pavel panomariov, oleg makarov, news: tver. triumphant victory russian athletes. the fifth tournament of the shanghai cooperation organization chess has ended; it was held in qingdao, china. teams of russia, iran, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, mongolia, nepal,
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the host teams of the tournament. our chess players represented russia with the coat of arms and flag, and the national anthem was played at the closing of the tournament. there is an epidemic in the magadan region. the pit threshold in the region was exceeded by almost 70%, and specifically in magadan by 70%. the number of people infected with coronavirus infection is also growing. about the situation lyudmila cherbakova. victor bogomolov came to the clinic to find out the causes of a lingering cough. third week.
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flu masks are only for pregnant women, which is why it is possible that there are actually more of these patients. the average incidence rate of various types of viral infections in magadan is exceeded by 75.5%; viruses spread quickly; on average, one sick person infects six. the number of calls at home is also increasing, the symptoms are approximately the same, severe cough, temperature similar to asthma. first of all, doctors go to the homes of pensioners and pregnant women women. two dozen patients are being treated in the infectious diseases hospital, including those diagnosed with coronavirus infection. now it is much milder than before, but people with concomitant diseases often have to be hospitalized, while the majority of those infected are simply treated at home. the alarming situation with children's morbidity in magadan and the volsky district of the region is forcing certain groups in kindergartens and school classes to be closed for quarantine. parents are asked not to send their children to classes with
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cold symptoms. these are mainly children who... doctors believe that people will rest and have less contact with each other, but a new surge in viral infections is possible already in february. lyudmina sherbakov, alexander feshchenko, vesti magadan. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website and by this time that’s it, we are monitoring the developments. see you.
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reality doesn't fit. expertise, yeah, there’s a coincidence, yes, you’re our captain , it’s obvious what i look like, no, i’m a polycystic, and i don’t understand anything, let's figure it out, new secrets of the investigation, today on rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to...
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i came across such people, they care, support me in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help we if they wouldn’t survive, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr.
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tea manenka, how much do you need to love a person in order to take him and come to him, what is a strong family built on? certainly an interesting question? on love, what beautiful girls, i thought, he knows how to do everything, this is what a person lives for, he should have a continuation, what a good conversation is built on, trust, i am so contradictory,
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i have wisdom and cunning, my eye is burning, that is, well, if you noticed, even dvara, when everyone is at home... on sundays at ttr you want to work so hard for your stepmother, every cinderella dreams of a prince, i’ll take a fur coat from the mirror, then he comes in, look what our quiet one is doing, every prince dreams of cinderella , a capital businessman is coming to our hotel oleg vorokhov, in love with transportation. yes , it happens, maybe this time they will be lucky, believe it, it doesn’t happen, it happens, it doesn’t happen, your fate is being decided, a hotel for cinderella, on sunday on rtr.
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"i dream of having a tarsher." two legends from the world of art could not get along together; their marriage did not last long. but in this union a son was born, the famous director denis evstigneev. today, in this studio , contemporary theater artists of two different generations,
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anna banchikova and sergei yushkevich, remember their favorite director. this is the life and fate of galina wolf in the fate of anna banchikova and sergei yazhkevich. good morning. once in my life, as a child, i found myself at the same table with galina borisovna, my mother and i were often invited to the house of leonitovich erman, director of the sovremennik theater, for the new year, once upon a time galina borisovna sat at the head of the table, i then her i remember for the rest of my life some feeling of such absolute peace, as if this is a person who knows something that you don’t know, these are not my words, you anna once said so, and i... until now i still can’t understand what did she know that we don’t know , golina borisevna, this, when you see such people, it’s like you know, how even if a person is silent, then he just walks into the room, the whole room is filled with meaning, i have a feeling that galina borishe,
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no matter what she looked at, she immediately looked, as it were , deep into things, deep into your essence, that is, she immediately dived somewhere so far and deep, and what did she think about this? thought and what idea she had, you didn’t know it, she was, how to say, very a deep-sea person, and with what she then swam to the surface from there, was always a mystery to you, and sometimes even a surprise, she knew how to see something in a person every time, inviting him to the theater, and for you how it happened, anna, that’s how she appeared in your life, my first acquaintance was with... it’s just that when i came to the theater for a play, three sisters, to alena bobenko, to watch the play, then we had someone backstage, some small gatherings, this is the first time i saw galina borisovna, here i am...
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you know, when this introduction took place, first of all , the performance had already been on for many years, dalina borisovna called everyone to the rehearsal, it was for me, you know, as if i wasn’t so nervous when i acted to the institute and in general probably never in my life, because they came, and niyolova came, lillya bidzhidovna came, everyone was called to the rehearsal, i really asked not to do this, because i wanted to introduce it myself quietly, so that everyone wouldn’t come, and this it was very, very responsible, scary, and as if i was such a test, but galina borievna it was...
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i sat through the entire rehearsal, fell in love with everything i saw on stage, it’s true, it was very strong, one of the brightest, strongest impressions in the theater for me, of course i said at the end that i would be happy to take part in this, galina borisovna said: “you know, on stage at that moment there was the accordion seryoga, who after 3 days was leaving filming there and could not continue to rehearse. she says, in 3 days you will be on stage, teach , that means, texts, remember all
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the mise-en-scenes, go straight into battle, that’s it, i’m 3 days i recorded everything that seryozha garmash did, learned the role, and after 3 days i was already on stage, in general, to this day i have been playing this performance, for 20 years, you said somehow at the same time, with everything that sometimes you felt very difficult. with her, she started such lace that it brought you to tears, what is this, what is this, how is this? this was an episode when we were rehearsing three sisters, i had already rehearsed the role of kulygin, again, this, this was my perception, galina borisovna’s attitude, for her it was, i think, completely different, just basic galina borisovna placed emphasis in rehearsals on the girls, on the three sisters, as if on all the female parts. she was
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somehow with us guys , well, she didn’t do much with us. to be honest, this role just didn’t work out, i didn’t understand how to do it, and i remember that a few days before the premiere i was just sitting in the wings and suddenly i cried, just out of despair, because after a few days of playing, and i have no idea how to do it, suddenly, after crying, i realized that kulygin is this person who is very festive. in public and approximately the same as i am now in the wings in relation to masha, my wife, he experiences the same feelings, and i began to do this on stage, and suddenly i got kulygin, moreover, it didn’t just work out for me, i i know that this was one of galina borisovna’s favorite roles in this performance, she spoke about it openly in front of everyone, and i suddenly realized that... this is not a lack of attention from galina
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borisovna to me, she told me very wisely from afar carefully and carefully led me to the decision of this role, i realized that it was under with the keen eye of galina borisovna, i came to that kulygin, who i play to this day, and he really turned out to be a very interesting person, how to know a person, how to feel you on... knows everyone by name, that there is
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a woman there, who was cleaning or there was an assembler, she was asking something, there was some felt there, i don’t know how it was, did your child go to school there or something? i knew such small nuances about each one , it was such a theater, yes, i understand correctly the house is absolute when everyone is the whole team, that is these were all people who worked together , did things together, made this meaning that she conveyed, this, well, on the one hand, this is happiness when the theater is at home, on the other hand, it’s like your whole life was sacrificed , but here is a recording of how galina borisovana herself spoke about this at one time, of course i... gave my whole life, i dissolved my personal life in this broth in which i live, the theater ground me into meat grinders, this is my destiny , she’s here, well, confessionally, really, she says
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garilina borisovna, really, well, about when her whole life is in front of the whole theater, you are with her, god, the last one... and marina alexandrova and, well, in general, the huge alena bobenko, so we saw, how to say, her interest how she imbued the corpse with some fresh, human, acting talents, that is, we had our personal lives and
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the theater as a whole, everything that happened when we were in these personal lives, that’s also... and she could help like that somehow, really, in some situations, well, i know, can i tell you, i know the story there, that when some things happened to the artists, some things happened , i don’t know, one of the parents died or something , galina borisovna gave some role there on time, she pulled people out, helped, in general participated in life, in everyone’s life, and there were many such examples, to save a person and get him out of this depression, well, i know there was such a situation with misha efrem when there... his mother died, so he played such a role for him there , somehow it was such a salvation for him, you see how it turned out, she no longer became galina borisovna, and maybe if she had been alive, this misfortune would not have happened to misha, i’m almost convinced of this, because well, the misfortune
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that happened to misha, it’s just that this year misha lost two mothers, he said it openly, and alla borisovna pokrovskaya, galina borisovna, he is everything. this happened in one year, of course, misha, he just lost his footing, he, but he was completely lost, he was lost, so i think if glinnya borisovna had been alive, perhaps this tragedy would not have happened. and in your life there were times when she helped you a lot. borisovna helped me make an apartment, that is, the apartment in which we now live is a deep bow to borisovichna volchik. what do you say? i liked this phrase that his personal life was the theater, and denis visited the theater, denis himself came, often visited the theater, at every premiere, of course, he always came to support his mother, she supported him, she generally loved him, as a director , it’s such a special thing when
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your mother is a director of such caliber, and well, the child also becomes a director, she criticized him, she was his teacher, it’s better to ask denis. i was not present at these conversations, but the fact that she loved him is absolutely certain, you know, i’m just really honest, i can’t imagine these two people of such magnitude as evstegniev and volchek together, it seems to me that it’s impossible there, there are immediately such currents of such tension, either i or i am wrong, i have no doubt that they were in love and were happy, but i am deeply convinced that every love has its own expiration date, therefore when... this expiration date came to an end, everything seemed to end happily, but while they were together, and everything was very beautiful, fun, cheerful, sparkling, and i’m sure that they were happy, of course, we
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would you celebrated her ninetieth birthday today, if she were alive, and if she were here, how would you congratulate her on this day, what do you think, i’m not... a skit, when everyone at the end said there, instead of those chekhov’s text there , and we love you, nadenko, everyone stood up, remember, they said, we love you, tick, and galilin borichna stood up from her chairs and it was incredible, everyone just burst into tears, it was like that, it was just so memorable, we have a fragment of this evening, this last birthday of hers, how you congratulated her then, believe that i... very much -i love you very, very much, now i will try to stand
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in front of you for the first time, it was more than love, it seems to me. well, she hadn’t gotten up for quite a long time, she had been for several years, yes, but only with the help of someone, here she did it herself, imagine, this is the degree of her gratitude to our younger generation, for the fact that they exist, for the fact that they will be, they will continue the life of the theater further, this, this is gratitude from galina borisovna, it is worth a lot, it was. yes , at the end of december she passed away, on december 19, galina borisovna passed away on the twenty -sixth a week later, that is
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, on the twenty-third, she was already admitted to the hospital with a serious attack, 4 days later, and on the twenty-sixth galina borisovna passed away, you see how it turned out, you were close for so little, but you still spent 20 years working together on... one roof contemporary, and you have such things , maybe something said to her , maybe her example, something that, well, somehow became such a very big lesson in life, mm, i remember, how - when i was rehearsing in verkhinina with three sisters, i didn’t get the role, and about a month and a half later, i directly in front of everyone suggested to galna borisovna to take another artist and... because it seems that i can’t cope with this story, and in the evening after the performance her car was already waiting for me, they brought me to her house, and
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galina borisovna and i talked for about two hours nights, i can only relate her to the closest people in my life, it’s like a mother, a wife, even with children we don’t have such conversations with such a degree of openness and trust, if she trusted you, she trusted you in everything and to the end , she is, well, a rare person in the life of everyone who has met her in this life, i have a portrait of her in a hat, i very often come to see her in navadivich, and we communicate a lot every day, and there is some incredible feeling that she the truth is with us here today on this day of ours birthday, in turn, but it will always still be a very important day for you, thank you, happy birthday. galina borisovna, you, all of us, the kingdom of heaven and this is life, fate, galina and volchik in the fate of
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ana banshchikova and sergei yushkevich, thank you, thank you, we watch, love is when you watch. in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look , look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time, at once two, three, sign up, watch, watch, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier? who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together , what will be left with you, they went against god,
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went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression of the production, russia comes and the city lives. boris kovchevnikov's program, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr. in my youth i had a difficult birth, because of this i... “it’s my own fault, i abandoned the boy and haven’t been looking for him all this time, please stop punishing yourself, the past cannot be changed, where are you going with my child, but the future can be given a chance, the truth must be told right now before the moment of his adoption, no adoption will ever take place if he finds out about the fact that i am his own
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mother, you know, will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they are not bored at all, well, then i clean up, i ’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a secret of dreams, like you on this
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agreed, we first pushed in a red snake. our hearts sank , you are the most understanding program about animals, in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, may no one need medical help in the new year, only a good medical series, sklefatovsky, a new season in the new year. on rtr: tea, manenka, how much do you need to love a person in order to take him and come to him, what is a strong family built on? the question, of course, is interesting, based on love, what beautiful girls i thought, he knows how to do everything for this a person lives, he must have a continuation, on which a good conversation is based on trust, i
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am so contradictory, i included wisdom. and cunning, the eye is on fire, that is, well, if you noticed, even two, when everyone is at home, on sundays, on rtr. poster on the culture tv channel. theater, music, visual arts december 19. rimsky korsakov's symphonic suite, scheherazade, will be performed in the zaryady concert hall by the marinsky theater symphony orchestra conducted by valery gergiev. december evenings at the festival svyatoslav richtor concert of four great spaniards - albeniz, sarasate, sigovia, casals. sergey davidchenko, daniil
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kogan, maria zaitseva and artyom dervaet play. theater named after. pushkin says goodbye to the play the cherry orchard based on the play by anton pavlovich chakhov , directed by vladimir mirzoev in the role of ranevskaya victoria isakova in the role of lopakhin alexander petrov. in the theater space inside the premiere performance by pavel vashchilin , something needs to be done based on the play by ivan andreev. played by yanina kolesnichenko, ilya kozarev, georgy kovalev and elizaveta orlova. in the darwin museum is hosting an exhibition on a journey to india to ceylon to mark the 140th anniversary of the birth of vasily alekseevich vatagin. one of the most famous russian ones. artists, animal painters in the exhibition include drawings, paintings and sculptures created by the master after traveling through the countries of south asia, which he made in 1914. miroslav kultyshev , the honored band of russia, the symphony orchestra of the st. petersburg philharmonic, continues the arts square festival in memory of yuri temerkanov. dmitry at the conductor's stand erovsky. the st. petersburg theater of musical comedy is showing ignatiev's musical
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frankenstein based on the novel by mary shelley in the premiere production by alexei franday. the bryantsev youth theater is hosting the play “adolescence,” a play by yaroslava pulinovich based on the story by ilva nikolaevich tolstoy, directed by ivan orlov. the museum of theater and musical arts hosts the exhibition “the judgment of paris, the birth of the goddess.” heroines, ballerinas, actresses, singers, from anna pavlova and vera komissarzhevskaya to lyubov orlova and marina ladynina, became public idols in different eras. how the path to olympus developed can be found out at the exhibition for each of the heroines. this exhibition.
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burgmeier, the founders of the auxburg art school, as well as their contemporaries from other countries. more than 180 works allow you to see the various stylistic features of northern renaissance art.
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good morning, says dr. myasnikov, showing, we are starting the program, they tell me, tell me, something new, and what can i do that’s new, if it’s called about the very the main thing, and what could be more important than our health, but what can i say new, well, in general... watch us, let's talk about the most important thing, about health and about many other things, it will be interesting. today in the program about the
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most important thing: i can’t lose weight, how does wide bones and slow metabolism affect it. we discuss popular excuses about excess weight and find out for whom it can prolong life. but she says they would all go. i feel great about myself, why am i laying down my life for these 300 calories, in what cases diuretics can lead to swelling and what most often causes headaches? questions from the doctor, alexander myasnyakov asks, you answer, does that mean you have migraine? well, apparently yes, the microbiome is the whole truth about the bacteria in our body, how they affect our mood and addictions and... what medications can cause the development of cancer and heart disease? if i love blondes, it’s not me, it’s my poop that loves blondes, it turns out that i ’m even afraid of what scientists will discover next.
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the topic is this, excuses why we can’t lose weight? well, by the way, today we are present at an interesting period: medications for the treatment of diabetes, semiglutitis. liraglutitis , you know them under other names, but doctors know them, they began to use them for weight loss in non-diabetics, it turned out, in general, roughly speaking, that today the problem of excess weight on the planet has been solved, as doctors write with joy , they say that if you inject these drugs regularly, then you will eventually achieve normal weight and your weight will decrease. cardiac, the risk of diabetes is reduced, and so on onwards and so on. everything would be fine, there are no special side effects of these drugs, but 10% cannot tolerate them due to severe stomach problems,
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well, nausea, but the problem is, not even that these are injections, insulin is also in injections, the problem is the price, are not worth a colossal amount of money, even according to western standards, that is, they are very expensive, few people can afford them, and insurance does not cover them, that is, today this is entertainment for the rich. 50-55 for 10 years i also tried to fight, but now i have already decided that it is not necessary, the time has come and i...
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there are people with excess body weight, but they are metabolically healthy, normal cholesterol, sugar, blood pressure and so on, this is one situation, a woman is sitting next to her, who is in a different situation, but there is diabetes, there are such things, but at her age, lose weight , this is really very difficult, we must understand why we are losing weight, for beauty - this is one thing, for health - this is another, but it makes no sense, here is zhanya... losing weight, look, she is a sweet, beautiful woman, you remember, we we are not trying to make a skinny cow, we need a gazelle, not skinny cow, i just liked it when zhana said: i’m beautiful, i’m young, i’m healthy, i don’t want to, i see too many people who are obsessed with losing weight, losing weight, losing weight at any cost, losing weight forever, that’s what i don’t eat , how much protein is there , oh, and carbohydrates, oh, and this is oh, listen, well, how much life is there, oh, what are you talking about, well , no, well, that’s possible, well, that’s extreme.
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some, well, i like you, come on, can a wide bone prevent a person from losing weight? well, yes, maybe, but if the structure of the body is like that, then of course it will be prevent, no, it can’t, because it’s just a myth, but i think it’s unlikely, the bones aren’t growing, the whole problem is that fat accumulates around it, of course not, but the bones ... they don’t get fatter, they don’t lose weight, well these are not interconnected things, diet, nutrition , this probably plays a big role, i think not, because it’s a matter of habits, not a big bone, if someone wants to lose weight, he will lose weight, and what does the bone have to do with it, you need to eat less you will be thin, but your body structure may not allow you to lose weight, well, understandable absurd, and what’s more, it’s a wide bone, not all bone, mostly muscle, fat.
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on the one hand , the last time a girl said such a reasonable thing, this is the structure of the body, that a wide bone, a thin person, he has a narrow bone, which is constitutional, he has a narrow bone, i have a wide bone, my constitution is like that, on mine a bone needs a certain amount of muscle, and i also gain fat, so a wide bone is not something that can’t go away, it’s just a sign of a certain constitution, so of course it’s an excuse, but the girl has a rational grain... she said correctly, further, can a slow metabolism prevent a person from losing weight? yes, maybe, most likely it can, if the metabolism is bad, weak, then all this is deposited in the body , maybe because food is digested, certain substances are absorbed more slowly, well, probably, maybe, i think that there is a violation of any metabolism, yes, may affect weight loss. if in our body everything is not
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happening in a balanced way, then of course it malfunctions if a person takes food there, and it is not processed quickly, then in my opinion it is stored as fat as soon as it is deposited, but i think so, a slow metabolism eliminates less of the harmful substances and less of the good is absorbed with a slow metabolism, but i think that no, preventing you from losing weight is probably due to poor nutrition , you didn't try to starve, i tried. because when a person reduces calories, tries to fast, his metabolism actually decreases, energy consumption drops sharply, well, usually by 1 kg 22 kilocalories for maintenance, he sits at rest, works kidneys, heart, membranes , intestinal peristalsis, we breathe, we spend 22 calories, if you are starving, the body immediately goes into a saving mode of 15, then she starts eating, but she still has an metabolism of not 22 calories, but as with 15, it is like that it will be 15 years, you will say, but what about? physical activity and so on
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, how can it be, well, you who went on these bicycles, on exercise machines, you walk for an hour, an hour, spent 300 calories, well, tram-traram, you think, you ate a piece of sausage, now you have 300 calories, in fact in fact, you just spent 300 calories, but you started your basic metabolism, you already spend not 22 calories per kilogram, but 25, and the next days there, so you rest, like after a workout, but your body still spends not 22 but 25, and another situation, you began to starve, you reduced calories. war mode, the body immediately increases grulin, increases the feeling of hunger , lowers this basic metabolism, not 22 15 that’s all, and you really will continue to gain weight, because it really is interconnected , then, can genetic characteristics prevent a person from losing weight,
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for example, if everyone in the family was overweight, yes, this is 100%, if you have a predisposition to be overweight, yes, at the genetic level it is, perhaps, already in a person that he is overweight, and it will be difficult to lose weight, but i think , then the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, well, yes, a person is inclined to be overweight, this is passed on, and accordingly his sons and daughters will also face such problems, well, it will be more difficult, yes more difficult, but maybe bad genetics, i think so, of course not.
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it’s harder to even out the weight, no, here’s mine age, i have lost weight, i think yes, because after 40 years our metabolism is disrupted , we are already getting better not from age, not from cutlets, but from age, i think no, because the majority, by the way, of russian pensioners are quite slim, no, most likely, this unfortunately affects, in some cases yes, because there is a hormonal process, hormonal changes. it is more difficult for an overweight elderly person to lose weight than in his youth, yes, a decrease in metabolism, the question is, why? today it is a proven fact that older people age should have a little more weight than a little less. moreover, they even have
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different body mass index norms. we consider the norm to be body mass index, lower than 18, for them. how much change we have, but it is clear that if we have the upper one, then we have almost the same body mass index, 32, 27, 29, 35, 27, well
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, of course, almost everything, considering that 25 is the upper limit of the norm, but again, don’t do, as was said in the famous work, don’t make a cult out of food, both in this direction and so... in this, don’t do it weight loss is a cult, this is a success to health, but lose weight correctly, wisely, motivatedly, do not get carried away with fashionable... diets, do not starve, remember, there is no diet in retreat from systematic physical activity, it is always a double blow, yes, we will be attentive to your health, everything will be fine, then, in what cases can diuretics lead to edema and what most often causes headaches? questions from the doctor, alexander myasnikov asks, you answer: do you have a migraine? well, apparently yes, secretly a consequence in previous episodes.
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okay, what do we have here? 11 stab wounds. investigator shveytsova is absorbed in the new investigation. we need to check this version. and let's work together in this direction. zlata worries about her mother and decides to improve her personal life herself. go on a date. who should i go on a date with? i remembered, i have no one to be with, i won’t give you bad advice. the young lady writes that she wants to see you next to her. you didn't mix anything up. marya sergeevna is looking for criminals, without suspecting that she will soon have to look for way out of a love triangle. there is one moment that has been haunting me for several days now, i have always said that it is an ideal option for you. oleg, new. secrets of the investigation, look at rtr today. many of
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you check your email first thing when you wake up, and i'm certainly no exception. the champagne opened. radonsta, do you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions? tours to abkhazia, i spent a week on holiday in a skirt, ate vlazia, you’re at the right place, everyone’s mood will be lifted here, kesha wants to read, please read, kesha can’t read, but a man has to earn money, yesterday i earned such people from my wife, i want you all to be there. morning mail with
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nikolai baskov on sundays on rtr. let's see on the weekend. my daughter disappeared and didn’t return home last night. your daughter has also disappeared. well, i messed with both of them, so what? i wonder how you live knowing that you raised a monster? yes, there is blood, a lot of it, on the floor and the coffee table. waiting is worse than death. i will not rest until i find out what happened to your daughter. do you believe me? the unknown is worse than the truth. was found body of a young girl. maria kulikova. love at risk for life on saturday on rtr.
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now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs. he could become a bailiff. or athletes, we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups, a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a lifeguard. but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be
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self-medication, you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, during the column questions from the doctor, we ask questions based on previous programs, in theory you should know the answers to these questions that were prepared for... for us, but in practice it varies, who is ready, raise your hands, let's go, what's your name? olesya, my name? olesya, good name, what are you doing, but i work on cars, i can turn it around, a car mechanic, no, a reseller, what a good fellow, turn it, let's go, yes, yes, yeah, well, this one, come on, this is for you, energetic people, you can immediately see , the boast is immediately visible, of course, but what
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did you think, migraine is the most common type of headache, think, write first, then write. it’s not for you to sell cars, but of course, naturally, i already understood this as soon as i walked in with, well, i see, well, yes, i said, think, how, yes, what is it , have you ever had a headache yourself? , of course, he often gets sick, that means you have migraine, well, apparently yes, i ’m good at myself, no, well, there’s a question, why, because we know many, many types of headaches.
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didn’t think it was a migraine, because migraine is special, i just heard this word, and it was everywhere applying in life, migraine, well, it hurts , that means migraine, and what to answer it, breakfast, breakfast improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, i’m already afraid to write, but i’m writing, just don’t say it’s wrong, you like to have breakfast, i adore have breakfast, i can’t imagine my life without breakfast, but by the way, neither do i. for some time now i have fallen in love with breakfast, somehow i used to get up, but now my main food is breakfast, so i completely agree with you, let’s also write that yes, breakfast improves everything, we ate in the mood, it’s time for work mood and performance have improved , you know it’s good for your heart, of course, yes, diuretics, yeah, can
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provoke the appearance of edema, oh, think , i think i just know this... and sometimes it happens for various reasons, the body perceives it as blood loss , begins to retain water, if you take a machegon in this situation, you will further aggravate the loss of circulating plasma volume , the body will produce more antidiuretic hormone and, as a result , retain water, so yes, they can, so,
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that we take two keys from you and me, yeah, if if, wait a minute, thank you. wait, thank you, okay, if they, one of them fits, yeah , you open it, you get a prize, but if none of them fits, then you go there, got it, and do what you want there, okay, okay , open it, we’ll check now , i have a feeling that it doesn’t fit, it ’s some kind of setup, no, it has to fit in there first, yes, it doesn’t even fit in, but no, it fits in, eh... thanks, well well done, yes in general i am, and now, and now guess if you’re selling a car, yes, well, you’re selling cars, yes , that means the door opens, like this, i want a mug, a mug, well done, yes, i want to drink, have breakfast in the morning and remember you, okay, i’ll close it, yes, that’s it, you sit down with
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a mug , and if you want to reconsider us, this is a platform, look at the application. website, and we move on. the topic is the microbiome. this is not the first, nor the last time we talk about this topic, what the microbiome likes and what the microbiome doesn’t like. what is a microbiome? if anyone knows, raise your hand. these are what are found in the intestines, beneficial microbes. well, in general yes, but what are the options? well, this is probably a group of microbes that closely interact with each other, as you imagine them, well, these are microbes that, well, how are they connected to each other, and where do they live? in the intestines, in the large intestine , yes, and what is in our large intestine, yes, what is feces , yes, well, i just, you know, for about 20 years
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now we have been talking about the microbiome, the first time i came across it, i was flying on a plane from america, our scientists, friends of mine, were traveling, i said, what were you doing, and we had a conference on the microbiome, then i heard for the first time, so which is serious, and just then they were studying the influence of the microbiome on the human body. and this is me just a microbiome, but i still have it in my head that the microbiome is , in our opinion, so good, it’s one and a half kilograms of bacteria living in our body, mainly in the intestines, i thought, listen, medicine has gone like this.. ... the path from hippocrates, paracelsus, we got there to the discovery of rna programming, to some monoclonal antibodies, to some
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cosmic heights, it all ends in poop, that it turns out they control us, and this is not they are inside us, it’s just that we are their home, and they pass on information, we can pass on information as best we can, well, we’ll give birth to a son, a daughter, yes, genetics, and they just like that, you know, like a pat on the neighbor. microbiome, and they’re all like, what do they get, they have there , instantly, these 3 million genetics, and let’s say, enzymes that are not in the human body, and what, like a field of sugar, we should not digest, they they begin to digest why, it doesn’t matter how much you eat, the main thing is who is sitting on the suction, who is sitting on the suction, microbiome, so you...
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some here i am, as one of my friends told me, how he discovered how rats steal eggs. “she can’t carry it away, the rat grabbed the egg with all four paws, lay down on its back, and the other rat is dragging it by the tail with its teeth, and you say, microbium, everything is fine with rats too, where are your ears, hare? well, returning to the microbiome, i always thought why people, let’s say, well, i worked at the embassy, ​​we had a certain number of people born there, children in the sense. well, among the staff, in particular, my son there was born, well, it’s so interesting, they look like the french, they were there for a certain amount of time while they were growing up, why do i look
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, let’s say, the same tuvans, they see lamb there nine times a day, they are no higher than a heart attack there, let’s say force some muscovite , there is so much lamb, he will not live to be 40 years old, but these are nothing, but i think that probably it all depends on the microbiome of the area where a person lives. it has been developing there for centuries, now we have started to move around, but the tuvans, they tried this lamb all their lives, and their dad ate them grandmother, and grandfather, and so on, they already have microbes, they break down differently, when another person there, let’s say, with i don’t know, comes with a different microbiome, he won’t be able to, he just doesn’t have this mechanism in a person , so here, why is it that everyone who was born in paris and so on, because they were wasida, ate the same food, if it affects our food preferences, even attachment, risk factors, because the most powerful risk factor for obesity , for diabetes, ultimately for oncology - it’s the microbiome, why we say it doesn’t like it microbiome, but draw conclusions from here, you all
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drink antibiotics, what does an antibiotic do, it ingests bacteria, that is, it kills the microbiome, in the microbiome you know how, there are good bacteria, there are bad ones, it’s the same thing, they are very close to each other complex relationships, the bacteria that fill the intestinal lumen do not... like the bacteria that are near the wall, they are with each other, they have such a balance, and we give antibiotics, you know, like chemotherapy, according to everyone, they no longer understand, so they then begin to fight with each other, then serious problems begin, i believe that this surge in cancer and heart diseases that we see, when it started, it started in the late fifties, sixties, yes, when there used to be infections, pneumonia, crisis, crisis...
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we have the ear no longer hurts, we can treat the abscess, and we were so happy for 20 years until these diseases started creeping up, crawling, crawling, crawling, crawling, took the first place in the cause of death, and then they realized it and said: you know what microbiome disruption is the most important factor for development oncology heart disease is more serious than smoking. well, then compare it, and
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it turns out. you started carrying antibiotics , restored the microbiome among yourself, now you have what we have, we have upset the ecological balance, we entered this ecological niche, destroyed it, now we are surprised, further, how enemas affect the bacteria in the intestines, in what cases can hand washing harm the microbiome? tablets have appeared, i’m even afraid that scientists will discover more, the best thing that a father can do is to spend time with them time, well, dad is always with me , he always helps me, but play for now, this is how you play, in general, i dream that you and i will perform on stage, yes sema, when you have a mentor, my dad, it’s always very cool and is bearing fruit, look at this hall from...
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the artist now, don’t be shy, you’re in charge, i know that you and dad came up with a surprise for your wonderful mother, like in a fairy tale , the door creaked, everything is clear to me, it’s now, blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr. you want to work so hard for your stepmother, every cinderella dreams of a prince , i’m standing at the mirror in a fur coat, then they come in, look what this quiet girl of ours is doing, every prince dreams of a cinderella, capital businessman oleg vorokhov comes to our hotel, believe in love at first sight, let’s do this?
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this is a layer of culture, this is the golden fund of the soviet and russian country, hello andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturdays on rtr, we watch to spend time with children, russian cartoons and children’s programs, we watch, in the application or on the website. farm it’s extremely deaf, a former collective farm, we’ll raise it, so where is the chief engineer? i am the chief engineer, marina sergeevna novikov, and why did i contact you, it would have been better if you hadn’t come, marina sergeevna? for every muscovite there is the best guy in the village,
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this toothy mahler of yours. it won’t be easy with him, look, svetka, valerka will leave you, this is a moscow scam, just let him try, naked shelovskaya, alexander ustyugov, probably shouldn’t do this. i'll see you again, i think i'll kill valerka, the capital's little thing, on saturday rtr, the program about the most important thing continues, we are talking about the microbiome, and what can we do now, well, first of all, nothing, because we still don’t know all these subtleties, we are still trying to create a map now. microbiome in children, so that in the future we can somehow manipulate these bacteria for our benefit, we transplant the stool of a healthy person with a colonoscope, take it for certain diseases, save the lives of people with toxic colon,
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pills with stool have appeared, but this is also very primitive, we also don’t really understand that we do, and what does a healthy person mean, it’s one thing when there’s a real situation, a person dies, he either has to resect his intestines or have a feces transplant, that’s one thing. in such dubious situations, you won’t transfer hal from a thin person to a fat one, or vice versa, and what are you transplanting there, and if you don’t really understand how to do it, but recognize the importance, then the intervention should be very balanced, so okay, good there supposedly he doesn’t like microbion, firstly no one asks him, but it’s clear that enemas are not loves, because well, you are introducing them into the house , it is clear that antibiotics kill them, it is clear that sedentary... during life is bad, but so to speak, physical activity is good, peristalsis, for them it is also gymnastics, for them it is stirring, for for them it is a stimulus to life, all this is understandable, there is one more point, the microbiome is part of our innate immunity, that is why we
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say, often the mother of hands and so on, and you wash away these beneficial bacteria, but they do not give to others on the skin pathogenic bacteria are harmed, but it’s like street gangs they let others in, yes... territories , something like this, what the microbiome likes in life, in the countryside in nature, especially in a small house with columns on the shore of a lake, but it’s not written there, we must understand for ourselves that, that any the medications we take do not act on the liver, yes, they do act on the liver, but they definitely have an effect on the microbiome, so... those relaxants that increase peristasis, in isolation, not as a result of physical activity, antibiotics, can work through this action on the microbiome, we have to stop to be proud that we are so smart , we consider karamaziv’s brothers, maybe we consider the brother
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of the microbiome, maybe somehow everything will go there, in general, this is very surprising, in fact, a bacterium, if you take it from the earth as biomass, it is many thousand times larger than human biological mass. yes, remember how i started, the work began, that toxoplasma, a bacterium, why do we love cats, and we love cats, those who are infected with toxoplasma, why? because toxoplasma, it is not necessarily born in cats, but without
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in a cat's body, she cannot develop, she cannot grow up and reproduce, she definitely needs a cat. therefore, if a person has toxoplasma in the blood, it makes you love cats so that you take care of them. fed, stroked , turned on, you, they take care of themselves, cats are an incubator for them, and those who don’t like cats, if you take them for analysis, most likely they don’t have taxoplasma, i’ve been born with taxoplasma since childhood, i know that for sure , because cats for me are something, something like that, well, well, it all started with these toxoplasma cats, then we switched to blondes, then to dumplings, okay, let's be careful , i love that too, sometimes even more, everything will be fine with us, time for the section, questions for the doctor, raise your hands, ask questions, good
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morning, doctor, my name is natalya , i am 52 years old, my story began a year ago, after covid, a complication of the heart, acute perekorditis, in september i had a rupture of breath. we’ve already looked at what to do, i’m facing either surgery, you’re facing either surgery on the pericardium, but no, well, this is already a serious illness, i need to go to a cardiologist, no way blame it on covid, you can’t blame it on another acute respiratory infection, it can be caused by a viral infection, yes it can, but there are a lot of other causes of exudative pericarditis, it all depends on the degree, because you know, the fluid can accumulate so much that the heart spreads and maybe even a block, this is not to be dismissed, it’s not like now that everything is gone for you, no,
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more than the left one, but during this time it’s like my right lobe of the thyroid gland is not growing by 2 cm, but tsh tests are increasing, yeah, that’s it a month and a half ago i had a biopsy cothyroid gland, and an endocrinologist surgeon advised me to remove this lobe, or maybe even the entire thyroid gland. should i do this or not, or should i forget,
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as you usually advise? well, in this case there is a follicular tumor, this is follicular cancer, in fact it only sounds like cancer, this is a very common finding, and this, so to speak, is the most benign thing that is possible due to oncology, but i ’ll tell you what from it they don’t die, but it’s all the same, it’s still oncology, and why should you keep it, you’re sitting down anyway... already i looked at your tsh for more than six years, when it reaches ten, you will have to take thyroid hormones anyway, you know, if you are going to die in 3-4-5 years from some reason, then you can do this i don’t care, because i’ll drag it out, but i don’t think you’re going to collect anything there, and if you ’re going to live for 15, 20, 30 years, then why should you carry this bomb with you, yes, and that means, and that means going to remove it and sit down later...
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with a surgeon, then with another one, then with another one, because in the majority, in the overwhelming majority of cases , this is done conservatively, they don’t really have it like that, in the evening, roughly speaking, i wash the dishes, but cups seem to fall out, there are plates, i at first think that well, it’s just kind of a one-time situation, then after a month and a half i was caught by the thought that no matter how it goes away, while working at the computer, maybe once suddenly in the middle of the working day i could lose the sensitivity of all my fingertips. both hands, yes, and i understand that i have to go, yes,
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it looks like it looks like a neck, yes, yes, we need to go do an examination, that is, i did an mri, you know, of the spine, i did an mri of the cervical spine, lower back, they made a diagnosis, and now and now you will think, do i need surgery, i don’t need it , i hope it will work out, yeah, thank you very much, that’s it, i’ve answered your questions for today. good luck to everyone. next in the program. muscle pain. what remedy will help to effectively restore?
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the floor is shaking, the shifts are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones out of this completely anonymous room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes. and i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on... ter v i had a youth difficult birth, because of this i can’t have children, you could even hide the fact that there’s a child here, i can’t see you, i can’t, it’s my own fault, i abandoned the boy and didn’t look for him all this time, please stop execute yourself, you can’t change the past, where are you going with my child, but the future... you can give a chance, you need to tell the truth right now before the moment of his adoption, but no adoption will ever take place if he finds out that i am his birth mother , you see, i found my son and immediately lost him like the last fool, dear
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blood, on friday on rtr, where is your homeland, mine? brother and whose homeland are you, a soldier , whom do you serve, a former friend, tear off everything that is ours , which was together, what will be left with you , they went against god, went on a tour throughout the liberated territory, what an impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov's program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, are you used to watching? video on the network has stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website, good
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morning, hello, it bothers almost any person, of any age, in the muscles, as a rule, this symptom passes quickly enough, but any pain is a signal for our body that what - something is wrong, what could be the causes of muscle pain, how to eliminate this unpleasant symptom, we will talk about this today, but first , let's find out the story of our guest irina, my name is irina. i lead an active life life, in the winter my husband and i go skiing, i love ice skating, we play badminton football with my grandchildren, and i love strength training, cardio training, i always really liked it and gave me nothing but pleasure, but lately
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something has been happening to me , my muscles hurt, i only have enough strength to just walk in the park... it all just makes me give up, i ’m worried, is it really that my husband and i had such an active life and it’s all over, help me figure out what’s happening to me. irina, we’re in the studio today, come in.
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yes. so, the first reason is chronic venous insufficiency. this is a disruption of the functioning of the valve apparatus of the veins, overstretching of the venous wall due to stagnation of venous blood and, accordingly, the occurrence of varicose veins. as a result of pain in the circumcnemius muscles. it is also important to note here that muscle pain, which is physiological, usually appears after injury, that is, after training or a slight bruise and lasts only 2-3 days. if later. the pain persists for 3 days, then this is a reason for further examination to identify additional reasons. for example, in case of chronic venous insufficiency
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, ultrasound diagnostics, the so -called duplex scanning of the veins of the lower extremities, and a visit to a fribologist are mandatory. irin , please tell me how long ago you visited the doctor, the falbologist, right away, the first thing i did was go to the surgeon, with the pigs, they looked at everything, they said everything was fine, then we look further, flat feet, flat feet - this is definitely. deformation of the foot and , accordingly, with such deformation there is an additional load on the lower leg muscles, therefore, during active activities, sports or long walks , muscle pain may occur. patients describe it as a twisting, squeezing sensation in the shin. correcting and eliminating this pain syndrome is quite simple: you need to consult a padologist, that is, a specialist in foot deformities, choose insoles, insoles are made individually, but as a rule they... completely eliminate pain in the muscles. atherosclerosis: atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities, this causes persistent,
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very severe pain in the muscles, intensifying during physical activity, especially in those who have a long history of smoking. is atherosclerosis high cholesterol? this is, first of all , an imbalance between the so-called bad and good cholesterol; these cholesterol and calcium molecules are deposited in the damaged vascular wall and... a vascular plaque is formed, which disrupts blood flow. irina, how is your cholesterol? it was higher, i just take statins, so now it’s normal for me to four, but it was seven, almost cholesterol. taking statins may also be a cause muscle pain syndrome. about 30% of patients who take a statin complain of muscle pain, including muscle weakness, the muscles do not want to work, and the load can no longer be adequately tolerated. may be unacceptable, in no case will we urge you to stop taking statins, if they are prescribed, they should
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be taken for life to control the lipid spectrum, but the situation can be improved, indeed we have recommendations on how this can be corrected, why -pains appear due to statins, that in addition to the fact that statins reduce cholesterol levels, they also reduce the level of coenzyme q10 in the body, coenzyme q10 drops by 50... 80% after a month, acoenzyme is the energy of our body, our muscles and, of course, the heart, the heart is our main muscular organ, and the coenzyme is also necessary for the brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, and almost all organs. in addition to muscle pain, a lack of coenzyme q10 can cause fatigue, lethargy, weakness, decreased performance, due to lack of coenzyme q10 is affected, including the heart muscle; disruption of the heart can manifest itself as weakness. shortness of breath during exercise, rhythm disturbances. therefore, of course, coenzyme q10 is very important not only to prevent muscle pain,
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but also to ensure that our heart remains healthy. coenzyme q10 is one of the most powerful antioxidants, and accordingly, it eliminates and neutralizes the effects of free radicals that are formed in our body as a result of oxidative stress, precisely with this the action of enzyme q10 as a... dant is associated with the elimination of muscle pain, weakness of cardiac activity and rhythm disturbances. but not only statins can reduce coenzyme 10 in the body; it naturally decreases with age. so, a young body produces coenzyme up to 300 mg per day. after 30 years, production decreases significantly; after forty, it drops to an average of 210 mg per day, and after 60 to 150 mg per day.
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enzyme, then the pain should go away, right? proper levels of coq10 in the body can actually stop muscle pain, but at the same time, we repeat once again that there is no need to give up statins; you need to add coenzyme q10 to your statin intake. coenzyme q10 is a fat-soluble compound, therefore, of course, coenzyme q10 is best absorbed in oil, that is, in a fatty solution, but quite often enzyme q10 is produced on a basis. so-called soybean oil, it, as a rule, contains a large number of artificial additives, so i suggest you, now, irina, yeah, smell soybean oil, and after that smell coconut oil, well, coconut is more pleasant, in addition to the fact that it has a pleasant smell and pleasant taste, and coconut oil has a number of beneficial effects, it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which
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in turn also normalize lipid metabolism, it does not contain all those harmful... additives that, as a rule, , are added to stabilize soybean oil, and thanks to the fatty acids in coconut oil, condimka 10 is absorbed much faster and better. another important point, coenzyme is available in different forms, these can be capsules, tablets or drops with different dosages. it depends on your convenience, for example, whether to take one capsule with a daily dosage of 100 mg or measure out 60 drops each time with the same dosage. which will be more convenient for you? a fixed dosage is, of course, more convenient than measuring, and a dosage of 100 mg can reduce the severity of muscle pain and other unpleasant symptoms that may appear when taking statins. it is also important to give preference to well-known russian manufacturers who have long experience in the russian market and at the same time work according to international gmp quality standards. they are careful about
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production technology, selection of components and dos. gmp mark. you can find it on the product packaging. in pharmacies, i think, there is a lot of coenzyme, and the price range is different, which one is better to choose? a low price may indicate a low dosage of the substance, questionable quality of the substances, as well as low brand awareness. there is also kanzym with a high price - this is mainly imported ekonzym, but here we overpay for transportation, additional taxes, and so on. actually in fact, products from well-known russian manufacturers are not only similar in effect and quality, but also more affordable. irina, thank you very much for coming to us, i hope that our advice will help you and you can continue to lead such an active and interesting lifestyle. thank you very much. elena igorevna, thank you very much. my friends, today we told you about the causes of muscle pain. and, of course, they told us how to cope with this symptom, which significantly reduces our quality of life. and we wish you
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have a nice day and good mood. be healthy. there was a program with you. and the most important thing. hello, this is from the studio alexander efremov. briefly about the main topics of our issue. the hail disrupted the rotation of ukrainian militants in the artyomovsk area, cornflowers are working in the krasnolimansky direction, mortar crews are destroying positions in the ssu. mom and son, together with ukraine, managed to return the child to russia, a complex diplomatic operation, who helped and how everything was organized. temporary truce may resume israel and hamas have outlined the outlines of a deal.
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new attacks on refugee camps in the gaza strip. people remain under the ruins. powerful earthquake in northwest china, severe destruction. southern india is inundated; prolonged downpours have caused flooding. the latest data on the progress of the special operation during the day , the russian army repelled 26 attacks in so. ukrainian formations lost up to 640 fighters.
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a report from the military contact line by vesti military correspondent alexey baranov. this firing point is located near the torsky ledge in serebryansky forestry, perhaps it is closest to enemy positions. from here to the ukrainian trenches, well , no more than 600 m. the trenches were dug at full height and in a zigzag pattern to avoid the strong scattering of fragments in the event of a possible hit by mines fired by the enemy. as the military says, the gray zone begins right behind the parapet. any attempts by the ukrainian military, let alone to enter, or even to approach the gray zone, are stopped by the artillerymen
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of the central military district. fire, as i understand it. they work in the trenches of enemy strongholds in the kremensky forest day and night automatic mortars vasilek. strikes at forward positions and at the second line of defense. they don’t affect the intensity of combat work, a gunner with the call sign khreb tells us. the enemy fired at our gun, shelling was carried out, and our mine was cut by shrapnel, unfortunately, despite this, of course, we are coping. attacks on enemy fortifications
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located already on the third line of defense, the armed forces of ukraine, meanwhile, are carried out by self-propelled artillery units of akatsiya of the central military district. there is more than one level. to to accurately hit dugouts and strongholds of the ukrainian military at a distance of over 20 km , the deputy battery commander with the call sign astat tells us, we have to keep in mind many factors, everything is taken into account , the firing of the gun, what condition the barrel is in, meteorological conditions, weather, temperature, air pressure, direction, wind speed, you get stops for shooting and fire to kill, the dragon, when ready, has a second fire, and today.
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a nine-year-old boy nikita returned from ukraine to russia. by chance, a child found himself far from my mother, it took incredible efforts for the dearest and dearest people to finally be together. mom and son met after a long separation at vnukovo airport. of course, there were a lot of emotions. nikita became the second child of the first special operation who returned to russia from ukraine through the mediation of children's obbudsman maria lova belova. peripeteia. this touching story in the report by dmitry petrov. the arrival zone of vnukovo airport for little nikita ended his long journey of returning to his mother. the previous sunday he
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i traveled by train from kiev to chisinau, accompanied by my aunt. then there was a flight from chisinau to istanbul. and finally, the flight from istanbul ended to vnukovo. more than a day's journey is behind us. mom is in anxious anticipation, her gaze catches everyone coming out. in 2019, after the death of his father, his mother decided to take the boy to his grandmother in ukraine, in the vinnetsk region. in 4 years, nikita has grown up and okrep went to school, now he speaks, writes and reads in two languages, russian
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and ukrainian, and is an excellent student. alexandra decided to return her son back in her twenties, but already then doing business with ukraine became difficult, everything was decided this summer. in june, i submitted an application in the city of yaroslavl, i went to receive an authorized representative. for children's rights in the city of irosal, mikhail lvovich krupin, he helped me draw up a statement, we sent it to moscow. negotiations lasted for 6 months. finally, nikita leaves. on the road, the most joyful journey for a nine-year-old schoolboy, landing, border control, at this time my mother is all on edge, next to me is a representative of the embassy of the state of qatar in russia. this country acted as a mediator in the negotiations. kator ensured the transfer of documents to ukraine, helped with registration, with tickets, and generally helped organize all this. and now the moment of meeting. nikita, like a real man, tries to calm his mother down. we’re not
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crying, the convict diplomat is checking with the boy, is everything okay, everything is fine, it’s time to get out of the terminal, it’s like driving, we found out that you left yesterday, uh, you were driving, yes, good, i liked it, well, it took a long time , yes, well, by train, then yes, we stopped, by train for a long time, on a plane faster, finally, you are together, yes, yes, i haven’t seen her for a very long time, well , now we wish you a long time... life, thank you, thank you, and studies for you, in a new school, but, yeah , it will already be in yaroslavl, to a new class, nikita will go soon, there is a 3-hour journey ahead to yaroslavl, and there a new life and a new school awaits. dmitry petrov, alexander pushin and dmitry maslennikov, news from vnukovo airport. rescuers brought the last group of russian citizens and members of their families from the gas sector to moscow. the plane of the ministry of emergency situations in the morning i arrived from cairo to domadedovo airport.
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there were 73 people on board, including 45 children. all of them were able to leave the palestinian-israeli conflict zone through the rafah checkpoint. thus, in total, after the aggravation of the situation in the middle east, 1,124 people were brought to russia, half of whom were children. all received medical psychological assistance. now about the middle east conflict . the israeli army is launching new attacks on the gaza strip under fire at the jibali refugee camp in the north. israel in the last 24 hours attacked 150 targets from land and air. during the raids, a four-kilometer hamas tunnel was discovered, one of the exits of which is located right on the border with israel. the militants could be transferred there in vehicles that moved freely along the underground corridor. meanwhile, according to the agency.
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israel and hamas are ready to resume the truce, but so far cannot resolve a number of disagreements. in warsaw, the qatari prime minister is now discussing the exchange of hostages with the heads of massad and the cia. the outlines of a possible deal were presented yesterday, now the mediators will have to work out its details. meanwhile, israel, according to the british times, is eyeing another coast, the southern lebanese one. the possibility of a ground operation against ezbala has not yet been confirmed in the idf, but in the air over lebanon. israeli f-16 fighter jets are already flying, and the israeli defense minister is threatening beirut from the pages of national newspapers. the progressive party of president aleksandar vucic, who has been ruling for more than a decade, confidently wins the regular parliamentary elections in serbia. according to preliminary data, she receives an absolute majority in the country's parliament and does not even have to form a ruling coalition. the opposition accused the authorities of theft and demanded its victory in the capital.
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holding new elections there and called on supporters on the street in belgrade, protesters gathered in front of the city administration building, after which they went in a procession to the building of the republican election commission, chanting we will not give up our votes. a metal fence was installed just before the entrance to the election commission. some demonstrators tried to swing, but were stopped by other protesters. the police did not interfere; the leaders of the opposition bloc went inside the election commission to present their complaints about the voting process and demands. about its cancellation. by midnight , a small group of citizens remained in front of the building, while opposition leaders continued their hunger strike inside. mikhail mishustin arrived on a visit to china, in beijing. the russian prime minister will meet with the chairman of the people's republic of china xidzenping and the premier of the state council litchanam. the twenty-eighth regular meeting of the heads will also take place governments of the two countries. it is planned to consider the development of russian-chinese relations. particular attention to the expansion of trade and economic cooperation and the promotion of large. joint projects in
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various fields, it is expected that as a result of the meetings, joint communications will be adopted and a number of russian-chinese documents will be signed. the tver suvorov school celebrates its 80th anniversary since its creation. its history is inextricably linked with the history of our country, its army and navy. there is everything a boy could dream of, from robotics classes, artificial intelligence, space class to a professional hockey stadium. climbing wall and swimming pool, but most importantly, tver suvorov students are being raised as true patriots of their homeland, loving it and ready to defend it to the best of their knowledge and strength, report. we started using artificial intelligence technologies back in may; students
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of the tver suvorov military school have already learned the basics of management and developed individual team projects. mark as close to the outline as possible. start in science. fourth-year student dmitry logachev and his friends created the horizon machine vision simulator. in real time, using a copter, you can recognize military equipment. the result of the guys’ painstaking work is first place in the all-russian competition, and this is just the beginning. the project will be useful especially , for example, during a special military operation in order to quickly identify enemy military equipment and destroy it. the latest technologies, the interactive and educational complex of videoconferencing, the basics of flying, keep up with the times here, everyone answers. modern training requirements for future officers and the country's elite. and this is a special sports ground, where suvorovites assemble and test drones. by the way, this one is called cetus x. 80 years in service, more than 15 thousand graduates are only a small part of the history of one
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of the best secondary specialized educational institutions in the country. suvorov's day is scheduled minute by minute from 7 am until late evening, but this does not stop the boys who come here from different parts of russia. competition - four people per... place here, well, good studies - this is a big chance that after college get into a good university. yuri pridachin, a graduate of the kalinin suvorov school, a veteran of combat operations in afghanistan, shares his experience with future defenders of the fatherland. first of all, they are still children, i have sixth grade students , some are 11, some are 12 years old, the guys participate in a large number of events that are in one way or another dedicated to patriotism, and they do it completely sincerely . graduates of the military school today continue military training. fight ukrainian neo-nazis and to support our fighters on the front line, tver suvorovites write letters wishing them a speedy victory. pavel ponomarev, oleg makarov, lead tver. at least 111 people were killed and 230 injured in a powerful earthquake in
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northwestern china's gansu province. several tremors of magnitude up to 6.2 were recorded. in the epicenter and surrounding areas , houses, roads and other infrastructure were damaged. the power supply has been disrupted. water supply. the impact of the disaster was also felt in the neighboring western province of qinghai. the authorities introduced the second of four levels of emergency response, with the first being the highest. in india, downpours have caused further heavy flooding in the state of tamil nath. due to the severity of the disaster, monday was declared a day off in the state. all schools, banks and other organizations were closed. the authorities instructed to organize assistance centers and, if necessary , evacuate people from the flood zone. military and rescue workers have been sent to the region, but... forecasts are disappointing; rainfall in southern india will continue. you are watching the news, stay with us on the russia channel. watch today special edition of the program 60 minutes.
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don't miss all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. 60 minutes. today on rtr. let's look at the weekend, my daughter disappeared , she didn't come home last night, your daughter also disappeared, well, i messed with both of them and i wonder how you live, you know that you raised a monster, and there's blood, a lot of it. on the floor and coffee table, waiting is worse than death, i will not rest until i find out what happened to your daughter, do you believe me, the unknown is worse than the truth, it was found the body of a young girl, maria kulikova,
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my god, love at the risk of life, on saturday on rtr, there is a place. people say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its
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owner, secretly to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new issues our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we watch, the farm is too desolate,
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a former collective farm, we will raise it, so where is the chief engineer? i am the chief engineer, newbie marin sergeevna, why did i contact you, it would be better if you didn’t come, marin sergeevna? for every muscovite there is the best guy in the village, this mahler of yours is toothy, it won’t be easy with him, look at the light. valerka will leave you, this is a moscow fake, just let him try. oglaya shillovskaya, alexander ustyugov. you probably shouldn't do this. if i see you at valerka’s house again, i’ll kill you. capital thing. on saturday on rtr. i don’t know how my life will turn out, but i dream of becoming a professional musician to play the boyana. in the future i would like to dedicate a piece. mother and grandmother, but every
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time an accordion or button accordion comes on stage, it’s always some kind of extraordinary pleasure, romochka, you’re not just a soloist, you’re an orchestral person, musically, artistically virtuoso, you just got us going from the first seconds, ending , thin rowan. head bowing and samalats blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr, mystery investigation in previous episodes, okay, we have 11 stab wounds here. investigator shvetsova is absorbed in a new investigation. you should check this version, you should, checked it, and let's work together in this direction.
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zlata worries about her mother and decides to improve her personal life herself. go on a date. hmm, let me think about who i should go on a date with? oh, i remembered, i have no one to be with, i won’t give bad advice. here the young lady writes that she wants to see you nearby. you're nothing mixed up. is mari sergeevna looking for criminals? so, not suspecting that soon she will have to look for a way out. from the love triangle , there is one moment that has been haunting me for several days, i have always said that it is an ideal option for you, oleg, new secrets of the investigation, we are watching today on rtr, the broadcast is broadcast, we continue, in the special operation zone, where russian troops have driven back the militants, sappers are working, clearing fields, roads, courtyards in populated
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areas, acting with extreme caution, under the pressure of russian units, the enemy literally littered everything around with dangerous ammunition, report by eduard punigov. we are now in the suburbs of mariupol, previously there were fierce battles here, the area passed from hand to hand, and while retreating, the enemy left behind many traps, there are a lot of remnants here. from shells that could pose a danger to civilians, so russian sappers are now combing the entire area, most often sappers come here at the request of local residents who left their homes after the outbreak of hostilities, now we’ve returned, experts take out metal detectors, suits, body armor and begin the search. the most difficult thing, of course, is to work in the private sector, now sappers are starting to examine the next area, there are probably a lot of traps here that can be hidden anywhere, you need to be very careful , sappers maintain maximum concentration, the slightest mistake can cost lives, here is
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a deadly find, an anti-personnel mine , an explosive device was discovered, room 2. mark the mine, the fighters unwind the so-called cat and decide to destroy the mine right here in the infield. the fields around mariupol are still strewn with unexploded grenades, bombs and shells, it’s hard to even imagine how many of them there are. there are a lot of tripwires, they are hidden in unexpected places, it all depends on the imagination of the person who placed them. the enemy acted and thought ahead, he set tripwires, mines, traps, etc.
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it’s been 8 years now, and how the family and friends are reacting, everything is fine, they’re reacting well, well, they ’re probably worried, well, of course they’re worried, well, what can we do, we have such a military choice, the painstaking work of russian sappers is bearing fruit, local residents are gradually returning to normal peaceful life, still there is a risk that ammunition, mines may be encountered, i don’t know, the risk is felt, well, i feel the risk a little, but i live normally, it’s unnoticeable these. they are still green, the grass is green too, but how do you live in such conditions, it’s not scary, no, but why? there is light, there is water, there is everything, you can live, it’s warm in the house. demining is carried out every day, seven days a week. over the last three months in the vicinity of mariupol approximately 1,700
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explosive objects were found and neutralized. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, news. in the magadan region, the epidemic threshold in the region has been exceeded by almost 70%, and specifically in magadan by 75.5, the number of people infected with coronavirus infection is also growing. about the situation lyudmila cherbakova. viktor bogomolov came to the clinic to find out the causes of a lingering cough. for the third week, the man complains that he can’t really sleep at night. self-medication does not help. no fever, no runny nose, just a suffocating night cough. in a horizontal position the symptoms that are now coming to the magadan clinic are different: people become infected with acute respiratory viral infections, coronavirus and influenza. the flu, however, has only just arrived in the region. three patients were identified with influenza a virus, well, this is a regular seasonal flu, little is detected, since we take masks
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for the flu, only for pregnant women. therefore, it is possible that there are actually more of these... patients and the threshold for the incidence of various types of viral infections in magadan is exceeded by 75.5%. viruses are spreading quickly, one sick person on average infects six. the number of calls to nadam is also increasing, the symptoms are approximately the same, severe cough, fever. first of all, doctors go to the homes of pensioners and pregnant women. two dozen patients are being treated at the infectious diseases hospital, including those diagnosed with coronavirus infection. now she. it is much easier than before, but people with concomitant diseases often have to be hospitalized, while the majority of those infected are simply treated at home. alarming the situation with child morbidity in magadan and the volsky district of the region , certain groups in kindergartens and classes in schools are closed for quarantine. parents are asked not to send their children to classes with cold symptoms. these are mainly children who
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present with a high fever, with signs of respiratory diseases, and characteristic of today's season is a prolonged cough. the incidence of arvi, influenza and covid will probably decrease after the new year holidays, doctors say. people will rest and have less contact together. however, already in february a new surge in viral infections is possible. lyudmina cherbakova alexander feshchenko, vesti magadan. abnormal cold is expected this week in the primorye region; in the central regions the thermometer may drop to -40. the strong wind, sometimes stormy in vladivostok, adds to the sensations ; gusts knock people off their feet, rock construction cranes and even destroy traffic lights. report by our correspondent victoria shandybina. only one person seems to be happy about the bad weather these days. charlie came to
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vladivostok from the sunny republic of congo. the piercing storm wind became the main impression. in another, they tell you to have a nice flight, damn it, but the main star of the weekend was a frost-resistant runner, who said it was cold outside? it’s really hot for him, on a russian island the wind broke a traffic light, tore off the cladding of buildings on campus, miraculously no one was hurt by flying pieces of metal and plastic, students already have enough adventures, the wind on the paths near the buildings is so strong that it knocks you off your feet, in downtown too, alone from the thirteenth the school cannot leave, the children have already curled up in a group to pass, the amur bay is covered with ice, the freezing waves are striking spectacularly at the sports embankment. the entire
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next week, there will be a period of abnormally cold weather, this is when the average daily air temperature in different parts of the region will be below the climatic norm, on average by 6-12°. we expect warmer weather after the weekend, temperatures in the last week of the year. vesti monitors developments in russia and abroad. stay with us.
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so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today
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is a big day, a big holiday, nah, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, cocky, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who’s good for you, your wife or your boys? don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look, if you come to my house, the first , what you will see is a door scratched by dogs, he could become a pledge or athletes. we took the gto standards for 30 dash
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34 years old, we can do pull-ups. taster. i always like to eat a lot. or a lifeguard. but he is a doctor that everyone needs.
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check this version, we must, we will check it, and let's work together in this direction. zlata worries about her mother and decides to improve her personal life herself. go on a date, let me think, who should i go on a date with? oh, i remembered, i don’t have anyone to talk to, i won’t give you bad advice. here the young lady writes that she wants to see you next to her. have you mixed up anything? marya sergeevna is looking for criminals. so, not suspecting that soon she will have to look for a way out. love triangle, there is one moment that has been haunting me for several days now, i have always said that it is an ideal option for you, oleg, new secrets of the investigation, we are looking at rtr today.
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hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. so, putin became the first to submit documents to register as a candidate for the russian presidential elections. look, president enters the election commission center, presents a passport, a copy of the certificate, a certificate of employment, information about sources of income and property. putin at the same time. said that he did not have enough space in the document column, which had to be filled out by hand. the cec employee replied that it was normal, they would understand the handwriting, that is, they did not require putin to rewrite it. the president announced his plans to run for office 10 days ago, and the elections themselves are less than 3 months away. elections will be held from 15 to 17 march 24. and for the first time choose the president will have 15 million.
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we are glad to welcome you to the central election commission, today we are working on accepting documents, let's start with the passport, yes, please, please, thank you, thank you, we can start accepting documents, please, we need to fix the start time of the acceptance, today is december 18, 2023 16.
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record your submission of a statement of consent to run for the position of president of the russian federation, notification of the submission of documents for registration of a group of voters and its authorized representatives representatives, a certified copy of your passport, the original we just reviewed, please, a certified copy of the document on education, a certificate from the main place of work, information about sources of income, keep up, yes, information about property , information about expenses.
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thank you, dear, you have presented a complete set of documents for...
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the front, as the so-called institute reports, on the contrary, it has intensified attacks along the entire line of studying the war, the russian army is moving south from artyomovsk, the armed forces of ukraine have already been knocked out from all the surrounding heights under the klescheevka, well, right now russian fighters are attacking enemy positions in the direction of bogdan. ukrainians report eighty clashes almost every day. in addition, air travel has become more frequent.
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ukrainian marines claim that this is hell. vysushniki refuted all of zelensky’s bravura statements and called the attack on the dnieper a suicide, saying it was a senseless death in the swamps under the incessant fire
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of russian aviation artillery. with the onset of winter and muddy roads, western heavy vehicles, literally, do not save the high western technology drowning in the snow in mulyak. on the footage. large guns provided by western partners still play a vital role. the ukrainian ninety-third brigade is stationed near bakhmut. the soldiers say the russians attack their positions at least twice a day. their job is to stop their advance. as
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the conflict reaches a stalemate, ukrainian soldiers say they need the support of foreign partners more than ever and are demoralized to hear that u.s. funding for ukraine has been put on pause. if it doesn't. to destroy a new target, the crew must act quickly. after a long lull, they are told to retreat to camouflage the howitzer, but without american funding for supplies , the ukrainian guns will remain silent even longer, these are 15mm artillery shells.
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show me, stick your hands out, come on, come on, come on, hands so you can see, hands up the hill at once, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, military rank, unit, senior soldier, fourteenth brigade, scab company, you, fourteenth brigade, senior soldier, what did they want here, did they storm, everything, say, glory to russia, glory to russia, glory to russia, you, glory. there are chances that either side will make a decisive breakthrough next year,
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so both sides are digging in, with decisive moments confined to the corridors of power in washington and brussels. the fact that the west is faltering has a major impact on those in the trenches facing the approaching winter and a renewed russia, which has billions of dollars to spend on war and is slowly assembling its military-industrial complex. a group of republicans are holding additional funding, believing that ukraine should provide some real long-term goals for... large funding, some say if you lose the war, why should we give you even more money, and if you win, then also why do you need money , well, if you're at a dead end, maybe it's time for negotiations? ukraine desperately needs western support, but most likely, so desperately, the necessary funding will not come soon, and russia at this time is actively rearming, still hungry to move forward. on south the counteroffensive should have brought the greatest gain, but now we see that the troops there are suffering serious losses. they are struggling to hold on to the territories they have taken, there is a dark winter ahead,
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a stunning failure of us politicians and european unity, and this will have a serious impact on ukraine in january. you need to move quickly, because the russian artillery barrage is covering the entire sector. the target is half a kilometer away. hiding behind sparse trees, this mortar crew is trying to resist. ammunition however it is not enough.
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a very difficult time for us, everyone thought that we would be in crimea in the summer, but everything turned out
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a little differently. welz's publication, citing commander-in-chief zaluzhny, writes that a new attempt at a counteroffensive is planned for next year. the starting point will supposedly be the same krynki and the kherson region. all that was left was to wait for helicopters and fighters from the west to provide air cover. in general, the fire disappointed the ukrainians and the germans, despite the fact that the defense concern rhein metal received from ukraine yet. and this is a new survey from the kiev international institute of sociology, the trend is obvious, trust in the authorities is rapidly falling, the percentage of those who trust has decreased from 35 to 15%, and those who do not trust, on the contrary , has increased from 34 to 61%. trust in the cabinet of ministers decreased from 52% to 26. distrust increased from 19
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to 44. it is not zelensky, but zaluzhny who retains the absolute trust of ukrainians. 88% of ukrainians trust him, only 4% do not trust him. zelensky is truly paranoid in this regard. a wiretap was found in the office of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny. the device is allegedly made from elements of an unidentified sample, that is , who laid it is unknown. really, who could it be? sbu or zelensky personally. it is known that the device itself was found before preparing the office for the arrival of the commander-in-chief. zaluzhny himself confirmed the information today. the commander-in-chief ruled out that the wiretapping could have been installed by someone from his inner circle at the general staff, that is, he launched an attack on president zelensky and called what was happening a war against him. at the office
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of the chief commander in the office of the chief commander of the armed forces valery zaluzhny was found to have a so-called wiretap. this was reported by the publication rbc ukraine , citing a source in military circles, allegedly our device today, when the military premises were being prepared for work, it consists of elements of an unidentified sample, so this does not allow us to determine who arranged everything. ukrainskaya pravda reported that, in addition, a wiretapping device was found among zaluzhny’s colleagues. this is the room that i was supposed to use today, it was found in it yesterday during an inspection, that is, it is not permanent.
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ukrainian pravda sources confirmed that the device was found in zaluzhny’s office on sunday during an inspection. this was supposed to be the commander-in-chief's new office, which was being checked before the move. in addition, a listening device was found on his employees. editor-in-chief yuriy butusov published information from sources about the discovery of listening devices in the office of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. butusov noted that’s sources are close. intelligence agencies confirm information about the discovery of listening devices at the command post commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, under the work table in one of the offices used by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, during preparations for moving to a new location, a microphone of a listening device, a home-made microphone, was discovered. at the moment
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, no communication channel and devices for recording and storing information have been detected. after the microphone was discovered, an inspection was carried out in other areas of the headquarters. according to the source. the microphone was also found in the office of zaluzhny’s personal assistant konstantin bushueva. this is an unprecedented security breach. whether there was a leak of information and what exactly could have been the subject of the leak will have to be determined by the investigation. proceedings have been opened under article 359, part two: illegal acquisition, sale or use of special technical means, obtaining information of the criminal code of ukraine. the discovered device was sent for examination. u... after discovering the wiretapping of zaluzhny and his assistants in the president’s office, they must admit that it is either the authorities themselves, or the fsb is playing under their noses malyuka and budanova. if this demonstrates effectiveness, if this is true and the bank’s commander-in-chief is listening, this is simply a star, this is simply beyond
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the bounds of good and evil. friends, the former deputy minister of defense says: koma wanted to hear, because in principle everyone realizes that there is a possibility of listening to information leaks, so this is always taken into account when communicating by voice, but the fact that we have leaks of classified information, say from headquarters, yes , military secrets have become public more than once, well while the squabble between zelensky and zaluzhny continues in ukraine, americans are tired of
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biden, they remember more and more fondly how they lived under donald trump, a survey shows.
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his health insurance program is unknown. obama-car is still alive, and is now called biden car. the second blow to biden, this time physical, was, in the literal sense of the word, dealt by disgruntled citizens. the driver crashed into one of the cars in biden's motorcade, directly into the armored beast, as codelar is called. deville biden. this happened at the moment when sunny joe was leaving his campaign headquarters in delaware. neither biden
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nor his wife jill biden were injured. here is footage after the accident. the president of the united states looks around in confusion, and his secret service guards, instead of immediately closing and evacuating sleepy joe, also turn around in surprise. with their own heads , only then do they take the grandfather to a safe place and surround the very same silver sedan that caused the presidential accident. apparently, it doesn’t look much like an assassination attempt, but grandfather was still scared. mr. president, why are you losing
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to trump in the polls, you're looking at the wrong polls, follow the latest morning news, machine.
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the driver raised his hands, president biden and his wife were not injured, wilmington police said they are investigating whether the driver was intoxicated, and no one was injured in the incident. mr. president, why are you losing to trump in the polls, you are looking at the wrong polls. now to a new poll about a hypothetical presidential
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race in 2024. according to the poll, donald trump is defeating joe biden in seven swing states that the current president previously won in 2020. there is tension in the biden administration, as the wall street journal writes, barack obama believes that such an atmosphere is not very good for the presidential race. quote. obama believes that this will be a tense election race, a source told the publication. obama also believes that it is quite possible for democrats to lose the 2024 elections. former president also believes that the alternative is quite dangerous for democracy in the united states, an informed person said. obama and biden are joining forces again, with the former president starring in a new ad for his former vice president. hey, president biden, obamacare is still around, it's still there. yes, obamacare, patient protection health care reform, biden cyrus, whatever you want to call him, still exists. shock,
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such is the state of our unity. we watched republican front-runner donald trump quote one of our country's main adversaries, vladimir putin, as a kind of prosecution witness when he spoke at a rally in new hampshire last night. joe biden. a threat to democracy, he is a threat, i will mention our opponents, even vladimir putin, has anyone heard of putin from russia? he said that biden's political persecution of opponents is very good for russia, because it shows the decay of the american system, which cannot claim to be a teacher of democracy. we talk about democracy, but the whole world is watching biden's political persecution of a political opponent who is kicking his ass. this is amazing. you may
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think that you cannot appeal in this case. usa was caught filming amateur gay porn in the boardroom. this is not a joke, but real news in american high politics. homosexual pleasures were indulged right on the table at which senators usually sit during hearings. there they review bills and votes. one of the heroes of the obscene video is an employee influential democratic senator.


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