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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  December 19, 2023 9:30am-9:55am MSK

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especially where there is movement from our country now, this is 200% impossible, yes, that is , any equipment at a depth of up to five to 10 km there, it is immediately calculated, immediately affected, and even more so such a concentration of people, again but construction equipment, yes, this is the target that will be hit first, so now on the line of combat contact, where our guys are advancing, this is zaporozhye, this is artyomov. direction and uh, the initiative is shifting a little to us in the ugledar direction, there it’s just in fact, there is no way to simply get to a depth of at least 10 km to the front line in order to start such a massive construction project there. the ukrainians changed their tactics, because at first we saw how they tried to advance with tank wedges almost in june at the beginning of the counter-offensive, then they dismounted from armored vehicles, now what, when here is a mulyak. when it is obvious that the initiative
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is on our side, how do they act? now much less equipment is used by the enemy, especially much less western technology is used, well, firstly , in view of the weather - because well, one way or another, this is already in practice, let's say it is known that our technology works much better in such conditions in autumn, spring, winter, any - let's say, obstacles in the fields , yes? than western equipment on the one hand , on the other hand, one way or another they need to take care of this western equipment, because in the near future, as i understand, no one will give them this western equipment again , neither artillery fire systems, nor tanks. bmp, now, if somewhere they are trying to counterattack and advance in our direction, then these are mostly very small groups of up to 10-15 people on foot, who still have to overcome quite a lot...
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there is no time and opportunity for any on the one hand, on the other hand , their completely qualified training, even if it were possible at this time, then people remain unmotivated, but he himself says that the efficiency of such people at the front is actually zero, that is, well, zero efficiency that people are going to go to offensive, well, we kind of saw, yes, what comes out of this in whatever offensive they are. once again we didn’t go, we understand who these people will be who will go in the front row in the first place. thank you very much, military correspondent vladimir razin is with us in direct communication from the zone of the special military operation. yuri vyacheslavovich, please. last week, the president of the russian federation at two major events, on a direct line, at the congress of the party in power, spoke about sovereignty, that our country does not can exist without sovereignty.
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that we cannot be someone’s satellites, well , we cannot give up our sovereignty, like someone else, for sausage, this is a very important issue now of preserving sovereignty, but for many european and other states, in fact , this sovereignty does not exist, and i wanted i would like to say about this, this is for sausage, this is not just some kind of figurative expression, yes, yes, we saw in the late eighties,
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it corresponds to the policies of a huge number of countries, that’s when you look at some states that existed quite calmly in the modern world, and in general that they simply did not live peacefully, and the president. i spoke about the same thing about finland, a neutral state, for many decades it calmly cooperated and developed relations with the soviet union, with russia, nato, militarization, well, we are creating the leningrad military district, poland, the government seems to have changed, it is clear that both the authorities russophobic, and pumping up the army, they are now arguing that if russia wins in ukraine, then poland will be next, but i would like remind you that firstly... in poland there are not tens of millions of russians whose rights are being infringed, poland does not bomb its territories, which at one time were part of ukraine, yes, and there is no reason for us to interfere, but what is poland doing , it seriously threatens both the kaliningrad region and, most importantly, our main
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strategic ally - belarus, therefore russia, together with belarus, is also obliged to respond to these challenges. in general, in fact, what is happening now in ukraine, you... cited figures from public opinion polls and the quarrel and bickering that is happening in the top leadership, these are obviously processes that we have talked about more than once, comparing with the musalin regime, when there are no military successes, the internal agenda begins to decline, and in fact, after a certain period, citizens are increasingly will ask why hundreds of thousands died and why, why a huge number of people were injured there, became disabled, why is this...
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they spent 3 months in an unknown place, when we organized left-wing communist workers' party rallies all over the world protests in all western countries, this means africa, latin america, they had to be put under house arrest, now alexander konanovich is testifying, i emphasize again, a citizen of ukraine, brutal torture, they knocked out his teeth, broke his and his brother’s noses, broke his ribs, demanded because... if he does not admit to the attempted coup, then his thirteen-year-old daughter will be raped before his eyes, this is what the nazi regime is doing to a citizen of ukraine, this actually corresponds to the fascist regime in germany, and what to expect in donbass, what to expect the russian world from these milkies, therefore, without
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a change of power, without denarcification and demilitarization, the existence of ukraine is impossible, and i hope that not only our russian russian soldier, but also a resident...
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in conditions of the most severe, of course, presidential struggle, in fact this model will finally disintegrate , only shreds will remain, the second point, it is connected with the first, this is the drawing of zelensky, against his will, against his desire, not only zelensky, there and other, so to speak, representatives of the regime,
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into this internal american political struggle, and it is clear that each party has its own, its own interests, but each in its own way uses zelensky as, well, such a bargaining chip, some before... so to speak, the process of negotiations on the accession of ukraine and moldova to the european union, in fact, this it’s not for the sake of ukraine, not for the sake of zelensky, the money was so, 50 billion euros were frozen, and the most important thing is that this is actually in the interests of this particular troika, the leadership of the european union, they seem to be doing pr for themselves, they are purely a political decision how about in ukraine, they essentially no longer think or think, that is, in fact, if you look at the usa, europe gets.
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by the way, well, we also see the north korean correct, so to speak, message to the south korean
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and japanese political elites, that is , north korea is also part of the general deterrence system, and we understand why? yes, because american foreign policy, over this past year, has reached a new level, i would say, of imperial pulsation in the world, insane, chaotization of world space at the regional and country levels level, that is, in history we know, there was a vietnamese trap, an iraqi one, an afghan one, from which... the usa walked out in disgrace, now we see the ukrainian one, well , actually the middle east , well, actually the taiwanese one is already looming on the horizon, here’s america, the usa everything time intensifies, increases, increases the pressure , the only thing today, unfortunately, well , there are no others, the global means is a system of nuclear powerful deterrence, which is implemented by russia, china, north korea, iran, and there are no others, if we sum it all up, you know , this one is all colorful...
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an independent, strong and virtually new russia, cleansed of western demons, it’s beautiful, as for the ukrainian president zelensky, they also continue to dedicate the front pages and covers to him in the old fashioned way, everything has finally become irrevocably sad, the spectator is zelensky, who sits at an empty table and to russian president putin does not come to him for negotiations, because putin has a looming victory in... ukraine, he no longer wants negotiations. spanish newspaper
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mocks zelensky's demand and american thesis about christmas gifts for vladimir putin. zelensky ukrainian sits in a broken hut. above is santa claus, father frost. zelensky says: “well, please, i hope that these are wepons, yes, weapons, i hope that this is ammunition, and santa claus is nearby, by the way, someone similar to orban.” throws a letter on which it is written: membership in the european union, but not now, the worst attitude towards zelensky was the french saterical, we know, quite cruel in this regard, newspaper charleibdeaux, they mock mobilization, there are severed legs ukrainian soldiers under the christmas tree, so they ask to stop this war instead of... traditional socks, well, their catholic ones there hang their feet under the christmas tree,
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which were torn off during the war, we’ll be back in a minute, reality doesn’t fit my understanding, premiere, examination , there is a coincidence, yes, you are like... it ’s obvious, as far as i can see, no, i’m a policidant, and i don’t understand anything, let’s figure it out, new secrets of the investigation, today on rtr, favorite songs are playing in our studio, let’s go, day birth, favorite music never gets old, real songs sound
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maybe this time they will be lucky, your fate is being decided, a hotel for cinderella, on sunday on rtr, we watch to spend time with children, russian cartoons and children's programs. look, look, in the app or on the website, eva, she is my princess, when we dance, i imagine that i am her knight, a girl, a partner,
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the couple needs to be beautiful, and the boy should decide everything, not me. you chose such a difficult path, because you will constantly have competitions, great, i’m just delighted when you get pleasure, you’re here, now you’re getting it and it’s being passed on. right there in us and we are just happy, guys, well, such a delight, blue bird, anniversary season, sunday on rtr, turkish president erdogan on a visit to budapest just met with
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orban, the hungarian prime minister, gave him a turkish electric car, a gift in return . a black stallion named aristocrat, that is, the trojan horse of the european union, orban gave a real horse to the trojan horse nato erdogan, you see, it turned out spectacular. well, peskov gave an interview to nbc and said that american support for kiev will not prevent russia’s victory, it will only prolong the conflict. this is a war, a hybrid war, that the us. are actually leading against our country, and this is a huge mistake on washington's part. you don’t think that us funding and weapons supplies are the main factors that are moving russia away from achieving its goals. it just makes the story longer. please, peskov is really right when he says that
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this is a us war, yes, it’s like lavrov today said that nato members are scaring everyone, that after ukraine russia will take over nato. well, listen, well, i’m not a military man, but i understand perfectly well that nato needs a common border to take on, yes, that is, if nato doesn’t want to fight with russia, what is needed is not to get close to the borders of russia, but just create a sanitary cordon from the baltic states, there from ukraine, poland, everything, well, how russia will push into your nato, that is, somehow the vector is not the same, but how to turn the mincemeat back, they are already in nato, absolutely right, that’s why they they are trying to present this, that on the contrary, well, in fact, nato is not about security for the state, until there was nato in ukraine. while there was no nato in finland, no one built a bomb shelter , didn’t talk about anything, nato appeared, that’s it, yes, now there are some dangers, but i want to tell you a couple of things about ukraine that were, firstly, zelensky appointed at... the conference after putin, he could not help but do this, he is being an ape, from the first days of his presidency, he tried very hard to always be like putin, he has there was a feeling that putin
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for him was the standard of a leader, that is, he copied speeches, copied habits, he tried to copy something, at the un, even when he was in ukraine , scandals were ridiculed, he never saw putin in wrinkled shirts and unironed trousers , no, well, don’t get confused, this is the president, otherwise he is a breed of the president, zelensky never worked out, and you laughed, if i’m not mistaken. well, even before this and before the normandy meeting with zelensky, that is , there were several weeks when zelensky did not give any interviews at all, he had on the table there was a life-size figure made of plywood carved with putin’s face, that is , they were given to him so that he could get used to it, well, at least, that is, he was so afraid, but it was for him , well, yes, he performed at corporate events there somewhere in the saunas, and you'll meet here and even that'. just so that he gets used to it and where this life-size doll is now, i don’t know, history is silent, but it was just interesting that he got used to it still in place, no, of course, because we saw how they met then in
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normandy format, just now there was a press conference, then his year with putin on ukraine was watched by 75% , internet users, because there is no opportunity to watch russian television there, but 75% watched, the comments were, well, let’s say, impartial towards zelensky, that is, they were there, like this, that is, everyone saw it, right? a huge screen in front of putin , where he read, well, those questions that are many, i’ll even be surprised , how is it possible, yes, in ukraine , too, listen, where there is a dictatorship, there is definitely a dictatorship, that is, well, they are going on before putin’s eyes questions that are there, as in ukraine, constantly in the zelensky marathon they say, yes, what are you talking about, everything else is censored, of course, zelensky couldn’t leave it without this, i’m 100% sure, now they’re all thinking about what to show so that everyone understands that he has freedom there were more press conferences than...
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the work of mobilization, yes, they do it no worse, people are stolen from the streets in the same way, today literally in the kindergarten of santa claus , the children were taken away with a bag of gifts, that is, right away to the front , that is, if this is the case, then well
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, they cope in exactly the same way, but if he means, to remember those professionals, i just don’t know the quality by which professionalism is assessed, for example, of those who were there, the odessa military commissar, he mobilized an entire villa in spain, his colleague mobilized an entire ski resort and 52 million on the sofa.
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they accuse, but everything else, when they say that the russian army is liberating ukrainians from this regime, that this is a figure of speech, listen, why?


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